Do you think Risk of Rain 2 will have a final level with a track to match Coalescence?

Do you think Risk of Rain 2 will have a final level with a track to match Coalescence?

Attached: Risky.png (1920x1080, 978K)

Other urls found in this thread:

would be nice if the game was already completed

>Final level
>Track to match coalescence
Doubt it, I'm sure it'll be an amazing track but coalescence goes about 15 layers deep

could someone repost the han-d footage from before? i neglected to save it for some reason

The story is that we're going to investigate what happened to UES Contact Light. Why it has returning characters from Risk of Rain that should be immortal gods is a mystery, though. I get the feeling, and I hope I'm wrong, that Hopoo is sort of going for a soft reboot.

good fucking LORD i wanna fuck the space mage.
final level for sure, but chris will really have to outdo himself to match coalescence. i believe in him though

Was this guy supposed to be hard?

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what was everyone's favourite end quote from the first game?

Modding info (16 players, glass, artifacts, modifiers, bandit, etc.)

(should I add a section for huntress' thicc ass even though I didn't make it?)

>unlock merc finally
Why is he so OP?

Attached: nice.jpg (3440x1440, 1.05M)

Sure I died, but I also kill an overloading magma worm with 1 R press
57 leaf cliver does some insane shit when you stack rings and ukuleles

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The moth wings.
>...And so he left, never to become human again
and Commando's
>...And so he left, with everything but his humanity.
Really sums up the implied experience of survivors doing everything they can to stay alive and becoming these hardened killing machines by the end.
>(should I add a section for huntress' thicc ass even though I didn't make it?)
Ehhh keep that separate would you please?

I mentioned in a previous thread that it would make sense for Commando to come back, in the first game ending he felt like his humanity was gone, him getting the idea he's not capable of doing anything else and coming back again would make sense.Yet again I hope the story with them getting some closure.

>And so they left, the sound still ringing in deaf ears

Considering the quality of the current levels I'm going to say no.

>most difficult to least difficult
vagrant in open area
imp overlord
worm on large map (mostly due to being forced to chase it)
vagrant with lots of cover

How much content is actuslly present? It looks barebones as fuck right now, and the UI looks horrible


What about the gold titan?

I found that merc's is too close to commando's, I know that all of them pretty much follow the theme of the survivors losing a their humanity of themselves but they are just too similarly worded for me

>finding the second switch
this is shit

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Please cease

Capacitor stuns nearby enemies and nukes the target for massive damage
Black hole cube lets you pull away mobs and concentrate them for mass stun
Chrysalis can help you fly away if you don't have too many mobility items yet

I can buy that. After all, he's a commando. I just can't buy the others coming back. The only thing left is that the Risk of Rain cast was never on UES Contact Light, and were always part of this investigative troupe.
Dunestrider is a mother fucker for Mercenaries.

>Niggas don't know about the extended quotes

..and so he left, with everything but his humanity. He murmured something, faint, leaning against the body of Providence, and silently nodded. That felt great. He was in pain, and in agony, but that felt great...

..and so he left, mutated beyond recognition. He slowly lurched around the enveloping bridge, trying to make out the shapes that passed by. Snatched them out of the air like flies. He stared at his hand, fused into the riot shield, and simply chanted- "I am better this way."

..and so he left, with his pyrrhic plunder. It sat, gasping in the cargo hold for air, wheezing for one last spoken word, and he watched carefully as it all fell slowly to the ground, finally silent. He enjoyed being a thief, but now came the realization that he could not steal lives and array them in a museum. Or could he?

..and so she left, her soul still remaining on the planet. She had hunted the best. She had won. Why was it only empty inside? She tried to gasp in horror, staring at guilt. But it never came, so she sat and waited on the floor. And then came the voices.

..and so he left, more steel and circuit than man. He stared at the motors around him- or was that him? He stared at the ship around him, and finally felt separated. The cargo hold was in pain...

I like to think the difference is that Mercenary's "never to become human again" implies he's sort of fine with what he's done. There's no going back for him. Commando's is more solemn, full of regret.

anything blazing
titan (if there's more than one he's definitely harder than dunestrider)
imp overlord

i feel like im commiting a crime with this merc exploit

..and so he left, adrenaline still rushing through his veins. Like fire beating down on a door, he felt his arms slowly detach, his bloodied weapons fall to the ground, replaced by sheer maniacal laughter. Soon came the lust for blood again.

..and so they left, the sound still ringing in deaf ears. "I wish you could stay," they tried to hack out, but it was useless. So they held each other, and the Sniper slowly shut off the spotter. Finally, tears fell from blind eyes.

..and so it left, servos pulsing with new life. Maybe it was the parasite, or maybe the imp, but maybe deep inside the metal lie a simple janitor bot, riding a desecrated ship home. Where was home? Where was home now? And it answered its own question.

..and so he left, never to become human again. He stared out of the window, trying to find interest in passing stars. Quickly he swung his sword and the feelings were gone. All he had left was the blade. They will be coming soon. They will be coming soon to rescue him, but all he had left was the blade.

Something doesn't look quite right about that stone golem log book.

give me your ror2 memes NOW

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He's not

..and so it left, with a new hunger: to be left alone. Swallowing the putrid blood, it looked back at what was once a god. Now he lay there writhing in a pool of acid, dying to disease. It didn't want anyone else to suffer how it did, so it went where there was nothing.

It's close in wording but their fates are ironically pretty distinct.
Merc likely mutated into a being that can't even be described as human anymore while Commando became a sociopath/sadist with a newfound disregard for life.


Oh shit were these in the game's files? Goddamn I've got 100s of hours on Risk 1 and didn't know about this shit.
Yeah that's what I thought about the difference between Commando and Mercenary's quotes. Mercenary is immediately fine with what he's become, wheres Commando isn't.

nice headcanon

>screen is black when ever imp king teleports
>screen is black entire time electric eel is in the vicinity
is there a way to disable this holy shit, id like to be able to see when everything around me has 1 shot potential

Here's needed experience levels for anyone interested, I got them to check sacrifice drop rates (they seem pretty ok)

(the chance is 3* logarithm to the third base of the mob's experience reward + 1)
to give you a general idea, 1xp is ~1.8% chance, 10xp is ~6.6%, 100 is ~12.6%

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have you ever fought a worm with him?


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Final level is a yes. I was thinking last night how I wonder what their plan for development will be like once the game is done, since the format is fun enough that just adding new environments and some new enemies or items is enough to make things exciting. In theory they could just add new bosses and locales forever post launch and have them be part of a pool of what you can randomize into. While you wouldnt see them all unless you looped over and over and a run to the end could be done in like 10 or something.

If they wanna support the game post launch that long, they could make some additional emone via a character pack thats say 4 extra characters for 15-20 bucks or something, while adding all the stages etc for free so no ones locked out of the important shit. I'd gladly buy that to keep new stages and stuff rolling.

As far as music goes, there's a blogpost written by Chris about how he'll probably never match RoR1's music, and any attempt to make a Coalescence 2 would just be a poor immitation or like a remix. If you think about all the FF music remixes by Nobuo and co over the years, most people prefer the originals and see the others as just happy diversions. Like Chris said, Coalescence is there if you want to listen to it. So whatever new music we do get, i'll be happy with it. We can always mod in RoR1 stuff later if we want it.

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someone post it, you know the one

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I wish i can save runs in this game sometimes

>entire group dies to one fire elder lemurian
not even upset but god damn fire mobs need to be toned down severely

>he attacks when boss life is 0

what about loader and chef?

frost relic working with leeching pod is pretty funny

The music in the current levels don't even match the quality of that in the normal levels in RoR1.

The amount of times that has happened is pretty hilarious. Elder lemurs were just another enemy. Now they're the new Overloading Wurm.

we did it reddit

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Where the fuck is agh's scepter at

I'm working on it
currently trying to figure out all the components that play into it since there's a lot

Idk how i even got this by accident

Whats that beetle lunar coin item do?

What did they even die to? Just 5 gasoline, frost relic, nor tesla coil do enough damage to delete 4 HAHAHA level bosses in seconds faster than you can react to them spawning and attack.

increases max hp
but now your hp is all shield

Desu nerfing the blazers yourself has all sorts of bad tidings for future updates. If they ever nerf them, officially, then the .dll with Glass, artifacts, modifiers, Bandit, 16 man, is still with these changes to the blazer, mismatching the official nerf. It also has all sorts of implications about player skill. Just doesn't sit right man.

I don't know if thats awesome or bad.

>Guardian heart is now a white item
>It's also shit

Increases max HP but your HP is now a shield. It no longer heals gradually, or with healing items. It recovers insanely fast, but only if you don't take damage for about five or six seconds. It completely changes the way you play, which may or may not be your bag.

monsoon, eu, 4p

Casual 9k damage

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I wish Imps didn't sink back into the Red Plane upon death. Risky 1 had the overlords' body completely split in half in a gory mess. Quite satisfying.

Fuck you I was gonna link that

>burn duration is dependent on enemy & attack type's procCoefficient
Why everything gotta be so fucking complex
why couldn't it just be 5 seconds, now I need to go look up all this shit

when an update comes out I need to start all over anyway

>spend so long trying to find the switches the difficulty gets too high and i die to the elder lumurians

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I fucking love retro future aesthetic so much, I can't stop playing this game

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U.S. west, 16 man, Glass and Sacrifice.
Make sure you have:

>tfw soulbound catalyst with glowing meteorite

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Is that bloom or what? I dont have this probulamuh

perfect run ruined by some cunt using 3x meteors


I found that the switches always spawn in the exact same locations. It would help to memorize/screenshot them so you know where to check.

How do you jump that high?

Whoa, headstompers are in the game? What unlocks them?

If you're loaded on healing already it's bad, since it renders any regen useless. But hey way way late in the game you get one-shot most of the time anyways so what the fuck.

They're nerfing worms so who cares. Even then he's not that bad at fighting them, and he destroys everyone else other than the tea pot.


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>They're nerfing worms

By black i mean super fucking dark that I cant see anything but my character and UI.

desu its probably just me, my dog was trying to eat shit off my desk the other day and somehow changed my monitor settings and hit some hotkeys while pulling my keyboard onto the floor. I got everything back to normal ish but this might be from that.

>the fucking worms still won't drop their logs
>the fucking elder lizards won't drop theirs either
>the golden golem won't drop his either, and his is an even bigger pain in the ass because his shitty portal summoning statue rarely appears

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>running all over the map like a mother fucker looking for the switch
>fuck this, there must be a map on the internet
>learn that the buttons' positions are random
>tab back into game and see the button off in a corner close by

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H2AD-5T v2 is a default red item.
You have to have this and wax quail and then sprint on top of a sloped rock and jump. If the rock is around 45 degrees you will fly vertically. The more quails you have the higher you go. 3 is enough to go OOB and respawn as if you have fallen of the map. Stomping from that hight nets you around up to 30k damage if you manage to find an ideal rock. Every 10 seconds.

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Have you?

You can literally fight it in midair where it does nothing and neither do most other mobs.

Do you guys ever start a game as Huntress and just let her get ganged up on by Lemurians haha

do any of the artifacts even work? tried selecting different ones as well as enabling them in console. the only thing that has worked is the start with $15 modifier.

They've said they're nerfing the hp or magma worm and implord because they're too grindy

t. never made it past 2 loops

Well fuck me then, 20 hours in playing with a buddy and we've never found the damn thing.

wtf the water looks really nice on the gay version of the first level (roost is it?)

>pick up vulture band thing
>"get elite powers when kill"
>ok sounds sweet
>kill elite
>half my hp turns into shields
>less than 10 seconds later
>shields disappear, left at half hp
t-thanks hopoo

Glass works, Sacrifice works, Spirit works, and Spite work(s). Spite bombs collide with each other, it seems, and when this is happening across dozens of enemies, it kills frames. Command is the only one that doesn't work.
Oh sweet.

>10 minutes
>Titan Plains

What the fuck? I'm usually at Iceland by now.

everything but command works
start with 15 is default

okay so if I understand this correctly, most enemies have a procCoefficient of 1.
The burn duration is equal to procC * 4, so 4 seconds for most attacks
The damage is equal to 0.25 * the character's damage value (seems to be unrelated to the type of attack's damage multiplier)
The damage applies every 0.5s

This means for the average attack, if the attack has a 100% damage multiplier, the burn will deal an additional 200% damage. However, as usual things aren't that simple

Golem's clap has a damage multiplier of 400%. This means if you get a burn from a golem's laser, it doesn't really matter.
(Laser doesn't have a visible damageCoefficient, but it'll likely be similar)
This means fire golems aren't a big deal

Some other enemies
greater wisp has 120%
lemurian fireball has 120%
lemurian bite has 400%
lemurian "leapattack" apparently doesn't have any scaling and always seems to do 10?

do note that these values could be off since they could be changed in the editor, which overwrites the value in the code.
A lot of attacks are also not readable code so can't help you there

but tl;dr
burn enemies that have hard hitting attacks but low damage values (most likely things such as antlion guards or golems) have much less effective burns than enemies with high damage values and weak hitting attacks.

there's a reason he thinks Merc is OP

The fact that that trash exists as a red item makes it soul crushing to see.

wait I just realized I could probably fix this as well

That's the worst part. Merc is by FAR the most mobile lvl 1 hero in the game.

Actually question, do you prefer mobility items or damage items in the first couple stages? I tend to rush TP pretty hard so I really like a Red Whip or some shit to save time cleaning up after.

is the boss obliterator the only item that spawns in the timed chest?

No the new music sucks because the composer got pretentious.

I prioritize syringes and energy drinks above all else.

opened it 3 times and all signs point to yes

Yes, it's also how you unlock it as part of the item pool.

Yeah it's pretty fucking sweet tbqh. Guaranteed nuke if you go quick and seeing as you're going quick you can safely use your limited cash opening passive chests ignoring dirty oranges which are just going to drop Crowdfunder or Fruit anyways.

>instead of refreshing duration, meteorites stack
testing shit with the invincible merc glitch is nice but holy fuck never let more than one person use a meteorite. just one person with fuel cells and popping multiple will make it unavoidable

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (1084x767, 115K)
This is the best new track and better than 90% of RoR1's ost
Of course like all level music you never fucking hear it because the tele music overrides it

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>See this on ground
>wondering what it is
>get nuked by elder lemurian and burn to death

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he's not OP but VERY fun to play and good damage output with Items (well, same as everyone lol)

How will mult get nerfed

So do I nerf Burn status effect on player or not?
currently fixing headhunter, not sure if I should put in the nerf for burn too

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Do portal areas count as part of the 20 stage requirement for the Clover?

yeah, fuck burn
nothing says fun like getting hit by one attack and having 60% of your hp obliterated in 2 seconds thanks to the burn

Make it do 40% of what it does now seems cool.

pretty sure they do. got the Clover yesterday even though I was on ice level.


what would you say would be a fair reduction?
half it?
(I wonder if I should make it a cvar)

Make burn do its damage over long period of time and let us extinguish it somehow
Maybe by running around or rolling

I guess that explains why I got the cheevo when hitting the fourth level


>(I wonder if I should make it a cvar)
Activated by console/autoexec right? Sounds like a good idea.

wanna know something funny?
that looks like a fire elemental active, which is really rare. It would've made you immune to burn, walk with a fire trail, and have all of your attacks leavea burn DoT

Carrying it gives you the same effects as a burn elite.

I can't run this game for shit on my computer, i've had the first one but haven't played it much, should i play that more now?
Anything i should know about the first one?

How many levels do I have to pass through to unlock the clover? I think I'm on my third pass of the 1st stage.

user, you're not talking to Hopoo. Just some scriptkid twiddling with numbers. Put your feature suggestions on their twitter/discord/steam forums.

only issue is I'm not sure if it would be server controlled or not

She makes my golem stone.

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she makes my golem GOLDEN

yeah, I'm fucking around with it too. It's actually a bit retarded how messy things can get.

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I am just thinking aloud anyway
I don't expect to be listened to anyway


does this negate the default heal?

Fug. Whatever works best.
Distant Roost and Titanic Plains' themes are rubbing off on me. That one's a little too upbeat, for me.

No idea, never actually seen the item in game yet


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I mean I like Chris but I think he didn't deliver with ROR2 despite delivering with ROR1 & Deadbolt.

What's your favorite item/map notes so far?

The irony has not escaped me, dont worry.

yea it's kind of reminiscent of phantasy star makes it extra comfy

There are 3 super rare drop items in the game not in the item log. One for each elite type, Glacial, Blazing, and Overloaded. They all have the same generic model and have an extremely low chance of dropping from their respective elite enemies. They take the use item slot, but are not use items, instead granting all the passive benefits of their respective elite type similar to Wake of Vultures. Except permanent. So if you get the Overloaded item, you will have a permanent shield composed of half your health instead of the shit Wake of Vultures does.

You basically missed the chance of dozens of hours of play.

Queen is the most dangerous shit for mercs beside claypotfag. She can 1 shot you outta nowhere with the spit because it shotguns and is barely telegraphed

Their HP scaling is retarded compared to any other enemy. You need to be able to drop a normal boss in seconds to be able to deal with them properly.

*get one shot by queen* LUL

when are we getting a support based character
>can heal, nothing over the top that makes the game a cakewalk, maybe slow healing over time and a total health % based shield
>capable of fighting, low base stats
>some kind of skill that aids with interactables or hard to reach places

This, sadly.
I do wonder if it was designed to be more ambient on purpose since the giant open 3D world and camera means that sound cues are a fair deal more important than a little single-screen sidescroller, or if the composer just lost their touch
But when a giant boss shows up and the music doesn't even really raise a fuss it's odd

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I'm so mad the future won't look like this

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made a very short webm to show how fucking stupid it can get

Attached: meteors.webm (1006x764, 832K)

Finally managed to get past the second loop and even clear the third. It annoys me that I didn't even see the shot that killed me and greater wisps seem like more of a threat to me than they should be

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>tfw no huntress gf to kill worm with

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i was speaking of earning the achievement. are you not allowed to passive heal from default no items or is that a bust?

Hopoo isnt doing support based characters because they still gotta make all their abilities work for singleplayer or without any allies because they all died, at that point it wouldnt be support

Man, i wanted to try out RoR1 after my 38 hours in RoR2 so far and goddamn the controls and 2D aspect are kinda fucking me up
any tips?

imagine if women wore tit suits like pink blonde

Gives you chaos inoculation

yeah but all those kind of things could be used on the character itself

>tfw no huntress gf to play hide the worm with

>tfw no dom huntress gf to send you out in the woods with a 30 minute headstart before she tracks you down and snaps your neck with her thighs

>no huntress gf to cuddle with
press E to obliterate yourself from existence

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No bully!

>The story is that we're going to investigate what happened to UES Contact Light
I can kind of believe that considering the snow level is the Contact Light survivors camp.

When's the patch coming out?
Hoopo said early this week so I'm thinking later today

What about the controls and 2D is fucking you up? I can only give you some general tips.
Always rush for tele because the difficulty scaling means enemies will outscale you in stats super fast.
Learn to cheese enemies, most of the big ones cant go up ledges so you can easily shoot at them without retaliation. This is why its not good to hang around wide open spaces because you really need terrain to move around the enemies.
Go to Audio and Video and set zoom scale to 1x and you'll be able to see EVERYTHING and spot that tele in seconds.

stop being a dumb little crybaby. the atmosphere in RoR1 alone can get you through everything

Why do people like Coalescence so much

any 4man EU lobby open?

But I'm too slow!
t. Artificer

engineer is fucking stupid

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Any Huntress or Artificer mods in the works?
Or female variants of the other survivors?

Because it's a very good song

>engineer is boring af

I know, Moisture Deficit is where its at

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I agree but like the whole soundtrack is great what makes coalescence stick out so much

it's a good song and you hear it on the final level making it more memorable then the others due to that

EU Host when?

It's a nice sad theme that juxtaposes well with the fact that by that point in the game you're mindlessly slaughtering an armies worth of monsters because you're just that powerful.

Maybe because it's on the last level? Maybe because the way it starts out soft and slow yet transitions to a guitar squealing climax matches the feel of desperation in the fight with providence?
I don't know

Artificer buff when?

Attached: Artificer.jpg (432x610, 56K)

risk of rain 2 lies to you

Alright bucko, have a nice day
Mostly that im used to shoot in any direction while moving from 2, will take a hot minute to get used to, thanks for the tips tho


Man I forgot how good the final song was. Just rehearing it on youtube and man. It's so good.
I think when I get burned out on RoR2 I'll go back to RoR1 on a fresh save.

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>the discord chimping out rn

You just cant pick up healing items at all. Your base natural regen wont count.

Where can i download mods from? Tried googling but nothing comes up?

what's going on? is it the merc bug?
phoneposting like a faggot so I can't check

some discord tranny is having a mental breakdown because a mod told them to 'just block' this person who was annoying them

>even having discord installed


I think it's just something that happens to musicians in general. Look at just how common it is for a band to have a fantastic album, and then nothing they ever release again reach the same level again.

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post screenshots

what's the merc bug?

*spawns a blazing enemy*

It's quite literally exponential save for the first couple levels. Look at that nice straight line.

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The BFG achievement, is it that you have to reach the chest, physically, in less than 10 minutes? Or just reach Rallypoint Delta in less than 10 minutes?

oh, I think I saw them bitching about that guy not getting banned yesterday in the "suggestions" section
fuck off, not our fault that hopoo decided to have an official discord for patch notes and other shit.

You have to reach the chest in less than 10 min

reach Rallypoint Delta, and then find the chest in less than 10 minutes.

chest in less than 10
that's why the challenge says "open the timed chest on Rallypoint Delta"

>he didn't do the prismatic challenge to unlock it instantly

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The shield powerup is pretty much the only health related item you can pick up. I think the warbanner is ok as well, but I'm not sure. Generally anything that makes a green number pop up on your will ruin the achievement. I can see it being annoying to get, but it isn't all that hard. Playing solo, I got it on rainstorm on my second attempt as huntress.

you have to open the chest

you need to find and reach the chest in Rallypoint Delta before 10 minutes
the chest is a guaranteed BFG, so some people choose to always rush so that they can get it as an equip, but unlocking the achievement will allow you to get it from random drops too

Does the game scale with stage and time or just time? I've always just grinded until I had all the chests in the map, especially golden in hell

Yeah, maybe I'm bad at appreciating music. Thanks for explaining the theme etc anons.

kinda both
time increases difficulty, but different stages have different, usually more difficult enemies to beat.
Also every time you beat a stage difficulty leaps by several bars

For me it's hailstorm

It scales with time


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Ideal way to get Newtist is to use mercenary so you just have the most mobility right?

Welp, it was a good run while it lasted. I can't reach them without getting one shot. RIP Lucky Clover.

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Seeing as most of the altars are hard to reach, yes.

RoR1 just scaled with time, but RoR2 has the difficulty bar leap forward a bit each stage, with larger increases whenever you loop.
watch the corner and you can kind of see it jump right as the teleporter pops

How do I get better at Magic cunt?
I always die around 70 or so minutes if not earlier and I wanna try a two hour run. What's the secret?

I agree with the tranny on this one. Imagine if some of these clickbaiting retarded journos started to complain that people are posting porn on an official Discord where kids can see it.

holy fuck how do you have so few items despite playtime

Please keep the discordposts out. We really don't care, keep it there.

Half of my items were fucking Q items every fucking stage. I was screaming.

why do enemies stop spawning after the inital map load after around the 3rd hour into a run

is it jsut a bug?

discord was a mistake

It's a bug and the devs have acknowledged it

so it is just a discord tranny thats upset
earlier in the week there was some faggot spamming the feedback section with facebook tier images, and someone was bitching about wanting him banned when everyone else just blocked him
desu i slightly agree with that tranny but only because I want hopoo to actually look at the feedback and not have to skip over a bunch of retards shitposting. just section everything off and keep the fanart in the fanart section. getting upset over people drawing lewds of huntress and artificer is fucking retarded though. at the worst, make an NSFW section

where the fuck is all the PORN

fan works

it's a bug/oversight
the general speculation is that the game is trying to spawn the tier above elite enemies (blazing/glacial/overloading) like in the original Risk of Rain, but they don't exist yet so nothing spawns.

If you're getting that far, it seems like you already know her tricks. Anything beyond that is the luck of the items. I love her, but she peters off in the late game.

lunar items were a mistake
i also had drones built up and grabbed a glass for some reason and i did encounter backup/preon accumulator and they are as retarded as you would expect from 5 gestures of drowned

Attached: becoming the bullet hell.png (294x222, 107K)

I only remember the Loader's endgame quote having any semblance of hope.

>furry avatar

HAN-D had hope too. Robot not really giving a fuck about the maiming he had to do to become free/individual.

I'm fucking terrible at this game, do you guys who know how to play go fast to take advantage of the slow difficulty ramp up or do you thoroughly loot the first areas to get a good build going asap?

Having 2 of those as the transformer with a couple of fuel cells is the greatest feeling ever

Miner's wasn't bad either. Just adrenaline. Acrid wanted to be left alone

for ROR2 you're basically required to get geared up on those first few maps so that you can handle the insane scaling after Very Hard

There is a balance between rushing, and grabbing chests in the first couple stages. You want as many items as you can get, but also want to move on quickly. It's really a matter of playing enough times to learn the trick. Grab what you can before the teleporter event, and then grab what you can after without wasting too much time. If you miss a few chests, oh well. Later on though it's all about getting to the tp as fast as you can, and getting what you can after the fact.
The game is all about dying, and starting a fresh run, so don't sweat it too much if you have a bunch of bad runs. Practice makes perfect.
Plus, it's not like there is an endgame.

EU 4 player MOONSOON, trying to get the elite moonsoon boss challenge.


Attached: johnny cereal.jpg (720x540, 25K)

Damn son, if you got a fruit you'd be fucking invincible

I made it to Rallypoint Delta at 5:45 and the fucking timed chest isn't on the peak or at its base wtf where else can it be.
RoR2 will become always go fast when Glass and Honor are implemented since Sacrifice will make them spawn items upon death.

Well it's a good thing I've got you, ya fruit.

It can be inside one of the stacked shipping containers.

Attached: just_die.jpg (244x282, 28K)

In the second level container closest to the rocky column by the waterside.

Everyone lost something. They're on the planet to try and get it back.

A cargo container. The one that's on another container, easy to miss.
From the coast, go through the right fence and it's the first lamp on the left.

I do 1 or 2 fast boxes in the first area before tele. Then I grab all the nearby ones after tele is charged and that'll usually use up all my cash. Best advice I can give is plot your routes so that you take the shortest path possible. Be a bee.
You only really want to get super thorough after tele is popped. But as you advance in difficulty, you'll have more enemy spawns, which is more money to open chests on your way to tele.

Attached: 1554255947494.png (682x603, 28K)

At first I was finding RoR2 ost kinda lackluster compared to first but now it's grown on me. While it's similar in style it has completely different mood, less suspence and more melancholy.
I can't stop listening to it, help

childish desu, no one cares

>get invited to some RoR2 modding discord
>oh neato, it's probably a private invite only discord. maybe I'll learn some shit or some people can help me
>post some of the shit I'm doing
>people just beg me for it
>people posting really basic shit & having issues with literally nothing
>mods circlejerking
>special "modder" role
>"modder"s also circlejerking

I regret joining

Thanks for the advice.

Attached: 1507038075139.jpg (1536x2048, 433K)

it's fascinating how many retards think this cash grab is a good game
it's not even fun to play

It was in a container at the base of the mountain. Fucking sweet. One more tool for the Long Road.

Kek, just call them redditors and quit
You can get all the positive affirmation you need from us anonymous people


t. drizzlefag
if you're going to bait, don't bother


US East, 8 players. Have the 16 player mod before joining.

Do not feed this troll

Attached: FUCK_fire_elites.png (512x512, 179K)

Why does Artificer have power limiters on his thighs?

Unlocked artificer last night and after reading a bunch of complaints about her wasn't expecting much, but I like her. Bit squishy but she hits hard.

how to cheat the blue coins?
apparently is very easy


>straight line


Attached: 1539363587632.jpg (1300x866, 118K)

Because she knows it would be too easy without them.
Artificer likes you too.

Attached: 1554191788411.png (836x714, 47K)

It's a log graph, dumbo

I hope we can import the RoR1 OST into RoR2.

>not wanting it to be an unlock option

>Grenades? Landmines? Awesome!
>They are completely worthless and not even worth using for chip damage past a certain point because you'd be better off just dodging
>Just drop turrets and run around for 3+ hours
God dammit.


>allow grenades to maintain their charge and ministun for 0.2s each
>replace mines with homing missiles
there, fixed

I'd be alright with that to, so long as it's not something too specific that you'd actually have to be mindful to go for, and that you'd get for just playing the game. Something simple like, "beat the game on rainstorm/monsoon"

Steam\userdata\number folder\632360\remote\UserProfiles
You'll find an XML file for every profile you have
Open it in notepad and CTRL + F "coins"
Change the numerical value to the amount of coins you want
Do this with the game turned off, otherwise repeat the process again.

*ends your two hour run in half a second*

Attached: Image taken 5 seconds before disaster.jpg (1920x1080, 224K)

anyone have any good screenshots that would work as desktop/phone wallpapers? would love to use this one they posted, but not high-res.

Attached: Risk of Rain 2 Commando ukelele forest game wallpaper background.jpg (1280x681, 211K)

My wishful desire is that they allow us to manually set the soundtrack so you can choose what you want to play on each stage, and with custom music support so you can build your own playlist if you want.
However I doubt this will happen until they complete the game itself and even then it's a stretch.

I'd like to see grenades passively charge up over a few seconds (modified by attack speed) of not being fired, so you can just sprint around for a few seconds and then quickly blast out a spray of bombs and keep moving, and of course homing missiles are an obvious addition.

>with custom music support so you can build your own playlist
Way to devalue original composer's efforts.

It's an optional feature so how does it devalue the composer's effort?

This would be ideal, but I'd be fine with just getting a normal import of the OST.

Hence the quotation of someone calling it “quite literally exponential,” dumbo

>30 hours later unlocked every item
Now what

>softlocked at gold level because of the enemy spawns ending
>still can't find the fucking scanner
>can't even kill myself, have to exit the run manually
well fuck. good thing achievements and logbook entries count. Still need that fucking gold map and the damned worms though

He's already the most powerful class not abusing a glitch though even if his playstyle is pure wank lategame.

Why the FUCK do I only ever find gold golem shrines at the beginning of a run or in the middle of a really shitty run. God damn it I want the logs from there, my logbook is almost complete.

Attached: 1427040274991.jpg (500x332, 50K)

What the fuck are you smoking?

What boss has killed you the most Yea Forums?
Fuck blazing titans

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 919K)

It's not just you, I have the exact same problem.

I was part of a Tekken 7 modding discord. The mods are very basic for that game, but yeah, to learn you gotta ask people, that's just how it works.
What they had was a channel for teaching people with some stickied resources like a quick tutorial video. That helped keep posts down by a lot.
What was however really annoying is the constant "role-faggotry". With like a million different roles needed to be able to post in X or share a basic mod. It's like chasing permits in the Asterix movie.

Beginning of a run is best though. FUCK blazing Golems and FUCK gold people.

But log graphs show exponential functions as a straight line

You can factory reset your monitor, should be in the menus.
But the bloom really is that strong anyway.

Attached: 1554068883_ROR2Artificer.png (1369x2505, 253K)

Stay in school kids

Might as well be a boss

Attached: 7dR6Cdc.png (1552x847, 699K)

some people are saying that the environment log for that map is bugged and won't spawn
the gold titan log is available though, it's just a garbage drop rate like all logs

Someone host US

>Now what
Now you must try to find the most broken item combo.

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What's Bandit's abilities? I don't really feel like modding for him so I'll just wait for the patch with him in it.

have you found every item for the logbook?
did you figure out your favorite or optimal item combination yet user?

You have to open the chest before the ten minute mark, but it spawns in either one of several fixed locations at least.

M1 8 shot rifle, then needs to reload
M2 pistol shot, resets cooldowns & ammo on kill
R placeholder
utility stealth & speed, ministun at activation & termination points

Shotgun/revolver MOUSE1 combo. Single big shot for MOUSE2. Invisibility and increased speed SHIFT. R is supposed to be a molotov or grenade, but it's non-functional. If you score a kill with MOUSE2, your SHIFT and MOUSE1 cooldowns reset instantly.

you can charge grenades, sprint and then fire them while sprinting

>Arti is my favorite character
>Enjoy her as is
>Everyone saying she's shit and calling for buffs
>Main might get even better
I know she's not the strongest, but she doesn't feel trash tier so any boosts she gets are gonna be great.

I know, but the autofire makes it difficult to do it at the right time and the damage still isn't worth it.

Game is fun but it gets old very quickly considering the lack of content
This needs at least twice as many stages, twice as many enemies, twice as many bosses and 50% more items and characters to be GOTY, but I doubt it's getting even 20% more of each

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I got it as Merc with cautious slugs, they didnt count for whatever reason.

>game isnt even a week old
>EA period is confirmed to be a year long
>at least one content update a month

if they add the things that were on RoR1 then we'll have 50% more content but seeing how Devs treated RoR1 i don't hope so much for them

not sure why i even bought this game cus i'm sure they'll drop support

play with friends and have fun?

I already did. Found an immortal weapon combo which could kill anything instantly.

I'll post a webm of it tomorrow.


I had a thought about the interaction between huntress (god bless her thighs) and crowbars. Glaive text says that each bounce increases damage by 10%. What does that mean exactly? does it take the initial damage done, and then increase that by 10%?

this would mean that if the first hit was say, on an enemy with 90% or more health, and the crobars proc, that huge amount of damage would be the base for subsequent bounces and enemies that aren't above 90% might get hit with 10% more damage than the healthy one that started the chain. If the crowbar procs more than once per glaive use, it might increases at a crazy rate by bouncing from healthy enemy to healthy enemy, each time increasing the base damage by 150% +10%

basically, is the crowbar super broken on huntress?

Attached: file.png (776x110, 89K)


gee user it's almost like it's early access and there are plans for all of that stuff to be added, and it literally just entered early access a few days ago
the items page alone has a little under 50% marked as under construction, and we're confirmed to get many more stages/bosses/enemies

if you're getting burned out, just take a break and play again later

Do crowbars do a set amount of damage to enemies at 100% or do they do more damage the higher percentage the enemy's health is?

Fixed Headhunter, but got a few questions.

A) Should getting the shield buff from headhunter instantly give a portion of that shield? It seems kind of useless even when fixed, at least with a single headhunter. If so, what portion should I make it give? (Not sure if I'd be able to though and I really don't wanna waste a bunch of extra time testing this since it takes like 15 min per attempt) Did I just not get shield because I just got hit or something?
B) How often should I release updates? I'm about to implement a convar for the burn dot's damage, but I'm not sure if I should release it after that or if I should wait until I maybe make Command or Honor artifacts
C) Should I try to make Sacrifice artifact not spawn chests/shops? See for some numbers. I feel like the first few levels you'd pretty much get no items.
D) Is anyone interested in a Command artifact that only spawns shops (no chests)

Also I've released a pastebin with some info for other people interested in modding shit in
Won't be useful to the large majority of you, but there might be a few here who might give it a shot

Attached: headhunter.webm (960x540, 1.2M)

the absolute state of Yea Forums. Fuck off butthurtfags, I know it's on early access, but you're delusional if you think the game will get twice as much content over the course of one year in early access. Go whiteknight your game on discord or something.

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iirc it's like a flat damage bonus against enemies over 90%

Did this already get an update? Never seen bronze keys before
or are they exlusive to 3+ players lobbies?

it's clear you just came here to shitpost user
maybe lurk more and learn the board culture, or maybe even learn why people hate early access in general but are accepting of this game's form of early access?
if it's a rusted key then it's an item that's always been there
you probably don't have it unlocked, and someone else in the lobby does. Only one player needs an item unlocked for others to be able to find it.

Woah man its almost like the first game started out the same way

OK, this is epic.

Attached: 20190403145631_1.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)

>Engineer Monsoon run
>Teddy bear and crit glasses printers in the same stage
>Have 14 white items
What do I do

Attached: and a fungus waiting in a multishop.jpg (918x80, 25K)

>what is a web browser

Ah okay, I thought so. I never went for crowbars, since it'll usually take more than one hit to kill an enemy anyways. I know the damage from a crowbar can one-shot, but I really just don't see it to be worth a slot tbqh. I'll pick some up late game if there's nothing else but that's about it.

EU Moonsoon
4 Players Lobby

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mate there are literally files in the game for 6 more characters
if you're going to bait then take it back to your e-celeb threads

contact hopoo and work on the game directly so we have a man on the inside

enemies, items & bosses are fairly easy to add once you have the framework
the devs did a really good job at making things modular, 95% of the time spent will likely go into modeling/rigging/animating the enemies.

They focused on the base, so they can fix issues and improve it before they build too much further on it

Just move this game to /vg/, it already became a reddit circlejerk

get 10 teddy bears and 4 glasses

Put em all into bears and glasses and get mushroom.

10 glasses, rest bears
get 100% crit rate, and 35-40% or so chance at blocking an attack. don't remember the exact math

I hope they add a final boss soon. It comes to the point where I only open a chest and a chain reaction happens that 1 shots every enemy on the map until I leave. I want a boss to beat my ass.

that's what happened with SCPSL but since they're a 3 man team I doubt it'll happen

Yes, regen from that "out of combat regen" item doesn't count either. My guess is only "green numbers" count.

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
>why are you talking about video games on the video game board, indies should fuck off and die at /vg/
here's your last (You), back to the smash thread now buddy

Crowbars are good on heavy burst characters. Like mul-ts rail gun or sniper when they add him.

>mfw huge stack of crowbars and armor piercing rounds and ripping 75% of bosses HP with 1 rail shot

Attached: 6042521A-9208-4BC9-B9AB-80FF407B8693.png (750x937, 81K)

he already modded in some of the things people wanted. he's basically doing their job for them at this point. I say it's worth a try. Maybe have someone else ask hopoo on twitter what he thinks of all of the artifact modding he has done first to gauge his reaction.

crowbars are also great for using items that self damage like meteorites. you will one shot anyone on your team with that shit if they let themselves get hit. Hellfire tincture will literally kill yourself instantly though

The first time you hear Coalescence you immediately feel like it's the end of the game. It worked so perfectly. I doubt the new track will be as good but hopefully I'm wrong.

>Merc Eviscerate
>cannot be hit for the duration
I lose HP during it all the time though.

I take off my trip for most things cause I don't like tripfagging
also technically I didn't contact SCPSL devs, I was contacted by them

>Cheating on an easy fucking challenge

Attached: 1536224920454.jpg (1300x889, 223K)

>I take off my trip for most things cause I don't like tripfagging

good on you. using trips right.

I got it legit and you can to loser.

>people say Merc isn't OP
>he literally cant die

doesn't stacking ukuleles just increase the number and range of lightning arcs?

>Not cheating all the time, constantly, literally every waking moment

it's not cheating but it is cheesing/exploiting

I don't even have to abuse invincibility frames anymore man. Fucking Merc.

Attached: drone.jpg (3440x1440, 1.34M)

Cheating = using third party software/hardware
Exploiting = using what's in the game

So what's the lore explanation of RoR2 after the events of RoR?

All I need is that dumb Newt Alter achievement and the crab achievement. Does the newt one work when you go through the blue portal?

Attached: 1554230195652.png (695x467, 27K)


>get sequenced
>32 stacks of energy drinks
>super fast but weak as shit

Brainlet here. How does the clover impact gameplay in concrete terms?

Attached: brainlet wojak helmet.png (403x448, 53K)

If someone offered you 18 bears and a brittle crown would you take it

Is there any way to increase the drop rate on the fire/ice/lightning equipment? After 40 hours I've only ever seen one of them once, it'd be nice to see them.

all of your chance of happening effects from items suck as ukulele will happen a lot more often

Know tabletop roleplaying games? Every roll that happens, be it crit or item drop, has advantage.

Having to guess it takes every single "on hit chance to" and things of that nature and if it doesn't happen gives it another go to see if it does happen, and if it does then it goes with that outcome

Okay yeah scratch A off the list, if you didn't get hit it instantly regens, so just don't get hit.

Still looking for feedback on the other questions, not sure what I should focus on after testing the burn cvar

Post your best times for the current seed. Cheater faggots need not apply.

Attached: 20190403101820_1.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)

They've either all been hired by the same company which hired them to protect the UES Contact Light to go back and retrieve all the items which they didn't return with the first time or the returners are here for personal reasons (mainly to get back what they lost, like Commando's humanity) while the newcomers are all there for either money or their own personal reasons.



>Fixed Headhunter, but got a few questions.
>A) Should getting the shield buff from headhunter instantly give a portion of that shield? It seems kind of useless even when fixed, at least with a single headhunter. If so, what portion should I make it give? (Not sure if I'd be able to though and I really don't wanna waste a bunch of extra time testing this since it takes like 15 min per attempt) Did I just not get shield because I just got hit or something?
Explain headhunter, I'm not really sure what that is
>B) How often should I release updates? I'm about to implement a convar for the burn dot's damage, but I'm not sure if I should release it after that or if I should wait until I maybe make Command or Honor artifacts
Maybe once a week or so, say a friday, so that people can all get caught up on the latest version to play multi together
>C) Should I try to make Sacrifice artifact not spawn chests/shops? See for some numbers. I feel like the first few levels you'd pretty much get no items.
If you can find a way to increase the amount in the earlier levels, I remember that being a bit of an issue in RoR1, only 4 items or so would spawn on level 1
>D) Is anyone interested in a Command artifact that only spawns shops (no chests)
Yes, also printers
>Also I've released a pastebin with some info for other people interested in modding shit in
>Won't be useful to the large majority of you, but there might be a few here who might give it a shot
God I wish I was any good at this kind of stuff, but keep up the good work user. We all love you

Attached: 1495135650036.gif (500x500, 2.13M)

Consider a coinflip, you win if it's heads, you lose if it's tails. Clover makes it so there are 2 coinflips. If either one is heads, you win, but if they're both tails you use. Effectively, your chance of winning turns from 50% to 75% in this scenario.

The actual change will be dependent on your chance of success though. If it's high, then it becomes near certain, if it's low, it has a more subdued, but still significant effect.

A 90% chance would turn into a 99% chance.
A 5% chance would turn into a 9.75% chance.

see image related
this is used for most (if not all) the RNG rolls in the game

Attached: 1554287638964[1].png (550x133, 7K)

>play rainstorm too many times
>get bored and move to monsoon
wtf i love monsoon

Attached: 20190403044014_1.jpg (1920x1080, 471K)

No it isn't. The +10% is to the base damage of the glaive which is then further increased by 150% if the second enemy is healthy.

Because you're on fire

How do I join a lobby ? Sorry for the low IQ

It's ok when Yea Forums likes it. If you bought it, refund it. If you pirated it, why are you complaining about a free game?

based and redpilled

>twice as many enemies, twice as many bosses
hi drizzlet

Attached: 1554231272825.png (786x574, 674K)

>invincible merc glitch
Enlighten me

Monsoon is either great or terrible. I feel way more at the mercy of rng, bad early items are painfully difficult to recover from unlike in rainstorm where you can kinda just fudge it until you fix your build

Are you retarded? I am talking about variety, not actual amount of enemies in-game
RoR2 defense force, everyone

Don't sprint and only use default attack and 2nd skill

only 5 items left to unlock for the logbook, after that maybe just grind to get all the monster and environmental logs? not sure, will cross that bridge when I get to it.
>5 lunar items and newt statues
will do these last, need to farm coins.
>activate teleporter with 10% health
probably cheese it by abusing fall damage on the first stage or something
>kill 20 hermit crabs by knocking them off
easy if I can find the cube
>defeat bosses with 2+ shrines of the mountain
haven't even SEEN two shrines on 1 stage yet, all luck on this one.
inb4 'cheat them in, lol', the point of the game is to unlock the items

Attached: b5de42978b4bb88f7086b466acba3257.png (883x598, 476K)

HeadHunter is a red item in the game, it's not called HeadHunter in the game itself, but it's clearly a reference to it (since it looks the same & functions the same) and is called HeadHunter in the code
I think it's called Wake of Vultures or something

If you call an elite, you gain his buffs. The issue with this item is that if you killed a shield elite, you'd lose half your healthbar. I fixed that issue

>If you can find a way to increase the amount in the earlier levels
it uses Log3(enemyXp + 1) * 3. As shown in the other post I linked there. if I simply change the +1 to say +3-+5 or even higher, it would greatly increase the amount you get early while not really affecting late game

(2xp enemy is currently 3% chance, with +3 it'd become 4.5%, with 5 it'd become 5.1%)
Meanwhile a 100 xp enemy would change from 12.66 to 12.69% (+1 to +5)

>Maybe once a week or so, say a friday, so that people can all get caught up on the latest version to play multi together
fuck really? I would assume people would want them more frequently, because people have been complaining about headhunter bug & burn damage since the very start

>game isnt even out a week, early access at that
>muh no content
>are you retarded?????
'no u' drizzlet

Attached: 1c1.png.jpg (627x742, 122K)

only use M1 and M2, you can't do any cool dash moves or you will start taking damage. you can't die but at the same time you aren't really living.

>>activate teleporter with 10% health
I just had this happen naturally by somehow winning on really low HP.

The only one I'm considering editing is the 10% teleporter one. There's no skill involved, you just have to wait until you get lucky and have a blood shrine spawn next to the teleporter.

>respect my early access game!!!!!

NA join homies


>going strong for about 54 minutes
>get blasted ONCE by a blazing golem
>the burn does more damage than the initial blast
>didn't even get >3 energy drinks
>only had 1 hoof
why is monsoon treating me so shit lads?

I thought you were just fishing for (you)s, but you got baited so easily yourself I'm having second thoughts.
Maybe you're just retarded after all.

Attached: 1435467821348.jpg (163x163, 11K)

>barely telegraphed
Watch her mouth.

>Wake of vultures
Oh shit based, good job on fixing that
>Just change the +1 to a +5
Nice catch, it's been a while since I've done any precalc
>I would assume people would want them more frequently
Main problems I see is everyone having different versions or not wanting to manually update their game every day. If you could make an updating archive of all your assembly versions and pastebin links that would be cash. Also numbered so people know if they have the latest one or not.

Attached: 1554061078579.png (853x480, 156K)


You can do that one easily. Start teleporter event, stand in circle til' 99% charged, bring the Boss low, take damage to 10%, then kill boss and boom.

That one is easy as shit.
>pick MUL-T
>activate teleporter on first level
>delete boss
>get progress to 98-99
>leave zone
>let trash hit you until you're sub 10%
>re-enter zone

monsoon is really hit or miss, i think the drops are better and the spawns are way the fuck more fun but if you get bad early drops you may as well give up

>respect my early access game!!!!!
shit on it as you wish. i have an awesome time even after many hours. if you can't even fathom the fact it's early access consinder suicide or play something else until new content arrive, drizzlet

Attached: 1554250179383.jpg (2048x1978, 242K)

>2 60 minute runs on Drizzle
>go super fast, spend no time looking for chests more than necessary
>15/16 stages
>one mistake over an hour of gameplay

That 20 stage item is insane.

I'm playing RoR 1 for the first time and I don't get it.

I won the game on my third try becoming OP as fuck. Every other class I've unlocked seems to be worse.

I don't understand if I should rush for the teleporter or take my time and open all the chests/shrines.

The game is also VERY repetitive. There are like a dozen enemies + an handful of bosses. There are also 6 or so stages and they are always the same with minor changes, the levels aren't actually procedurally generated.
I don't get how people can play this game for hundreds of hours.

What I'm doing wrong?

You can't get the environment log because chests, barrels and other interactables bar the altars spawn.

>implying there's no content

I got Honor in for the most part already and kinda have an idea on how to go about implementing a better Sacrifice

I keep fucking dying before I can re-enter the tele zone. I think I'm letting the mobs get too big, because the instant I'm at 10%, another monster instantly attacks and finishes me off. I've failed attempting this stupid achievement like half a dozen times, I feel retarded.

Yes I am also having fun but you're delusional if you think it'll get content considering these developers' past games
>instead of saying there will be content added Yea Forums has now conformed to the fact they won't get anything and began saying what little content the game currently has is perfectly fine
like poetry

2 more

Attached: 1527235413040.jpg (584x488, 62K)

Did you get all the artifacts?

>tfw i could have completed the mountain shrine achievement on the literal first level of one of my runs but i didn't notice the second shrine until after i activated the teleporter
I'm still so fucking angry. I'm never going to get that lucky again. I was even playing Mul-T on Titanic Plains so guaranteed I'd be able to just spam the railgun from across the map.


That's a good point, I should probably try that instead of screwing with the config files.

those elder lumarians after the switches are buff

Roguelikes maybe aren't for you.

There are 10 stages and one secret stage.
>Every other class I've unlocked seems to be worse.
Every class is viable, make no mistake.
>I don't understand if I should rush for the teleporter or take my time and open all the chests/shrines.
Always rush teleporter in Risk 1.
>I don't get how people can play this game for hundreds of hours.

Why do you >imply so much? I have 30 hours so far and am still working on completing the challenges. Just wait until release if you're so upset


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pretty cool bosses. i like them

After you kill the boss keep their numbers super low. It might take them a while to knock your health down but it's better than misjudging it and getting killed. Also if you get a few levels on MUL-T first his health pool is pretty substantial so it should make it less risky. Also the moment you get low enough use his shift to zoom into the zone.

What's the best strat for the 15 second boss?

>but you're delusional if you think it'll get content considering these developers' past games
Do you sincerely believe nothing else is going to be added to RoR2?

>dont sprint
you retard the sprint is fine its just no teleport skills

I don't get Artificer. How am I supposed to play her, and what items work well on her?

I know she's overall weak, but I'm confused as to how to even use her. Her ice wall seems like it has potential, but I can't damage people fast enough to take advantage of the shatter effect. And should I be prioritizing bosses or crowds? As for items, I've found that Extended Magazines work well for right-click spamming, but I don't know what else I should be going for aside from obvious picks like Tougher Times.

Any advice?

I believe we're getting new classes, one or two dozen new items and two or three new stages, each one with like two or three new enemies and one boss each, and that won't be enough

Nope, only 3 of them. I tried to play with one (the exploding into bombs) and it just made the game more annoying. Are they supposed to make the game easier/harder?
I actually enjoy roguelike, but one of the reasons is that the levels are actually procedurally generated.
>Always rush teleporter in Risk 1.
After killing a boss/all the enemies, should I go around the level spending all the money I have or just go to next level ASAP?

I'm likely going to make a version history with the download links for old versions & their changes

>Yes I am also having fun but you're delusional if you think it'll get content considering these developers' past games
What, like risk of rain? Which has hundreds of hours of content? 12 characters? Like 100 items?

fool me once, shame on you
fool me twice, i'm shitting

I was playing a quick play game and I was the last one alive when the boss died. It was shrined so I ended up getting 8 fuel cells.
I had the lightning strike item, too. When the bosses spawned on the next level I just spammed Q on them and I ended up doing it, also got 5000 damage in one hit doing this.

>risk of rain
>hundreds of hours of content
The defense force is getting more and more retarded.
It has like 10 hours of content. You replayed it ad nauseum, since it's a multiplayer game, thus hacking 100 hours.
You need to be cognitively limited to actually think RoR has 100 hours of content. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has that, The Witcher 3 has that, RoR doesn't


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>and two or three new stages, each one with like two or three new enemies and one boss each, and that won't be enough
I'll bet a lot of money we're getting at least 5 new stages, which would match RoR1's count. Enemies I dunno.

I wonder if they're even intended to be dropped. It's clear that when the game decides to spawn an elite, it just spawns a monster as normal and gives them one of those items.

They make the game both easier and harder, a good mix that was found that's both challenging and fun was.

Can some one give me strats for the game? Should my goal be to open literally every single chest I can get my hands on for the first 2 or 3 levels?
I also feel like I always get fucking killed by that fire lemur thing, and the greater wisp. I have never ever been able to dodge the attacks from a greater wisp.

what's the issue with risk of rain 1 and deadbolt?

The priority is mobility items to avoid getting splattered, hooves, energy drinks, feathers, wax quails. After than you can go with anything really, flamethrower is good for proc items and the close range risk is mitigated by hooves and feathers, extra mags are decent too since they let you spam charged M2.

>After killing a boss/all the enemies, should I go around the level spending all the money I have or just go to next level ASAP?
Go around and get all the chests.



>replay value =/ content
Look at this zoomer and laugh
Sure man, you can technically beat the game in 10 minutes if you speedrun, so RoR has 10 minutes of content.

Aim for mobility items at the beginning. Anything that gives you some defense by allowing you to run away.
An early crowbar can be nice to help you oneshot wisps
Extra Magazines for more M2 uses
Don't use the wall for the execute but for the freeze. Execute is only useful vs elites.
Your flamethrower can proc and attacks more per syringe, apparently, so typical proc build probably.

Should I pull the trigger Yea Forumsros?

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that money crown thing from the lunar pod + crowdfunder is some crazy shit i tell ya what

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save ice wall until they're already at the execute threshold or super close to it. you're on the right track with extended mags, prioritize movement items tho, quail is godly. anything aoe of course too (wisp, gas, based cube) it's not super obvious, but you can sprint while charging M2.

>Be merc main
>Have literally never died to a vagrant
Someone explain this meme to me

>goat hooves, hopoo feathers, quails
You need a lot of mobility so you can use your R safely (an extra two or three jumps allows you to do this), and to disengage safely (goat hooves + quail makes your jump more or less similar to a lot of the actual mobility skills of other classes).
>backup mags
Like you said, these are good.
>soldier's syringe
This is a lesser pick, but it makes your M2 recharge faster and slightly increases your R's overall dps. Bready good at a modest stack, diminishing returns is really fucking bad though (since your M1 isn't just infinitely improved like every other character), so don't go over 3 or 4 unless you have all of the other items listed in spades.
>teddy bear, leeching seed
Best damage prevention and healing you can get.

These are all very important early items; once you have these, later in the first loop or early in the second loop, start going for proc stuff because FT has really high fire+proc rate.

She relies entirely on items for her movement, so getting screwed early on can fuck you eventually.
On kill and exploding effects are amazing on her.
I'd also argue that cube is her best active until absurdly lategame where 90% of the spawns are bosses that ignore it, and even then it can be useful for pulling groups of whatever small guys do spawn into a tightly grouped bomb you can detonate on a boss with her M2s to nuke it with hit and kill procs.

Praise geraldo

That's what I do, but it's tedious as shit.

I miss tough times
I liked the raw defense increase

I could add it for you

Should you just get straight to the tele in the late game?
Into the 60 minute mark it doesn't even let you breath good lord


you main merc ofc you never die to vagrant
most classes lack i frames or a sufficient movement ability to gtfo when they notice the vagrant telegraphing its explosion, so they die to it like unaware fags and cry on the internet

Ice wall is a finisher. Use it when the enemy is around 30% to insta them.
Speed and health items are key. Wax Quail is your friend, even just one drastically improves your movement and allows you to bhop and dodge around.
Artificer melts anything, but especially crowds. She makes really good use of the SUCCube. Get willow wisp, drag a huge crowd into boss for Tzar Bomba.

He's not wrong about that. Replay value and content are two separate things. There aren't a lot of games that have a lot of both, it's usually one or the other. Nothing wrong with that.

1 more nignog

Get yourself Doubleclip, of course.
Wisps. Gasoline. Bazooka. Icicle ring. Bazooka is the best shit on her.

The Vagrant's AOE blast thing is deadly for Artificer and slower people like Commando's with their cooldown on.

>pic related
Get any convenient and close chests that you have dosh for on the way to teleporter and nearby the teleporter.

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Got the lightning one once but didnt know what it was. Thanks. I bet that fire one could save merc runs

What class are you playing? Most classes have a pretty slow early game since they don't have great movement abilities (Huntress, Mul-T, and Merc all have great movement abilities for rushing around the map). By the end of the first loop, though, you should be fast enough that the tedium wears down.

Got a really long run for the first time
Is late game enemies really this bullet sponge-y or is just because i'm playing commando?

>ough times was converted into hermit scarf, probably because they couldn't figure out how to properly do the scarf physics

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>thinking the amount of content in a game represents quality
sure, the witcher 3 has a lot of "content" but a very large amount of it is just there for padding out time. clearing out every monster nest or point of interest is not meaningful or interesting content and the game has very little replay value
ror1 had a fair amount of content and replay value because of unlock conditions for items, artifacts, and characters and ror2 will surely be the same

Get the crowdfunder+MUL-T gatling gun+1-2 armor piercing rounds=my achievement get



Bulwark of the Weak
Providence Portrait.png
Bulwark of the Weak
Providence Animation.gif
Base Statistics
Field Notes
Field Notes: I recognized him from the security footage... he was the one who blew the cargo hatches open. He was the one who killed everyone.

Providence, as I came to call him, moved faster and with more purpose than anything else I've seen on this planet. He must command great power, for he seemed to easily control two great gilded worms of a species similar to the Magma Worm. Is he able to command everyone on this planet? I don't know his purpose, or his reasoning, but he did not give me a choice. I had to kill him.. so why do I feel like I made a terrible mistake?

... Why did we have a teleporter from this planet in our cargo hold?

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>Is late game enemies really this bullet sponge-y
yes they are
>because i'm playing commando?
nothing wrong with that class other than you had crap items desu

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Both. Artificer deals fucktons of damage, so she has far less drop-off nearer the end, MUL-T is stupid consistent and doesn't suffer from it as much, but without solid builds the others start to really suffer on chunking down sponges.

Tougher times' notebook page says it's not effected by "the luck", does that mean it uses its own RNG code that doesn't take clovers into account?

i feel the same way with people complaining about titans
like nigger you know the laser is going to rape you like a faceless old man in a ntr doujin, always be ready to zoom behind cover unless you play merc then lmao

>got an idea for a comic
>too shit at drawing to make it real
this game makes me wanna draw

There are items for that. Engineer is practically a self sustaining support with the shield and fungus stacking via turrets.

>hopoo confirmed that the patch this week is just bug fixes and a bit of nerfing MUL-T' such as crit bug
>no mention of any added content at all
So its gonna be one of those EA games. 5 years and then it'll release

Fuck I'll be married by the time all characters get in

>tfw can somewhat draw but drawing is depressing

I thought the 16 mod also edited the Unity Networking file? or does only editing that base file work?


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4man EU lobby anywhere?

literally ocular hud on mulT's nail gun. That's all you need for a lot of bosses.


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do i have to play drizzle for the 20 stage thing

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i did user, and i did it first time.
drizzle with some lunars saved up so you can newt to portal a lot. did the whole thing in 1 hour.

Rainstorm is the way the game was meant to be played, so it's probably doable on that. But without all the items, it'll be much harder so people do Drizzle.

no need to, play any difficulty you like. remember to use EVERY blue portal cause they count as stages complete, user. gl hf

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it just sets the luck value to 0 lmao
as far as I can tell, the only othre things that do this are bazaar chatter, single enemy type stage events, lunar coin drops & character blinks

I don't know, find out for me will you
I think just assembly alone is enough, but since it works I haven't bothered deleting the other two files & redownloaded them

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>War of 2019
The Boogaloo is coming. Wouldn’t this also mean that we might be in the Risk of Rain timeline?

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how do I make blue portals appear again?

if you're gonna cheat, just edit in the achievement/character directly loser

>come out of cryostasis just in time to see a faggot with a crown fuck shit up

>one of us might actually fucking be the Commando

use Lunar Coins on newt altar, sometimes they spawn itself without any doing. watch for the message 'a blue orb appears...' when you join a new stage

Newt altars (before starting the teleporter) spawn them. Otherwise, you can just get lucky and have a blue portal spawn after a while of looping.

is there a guaranteed rusty box for every map?

monsoon elder lemurians always seem to gank me by sneaking up and fire balling my back side

>want to do no heal stage 3 unlock
>tfw its easy as fuck

>not that keen on roguelite games in general, have fun but get tired of the repetition
>torrent RoR 2
>play for 10 minutes just now, it's actually fun as fuck and feels great to control, can tell it's great
>quit to desktop so I don't spoil myself

leaving EA when

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Only Huntress feels trash tier to me yet she's the only one I play.
I want someone like the Commando but with a tad more pizzazz and everyone feels slightly too gimmicky. I have the same problem with TF2. Nobody really fits that role but Huntress is as close as I can get.

As for buffs, what I would like is higher starting point on her 4 so it can actually hit floating shit like Vagrant and greater Wisp without being lucky and maybe the ability to bounce her 2 between magma worm sections (maybe without the damage scaling if it hits same worm twice in a row) because sweet Jesus do Magma worms make me wanna kill myself when playing her. Only thing that you can really consistently use on them is her wank M1 and even then only if he's below a certain altitude.

Is her 4 affected by attack speed buffs? Never paid enough attention.

if you have a key

>Be me
>wake up from Cryosleep
>Get out of chamber
>See Providence blowing up shit and killing everyone

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Like a year or some shit lad.

If you have a key, yes.

You'll like bandit when they get around to releasing him.

get it now cause this will be a long haul till release

If i pick one does it spawn in the same map or do i have to go to the next one first

>everything except those
Goddamn, clover's really, really fucking good then.

>extra shrine rolls per payment
>more greens and reds from chests
>ukulele zapping all over the place
>extra drops when sacrifice artifact comes into play

Not sure, but I'd guess next map.

I think I've seen one on the same map I first got a key but can't be sure
if you have a hard time noticing them it might help to leave red teleporter bubble for a bit to search for the red claws on the chance they're outside the bubble

Been a long time but I think he was my boy in the first one as well. Once I got tired of the poison slime anyways.

but if you are playing merc then you can abuse i frames for almost half of the laser's length and spam dash for the other half
if you're really late game and it's blazing then you can just dash behind cover ez

better odds on teddybear blocking hits

Can someone post a good reference of the elder lemurians? Been killing the fuckers to get their log but no dice, and google only brings up RoR 1

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Did you read? Teddy bear's the only real exception.

Artificer more like FARTificer lol