What the fuck happened to him?
What the fuck happened to him?
Other urls found in this thread:
no idea, apparently he became so irrelevant I don't even know who this is
Lately he's so negative I just don't enjoy watching him. He's such a perfectionist that it ruined him. I can't believe he deleted a majority of his old videos because they weren't "good enough". He just seems like another twitch whore in it for the donations at this point. Damn shame, he was good at what he did. His wife's miscarriage and the subsequent divorce fucked him up pretty good.
He still gives marth advice on smashboards.
Dunno I've been enjoying his sekiro videos. Since he knows Japanese he can call out a lot of contextual things and mistranslations.
He seems fine to me.
remember to sage and report eceleb posters
RIP best souls youtuber
Can you post a clip or something of a modern enb livestream? I never watched him after the initial Dark Souls videos but everyone has said his streams are weird / shit for years now and I'm curious.
No wife / abortion shit people just talk about his actual streams being bad.
Oh hey, I remember this exact same thread with the exact same OP text and with the exact same picture yesterday.
Trying to turn this into a daily thing, user?
I'm not going to clip a stream for you bud but yeah, he's just weirdly confrontational with his fans and it's just a bad vibe in general. Even in his recent youtube uploads he comes off as a weirdo in my opinion and if you don't constantly stroke his ego he will threaten to stop uploading or whatever. I believe there's a good person in there but he needed to get psyche help a long time ago.
What the fuck happened to him?
Race traitor with weak genes, lost it when his wife miscarried and got triggered by Bloodbornes multiple references to stillbirths.
At least he retained custody of his daughter and nearly all of his property which is way above what the vast majority of divorced men can say for themselves.
moot looks gay with an ear piercing
>*back stab*
>run away and hide
*run away and hide
he was all over parries in dark souls why does he now choose to play like a faggot in the game about parries?
He deleted like 80% of his old content on a whim, the dude is an unhinged perfectionist. He's sick.
literally who?
>same thread as yesterday
Why do people do this?
did he really go gay for pay after google kicked him out or is that just exaggeration
its genuinely impressive he kept his daughter
usually always the mother wins
I have no idea. It's almost comforting I can't envision a single reason why.
Literally who?
he was always a little bit gay
his kid got bloodborned
oh, and look, the same jokes as last thread!
a has-been souls youtuber who was one of people that popularise MUH LORE
he got bamboozled by his nip wife and stopped making videos to do awful streams
Pretty much what most people said here. He is becoming too cynical, negative.
Last stream I watched was him having a mental breakdown regarding some question, a harmless question, i can't remember what that question was, but it was something about him uploading on youtube.
He completely broke down and started saying shit like "you know what, i'm really tired, i'm trying my best to do this stream and it's shit like that, that makes me want to turn off this stream and go to bed".
Maybe it's his self imposed diva status that makes him feel like he doesn't need to respect his viewers cause he will always have guaranteed viewership. Maybe he got tired and jaded of his fanbase after all the shit he got from his failed MGS streams and other crap like no one watching him play Persona 5 for the 2nd or 3rd time.
I really have no idea why he has such a hardon for persona 5 anyways.
someone post a stream clip. how can there be daily enb threads with people talking about his twitch freakouts with no footage
ok, dude. We had one and a half good ENB threads. Time to let it go.
Hes trying to get attention, let him tire himself out.
Probably the fact the mother is japanese and freshly visa'd, the US government saw in Marcus a better option since he is american, not a immigrant
What are you talking about? It is JUST LIKE MY JAPANESE ANNIE MAYS!!!
Because people are making shit up. There has been no mental break down.
He's gotten pretty fat lately, to be honest.
Marcus AKA EpicNameBro
>Deleted a majority of his youtube channel
>Adverserial interaction with his audience unless they're stroking his dick about how good his content is
>Constantly bitching about how much of a burden it is to do a youtube let's play of Sekiro
>No breakdown
Okay, bud.
Was his wife hot?
he pulled a Stalin after he found her performing a postnatal abortion with a lamppost
youtube board fucking when
Truly a massive health endangering breakdown. He should get checked into a hospital honestly.
>i need to delete my old videos so i upload more
>proceeds to not upload anything for 7 months
He's different than what he used to be and that's literally the basis of the thread. I don't know what angle you're trying to come from here.
he's probably trying to say that not liking your past content and having to force yourself to play a video game is not what a breakdown is
Being different isn't a mental breakdown, retard.
He grew up and can't deal with faggots saying stupid shit or begging him to do stuff. That's literally it.
Member when ENB was just a stupid wigger telling scrubs how to get the drake sword? I feel bad for him honestly. I used to like his stuff.
everyone thought he was black for years