*composes nothing but masterpieces in your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
Last good soundtrack she made was original Kingdom Hearts, after that everything has just been mediocre, with the exceptionm of Radiant Historia which is fucking amazing.
Yeah, nah.
More like
*arranges her own music and makes it worse every time*
Her XV OST compositions is her best work yet and outclasses her KH work by miles.
You're just a contrarian.
Only the versus tracks that were recycled for xv are good
Wrong you deaf cunt, all the new music is god tier and better than anything she did from KH.
You such a Nomura cocksucking faggot
>did from KH.
I didn't mention kh
You obviously never even listened to the music and are a contrarian as stated.
You need to samefag harder to change my opinion
Read the reply chain fuckface, and it's still blatantly wrong and you're a deaf cunt.
Tell me did she compose this when it was Versus or XV
And did she compose this when it was Versus or XV
And did she compose this when it was Versus or XV
And did she compose this when it was Versus or XV
You need to get Nomura's cock out of your mouth you KH fag
You need to stop being retarded and talking about shit you have no knowledge of.
Only nox divinia is good
Responding to the same post will not change my opinion
You can't even explain how or why, you're just a shitposter.
Nox Divina was XV not Versus you idiot
Love Lost was composed during Versus confirmed by Shimomura on the liner notes
Get fucked you contrarian cunt
>lists song not even from versus
retard, only 2 tracks were ever used in Versus trailers and only 4 tracks are confirmed to have been composed during Versus.
You have no opinion, only a shitpost
Xenoblade Chronicles is her finest work
Calm down Barry
Two songs out of the 7 she did for that are great, the rest are meh.
your boogeyman doesn't exist
Fucking garbage opinion and it's owner Should gas themselves. KH2 and the tracks she composed from BBS, DDD, FFXV, and KH3 (sadly way too few in KH3) Were all god tier, and nobody knows what the fuck Radiant Historia even is.
How on Earth could you post all tgat, but not Ardyn's Theme?
Don't reply to me you meme spouting KH fag
You need to samefag harder than that barry
KH3 has no good music
FFXV BTFO KH3 completely
his versions are kino
It's too early in the morning for this shit XV-kun
It's almost midnight for him
rent free
tell that to the kh shill
Make it less obvious you're using a pass
recently she did the Kass theme remix for Ultimazte, that was good
Make it less obvious you're a butthurt KH fag spouting boogeymen again
>Everything is coming back to me.. the true..
>spouting boogeymen
there is no boogeyman, only bazztek
The true Somnus used in XV
Barry will you ever get over FFXV being shit
Your boogeyman you make falseflag posts of then screencap to use against people you argue? You're exactly why everyone hates the KH fandom and you're regarded as sonic tier autists.
His autism won't let go
Will you ever get over KH3 being shit while XV is kino?
She was better in the 90s you fuck, doesn't make me a contrarian if I thnk most of the shit after kingdom hearts is just bland and mediocre as stated, jkesus I want to fucking murder all of you fucking projecting faggots who put words into peoples mouths, I hope your ass bleeds dry tonight.
jesus christ KH3 was a complete abortion
worst game SE ever made
no wonder Hamaguchi is now co-director on FF7R after nomura fucked it up for 4 years
>Your boogeyman
Bazztek, this isn't healthy
KH3 is shit but that doesn't make XV any less worse.
Fuck off you underage fuck.
>literally rent free
As in "Ardyn's different themes are kino"? Agreed.
KH3 is objectively worse.
>gets tagged in a thread so obviously get notified of it
>omg stalking
Do you even twitter?
You keep following this person around
You weren't kidding when you said you wanted to rape her after doxxing her
>KH2, Xenoblade, FFXV
How is that shit taste treating you?
yeah, i like how they get more darker tone in Ardyn II, III IV, V and VI
Irrelevant. XV is still a trash heap
You're the one literally posting screencaps of someone you falseflagged shitposted about and accused them of rape
Stop projecting and kill yourself, faggot.
Wrong XV is kino god tier, KH3 is gutter trash
You first
Bleach had a great soundtrack
After you
jesus christ you're pathetic and worse than anything you accuse others of
>No U
I know you want to rape this woman, but there is no need for this
Don't you mean
*blatantly plagiarizes in your path*
I agree, not sure what the other posters are on about. You can tell she designed the soundtrack for Versus XIII, the songs barely fit XV. You can also tell which ones she came up with for VXIII, as they're pretty much all the good ones.
It's a sweet detail. Truth be told, I didn't notice the music the first time I played XV, and on the second playthrough, I noticed why: The scenes are too short for the theme to get into the good part.
Did VI release with ep ardyn? Haven't played yet
You first.
After you.
>and worse
I didn't doxx someone nor do I continue to stalk them 3 years later after xv came out
smell that?
smells like kh autist
Different chords, progression and melody
only a brainlet and earlet thinks they are remotely similar
>You can also tell which ones she came up with for VXIII, as they're pretty much all the good ones.
What's next, you going to tell me the underground theme from SMB or Zeldas Lullaby wasn't plagiarism next you stupid weeb?
Where? How? Where's your argument? How doesn't it fit when the lyrics of Somnus literally describe what happens in the game with the gods sleeping, the eternal night, tragedy that seperates people, returning of the dawn?
See How deaf are you?
>Darkness of the Unknown
based. That is honestly the perfect final final FINAL fight song, for the exact setting of the the KH2 final fight (the whole world has been destroyed/disappeared, now it's just you and your best mate fighting for the sake of reality against the guy who wants to end it all). Man, KH2's finale was a fcking masterpiece, they should have just ended it there.
So how does Love Lost fit Versus but the Aggressors not?
Only one of these was composed for Versus
You misspelled XV
You first.
>KH2's finale was a fcking masterpiece
Not with the retarded dragon castle and kairi getting a keyblade out of nowhere
Yes you did, you're even still posting screencaps of them or what you claim to be them on Yea Forums and have been for years.
No KH autist was right and true.
wtf does the gods sleeping have to do with Noctis' story? The theme doesn't fit the game's story nor atmosphere at all. I'm not very good at online discussion so I won't comment any more, I can only hope I managed to change your mind in 2 weak posts.
>Yes you did,
Nope. I also don't get myself banned on the official xv forums for screaming at people I don't like
Stop samefagging
>has a perfect track record for 20+ years
>works with Tabata once, an admitted westaboo
>that happens
Is there anything he didn't ruin?
The gods are literally sleeping since the astral war and Noctis is claiming their blessing so he can use the light of providence to restore the dawn after the eternal night you fucking idiot, did you even play the fucking game?
Lol like the KH3 soundtrack? Get the fuck out of here OP.
Michiru Yamane
Shoji Meguro
Kenji Ito
Keiichi Okabe
Takahiro Unisuga
Kuzo Yoshiro
Yasunori Nishiki
Yuki Kajiura
See look, more posts from fucking years ago of whom you claim is your boogeyman, you're literally worse since you're stalking fucking anonymous posts.
While I do enjoy the KH1 soundtrack more than it's successors, I believe that being the best game in the series helps with that desu.
I'd say his career up until last October considering he was successful running his own SE subsidiary, but now he's making shovelware after getting the boot
remember to ignore neithof
he's a nomura cocksucker that defends him and anything he did with his life
I meant Yuzo Koshiro fuck me.
user, you're autistic. At what point did I compare her to anyone else? Kys, you're just as bad as Barry
>you're literally worse
Nah, I was never banned from neogaf or resetera
KH3 was a fucking disappointment outside the remixes
Bomberman composer lady is based.
Dude, Somnus is able to make my cry, something that almost no other video game music composer is able to do.
Are you retarded?
Somnus and Omnis Lacrima are directly based on these two western tracks from Romeo+ Juliet
nomura even wanted to turn xv into a musical after seeing les les Miserables in 2012
and he got his ideas for versus from baz lurhmanns 1996 romeo and juliet which he had shimomura compose somnus and omnis lacrima based on these two tracks
which influenced these specifically
>While still on the topic of film, Nomura told us that he likes to leave work at work, so he tends not to play a whole lot of games at home. Instead, he consumes movies like a junky – 2 or 3 of them on most nights. His biggest cinematic inspiration is Baz Lurhman, the visionary Australian director behind Romeo + Juliet, Moulin Rouge, and most recently The Great Gatsby
Hell Ken theme directly references Cheap Trick used in Top Gun
See You deaf cunt, the new music in XV is all god tier
Yet you stalk a boogeyman and also act like being banned from those shitholes is supposed to mean something?
You didn't. I'm turning this into a SaGa thread
Yes, I remember the story being shit and sparsely told. I don't remember the god's sleeping being a plotpoint desu, but that's irrelevant anyway since the story is non-existent.
bystander here but i think he is right and you are that fag from retardera
kys fag (:
Her best soundtrack remains LoM.
>being banned from those shitholes
If even they don't want you, that's pretty damn sad
>Make one single track for Xenoblade 1
>it's the worst of the OST
I was relieved they didn't use her for the second one.
She really let me down on KH3. Seems like she just did mostly Disney themes and the b-team handled the music for the big moments. Her work on the Mario & Luigi series was better than Kingdom Hearts III lol.
But nomura is a westaboo, literally using Disney and before that was doing a DC game before it got cancelled, said that the early area of versus was based on western bang bang movies aka the desert area we saw in the versus trailer which is Leide, which is based on western desert just like it was in versus and is the early area of the game, altissia was always based on venice under nomura too, and he literally drew sora 1.5remix art with a keyblade throne like the iron throne from game of thrones with all the swords, and he said his greatest directorial influence is baz lurhmann who made romeo+julliet 1996, moulin rouge and great gatsby, nomura is literally westaboo as fuck
and SF2 has shimomura use a bunch of western music as the basis like in guile theme and ken theme
No he isn't, he confirmed he's making a AAA game for home consoles and PC.
So you're a liar and retarded and didnt pay attention to a single thing that happened.
>b-team handled the music for the big moments
That's wrong. Ishimoto did the stuff for pirates and bh6. The other guy did even less. Everything else was her
after you
you don't need to samefag
The fact you put stock in them is actually the sad thing, you get banned for fucking breathing wrong there because it's leftist totalitarian shithole, the fact you actually put weight on them banning someone says more about you than the person actually banned
she only did like 5 new tracks on KH3, everything else was rearrangements of old music or ishimoto shit
I refuse to believe she did the final boss theme. It's so fucking bad.
Best tracks were The Final World and the Gummi ship music.
>It's so fucking bad.
This is where we agree to disagree then
You first.
she didnt
she only did the scala ad caelum theme playing in the back for 10 seconds before the battle music starts
That's what I figured. Do you know who did the Gummi field themes? Some of the stuff I've found says it's Sekito.
>puts the octopath traveler guy in the list even though he is only credited for it
>Puts Revo because he has a boner for Bravely default's mish mash
>Puts anime music composer in the mix even though being completely unrelated.
You're stupid user. Hating on Yoko doesn't make you a better person. You like good people though, give Soken a try too.
based, okabe and uematsu also did tracks for XV
Was I wrong about Octopath, I got that one from Google. Thanks for the recommendation. Kajiura did the cutscenes for Xenosaga II and all of Xenosaga III
Encelevenemus is so fucking good, god dman.
Also I don't know who arranged the Somnus v. Ardyn music but fuck that's good too.
this track alone is better than anything from KH3
All Ep Ardyn music except one track was by one of the Xenoblade/Xenoblade 2 composers that is part of ACE+ Kenji Hiramatsu
You're not wrong for octopath travelers, but every artists have done one great soundtrack, he hasn't a track record strong enough to tell if he was just a one trick pony.
Also I didn't know for Kajiura.
Mizuta is sorely underrated, too
She's busy composing for Versus
>Anticipate Shimomura's KH3 work for years
>Music starts coming out and it's remixes
>Oh boy these remixes sound fire can't wait for the original pie-
>Original pieces are only Disney shit
>The bare essentials like the Final fucking Boss is left to a literal who
The sad thing is I'm not even disappointed, the feeling I have for this game is so empty that the 13 years of waiting for this game meant absolutely nothing to me 3 weeks after launch. A disappointing game would at least leave a sour impression on me, this one just came and went as if nothing ever happened.
>Original pieces are only Disney shit
>The bare essentials like the Final fucking Boss is left to a literal who
You know this is wrong right
shimomura already said her goal and theme in composing for xv was unchanged since versus because its still following the same theme
Not that user but I understand this feel. People think MGSV was the Phantom Pain but KH is the real Phantom Pain.
Waiting that long for a game, being slowly dripfed hype to keep the flames kindled and then the game comes out, it's distinctly average in most aspects and ultimately forgettable when KH1 and 2 were classics.
Well either they were done by another composer or they were done by Shimomura and she's over the hill. In the end, III's ost still sucks. Lots of the finale tracks don't see like her style though, so playing it by ear I think she mostly did the Disney world music.
>In the end, III's ost still sucks
Shimomura still manages to do some good tracks from time to time.
Her last good set of osts were kingdom Hearts 2 and Mario and luigi dream team. Everything else has been to pretentious and not stimulating enough for my austism and maladaptive day dreaming.
Reminder that Ichigo has been in the Final World!
thats because you are a dumb smelly man child
Can we stop this meme that Versus 13 was a full product that just got canned? only really Somnus & a couple of others were done for Versus 13, mainly for trailers, the game never really existed
FFXV was trash don't get me wrong, but the music made for it was great
>was a full product
No one said it was
the game is great and so is the music
You versus faggots do nothing but pretend it is you fucking hypocrites
Kek, you Versus faggots act like V13 was some super amazing game that the bullies at Square took away from Nomura
settle down boys, you might pop something
this shit actually really got to me
Terada is a fantastic cutscene director and I really wish the game itself had more.... cinematography and less "PSP cutscenes"
FFXV has 3 good things about it.
>Fishing is chill
>Food is fucking beautiful
How fucking dare y-
>Radiant historia
You're OK in my books
>2.5 remix tracks
What the fuck
eat my dick
Man /tg/ was right about Yea Forums, you guys are way too detached about your own hobby.
>Terada is a fantastic cutscene director
is that why he copied versus scenes
yeah the cutscene direction really stood out in ep ignis and ardyn, kinda wish the "dialog while we walk" segments in main game were cutscenes by him.
main game had some good cutscenes too like Shiva gentiana scene, crystal scene with ardyn and most ch14 cutscenes, plus the CG stuff
terada actually said he came up with most of the story stuff for ardyn in main game and they call him ardyn's papa in the dev team
you know he did ardyns entire backstory right?
also those cutscenes from Versus were by Nozue who was in charge of cutscenes in XV and kingsglaive which he also repurposed some of his versus trailer cutscenes into
I find that she usually does a good job...when she actually works. People overstate her involvement with projects because she's marketable. If you look into things more there are tons of composers who are just as good as her and are much more prolific, it's kinda unfair that she gets hyped as much as she does.
Just references really, the DLC mostly takes place in day time happy fun time Insomnia, it misses Versus's edgy atmosphere
cool playlist, thanks amigo
>you know he did ardyns entire backstory right?
Yeah, based on fan response and an art contest between the art department
nomura didnt make those
nozue, eiji kitada and a Mr. P are the only three people who made the versus cg cutscenes
Nope, the base game Ardyn content was all Terada
>When the new series of DLCs was first announced, an illustration of Ardyn, Noct and the others together in harmony was also revealed. Does it have any relation to the novel
>At that time, we asked ourselves what kind of finale to FFXV would most satisfy the players and held a competition within the art team. A game that the fans have always followed—at the end of it all, what would they want to see? One of the pieces drawn was that artwork. Then we proceeded to construct the story with it in mind
That sounds like a yes to me
shame the music of FFXV was ambient/quiet as fuck most of the time and most of KH3's music was re-using songs from older games
>nomura didnt make those
It's under his direction and his ideas. Of course he didn't make them himself, it's not his job nor does he have the expertise in cgi.
The cgi team didn't just come up with the movies by themselves, they get orders from nomura to make it based on what he envisioned.
It would be the same situation when under tabata's role as director too. He gives the orders and the cg team follows based on what he wants
Yeah, KH and Nomura does indeed live rent free inside Barry's head. It is all he thinks about.
Can't imagine a sadder person than barry
>nobody mentioning Live-a-Live
Yea Forums would have to play it first
For me, it's the composer for FF12 and FFT.
So why are the Japanese composers better than the Western counterparts in general?
I've seen several videos listing GOAT game composers and at least half of them are always Japanese.
And the cringiest thing about most of those videos is the way they rank the Western composers because it's more "which Jap composers we should kick out from the list to fill half of it with the Western composers? Nobuo Uematsu, Yoko Shimomura, Yasunori Mitsuda, Koji Kondo, Keichi Okabe, etc... it's too many!" than how good they actually are.
>nobody mentioning her literal best work
Live-a-Live's ost is fantastic but Legend of Mana has not been topped and probably never will. I will defend this stance til I die.
Honestly I have no clue. There are certainly good non-Japanese composers like the Made in Abyss guy, so I feel like it has something to do with project management methodology. I assume the west is more controlling with things like style guides, reference tracks, etc like you see in the MCU. The big bosses don't care how good it is as long as it's "safe."
Western games sound like they're trying too hard to copy Hollywood blockbusters so they all sound the same or they get licensed music to pad out the soundtrack
At least in my dumb opinion
No it was under Nozue's direction as a CGI movie director from visual works as he is the one that made everything people even like about the trailer
Nomura only made fucking barebones sketches like this and the 3 visual works animators made the rest, this is literally every artwork nomura ever did for 2006 -2009 noctis as concept art, literal unfinished sketches, nozue, kitada and mr P had to make everyyhing from scratch and nozue as a cutscene and cinematic director is the one who directed it, not nomura, all he did was design sketches and barebones ideas like "oh put swords floating around him".
>No it was under Nozue's direction as a CGI movie director
And he got his orders from Nomura, since he was the director. Cry more bazzy
Shimomura was a monster back in the day. Street Fighter II alone made her a legend.
>ctrl+f [deleted]
>70 matches
Almost half the thread
Jesus Christ xv-kun
These songs are 20+ year old and were ahead of its time.
Why are Japs so good at techno music?
Should i find this funny or sad?
Just be glad you'll never be him I guess
if she wanted to stuff me in a closet as a sex toy i'd let her
didn't she get dicked by that black rapper?
Parasite Eve 1 was one of the most unique fusions of opera and techno like Thermosphere you just linked, but aside from Einhänder and Parasite Eve I've barely been able to find any soundtracks where they don't either go too far techno or too far opera
Was she the one behind The Final World in KH3? Cause i loved that one desu.
>*Slow piano crescendo and violin solos intensify*
I want to compose a masterpiece inside of her
I ctrl-f'd Legend and didn't get anything, good taste user
Yoko Shimomura is one of the best to ever do it.
Sadly though, KH3's OST was complete boredom. An dI loved the game. Never in my life have I ever muted the game and played my music over a KH game. Ever. Until KH3.
For that reason alone I kinda have to remove her from the "Can do no wrong" list. The only one in that list being "Masashii Hamauzu".
This, she's an embarrassment to composers.
The only real flaw with XVs soundtrack was implementation, sound balance is off and in many places songs get cut off or aren't given a chance to play.
The DLC music is even better, Mizuta is a god from FF11 and Mitsuda is the elder god of Chrono/Xenogears.
The majority of KH3 wasn't even Shimomura, it was Ishimoto. Every piece Shimomura did is still fantastic.
>it was Ishimoto
That's wrong
Those are both good, though? The PE version emphasizes the rougher parts of the song to sound more raw which works very well with PE's atmosphere, while the LoM version has a softer overall sound but retains the tension which works very well for that game.
Bowser's Inside Story is probably my favourite Yoko music game.
I don't like her music. I just don't. Except for her work on Mana series.
I'd say that this ''hate'' originates back from Ps1 era nad Parasite Eve - I love the game, but le't be realistic here, the soundtrack is composed of 8 track that are playing over and over and over again. Just slightly changed/remixed.
Wow what a completely awful opinion
>So what if I'm wrong, I'm still right
it isn't tho
Unless you're also trying to claim the ost is only 40 songs, then yes you are
Parasite Eve was some of her only good work
But don't you like the part where every single song copies Uematsu's trademark battle theme crescendos but draws them out to make it more EPIC?
Who the hell is Ishimoto and why is he interfering with my KH OSTs?
Yoko composes great songs.
She also has no range. It's very rare to hear a post-98 piece that's actually unique.
From what I can tell it's a decent split but Ishimoto did all of the "big" themes (boss fights, etc.) for some reason. Most of the Shimomura touch seems to be in the scene specific orchestrated tracks in the Disney worlds.
It's really jarring to get all of this new, good music in the Tangled world only to cap it off with a terribly blended boss battle theme that was clearly made on a computer.
TWEWY composer. He's been involved since BBS. He himself admitted only did about 20 songs in the ost, so anyone claiming he did the majority is wrong
Basically, yes.
If there is a single franchise I wish Yoko was involved with, it is Touhou. I can only imagine the platinum quality that would come from two god tier Jap composers working together.
Oh. I replayed TWEWY on the Switch and the music wasn't nearly as good as I remembered it being way back then. There were SOME good tracks and the nostalgia was heavy but I didn't really like the majority.
Tell them to stop Squenix from bottlenecking her into meme violins and piano, she can do good stuff without that.
Based Last Ranker.
I really really need to go back and finish it.
One of my life's missions. Wish I had some way to emulate it.
>I really really need to go back and finish it.
You really should Onso, you promised me after all.
all of Scala Ad Caelum songs redeemed KH3 ost
Yes, she's terribly overrated. Peaked at SMRPG.
For me, it's Blanka Theme. Not even Brazilian
cringepilled tripfag, let me guess you don't like j-pop
best FFXV piece