Borderlands 3

Epic Games is back at it trying to make every single new release an exclusive to their shitty platform.


Probably won't do much but it's worth a shot, sign the petition lads.

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>yfw you're no randy releasing your only title on a dead store

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>nobody told tim that randy bo bandy is the literal definition of a toxic asset
bin that money tim. faster!

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i wonder why trump hasn't cracked down on people selling stuff like that, being the tyrannical fascist he is

Can Randy die already? Or fuck off to a hole? I don't five a fuck which.

I can't wait to see another game with Mr. Pitchfork involved to absolutely flop. How the fuck is Gearbox still in business?

lol randy's twitter

Because borderlands has a strangely dedicated fanbase

But it's been years since the last Borderlands game, and there's been several massive flops. Aliens Colonial Marines and Battleborn were highly visible failures.

>mustards making another petition
>actually being retarded enough to think it will work
Man, I pity you retards. You think 2K and Gearbox will pass on all the money and not having to pay royalties just so you guys don't have to download another launcher? The absolute state of brainlets.

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brb making a petition for Burger King to sell Whoppers in McDonalds.

Anyone who signs this petition is a fuckwit.

>food anaology

The unenviable position of trying to pass your publisher's greed off on them while also trying to convince people to ignore backroom deals and shady tactics to buy your game so you don't starve.

Isn't this guy a pedo?

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I think it's a great idea.
Gearbox will have pretty much earned back what they spend on creating the game which means the game won't be an economic failure for the company and I personally pirate pretty much everything so it doesn't affect me.

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>Guys I'm not in charge here, its not me making the decision
>But have you heard how awesome epic is?

>game will apparently have LAN support
thanks for the free game Randy

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Nah, turned out to be barely legal porn. Close, but no cigar.

Fuck you I want his name to be tarnished.

More like making a petition to stop Burger King to stop bribing slaughter houses to only sell them beef patties so Mcdonalds goes out of business due to lack of a varied menu

Reminder this asshole joined the twitter trannies in celebrating TB's death.

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>caring about an e-celeb
Why are P C F A T S so obsessed with these personalities?

I'm not, I just like pointing out a sociopath when I see it.

Its not asking them to not put it on the Epic Launcher nor make them give the money up. Its just to show the rest of the industry how we feel about this exclusive bs. Plus that launcher if you read the petition is not safe. It has major security holes and makes you pay more than once for something on frequent occasions.

>not caring about one of the few retards who gave proper feedback on games
>not actively encouraging anything that makes tranny subhumans seethe

Aliens was half assed, they clearly didn't use the budget they were allotted on that piece of shit. Battleborn they definitely took a bath on, though. Borderlands still sold real well for years and had tons of DLC, so they're probably coasting on that, and BL3 looks pretty low effort too, with graphics being basically the same and only a handful of Vault Hunters. Also keep in mind not only that Randy is rich as fuck, but Epic literally buys exclusives so that probably got figured into the budget.