Falls 100 ft off a cliff and bashes head onto a rock

>falls 100 ft off a cliff and bashes head onto a rock
>finds heavy machine gun in a wood box under a tree and destroys a village with it
>wrestles a wolf, a bear and lion at the same time, wins
>crashes a helicopter by looking at it
>immediately befriends indigenous culture using max charisma
>doesnt raid a tomb
Cmon Lara, youre better than that

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Other urls found in this thread:

rule34hentai.net/_images/0f511ebdab3cefa75759f78641b93d0f/346482 - 3D Animated Lara_Croft Sound Source_Filmmaker Tomb_Raider Young_Link tk173.mp4
rule34hentai.net/_images/394195eb6a3645c99ba309df7dd3bc9a/357892 - 3D Animated Lara_Croft Source_Filmmaker Tomb_Raider clouclou.webm

nu Lara raids third world countries and killing them one by one

>gets gangbanged
>pretends she doesn't enjoy it

> overpowers you from behind, disarms and forces you to eat her out for a several hours, while filming it "for research purposes"
That's horrible...

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she does raid some discount Portal chambers that the game calls tombs

wtf I love nu-Lara now

I'm unironically in love with nu-lara

>>immediately befriends indigenous culture using max charisma
I can accept undead samurai and1000 year old prophets but that Lara's shit disguise in the third game broke immersion for me
>be the only white person in a village filled with natives
>dress up like a native priest
>every other priest is male
>speak to the natives in English while wearing your disguise
>no one calls you out on it

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I really wish psycho photo mode lara was canon lara.

That would make the shitty stories they try to tell 20x better.

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Does it count if shes turning these countries into tombs, through genocide?

Damn right!

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Nu Lara is so damn hot.

post lewd lara right NOW

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>tr 2013
>kills her first person, sends her reeling and makes her sick to her stomach
>shadow of the tomb raider
>lynches people and stabs them through the throat with a rusty shard off a plane propeller, and does it all with a smile

So when are we going to see Lara transition into the short-short wearing protagonist from the PS1 games?
In Shadow of the Tomb Raider she can massacre an entire military base without giving it much of a second thought

They retconned her transition to OG Lara after SOTTR. In the original ending of SOTTR you can see Lara getting a letter which would set off the events of TR1. That got patched out day one.

Never, if only somebody will be able to get rights for franchise.

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I think they exactly didn't intend to make a transition in the first place, it was more like an easter egg. They cut it so people wouldn't get wrong ideas about foreseeable future of the series.

Even at the end of 2013 she was killing with glee. It was dumb as hell they rebooted yet again in the sequel.

You just have good taste

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yeah it is pretty dumb, at least they have her give zero fucks at all in shadow

>tfw user won't eat you out

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>tfw he finally agrees

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With that and the DLC costumes for SOTTR getting worse and worse, I don't think we'll ever see nuLara in old Lara's classic or legend outfit.

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>He rims you

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tell me that's SFM

Yes, canadian cucks basically said that in their interviews.
>“No. I don’t want that. For us this is her defining moment,” said Bisson in an interview with Xbox Official Magazine team (OXM June 2018 Issue). “We’re not going to put her in shorts with double-pistols, wearing a bikini; that’s not what this is.”

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>Next game will take place in the middle east
>Lara will wear a burqa for the majority of the game
>Players are not allowed to change her outfit for 90% of the game either

Calling it now.


It's actually in game

isn't the dress she gets supposed to be for outsiders in the good graces of the tribe? the blue one. the green one with the gold mask was to bypass some of the trinity sided guards which is a lil silly but okay. also i think there's an option to change the voice to native language in the menus if you look for it so she doesn't speak english.

Only the locals will speak in their native tongue. Lara will still talk in english to them which makes it even more jarring.

Laura is cute

The biggest sin nu-Lara commited was not being a muscle lady. Her arms are pathetic and she doesn't even have a super defined 8 pack and muscular shoulders/back from all that fighting and climbing. So much for realism SQUARE.

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RiP. Tomb Raider 1996-2008.

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It's from Rise

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Heh I'd be her Womb Raider

God I wish that were me

Why are leafs such cucks?

>when a cute girl enthusiastically tells you something and you have a hard time concentrating on what she's saying, because all you can think about is how much you wanna taste her lips right now.

She's so good looking.

This happens to me way too often, someone at my job was talking to me and all I could think about was her lips

She's perfect

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Lara seems like a horse person. She probably loves them.

She does

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>Nu Lara has no muscles

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I can do without the shorts and bikini because nulara looks fantastic anyway, but not having the double pistols is a goddamn sin. It's her iconic weapon

Nice bullshot with deceptive lighting to give her fake definition. Nu-lara looks like a fucking twig that couldn't even manage to pull up her own weight much less hold a bow at full draw. Look at the backs of people who are master archers for reference on google.

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That looks disgusting

I wish she was like that in the final game. I love women with some round biceps.
Athletic, not muscular monsters

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>>every other priest is male
there are different priests. you missed important lore bits.


They were so close.

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>'Yooooo, finna lick that ass bois!'

>they expect you to pay actual money for this

Just stop it, Eidos. Just. Stop.

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I want to suffocate between Lara's ass cheeks.

this nigga doesn't know what a bikini is

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>Implying old Lara had ANYTHING close to that tone

They did a good job giving us a RISE for the tomb raider.

>ship gets overturned, ends up on island
>lands on large spike that impales thigh
>proceeds to run, jump, and climb as though completely healthy
>finds bow
>uses it with extreme precision and ability
>finds gun
>uses it with extreme precision and ability
>murders dozens of islanders as though it’s completely natural and normal and not traumatic in any way

wtf, those are literally sex expressions

>First sneak peek for Rise at Microsoft's E3 press conference
>Looks like she has PTSD from the events that happened in TR2013
>lol, nope

T-Thanks, Crystal Dynamics. I hate character development, too!

I pointed out if they wanted to commit to the realistic angle with the reboot they should've committed to giving her a realistic body too and not just the narrative.

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there are like 40 enemies in the entire game and you can easily stealth every single one of them.
they really need a raid mode like in rise, or something to use all the weapons.

Love her plump lips

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The end of the 'Voice of God' level in Rise is really exciting lads, spent a lot of time there...

>serpent Lara
Does she get killed by snakes in Shadow?

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> Gets molested
> Tied
> Gagged
> Bullied

Loves every second of it.

unfortunately no

"Please...I need...hnnn...cock...I need fucking cock in my fucking arse!"

Bikini is anything that objectifies women.

*unzips dick*


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Rise Lara is best Lara

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>mfw nu-lara kills all the adults in third world countries and fucks their children

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Jesus Christ you people are pathetic. Have sex.

there's a good deal of self doubt in shadow with lara questioning her entire journey as she seems to fuck things up more than help, people around her end up dead. it wasn't amazing but i liked that bit. other parts felt like an awkward transition, the murder lara that rises from the burning water in shadow, kills a dude begging for his life and takes out a company of dudes and a chopper transitions into her crying about it 5 seconds later. maybe it is accurate, she was running on hate and adrenaline and had a combat high that dies off fast but it just felt weirddd.

>people behave promiscuous on an imageboard
>tell them to have more sex


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>still no porn of Shadow lara 6 months after release

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>nulara doesn't explore tombs out of cultural sensitivity
>slaughters all the natives

Based and Crimsonpilled

Nulara sucks, this is well established.

Even if I liked the gameplay in her new games, which I don't, she's still less of a character than the original Lara. She's a 19 year old college girl with no depth at all.

Old lara didn't have any depth either.

She's 26 by Shadow

Who cares about depth. She we was alpha.

Are you literally retarded? I've been jacking it to Shadow Lara pron since the game released. Learn to google

>posting erotic pictures/videos of VIRTUAL females = having sex
maximum cope

>Nulara sucks
She sucks a lot of things, alright.

rule34hentai.net/_images/0f511ebdab3cefa75759f78641b93d0f/346482 - 3D Animated Lara_Croft Sound Source_Filmmaker Tomb_Raider Young_Link tk173.mp4

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She looked so much better with the icognito party hairstyle I installed the mod to change it to her main costume right after.

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What? I figured she was early 20s in the first one and maybe 22-24 at most in the others, since they take place a couple of weeks after each other.

>Young Link in url

So are the 2 newer games better than the first one?
I played the 2013 one on ps4 and while i liked staring at laras ass and hearing her screems, the game felt unironically souless and kind of boring, some of the setpieces were alright, but after playing uncharted the settings and the actual gameplay felt boring, the crafting and the unreal engine look didnt help at all

Im hopeful for rise since its in the snow apparently
I like snow

She literally has like 20 different guns, bombs, and other magic bullshit arrows but 2 pistols at once is too much. Probably because the combat is already braindead simple at the highest difficulties.

23 actually.
21 in 2013. 22 in Rise. 23 in Shadow

Lara needs to explore some Hellenic ruins (Atlantis?) and face off against Greek mythological monsters next, if there's ever to be another nuLara game.

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nulara could've had a character but they ignored her psychopathic tendencies

>nulara will genocide fish people because they are "different"

so is lara and horse still the best nulara sfm around?

They're just tiny adults!

rule34hentai.net/_images/394195eb6a3645c99ba309df7dd3bc9a/357892 - 3D Animated Lara_Croft Source_Filmmaker Tomb_Raider clouclou.webm

> anything than wholesome futa taker pov

>tranny/gay shit

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what do i type to get the GOOD stuff? all i get are BBC x Lara

I stopped playing the new TR games because they deliberately keep making her uglier. TR 2013 was the perfect Lara. Pretty, cute face, nice body without being overtly pornesque. In Rise they turned her into a 30 year old single mom sportsbar waitress. And seeing her face in the newest game makes me puke.

I seriously stopped giving a shit about this franchise.

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searching for "rating:e" will show you shota/loli content, but you need to be registered to see it. the only other alternative is pixiv and sankaku, but latter deletes a lot of shota/loli 3d stuff over time.


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>a registered pedophile

>he isn't a registered serialkiller and plays fps games on Steam

Live a little, will you?

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based xev
best mommy

>Shadow got dumped on Game Pass before all the DLC was even released

Flop confirmed. Wouldn't be surprised if this series gets Deus Ex'd.

The problem is that their sales came from the sheer amount of sexual suggestive deaths in TR1. Then they substantially reduced that number in Rise and in Shadow unique animations were almost non-existant. If they had actually bothered to put some fanservice into it like in TR1 and Rise, it would've done much much better.

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