ITT "Villains" that did nothing wrong

ITT "Villains" that did nothing wrong.

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> TiTS FC is objectively the best game of the last 12 years
> Nobody on Yea Forums talks about it
> Only discussion comes from contrarians & assmad WRPG subhumans crying about it being Japanese
I fucking hate this board, Yea Forums was right

how to spot the EOP who never played the Crossbell games

Calvard when?

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His redemption was based

What level should i be before taking on this motherfucker, i am level 34 and this fucker has fucking 11k of life with two 6k droids.

Fast craft guy is the best character in the whole series.

I'm not sure. Just fight until your xp gains drop to a small amount.

Lmao no, Zero and Ao are better

They are all good and Zero could be classed as a direct sequel to the TiTS games because of Renne.

>trying to cast heal and earth wall
>the droids keep fucking up my arts
should i focus them then?

please respond

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>> Nobody on Yea Forums talks about it
I'm really not buying this meme, this is most likely another one of those cases where some game's Gods Gift until it actually gets translated properly

Both games are already fan translated you absolute retard.

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I know but they're still early, unedited versions with very stiff translations, if any. Once they hit gold status and people actually start picking them up I'm 100% sure those games will suddenly have been "mediocre all along", or some bullshit like "it was better in japanese..."

FC first released in 2004, so not sure what you're on unless you mean the English localization. Also, FC is slow as hell, which makes SC the better game by comparison, because shit actually happens in it.

Technically he wasn't even real.

>I know but they're still early, unedited versions with very stiff translations
How to spot the meme parroting brainlet. Both are completely fine to play for many years now you fucking idiot. But if you want to keep waiting forever for some completely arbitrary seal of quality, then knock yourself out, faggot.

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Yeah they're playable but anything outside of the main plot is a chore to read, in a game where NPC dialogue makes up 80% of the world building

Zero is dog rough throughout. Ao is pro quality.

>but anything outside of the main plot is a chore to read
Dude, stop. I played these games, your made up bullshit you read on Reddit doesn't work on me.

We used to have fun Trails threads on Yea Forums
Then Cold Steel came out and XSneed went under

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This guy was based.

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I personally loved Zero/Ao and Ao is basically nothing but hype all the way through but I still feel the 3rd was a more emotional experience.
Also the Crossbell duology has this issue where it has the strongest OST of all Trails but is also the worst in utilising it properly.
Sen 3/4 on PC when I don't have a PS4

>FC better than SC
>FC better than Crossbell duology

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Almost nothing, other than chimp out and run off to Northrend and shiet, but that's minor

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Learn from Fire Emblem and add waifu mechanics. WE, the waifufags, are the ones who decides if a nip game deserves to be discussed.

i prefer fc joshua
at least he doenst look like a fucking fag

>add waifu mechanics
Fuck you, dating sim mechanics single-handedly ruined the character interactions in Cold Steel.

>yfw he joined the party in the 3rd

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How so? They literally enrich the relationship between characters, dumbass.

>but I still feel the 3rd was a more emotional experience
Do people still exist that say you can skip 3rd? Who are/were these people? 3rd has the best feels, aside from the obvious star door 15 they also turned a lame faggot priest into a man. That whole ending sequence
The end of CS2 really couldn't hit me the same, the hype music and choreography they used was nice but the situation just didn't have the gravity. All they did was murder a poor optional trial monster

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Came here to post this

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Having every girl be available as the MC's love interest jeopardises interactions between party members themselves, as does relegating important character development scenes to "social links". It works in Persona because most of SLinks are people outside your party, but it really hurts the character dynamics here. Don't even try to tell me Class 7's interactions wouldn't be improved if Jusis/Millium and Machias/Fie were actually allowed to have some degree of romantic tension between them.
I know, right? I loved how much the 3rd expanded on some characters I'm a Kloefag, alright? Her scenarios were fantastic. And yeah, Kevin's story is also great.
The 3rd is also probably the game that has the most fitting OST tracks for whatever is happening in the game at the moment. I guess you could call it soundtrack direction? Crimson Stigma and Masquerade of Lies made me cream when they first played and voca Looking Up at the Sky in the ending made me bawl my fucking eyes out.