Why aren't you playing heroes of the storm?
Why aren't you playing heroes of the storm?
i have a morsel of self-respect
Because I feel bad for trying to keep a game afloat when Activision intentionally killed it.
Because its a MOBA, and a shitty one at that.
I did, until blizzard canned half the staff and now its operating on a skeleton crew.
I play it every day. I am a loser of the highest caliber.
Nigga the game is the most garbage moba and everyone knows it
HOTS is basically a ballpit where they give you arm floats, a helmet and tie a safety rope around your waist so you dont drown
Because it's trash.
But I do, I'm an AI player tho, because often the heroes I want to play are just shit on the comp scene. Wish there was dedicated PvE.
Because the development has stopped?
haha she looks kinda like she's holding in her pee
is dva the most pleb-tier waifu?
I should some time, just to play as my girl.
nobody gives a shit
dont install the blizzard cancer launcher
I lag too bad to have fun and mobas are a cancer to your soul.
This. As soon as I heard they shut down the competitive/e-sports thing they had going for it along with halving the staff, I uninstalled and I'm sure a lot of other people did as well.
I hate mobas
D.Va was the one Overwatch character that I actually liked until her animation short murdered her character.
they game is in a very odd spot right now:
for over 2years they have been balancing it as an e-sport and making changes to characters and the meta based on what pros do, now that scene doesn't exist anymore but the changes are still there, and probably will never change.
I am not mentally ill.
Why do so many writers who don’t have a fucking clue what they’re doing get work in the industry these days?
I can't bring myself to support a globo-homo corporation
I play quick plays with friends sometimes. Been playing for two years, I like how games are short (15-25 minutes) and you don't have to memorize lots of shit just to play.
How did it murder her character?
Blizzard forever seething that they ignored motherfucking Dota in its prime. How stupid must a company be?
its a MOBA for people who are not even good enough to play actual MOBAs
if that helps you sleep at night sure
I for one am not a trandgender my good man
Why? Esports is a plague and the game is still getting big updates.
That's Mercy, she's literally just "girl" the character
The waifus are amazing. I don't get how the design team can get away with the making thicc sex goddess versions of every Blizzard character then proceed to give each of them a dozen slutty outfits. It's a shame the game itself isn't that great. It has a lot of cool ideas and concepts but the basics are so watered down it kind of defeats the purpose. If they added some kind of dedicated pve mode with a lot to do I would play it more often. The normal 5v5 is stale as fuck. They do get props for some of their wacky hero concepts in terms of gameplay mechanics, it's too bad they're horrible in an actual game, though.
because MOBAs suck
What does the inside of the crotch part of her jumpsuit smell like haha especially after a heated, sweaty, bloody battle haha
What does it say about the game if they're willing to cancel their e-sports shit on the spot, barely notifying their players right before they pull the plug? Do I really have to explain why?
I think the common complaint was that she was presented as more laidback than anywhere else she's presented, but that's kind of the point. In most stuff, including in game, she's full on EPIC GAMERS, REKT in your face, but that's her "idol" personality. In the short she's portrayed as quieter, though still teasing and competitive.
But I guess when you characterize something only on the surface for two years, then finally give it context, that context can seem weird to those used to not having that context.
what happens in it? havent watched any shorts since the anime nigger
>no last hitting
>no denying
>shared EXP
>no gold or items (no need to think so hard about each game)
literally communism for plebs:the game
In-game D.Va has an obnoxious personality and is disconnected from reality, treating real-life as one big video game. Murdering people is "shooting for a new high score." This is a kind of character that I really enjoy.
D.Va from the cinematic is overly calm and down-to-earth and has to "carry the weight of the world on her shoulders." It's the complete fucking opposite of how she is in-game.
Stopped playing it when they added Overwatch characters. I despise capeshit in all forms.
if that helps you sleep at night sure
I am waiting for Overwatch Tactics Xcom clone in 2020 instead
>no actual retort except repeating a line
lmao so im right
>In-game D.Va has an obnoxious personality and is disconnected from reality, treating real-life as one big video game. Murdering people is "shooting for a new high score." This is a kind of character that I really enjoy.
It's like she's putting out a fucking character
Fair enough.
>In the short she's portrayed as quieter, though still teasing and competitive.
They should have had her like that in her starcraft 2 announcer pack. She's unbearable in it
Dumb hipster faggot
if it helps you sleep at night sure
literal shit eating subhuman
Everyone who uninstalled when the pro scene was killed is a fool. It’s much better now they don’t have to make autistic nerfs all the time. No character is immediately first pick/first ban besides maybe Azmo and that’s more that no one is playing dive heroes right now.
Because it's shit
I do
I can literally open up any porn site and jerk off to drawn or animated pornography of every single female character in the game, why SHOULD I play?
Explain how OW is capesh*t. I'll wait
That doesn't defend her at all, all you're proving here is that she's a phony.
What next, McCree's cowboy attire and persona is just for show? He's really just an ordinary guy, but he likes to pretend he's a cowboy when he puts on that hat.
Not heard it, but I assume it's like her HotS one, where she's full epic gamer GET REKT. Which I like, but certainly isn't for everyone. It's her gimmick though, so it's definitely what her announcer packs should be like.
lol just lol
for the roleplay
I played it when it was popular. I tried to play a few weeks ago but it was taking 15 minutes to find a quick play match so I stopped
Because I got banned for abusive chat
>What next, McCree's cowboy attire and persona is just for show? He's really just an ordinary guy, but he likes to pretend he's a cowboy when he puts on that hat.
McCree acts pretty much like Dante from DMC. Not saying he's suffering from depression but he definitely puts out a cowboy show.
If anyone killed the game then it's players like you
whats with blizzard and their obsession with MUH ESPORTS?
if they want esports they should make games where skills actually matter
OOPS you got counterpicked and theres nothing you can do about it except to counterpick the counterpick haha. Also I hope you like Brigitte meta for an entire year!
OOPS your opponent just drew something off RNG/discovery mechanic and BOOM 35 damage to your face! GG no RE haha wall priest is such a fun deck
ok so you have the mechanical skill but sorry bro your build order got countered by his and theres nothing you can do about it
le "team game" where no individual stars can shine and nobody cares about your 'godly plays'
Blizzard killed it them fucking selves, I was already on the verge of uninstalling from the questionable updates. Don't blame me and others for how Blizzard incompetently handled their game you retard
D.Va is a propaganda tool. Hana is a pilot.
Why did they made her feet so big?
Because i stopped MOBA'S. Everytime i started a new one, i get into games with people who start to get salty as fuck. its fun at the beginning but after a long time, it gets annoying as hell. Also Russians
>literally can't
I realized that rank is meaningless and the act of ranking is pointless because everything is controlled by their manipulative hidden algorithms and your invisible MMR anyway.
Also the game requires team synergy to make everyone's hero and everyone's plays the most effective, but everyone just plays for themself and doesn't communicate. You can't do that, it's not like the other MMOs.
I enjoy it casually, but I can only enjoy it casually and no more because taking it seriously only leads to suffering if you are a solo queuer. You can never expect anything nor have proof that you are improving. That's not healthy.
Whats with this sudden desire for people to blame the community for the decisions of blizzard and Activision. I've noticed that its become a thing that people are trying to make out that there is nothing wrong with current blizzard and that people are just complaining for no reason.
Is it just all the people who wanted the games to improve have left?
Is best boy still a fun?
For my dick UwU
But also so it’s easier to aim skillshots at her, she’s already a tiny target.
because she is futa
They handled the game well, it was you who decided that the game when they shut down the esport and move around a few staf members.
>Is it just all the people who wanted the games to improve have left?
years of community feedback about the bullshit in OW have fallen on deaf ears
blizz does what blizz wants
>They handled the game well
>a few staf members.
OW heroes dont fit in
>Why aren't you playing a dead game?
Gee, I wonder why user
I haven't played since the last rework but I think he had more power shifted back into siege rather than support
you have to wait 5min in queue to find a match
still pretty fun
>last hero with EMU
>heal is not a talent anymore, is a E pasive
they nerfed his monstruosity lifesteal attack but if you play smart, he's top boy at everyting
because it's a moba that somehow manages to be more braindead than LoL
And I didn't think that was possible
Maybe I will.
better question, why the fuck would you ever play heroes of the storm?
>someone actually spent time rigging her ass for that butt jiggle
nice la
Thank you eternally based HOTS team for the quality content you offered us. We will never forget what you did for real.
the last few balance patches were kino
Fuck dude I am literally obsessed with Whitemane's model from hots and there is like next to zero sfm of it. RBF with godlike legs and a superiority complex is just raw bonerfuel.
>Also the game requires team synergy to make everyone's hero and everyone's plays the most effective, but everyone just plays for themself and doesn't communicate. You can't do that, it's not like the other MMOs
funny, haven't had that problem on ai games
I still do, I like Kel'Thuzad the most
Whitemane is too precious for SFM. She is just waiting for a better animation software to fully showcase her.
Monstrosity has zero HP regen now. Globes don't work, can't use fountain, and your shield is shit for it.
>Add waifubait shit
>Still dies
Technically, it's hard to know if the game died or if they are simply removing the esports team like they did with several other areas.
They also had the entire warcraft lore to back the game. LoL and Dota were just generic clones of warcraft characters.
Guys I want to BE D.Va!
HOTS is the best moba I have ever played
But it's still a moba
UNF Thanks for reminding me that the follow up animation to this still isnt out.
hots animators are based
I hate the MOBA genre and if I didn't, I'd be playing DOTA instead of one of its pathetic copycats.
>self respect
You're posting on Yea Forums wtf you are talking about?
It a hero brawler.
>when your game is so bad that you pretend it's invented its own genre.
Smug dryad (Lunara) was great just for her character select portrait, MOBAs get boring fast for me, so I don't play them much.
Why did Blizzard devs tell Icefrog to fuck off?
Why are they so arrogant?
>an overwatch character whit character
now thats comedy
>the last bastion of old blizzard
>fan service up the ass
>actually listened to player feedback unlike ov*rwatch or w*rld of w*rcr*ft
>devs gave a shit
>nobody played it because "it's a moba/not dota" or "it's casualized trash"
>sabotaged by blizzard and activision for its entire life
>autists perpetuating the dead game meme
>people jumping ship because no esports
we never deserved this game
Like Smash Bros
It's honestly the best moba. Every other fucking moba requires months of practice and learning every fucking character and how to counter them.
Mobas are fucking garbage and I don't want to commit any time to that shit. The fact that the game allows someone with a base understanding succeed in a team is great design. Game is probably the best waifu moba and the best varied with interesting maps.
Main problem why it failed is lol and dota have a committed fan base and we're not willing to go to another game. It is why no Mobas have been made anymore.
Stopped playing because of Overwatch too, but because I just thought it was too easy to shoehorn those fucks in there because it was basically the same game. Also I never got sold enough to buy Overwatch, so never played. I will continue jerking off to the pr0n.
I did
I played Probe
Probe is the best
The little difference is that smash bros isn't a pill of shit
>Uther main
>lol and dota have a committed fan base
They have a committed fanbase because their game is actually decent.
because the gameplay is shit
As fighting game fan, I find Smash Bros absolutely terrible
But hots is great and fun compared to other mobas, just like said
>actually listened to player feedback unlike ov*rwatch or w*rld of w*rcr*ft
Blizz always do that. It's actually not always a good thing (see WoW... and HOTS).
I thought it wasn't a moba.
Healers having a major role in PvP games is beyond retarded.
HOTS was neglected and it shows. It was always a side project as opposed to Riot and its LoL.
Soma Transference keeps it alive in a fight, and with Z baseline, you can send it to a wave to get back almost all its HP.
Volatile mutation also works surprisingly well against melee-heavy comps.
There's very few better feelings than getting a 40-stacked monstro into a melee team, or better yet burrowing into the middle of their backline with its 20 talent and becoming Freddy Kruger.
I'm not autistic enough for all these sub genres.
Smash is still a fighting game to me, just a bad and gimmicky one.
I'm 500% certain they changed her to avoid a possibly "toxic gaymer" situation in game. They don't want to promote people that will say shit like rekt, gg or git gud because obviously thats super problematic!
>"it's not a moba, it's a hero brawler!"
>"btw stop talking about genres."
Kill yourself.
>still no huntress panther mount
why bother
It wasn't neglected.
The foundations of the gameplay sucked from the beginning. The people who designed that game had no idea why mobas were popular in the first place. And i will even say that they don't understand why people play a mp game.
can you come up with an objective argument for that?
I personally much prefer hots PvP over say league, I think the extended fights and more resource management come into play nicely and provide more depth
Get in now. There's a tiger mount for Chinese new year. Comes in white, not black, though. Probably for Tyrande since we don't have a huntress yet.
D.VA is an e-sports game streamer, of fucking course she's gonna be a completely different person when she's fighting in her mech.
and still less pathetic than playing hots, somehow. weird isnt it
Not going to pick up a Blizzard Title EVER AGAIN.
Last hitting was never good
> .. But I guess when you characterize something only on the surface for two years, then finally give it context, that context can seem weird to those used to not having that context.
Thing is, all of the Overwatch characters are like this; In-game they're shallow archetypes who don't interact, and in other media they still wind up being one or two-dimensional garbage. I've never understood why anyone finds them or the game interesting besides being fap material.
Mcree is the comfiest overwatch character.
>tfw his short implies he was in a relation with Ashe
>writer goes full reeee on twitter saying it's false, but the writer was also the guy retconning 76 as a gay man.
And somehow even more pathetic than both is the faggot shitposting in a game he hates.
Last hitting/ is the core of a moba
I hope warcraft 3's remake will be good. Maybe even revive the game and compete with SC2
Thread name : "Why aren't you playing HOTS?"
Also there's no shitpost here. This game sucks.
It should have been a free win for Blizzard considering they had the characters/lore/game which started the genre.
But their devs are so out of touch that they somehow fucked it.
No chance : It's still the exact same game except with WoW retcons and WoW VAs.
I liked the game, but almost all of my friends stopped playing long before and dude, who was in masters and told he was there to help us improve, was really bitter and talked shit w/o actually explaining what we did wrong. And games took too long to find in solo
Didn't they said they will give extra skins based on War3 if you preorder the remake? one with Jaina as the archmage
So long as multiplayer becomes popular again its fine
It is not, it's retarded mechanics that was a bug.
I will respectfully disagree and call you a nigger.
They trimmed the fat.
Removing last hitting means you can actually push instead of waiting for the minions to do all the work. Switching items for talents allows a much tighter control of balance, since an item has to be able to interact with every character. Shortening the matches and making it less snow-bally means there's a better option for turnarounds and if you get your shit slapped, you're not locked in for up to 50 minutes.
The map variety and objectives keep it fresh. Global EXP changes strategies and allows for interesting characters like Abathur, who would never work in a DotA-like where you need to last hit and stay in lane.
I'll freely admit it's different, but that's not a bad thing.
Isn't it completely dead by now? Haven't played since Malganis came out
Yeah but no new heroes and that alone worth dropping for.
Its shit nigger
Last hitting was an engine limitation they that was attempted to be removed multiple times before DotA hit its popular stride.
Don't know, man. I wouldn't be surprise, though. Blizz love cross-promoting their games.
>hidden algorithms and your invisible MMR anyway.
This, every time drop retard in my team i cry.
Now that a lie, why would you do that?
Its funny how many things that exist in MOBAs only exist because of the limitations of the War3 engine. Last hitting only existed because that was the way the game calculated who should get the gold from a creep kill. Denying was the same way.
Why would it be popular again?
If last hit wasn't a thing, the lane phase would be boring as hell and you would have no aggro. Jesus christ you have never played dota.
But it's all right, even casual recognized how much the gameplay of hots sucked.
Why would I ever play some gay MOBA when Starcraft exists?
Yup. That's the sign of a great game : the gameplay is so good that even the game engine limitations/bugs make it better.
Just like Counter Strike.
Not a bug. Just something hardcoded in creeps in w3. Just like the random gold amount. It is retarded and it baffles me that it carried on so many mobas
>last bastion of old blizzard is casualized waifu bait with weebshit characters
fucking diablo 3 is closer to old blizzard than anything with overwatch trash
Well a full remake of a very popular game back in the day would garner people's interest. Whether it retains that interest beyond people just buying it to replay the campaign, I don't know
>It should have been a free win for Blizzard considering they had the characters/lore/game which started the genre.
>But their devs are so out of touch that they somehow fucked it.
Bitterpills here. I have to agree. HOTS under a different management could have been something much better.
>that it carried on so many mobas
Because it forced a little bit of skill. Otherwise just micro-ing a hero is boring. But apparently HOTS players love it. By their standard wc3 is a hardcore game.
Because if I wanted to be playing a shittier version of League I would just play DotA 2.
If they made her a tragic hero they should have gone with it all the way. Showing the battle they teased from the first video and then in the short. The tiny MEKAs charging the gigantic robot, blowing up left and right.
>the lane phase would be boring as hell
and it is.
>you have never played dota
I did, more Lol but i played both, Hots is better one in my opinion.
i too wish to mount the huntress from wc3
I do. I main tanks. Mainly Anub'arak. I hate this"Ban all tanks" meta
It's not in dota 2. It's actually a really tense moment depending on the hero. Because guess what : You have heroes which have to get their gold at all cost otherwise the rest of the party is lost, you have heroes that are here to fuck their laning phase, that makes other heroes roam, etc.
That actually sounds kind of fun. Team of 6 vs. Human and omnic enemies, mix and match from the existing cast so far, or divided campaign using Overwatch and Talon units.
>play vs an anub
fuck you user
After the last bout of devs being pulled off by blizzard I just can't go back to. Everyone knows it's hemorrhaging players and nobody wants to play a dying game.
It kind of is. Game build on WC engine, a strategy game were sometimes you reach unit limit and you have to kill your own workers to get space for warriors. Enemy not getting credits for friendly kill is just retarded.
Nothin personnel. No amount of nerfs can fix his bloated kit, just like mal'ganis
I don't like these...people.
They didn't trim the fat. They chewed it for me and gave it to me mouth to mouth. Battlerite is much closer to a trimmed moba than hots.
>he's not even in HOTS
>instead they put some overwatch characters
I literally cannot understand how anyone could like her in the first place, she's obnoxious and one dimensional *le holds up spork* le epic gamrrrrr gurrrl and even in the game full of one dimensional stereotypes she's sticking like a sore thumb
The only redeeming quality of her is the plugsuit, provably
Yeah, i agree but Battlerite died for same reasons.
>in my opinion.
and your opinion is shit since the game is currently on life support.
Just because my opinion is not popular dosen't mean it wrong or shit.
Got to diamond multiple seasons and hate the direction they have been taking with nerfs.
100% agreed. I think the overwatch characters had (I want to say have) a decent amount of potential.
The fan works and stories really capitalized on this. I liked it back when people thought Mercy caused reaper to be the monster he is. But nope, squeaky clean blonde waifu who just wants to help and never does wrong. Just to make sure we put in evil doctor and made her extra evil!
Fuck I really like the story between Hanzo and Genji, but its never going to go anywhere. Hanzo is never going to either come to terms or jump off the deep end, the years of his life spent on a redemption quest that are invalidated by a live Genji forgiving him.
I don't want to pretend Blizzard has made ground breaking characters, but they made ones that could have had a lot of potential.
What i really hate is blizzard matchmaking. And not only in hots.
game hit a low point after that but things are looking up now, unless they take too long to announce the next hero (hopefully this week or next at the latest)
God why do they make her so delicious
The npc units are much more dynamic in dota than hots or lol. Issue attack commands on enemy players causes them to redirect their attention to you. This allows you to manipulate the npc units more and allow for periods of aggression.
Ex-Professional player (lol) here
This game treats their players THE WORST out of every fucking game out there in the world
Literally the worst company in the world, and HoTS team are especially the worst of the bunch
Competitive players stuck through countless shit balancing, bad hero release/reworks, map changes that kill the game, but HGC was a final nail in the coffin.
to compel you to be worthy of a girl like her
you are trying your best, aren't you?
My childhood best friend became a tranny obsessed by anime and Dva.
I will always blame Dva for that.
Oh forgot to mention, fuck ow. 2 year lifespan and it got like 5 heroes and 2 maps before we got a single Warcraft map. The starcraft fucking anniversary featured overs0y hero as the main spotlight. Come on now.
>They also had the entire warcraft lore to back the game. LoL and Dota were just generic clones of warcraft characters.
and yet they chose to add in OC donut steel characters instead of banking on their iconic ones. This game should've stayed casual but pushing e-sports was a mistake. Then again LoL already cornered the casual market.
Dva is the biggest example of shit Blizzard hero design/balancing
>Hero comes out
>Kinda bad but still decent
>0 compensation
They ruined it with excessively cancerous heroes and never actually fixed it. Not strong heroes half the time. Just insanely unfun to play with or against
Heroes of the Storm = easy
League of Legends = normal
Dota2 = hard
Heroes of the storm is so boring, I tried playing it for awhile and the gameplay's so braindead, I could see why people eventually stopped playing it. compare it say League, where it's a bit easier than dota, but it offers just the right amount of difficulty for the mass majority of people to enjoy it.
Where the FUCK is Archimonde
just get good and play in a higher rank?
top 5% in a moba will stay relatively the same % in any other moba
I don't even consider dota as hardcore.
dropping e-sports is a reason to return, if anything
>blizzard is late to the assfaggot genre
>makes a game trimming most of the bad elements of the genre
>add unique, fun heroes like the lost vikings, abathur, murky, cho'gall
>time passes, blizzard starts the hots esports scene who literally no one watches
>starts balancing the game around esports
>guts fun heroes and turns them in generic garbage because they are """problematic"""
>starts releasing overwatch heroes
>they are fucking broken and ruin the game
>everyone hates them
>overwatch's maps are literally the worst in the game
>hots team feels like the end is coming and goes on a waifu streak releasing Yrel, Whitemane and Ophrellia of whatever she's called
>blizzard pulls the plug from the hots league, leaving fucking retards who dropped out of college/university to make money playing a dead game on the fucking street
>dev team is gutted
>people leave the game
HotS didn't just die
*lo-fi hip-hop beats for studying start playing*
pushing Esport wasnt a mistake, the problem was the game was garbage and they haven't done anything to solve the problem and decide to waste their money on Esports
But the fact that the core problems with the game hasn't changed in 3 years just shows you the game would have failed regardless of Esports or not, this isn't a resource issue, but terrible design/balance team who have 0 idea what they are doing.
They killed Sylvie
They literally added ONE ONEEEEEE their own character and you have to bitch about it, fuck.
Murky and Abathur won world championship for C9 though
Doesn't matter, the gameplay sucks simple as that, a lot of anons already mentioned why in this thread. Hots removed many key aspects as to what makes a moba, a moba and it shows.
Fuck his ass bro that'd be weird right haha
esport is something that comes naturally.
Also HOTS is the opposite of an esport friendly game.
It has no carry, so no superstar, etc.
Even warcraft 3 had items and heroes with their own xp.
Its a trash game that is not fun to play.
its the most watered down shit ever. there nothing to keep you playing.
Theres no depth to the gameplay, the map objectives are gimmicky shit, theres no map design. no items, no map height, no movement speed or turn rate or any mechanic that made mobas interesting.
Nothing, there is literally nothing you just click on heroes and spam abilities that do chip damage
Hots was my first moba and I got OK at it (fucked up some diamonds and masters) but after the whole HGC shitshow my mates stopped playing it and I got bored of it too, should I turn myself to other mobas?
Was a Kel'Thuchad main btw
Exactly, you'd think a game by blizzard would have that, items in vanilla wc3 can literally change the outcome of a game. When someone sends in a horde of enemies at your base and if you didn't have a scroll of town portal your base would get fucked.
like what? Also I played all 3 of them competitively and HoTS becomes the most macro/strategic of them all at highest level since there isn't items
League forced the Esport scene and it worked out fine because the game was good
Blizzard design/balancing team was garbage and couldn't handle hero design/map design correctly and killed the game
I'm not the one to complain since I got ~150k for playing in a shitty College HoTS tournament, but holy shit the HoTS team are probably the most incompetent retards in the whole industry.
When they announced competitive HoTS leagues the playerbase actually grew significantly, but everyone quit because the matchmaking scene was FUCKING GOD AWFUL
Fuck you, map objectives are fun and make full teamfights instead of boring laning whole game.
>Chip damage
Daaaaated as fuck impression of the game.
Here's someone who stopped playing before 2.0.
>League forced the Esport scene and it worked out fine because the game was good
LoL didn't start it : Dota esport was already a thing, and LoL had already its own private tournament before RIOT helped.
You can be sure that if RIOT didn't do shit, something like ESL one with LoL would be huge.
You woudnn't be able to play other mobas after, they take like 40 minutes for one game and lanning/jungling is really lame.
I don't play söygames
Talking like you never played dota.
I meant iconic instead of garbage heroes that doesn't come into your mind when you think of blizzard games.
Yes unlike actually defending your base, towers, key characters that scale better into the late game and key points of interest like Roshan pit for the immortality item that turns the tide of battle to your favor.
Learn from a good moba like Dota, the peak of Mobas.
any other fucking moba is better than fucking HoS
I wish I killed it, the game is utter shit.
>people unironically defend HOTS
lmfao blizzdrones coping with the fact they lost DOTA on a lawsuit.
10 bucks they are going to remove him in Reforged
Christie Golden is the lead writer after all
not really, even Dota esport was tiny when you compare it to the esport scene now, I played competitive Dota then League to HoTS (just for Heroes of the Dorm) , and every team I've played on the organization lost shitton of money each year maintaining it.
This was even with the 50k/player Riot provides teams, the money just isn't there to keep the scene alive.
The dota scene pre-compendium and lol scene pre-lcs looked siginificant but they were really, really small in terms of money. Only the top teams could actually make a living out of playing games. Now it's different since Riot shits out money for the players
I used to play it up until recently when they killed the game. It was my first MOBA so I liked it, but I will probably move onto another MOBA soon and then wonder why the hell I even bothered
game is casual garbage.
hots' map objectives are good in paper but it forces players to teamfight which removes player agency. There are no other things to do to give you another advantage other than just soaking EXP and team fighting. You can do camps but the enemy team is probably gonna clear them and get theirs.
The game is average as fuck, only carried by the Blizzard fanservice.
Sometimes they can't even do fanservice right. They put in Yrel-fucking-who instead of Maraad or literally any other more well-known paladin. Also all the Overwatch characters are trash and clearly do not fit in a MOBA, yet they went for it anyway.
I still play it from time to time because Zul'jin is based but I regret it each time because there is literally no depth to this game.
Because I dont like it
>not really, even Dota esport was tiny when you compare it to the esport scene now
No shit. I never denied it. It's pretty obvious that big companies will make it bigger.
Just saying that it wasn't artificial and there was already something before RIOT went in.
>zul'jin player
based and axepilled
>"proffesional" moba player
>"proffesional" hots player
Your "proffesion" is a joke and you deserved everything. Grow up.
>loved this game, outgrew autistic mobashit after 10+ years of DotA+DotA2
>easy to jump in and play with fanservice and bnet friends
>get banned for a week flat because some kael'thas wasting his trait Q on minion waves before objectives didn't like the calmly given advice I threw his way about keeping his mana for fights
>dont play for 2 months, hear news about them trying to murder the game in cold blood
even my friend who was all hopeful about them now balancing bullshit because the pro-scene was killed off didn't go back
Just you wait till near future were everything will be like Ready Player One and lots of people will live of playing the game.
God I want Whitemane to step on me so fucking bad.
yeah, but the growth was 100% artificial. If not for Riot/Valve shitting out money for the Esport scenes, the chink millionaires and companies wouldn't have came into the scene.
Esport teams still don't make any money, in fact the only organization that makes money in the world are Cloud 9, others are all relying on cash injection from VC. It's kind of funny how people say Esport scene is strong when it's run by a few VC pumping money into it.
not that guy but the HGC thing was a p dick move. Blizzard first paused teams and told them to wait up before enlisting new players into their rosters, then had a secret meeting with teams, saying that HGC will be continued but on a smaller budget so orgs are OK to sign players.
Exactly 5 days later they announce the news without telling pros beforehand that they are killing HGC. This was after orgs and players spend thousands of dollars for players/plane tickets/gaming house/setup/etc.
There's even a lawsuit going on with one of the qualified teams & Blizzard atm.
I played Dota since WC3. It's been a great game through all those years.
But the laning phase is boring, last hitting is retarded and being behind in that game is one of the most boring experiences in online gaming (for 45 minutes too). I ended up almost exclusively playing roaming character so I could focus on the important part, fighting other players.
Hots has a short laning phase and no last hitting, so even then you're focusing on the players. The rest is objective based and teamplay focused. The 15 minute games of Hots feel so much longer because every second is filled with a lot of action. I can get two to three memorable hots games in before one dota game is finished, which reduces the chances of a long, boring, drawn out shit experience.
*saves your game*
I stop playing this game for 1 year and I come back like a week ago and its funny that the game is more active now that before
I understand you but for some reason most people prefer boring lanning and lasthitting.
Never touched mobas before but judging from posts on Yea Forums over the years I got the impression that hots is the most fun and least toxic of the mobas.
Laning phase in dota isn't boring (though raoming heroes are the most fun to play). it's actually the mid game and sometimes the end game.
Good post
>Uther main
>Tanks is the most played
I appreciate players like you
"Fun" is really subjective. I do not have fun in a long time, mostly annoyed by teammates game drops on me.
Ranked play is the worst I've ever seen in a competitive game.
Devs killed the competitive scene.
Gave it a fair shot, but not for me.Got all the way to play too.
still no skimpy skin, all her skins cover fucking all , in wow every single draenei is a turbo slut , wtf man
post more
Been playing 3 years. It has the same amount of retards but people don't tend to feed or get overly autistic. Seems pretty polarizing sometimes
Last week we had an alex complain about some minor shit. My friend literally just says 'cope' and alex goes "ok" into a quick alt f4 5 minutes in. At the same time we had a johanna with a chink name that was pretty chill and laughed at the tianamen square copypasta and the alex being a "libtard" (EU serv btw)
As for me, being saying nigger everyday and no silence. Even my reports to afks i include "He's a nigger" and no problems yet
excuse me but is that a brap
which is fucking stupid, because he's here to make fun of racist
based. i couldnt keep playing dota after it just became a case of
>fall behind, or worse ends up becoming painfully clear you're fucked with teammates 10 minutes in
>team falling to fountain, waiting for a finish
>enemy carry only wins one game a month so he proceeds to drag out the game to finish his googled item build
>one or two of your teamates begin to push back and net a kill or two, instilling the fear of an impossible comeback into the enemy team so they hold off and ALL begin to farm lanes again
>what was a 15-20 FF game dragged on to over 40 minutes
>over those 40 minutes you were seething
even worse when you play with friends who have sunk 3000+ hours into the game who actively have become angsty NEETs because of it, genuinely can't go anywhere public with one friend because he swears every other word in the food court.
Honestly they should have put in Lady Liadrin instead of Yrel
>D.va thinks she is the best pilot ever
>in reality she is just a poster girl, the government carefully puts her on minimal risk operations
>she even has a whole squad to protect her in secret
>one day they accidentally bump into a gigantic omnic in the storm
>D.va attacks it recklessly
>her squad gets wiped out one by one
>she is losing it, charges it alone
>her weapons can't even scratch it
>gets hit but survives the landing, MEKA is toast
>the omnic is in range of the nearest city in minutes
>suddenly one of her teammates - who she always berated - miraculously appears from the fog
>tells D.va to hide because she was ordered to self destruct to stop the omnic
>turns out the main weapon of the MEKA program was always the kamikaze run, the army couldn't come up with anything else with enough punch to take down the bigger omnics
>there is no eject system because the payload has to be delivered with precision
>D.va wakes up in a hospital a week later
>every channel and streaming service is about her battle
>she took down a huge omnic and saved the city alone
>"The world always needs more heroes. Join D.va, join the MEKA program!"
think of the advertisers fellow 4channeler
Literally who
i played before.
poor ability design and gameplay is not rewarding.
i like characters from WoW, but the rest is just trash, especially startcart/diablo ones.
>skimpy skin
based retard completely misunderstanding that posts point
because in LoL they launched aram with bans
Laughs in alarak/artanis
Also release month fenix, never forget
I just like jacking off to the girls
Speaking of Yrel, what happened to her after WoD?
I played it way back in the day but got sick of Zeratul being an instant win for whatever team he was on.
Though I'm guessing he was nerfed by now.
>Why aren't you playing heroes of the storm?
Because MOBAs are for losers and people with shit taste who don't know better games or don't have consoles.
i played it, it's fun but boring to take seriosuly
I don't know user I don't play wow
Void prison ain't meta. They made his mage build the default now. AA has a good talent every tier but there is no reason to not go full Q build and his new ult that is basically replicate your last ability (more damage/mobility).
So now he's all about E in,QRW and wormhole back. At 20 using R gives you rewind too.
Not popular but pretty strong in the proper situations
As long as he's not an instant fucking win.
People would quit if they even saw one on the other team. And they were right to do so, he was busted beyond fuck.
This. The game is built to play with 2-3 buddies, do silly combos and laugh when the rest of your team and the reddies seethe. One of the reasons i hate the game was when they killed Nydus Backdoor. It had counterplay you cucks just pay attention to the map and have a designated janny.
They killed all specialist and made them all in assassins mostly. Abathur is now "support".
The portal to Draenor was shut down after Guldan and Archimonde were defeated. Guldan was cast out to Azeroth Prime and the Alliance and Horde left the Draenei and Orcs on Draenor to their own devices. BfA starts and the Horde is like "who can we tap for more allies" and they say "hey we left those brown orcs on Draenor, why don't we go get them?" But the portal is closed so that's not really an option, until they consult with their new Nightborne allies and figure out a way to relink Azeroth and AU Draenor, but the timelines have stablized and Draenor has caught up to Azeroth (you remember Draenor was 30 years in the past compared to Azeroth in WoD). In those 30 years, Yrel and the rest of the Draenei have apparently gone Light Hitler and are going around Draenor "purifying" everyone. So Yrel is light-aligned evil now. Character assassination at its best.
I understand that he's referring to the fact that they could pull the servers and kill the game at any point but that's true of any online game, and as long as you don't put money into a free game like an idiot you have nothing to lose
This alternate timeline crap was a mistake. I know the bronze dragons have existed forever but WoD is just wrong.
that's why
you literally have no idea what you're talking about, she has never been off-meta
Haven't played in ages, is my waifu Zagara not trash anymore?
Everything you said is true but you forgot to mention the fact that the game is fucking garbage.
So all that "passion" is wasted on a game that pleases nobody.
Once they announced that they where cutting everyone I stopped. While I still think its'the best MOBA on the market and a fun game, they pretty much admitted that they are killing the game off. There aren't going to be any more content. Balance patches are maybe a bit better since they are no longer trying for esports but they just outright killed even casual play.
depends on what level you play at, the lower the better she is since you can split and people tend to not respect hydralisks
but generally she's been nerfed since her latest rework so she doesn't smash lanes as hard, and is as gankable as always
The only thing I hate about your post is that it is surrounded by 80 other posts that defend last hitting and are against team fights. Imagine playing a game with 3 skill for an hour and half, waiting for NPCs to kill each other and then getting angry when the other team tries to fight you.
Did they buff Abathur yet?
Agreed. While she isn't that relevant to the story (unless they made her more relevant in recent expansions) at least she isn't some alternate-time Mary Sue
>games need esports to live
the absolute state of this generation of gamers
d.va was dead when she was retconned into NOT being a StarCraft pro
She became Hitler with Garrosh who did nothing wrong, so the coolest characters in WoW
ded gaem
sounds to me like the complaints come from brainlets who watch "X ending explained" videos for anything but marvel movies
>the bronze dragons have existed forever
The last Blizzard devs with some balls worked on HotS. RIP.
The whole caverns of time was already criticized in the past. I don't know what Metzen was snorting that he thought making an entire expansion revolving around this is a good idea. My only explanation was that he was tired of the current wow bullshit lore and wanted to go back to W2 but had no way of doing this.
>dev team been shrinking in size a LOT
>esports gets killed without notice
Yeah I wonder where this game is going
I can see why they wouldn't go this route as it would make you not want to play D.va, but it would be great if there ever was a single player campaign.
>hunter killer % dmg for teamfights
>mutalisk for push
Is there ever a reason to go for the hydralisk cd reduction instead of the above two talents?
I still play it with my buddies on the reg
It's a moba, albeit of the 1 dota match I played and the like 10 hots games I played I liked hots more but that's probably just because i played lucio and healed people.
"Maybe mobas aren't 100% garbage if you don't take them seriously"/10
blizzard killed it though because lol modern blizzard
Drawn out fights over objectives, but generally mutalisk is better for that since people never hit the fucking thing even though it dies to a trio of stiff breezes.
If the enemy team is smart enough to hit the mutalisk, you'd take it, but you can't really know that beforehand.
Its pretty much just people taking empty shells and injecting their own shit into it.
Wait what? When the hell did this happen?
Wait, it finally came out? It's been like 5 years, I had assumed they scrapped it.
This is the biggest thing for me. I too don't have much time to play games, so when I do the last game I want to play is the one with the most toxicity. Overwatch, especially competitive, is possible the most toxic gaming experience I have come across in all my years of gaming. From hero select alone you can have a terrible time in a comp match. I would much rather play literally anything else when I have free time.
idk it might have even been during beta. her near-final designs had the Blizzard logo on her mecha and they removed them in the final game. she's just a "generic pro gamer" now, ruining the meta appeal of the character that I found pretty clever for Blizzard.
I fucking love playing Orphea.
based haha poster
Where is the penis?
Compared to current LoL this game is amazing.
sally is a girl (female)
Garbage waifus, garbage skins, cringy character dialogue. I do expect Riot to buy Sally from Blizzard this year, she'll fit right in in superior waifu game.
>That faint seethrough visual of her pubes
Last hitting is the reason you try to fight in lane and this is also why hots needs to have retarded minigames every 2 mins or nothing happens
>Garbage waifus, garbage skins, cringy character dialogue
That's a good description of league but this is a hots thread
Keep seething kid. How does it feel playing literally the only Blizzard online game that flopped so hard they outright stopped supporting it?
Starcraft 2?
Why is Blizzard shilling a dead game on Yea Forums?
Do the shills at Blizzard get paid for any games they shill here?
Touche but SC2 was active for at least half a decade and at very least like OW was a huge success on release. HotS flopped from day 1 because it's unironically the worst MOBA on the market. And the problem isn't even in lack of economy, etc., it's just a very poorly designed game. Combat feels like garbage, there's zero feedback to getting hit, etc. I started playing LoL for the first time like a year after I was forced to play HotS and it does literally everything better.
It smells a bit sour and salty.
SC2's experiencing a kind of renaissance since it went f2p last year
> Last hitting only existed because that was the way the game calculated who should get the gold from a creep kill. Denying was the same way.
Retard. This can all be worked around with ten minutes of scripting.
Yet no significant old school map changed it. It's possible now because of the hive and many other webpages. And as of recent blizz updating the world editor
>Yeah, this game is complete, no way I'm playing this trash!
Mercy is woman.
D.va is penguin of doom
>online service game
It 100% still gets a lot of Blizzard support with frequent patches and content
Enjoy playing with bots in a year when servers finally go down.
>sabotaged by blizzard and activision for its entire life
they literally dumped so much shit into HotS trying to make it work and attract people.
Events up the ass every month with rewards for other games. Esports constantly on even tho its gaining 0 money.
Game is just shit. Half assed dota clone that is neither a proper dota game nor proper smash game.
I played the shit out of it but it just gets dull and boring after 2-3 games.
The game was shit to begin with then completely ruined by all the OW characters they added. I wish someone would just take a sledgehammer up to the server room and smash OW and HOTS. Hell, might as well take a crack at WoW, SC2, D3 and HS. Nublizz sucks ass.
HotS is better than every other moba that isn't HoN.
Enjoy your dead game bro
Good question. It's the only moba I liked
I play everyday, nazeebo main masters
I know. I stopped playing HoN a few years ago after S2 sold it off to some chinese company... or russian, I forget which. Regardless, the fact that the game had a $30 price point when it came out and League of Legends was free meant that LoL had the userbase, and HoN had all the serious contenders. But if there is anything Fortnite has taught us in recent time is that having a free game with halfway decent gameplay always trumps a paid game in the same genre.
Is toads still the way to go or people are waking up on Wchads?
I'm not in the mood. Sometimes I get into the mood a play it non-stop for a couple days, then it goes away, and it might be a couple months until the mood strikes again. Artanis is the best by the way.
This is so out of character
I've quit all MOBAs by this point, everything wrong with DOTA and its clones now is concentrated in HOTS design philosophy.
Im waiting for some of the other AOS developers from WC3 to port their games to standalones now to get away from the modern MOBA shitfest, one of them is currently porting their version of the game where instead of towers you capture nodes where you can build towns and unit producing structures, and the map is 3x larger then DOTAs was, so that might be interesting.
But HOTS? Fucking watered down trash, just like OW.
Posting my wall of shame.
The game fucking sucks, I quit playing it like,I quit all the mobas i play. Except hots has even less clue what the fuck it wants to do. Every single map has retarded gimmicks that range from okay to super fucking bad. The one with the raven was particularly unfun. The one where you collect nukes was the only one even close to being interesting, but even then they're so powerful it ruins the gamemode pretty much. The bosses that summon from the camps are dumb, the zerg are dumb, the sun temple is really fucking retarded. There is barely a single mechanic in this game that leans into where it actually does well, instead it leans harder and harder into gimmicky gameplay and stupid shit constantly. If it wants to be a hero brawler, stop taking all your fucking mechanics from mobas and lean into this genre you are making. The heroes are generally fun to play. Instead they constantly overlay layers of bullshit on top of one another.
How do you not have Orphea? They gave her away to everyone.
Stopped playing for around whitemane to orphea release. i only play with buddies, i don't really play this solo. Reached 10k yesterday and i decided to get Mephisto. I'm trying to like him but i don't see where he fits desu. Zeratul seems like the superior weave in/out hero compared to him
Everyone who bought a digital ticket to blizzcon.
Not everyone bought it.
nothing because the writers (who were probably hired after legion) don't know anything about it and blizzard want people to forget about it
I could have sworn they gave her to literally everyone that logged in during her event. I guess if you didn't play for a month or two, it would be possible to miss her.
How many heroes are viable in high level play? 10% or 20%?
I want to fuck D.va
>like the new chromie skin
>want to buy the orange one
>animations are blue
I hate the current meta but it's one of the most balanced.Some heroes are always good just because of their kits. Yet in some maps other heroes become way stronger since it makes their niche roles shine. Xul is SSSS+ in BHB average to bad in every other map. Dehaka,falstad and Brightwing are normally good heroes but gain more value in a fuckbigmap like warhead junction, or the ones that reward good quick rotations, like dragon shire and braxis holdout. Rexxar even with the buffs is hot garbage in most conventional situations but nobody can't stop him in a 1v1 solo lane, forcing the enemy to rotate thus making your team gain value in other lanes
But anyway if we talk about generalist heroes that you can just fill regardless of map? i would say 40% of the whole roster (keep in mind it's still small compared to lol/d2.
Some shit will always be garbage, Gazlowe, Probious, Chen. They need too much setup and/or have easy counters
I really wanted to be good with the last vikings because I am an oldfag and loved the game and their mechanics are pretty fun but I am absolutely atrocious with them.
>Anuberak highest level.
Nothing to be ashamed off.
I've played nonstop for 8 months now, they definitely did not give her away at all, my friends I play with don't have her either
Practice your micro game and get a team of 5. Uncoordinated TLV is trash, They fell off the more the game came but they're still the kings of macro, and macro wins this game hard. Get bribe and merc lord, learn the correct objective and mercenaries timings, apply pressure as soon as objectives pop. Force the enemy team to deal with your push in critical moments thus giving your team an edge in the fight. All while giving them XP advantage. If you can't take down a fort with it b-line into the healing fountains, Especially if the next objective will appear in that lane. It's all about planing with these guys.
Bottom line is even if you're the elder norse god you won't do much if your team can't adapt to having vikings in the team. This is why being a premade is so vital. Oh and obviously they underperform in 2 lane maps. So UD/Ranked is probably the way to play them (Preferably last pick to not get TRACER'd
Why do people ALWAYS skip over the "halving the dev team" part? Are you THIS desperate to "btfo" an E-sports-fag?
>boring ass undertuned hero
>only pick her for her cute-ass pilot form
wish she'd get a rework though
I have too much fun with Orphea.
Didn't know Heart of the Swarm had this many characters. Thats pretty cool.
>alex in favorites
Can't say no to such a perfect body.
HOTS is the most casual moba you can ever find and them trying to make it an esport baffles my mind.
Don't get me wrong I like the game and it is the only moba that I can enjoy without having a blood vessel burst out of rage. But Blizzard's attempt to make everything as pro as possible is killing the games slowly but surely.
Comes from a retard who mainly plays SGT.Hammer and the giant slug.
go away your game fuckin sucks
I don't think anybody denies the addition of e-sports was retarded. I wonder how many people, if any, all that sponsorship brought to the game, instead of doing the usual events and cross promotions and having it as a casual shitfest that i enjoyed screwing around with other 4 people
i tried watching it to see what high level gameplay was like but tuned out because hots has awful balance even by moba standards so it was literally just ''whoever gets genji/maiev/abathur on a large map'' wins
Because fuck off with your OC DONUT STEEL anime girls. This game was supposed to be about the characters from other universes, not your shitty fanfics.
But even ingoring that, the game itself is dumpster fire. Which is a fucking shame.
I had a good time playing Zul'jin, he was the first hero I tried. I never imagined that 'autottack: the hero' can be so fun. Also sniping backline with Guillotine is pure kino Clocked lvl 67 on the bad guy, then switched to Jaina because Her Dreadlord skin makes my peepee hard and she's fun to play too.
HotS still makes me seethe because while it's kind of garbage, it could've been so much better. THe only thing worse than a bad game is a bad game that had every opportunity to become better, but refused to do so every single time.
Orphea did nothing wrong.
Zul'jin is litterally the most chill and cool hero in the game, and that's a good thing.
Yrel has no right to be this cute. It should be illegal.
The crime is her foul existence, the sentence is death of the game.
I love the concept arts.
only moba that isnt inherently anger inducing. i cant play league or dota without feeling bitter and angry even when i win.
they are, dare i say it, not fun
We have Imperius and he is basically the Garithos of Diablo
do you still need to pay $9.99 per character or play 6000+ hours to unlock the heroes?
>shit balance
>shit heroes added for 3 years
>ruined heroes reworks
They already said that they're going to "update" the game to fit more into WoW. So yeah, if he's not removed, they'll probably tone him down .
>tfw like Imperius but can't make fun of Imperiusfags anymore because he's acutally in the game
at least I'll always have this
I feel bad for him. Mainly because i'm in the same CopeTrain(tm) Since i'm a Cairnefag. I want a proper TC. not the meme one.
Best boy Rehgar only level 5
FUCK OVERSHIT CHARACTERS. Fuck Overshit characters. For more than a year Genji and Tracer invalidated almost the entire ranged assassin hero pool. And then they added Hanzo which is basically a better mage than most mages for far less skill required. Oh and he can take camps in a second, has great wave clear, one of the best reveals in the game with a low cooldown, and a great escape. Fuck Overshitters.
But bless the art team god damn.
Because Blizzard games are for faggot normies
quit long ago and dont want to put in effort getting into it again. was decent fun but the weak particle effects and lack of being able to get ahead was kinda stifling.
I which it would allow person XP but if you were ahead of your team it would take a part of your XP and pass it to others, then you could still level up ahead but not too far.
The real problem? Quick Match. Yes Overshart got overblown, Lots of heroes and even OW maps. But quickmatch is the "main mode" for many and it's a die roll. No draft, bans, etc. People just think everything is a clown fiesta, they get no game sense out of it, nothing.
damn, I'm a faggot normie
It's a weird position the game's always been in. One one hand, I can play the hero I want in quick meme so that's great. But on the other hand, I'm basically at the mercy of RNG. The other team has a Sgt. Hammer and matchmaking didn't give us a counter for her? Sgt. Hammer simply wins the game. You roll autoattackers and they have 3 blinds? They autowin. So the obvious solution is to play ranked or URD, but then you generally won't be able to play what you want and people take it way more serious than they should. There's no winning, really.
It wouldn't be so bad if quickmatch forced at least 1 tank and 1 healer for each team. Playing something like Lunara or whatever without a front line is agony.
Blizzard coup de graced it.
There were only 4 heroes I didnt own when I uninstalled it
I would but for some reason it overheats my laptop. Runs at steady fps though.
If I ask Alex nicely, would she let me have sex with her and cum inside her pussy?
>would she let me cum inside her pussy?
that's kinda her deal, so yes
it's really fuckin unfortunate, draenei girls are the best and i need the hots team to work their magic.
Ok harder question would she be ok with anal?
>Aspect of life wasting time doing non-vaginal things
Bitch even when it was afloat you weren't gonna play it because "I don't support activision trash"
sure, as long as you don't cum in her ass
Because I have good taste.
That looks like a frankenstein's monster of traces.
>We will never get a trailer as hype as this ever again
Why live?
>not just playing Unranked
Might as well just play ARAM if you're that scared of a draft
I want to marry and impregnate Li-Ming
I'm advocating for UD being the actual QM and QM being removed tho
I play it from time to time. Overwatch characters in the game are cancer though.
Nobody actually plays QM though, especially new players because of that shitty segregated queue
Because Activision killed it.
>Nobody actually plays QM though
The less than a minute queue time tell me otherwise user.
Overwatch heroes are fun
>Not a dive assassin
>low HP pool
>chasing Hanzo
I like playing the healers who can fight like Uther and Kharazim
God I hate the casualization of town portals.
>of all the blizzard games
>this is they delayed and then culled
for shame
>he doesn't play melee kharazim
>he doesn't play cheeky aba
>he doesn't play cheeky murky
>he doesn't play cheeky vikings
>he doesn't play max sadism alarak
>he doesn't play cho'gall deathball
>he doesn't play lucio
>he doesn't play scatter hanzo
i'm probably forgetting a few too
the rest of the heroes are pretty ok too. there are only two hero design choices I blatantly disagree with:
>what if we gave him 3 free escapes, a large health pool, and a fuck ton of stuns/sleeps? lmao
>nu stitches
>we shortened the range of his hook because it was a toxic ability
keep in mind people actually called an in-game ability toxic...still salty because I was a stitches main and thought we would get an actual dedicated hook build for the rework. oh how i was wrong.
>Make a Cloaken announcer
>Immediately remove him from the HotS team
At least my wife Lana Bachynski is still there for now.
>Why aren't you playing heroes of the storm?
Because it's dead and it was fucking garbage.
Just like Puppey's relevance
>Its a trash game that is not fun to play.
>its the most watered down shit ever. there nothing to keep you playing.
>Theres no depth to the gameplay, the map objectives are gimmicky shit, theres no map design. no items, no map height, no movement speed or turn rate or any mechanic that made mobas interesting.
>Nothing, there is literally nothing you just click on heroes and spam abilities that do chip damage
It's all true.
>Fuck you, map objectives are fun and make full teamfights instead of boring laning whole game.
You are a fucking stupid imbecile.
Objectives take freedom of choice and decision making, strategies and good roaming away from players and instead the game forces you to do that fucking shit against your will.
It fits imbeciles like you exactly well because with your simple underdeveloped brain you'd have no idea what to do and get lost, but there's a hand-holding mechanic that tells you where to go! Woohoo, imbeciles are happy.
What are you on about?
>tank main
nothing to be ashamed of, based user
I prefer her Cheerleader skin.
lol yea bro ebin anime lol
He is now my default announcer on pretty much all heroes save a few who have Alarak.
For me it is my wife Li-Ming.
This game is total shit. No last hitting, no items, shared gold and xp. Why the fuck would anyone want to play with these kinds of mechanics?
teamplay mechanics and moba action gameplay
I'm level 315 and only play Vs AI with human teammates.
I'm not being even slightly ironic.
Deathball was nerfed.
Capped to 40 stacks.
Can't meme for mid-late game chuckles and endless silence murder poking.
pleb-tier in what way, i'm not a waifufag but dvas skin-tight outfit and cute hair is what makes me want to fuck her a lot.
fuck, wasn't aware of this
i'll miss the days I could troll with my friend by getting 100 gems on spider queen and not ending the game until 45 minutes in.... they literally could not kill us as 5 because the ball of destiny was too strong.
God damn you asshole.
By the 15-20 minute mark you can just roll and poke endlessly. Enemy comes in to kill. "Bomb out!" mass silence and half health bar drainage.
They heal. Regroup. try again.
>Bomb out
Again. And again. And again.
The lulz me and my friend had....
personally I think quick match is essential to hots.
it's a more casual, fun oriented game, so picking the hero you like and just jump right into a game is for me the best way to play it.
sure sometimes you get a shit comp but usually it's somewhat mirrored so the opponent has a whacky comp too.
>yeah, but the growth was 100% artificial. If not for Riot/Valve shitting out money for the Esport scenes, the chink millionaires and companies wouldn't have came into the scene.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Do you even understand that The International prize pools are CROWD FUNDED by the players who pay for compendiums in Dota?
And it's only 25% of the amount of money they spent on it.
I repeat.
Valve takes 75%.
Valve "Shitting money", my ass.
Look at it this way.
QM's randomness forces you to take that character you like and build them to the situation.
Unranked draft, makes you choose a character that fits. Idealy you got a few builds on a few characters that fit into a wide variety of comps/scenarios. As well as teaching about counters due to forced lock in order
Ranked takes all that and expects you to apply what you've learned.
kek, gj
i miss the good ol days
what I wanted to point out is that quick match is the most important mode in the game, exactly because most players just want to do what you described, pick some cool hero and play a few rounds.
this is exactly what fits a casual game like hots the most.
I'm not saying draft and ranked has no place, just that, unlike with the other mobas, it's not the core experience.
I wouldn't call it most important though.
Most fun? Sure. Debatable, but sure.
>The wait times say it definitely is.
But the point I'm making is that QM is the first step to actually learning the game and all of it's actually interesting mechanics.
Because there's nothing more satisfying than building a comp with great synergy that can stack CC and melt faces.
With QM you're at the whim of MM's insanity and a lot of the time I find it an unfair struggle.
Where with draft modes at least you can identify why you've lost and try to do better in the future.
>outside of that one random shitter that just fucks everything up.
I didn't find it fun.
>I wouldn't call it most important though.
I didn't find any official numbers, but according to hotslog quickplay is by far the most played mode. Dunno about hotslog but usually these sites are decently precise.
Also you're doing the mistake of projecting your personal interests and sources of enjoyment onto everyone else. I get it what your motivation is, but it's simply not what most people are after, at least primarily.
It's true for almost all multiplayer games; most players are casual and not willing or able to improve much. Here this is amplified through the already very casual approach of the game.
and don't use quotes like that
ill kick your fucking ass, nigger
>cringy character dialogue
LoL is LITERALLY the worst at this, I don't know if irony that thick can be unintentional
I like playing certain heroes so I like QM.
I played it for 4 years, i liked it but i'm done with moba's.
I uninstalled Battle.net. Why should I reinstall?
>Character assassination at its best.
Top fucking kek.
Hang yourself waifufag