What can be done about this?

What can be done about this?

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more like young men play more video games because they can't have sex

have sex

>What can be done about this?

Reactionary revolution that turns Western countries into Hand Maiden's Tale.

video games aren't the cause, they are a symptom. while 80% of men find only 20% of women unattractive, 80% of women only find 20% of men attractive.

>What can be done about this?
Women stop being obnoxious little shits that obsess about reality TV?

>this projection

LMAO. I played vidya instead of banging hoes. What did I get out of it? Countless fun hours, inspiration for my novels, and a q.t gamer girlfriend.

Meanwhile the guys who spent all of their time desperately trying to get laid have no finances, future, or anything left in them. They blew all of their parents money on alchohol and drugs, and now have nothing to show for it.

I will always say video games are the best thing that ever happened to me.

If the roles were reversed, they would tell men to shape up and be more desirable to beat vidya for womens' attention.

But since they aren't, women shouldn't change anything they're doing and all men are manchild pigs

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New Studies show also women have too high of standards leaving men not care anymore and play video games.

found your problem OP

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Not interested in 3d whores yikes. Call me back when we can have anime robot loli waifu to have sex with who can also be impregnated and sure enough I'll go for it.

>Oh no, woman won't be able to force them into buying more and more shit each day with the sole fact that they possess a vagina

Video games have been around for nearly 50 years, 3rd wave feminism and #metoo is the reason young lefty men aren't having sex.

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based vidya saving pure souls from the clutches of thots

Import Asian women from abroad, they like video games and white males. China and Japan aren't using theirs, so lets take theirs.

I wish I could see what kind of articles will pop up when sex bots become a thing, too bad it probably won't happen in my lifetime.

what the fuck are they doing outside with the joycons holder thingy

Women need to stop being pathetic roasties wanting to get fucked by Jamal or some other nigger. I have great aryan genes but nope, dumb roasties prefer being single and having a mutt. This is why society is falling apart.

>stinky 3d shit
Play more videogames.

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More like what can be done about women's IMPOSSIBLY high standards. Look at this chick:


She fucking says NO to like 50 Chads, and only liked about 5 GIGA Chads. Fucking retarded whore.

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Why the hell are they using the double joy-con controller without the switch?

anecdotal evidence. Most guys that spend a lot of time playing video games are completely undesirable to women and that only encourages them to play more vidya.

So basically video games so far have been responsible for
>turning kids into satanists
>mass shootings and general violence
>making men into rapists
>making men less horny
Did I miss anything important?

Nothing. You leave people to enjoy what they want to enjoy, you armchair authoritarian cunt.

I watch porn and play video games if I don't have someone I love to be with, and I have sex and am productive if I do have someone I love to be with. All this entertainment stuff means I don't have to chase after girls I don't even like inbetween meaningful relationships. In that way, it has led to more responsible partner selection.

Young white men that is.

It makes them kill themseves too

Women need to be cuter, sexier, and less cunty

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It's just that low quality men aren't bending over backwards to get a low quality girlfriend anymore, since they can get something just as good without trying. It's a good thing. Sex is for procreating, and no one wants me to procreate.

sex doesn't that long

>due to vidya
No, we're just not getting laid

>Men are horn dogs who only care about sex

>Men don’t care enough about sex anymore

These people are just anti-men


what did he mean by this

Maybe women should stop chasing prince charming and his unicorn.

we could play more video games?

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>"Men are a bunch of pigs who only care about sex"
>care less about sex
>"Waaaaaah, why are they doing this?!"
We can never win, can we?

You forgot getting Drumpf elected and crashing digital media along with general faith in journalism. Also something about late 30s childless and alone cat women.

Hey hey, it's not our fault we have a mental condition.

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>Pseudoscientist studies
Wow, it's not like there are other factors that weight more than vidya, like the globilized world starting to frown on sex, gender and erotism because of murrica leaking their tranny/extreme feminism bullshit

I'm having less sex because my demanding and stressful job is literally killing my mood and erections, not videogames

ahaha you're so fucking retarded
they're all manchildren, poor, ugly and stupid and look very boring
I bet you fall in love with the cashier lady when she touches your palm lol

And what is the reason young righty men are having even less sex?

why are women so obsessed with sex
is sex the only thing of value women offer to the world

>I bet you fall in love with the cashier lady when she touches your palm lol

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You can in vidya.

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you already won by being a man, even if you're a massive loser you have more value than any roastie

lefty anarchist here, i just had sex with your female family members while we discussed how warped and twisted the idea of meritocracy is.

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>is sex the only thing of value women offer to the world

well they voluntarily got rid of their companionship value so yes

Women are so worthless they can get replaced by video games lmao

They're too busy Sneedposting.

Is that Sean Murray on the right?

How can I cash in on some of this value lad?

Lets see, there are no high paying jobs anymore unless you were born rich, men are too ashamed to take women to their parents house so they aren't having sex, and there are millions of bullshit distractions like video games or streaming tv shows and movies. Maybe capitalism should save itself by giving us back our wealth the rich stole from us so we can start having sex again.

>due to video games
new law exploded the escort prices in Germany. I can't afford the pretty girls anymore.

Fix women

>young men
So I'm assuming that young women are fine on this matter. But how? The only possible explanation is that they are fucking older men. Now that's something.

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Deal with it

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They are all fucking a handful of young men. This is known.

What's wrong with a meritocracy

Older men are hoarding all the wealth from younger men, makes sense.

Got laid and a wife due to videogames so idk

They're fucking each other.

while your heart is in the right place when you are talking about class inequality, you should not think it's your money that gets you laid. You personality is more effective at getting laid than money and that's a demonstrable fact.

>Western women

I don't think it's a can or cannot issue. I think it's just that there's too much "red tape" that you have to go through, so men are just shrugging and doing something else that doesn't require jumping through hoops

That's kinda' meaningless, though. Men consider looks more important than women do, because men are visual creatures. This would be like asking men and women to rate eachother on how impressed they are with eachother's resumes.

why do people put so much value on sex? I mean I get the obvious biological reasons for having it, but I mean why are you considered a failure if you don't have it every day or some shit? The world is filled with more distractions than ever before, it seems natural that some things take a step back, even sex.

Also its just frankly overrated, never has it become more obvious than in modern times when you can do better shit with your time than trying to court females with all the bullshit pomp and circumstance required.

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Maybe women should step their game up.

Let me guess, many of you are in your early 20s/late teens

As someone who just ascended to wizardhood this year, lemme tell you this: make drastic changes to your hobbies and lifestyle soon otherwise you'll end up like me. Ending up like me is easier than you think, all it takes is time

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on paper nothing, in practice it's the powerful that create what is "worthy" and who is "deserving" and they only reward things that confirm their own worth and power as legitimate and just, they create and control the paradigm.

Even if you do have a great personality, looks, etc, how can you explain to a girl that you live in your parents house due to circumstances outside your control? Women are vain af

And I'm a Martian Earthling.

I have very little desire to fuck bitches irl because I have multiple roleplay partners and a working internet connection to look at as much porn as I want. Why would I waste my time talking to a boring woman when I can just enjoy whatever I want at home, and play some vidya after I bust my load?

Truly, only the Chaddiest of Chads

Fuck off, half the guys she swiped were total creeps I recognized even as a man

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Nothing. The west will die off, and the east will reign.

Pussy market is inflated, just gotta wait for cunts to come back down to earth and realize they're not godesses but men with a vagina.

Don't worry bro, I'll be joining you soon in our wizard tower.

>Men consider looks more important than women do
No, it's just that men are open about being shallow when they are shallow, while women pretend they aren't.

>Men consider looks more important than women do
the picture literally proves you wrong
men care much less about looks than women

exactly how you worded it, turns out there are women with brains and understanding.

but I live on my own

lmao women can't compete with video games lol imagine losing to pixels get rekt

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I literally worked on this study and the conclusion reached was that men sex rates from 18-30 were down and it correlated with men moving out of their parent's house at a later age and did NOT correlate with video games.

They are just worried of not having power over you.

Stop playing video games all day, get your life in order and get a girl. Simple as

you're a dum dum

Schizoid here
I had a spellbook, robe and a staff, all predestined for me before I was even doomed into existence

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>getting a girlfriend in 2019
>jumping through hoops
wheew. what a time to be alive.

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>by Callum Henderson

Fuck off roastie you have been replaced

>being jelly of based Natan
not cool


so what spells do you get? Aura of Depression? Touch of the Infirm? Snot missile?

I hate the modern social landscape. Act on sexual desires, you're hurting women by making them feel like a piece of meat. Don't act on desires, you are hurting women by making them feel unwanted.
Being socially autistic is suffering, because I can't understand this shit at all.

but we have whorehouses in eastern europe, not that I would go I prefer to not get robbed or get stds

>men are visual creatures
Surely you're not implying that women aren't. If so you should consider if you're having a stroke

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god, i love video games.

So the west is finally catching up to the Hikikomoris of Japan.

I'm a wizard+9 and i regret nothing.
Bee yourself.

> China women
The only child policy resulted in very few girls in the country as most families would rather have a male child.

I had sex with a dutch prostitute that was the most beautiful woman to ever take her clothes in front of me. It was the most depressing sex ever. It's only fun if the girl is actually into you.

Literally nothing. Having the best person for a job is what makes things run faster/smoother/quicker/more efficiently. The only people advocating against it are people who are bitter about not being accepted for a job they very likely would be terrible at.

While it is well plausible that women consider looks less important than men, it is definitely one aspect of attractiveness. Also, it would be surprising if the preference of women was any different regarding other aspects of attractiveness.
There is actually a mathematical paper that probabilistically resolves Darwin's variability hypothesis with a model that assumes women to be significantly more picky than men. If women only mate with the top 20% of the men, while men mate with all but the bottom 80% of the women this has consequences to the entire population, namely the variability of the distribution of what makes up attractiveness. Given how the variability hypothesis can be empirically confirmed, I have little reason to doubt that.

Not him, but this shit studies are made because of low birth rates, they don't give a shit about how many times you get your Dick wet
So, personality may get you laid yes, but having children and supporting them is another story, you need money for a smart girl to let you fill their womb with your seed and have offspring.

>implying there's any reason to have sex when there's a massive, continually-growing third-world population ready to be imported to replace labor

I feel worse about not having a job to be honest.

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Russia also has a surplus of women due to Russian men drinking themselves to death. But act fast, they're being bought up by rich Arabs.

People's bodies are still in the 1500s and the average person can't think beyond their immediate needs. It is weird that OTHER people try to pressure you into having sex. I don't really get that. Maybe if you don't value sex, then people who have it won't feel as good about it. This is the impression I always got from competitive gamers who try to bully others into playing their game or playing by their rules. They're just wolves looking to convert you into sheep.

Imagine giving a fuck about 3D pigs.


No, the study finds that people are having less sex and consuming more video games. This does not not necessite a dependence on each other merely correlation. And I don't even need to read the actual study to know that this is the case, just another shitty study from a shitty university trying to whore up to the media.

women and liberal men have no merits
a meritocracy would be hell for them

yes. they gonna freak once sex robots becomes a thing.

Curse of Alcoholism, Spirit of Nagging Anxiety

Women don't know what they want most of the time.

Stop giving such a basis to bs "articles" on the internet.

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How many problems have been blamed on vidya so far? as far as I can recall

>youth violence/bullying/school shootings
>adult violence in general
>low birth rates
>low church attendance
>being too left-wing
>being too right-wing
>being too apolitical
>X favored boomer industry dying out
what else?
should we just wait for all the boomers to die out for this nonsense to end?
not mutually exclusive
yes but they are russian. You don't want to have a family with a soulless russian woman, trust me. source: eastern European

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To these people we can't have anything nice. So the sheer escapism power and beauty of games must be looked down upon and slandered. Like other escapism art forms, there is such a purity to them that people aren't happy with. Perhaps because they are jaded and everything has to be about suffering for those types.

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still cant take a girl home since his living in his moms basement.

They're already trying to ban them in Canada and Britain.

>low birth rates
we should support this, not be scared by it. The planet is overpopulated, we cannot take natural reasorces from the earth to give each individual a decent standard of living, so the fact our population is increasing is gonna mean both a lot of poverty and a lot of ecological damage. We can prevent both by lower birthrates for several generations. I know this sounds like NWO to some of you deluded fags, but it's about utilitarianism and survival.

It's almost like videogames are the superior option


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This honestly, i’d take a decent job over a gf any day.

>leftist mutt
>channel icon is some guy wearing a pussy hat
Back to resetera you worthless fucking faggot

well isnt one of the reasons is that Men are shamed for wanting sex?

never prevented my friends, then again we are all from Serbia and maybe there is less of a social stigma with living with your parents here.

If no one else is fine to btfo the city slickers then we've got to do it

Loneliness and validation. As with all things.

its not the sex itself. they want you to have kids and spent money on things other then video games.

This doesn't apply to first world countries with stable or declining populations. Nobody cares about the third world outside of the fact that it is, in fact, ruining the world.

Reminder that wealth inequality and capitalism are causing the falling white birth rates along with the lack of sex among young male adults and white supremacists can't seem to tie these two things together and instead blame the 3rd world.

Eastern European women are much better than Western Thots

women need to lower their standards

Mandatory gym class. The guys who stayed in gym class until they graduated are all socially competent. The ones who stopped were pretty spergy.

I'm 27 and I was never interested in having gf or having sex.
I have job and play vidya every day.

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i lost my wizard card and im still a loser.

They "need to"? Why?

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people keep mentioning this every time I upset you /pol/tards, but I still have no idea what that is. Probably some forum you people feel threatened by.

Oy vey

I try to give simple life advice so you dont die as scum fucky welfare leeches and this is the thanks I get? Get a job

Tinder will be the death of Western Civilization

What novels. I need a laugh.

unironically this
being in a relationship is singlehandedly the most tedious backwards ass just making sure someone is satisfied so i can be left the fuck alone shitshow i always knew it would be.

id been in relaitonships all my life, I can say that I never really had any trouble getting laid/dating, aside from the occasional rejection and that anyone with my genes, ive been assured, would be out there sowing their wild oats.

but fuck i could give a fuck about giving a fuck. sex is overrated, and nothing will feel better than beating Bloodborne, not even heroin

Lurk more retard

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keep blaming the jews for everything and see how well your life will end up.

not really. bring a russian woman into your country to start a family and she'll suck you dry within a few years. See how their supposed christian morality plays out in reality. You have no idea how vicious russians are, the climate must have fucked them in the head or something.
The grass is always greener on the other side, user

>Article after article blaming men for everyone's problems, especially womens'
>Misandry is extremely common online to the point where even people who believe in men being emotional and voicing their concerns ridicule them as pussies

And people wonder why men would rather hole up and play video games than waste their time getting scraps from 5/10s that worship pets and scarf down pizza

I am so fucking glad I found an attractive woman who isn't a massive cunt, dating in 2019 is a complete shitshow

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Where is the link to this study you fags

Why? It's working fine for the people who matter. I've had good success with it for example.

While you're 100% right about women being dumb shits that don't know what they want, you're wrong about the sex thing. People not haivng sex is up to almost 60% of males and it's probably directly correlated with If you're a looklet, or an autismo just starting out trying to talk with girls, you could get metood, if you have anything of value you could easily lose it via being bad at social skills which before didn't happen. Picking up a co worker that you were a superior of, or just somebody you work with could lose you your job. Henry Cavill even said it himself "I'm a romantic I believe the man should chase the woman, but nowadays that could be seen as rape and it's not worth it" to which a bunch of retarded women told him "WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST NOT RAPE HRRRMMMM?!?!?!" as if they wouldn't be hitting the lotto if Cavill wanted to rape them.

Point is this climate is toxic for everybody involved and it won't change until the pendulum swings away from these multicolor haired weirdoes.

Oy vey Boyim stop playing videogames! Be a nice guy for Stacy while she fucks Chad behind your back!

Women are blind. Have you ever seen a female artist? Women care more about staus and smell than looks.

The fact women wear make-up and clothes designed to make them look more attractive, and men don't, and are generally considered the prettier sex prove you wrong. You're misinterpreting my point. The graph doesn't reveal that women care more about looks, it reveals that the average man is ugly -- and he is. But in real life, that doesn't matter much because looks are just a small part of what women care about, while it's the most important thing to men.

This is common knowledge, I don't know what planet you guys are from.

it's in a headline that means it's fact

Never gonna happen

been here since project chanology faggot, you lurk moar when I'm posting in a thread.

You moron, the jews of all people would want people to endlessly reproduce. Otherwise there'd be no one to rule.
There isn't a single non malicious reason for the continuation of the species, it's all based on pure hollow self satisfaction, occasionally under the guise of some ideal.

you're right, they have no reason to. They can just fuck some chads and settle down for the betabucks when they want. It's amazing how the world just seems to come together sometimes.

I just realised that how ugly I am. I've always thought I was ugly, but today I had to record of video of myself for a job application and seeing myself in that video just solidified those feelings. I've tried countless times to get a gf but I know I never will because I'm really ugly.

These 2 guys looks like they will have gay sex later.


>millions of years of evolution
and here you are
completely and utterly irrelevant.

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New study claims young men are having less sex due to leaving the catholic church

5 shekels have been deposited into your account

>What can be done about this?
Well first you'd have to make women worth a damn. They used to be, but now they're a terrible investment of time and effort. Women are worth less than video games economically.

betas will always be betas, tinder has nothing to do with that

This comic is pathetic. That guy is a moron for trying to change himself for someone who clearly isn't into him. What would he have done if he actually managed to win her over? LARP as someone else for the entirety of the rest of his life? No wonder divorce rates are so high, people are more concerned with other shit than basic compatibility.

I am not having sex because I'm ugly to be quite honest

another shit show i can enjoy watching.

what's the conversion rate to RSD?

Based chad

Sure kid

The jews play on both sides, you can't win against them
They will just bring more people from the third world

And honestly that feels awesome as fuck.

This is it exactly.

Humans in general are shallow whores but women like to think they’re better than that when in reality no. They aren’t.

same, I repell women

My bro's friend was "married" to a russian woman I think he imported. After a few eyars he comes home to a note that says "dear John, i am leaving you bhye" with bye mis spelled taped to his mirror written on a toilet paper square. I was dying.

This is it for me but also I think I'm cursed. Every girl I start to like and think about asking out her mother dies within 3 weeks.

Well I am polish so our women might be different but they are generally pretty nice

Pretending that you're changing the fate of the species by breeding is one of the biggest copes possible.

I can see all western countries pulling this shit since birthrates aren't improving anytime soon, not even importing the 3rd world to the west will help in the long term.

i hear stories all the time of guys buying Eastern European girls and than having thier Life sucked out of them.

oi you got a loicense for that robo poosie m8

England is such a shithole, good god

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>Yea Forums falls for another shitty clickbait article in order to vent about women and sex again

After all this shit, you faggots will still fall for anything.

>Speaking to The Washington Post, San Diego State University psychology professor Jean Twenge commented on the findings, explaining that while video games and other forms of entertainment are partially to blame, the fact that less people are getting married young, and entering committed and long-term relationships, is also a significant factor.
>She also believes that, since more and more millennials are living with parents, it's become harder and harder for them to have sexual encounters.Twenge stated:
>"There are more people in their twenties who don't have a live-in partner. So under those circumstances, I think less sex is going to happen ... When you're living at home it's probably harder to bring sexual partners into your bedroom."
>However, she did admit that the attraction of new tech, and all the entertainment it provides, seems to be steering men away from sex and towards screens. Twenge stated:
>"[There are] more things to do at 10 o'clock at night than there were 20 years ago ... streaming video, social media, console games, and everything else."

tldr: People are having less sex because we have more stuff to do than just fuck and work nowadays.

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I have no sex because I have never approached a girl.


I got bored with the video and scrolled down.

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Time and time again the truth gets no replies

just be yourself bro lol

work on your personality and wit or lower your standards. We live in the most sexually liberal times since hippies were a thing, you will get laid sooner or later if you have at least a handful of qualities.

>brainwashed polski literal cuck shilling for overrated kurwas
Why do retards do this shit?
The only thing you "gain" by shilling for roasties is more princesses who don't want to fuck you and only want to leave the country to get someone better than you.

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same, i can't be fucked to care what women think of my physical appearance

Women really do care less about looks on men, though. There are tons of fat/ugly motherfuckers out there pounding hot broads because women are attracted to different shit from men (and it doesn't simply come down to confidence)

It doesn't work the same way with men; no man is going to choose an ugly hamplanet because she's witty or clever or whatever

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Alright gonna watch some porn, who's joining?

They are still much better than average American whores

>no man is going to choose an ugly hamplanet

>millions of years of evolution
It's an afterthought compared to the age and size of the universe. Any person that thinks they are remotely relevant or has any meaning is fooling himself. There are stars in the universe which make our sun look like an amoeba.

>b-b-but I'm important, my school/church/friends/family told me so
Unironically COPE

>(((Washington Post)))

Stop killing mommies then

No one is threatened by resetera so much as we laugh at its users, because they're fucking insane

Cope and baseless claims

The only people that brag about sex are the ones that have nothing else to offer in life. Pretty pathetic.

The based Ancient Greeks warned us lads.

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To be honest it's true. I would like to get laid but haven't made slightest effort in the last three years to do so, and that's mostly because I just want to play my vidya in peace instead of going out or using tinder or something else. Now if I didn't have vidya, I would probably spend most of my energy on getting a gf.

>After all this shit, you faggots will still fall for anything.

When Yea Forums started caring more about politics and twitter screencaps, the board became a place of internet outrage.
Yea Forums is like that parent in their 40/50s that tells people they're mad about an article they once skimmed over in a google search.

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>have kids

I refuse. I would need to find a girl that is literally everything I dreamed about to even THINK about having a child.

I don't understand why people do it to themselves. Children are so fucking expensive and for the first while are a huge emotional drain that can lead to the relationship imploding from the stress.

this. when i was a kid, the news outlets were all talking about how we were going to reach 6 billion in like a decade. decade came and went, we didn't jump just that amount, but twice it. now we're on the verge of another spike. it's unfortunate the cold war never went hot. this would have been a better regulatory action than video games. forced sterilization should be brought back, but include people from every background this time. maybe not asians

>or lower your standards
So lets say you do this and its time to get freaky with the 5/10 you met on bumble, but you cant get it up because her misshapen smelly body doesnt turn you on due to years of 2D appreciation

Then what?
Are you gonna tell me broscience like nofap will make any hamplanet a one way ticket to bonertown?

At least they are honest about being gold diggers


The only women that want me are used up (27 years old+), ugly, fat. Even when I had money, it was the exact same desu

I'm ugly so I only get ugly girls, and it just ain't worth it. Ever known the feeling of having to lie about why you consistently fail to cum, because all the bitches are ugly? When I hooked up with actual attractive women in uni because they were drunk, I could not keep myself from cumming everywhere

Life is dreadful

Nah retard, what we need to do is sterilize the billions of niggers, indians and chinks that breed like rats and consume resources without any concern for the environment. The majority of plastic pollution comes from China and India.

People are too busy shitflinging, kek

Alright, they will if they have a fetish, or if they're cripplingly desperate

The saddest thing I've ever seen was a buff, decent looking guy with a girl big enough to dam an ocean. I pray to God they were related and just looking after a kid for the night because they had a fucking baby


I have to disagree with everything you wrote I'm afraid. I'm leaning more towards the idea that women rate men lower because they're conditioned to 'never settle' and try to punch out of their league, while men are almost never belittled for multiple sexual exploits, even those that could be perceived as 'lower tier'- see also 'slam pig'. They have more sexual freedom, at least as viewed by society.

Women are raised to pickier, and so they are.

As someone who is 30 and had sex a total of 7 times (2 being tinder hoes), I'm gonna say Tinder actually ruined everything.

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Haven't had sex since yesterday, not sure how much longer I can go on lads

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inb4 some fag assumes you're talking about only whites and brings up India or Africa

It's still true

>but you cant get it up because her misshapen smelly body doesnt turn you on due to years of 2D appreciation
getting over that is also implied in "lowering your standards", especially if they are as unreasonable as 2D anime tiddies. I don't know exactly how as I personally never had that problem myself.

>everything is rape unless you are Chad
>waaaaaahhhhhhhhh why aren't the slaves reproducing?

>work crazy hours
>barely ever have time for vidya
>girlfriend always wants sex
>get home want to play vidya
>look like an asshole for wanting time to relax

when you're my age 42 sex isn't the most important thing, even if you're dating a 19 year old.

The fact that you had luck on a meat market like tinder makes you a pretty big normie in my mind, so you have no reason to complain.

>humans have had a boon of things to do for all of recent history BUT JUST NOW THERE'S TOO MUCH TO DO

not him, but your response is also anecdotal.

You don't have to pretend to be someone else, it's just about trying hard to make the other person happy. Because what's the alternative, just keep looking for that one girl who happens to be into guys who sit on their asses in front of their computers and don't do anything with their lives? Is that the kind of "basic compatibility" you're talking about?

Chad probably works even harder on being attractive, he just hides it better.

If whites start purposefully not having babies, that spells the end of mankind as we know it.

>we should support this, not be scared by it.
I think population size is a meme, but "support" is a weird word.
>The planet is overpopulated
By useless people, like Africans and Mexicans, and the people who cry about population sizes and resources are always shitlibs, who are conveniently also the ones who support feeding starving Africans without sterilizing them and inviting brown people into their rich countries. Weird, huh? They're so (((compassionate.)))
>we cannot
There is no "we."
>take natural reasorces from the earth to give each individual a decent standard of living
Why would you? The average person doesn't deserve a decent standard of living, because your standards of living aren't based on reality, they're based on awesome white countries, Japan and Korea. As others have noted, you're also conflating the West with third-world shitholes, when they're completely unrelated. America has more food than it knows what to do with.
>so the fact our population is increasing is gonna mean both a lot of poverty and a lot of ecological damage. We can prevent both by lower birthrates for several generations.
I'm sorry, but whites are declining, and they're the ones who matter. I didn't hear this kind of talk when Africa had 200 million niggers in it, but then the left showered them in food and medicine for free and now there's over a billion of them, and NOW you want to talk birth rates? Suck my cock.

That's a lot of retarded in one post. Women wear make up because women care about their looks. Men don't wear make up because they don't. Make up was originally invented by men for warfare and was primarily used to boost ally moral while intimidating the enemy. Not for sexual competition.

Later on men marketed make up to women after recognizing there was a demand for it.

>the average man is ugly
The average man is average.

>I believe the man should chase the woman

I believe the opposite. None of the women I've met agree with me. I've literally had women sit there and waste their time day after day obviously interested in me and give me "signals" yet not say a god damn word until they exploded and caused a shit ton of drama. Fuck even one of my previous bosses did it to me. She would sit there and pamper me to no end making my work life easy as shit but did she once say she wanted a relationship? NOPE. She just one day turned into a massive bitch until I quit. Then I found out from a manager of a different department that she was crushing on me hard and got pissy I didn't make the first move.

It's true though. You think some chink pajeet or African fuck is going to keep it in their pants? It takes a semblance of intelligence to understand long term benefit over short term gain.

this. and if you are american and the women divorce you, you will be forced to pay for the Child and thats pretty much Everything you own.

Modern white women are degenerate whores and there's not enough asian women to go around.

What the hell are you doing here?


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Are u implying u r Dating a 19 year old girl

Tinder uglies are extremely desperate and extremely psychotic

I hope you like rough sex, because they will tear your back to shreds, pinching nipples until they are blue, choking the bitch half to death, fisting etc. And all on the first date!

You're too late. You can't talk about population control without retards thinking having less people in the world = white genocide.

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Give anyone a Switch and they become less desirable

Women are shallow yes, but they don't love like we do, looking good certainly does a lot for you, but you can compensate by understanding how a woman's brain works, knwoing how to talk, having money, etc. There's a lot of ways around it, Patrice O Neil had it down.

back to /pol/ tribal fuck.


You mean all the plastic the west can't recycle gets sent there. Also its funny as fuck to see fascists start 'caring' about the environment. If you really wanted to save it you'd stop consuming 10 hamburgers a day and buying shitty Ford pickup trucks.

This is some grass-is-greener shit. Russians are bloodthirsty gold diggers that will drop you in a second for the next best offer.

that 19 year old better be your daughter, or you just ain't doing it right

I don't know how man. So far one died in her sleep, one got electrocuted when the dumb bitch ran through a puddle with a live wire in it in the middle of a fucking hurricane because she needed her smokes, and one died in a car accident.

Not an argument

>due to video game
tremendous cope


I know, I feel you don't deserve a better response.

Im white. There’s nothing better than me.

>no pastebin or source
>Yea Forums still argues about it for 200+ posts anyway

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>If you really wanted to save it you'd stop consuming 10 hamburgers a day and buying shitty Ford pickup trucks.
Where the fuck did that come from?

Who believes this poop? Everyone but maybe at best 1% of the population is having sex, I see it everyday and hear about it.

Anyone taller or more muscular is better.

Is this satire

>There are tons of fat/ugly motherfuckers out there pounding hot broads
there are a lot more ugly women banging hot dudes
if you're an ugly guy, you need something else of value to get laid
any ugly woman has guys lining up to fuck her

tinder is not hard user (well, it depends were you live and everyone is a whore here male and female). people use tinder just to get laid and nothing else but you have to be one dirty person to use it since you have no idea were that person has been.

Americans are worse polluters than China, India and even Europe per person.


It's a direct reflection of your social value

I am from the Eastern Europe, most women I knew were really nice and nothing like Yea Forums describes them

Anyone who's had sex and have two brain cells to rub will see the crock off shit that this is. Thinking logically;

>Sex is ok. It's only really enjoyable with someone you like.
>Refractory period means you can't do it forever.
>Add in the fact that you invest in someone to have sex. Even casual encounters require some getting to know and knowledge. STDs are a thing and god forbid she's a psycho who has no intention of keeping it casual.

Vs games.

>Provide entertainment and sometimes, fulfils social needs.
>No investment is neccessary outside of monetary and a cursory review.
>Nowdays, can be a common ground to discuss indepth on.

Games are literally just better lol.

A source doesn't matter, we trust our own eyes and ears

>you will be forced to pay for the Child and that's pretty much Everything you own.

This happened to my best friend. The bitch fucking cut open her neck with a knife in front of the kid. Literally blood on the walls. Got baker acted and everything but the courts still gave her full custody. The reason? She couldn't handle being a mother and not having a "personal life" anymore. How the fuck does a person like that get full custody?

>needing a source for something that is common knowledge

I'm mixed and seeing a white woman get fucked.

>fat as shit my entire life
>lose weight
>turns out I'm somewhat attractive
>get matched on tinder left and right with qts which feel way above my league
>plenty of dates
>fuck up all of them because I've never learned the proper social skills due to me being a neckbeard for my entire life
>started gaining weight again

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u mad?

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You're me

Doesn't help that I'm a huge introvert that grew up in a small midwestern town where the girls were uggo hamplanets or rode the chad thundercock carousel.
And once I went to uni, the old habits became hard to shake and all I did was sit in my apartment and drink and game to wash away the stress of uni workload and being in a new town with no friends

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Encourage women/faggots to be more worthwhile than videogames?

Does this confirm that videogames are better than sex?

I am not American dumbass

>Ahhh fuck I mean ow

Literally lead to one of my girlfriends leaving me when I did that. Why is it fine for a woman to be a masochist but not a man?

Well yeah, because women, like game journos and most men born to single mothers, are passive aggressive people. So you're meant to make the first move biologically as a man because they are not wired for that, they will almost never eb direct with their feelings and go with whatever you want because most women seek to be dominated biologically. You are better than women in most cases, just give Patrice O Neil a spin since he explains better than I do. It's not even pick up artist stuff it's just basic biology, men need to take charge and make the moves because women won't. But women being what they are + dumb and mostly boring means your'e often sifting through garbage on the regular, however the current climate runs counter to how women have always acted. They want to be strong and liberated, and want "sexual harrassment" (read advances) to be punsihable, yet face no repercussions for false accusations and wonder why no men approach. The risk reward of the act of courting is simply not worth it any longer.

I didn't say anything about white genocide, retard.
The only population control we need is for the subhumans in the 3rd world that breed like rats and can't build a country to save their lives.
Do you honestly think the billion niggers will take humanity to Mars?

Oh my god, I hate everyone under 25. Get an education.


That shit really makes or breaks an user.


Falling white birth rate is fine. The problem is replacing them with shitskins. They don't need to be replaced.

Importing from the third world doesn't help in any term, it just turns your country into the third world.

the system is rigged. the worst part, its the Child who will suffer the most.