Let's have a comfy VTMB thread. Favorite quests in Bloodlines 1? Expectations for Bloodlines 2? Which non-camarilla clan would you like to see being playable in BL2?
VTMB thread
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Devs are shit
In the latest edition RPG it’s all Camarilla. The Sabbat fucked off to Israel. No joke. The few Lasombra that stayed behind joined the Camarilla.
>Expectations for Bloodlines 2?
I expect it will be putrid shit. My answer is still the same as the last twenty threads you made.
you might be right user, shovelware devs hardly ever make something worthwhile--but there might be a glimmer of hope.
before hardsuit labs was established, they had ~25 people employed, since getting in bed with paradox they've went up to 80+.
rpgs have been gradually dumbed down for the past almost 2 decades now, if they announced it was pc only, i may have kept my eye on it, but already confirmed dlc, tiered editions, console release, devs of blacklight retribution(wtf), i'm sorry but it's confirmed shit
i have no expectations
>before hardsuit labs was established, they had ~25 people employed, since getting in bed with paradox they've went up to 80+.
I always feel bad for shills when the most optimistic talking point they can find is something like this
Where can I find a hooker with her voice?
I really want to know more about the lore, someone who knows the latest edition lore help me out.
1. Was he Caine?
2. Does Gehenna happen + everyone dies?
>Roving bands of shovel heads are fucking up Israel and devouring Jews
>1. Was he Caine?
White Wolf publishing says no because they didn't authorize his use, but as far as the developers are concerned he is.
>2. Does Gehenna happen + everyone dies?
Gehenna happened (is still happening?) but obviously everyone isn't dead.
Ah alright, I just saw on the wiki that Beckett had his death date listed as 2005 with the brackets saying (Gehenna) so it kind of bummed me out.
>Favorite quests in Bloodlines 1?
The one Fat Larry gives you, where you have to sneak into the parking garage. The dialogue from the goons is fucking hilarious no matter how many times I've replayed the game. In that same spirit, I also enjoyed the one with the ex-assassins in Chinatown.
>Expectations for Bloodlines 2?
I'm not sure, honestly. They've gotten some of the people who worked on the original to return, but after all this time, can we honestly say they're the same people who made that game? They've likely had many more experiences since then, and have probably changed their mind on so many things, that I can't see the sequel having the same "essence," so to speak.
>Which non-camarilla clan would you like to see being playable in BL2?
Tzimisce baby
I want combat similar to condemned
>Watch trailer for new Bloodlines game
>You play as a thin-blood
>Re-read over the old V:TM tabletop handbook
>Section has different clans and their views on other clans
>Malkavian view on thin-bloods: "From their ranks, the herald will rise."
Gehenna in the new game with you playing as the harbringer of it confirmed?
>Expectations for Bloodlines 2
Devs unable to write anything actually edgy or interesting because modern SJW orthodoxy, that's also infesting western game development.
if I were shilling I'd talk about the employees. when a studio hires up more devs it's not always a positive development, it can be just a maintenance thing--as was in the case of obsidian for example, when they needed grunts for skyforge and armored warfare.
game dev is hard and getting up a sizeable team of competent people is next to impossible, look at bonfire for example. they have a bunch of industry veterans from blizzard and ILM of movie industry fame and they've done nothing in years. fromSoftware was developing garbage for years before they made something worthwhile, Larian is another good example. they made one good game and then made trash to pay the bills for years.
hardsuit got to 80 people which is quite sizeable in like a 2-3years span, if you're going to shit on them do it because of that not because a team of 20 people made garbage 10 years ago.
lots of people shitting on them because of their past, but the reverse is rarely true when there's talk of 'legendary' devs returning for beloved franchises.
if you think the game is going to be garbage because of shovelware past, then you have to accept the writing will be good because MUH MITSODA. i'm going to say it's far more likely that mitsoda has been cucked and the game will have trash writing, but the gameplay will be at least okay. be consistent at least.
why would you double down on your weak horseshit, shill? lmao
>some companies were shit in the past and then they became good
>this means this shit company will become good >look they just hired 60 brand new unproven people to work on a major sequel to a beloved franchise
>*incoherent faggot noises*
>ok i admit the writing will be trash but the gameplay might... be good? pls buy our story-driven rpg (:
i get that they pay you in tunafish and BLACKED memberships but it's insulting that you won't even make the minimum necessary effort to be convincing
this was meant to be a comfy thread guys.
Favourite clan in bloodlines 1? hard mode: no malks.
Cara Ellison is on the team, I have zero hopes for a good game. Also, no guns.
Ventrue Chad.
Israel was a shit show before everyone fucked off there, because there's something Malkavian deep beneath Jerusalem and it's driving everything above ground insane. Beckett had a taste of whatever it was.
Go to retardera if you want a comfy thread. That's where this shit belongs now
>Gehenna happened (is still happening?) but obviously everyone isn't dead.
I do wonder which events will carry on and be part of the canon, though. LaCroix being dead is the obvious one, but he doesn't seem that important in the grand scheme of things especially since he's in LA.
why would you double down on your weak horseshit, shill? lmao
Gratitude for responding and bumping. Your efforts in keeping the thread up will not go unnoticed, Paradox thanks you.
>Also, no guns.
There's a firearms skill in the game.
>There's a firearms skill in the game
>"temporary upgrades"
why non-camarilla?
i'd like to see nosferatu and brojah
great rebuttal. thanks for the total capitulation, it gave me a boner
Guns are in the game, but they'll be disposable. You're meant to use them for a single fight and then move on, rather than collecting them as you did in the first game.
well I've read beckett's gehenna diary which is where they continue the canon and roll the video games into it.
nines is still around, some of the anarchs skipped town for various reasons, Jack buggered off to east africa to relive his pirate days, and also because his bomb shenanigans apparently became common knowledge and he couldn't stick around to laugh about it for TOO long.
>what is hedonism
Camarilla isn't as strong in v5 as they used to be. Gangrel and Brujah both left, anarchs are no longer formally recognized as a part of the Camarilla.
All that, and the devs saying they want to go in some new directions makes me think we'll get to play some new clans.
that already got deconfirmed didn't it? it was a single journo who claimed that was the case.
Precisely the kind of shit I didn't want.
> homophobia
Uhm, yikes? Listen nazi, just because the game is about monsters doesn't give you leave to be a monster yourself. Educate yourself, bigot.
>1. Was he Caine?
>2. Does Gehenna happen + everyone dies?
Gehenna is still "in the somewhat near future" as of Bloodlines 1's ending.
Honestly, I should get around to reading V5's current setting.. has the Week of Nightmares been retconned out yet?
I dunno about v5 but in beckett's jyhad diary he hears the theory that gehenna is a re-occuring thing and goes on a globe trotting adventure to figure that shit out.
and annoys people with his habit of recording every conversation and his IT guy is increasingly exhasperated with his habit of printing out all his emails and doing shit like including his email password in his email address.
>and his IT guy is increasingly exhasperated with his habit of printing out all his emails and doing shit like including his email password in his email address.
Is Beckett the world's oldest boomer?
>including his email password in his email address
he's over 300 years old, it's amazing that they got him to use email and IRC without completely fucking it up.
Current canon: Week of Nightmares was in July 1999, and it tries to stay up to date, so that means it was almost 20 years ago. If the Week of Nightmares was truly ushering in Gehenna, either Ravnos was REALLY early, or the vampires at large managed to get the hint and stopped massacring thin bloods.
what i want to know why is some nigger vamp mass embracing? some sabbat worshipper or something?
>another daytime VtmB thread
Didn't he fuck the IRC up when he kept offending some LA vamp with his bluntness?
the sabbat half fell apart, half went off to engage in war against a bunch of ancients in the middle east so I doubt it'll be sabbat involvement, mass embracing will cause problems with the local camerilla for everyone involved including you though.
Beckett offends EVERYONE with his bluntness, he has pissed on the shoes of 5th gen methuselah doing this while everyone around him is yelling at him to watch what he fucking says.
could be the nosferatu from the trailer. trailer takes place in the pioneer square. it's also been mentioned that's where the mass embrace happens. the thin-blood chasing the nosferatu is probably the player as well, since he uses one of those unique thin-blood powers. and those are supposed to feature prominently in the game.
1. Ventrue
2. Toreador
3. Nosferatu
I hope they don't go too hard on the thin blood thing, clan identity was always one of the more fun parts of bloodlines.
half the reason to play tremere is to buddy up to max and get a unique haven.
literal eternal anglo
>Prince_LC: I still maintain that Napolean was the most brilliant military mind of his generation, his influence in shaping the world map for generations cannot be understated
>Beckett1776: lol ya invade Russian in the winter, nice General you got there brainlet
>Prince_LC has left the chat
You're going to more than likely diablerie your way up the generations and pick your own clan.
agreed. they'll probably use the thin blood thing as a tutorial so you get a feel for all the clans before making a choice.
I do hope they do give you a real choice though. Since diablerie is the only lore-friendly way to get vampire powers as a thin blood, it would suck if you're forced into it. would be great if you could remain a thin blood and it could be a way for the game to have a unique difficulty mode. no powers except fro those early ones that are used for movement, just relying on basic human shit to beat the game, etc.
>would be great if you could remain a thin blood and it could be a way for the game to have a unique difficulty mode.
Dream on. The last thing they're going to spend resources on is an optional difficulty mode in the casual game market.
beckett is blunt and slightly sarcastic, he isn't outright insulting.
Of course they'll spend money on it. They'll release it as DLC and every Paradox drone will buy it thrice for $60 dollars each
They win with minimal effort
I rolled Gangrel my first run, currently doing a gunner Toreador. Gonna save the Malk for before the new game.
Paradox ain't an AAA, dude. Reaching out to everybody is not expected.
Expect them to bungle plenty but your specific excuse is weak.
>shit devs
>high probality of unironic california progressive retardation
still kind of hyped, im going to get a "demo" from freegoggames.com day 1
based and redpilled
Realized that even with no points in Unarmed it's still pretty easy to beat the Geodudes down with fists, don't need guns. And melee characters can probably still use the shotguns when necessary with just a few points in Firearms. The game still has some balance issues but I think people trying to minmax might be part of why people say the combat isn't good, if you follow Jack's advice and put some points into both Unarmed or Melee and Firearms, it's a lot better since you can switch depending on the situation.
unarmed is good to dabble in anyways for melee or firearms characters, since you can get a couple free dots from various places and it helps you feed in combat.
Yeah I got a free point from Nines, put a point into it, then used a research book for another free point. Can't fight other supernaturals with it but it's good for the lesser mooks so I don't waste ammo.
It's a fair point, they now have people with decades of experience in making RPGs. I have never played their games so I can't tell if they can program a working game with decent combat, though.
I've honestly never tried high unarmed unless I have potence or protean to back it up.
I read somewhere Jack likes doing shit like that
This is what I can surmise about the likely clans you will get to pick.
>Followers of Set
>Gangrel (probs get rolled in to Anarchs for the game though)
This is the current layout of clan alligences. Seattle is a Camarilla stronghold so, sans arbitrary restriction, you can probably expect the option to choose any of those ones. The Sabbat is made of plenty of clans, but Tzimisce is their only exclusive. If it were not for the fact you are sired during a mass embrace, which is a classic sabbat tactic, I would not be surprised at all if they did not factor in at all to this game, especially seeing how bunch of renegade Anarchs who go too far, who already share most of the same clans as the Camarilla plust a few exlusives, could be blamed for that act. The Anarchs are not considered a begrudging minor-satellite of the Camarillia anymore, and as such are a bit wilder and more aggressive than the Anarchs you meet in the first game.
I would enjoy running across a few minor bloodlines in the game, it probably would make no sense to play as a Kyasid or Baali but running across a Kyasid on a mission to an old library or discovering some side character is actually a Baali undercover doing some devious shit would make the world feel a bit bigger and more interesting.
being nosferatu must be a trip, willing choosing to be a walking skidmark.
There aren't many pajeets remaining, are there? Would there be any justification as to why they're in smack-dab LA aside from a reference to how Indians are usually found in tech compa-- huh, I just answered my question. Though I wonder if Chimerstry is going to be ok.
Seattle. that webm fucked me up.
Why did the Lasombra suddenly join Camarilla?
>fav quest
Killing that model bitch for the nosferatu bitch
Well since most things seem like they'll go to shit, I'm at least expecting to be able to munch away at the blood of big tiddie goth chicks again
>non Camarilla clan
Always wanted to play a Follower of Seth
After all those years of thinking they were hot shit and dreaming of diablerizing their Antideluvean, they actually met one (or maybe just a Methusela, they weren't sure). Those who survived the ordeal have an appreciation for just how small they really are.
You know I completely fucking forgot the Ravnos lol. They are pretty non-PC so I would not be surprised if they decided to avoid the whole "gypsies who is literally compelled by their blood to commit crimes" clan. Maybe they will add one who will subvert our expectations lol.
Pay enough and they'll do any kind of voice for you
Not only are Ravnos borderline extinct, but the Gangrel are trying their damndest to hunt them completely extinct.
If even one appears, it will just be to tell you the story of the Week of Nightmares.
>the Gangrel are trying their damndest to hunt them completely extinct
Most of the Sabbat has gone to the middle east to fight in the Gehenna crusade, the Lasombra that joined the Cammies are the ones who were mostly using the Sabbat for political reasons and now that the religion stuff is actually getting serious, like pointed out, they have started to reconsider their loyalty.
The majority of the Lasombra are still in the Sabbat, but the majority of the Sabbat are no longer in North America, or anywhere not the Middle East.
Holy shit
They are the clan of comfy NEETS
What are the giovanni doing? were they ever part of camarilla?
would love to see them actually have a bigger role in BL2.
but just like ravnos they might not be the most PC, so they'll probably get purged. rip
>anarchs are no longer formally recognized as a part of the Camarilla
I thought that was the whole point of being an anarch
If even one appears, I hope there's a chance for sucky sucky
The Gangrel and Ravnos clans have been at war for centuries. With the Week of Nightmares all but obliterating them, the Ravnos are the official losers of that war, leaving the Gangrel to just pick off the rest as they please.
>Camarilla: Lasombra
> Independent: Gangrel (probs get rolled in to Anarchs for the game though)
>Sabbat: Tzimisce
This makes me so mad, man...
I don't even know if they really have. I mean, ''officially'', yeah, but 50% of the clan is still in the sabbat.
If I had to take a guess, those that control the clan simply want to diversify their investment and try to control both sects as much as possible, to use as a defence mechanism against some Antediluvians they've found.
Apparently the lore is different now and the Gehenna is less of an apocalypse and more of an old, grumpy vampire waking him from a 3000 sleep and going to get some munchies.
In this case, other vampires being the munchies.
>What are the giovanni doing?
GTA Vice City, but with an army of ghosts and vampires
must feel good being a Giovanni goon. All the blow and money and hookers, plus you get painful blowjobs from the vamps
But the glass is cracking, and the people on the other side hate you.
>Favourite quest
everything related to Chinatown, it felt spooky and hostile, like your character really didn't belong
>Expectations for Bloodlines 2
a steaming pile of shit with SJW politics on top
Why did I pick Malkavian first playthrough
It's just not the same playing a different clan
You gotta focus on the prize, mio bambino. Vampire. Blowjobs.
Giovanni are mostly gone. The feds BTFO and the leftovers got picked off by Harbingers of Skulls, who are the remnants of the Cappadocian. The remnants of all those groups, plus the Samedi have merged together in a new death/necromancy clan called Hecata but not much is known about them yet.
never played bloodlines 1. was there any changeling stuff in it? they definitely need to put changelings, demons, mages and hunter in bloodlines 2. i want more WoD stuff
Wait, the Brujah left? When Why?
I know about the Gangrel, I remember reading about it. The Justicar left and took most of the Gangrel with him when they Camarilla laughed at his yada yada yada Gehenna incoming, but the Brujah?
I remember the brujah in the camarilla being, well, very pro-camarilla.
No one gives a damn about anarchs in any case.
>were they ever part of camarilla?
Who would want that? They are a bunch of necrophilic assholes that were founded on diablerie.
The Tremere were too, but hey, power is power
a vampire the masquerade game as you might imagine, focuses on the vampires.
also why the fuck would a changeling set foot anywhere near a vampire, they're like a walking beacon of banality, their mere existence is harmful to changelings.
EZ mode combat with Gangrel let you develop your character pretty freely
i also liked clans with Auspex, though I was a little disappointed it didn't have content like Scrye in Undying
as for VtMB 2, you can fuck off back to redit gaming or whichever trash place appreciates it
Nope. The only influences of the greater WoD in Bloodlines was a single Werewolf, a few Kuei-jin and a Hengeyokai, and a couple ghosts. No mages or anything else to be found.
Werewolves and Mages will probably make more of an appearance in Bloodlines 2, at least because V5 is more of a unified universe that at least acknowledges they are big dog factions.
there was nothing like that in VtmB, it was strictly from the vampire perspective
Probably for the best, I can't imagine how they avoided breaking the Masquerade or having every member go full Beast in a short period of time.
Yes. But it was more like while the Anarchs recognise their independence from the Cammies, the Cammies do not recognise the Anarchs. This is why the Camarilla never bothered waging ware with Anarchs, they figure well the Anachs more or less keep to the Masquerade even if they don't like to call it that so just leave them in peace and try to undermine them subtly.
Not so much anymore, the Camarilla has renounced its claim to representing all Vampires. This means the Anarchs are finally free, but now they are truly on their own and this makes life as an Anarch more dangerous than it used to be.
Good, they can attend the weekly lgbqt parade in Tel Aviv.
It tells you all you need to know about the writers (especially in america) when they shoehorn anything Jewish or Israel into the fiction.
>No mages or anything else to be found.
get with the times, Israel is evil fascists now
from what i know, every lower gen vampire fucked off to the broader Middle East
I think the owner of the Chinese knickknack store who gets you to do missions to bring people misfortune was a demon/fallen/possesed. If you attack him he vanishes.
i have the same expectation
i highly doubt it will be a spiritual sequel
it will get cucked to hell and back because the old one had sexy characters and we are not allowed to have that anymore
Okay yes he was a "something" but we never got exactly what, just some waggled eyebrows and a spooked Malkavian.
Now that I think about, we now have gay practising muslim vamps. Kek.
yeah, I guess. the thing was camarilla still considered the anarchs to be under their thumb, they tolerated them doing their own thing as long as they respected the rules, especially the masquerade.
in v5 anarchs have become much stronger, they've taken hold of multiple cities and even have a lot of presence in camarilla-controlled ones. overall they might be on even footing with the camarilla now, and they could potentially become the strongest faction.
hopefully not though, praise the elders.
He's gonna get fucked
Day of the Stake soon
Yes brother.
all I can say about that guy is the first female kindred with an agenda who sees him is going to use and discard his ass, and he'll deserve it for being an idiot who thinks mortal social justice applies to monsters in the night.
God I hope this happens
Assamite sorcerers joined the Camarilla in mass after the head of the clan told them to stop being Muslim.
It always happens, and not just for social justice. Vamps get fucked for acting like mortals, and in comes their slow spiral into inhuman monsters that even fellow monsters can't understand. It's surprising that Christof managed to keep his eyes on the prize, namely the nun boobs.
some other assamites came too, more moderate warriors and the like, the methuselah who negotiated with the camerilla claimed a full third of the assamite clans world population. was coming with him
But anonymous, the strongest faction is the Technocratic Union. Hail science.
even in beckett's jyhad diary he's still being a absolute unit of a crusader with his sire "katherine weiss", subtle ecaterina.
Play Malk again a few more times, then the other clans are more fun
I'm not hailing anything until they dangle a robot gf in front of my eyes. And she better has 27 suction settings.
their science is boring, join the sons of ether.
>Wait, the Brujah left? When Why?
I know about the Gangrel, I remember reading about it. The Justicar left and took most of the Gangrel with him when they Camarilla laughed at his yada yada yada Gehenna incoming, but the Brujah?
I remember the brujah in the camarilla being, well, very pro-camarilla.
Yeah it's a bit weird. in v5 it's stated that Theo Bell basically had enough of camarilla asslicking. Him leaving made a lot of the other brujah leave. Not sure if that's the only event, that triggered it though.
Throughout the whole v5 it's stated that as far as gangrel and brujah are concerned there's only clan dissidents that are still loyal to the camarilla.
Taking bets on the likelihood of a What We Do In The Shadows reference.
what? did theo even ever have that much pull with the clan as a whole? I know he's the brujah posterboy but cmon.
> tfw clan of rebels and freethinkers
> tfw decide to drop everything and follow a not even 2 centuries old guy
God, the Ventrue were right. Bunch of idiots they write them to be
I wouldn't be mad. It was a funny movie. Also, Waititi transformed a generic Marvel movie into a good product on itself.
Also holy shit, Waititi directing an Akira adaptation?
Although it says thin blood, can a "full-blood" ever learn about Thin-Blood Alchemy? I'm guessing no right, because it's some mystical shit tied to the thin blood itself? Does a thin-blood that goes up the foodchain lose their alchemy powers?
he was just some random archon too, I'd understand if the justicar led them outta the camerilla like with the gangrel.
Ahem, *deep breath*
I think their powers, although not particularly strong against most vampires, function as a kind of counterbalance to the antediluvians. I imagine the further up the chain they lose those powers due to increased proximity to the antediluvians.
here are your urban predators, bro
Anyone know how to open the console in this game? I’m new to pc games and it’s not working for me. Do you just run the file path and add -console at the end? Will the console automatically open when the game boots up?
>Thin-Blood Alchemy
I decided to look it up and
> Profane Hieros Gamos: User can change their gender
Fuuuuck off. Fuck off right now.
>goes to coachella once
I mean, being awoofags with shitty dreads is hardly a new thing for them.
Oh come on now, that's a pathetically weak binary modal version of fleshcrafting that doesn't really have any combat applications, it's perfect for a thin blood.
Back in my day we went to a Tzimisce fleshcrafter to get our dicks turned in to toothed vaginas.
yeah that's basically what thin blood alchemy is, emulating disciplines in a more flexible, but more shitty way.
Usually because a thin blood can't actually go above two or three dots of real disciplines.
Can somebody give a rundown on Technocracy in Nu-WoD. Always when we have these threads and power levels are brought up, we have anons putting them above mages at times. Are they really that strong?
I know that they were capable of defeating a Antediluvian at one point with a big solar canon.
I think the clothing is too much like something on a fashion runway. Gangrel should be more grungy/hobo. Stuff that is comfy when you are sleeping rough.
you mean owod? nwod is shit.
trannies LARPing as Skyrim Hagravens is kind of new, though
the gangrel illustration i remember wore sneakers, jeans and a tank top
Do you mean "nu-wod" as in V5 or chronicles of darkness?
>Do you just run the file path and add -console at the end?
Yeah, in the desktop shortcut properties. Then it just automatically opens with ~
They are mages, just mages that can influence consensus.
>Expectations for Bloodlines 2?
Pozzed beyond belief
w2c 4's fit?
>too much like something on a fashion runway
i had the same impression
all the character designs look like some fashion school reject's homework
does he have a pan flute strapped to his leg?
I can't comment about v5 but heres the deal, mages are simultaneously weak and strong, underneath their magic they are still squishy humans who can't even soak lethal damage without wearing body armour, or casting a shielding spell as the case may be.
their big strength is how flexible they are, their version of disciplines are just vague 'spheres' they can manipulate and bullshit whatever effect they want as long as their spheres cover it rather than specific powers like vampires get.
so with enough dots of matter and you can just full metal alchemist it, enough forces and you can pull fire and lightning out of your ass, and so on.
this means a mage could potentially have a spell for any situation, and three dots of forces is generally enough to kick the shit out of any neonate vampire because lol fire.
this is counterbalanced by paradox, which builds up and will wreck them if they let it get too high, especially if they do vulgar magic which is obvious magic, a vulgar mage throws a fireball, a smart mage has a gas pipe coincidentally explode next to his target.
the technocracy are basically an organization opposed to magic that have such advanced tech that the world sees that tech as being magical and gives them paradox anyways, hence sunlight laser cannons in space, and laser guns, and other such bullshit.
Yeah that’s exactly what I did and the game boots up but the console doesn’t open even when I press~. Do you have to put the file path in quotation marks or something?
Okay, so. First thing's first: who's actually on top depends on what campaign you're running. If it's a Vampire campaign, Caine is big dogg #1 and mages can eat shit. If it's a Mage campaign, an Ascended Archmaster at 10 dots can grant Caine Golconda, transfer the Mark over to their left testicle, and resurrect Abel permanently lifting the Curse on all vampires forever.
Having defined that, in a merged setting, the Technocracy is still the most powerful singular faction, if only because they have orbital nuclear platforms and they are only somewhat afraid of using them. The solar mirrors are definitely a great weapon for killing any vampire, anywhere, but it was the nukes that put Ravnos down hard. He wasn't dead until seeing four suns in the night sky, but if it weren't for being hit by five nuclear blasts, he'd probably have some trick somewhere up his bullshit sleeve.
The Technocracy effectively run the daylight, the Camarilla run the night, and the Fera run the wilds. The Technocrats HATE "magic" and the "supernatural", and grind their teeth about all Reality Deviants (anything that doesn't conform to scientific laws). The only reason they don't engage in a war of extinction against the Kindred and Fera is because so long as they keep the Masquerade, they don't have to worry about Consensus being damaged. Also, it would take an enormous amount of resources and untold amounts of bloodshed.. and they're busy fighting other mages, who take the absolute first priority in Technocratic minds. The Traditions are the largest threat to their control of reality's steering wheel, and all other Reality Deviants fall by the wayside in comparison.
If you have any specific questions I can go off on those.
i do not understand
why do all these look like runway fashion shows?
look even the poses look like what they do at the end of the runway.
my bad
where to cop number 4's fit
>the technocracy are basically an organization opposed to magic that have such advanced tech that the world sees that tech as being magical and gives them paradox anyways, hence sunlight laser cannons in space, and laser guns, and other such bullshit.
They still use magic, their frame-work or justification for the magic they use is a quasi-scientific one, unlike the mystical ones used by the traditional mages. The Technocracy bluepills the masses in to accepting a version of consensus that makes their super-science-magic excuses see more believable than a traditional mage's.
No, just put a space after the file path before the -. You could go to the VtMB folder, open autoexec.cfg and put in
>bind "`" toggleconsole
or try another key.
I miss the Andrew Eldritch style for vampires.
yeah technocracy is basically science mages, interestingly the mage traditions you can choose actually have their OWN science mages, the sons of ether! who are more... mad science mages.
you know, they might hit you with a lightning bolt by wearing a lab coat and whipping out a ray gun straight outta 60's pulp books.
World of Darkness lore is goofy as shit but I love it. Shame tumblrites gravitate towards it for some reason.
Going by that though, you just have to accept that all of science IS magic. A gun is magic, the thermochemical reaction of gunpowder going off works because of technocratic magic telling it to work.
It's just that it's the magic that Consensus approves of, because they have spent the last 500 years seeding scientists out in Sleeper territory, "proving" laws and discoveries slowly and steadily, and simultaneously "disproving" anything fanciful or supernatural so that Consensus rails against them all the harder.
What is Tremere currently doing after his body got hijacked by Saulot?
Decided to play Nossie for the first time and I'm able to stroll down the street confidently without ever violating the Masquerade. I thought you had to travel everywhere via the sewer because the second a normie sees you it's a violation? So far I haven't needed the sewers at all, what gives?
Ventrue is the Chad choice.
How come there isn't that much r34 of vtmb
the range on the spookin people thing is actually rather short, the main difference is going to be peoples reaction to you in dialogue and not getting to use the taxi.
>open autoexec.cfg and put in
>>bind "`" toggleconsole
Okay thanks I’ll try this.
Does Technocracy have any internal conflicts? Something along the lines of Camarilla vs Anarch vs Sabbat ?
>Clan quest voice acting
Couldnt they just have had the established characters send you emails instead
Yeah exactly. In mage all there exists is will and belief. You have all these minds/souls floating in void soup and they dream a collective dream that eventually aggregates around an average, and like a game has its own rules. Mages are just people who are aware of this and will events that go against the inertia of the collective dream, but not even they are able to just will stuff to happen raw, they need some kind of justification or framework that allows for a thing to occur. That is where science/magic comes in.
Wait you're not allowed to travel via the taxi? Even though big daddy Caine himself is driving? Fuck sake
You only violate the masquerade if you're spotted by a group
Crushing the clan
With no survivors
It had a satisfying ending song, much like the first Mass Effect.
Gangrel are a pretty cool clan with a lot of potential when they stray from the stereotype. It is weird how Beckett is the posterboy for the setting as a whole yet his clan is always depicted as being hippie ravers.
Enormous ones, they are the primary generators of conflict in the Mage world. First off it's all 9 Traditions vs. the Technocracy, their ultimate goal is the total annihilation of each other because they fundamentally cannot coexist. And "right now", they're strong enough to take on all nine at once. Two of these Traditions, however, the Sons of Ether and Virtual Adepts, are actually Technocratic defectors. Which should tell you just how powerful the remaining Technocracy really is.
But for internal struggles, the Technocracy is split into 5 major Conventions. Iteration X, who make all the advanced tech, the New World Order (often called the Men In Black) who manage security and infohazards, the Progenitors who manage biological sciences, the Syndicate which manage the global economy, and the Void Engineers who manage space and extraterrestrial activity. They try to act in harmony, but there can be only one major direction they take, and that causes friction plenty. In 1904, the Technocrats voted to eliminate Luminferous Aether from their understanding of science, which drove away a whole Convention.
Moreover, the NWO has to manage the rest, and that can cause strife because they like to steal secrets and not give anything back. Lastly even with the Syndicate working their hardest, they don't have infinite resources, so sometimes divisions just have to fight over funding.
>GTA Vice City, but with an army of ghosts and vampires
I didn't even realize how much I wanted something like this until now. Somebody fund this now.
This unused track (restored in one of the patches) is pretty great to chill to.
WoD LARPers always dressed like faggots though.
whats the relationship between different factions(vampires, warewolfs, mages, ...) in wod lore
are they in war, are they bffs, do they even talk with each other?
wheres loreguy
Yeah, I used the patch, so I got to hear it. I enjoyed most of the locations music.
Void Engineers are going to end up defecting sooner or later. They are too freewheeling. They might not go over to the traditions but simply retreat in to space/the umbra.
Three major factions, many other creatures trying to find life in between. Phrased shortly, Mages rule the humans of day, Vampires rule the humans of night, and Werewolves rule the uncivilized lands. Their direct relationship varies. Most mages are just mildly interested in vampires, thinking they're a pretty neat creature, and their supernaturally-charged blood is a really nifty reagent to collect. Werewolves, however, perceive vampires as a living example of everything wrong with the world and generally as leeches to be destroyed. On the other side of the mirror, vampires see mages as confusing, delirious humans who have no idea what they're messing with, and werewolves as rampaging behemoths who should be avoided whenever possible and hunted down only if it can be managed.
The most powerful faction of mages, the Technocracy, which comes up a lot, specifically hates EVERY OTHER FUCKING SUPERNATURAL IN EXISTENCE but they're just gonna ignore vampires and werewolves and shit unless the Masquerade breaks. They're the first and last reason the Masquerade really exists. Hunters might be annoying, but they don't drop nukes on you from space.
Oh, I forgot how mages view werewolves and vice versa. They actually love them! Werewolves are big and strong and magical, most of the traditions give a big thumbs up to their harmony with nature. (Technocrats don't like any Reality Deviants by default, but until Consensus gets threatened they're not gonna do anything about it.) Conversely, most werewolves are okay with the sane mages, but consider the insane mages far too dangerous to tolerate. They even like the Technocracy to a degree, for keeping humans simple and bound to their cities, in a live-and-let-live manner.
werewolves specifically seem to consider vampires a lesser kind of wyrm minion and have bumped into them enough to understand there's different kind of vampiress, so far they consider there to be four different kinds in broad strokes of warriors, rulers, etc.
redpill me on VTMB1 lads, i don't really know anything about it but am thinking about picking it up. what should i expect?
also recommended mods to use? from what i know the game's a bit unfinished, right?
thanks for the explanation
also are mages really that powerfull as that frequently posted powerlevels.jpg makes them to be
for your first playthrough, install the basic version of the unofficial patch that wesp makes, picture contains general advice and information.
They can me. A new mage is more dangerous than a new vampire. A experienced mage is more dangerous than most vampires and werewolves. A Archmage is more powerful than all of them, with the exception of Cain who would likely only be beat out by a Mage who has achieved ascension.
But just cause a man CAN be that powerful does not necessarily mean they are or will be. By the time most of them are that powerful they stop dwelling on earth anyway.
yes and no, at the top end they really are absurd in what kinad spells they can cast but paradox would buttfuck them, and more to the point, underneath all the magic they are still a human being.
fringe benefits for being a vampire include just halving bashing damage outright, treating bullets as bashing damage, being able to soak lethal damage with your stamina, etc etc.
Liked this one more
Not quite. That's Chronicles of Darkness (formerly called New World of Darkness/nWoD/nu-WoD) Mages, not World of Darkness (formerly called Old World of Darkness/oWoD but is now just WoD) Mages.
CoD Mages are bullshit. Reality from past to present is decided by the Exarchs and Archmasters. Those are the ones that people shitpost about.
WoD Mages are a huge powerhouse in their world, but Archmages are exiles of reality and their enormous power is borderline meaningless because they all have to play the Great Game and can't look down at Earth for even a second without getting deleted by another Archmage. Even if they wanted to Consensus won't let them interact with the material world anywhere except at specific terminal points relating to their spheres.
In practical terms, the most dangerous fact of Mages always comes back to the fact that the Technocracy has orbital nuclear platforms and can kill anybody anywhere anytime if shit really goes down.
thanks my man
>Favorite quests in Bloodlines 1?
I think the Museum and Giovanni missions were up there. Discovering the Naraja and the ocean hotel mission for the first time were also pretty sp00ky. They weren't very replayable missions but they were amazing experiences.
>Expectations for Bloodlines 2?
Honestly I'm not sure, but I'm REALLY not thrilled that we are going to be playing as a thin-blood. Clans are mentioned as playable, so we are probably going to have to do diablerie to even get into a clan. I think that maybe having the choice to play as a thin-blood and use thin-blood magic would have been cool, but fuck having to be forced to start as one.
>Which non-camarilla clan would you like to see being playable in BL2?
You already posted them. I would love to play as a Nagaraja, maybe even know Pisha as proper kin, but I think the gameplay would't work well for that. But I might be wrong.
>Archmages are exiles of reality and their enormous power is borderline meaningless because they all have to play the Great Game and can't look down at Earth for even a second without getting deleted by another Archmage.
You mean they're literally playing 4d chess in space? Holy shit, anyone care to elaborate more on this?
>Favorite quests in Bloodlines 1?
I always enjoy everything around Santa Monica and Hollywood. I'm going to say the Gargoyle quest though since it has some nice dynamics with both Max and Isaac who are two of my favourites in the game.
>Expectations for Bloodlines 2?
I'm being cautious but I like a lot of what I've heard so far. Avellone always likes branching dialogue that reacts to your choices and so do I. I know there's nothing we can really take from the trailer as gospel truth but I really hope there aren't a lot of dumb chasing missions or whatever.
>Which non-camarilla clan would you like to see being playable in BL2?
Eh, I'm not too fussed on them really. Ravnos or Lasombra I guess. Though the latter is a Camarilla clan now.
shit man I wanna be a fiend.
It's already confirmed that we are going to be playing as a thin blood who will then go on to pick their clan, and that will probably happen through diablerie. Mechanically I have no idea, maybe whatever faction you are working for calls a blood hunt and you can get your clan through diablrising the victim, but diablerie in itself is a crime worthy of a blood hunt so who the fuck knows.
apparantly in v5 the camerilla likes to dangle the prospect of a sanctioned diablerie over thin bloods heads to keep them in line with the camerilla.
I am really not happy that we will never get a decent Sabbat faction experience now that they don't really exist anymore. Sabbat are terminally overlooked because on the surface they only have (had) two unique clans and were often simplified as sterotypical evil vampires. I however found the paradoxical mix of rabid gangbanging freedom and strict theocratic oppression fascinating and far more compelling than the image of the Camarilla. With the sabbat you have roving semi-feral bands of vampires lead by priests preaching rhetoric about freedom and power, all while being lead/manipulated by a tyrannical anti-church using the majority of its organisation as a chaotic smokescreen for a small group of deadly serious vampires waging a holy-war while in contact with the primordial force of entropy. There is so much you can do with that.
my hype is dead after that stupid PC gamer article came out and revealed to us the fact that it was made in tandem with the V5 lore.
Frankly, there's not much to elaborate on. Archmages are poorly defined. They cannot live in the world proper, and so they have to ascend (not Ascend, just literally go up) to the Horizon Realms between earth and the Deep Umbra. There they achieve magical mastery of heights unthinkable and battle other Archmages in bids for supremacy as one of the quickest ways to get stronger is to consume another Archmage and they all kinda watch each other up there, putting everything into defense for the most part. It's not literally constant battles, they can stop enough to send messages back to realspace and provide aid to up and coming mages who want to become Archmages too, but they fundamentally can't look away for long and as such for all their power have achieved a status of monumental irrelevance.
I don't like the changes to the story and lore in v5, but the new feeding mechanic seems like a great gimmick to implement in a video game.
I mean this makes sense I guess. Still though its a preemptive YIKE on that one. Was thinking of breaking my own rule and pre-ordering but certainly holding off until I see wayyyy more of the game now.
V5 lore really that bad?
any customizable appearance mods?
Did you try the Clan Quest Mod?
there's been skins floating around for a long time, and you can quiet literally copy paste models from one clan to another if you want to.
>V5 lore really that bad?
There is a stunning lack of content, and few really cringy characters. It would not be half as bad if they were releasing cool supplementary material to flesh things out, but as it is V5 is just 3 crowdfunded books.
How easy is it to swap models? I want to make Heather look like the female Malk
A lot of good ideas, executed terribly. And a lot of bad ideas, also executed terribly. Most of the good changes that came with V5 were mechanical, but even then there are some mechanical changes that weren’t so widely received.
they shoulda just used v20, beckett's jyhad diary gives an idea of whats going on past the 2000's.
*raises paw*
Uhh...any other bros preorder the blood moon edition already? I just had to
>muh playing as thinblood
Could it be just a scripted tutorial level and you create your actual character later? Or is it confirmed you're a thinblood all the way?
V5 lore is fine. It basically stopped stagnation of the Camarilla and made it a more appealing faction for younger kindred. Camarilla no longer sees the Anarchs as misguided members of the Camarilla (whether they want to be or not) but as a full opposing faction.
>There was a Second Inquisition where the government hacked Schrecknet and annihilated the Tremere chantry in Vienna thinking it was some central seat of all vampire power. All world governments now know Vampires exist but think they've been beaten more than they actually have been.
>Because of this Tremere are in disarray and Nosferatu have lost a lot of credibility
>Camarilla now counts owning a permanent mobile phone a Masquerade offence which obviously the younger Anarchs reject. This makes the Anarchs better connected.
>Sabbat were all but annihilated and ran back to Mexico.
>A lot of Elder vampires ran back to the Middle East because Antediluvians called them through their blood, this is what opened up a lot of spots in the Camarilla leadership for younger vampires and further damaged the Sabbat.
>Lasombra put clan over faction and joined the Camarilla.
>Brujah left and largely joined the Anarchs led by Theo Bell.
>Followers of Set rebranded as The Ministry, tried to join the Camarilla and were rejected so joined the Anarchs.
>Kuei-Jin completely retconned out of existence good because they were fucking stupid
>Thin Bloods now have Thin Blood Alchemy which lets them use limited Disciplines on the fly, this is what will make them playable in VtMB2
>Blood now has different "resonances" depending on the emotions the victim is feeling when the blood is drank. Different resonances effect different disciplines and Thin Blood Alchemy. This system is confirmed to appear in VtMB2
in v5 thinbloods can diablerize their way into a clan, and the camerilla dangles the promise of a sanctioned one over their head to keep them on their team.
We have no idea. Running hypotheses are you're a freak thin blood who grows abnormally strong, or you get to diablerize into a clan at or near the start.
Confirmed to be first third of the game.
This is good and I appreciate it.
I mean, if there is a lack of content I guess this gives the new VtmB licence to just fill in the gaps. I mean, on a realistic level most people know the world of darkness from the video game anyway, the tabletop is at the same time the more official source of canon and not what most people think when they thin of vampire the masquerade. So here's hoping that Mitsoda just does whatever he was going to do anyway with V5 acting as a coat of paint.
You are a waste of undeath.
"players will be able to eventually choose their clan later in the game, rather than pick one before starting the game like the original Bloodlines. Players start off as newly created vampires called thin-bloods, aka 14th or 15th generation vampires. "
This either has the potential to be just "okay" or a massive fucking mistake and there is no inbetween.
At what point you realized VtmB is boring shallow simplistic game?
For me it was Hollywood. It feels as if anyone who praises the game never left Santa Monica
>V5 lore is fine.
>Kuei-Jin completely retconned out of existence good because they were fucking stupid
>Thin Bloods now have Thin Blood Alchemy which lets them use limited Disciplines on the fly, this is what will make them playable in VtMB2
>Blood now has different "resonances" depending on the emotions the victim is feeling when the blood is drank. Different resonances effect different disciplines and Thin Blood Alchemy. This system is confirmed to appear in VtMB2
Yeah, it slows down immediately upon hitting Hollywood and from then on the only good moments are found in the occasional side quest.
>>Kuei-Jin completely retconned out of existence
Kuei-jin were never really vampires to begin with, they're closer to wraiths than anything.
Their only similarities are drinking life essence and being destroyed by sunlight.
Are you familiar with what an absolute shitshow this game's production was? It's a flawed masterpiece for a reason, and it really shows in the last third of the game.
Kuei-Jin were dumb as fuck and I'll stand by it. They retconned them for "cultural sensitivity" reasons but honestly whatever gets them out of there. TBA is also fine, Thin Bloods are useful now but not anywhere near the strength of a full vampire. In terms of VtMB2 it means three new Disciplines called Nebulation, Chipoteran and Mentalism which all sound good. I don't care enough about Resonances really to argue for it, it's not great but it's not a game killer.
Which is exactly why I'm glad they're gone. They were always marketed as "Kindred of the East" and they were fucking stupid.
I thought that the thin bloods at the beach in santa monica were a highlight of the game. The way that they were outcasts from both human and vampire society, existing in a kind of stunned daze and grouping together just to survive. I think that worked, and that feeling was evoked, because you were not one of them and so they stood in contrast to the player character. Really doubtful that they can capture that feeling again as it is almost antithetical to RPG power creep.
Yeah this. You had Jack saying in your ear for the start and end of the tutorial that you'd get bossed around and all that. You absolutely feel like a nobody worthless vampire who's only been dead for one night being bossed about by a Ghoul in Santa Monica and then you find somebody even lower on the totem pole than you despite them being dead for over a year. It was a really crazy view into vampire society.
>Kuei-Jin completely retconned out of existence
Does disagree with this? Most people agree they were a mistake. They really fucked with the lore, being old enough to be like 'nah Caine is a myth' when he's in the fucking game.
Yeah I agree. Thin bloods are great to have in quests and they are a nice addition to the world of darkness, but the very fact that they are massive outcasts means you have to really shake things up for an RPG centred around them to make any sense. I think making the Camarilla desperate enough to allow diablrie might achieve this for lore reasons but I question the value of even starting as a thin blood if you are going to get into a clan later in game anyway. That just seems pointless.
My general stance on the Kuei-Jin matter is that I hope they release another source book to fill in the gaps like Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom, which was actually a good way of dealing with Kindred outside of Europe and the Americas.
I think the book that contains the Hecata is in Redlines currently.
So we should get something soon
>Vamps get fucked for acting like mortals
Vamps get fucked even harder for discarding their humanity
God, the second the setting veers away from the vampire stuff it gets fucking retarded. Reality bending tech mages and parallel worlds inside hell or something? Fuck that shit!
idk how people play WoD (the pen & paper) but when i played with my group we did a couple crossover sessions with mages, vampires, werewolfs, ghosts and everything else all mixed up
was pretty great, idk if lorewise vampires know that changeling exist
There is a reason why there is no mention of that stuff in the main game, which for all intents and purposes might as well have its own spin off canon without the absolutely retarded baggage some of the world of darkness has.
>Reality bending tech mages
All mages bend reality. The tech mages are the ones bending it the least, because what you think of as a normal, logical universe of physics and numbers is where their magic operates most fluently in.
>parallel worlds inside hell or something?
There's just one underworld, it happens to have seven layers. The sixth layer is where the demons are.
w-what's in the seventh?
they might as well add a BLM clan at this point that claim Caine to be an African who was the original vampire or some shit.
It's a bit more complicated, try reading the section on the convetion of prague in the Camarilla book that also has this Brujah that knows what's right
african vampires by and large don't buy into the caine myth but their own history is rather fragmentary going off their discussion with beckett when they made him high as a kite to talk about mythology.
Oblivion. To call it a seventh layer is really a bit of a misnomer.. it's nonexistent. Or rather, nonexistence.
Nothing. As in literal nothingness
it's also the place wraiths throw themselves into whenever things really go wrong for them, wraith is a depressing game but harrowings are a really cool concept.
>Started 9 playthroughs
>Never finish the game once
that's how it tends to go, towards the end the game really starts to fall apart anyways.
who cares
if they can provide passable gameplay thats all that is needed from them
bloodlines was always about the writing
Excluding the Cabal of Pure Thought is still the worst decision the Technocrats ever made.
I'm pretty sure Kuei-Jin exists, cause the week of nightmares is still and they fight the Ravnos ante.
It's also heavily implied that Archmages have a vastly reduced chance of Ascending aka getting the Mage good end because they're too wrapped up in their paradigm
I'm really craving some vampire games, are there any good ones besides VtMB?
>idk if lorewise vampires know that changeling
Some do. There isn't really a wikipedia where a Vampire or Werewolf can go to look things up about the supernatural, they would generally have to rely on word of mouth and personal experience and even then they would likely not get a fully nuanced understanding. Everyone in WoD is trying to keep a low profile and that means there is not a lot of open information exchange.
For example, Vampires know enough about Werewolves not to fuck with them, and Werewolves know enough about Vampires to want them dead. A Vampire will likely here rumours about human wizards at some point, but odds are never meet one. A Werewolf might cross paths with a Mage or Changling when in the umbra, but the odds of stopping for a Chat are low.
I mean, humans fighting an antediluvian with space mirrors is cool as fuck but shit like this ruins it
redemption is cozy although gameplay wise its a mediocre diablo clone. you get to go from dark ages to modern times which is pretty cool, and there's an assload of clans you get to interact with. its a late 90s / early 00s game throughout and if you have any nostalgia for that time period its quite the trip.
>but as it is V5 is just 3 crowdfunded books.
But that's wrong.
V5 core + Cam and Anarch were never crowdfunded.
What's crowdfunded is currently Chicago by Night and probably Cult of the Blood Gods because those are by OP.
Not sure if Modiphius is going to crowdfund or go the way they did with the core for their slated books.
>There is a stunning lack of content
I honestly don't know what you expected. 2 full sourcebooks ~2 months after the core release is fine i think.
Though obviously the Cam sourcebook is atleast for me way more interesting than the Anarch one
The Dev interview says it's for the introduction/tutorial section of the game
Shill. They should release a book every 2 weeks like it is '95 again.
Who are you quoting? PC gamer said it's for the entire game, and being a thinblood you join a clan later.
There was no "fight" on the Technocracy's end. The solar mirrors just finished him off. It was literally a two step process.
Nukes, then sunlight.
Pretty sure Harrowings happen in the Labyrinth
Bloodlust Shadowhunter feels like VtMB, but with a bit more focus on dungeon crawling. It's a bit janky since it's an indie game but I thought it was worth a few playthroughs.
Yeah I know, I guess I didn't make a disctinction between falling to oblivion and the labyrinth in that post.
diablerization sounds unlikely as it would force you towards "evil" path unless they go against the lore
I don't remember what point it was, I think somewhere in the middle.
The noun is diablerie, or amaranth.
And sure it is evil, but given you're a vampire that won't be the first nor last evil thing you do
It also marks the cainite who practices it. Everyone knows when you do it because it blackens your aura. Without alligence to a faction that sanctions diablerie you are a pariah.
Are Anarchs cool with it in V5?
I wish they'd make a Wraith game.
Only problem is that to be "faithful" there'd have to be a decent chance for you to end in the forges for making the wrong choices at the start
You wouldn't call nuking and then burning him a fight?
Considering it took a matter of minutes between the declaration of Code: Ragnarok and Ravnos's destruction, not really.
Orbital bombardment is a tad unsporting.
The Anarchs vary massively.
There's a semi-big character in the anarch source book that's basically a diablerie addict that is still "accepted" as a famous Anarch.
But I think pic related is more important
its not just a little evil, its a major loss of humanity, giving into the beast, marks your aura and makes everyone despise you, how would that fit in with giving the player autonomy?
Holy shit is that why there's so much content?
but oh would harrowings be cool, especially if they do it right and don't let you know whats going on, you just wake up in your bed thinking your alive or it's a flashback and then it starts getting fucked up.
Maybe the factions are so desperate for your help, for whatever reason, that they make an exception
I am exaggerating for effect. But WoD, specifically Vampire, was the biggest RPG in the world at one point, albeit a very brief window in the 90's where it was even outselling DnD. It was fucking huge and this led to them cranking out as many books for as many settings as possible with wildly varying levels of quality.
>its not just a little evil, its a major loss of humanity
Mechanically it costs you 1 humanity no matter what. That's fair and a pretty high price.
>giving into the beast
That's frenzy, most diablerie isn't comitted in frenzy
>marks your aura and makes everyone despise you
You need auspex scry the soul to see the stains.
And they won't despise you for it if they know you had permission from the Prince/Baron/Whatever. They'll only be more wary.
>how would that fit in with giving the player autonomy
I don't see how it matters to player autonomy
Diablerie has circumstances where it's socially acceptable. There's a whole branch of Anarchs who focus on using diablerie as a scare tactic, the Camarilla sanction the occasional diablerie to terrify the plebs, Vampires do 100% do it.
>with wildly varying levels of quality.
Oh yes.
>tfw Sam's first appearance was actually a great villain showing how Garou regularly misstreat their kinfolk
>he turns into this
If he isn't in the game I will demand a refund.
If the Camarilla, Anarchs or Sabbat have become THAT desperate that they are now bidding over thin-bloods, then frankly there are more interesting things going on in universe. Couldn't give less of a shit about whatever a thin blood was up to.
It results in one automatic loss of humanity. With additional losses based on the victims humanity, dice rolls, storyteller input, etc. Someone Diaberalizing a Sabat Vampire is probably the least impactful form of the act as the victim is succumbed to the beast and by default lacks humanity. Even if you commit diaberali everyone will know your situation and likely be more impressed by your performance, than they will be stigmatized by your supposed sin.
its an evil thing to do, what if you dont want to play an evil character, what if you want to play a sentimental bloodsucker in denial, climging to his humanity? bloodlines always let you play the nice guy if you wanted to, that's generally the theme with western rpgs, letting you play the character you want. diablerie would shoehorn your character in a major way. and no way would anyone cainite ever trust a known diablerist with even watering their flowers.
>If the Camarilla, Anarchs or Sabbat have become THAT desperate that they are now bidding over thin-bloods
Learn to read
Until now I knew next to nothing about VTMB except years of the occasional exploding coffin joke.
After seeing the backlash to what I see largely as the book the sequel has been using as groundwork I decided to think up what I'd do if I was made creative director of "untitled vampire theme RPG".
Basically I'd strive to keep it simple.
4 types of vampire (Analogs of classic RPG classes)
4 unique playstyles.
Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Charisma.
Unique skill among each such as: Shape Shifting, Shadow Magic, Blood Magic and Mind Control.
Thought up a bunch of other dumb worldbuilding bullshit.
I was a little surprised that nearly everything I thought up is a thing already in some way and there were quite a few interesting ideas I didn't even think of.
I thought sects and clans were the same thing for a while so that led to me thinking
>People talk about the Camarilla type of vampire a whole lot more than any other?
My biggest beef though is there is magic and biblical references, but seemingly no holy power that could make for interesting conflict resolution.
Instead it seems like their only interesting weakness is the sun and only sometimes to varying degrees.
Kind of weird that they published a book all about Muslim Vampires just a few months before 9/11 that deals with their struggle against "Christian Vampires".
It is reading something that fundamentally retarded that really lends validity to
>It was always stupid
The idea of vampires engaging in identity politics all of the time makes vampirism look like a contagious mental illness more than any kind of power fantasy and from what I've read on Malkavians, it is just that.
user accidentally invents Vampire the requiem
>People talk about the Camarilla type of vampire a whole lot more than any other?
What is that even supposed to say?
>My biggest beef though is there is magic and biblical references, but seemingly no holy power that could make for interesting conflict resolution.
What is True Faith?
But true faith and angels exist.
>but seemingly no holy power that could make for interesting conflict resolution.
Instead it seems like their only interesting weakness is the sun and only sometimes to varying degrees.
society of leopold exists, some humans wield true faith which fucking obliterates vampires
yeah pretty much
Will Bloodlines 2 acknowledge pic related as canon?
Eh, even Requiem is more variable than the stupid 4types for 4 playstyles one each thing
Please make an argument why a Wraith from the Dark Kingdom of Wire would appear in Seattle.
>And they won't despise you for it if they know you had permission from the Prince/Baron/Whatever. They'll only be more wary.
Only the cammies. How would an anarch or an independent know it was sanctioned diablerie? Everyone outside the sphere of Camarilla would have a good reason to be at best distrustful and at worst afraid of you.
You can't just force the player to commit diablerie and then not have it be be a big deal. That's a big failure if they don't address it.
The only way you respect the lore and player agency(which is something they've kept being adamant about), is by giving the player an actual choice in the matter.
Well there's another way, you could bullshit up something that the PC is a chosen-one thinblood or something, but that's the worst option out of the three I see.
It’s apparent they have a story they want to tell and the player can go fuck himself.
a right wing radio shock jock is using hate-speech. You call upon a ghost from the holocaust to explain to him how words have consequences.
>you start as a thin blood
>"making it a little bit tougher for you to get through vampire society this time"
Oh yeah nah I am rapidly losing confidence in the premise of this game
Yeah I can't really see diablerie as a solution to getting the thin blood into a clan without some really massive lore problems. Even if its sanctioned on a blood hunt or something, this breaks lore pretty hard. I mean from a writing perspective I guess keeping the player a thin blood throughout to keep to this 'powerlessness' they keep hinting at might be a thing, but that's also maybe the worst perspective an RPG could be set from outside of just a mortal.
Oh you're a /pol/tard.
Please fucking read a single paragraph about Wraith before being retarded.
>Yeah I can't really see diablerie as a solution to getting the thin blood into a clan without some really massive lore problems. Even if its sanctioned on a blood hunt or something, this breaks lore pretty hard
But it literally doesn't break lore. It is something that is specifically mentioned in both the core and Camarilla sourcebook
>Please fucking read a single paragraph about Wraith before being retarded.
I did and it was gay just like you
I mean in terms of describing it, it's more of a 'yeah sure buddy do X and THEN we'll let you be a real vampire' stringing along. Unless there are concrete examples that I am unaware of?
Please make it more obvious that you don't know anything about Wraiths
The parking garage mission also had great music. Really, the whole game had a phenomenal soundtrack.
If they want to tell that tale of a thin blood that dialberises every-time they want to use a different discipline, sure whatever, but I won't buy it.
Why? It could be done well.
Thin bloods were kind of a big deal in BL1, at least in the first act. Give the player an option to not diablerize, remain a thin blood and have a much harder time(in both story as well as gameplay).
If you're worried about the whole climbing from the gutters thing, BL1 was the same. You're just an errand boy the whole game and everyone takes advantage of you. There's only like a couple of characters who actually help you. Nines, Strauss, Mercurio.
>Even if its sanctioned on a blood hunt or something, this breaks lore pretty hard.
I think you can make it work, but it would require a lot of extra writing surrounding around you diablerizing someone. If they choose to go this direction they take control away from the player though, so that sucks.
>railroad the player into committing a humanity damaging act is okay because it appears in the book
Giving up to the beast also appears in the book, so yo think they should have the player be forced to do that too?
Vampire society is very insular. Everyone knows everyone. The Anarch/Camarilla split are more factions within a "proper" Vampire society where as the Sabbat are the antagonist force. A thinblood who has earned a sanctioned Diaberalie will by that point already be on the watch list of pretty much everyone in Seattle, and have already gotten their hands dirty in both Cammie and Anarch shenanigans.
Oh wow you sure showed me. How will I ever live with myself knowing that I will never know as much about fictional ghosts as you.
>not liking the girl who will give us fully modeled aesthetic vampire dicks and uncensored steamy monster orgies
She's about to save RPGs and you're here complaining. Get with the times, ya old coot!
I mean you could make a very compelling story around someone being forced into diablerie and then getting shit for it the whole game.
This whole thing clashes with game design of BL and how much you're supposed to have a say in the matter.
In BL1 LaCroix is used as a tool to railroad the player to do what the developers wanted him to do, right. They could go for a similar thing here, but at least in BL1 the excuse was that LaCroix uses dominate on you.
inb4 it happens again
That's a good point, but in v5--anarchs and camarilla are as far apart as ever.
No example that I remember but there was the advise to start of a new group as thinbloods and then have them become "full" vampires if they survive a story/campaign and fulfill their side of the bargain. Because while the Cam is full of backstabbers they are also not the type to straight up lie.
she's responsible for censoring hotline miami 2 in Australia. i don't want people who endorse censoring creative content anywhere near video games. do you?
Forcing the player to kill some Sabbat that had already tried to kill him and break into a couple of places to steal something is a little different than forcing the player to diablerie.
By far the worst aspect of Bloodlines (behind the general state of the game itself) was the moments it railroaded you. I don’t think more of that is a good solution.
Don't know, maybe you just fuck off back to /pol/.
Lets talk about the "Mass Embrace" that occurs in the new game. That has to be Sabbat right? Are there any recorded occurrences of an Anarch or Camarilla mass embrace?
What's the point of Gangrel Predator's Transformation in v5 if you don't get the powers too?
Diablerie could def happen - if the vamp being eaten had a blood hunt called on him it is 100% a-ok to diablerize him. I imagine an early quest would be working for the cammies to find this guy, and then eat him to join the clan proper. It's basically the only way a thin blood has a chance of advancing.
Maybe you can stop being an autistic retard. I doubt you will though.
um... Yes, especially anarchs, they aren't the rosy cheeked snuffled nosed innocent fight the powah types that the game gives you an impression of, jack himself is known to mass embrace caitiff in camerilla cities just to cause them problems.
Anarchs do it all the time.
>she's responsible for censoring hotline miami 2 in Australia
Irrelevant. She's pretty open about her interest in aesthetic vampire dicks and romance options.
To me it seems like they are trying way to hard to find a new perspective to write from in the WoD and I think they are being way to cavalier and ignoring the difficulties this is going to have.
Like pic related, apart from women its thin-blood. I think they are underestimating the sheer powerlessness of these people, and are going to bend alot of stuff and I'm really sceptical they can pull it off. In BL1 a neonate being that powerful can be put down to Caine influencing them or other such things, but a thin-blood? It also seems so unnecessary, and that the player and the experience would have just fine a non-thin blood character. Mitsoda's worked wonders before so I do trust him to at least give a shot and making convincing but really I'm not happy about it.
>Because while the Cam is full of backstabbers they are also not the type to straight up lie.
You think they wouldn't lie to thinbloods? They are barely better then mortals.
Cool. As terrorism?
It's true they're far more separate than in pre V5 where the Camarilla insisted many Anarch groups were just unruly subjects of the Princedoms. But members of both societies still interact and form groups to accomplish things. Particularly groups of thinbloods who may have either the favor or ire of either group.
Their is also of course the fact that your are a Thinblood Childer. More than anyone, society has failed to teach you the intricacies of vampire morality. You perhaps did not have someone around to keep you reigned in when you were reborn and fell victim to the Beast for the first time. From a storytelling point of view, if your character constantly hears Amaranth as a reward, not a sin, they won't really have the reason to resist the offer.
The siring? Confirmed act of vampire terrorism, probably against the Camarilla.
The avoidance toward talking about Nazi's is weird for a game about monsters that especially exist for a long time.
I think there is a cool story there.
Vitae is a nice concept.
Humans have more Vitae than animals.
Maybe some humans have more Vitae than other humans.
There are vampires with what could be called delicate pallets.
Maybe they'd like to cultivate the higher vitae laden humans more than others and would take steps to secure the existence of their favorite snack.
Maybe some vampires don't want to rock the boat as they don't have a preference.
Maybe others don't have a preference and instead see what they're doing as wasting perfectly good food and so take steps against them.
Maybe the US civil war was a debate about the taste of Free Range Human vs the taste of those raised in Captivity.
Instead of fun stuff like trying to have the mindset of a monster it is
>Muh gay black muslim vampire is like so woke you guys
>five confirmed clans at launch, free DLC clans after
>Tremere and Brujah confirmed so far
Who's getting cut? Gangrel?
If I recall correctly the nazis were actually remarkably resistant to supernatural infiltration in WoD
>Are there any recorded occurrences of an Anarch or Camarilla mass embrace?
They still get the physical stats of the beast + assorted skills from shapechange
reviewer writes a review, some dumb asses in australia make up a decision to ban a particular based on this one review. you really think it's her fault?
inb4 accused shill, her review was dumb and the scene she describes is the mildest shit ever. I find it funny that so many people have been triggered by the review.
You should read mage the ascension, too. Definitely one of the coolest magic systems I have read about in a while.
Ah good. Someone who literally can’t handle adult themes is writing for a game with adult themes.
>You think they wouldn't lie to thinbloods? They are barely better then mortals.
Why would they lie? It's far easier for them if the reward is true but just exceedingly rare
i bet malk won't be a launch because of the extra work writing dialogue.
>can’t handle adult themes
Where are you getting this from?
They had some skilled hunters.
I imagine they are covering different gameplay styles. Brujah is melee, Tremere is ranged magic and intelligence. I assume Nos for stealth. Toreador/Ventrue for social? Malkav wildcard? (probs dlc tho).
Why did the autistic kraut change Gangrel's character screen pose in both the basic and the plus version?
rape scene got removed, she made sure to spark outrage about it because it made her "feel violated". this person now has creative control over bloodlines 2.
Only Hitler.
Himmler was a ghoul.
I have the strong suspicion that the writers of Berlin by Night didn't who himmler was
>Who's getting cut?
Doesn't matter considering best clan is guaranteed to be in either way.
Because him being the only character with his face down and ass up made him look retarded.
and an interest in the occult that would have masquerade hardliners sweating.
>The few Lasombra that stayed behind joined the Camarilla.
This alone shits on 20 years of established lore. The Lasombra have an 18000 year old grudge with the Ventrue.
The fact that she cried on the internet about a rape scene in a video game.
I doubt Nosferatu will be in day 1.
Did she literally call for it to be censored?
Still more valid than crying on the internet about someone crying on the internet about a rape scene in a video game
They can just cheap out and make it a "normal" malk that has schizo episodes in some situations, but generally talks like a normal person.
Hotline Miami glorifying violence and rape does not equal adult themes. It's just more porn.
The assamites got over the tremere thing, and lasombra antitribu have existed in the past, the only clan that has never touched the camerilla would be the tzimitsce.
>The Lasombra have an 18000 year old grudge with the Ventrue.
And the Brujah hate Malkavians and Ventrue.
And the Nos hate Toreador and vice versa.
That has nothing to do with why they became Sabbat.
your resetera is showing
i dont care about assigning fault, i care that a person who feels violated by explicit content in someone else's video game has creative control over a game literally set in a world of darkness, as if being a blue haired twitter stereotype wasn't enough of a red flag.
That might fit with them having a more 'mature' approach to mental illness, and honestly BL1's Malk was a fishmalk.
Censorship of a creative material is inherently wrong. Also depiction does not equal glorification, because wakey wakey rape and murder happen more in real life, its just art depicting reality.
She didn't actually censor anything though.
Always wanted to play this game, but i heard it is full of bugs and i have to heavily patch it first, where do i start?
>you’re just as bad as this person trying to censor video games because you don’t like that they want to censor video games
I know it’s bait, but the important thing to take away from that is she was literally unable to grasp the concept. The rape scene wasn’t glorifying rape any more than the rest of the game wasn’t glorifying violence, that message goes against the whole plot of the game, both the subplot with he vigilantes and the metaplot. The fact she thinks that something being present is a glorification of it is not a good sign.
>heavily patch
Read the fucking thread, and the patch is as easy as it gets these days, you expecting to run like 12 patches or something?
I am fine with them toning down the overt wackiness of the malk, but I did like how they weaved in references to the plot underneath the apparent XD randomness of the malk. If they find a way to have similar accidentally prophetic dialogue while making the malk less reddit I would be fine with it.
Why was there even a rape scene in HM2? Who was doing the raping in it?
Thing is if we're thin-bloods and start from nothing and then advance, that wouldn't qualify as the mary sue from your pic. Unless of course, the thin-blood powers are somewhat the most broken shit in the story and you're the ChosenOne.
Every RPG is going to have some progression, and most of the time you're going to end up being a badass no matter what.
Caine influencing the neonate in BL1 is kind of a cop out anyway.
Wish the setting had a delta green equivalent that wasn't the joke that is VALKYRIE.
>They still get the physical stats of the beast + assorted skills from shapechange
Oh so if by some miracle I dropped a nuke on a werewolf and drank it's blood I could get its stats?
No, she didnt. She just intentionally caused a massive controversy using a platform she had access to with the sole purpose of having a thing she disliked changed.
you can just buy it straight from GoG. It has the 10.2 unofficial patch installed, which is pretty stable.
If you want some fan content, you can get the game from steam or something and then install the Clan Quest Mod - which also has most of the unofficial fixes bundled in.
Why do you keep saying she tried to censor video games? She just wrote an article about not liking one.
no werewolf blood just makes you far more likely to frenzy last I checked.
But a major part of her complaint was that the game took away player agency to have the scene. She even talks about the hypocrisy about if she was just bashing the chicks head in it would have been fine. She also never once mentions censoring the game.
Brujah and Ventrue, Toreador and Nosferatu hate each other because they are polar opposites. Ventrue and Lasombra are both 'leader' Clans (with a strong enmity too). Realistically the Camarilla would become Bioware in that nothing would get done due to too many managers and then go down burning due to infighting at the top levels.
What the fuck are you even talking about.
We're talking about this v20 discipline, right?
It was a fake out for an in-universe movie about Jacket.
According to the wiki, a while back there was a Gangrel who had a possible cure for the vampire curse, and the Ravnos killed them because they wanted to stay cursed cuz muh traditions. The Gangrel have been pissed ever since.
Oh okay. Getting publicly butthurt on the internet about something in a video game is far cry from censorship. VTMB2 threads get flooded with people trying to spark outrage about the game because they believe it will be SJW trash. Now if, for example, Russia would ban it for being homosexual propaganda the responsibility for it would be on russian authorities first and foremost.
>Someone give their opinion about something
>So they're to blame how a fucking government, famous for censorship, censors yet another product
are you actually retarded?
hitler never signed a document approving the holocaust either. if you write a hitpiece claiming someone else's video game manipulated and betrayed you, with full intent of sparking outrage over it, you are complicit for its censorship.
the inner circle and the justicars are not the same thing.
Sounds like it was totally unnecessary, especially since they have the player control the character who does the raping. I don't blame her for writing negatively about it.
>i care that a person who feels violated by explicit content in someone else's video game has creative control over a game literally set in a world of darkness
That is a valid point, why not lead with that? What you stated was basically a lie, cara might be grossed out by literal pixels--but she's not the one who actually made australia go full retard--plenty of that without the likes of her.
Now, if BL2 has some dumb woke storyline then we can start talking about blue hairs from twitter ruining our vidya.
Yeah but what worries me is the magnitude and the diablerie, which needs to be handled with kid gloves. I mean just the base facts of 'we are a thin blood' and 'you can join a clan' is pretty out there, connecting A to B is at the very least difficult to do whilst keeping in the spirit of VtM. We'll see, but I recognise how difficult that is and I am sceptical about it.
>Realistically the Camarilla would become Bioware in that nothing would get done due to too many managers and then go down burning due to infighting at the top levels.
Not really the case because the Lasombra aren't joining the Cam from a position of power.
The rape never happens, and it serve a narrative purpose by showing both the state of the society the game takes place in and how stories like Jacket’s are being bent by that society. It literally acts as worldbuilding.
Go fuck yourself with your shitty bait.
You can't sit here and claim that the controversy was caused by some woman writing an outrage article, when the scene itself was intentionally controversial and obviously included to gain publicity via shock.
Also the holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.
Thanks for the image, user. That sure shuts me up.
>That might fit with them having a more 'mature' approach to mental illness, and honestly BL1's Malk was a fishmalk.
BL1's malk might've been fishmalk but that kind of approach definitely takes way more thought and consideration compared to "being respective". ie. having normal dialogue and strapping some random illness crap on top.
would rather have the fishmalk dialogue from BL1 return. it was amusing.
>The rape never happens
It does on screen. It doesn't matter how the narrative portrays it, you control the character for a moment and then he enters a rape animation.
>it serve a narrative purpose by showing both the state of the society the game takes place in and how stories like Jacket’s are being bent by that society. It literally acts as worldbuilding
You can do that perfectly fine without having the player control the character beforehand. Are you so fucking mentally inept you can't understand how having the player control the character first makes that scene complete bullshit?
>Having to play as one of these losers
Is it really too big a deal to be embraced by someone higher up the food chain?
I wouldn't I fucking hated the fishmalk for the vast majority of the dialogue, yes the prophecy makes up for it but fuck it's bad.
And I love Malkavians
>mentally inept
God, dude. Just say retarded. Don't worry I won't tell anyone. Go ahead, treat yourself. You deserve it.
Okay. You're retarded.
Yes, it was, but that’s no excuse to flip your shit about it, especially when it serves a narrative purpose. Media being controversial isn’t a good reason to flat out reject it.
No the v5 version
>XD randomness of the malk.
Please provide some examples, there's maybe 10 dialogue options in the game like that. Everything else is just purple prose mixed with metaphors.
You know the opposite of XDlolrandom. The game hit a pretty good balance between the malk being a pretentious ex-poet with a lot of historical knowledge and talking to stop signs.
Epic. Good for you!
Personally I think they are doing it because they want to talk about oppression within Vampiric society so they went for the most oppressed group. Frankly I think it's retarded, going to be bad for the writing of the game and the game overall, and I'm going to maintain that until proven otherwise.
But literally says right there that you still get stat bonuses/changes from becoming a wolf or snake or whatever.
I don't get your original point
Yeah? The Ventrue and Brujah also hate each other. Everyone also hates the Tremere. Yet they're all still part of the Camarilla. Their grudge is a largely a relatively recent thing, resulting from their positioning into leadership roles of the Camarilla and Sabat during hte Renaissance. Before that they worked together. The Lasombra were fellow founder of the Roman Camarilla along with the Ventrue and Malkavians.
In the new Lore, expecting the Second Inquisition thanks to their contacts in the church, the Lasombra secret society, Amici Noctis, ordered various elders of more neutral reputation to give up valuable resources and information in order to be allowed to dwell among Camarilla chantries as individuals and to perform admirably in their service to earn their trust. Later, depending on the state of the Sabbat, they will then have these Elders commission the Camarilla to let additional members of the Clan enter. Eventually the idea is to have an even split of Lasombra dwelling in both factions. Guaranteeing survival.
The Ventrue dislike the Lasombra, but they're also fundamentally greedy and conniving. Having one of hte most powerful and influential clans in the service of the Camarilla is a tempting offer.
Thanks. I respect your silent concession of defeat, btw. A mature way of handling it.
That's exactly an excuse to flip your shit about it. The scene was written to make people like her flip their shit. She played right into their hand.
The thin-blood thing is actually a red herring. You actually get embraced by a second gen, become an antediluvian and it turns out the whole game is actually an RTS.
You did what I wanted. Tell yourself whatever you like, friend. Learn to jyhad.
Then the rape doesn’t happen. How retarded are you, the animation starts and then the director cuts the scene. There is literally no rape that occurs.
>Without having the player control the character beforehand
How does it make the scene bullshit? Actually fucking justify your retarded position rather than just barfing out your shit opinions as facts.
I bet the venture is behind this
lol nah you get embraced by god and become another 1st gen vampire and you beat all the werweolves and eventually you fihgt caine and you kamameheama blast each other and hes like 'hahaha i have seven times reflection' but then your like 'no but i have EIGHT TIME reflection' and it hits him and he blows up
Stop replying to yourself retard.
>getting off on other people calling you retarded
Now there's a fetish that finally explains some things around here.
user, please. This isn't Mage.
How quickly would a lowgen neonate learn to oppress high gen shitters? I assume they still have to learn everything as normal, they just have higher caps
>the animation starts and then the director cuts the scene.
Does the player know it's for a movie prior to when the director cuts the scene?
He isn't arguing with his ST whether that spells fits into his paradigm and whether it counts as vulgar or coincidental, of course it's not mage
What clan should I play for first playthrough?
pretty much, the main benefit they'd get is a larger blood pool and the ability to spend more blood points in a single turn.
oh and a few discipline advantages, like how dominate flat out doesn't work on people lower gen than you.
With a low enough generation their blood potency has a higher low-cap.
Not that it matters much against experience but it's something to consider.
Keep telling yourself whatever you like. You took the bait and now you have to live with that shame forever.
If you could add one thing from the extended world of darkness into BL2, what would it be?
Making a non-fishmalk player character and not making it boring or insufferable to play as would be really, really difficult. How do you incorporate "respectful" insanity for a player who is sane? They'd have to do something like changing the game itself, incorporating hallucinations and paranoia to fit a paranoid schizophrenic for example, with npcs staring at you and possibly whispering threats, events becoming bizarrely twisted et cetera. It would take massive effort just to incorporate one clan which the majority of players will not even play as.
I would play CIVILISATION: VAMPIRE: The Masquerade: THE GAME
I played Malkavian on my first ever playthrough of the first vtmb.
Shit was crazy.
Second play was Nosferatu.
And my final play Ventrue, it was rather boring.
So, I guess one of the more "normal" clans first.
how about all dialogue options are presented as anagrams you have to solve?
tremere is always cool. any clan goes really, but nosferatu will miss out on a lot of stuff and malkavian might be confusing for a first timer.
Trans rights
You don't really need to use the sewers as a Nos. You can run down the middle of the street just out of range from people and not incure a violation.
nobody could bear that except maybe you and i'm not convinced even you would enjoy it after the first 30 minutes
why won't Mages just willpower vamps out of existance?
>Bloodbinding big-titty rookie-sorceress goth gfs
>The Red List
I'd keep the voices, make them easier to understand and have them give "advice"
prometheans please
Because they'd get Paradoxed to shit if they tried anything that large scale. When you fuck with reality, Reality fucks back
you miss out on a lot of interactions anyway
And then the Abyss says hello
this is great reasoning. people shit on BL1 malk for being fishmalk, but that kind of approach is both the easiest to implement in terms of resources invested as well as the most obvious.
even if you add visual changes to the game, I don't think that's enough to make it different. how would you show a split personality like the voermans had from the perspective of the PC?
should the game just randomly select dialogue for you at some points? maybe your character doesn't want to actually do anything and will just lie down with dale. or hey maybe he just necks himself at some point.
IDK, the whole "let's do mental illness respectively" is retarded since it doesn't take into consideration, developer resources, the UI/approach to the gameplay, bloodlines being a video game where you control a PC in a rudimentary fashion, etc.
mitsoda probably doesn't want to drink redbull and not sleep for 3 days so he can write malkavian again, rip.
It's only April. My yearly playthrough is not before fall. Also, I don't have the concentration right now for that.
whats a paradox in wod
No. Hence why I described it as a fake out.
I went over this before in a long winded way but paradox is a thing that builds up in mages as they bend reality in ways that aren't accepted by the majority of people, they can attempt to mitigate it by making their magic seem coincidental, for example having a pocketbook stop a bullet instead of having it bounce off an invisible barrier, having a gas pipe explode instead of throwing a fireball, etc.
if paradox gets too high, bad things start happening to a mage because they get a reality backlash from fucking with it too much and half the time a mage can expect to wind up heavily wounded or dead from such a backlash.
I played a mixed game where the DM didn't like mages (ghoul mage to the Ventrue). I stopped a giant ass Demon fireball and my DM was not kind. I was warped into a pocket realm where I was a hot pocket, stuck in the freezer yet unable to move or sleep. Every few hours or days someone would open the freezer and I'd be at risk of being put into the microwaved and cooked until my gooey cheesy insides melted out, but they never did. Years went by and the constant rejection built up until I was a pit of despair, then finally the young daughter of the family plucked me from the freezer and unwrapped my oppressive casing, preparing me for the final journey I had grown to long for. Then she saw it....I had grown moldy. She threw me in the trash, discarded me of my purpose and chose my neighbor, that fucking slut of a minipizza instead. When I finally returned to the real world only minutes had passed.
Malkavian looked at me. Pic related.
The Bloodlines Malk is just really fucking bad when you compare him to Therese/Jeannete, Grout or even Vandal.
whats a google
Reality fighting back in the best cases
in the worst see
THAT is Dalia Margolis
Super model turned into spymaster
They aren't player characters. How would you incorporate playing as Therese/Jeanette, Grout or Vandal for the player?
you don't, they could go over some of the derangements in the book I suppose? but some of those even are admittedly difficult to translate to a video game.
no dance
no buy
Therese/Jeanette could work well enough, get some voicemails or an occasional confrontation until you finally show up and find them dead, look around their apartment and find out they're a method actor. Keep finding clues until you find out who hired them to pretend to be Therese/Jeanette (whichever you aren't) and gave them their scripts. Keep following the clues and you fucking find out it was you.
Whenever a Mage wants to make use of Magic they need to draw power from the Realm Supernatural, across the Abyss, into the real world. However when you do this in front of people who still ascribe to the "Lie" or simply do to much it beyond your ability to control, you will begin to cause errors in the spell you are casting. This gives the Abyss an opportunity to manifest itself in your spell and using that negative energy to harm the Mage in various ways. Draining health, cancelling spells, causing mutations, or summoning destructive entities are all possibilities.
ah, the fight club route.
But that refutes the argument that the director cutting the scene after makes a difference. The player sees the "Starring X" shit, but doesn't really know what that means, and may as well just assume what is happening is something happening in-universe. That's all it takes for the player to take the scene even a little bit seriously. For a chick who is playing, I can understand not being comfortable with the scene in that situation, it would just feel weird.
What about the way that scene is played out in the game is even worth defending? If it adds to the narrative, just present the scene another way.
That's what the user you responded to was getting at. Its really difficult and almost entirely wasted effort from the developers to make a "respectful malkavian". Hence fishmalk.
that just reminds me of that malkavian prince who believes he's an actor in a tv series...
>Their grudge is a largely a relatively recent thing
The grudge goes back to before the flood if you believe the Ventrue but if you don't it goes back 1500 years for sure.
>tfw Toreador with Malk bf
Come on, that is extremely predictable. You're choosing the fucking insane clan in the first place and you're supposed to be surprised by the twist?
writing a NPC is infinitely easier than the PC, especially when they're supposed to be insane.
maybe you could make incorporate split personality somehow, but it wouldn't work as well as in voerman's case.
grout works especially well because his descent into madness is told through audio logs, again you can't do that with the PC.
That's nWoD, oWoD is different
>On one occasion, he responded to a question about how easily he resisted frenzying in response to bad news by saying “Why should I get upset over an annoying plot twist in a show I don’t much care for?”
That's the nWoD way. oWoD was basically a countdown timer to Paradox O'Clock in which the DM gets free reign to make shit get really, really weird. See
No one cares about Awakening besides Magefags
oh dear lord i want to play as jeanette so hard
Barely anyone actually plays in the V5 setting.
I love BJD
ah yes the scripts he wrote instead of a transcript.
The lore isn't different, that's another setting entirely. Educate yourself before you run your mouth. So many ignorant anons yapping out bullshit from Requiem or V5.
That highly depends on how strict your definition of that is.
V5 is oWoD.
And Gehenna was cyclical in the first and 2nd edition
Is V5 worth getting into? Just for lore, not actualyl playing
I understand. That´s why i killed you :)
V5 is about as oWoD as my ass is after a good cleaning.
>Favorite quests in Bloodlines 1
Definitely the one where you wander into a guy's medical lab and realize it isn't actually medical lab! And he's actually chopping people up! I totally wasn't expecting that lmao. The best part of the quest is that you can't actually make any decisions whatsoever and you're forced to circle a table as you hit a guy and hope he doesn't block for a solid 90 seconds.
back to discord
You're literally on the level of screaming "I can't hear you" while holding your ears.
If you're into vtm sure why not, but since the core released last august there is not much out yet in terms of metaplot/lore development.
I'd check out BJD first, that's basically the best "summary" of metaplot stuff you can find in a single book and it leads into the v5 stuff.
Though the Cam book is one of my favourites
I want to play with Jeanette if you catch my drift.
I'm starting a Tremere playthrough and have a question about Blood Boil, why should you invest 5 points of thaumaturgy for it when you can just invest 3 for suicide in domination tree they are both just instant kills right? Unless if it works on supernatural beings but then it must be broken right? And I heard there is like a 5 second animation, do you ever get it to do damage to others nearby?
Blood Purge is OP as I can just spam it to permastun but I struggle to find out whats so good about the other 4 spells
>with npcs staring at you and possibly whispering threats, events becoming bizarrely twisted et cetera.
But that would actually be a great and easily implementable way to do it. Everywhere you go the NPCs turn to look at you and whisper mean things. Fucking hell user, you solved the entire issue
>Ming-Xiao fight
So how do I beat this without cheating?
spec into guns and bring good ones, my last gangrel playthrough was suffering in that fucking fight.
Shoot at her until she dies
You just keep shooting, adds only spawn if you slice her up and she's pretty harmless outside of melee. Also tried flamethrower on her yesterday, full to 0 ammo took like 30% HP. Fuck that boss.
There's a sweet spot that lets you circle her while not being in range for any of her attacks. That fight is otherwise absolute bullshit.
>mfw vtmb2 doesn't have the deb of night
That's really rudimentary and doesn't provide for interesting enough gameplay to warrant anyone choosing malk, and it would get old fast. At best its a start to build more upon. But there comes a point where you can't use half the games's budget to flesh out one clan 90% of players won't even play as.
Grind patience skills IRL. Boring massively HP bloated bitch fight.
>deb will never tell you lewd things
all that does is make it more atmospheric/immersive. BL1 already had the random voices thing, though it was due to the patch.
also, it would get old fast. you cam manipulate the UI, the camera, the gameplay, or the dialogue to showcase mental illness. but only the dialogue will actually have narrative impact.
all the other 3 options would just get annoying if overdone, there would have to be a very careful balance and even then it just adds to the flavor of playing a malk.
The entire setting is predicated on a Jewish fairy tale.
Is that confirmed?
>you will never take her on a boat ride
>Is that confirmed?
It's not, but it would bother me entirely too much.
I mean, I don't know it feels abit like fanservice. Why would an L.A. based nightshow radio host end up in Seattle in 2020?
Deb is based in Los Angeles, the game simply takes place in a different place unless she moves to Seattle for some good reason other than pleasing the fans.
>Since diablerie is the only lore-friendly way to get vampire powers as a thin blood
Nothing about being a thin blood prevents you from having powers.
>no holy power
You fight a vampire hunter who's faith is so strong he causes explosions with his mind.
what's discord?
also never going there, i'm assuming it's similar to reddit
>deb of night was 50 years ago
Yeah but the 'thin' part necessitates that they are not 'full blooded' clan members. To become a clan member, one must have the attributes of said clan, hence they must obtain them, the only route of this being diablerie.
True, I wouldn't mind something similar though. The original game just had a very nice aesthetic I hope they manage to capture again
Yeah, but that's not what was being talked about.
Is blood boil really shit? It looks to be the most fun thing about being tremere
that aesthetic is gone with the 00s. can't have it back without a time machine.
And the sun rises on another thread
Remember, wherever you go, it is the blood of caine which makes our fate. Farewell, vampire.
i always liked the theory that deb of night is a vampire upholding the masquerade, maybe a toreador since she's such a good talker. it would also somewhat explain her call with andrei, then again she's had a lot of loons on the show so maybe she's just used to it.
if they do bring her back, they would basically have to make her a vampire anyway.