Why yes, I love roleplaying. How did you know?

why yes, I love roleplaying. How did you know?

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I wuvv rowepwaying toooo!!~~~~

E-erotic roleplaying?

Is that David Beckham?

I unironcally use and find “OWO” and “UWU” what the fuck is wrong with me

nothing's wrong with you UwU

>yes I only exclusively play female characters, how can you tell?
giga chad is one of us

Sweet bro, post your character sheet.

Attached: 388px-ChadThundercock.jpg (388x600, 33K)

Add me on discord baby owo!~~~~

Because you're doing it right now with some "chad" persona.

Keep telling yourself that closet tranny.


I use them even when I’m talking to girls

you're a faggot, simple.

I swear to god if classic wow launches with no rppvp servers I’m going to cry and sulk in my room and play a different game D:

20 STR, 10 DEX, 15 CON, 12 INT, 10 WIS, 11 CHA orc berserker bro. I enjoy the simple things.

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How do I stop then

>talking to girls

Hey fellas how about we roleplay someplace else and leave? The um, how do I say this... The queers have arrived.

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I'm joining a DnD session with some students at my new university. Never tried it before, what's the best way to have a good time?

Have they stated why they aren't doing it? I transferred to a RPPVP server during Cataclysm for shits and giggles and it was great.

stop sucking dicks

Talking to girls is dangerous user, be careful buddy

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He was a prince but his dragon powers were growing too strong so his bitch mom exiled him and now he turned to the darkness becoming half demon half wolf.

W-why are they

Then stop cumming in my mouth bro!!!

Don't worry about it. Just talk to us instead.

I will cum in your mouth if you know what i mean ;)

I’ll have sex with you if you catch my drift ;)

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W-what’s the difference

>have a good time
Don't be afraid to ask if you don't know something (which will happen a lot).
Don't be a shy faggot, it's called an RPG for a reason: ROLEPLAY
Go with the flow, no matter how retarded it sounds.
Don't fudge your rolls, no one likes a cheater.
Bring good snacks.
Have fun and make friends.
Count me in bro

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We are nice and only want the best for you, sweet user! Unlike those dangerous girls...

Maybe you’re right

I am right, honey. So, how's your day going?

Are you gonna make me a woman some of my bros warned me about this stuff and I shouldn’t dive too deel

Why would I want to turn a sweet boy into a vile, disgusting woman? I just want to talk to you, user.

Bro what kinda video games do you like

*I paw your thigh you moan.*

I enjoy all kinds of video games, as long as I can play them with someone as nice as yourself.

g-giga chad h-help

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I like titanfall you go fast and you aren’t afraid of anything

Just be yourself bro.

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Oh, so you like to go fast and aren't afraid of anything? I love to hear that, user.

stop stuttering you ugly faggot

Dude just like be yourself and have fun lol don’t worry it worked for me, you’ll smash pussy bro trust me ;D

Yeah bro you should pick up titanfall 2 will probably run into each other because of the low player base

This thread is something else

rare picture of gigachad before getting a haircut and taking a shower

Y-yeah you too

I'd love to play with you but I'd honestly prefer to do it in person rather than online. Mind telling me where you live, sweetie?

What race is he supposed to be? I mean, we all know that the image of perfection is a White man, but he looks a bit off from being White and I know they're trying to depict some kind of perfect man with this.

They fucked up. Make him blond and make his features a little more anglo-saxon and I'll buy it.

Mediterranean on european side~~~~~~~~~~~~~


portuguese chad