Sly Cooper

Is there any hope of this series getting a new game anytime soon?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Meme the hell out of it and it should eventually become a special thanks to Reddit game

Nope, sonyfaggots hate video games and thieves in time was no masterpiece like 2 and 3, therefore fans went berserk and the franchise got killed

You're free to post more Carmelita though

I hope not.

post sexy fox girl I gotta rub one out before I get on the plane

4 wasn't perfect, but to used a tired meme, it had SOUL
You can tell it was a labor of love. I would probably rate it as high as 3, despite its shortcomings.

I dunno but I'm not a furry but I'd annihilate that fox's asshole

Everyone is furry for Carmelita and Rouge

Tried playing these recently and I should sue for false advertising. There is no stealth and hardly and thievery. Shit kids games on the level lf seasame street games

like how everyone's gay for bridget?

Same. I liked 4 a lot. It was short and all, but you could tell it was made by people who loved the series. I'd love nothing more for if they got the chance to continue picking up the torch.


I would if I had any, user

I got a higher res pic, but that's all I got on me right now

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Built for human cock.

The only good game was 1.

Enjoy it then user.

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garbage taste, my dude
I loved the hub mechanic that let you tackle the missions at your own order. Plus the overworlds were fun to just fuck around in. especially pickpocketing enemies

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>he likes Rockstar games

What I played of 4 didn’t feel enough like a sly game to me. Too many mini games, not enough steal

so, what are the good sly games?

1, 2, 3, and 4.

Reminder for sperg lords and shitstain jannies/mods.

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2 is the best, followed by a tie between 3 and 1. Don't even touch 4, it's fucking trash

I want her to arrest me for groping her ass in public

This needs to be spread. You can't have an Animal Crossing or Crash thread nowadays without some faggot mod getting triggered and going on a power trip
I've been banned for merely posting totally sfw pictures of characters from such games.

Food and incel threads stay up for 350 posts but on topic threads about vidya get deleted after barely 20

To be fair, when do they ever not devolve into cropped furry porn threads?

I’ve never considered myself a furry, but to me that’s a hot as fuck character any way you slice it. I don’t fathom the “hurr durr it’s an animal” notion since she’s about 95% human shaped and tickles my xenophilia spot real nice. How can you not like something with uniquely sexy human breasts and body like that, with obvious sapience, personality and facial expressions, which are all characteristically attractive human things?

Which is exactly why I’m doing this, I’ve seen jannies/mods go nuts over goddamn official artwork before.

People post lewd shit of video game characters all the time in other threads without consequence. As long as there's no actual porn or nudity, it should be fair game imo

Don’t even go there, I’ve seen WoW threads with cropped SFM porn stay up without getting deleted. Mods are just fags.

Yeah, honestly.
If they just polished-up 4, they have a winning formula
Pros of 4:
>The time-traveling angle was great. Focusing solely on Sly, Murray, and Bentley was the right choice. Playing as Sly's ancestors was better than playing as all those others in Sly 3
>Sly's outfits were actually a lot of fun and used in some clever ways (boss battles and such)
>MOST boss battles we're pretty good.
>Feudal Japan and England we're great hubs
>Collectables, baby! Bottles are back!
>Hacking was fun as fuck
>Cartoon cutscenes were awesome
>Voice acting was mostly really good. Grey DeLisle is my waifu
>Minigames are alright
>I hated Penelope from the beginning. Glad she's out, even if they did not handle it terribly well
>Murray in drag
>The fuck was that final boss?
>Im not crazy about most of the other hubs
>Ice Age was a fucking mistake
>The writing wasn't quite up to Sly 2-3 levels

There are rumors going on that the sly trilogy is getting a remaster to coincide with the tv show coming out how would you feel about this?


Some furry porn is fucking great, people just hate how obnoxious the "fanbase" is

Plus all the boss fights were "keep dodging until the boss does that one attack that allways gets him hit", in Sly 3 and 2 you had to beat the shit out of the boss as he was beating the shit out of you

The mods aren't retards and know a furry thread when they see one.
Like how OP used blatant furry bait to start his thread and claims he's made it simply to spite the mods for not letting him have furry threads in the past. He's probably still pissed that the mods wouldn't let him have bara threads under the guise of "spyro" discussion or something.

If the series does well, I'd be amazed if an effort to resurrect the IP isn't made.

>Murray in drag
hard disagree there, friend
That whole plot point was interesting to say the least. I just feel awful for Bentley, first and foremost. He's always been the MVP of the team in my opinion. He doesn't deserve that shit. Also the ending implied she could become a reoccurring villain, which I'd like to see
And yeah, main villain was kinda lame. But if they got to continue a sequel, you saw that we might be seeing motherfucking Clockwerk again. With the background buildup this game made, and the experience the devs got from making this, it'd be a god awful shame for Sly 5 to remain in limbo forever.

>4 wasn't perfect, but to used a tired meme, it had SOUL
It was one of the greatest examples of soulles games. Too many gimmicks, not enough stealth, "epic" twist out of nowhere, dissapointing villains in general aside from that lovable oaf of a tiger.
It also felt really easy, but that might be because I played it when I had already played the rest of the Sly games at this point.

>murray in drag
>not a con
is not that he dresses like a chinese prostitute but he repeadetly asks to dress like one like 5-6 times during the game
>obvious furbait with Carmelita in the sandnigger section
that section could've been a lot fucking shorter, like, we get the point that she is hot already

No you fucking don’t faggots.

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Agree to disagree then
I think you need only walk around the Feudal Japan hub, look at the cartoon cutscenes, play the hacking minigames, etc... to see that the devs really cared for this series. You can feel it. That's SOUL to me.

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wtf? OP's pic wasn't even nsfw why was it deleted?

>the use of Yea Forums is a privilege
Biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard

Welcome to Yea Forums.

Where does it say in the bill of rights that it is your right to post on Yea Forums however you want?

This is just saying mods can be shit just because they feel like it. Doesn’t make it healthy for the board if that’s the defense used.

Pretty sure the vast majority of Yea Forums doesn't want the mods to let furries have waifu threads

Again see

I've seen it, and you're not proving anything.
Off model fan art drawn by furries to give furries boners don't count as game discussion.
You're acting like that screencap means "FAT BAT TATS" threads should be fine.

Speak for yourself
There aren't really that many vidya furry waifus anyways
You've got like

Explain the blaster master threads then. Or the plethora of waifu image dump threads with literally ZERO fucking discussion about the games themselves.

rip dump user
he's just as dead as this franchise now

Maybe some of the animal crossing villagers
And Freya from final fantasy

retarded janny, this is not reddit. do not try to sanitize Yea Forums.

Well, at least it's something, what happened to the tv show anyway? Wasn't it going be released in the last year?

I can't play the games because my PS3 died (which was also my PS2 and PS1 device)
It's not he same playing them on my PC
I've love them for PS4. I bet Sly 4 would look good running on it too

Wasn't the show cancelled for a movie? Or am I thinking the other way around?
Either way, I thought I heard people from the Sonic Boom show were involved. So it has the potential to be pretty based.

>faggot cuck rules made by the gook
moot died for your "privilege" to make retarded posts like this

Hello newfag.

Furries will never be allowed, deal with it.

>Furries will never be allowed
Fair, but you’re not gonna ban video game characters. See

It was going to be a movie, but later on development they cancelled it and choosed to do a tv show because that Ratchet & Clank movie flopped.

It is on track to release october 2019
Yes it was a movie at first but they cancelled it in favor of a tv show

Ok, but you shouldn't post characters that are furries in overt sexual positions or shit like that.

>this is not reddit
>I am le oldfag I know how Yea Forums works
Did you know that moderation on almost every other board is MORE strict than what is happening in this thread?
Did you know that furshit has never been welcomed here and you'd be much happier with the rest of the furries either on reddit or /trash/?

Mods can tell the difference between discussion of a game with anthro characters and a furbait thread.
Yours is clearly a furbait thread because you started bitching about not being allowed to have them before the mods even showed up and got rid of all the faggots asking for/posting furshit

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If that’s the case that should apply everywhere. You’re not gonna fucking stop people from being attracted to nonhuman fictional characters when everyone else does it.

>If that’s the case that should apply everywhere.
It does, the only places that furries can post on Yea Forums are /trash/ and Yea Forums
The "No furshit" rule is global and always has been

This argument doesn’t work when a shitton of blaster master threads just went by with lewd Kanna.

I can't post loli lewds on Yea Forums without getting banned, so why should you get to post furry lewds here?
You can go to /trash/ if you want that.

>You’re not gonna fucking stop people from being attracted to nonhuman fictional characters
No one is trying to, monster girl and other non human threads about gay waifu shit are fine as long as they don't become NSFW, furry shit however is not allowed anywhere.

You're totally free to talk about games with anthro characters in them, its just going to be hard because furries are fucking autists that spam their gay shit and start jerking off as soon as they see an anthro character and will get the thread deleted.

I wish I could talk about pokemon and shit on Yea Forums, but I can't, because autists like you are compelled to shove your retarded fetish down everyones throats even though its against the rules.

>If that’s the case that should apply everywhere
Well, it does, doesn't it? Even in Yea Forums it would be frowned upon sometimes.
>You’re not gonna fucking stop people from being attracted to nonhuman fictional characters when everyone else does it.
Of course not, but there is a time and place for everything.

And that’s retarded too. Do you think I agree with that either.

The rule is against furshit in particular, "non human characters" arent against the rules, furshit is though

You cannot complain about “muh fetish” when Kanna threads still go by, those are still fetish shit too.

user no one gives a fuck,
No one likes furries and no one wants them here because they're total obnoxious faggots.
Either go to /trash/ or start jerking off to plants instead

I am not complaining, I am responding to you complaining about furry pictures getting deleted. Giantess shit is also deleted from Yea Forums yet you don't see me ruin a thread in response.

>No one likes furries and no one wants them here
I agree, but you’re not going to gatekeep people being attracted to fictional characters. Shits retarded, especially when it’s SFW and on-topic.

by that logic anyone who posts official artwork of Sonic, Spyro, Crash, whatever would get banned. You see how that doesn't work?

Its not gatekeeping, its preventing the thing that always happens when furries start posting furry art, whether its SFW or not.

Have you ever stopped to think about WHY all furshit is banned?


I’m complaining about the pictures being deleted because they were still on topic and SFW.

>anyone who posts official artwork of Sonic, Spyro, Crash, whatever would get banned.
Watch me post this official art of Sly Cooper and notice how it won't get deleted like the picture in the OP
Want to know why? Mine is actually official art, and the OP posted lewd furry shit with a link to a furry patreon in the bottom.

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OPs pic was not official artwork, it was furry fapbait from a furry artist, so that argument makes no sense.

How many times has this discussion taken place in the history of Yea Forums?
We are trying to tell you that they (mods) don't like furries. Most giantess shit is SFW too, yet still gets deleted because it's fetish shit.
Now, why some fetish shit is allowed and different kinds of fetish shit are allowed, beats me.

>I'm not a furry but I have a boner right now and want to fuck this shit out of this fox slut
Hmmmmmmmm, I wonder why the mods deleted your totally SFW on topic image and its replies

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Fan art is posted on this board all the time of a multitude of characters. So that’s literally not a fucking argument.

See If it's sfw and related to the game, then fine.

You have no argument when I’ve seen that same shit in FFXIV threads with “post feet” retardation and it stays up.

Post some fan art that isn't furshit then you bumbling autist
Here is some fan art of the turtle guy
Once again, this won't be deleted like the shit you posted was because its just regular fan art and not furshit

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The rules say no furry lewds. OP posted furry lewds so it got deleted. Don't know why you have such trouble understanding this, it's pretty fucking simple.

>The rules say no furry lewds
The rules don’t even explicitly say that.

user, no one wants to go into FFXIV threads, I can't imagine the mods do either.
Besides, I doubt the autists that lurk those threads are going to be reporting each other for doing their usual gay shit like jerking off to video game feet like a bunch of retards. Mods aren't psychic, your thread was probably reported for being furry garbage and the mod was nice enough to only delete the furshit instead of the entire thread. Yet here you are, arguing like a fucking sperg about how mad you are that you can't post your furry shit instead of talking about Sly Cooper like you apparently wanted.

Seems to me like all actual discussion about the game was left alone, so I'm not sure why you're mad. Its almost as if literally all you cared about was posting lewd furry shit which is why the mods probably banned all furshit in the first place since literally all of you retards are like this.

Yea Forums mods never liked furry stuff

You're right, they say "no anthro/furry outside of Yea Forums"
As the rules are written, even anthro game characters aren't allowed because the moderation team hates furries that much, but they make special exceptions on boards like Yea Forums as long as its on topic and doesn't devolve into furry garbage

But these
Are literally (or at least very close) to what Carmelita looks like in the series. It's become "don't post this character whatsoever" because it makes me uncomfortable

So why the fuck are Kanna threads and waifu dumps with ZERO discussion okay?

>doesn't devolve into furry garbage
Which it did at like, the second post

Probably an accident. Mods/Jannies are still humans that can make mistakes.

Idk man, I think sly4 has some great features and art design ...

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Nah, it was lewd furry shit and almost half the thread was people begging for more furry porn and talking about jerking off
The autist crying about fursecution is just playing dumb

Nobody’s crying “fursecution”. There wasn’t any legit NSFW Posted.

>There wasn’t any legit NSFW Posted.
The rules say no furry, get over it

Yeah, but video game characters are allowed.

But furry fanart is not.

Yes, when you aren't posting blatant furry shit.
Watch this post here is probably gonna get pruned because its obviously trying to bait more furries into showing up in the thread and jerking off together.

Its weird how the user posting actual art and non-furry fanart didn't have his posts deleted though

The rules don’t say that fan art of video game characters aren’t allowed.

Somebody go into IRC to cry for mod to deal with this shit.

And the rules say that mods can do whatever the fuck they want. Why are you crying again?

2 > 1 > 3
didn't play 4

How could people prefer 1 over 3? The first game is just a more complex Crash.

Shut the fuck up anons, let's talk about Sly instead and how this franchise still has potential for more games.

What would you want to be in Sly 5, user?

>more games
Theres only 1 more and I don't think its coming after 4...

Wasn't there a Bentley's hacking collection or something

I just want something more like Sly 2 and less like Sly 4.

Didn't we get exactly that with 3?

Hackpack yeah but thats just the hacking minimgame

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God that face Sly has in 4 is just wrong

Lemme just try to get this straight, so there's no fuck-ups:
I can post official art of animal characters. (but if it makes a mod uncomfortable, I'm susceptible to ban. Because that has happened before. See )
I CAN'T post fan art of any animal character. Even if it's sfw (which by that logic should get deleted) That pic looks just as much like Bentley as some of the other Carmelita pics in this thread look like her.
You see how this would cause debate about rules? If they wanted to avoid this shit, they could just specify. But I know that's probably asking too much.
>"Why can't you guys just accept powertripping and unfair bullshit quietly, and not complain about it, geez!"
But back on topic
too exist
Is that worth getting at all? Are they completely new hack segments that aren't in Sly 4?

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>Is that worth getting at all? Are they completely new hack segments that aren't in Sly 4?
I dunno, I haven't played it, but there are supposed to be new minigames and challenges in it. I wouldn't buy it, seems like a cash grab.

Mods/jannies are power abusing rogues who delete things they don't like and keep what they do even if it breaks the rules. /v is full of threads with waifu shit and softcore porn of characters yet sly cooper threads are one of the few that get policed.

So which Sly Cooper game is objectively the best one?
I've never played the games but always been tempted

Most people are going to say 2 and I can understand why, but my personal favourite is 3.

2. Just get the Sly Collection for PS3. It's got the first 3, and if you like them consider checking out 4.

suckerpunch has better things to do.
you saw how ratchet and clank reboot went?
naughtydog never gonna pick of jak.
ps2 heroes are dead

>all this off-topic discussion

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you're trying too hard

nice reaction image

Crash and Spyro did well
And I would never put Jak back in Naughtydog's hands, considering what they've become

Maybe next time people will manage to keep it in their pants for a bit longer.

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>images aren't loading on
Fuck, why?

Maybe in the 1st game, but the 2nd and 3rd games definitely focus hard on actually stealing stuff

Works on my machine pal

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Clockwerk is so fucking unnerving
Those creepy, hidden easter eggs throughout Sly 4 showing how he's literally been stalking the Coopers throughout history

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>Hatred is the prime ingredient in the fountain of youth

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>if you hate something enough, you will be immortal
What did Sucker Punch's writers mean by this?

Bit of a waste to have a time traveling plot and then relegate Clockwerk to the background, but theres plenty of other things to complain about with 4 so I can't get to annoyed at that I guess. I've waited for years to hear that old bird speak again and they've never brought back to old VA to do anything.

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Sly 2 was good and all, but Clockla was silly

I liked Giant Carmelita a lot more than I should've

Why was her voice in 3 so strange? She's had a different VA for every game, hasn't she?

It's like they couldn't decide if she was Latina or not

Always glad I managed to dodge the "writer 'subtlety' putting their fetish in" scenes in 2 and 3.

As the story goes
>1st VA gets sick, get a new one for 2.
>2nd VA wants more money, get a new one for 3.
>Now it's a "tradition" at this point and Sanzaru gets a new one for 4

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>in 2
What are you talking about?

>Now it's a "tradition" at this point and Sanzaru gets a new one for 4
kek. I hope they actually thought this

I think I read an interview in which they confessed as much


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I hated 2, didn't bother to play 3 or 4

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>inb4 they change the art style of the original games so nobody compares how ugly the show is to the original games

2 had that Hypnosis scene in Contessa's chapter that probably made some kids feel a bit weird.

Always thought it was kind of a dumb reason if it was true. I liked Grey but I always wanted them to go back to 1's VA if they could.

>2 had that Hypnosis scene in Contessa's chapter that probably made some kids feel a bit weird.
Kinda farfetched to say it's fetish fuel, especially when compared to 3 giantess scene. Bentley even says that Sly would like being this close to her

When's the Ape Escape crossover?

They better fucking not be

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>2 had the hypnosis
>3 had the giantess
>4 had the bellydancing
I think it's become tradition to just put her in embarrassing situations at this point

What's 5?

Journey to the center of Carmelita

>belly dancing

I still have fucking PTSD of shaking the remote. I just blinked, closed my eyes in shame and fucking shook it. Hearing the sound of coins fucking ignited a rage within me as I realized I had literaly just made one of the few female characters I always liked shake her ass for cash and that someone at Sanzaru animated, someone else coded it and someone decided it was good idea.

By god, why were they such fucking furries. Seriously, the entire fucking geisha house feels like a furries home den. Fucking Madam Geisha is named Miso Horny. Carmelitas outfit had like 5 pages of variations and different poses and flairs, come the fuck on, atleast be subtle.

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All of them together
Giant Hypnotised Carmelita that bellydances.

the gang infiltrates a carnival/circus and Carmelita must disguise herself as a clown and distract the villain while the guys pull off the heist behind the scenes

user, please, dont give people a fucking furry clown fetish.

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God that was bad. It was fan service that didn't even know what fans actually wanted. Another tango scene like in 2 would have been alright if the context provided for it, but instead they barely came up with an excuse for why the scene even needed to happen and then made us actually play it. And it doesn't help that she's so fucking ugly in 4, what the fuck happened

everyone is pretty ugly in 4

I don't see much of a problem with it. Characters using sex appeal to pull off crimes is kind of always been a standard trope. Like guy characters dressing up as ladies to lure a guard and knock them out. Just regular cartoon shit to me.

dick joke that inspires futa shenanigans

The context is what matters. If the scenario was in like a Sonic game and it was Rouge that decided to distract the guards, that'd be fine cause it fits the character. In my opinion it doesn't seem in character for Carmelita to do that.

See, Id agree but this game felt like it catered to the you know who crowd. Skirt instead of pants, the way the characters were designed, the bellydance, the copious ammounts of more "adult" fanservice by way of the geisha house art Seriously, actually binocucom that shit, its wierd and then the dance.

Im fine with some romantic, lewd or disguise shit, like the sly 2 dance or the whole murray section, but this was gratuitous 3d fox booty action with integrated motion controls user. This is anything but subtle, its literaly shaking her ass at the camera.

And that aint right my man. That aint right.

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>And that aint right my man. That aint right.
It's right for me. At least 3 ad a reference to my fetish.

I mean, you do you user. But I still find it downright disrespectfull.

To be fair, Giant Carmelita wasn't done in such a sexual manner as the dancing in 4

Yeah, it was a lot more subtle than that. Younger me didnt even know you could find that hot, guess I dodged the giantess bullet even if I didnt dodge the anthro one. Least I aint the fursona suit shit one, I just like fuzzy whammen.

I agree. It was very humiliating and disrespectful to Carmelita.
But I hope they do it again

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Reverse trap disguise, complete with bundle of socks stuffed in the briefs.

Welcome to the club buddy.

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Feels like home user. Home sweet home. Just wished there was more /hmofa/ of Carmelita, if you gotta do that shit, do the real good shit.

Same that there are no good stories with giant Carmelita

I hope not. Sly Cooper 4 isn't really all that good. Plus they went weird with the wrinkle fetish on their faces.

I think they should have kept Carmelita being taller than Sly to be quite honest.

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There's not much potential really. If you take out 4 from the trilogy, it ends pretty damn well (even ignoring Bently's Time Machine remark at the end of it).


Best character

Show me your bling and let me shine you!

>geisha house art
Isn't that what >457136275 posted?
rewind to getting deleted or banned for posting in-game renders and art

I posted that, it was just deleted

This. Clockwerk's out of the picture entirely, and the Cooper Vault plot-line was introduced and wrapped up in a single game. Time travel could have been a way to bring Clockwerk back in as a major antagonist but instead was wasted on a skunk. It's definitely possible they could make a new game, but as it stands right now the possibilities I see are either more time travel shite to try and find Sly, or more of 3's angle with villains that are completely independent of one another, which is acceptable I guess but not as good as the structured villain organizations in 1 & 2.

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Ctr-f Geisha Banners. Shits nigh on NSFW and it was concept art, you know for a FACT they did more at their home.

It was actually in the game too but janny said no anyway.

Yeah everyone looked pretty awful except maybe Penelope, but they decided to fuck her up anyway plot wise.

Please fuck off, 4 is for me like a fucking spin off to the story. What if we make bentleys gf a villain, because haha muh plottwist. That shit was stupid and they killed all of her writing. Also fuck the gang, we just chill with the ancestors of sly, no fuck off.

Yeah, those were in the game. I wouldn't say nsfw though. Its just a little cleavage, bro. You could see stuff like that in old Disney films and shit.
The "Miso Horny" name is strictly an artist joke, though. That was never in the game. That character's simply called Madame Geisha

I know it was ingame, more refined even. But there is also the overall decoration of the place, all the paintings around it and the whole atmosphere of the area anons.

It felt very wierd for a game that used to be so tame in it, yknow? I know its aight for others but I just feel like it was needless and pandering to the wrong kind of crowd for some publicity or sales that, unfortunately, never came to be.

Oh, I was thought we were talking about how some random janny was deleting shit. Anyway I don't think it was TOO much personally since we've had levels that deal with drug (spice) shipping and illegal prison experimentation.

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Sly was always pretty dark for a kids' series.

It was definitely willing to show bad guys doing bad shit which was more than other games in it's ERSB rating.

They outright crippled a character onscreen. That was pretty ballsy.

Wouldn't be as satisfying if we weren't robbing scum of the earth, yknow?
I somehow forgot how the whole spice trafficking deal was a euphemism for hard drugs. Consuming it even made you act accordingly


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>have MC be orphan that watched father die in front of him, with two other orphan kids
>1rst game had fucking zombies, vodoo, extortionists, gangsters and a owl that literaly became immortal due to hatred.
>second had fucking money laundering, drug trade, mass extortion and hypnotism, the todays equivalent of envioremental terrorism and a fucking overarching plan to drug paris as a whole, fucking do hypontic lights and make the city a fucking bloodbath to fuel someones immortality
>third had someone actually fucking doing terrorism and destroying a city, destroying important religious fucking monuments, attempted aerial murder, forced marriage to a warlord and even featured a actually torturing scumbag pirate that kidnapped a woman and wanted to make her his concubine.
Suckerpunch got off with a lotta shit for a childs game, huh?

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I still don't like how they only slightly recapped McSweeney's part of the story and what basically sets off the events of Sly 3.
I actually had the comic from GameInformer that explained the whole pre-story. But it must've sucked for people who didn't.

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When Jak tried to be hardvore like that it was bumped to a T+ rating.
Sucker Punch really tricked everyone with the cel-shaded artstyle.

I really expected him to make an appearance in the game.

Yeah it's not to subtle that Sly 2's plot revolves around a multi layer drug trade with police corruption allowing officials to profit off of it
>Dealing (Dimitri)
>Production (Rajan)
>Distribution (Jean Bison)
>Police Corruption (Contessa)

Of course the production of the series' closest representation of drugs is an Iranoindian

>Suckerpunch got off with a lotta shit for a childs game, huh?
They were very sly about it

Don't forget in 2, you kidnapped an old bat and tortured him to get security codes. There was a lot of dark shit in the Sly Cooper games.

>tortured him
With a feather.

>>have MC be orphan that watched father die in front of him
Not just his dad but also his mom too just for kicks, and then decided to leave Sly alone not for mercy but because he thought it'd be funny to let Sly live as potentially an embarrassment to his family line.

Why, you sly motherfucker.
Shit, right. It was pg torture, but fuck.
Sly had a hard life but man, he made em proud. What a chad.

Apparently you can get away with so much shit past the ERSB as long as everything that happens is only to funny cartoon animals.

not based and mandrill-pilled

Tickle Torture is a real thing user.

Depends on which dev you give it too.

>Chinese tickle torture is an ancient form of torture practiced by the Chinese, in particular the courts of the Han Dynasty. Chinese tickle torture was a punishment for nobility since it left no marks and a victim could recover relatively easily and quickly.

Someone mind giving me some sly reaction pics? Im lacking em.

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sure thing pal

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Why does Neyla have those lips?

That literally was a little too harsh for Mugshot.

She had to make a living somehow before she joined Interpol.

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For dicksucking her way through interpol.

Attached: LETS DANCE.png (436x352, 159K)

I mean, user, he was a gigantic brute with guns. He was there when Sly's dad was killed. He kinda deserves it.
Fit in well with her colour scheme. See .

I wish we actually got to play as him in 3. Like, with a full moveset. Instead of being relegated to FPS segments
>ring finger guns like in his boss fight
>the ability to hide from guards in nearby bodies of water

Attached: CUNT.jpg (2030x2000, 556K)

Thanks anons. One last bump for the posting user. Was a good thread, even if it seems deader than the franchise right now.

Thats kind of based, because 1 is really good, underrated as fuck.
>The only good game
This is super fucking wrong though.

Hatred outlives the hateful.

Attached: Hatred Outlives The Hateful.png (223x311, 136K)

I wish these games at the very least actually were let go to PC.
Needing to have a PS2 or PS3 lying around just to be able to play games for which Sony doesn't give a shit anymore is painful.

1 is fun, but still heavily flawed. The actual platforming levels are great. It's just that every single minigame level ranges from passable at best to actually painful. Still, a pretty good start for a brand new series.

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clockwerk is one of my all time favorite vidya characters and I wish he played a bigger part seeing as he existed through all of cooper history

Same. I respect a guy who follows through with a plan, even if it doesn't work out in the end.

Attached: autism.jpg (600x563, 86K)

Godspeed, TV writer user


that's fucking ART right there user, appreciate that shit.

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This is blasphemy and cooper propaganda

My intellect is greater

Attached: sly smug.jpg (476x476, 129K)

I refuse to buy another Sony console until they make a new Sly game
I avoided the PS3 for a long time for the same reason


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What the fuck was the point of "jump and hit the circle button"? What did it do that simply jumping at something could not (other than dumbing the game down)?

tfw chicken guy says
How tf did they get away with that

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Absolutely /OurGuy/

Is this OC?
This is fantastic

Fucking 11/10, can you do more user?
>guy tries to forcefully marry your rivals daughter
>as revenge, you dig her out, cuck him out of marriage, loot his temple, desecrate his ancestors, kill a dragon and get him caught by Interpol
Man, sly games always had some fucking funny shit in em. Also, because its cute and cuddly animals.

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it is oc
Yeah, this is a perfect image to exploit

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Alright you sunuva bitch, dont get us with kiwis knockin at our doors, you already killed my sides, dont get me killed too.

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Let's try something more fresh. I want to see what people can do with this one.

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Clockwerk is a pretty great villain considering how little screen time he has actually had. One of my favorite things in 2 was learning more about him with every piece you collected.

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These are great

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>The mods aren't retards

I'm disappointed we didn't get more of Dr.M and his fortress island outside of the tutorial and the final boss.
Also the fact that Penelope was more scared of fucking Le Paradox than a nutjob like Dr M was dumb as fuck.

>Dr. "N" is a literal fucking chimp who brutally murders anyone he comes across and is obsessed with stealing a white coon's riches
Jesus Christ, did Sucker Punch bring in Raimi to help round out the trilogy?

Attached: sly hiroyuki.png (853x480, 435K)

Bless you guys, this shit is cracking me up too much.
Dr.M was fucking rutheless but somewhat forgetable in a way. After you play 3, you dont really remember him user, not for long, and if you write, its natural you cant remember everything from the franchise. Least thats the excuse I give 4s writers.

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So that Sly wouldn't latch onto objects automatically when you simply just want to drop down on the ground

The VA from the 2nd game was the best

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Then hold circle to not latch onto objects, like how every other platformer does it with ledges.

More Murray.

Attached: D0To6IRWsAEnzaH.jpg (2048x2048, 350K)

2 is fine, but I like 1's accent more. I think it depends on what you played first, my friends that played 2 first like her more while I played 1 first and prefer that. Overall I think her go VA's 1>2>4>>>.

Attached: 0ff93f2c67fe91dd61784fd8e45953ed.png (651x692, 247K)

Mods cant even agree on the flavour of hotpockets they eat, much less whats lewd. Heck, LoL threads that devolve into porn posting just aint deleted if its the jannies taste.
Looking a little too anthro there user. Watch out for the delet patrol.

I played the games for the first time from the HD trilogy and 1 was the one I started on

I like 2 the most, 3 felt pretty weaksauce to be honest

You're right. But doing that little air spin manually is pretty satisfying

And they delete posts that point out the hypocrisy

Have you ever actually read the rules that you complain about?

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Well since the circle button is going largely unused except for holding, you could have double taps do on-demand spins. It would be like a kickflip button in a tony hawk game.

Bans don't mean much anymore and people are going to continue posting SFW pictures of anthro vidya characters forever. People did it 15 years ago and they'll continue doing it 15 years from now. This user complaining about Spyro threads having bara characters is going to keep complaining forever too, not knowing that threads do archive without his knowing. The people complaining about furry are never going to win as long as Yea Forums is open and video games continue to have nonhuman character. But they can keep wasting their time.

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Im just glad we got such good OC this thread, to be honest. We arent that many posters, but this feels homely as fuck.

4 wasn't nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
Peak atmosphere.

Attached: 1365714873067.png (547x305, 234K)

It likely killed 5, didnt it sell less that anticipated?

Fair enough, as long as we can agree that 3's sounds way to Mexican as opposed to Spanish.

Huh? I couldn't hear you over the sound of poor writing, Sly clones, and QTEs.

I'm not saying it's a masterpiece, but it's far from a garbage fire.

God I wish more games had dev commentary like Sly 1

Yeah it's honestly about as mediocre as the other games in the series. I think people dislike it because it reveals to them just how boring the other games were all along.

Anyone else surprised about how well the Sly games hold up compared to its contemporaries like Ratchet or Jak?


Attached: 1445822777865.png (856x471, 208K)

Yes, I thought Sly would hold up better.

>There will never be a jak 4
Still hurts

It ended on a high note...!

Of course it sold poorly, it had fuck all marketing, Sony actively prevented its success

Funny how we have /qa/ for concerns mentioned in your pic. Yet they ignore it and let it become a cesspool.

Thats why the mods try to keep these threads up and remove the furry shit.
If the furries can just not turn every thread into a lewd thread we can actually have nice talks, if only it actually worked with Pokemon threads

>lewd thread
This happens everywhere on the board where people have lewd shit and discuss the game. Why is it not possible to do it here?

>remove furryshit
>including sfw official artwork

Attached: 66D06249-C9F7-4A2C-814E-8EEB4D1899D0-2858-000007510E924950.gif (300x290, 1.74M)

furbait begets furshit

Sly Cooper is a wholesome fun game that happens to have cartoon animals

I played as a kid and I'm no furry

Attached: 3808F2D1-3EAB-4F67-8943-D90D576B3686.jpg (1024x607, 52K)

What the fuck is this, Minority Report? What a twat.

Nigga you posted that like 10 times, it doesn't change anything.

OP started this thread with furry art and 80% of it was people begging for more lewds, talking about jerking off and saying they want to fuck the fox slut. Its a nice thread because a mod cleaned it up and only left posts talking about the game

Yeah, I’m gonna keep posting it too. Especially when Master Blaster Kanna threads get away Scott free with all the shit people were sperging about earlier.

If only mods can do that with all the other threads

I can't post loli lewds on Yea Forums without getting banned, so why should I feel bad for people who get banned for furry lewds?

No one cares you sperg.
A nice thread without furshit is better than no thread at all, just go to fucking /trash/ if you want to post furry waifu shit so bad christ.

You all knew you were a lolicon thanks, they have the biggest persecution complexes.

But Kanna isn't furry, is it?

It'd be nicer if you weren't in it.

There was no NSFW posted spaz.
Video game characters aren’t against the rules.

>they have the biggest persecution complexes.
Says the guy who is whining about the mods fursecuting him.
Get some fucking self-awareness.

Attached: Capture8.png (688x218, 40K)

I already told you I’m against mods doing that shit too. Sitting here repeating that to me isn’t gonna do shit.

That's literally because you came in here to yell about they should be persecuted in the first place you twat. Get some self-awareness.

No. Drink yourself and play it. We will never get back our past. The good times are over long time ago

Shit thread, shit moderation. Lewd posting of all kinds should go to their designated boards.


>you came in here to yell about they should be persecuted in the first place
lol what

>thread dissolving into site meta shite
Well, it wasn't too bad overall til this point. Fun times.
I'd like to take this moment to say Rumble Down Under is the worst chapter in the series, thank you for your time.

Attached: CF9DBB51-C477-4AFC-B4C6-A9FF464F93CE.gif (463x486, 604K)

isn't it getting a new animated series from the people who made the sonic boom cartoon? i wouldn't be surprised if it gets a new game to tie in with that.

Animated series is in who knows what limbo. Apparently both CN and Nick turned down the show and that's the last I've heard anything about it.

At first it was going to be a feature length movie, but then Ratcher&Clank movie happened and flopped hard.
So they scrapped that and decided to recycle assets and have Sonic Boom writers write it.

Thank god. Now THIS is the /v I now and love

couldn't they just put it on playstation vue and be done with it?

>all those deleted posts

>Rumble Down Under is the worst chapter in the series, thank you for your time.
That's just the truth though, it's fucking boring and drags on too long, especially compared to the greatness that is Chapter 3

>mods actually clearing the thread of off topic bullshit
Fall/October 2019, no idea on what platform or channel though.

It would probably be a mess

Yup. Welcome to Yea Forums(nel).

wasnt this shit announced 2014 and slated to release in 2016?
dear god

I guess this janitor really likes Sly

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I can't decide whether I prefer 1's voice over 2's. I think 1 just about wins out. She has an accent, but it's not badly put on as in 4 or incomprehensible as in 3. 2, despite dropping the accent altogether, had great delivery. And she'll be seeing you around, ringtail

Originally it was supposed to be a movie made by Rainmaker Studios and this trailer got released with a 2016 release date. If you remember though, a different Sony platform series got their own Rainmaker made movie to release in 2016; Ratchet & Clank, and it bombed. So they scrapped the movie and decided to rework it into a TV show.

>And she'll be seeing you around, ringtail
True, but 1's gave me a 10 second headstart.

I could tell the guys at sanzaru liked sly, but they clearly wanted to make it their own as well

I actually just finished my replay of 2 and 3 yesterday, my biggest problem with 3 is how overpowered sly gets in combat, triangle x for regular enemies, triangle circle for any boss
Wish I could find just a pure voice version of this without any fan "animation"
also wish they did some more skits, funny shit

This. Its just a shame they failed and they blew their load way, way too quick with Cuban Rajan.
>Toothpick is 2 dimensional, uninteresting and the levels design is really meh, only saved by the (at times) fun missions and Tenesee
>Bob was fucking embarassing and the Grizz was really not that great
>Arabia had a lot of potential and while the architecture and design were great, Salim was one of the MOST UNLIKEABLE CHARACTERS I EVER FUCKING MET, alongside the gypsie costume being extra useless
>Mz Ruby 2.0, hooty tooty trombooty edition had a very nice boss fight but is really unmemorable, despite her design and enviorements
>Sir Raleigh and his level are so forgetable I had to force myself to remember, and hydra and sabotage missions aside (THE SOUL OF SLY 2), the story took a real plummeting there and the boss was meh.
I just wanted more shit like Ye Olden England sabotage, more verticality that wasnt meaningless, more memorable talk and whatnot.

I could tell they tried, I really can, but they didnt succeed. Thats the real shame, honestly.

Worst in the first 3? Yes
Sly cooper
>worst- vicious voodoo
>best- fire in the sky
Sly 2
>worst- anatomy of disaster
>best- menace in the north eh
Sly 3
>worst- rumble down under
>best- a cold alliance
Sly 4
>worst- clan of the cave raccoon
>best- go west young raccoon

Sly 4 also didn't have a level that was just creepy or magic like all the ones from the trilogy, it was always a nice change of pace for the rest of the game

I don’t remember the story beyond a synopsis of the whole game, was there any point in 4 where Sly dropped the ‘I’m doing this for us’ on Carmelita? Or even bring up the fact Sly faked amnesia and got off scot free somehow?

What has Sucker Punch been doing since Infamous Second Son? 5 years for a samurai game that will release on ps5?

You should ask Wikipedia before posting.

I remember they made up past the ice level, but I dont think the whole "Im doing it for us" could be done since Carm was setting the shock pistol to lethal and the whole amnesia was never really touched on, but sorta "she forgives him, lets fucking move on"-d, in a way. Still a damn crime she did not have a single mission where she was the MC, she only really had that one in the boat and it was triggered by fucking Tenesee.
Yeah, I miss the creepy levels, they were always so nice and full of banter. Illegal zombie production, bad mojo colection in crypts, the whole posessing mask deal, it was a nice break of pace.

Sucker punch has the best record of any game studio, I've played them all from rocket to first light and have enjoyed every game they've released, I'm pretty confident ghost is gonna be great, they about how long between sly 3 and infamous

Naughty Dog has a better record imo, their worst games (Jak 2 and Uncharted 3) are way above Sly 3 and Infamous 1

>the whole amnesia was never really touched on
An honest crime when it comes to the writing here, if they managed to come up with an explanation how he got away from his crimes, I would’ve given them a gold star.

How do you guys think it could’ve been done?

I'm guessing you haven't played way of the warrior

Obvious footnote: I'm talking about their 3D games.

An honest heart to heart. Literaly putting the cane down, the leg pack on the table, sitting together and talking, over a cup of hot cocoa or coffee, whichever.

Sly has more character than people remember him having. He is a sly (heh) fucko, but he took a literal bullet for Carmelita, he defended his friends as best as he could, and behind the snark, he really, really cares. For carm, for bentley, murray, hell, he even managed to put his ego aside for the Panda King.

A heart to heart. Saying he felt the need but that he enjoyed his time with her. That he missed his brothers, the crazy chase, the planning, all to have one big score and, despite his profession, help people. That his very legacy was deleting itself and that his brothers wife (because penelope was just about his wife) went missing too.

Humanizing the characters would have been great, but I guess they just thought itd be too heavy or something.

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Yeah, but their early games aren't great, with sucker punch their early games are rocket and sly

With some good writing, that’d make one a top 5 Sly moment, I dig it. What chapter would you think be the most suitable as is for something like that?

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I think every part of the writing and character development in the trilogy is great, except for the very end when Bentley starts to question sly. It didn't come out of nowhere, it was seen at the end of episode 3, but I thought that was mostly about his jealousy of Penelope. It's just dumb that after Bentley gets Penelope, has sly save his life, and is asked to come in the vault that he has a moment of wondering if they're being used

Oh sweet jesus

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Bobs/Grizzs, of course. Its when she was most mad, and when the failure of the writing showed because it was almost entirely handwaved aside by Carmelitas inner monologue.
Yeah, that always struck me as wierdly forced so they could fake tension between Bently and M and have them be compared. Its the only real time I can safely say they fucked up a little, but the other stuff like the Venezian guards, Tsao and the rest make up for it I feel. Also fucking L'Fwee, that guy was good.
user pls.

Sly Cooper was my first crush

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Lefwee was a good villain, but one of the worst boss fight in the game. However 3 made some of the best bosses, Tsao phase 1 is peak

I was thinking the same thing, Didn’t Murray begin to have self-doubt problems again in that same chapter?

True but thematicaly, sword dueling on the mast of a pirate shift with a infamous pirate was a very nice setpiece.I found it fun, even if its simon says tier.
Wasnt he the one saying "no way fag" to bentley's doubt? I remember him being one of the most loyal to the gang, especialy since the whole thing of Sly 2, he was fairly loyal all throughout desu, and the fucking jetpack van throwing to the vault killed my sides too.

Uh oh, better be careful saying that. It’s wrong to be attracted to fictional characters. Especially if they’re anthropomorphic.



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Murray threw it back out lol

Yeah at the end of Sly 3, I’m talking about In 4 where he gets self conscious about his value to tb team after failing to climb the ice mountain and Bob has to step in for him.

Bentley ‘no way fag’-Ed it away after he beat the Grizz

So did anyone ever use half ability you get in sly 1, as some were fun to play around with like electric ball and some where pretty useless like the hat.

Hat was good for flashlight guards, they all had their purposes

Bentley had the redemption arch of rock em sock em robots with his ex wife, murray with the grizz. Nothing too amazing, really.

Sly is a cute!

Attached: sly.jpg (900x829, 77K)

Nice pic.

Another disappointment really, moving towards gameplay, they really doubled down on the Rhythm/Simon Says Mini Games, there was the Geisha bits, Bellydancing, Figure Skating in the Grizz Fight, does the second last boss count?

user, no. You can’t, that’s a fictional anthropomorphic character. You’re going too overboard for Yea Forums.

What would Carmelita's pubes smell like?

I want Sly to kiss me and handcuff me.

Attached: sly2.jpg (600x872, 86K)

Second last boss was one of the best bosses desu, Miss Decibel used the gimmick really well, had a nice and ample fighting area, a decent speed, a good theme and a lot of interactivity with the player. The real fucking issue was the final boss. By GOD, I know they ran out of money but JUST.
Cease, we are slow but comfy user, do not ruin it.

Really hope 5 brings Clockwerk back as the main antagonist. A guy that autistically pissed has to have a backup plan if his chip was destroyed.

That or just him being back due to time fuckery. We never really had a lot of time with him as the actual villain and he was pretty unnerving at the end of 1

No user, stop posting SFW fan art and fantasizing about fictional anthropomorphic characters. You’ll activate the janny’s trigger.

I just want that TV series now.

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If it's good, we'll be able to talk about Sly Cooper all the time on Yea Forums and there will be all sorts of new fan art.

>we'll be able to talk about Sly Cooper all the time
>on Yea Forums
not nice

From what I can remember, I certainly enjoyed it too, and yeah, Final Boss was stupid.

Dunno why Sly didn’t just jump for it when Skunk-Man stole his Parachute from him though.

A surprise attack from Clockwerk in Sly 5 while he’s stuck in Egypt would be pretty neat

Yea Forums is just Yea Forums with more OC and less shitposting.

>anthropomorphic characters
>fan art
>Yea Forums
Oh man....not a good combination at all, especially considering this thread.

From my perspective Yea Forums has way worse mods

And a fuck ton more sjw's

I often wonder why all these people who hate furry characters moderate boards with mediums full of furry characters.

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I wonder why it has to be taken to the extreme. These threads here on Yea Forums can get pretty heated on the subject.

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But they're still on Yea Forums, so it ends up they're just overall less tolerant of /pol/ baiting. You expect people will genuinely stop Sly threads to lecture you on leftism? talk about paranoid. thought honestly I don't know why I'm praising Yea Forums, I don't want any Yea Forums filth shitting it up.

Would it be possible to remake the first game with style of later games? Almost all the levels would have to be scrapped and replaced with new ones, so that probably wouldn't be worth it

>new sly oc
Absolutely fucking BASED, REDPILLED.
>on Yea Forums

How hard is it ripping models because I want to rip Sly cooper's sly 2 model since everywhere I search online it's always his Sly 1 model which looks drastically different from his second one since they used a completely separate model for the cutscenes where he talks. While in sly 2 he just uses the same ingame one.

Soft reboot when

>tfw Horus Clockwerk

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Oh fuck you

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Perhaps try what this says? Not really too sure myself honestly

Even if the movies probably never going to get made, What’s the consensus on the test short they released?

I enjoyed it a ton, if the shows anything like it then I’ll say it’s in good hands.

W-what do you wanna do with his model

You stop implying things.

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Well first the movie has been turned into a show with a Fall 2019 release date. But as for the trailer itself, its meh. First I don't really care for how Bentley and especially Murray look, though Sly's design isn't awful. Second, it's very weird to hear Bentley and Murray retain their VA's while Sly now sounds like a knock off Sonic.

I’m aware of that, I’m just referring to the fact the movie isn’t going to be made because of it.

And that’s pretty fair, I can live with them being their design in the show, you think they’ll go for post Theives in Time?

Carmelita's Ultimate is the only good looking alt skin in 4, and actually makes her look okay. Probably because it hides her anorexic looking torso and dumps the skirt for pants.

I doubt they'll pick off right from there 4 ended, part of the reason for the show is also to test if theres a market for Sly past fans of the originally trilogy. My guess it will probably be set sometime during the trilogy between 1 and 2 or 2 and 3, and will probably be focused on Sly stealing from random criminals/villain of the week without making too much of a connection with the actual plot lines if the games aside from backstory.

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So sorta something like what Carmen Sandiegos doing?

Post 4 would be neat
>Agressive Latina cop wife that has to cover up and divert attention from Interpol towards her husband and his friends

>*away from her husband and his friends

First thing post 4 they have to figure out is where to go from that stupid ending.

Attached: when the moon hits that van just right.png (557x533, 187K)

god bless this thread

also is it agreed 2>3>1>4?

These designs aren't bad, but 2d would be a million times better. Hell, shorts like goodbye my sweet inbetween shows would be top

Attached: Sly-test-v3-1920x700.jpg (640x360, 22K)

That's my list, but I know people tend to flip 3 and 1

Very, Dunno how these designs would look in shorts of the traditional comic-booky style

2D would be great, but we don't live in such a world for nice things like that to exist.