It's not even that bad now

It's not even that bad now

Is EA secretly based?

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Actually viral marketing.

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Still has cross era
Still can’t hop in vehicles
Still no two seater vehicles
Still on rails vehicle

It’s a shit game period

I bought this for 6€ for the singleplayer. My god was it bad. It feels like a retarded SJW person designed it.

All the assets and presentation was fantastic though, it hurts seeing such nice graphics and models in a shit game.

It's still a shit game with fuck ton of gameplay issues. Surprisingly it doesn't even have that much content added despite releasing 2 fucking years ago.

I dropped it after failing the flying mission ~15 times. awful handling and no checkpoints. ugh, flying on pc is absolute aids

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>start multiplayer
>cant choose maps
>cant filter out cancerous Heroes

Ok at least the gameplay should be balanced right?

>everyone running epic cards
>get 1-2 shotted constantly
>meanwhile my sniper takes 5 body shots to kill a target
>try out heavy
>mow down a generic faggot with 20 hits, he turns around and 2 shots me

Ok at least graphics are good right?

>forced TAA
>blur everywhere
>broken shadows
>post processing
>downgraded textures

God I love modern games.

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Its actually Fun


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>Still has cross era
The new mode doesn't, and they've mentioned they intend to make all modes era locked but couldn't before because the amount of heroes across the different eras wasn't balanced out enough. Now they have enough to do it.
>Still can’t hop in vehicles
This is a good thing. Vehicles present on the map just leads to retards camping the vehicle spawn instead of playing the objective. Better to spawn them in with points earned by playing said objective.
>Still no two seater vehicles
This is true, but not a deal breaker
>Still on rails vehicle
Only true of the LAAT, AT-AT, and MTT. Of those, the gunship could only realistically be turned into a fully controllable vehicle, but the map layout would likely just lead to people crashing constantly.

Absolutely shit game.

>Cant Choose maps
Keep cancelling and initiating searches, it sells you the map you're gonna go into before you join
>cant filter out cancerous heroes
Literally just anakin
>everyone running epic cards
Yes, they've played the game
>get 1-2 shotted constantly
Dont stand in sniper fire
>meanwhile my sniper takes 5 body shots
Get the other snipers by playing
>he turns around and 2 shots me
False unless he's good

You make this thread almost daily. Fuck off already shill.

sounds bad

this game is fun but you cant admit that without a bunch of autists calling you a shill

Oh they added Droidekas?

>Keep cancelling and initiating searches, it sells you the map you're gonna go into before you join
Fuck that, doesnt excuse the lack of map selection
>Literally just anakin
Literally all heroes suck, infantry is the only based way to play Battlefront
>Yes, they've played the game
I dont give a shit how long you've played, having that much a tremendous advantage over a new player is abolute bs and utter cancer
>Dont stand in sniper fire
I dont. I dodge like mad but only move like 2 feet, meanwhile everyone else dodges with 20m.
>Get the other snipers by playing
Fuck you, dont give me shit weapons that cant even kill a grunt properly.
>False unless he's good
True on mumerous times

with a team of like 3 people how does one of you have time to shill?

No it's still trash

wow it took them a year and a half after release to make you think it's "not even that bad" and apparently that makes them based

absolute small brain

Wasn´t MP dead cause of no players? (PC)

Should be 1 or maybe 2 hero limit per team in galactic assault, currently it is just bunch of hero spamming autists slaughtering regular troops in chokepoints; the game
Also wtf is wrong with vehicle handling, they were literally smoother to control on og 2004 bf

Fuck of EA Jew shill. Nobody here is falling for your longplan. AAA live services are not your typical shitty game, they're dangerously ever present. Let me spell it out.

>Create unfinished hackjob game with algorithmically minimum effort required
>Fill game with creepy purchase monitoring AI and lootboxes that the game will be designed around
>Practically empty game
>Rejected by everyone of conscience and huge backlash ensues
>Game is forgotten about and suckers money harvested successfully
>Slowly fine tune hackjob to make it how it should've been when it released in the first place
>specialise AI and microtransactions to be more insidious and coercive based on player data
>Release more half finished crap in the form of "DLC" or an "expansion"
>Begin marketing campaign to draw suckers back to the game, "Hey did you know X is actually good now?" "Lmao Sjws BTFO this faceless corporation is BASED"
>Keep the live service cancer alive even when it should have failed and died

These "games" are like the Centipede Monks from Sekiro, they don't fucking die even when you proverbially stab them through the throat. The only cure for these games and their see-through cancerous business practices is to reject them by standard and principle. No "it got better after 6 months" bullshit.


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Agreed. They both nerfed and overpowered the heroes, though. It was better in the previous one.

>tremendous advantage
1m on a grenades potential radius
>everyone else dodges like 20m
False and homosexual, no upgrade allows you to dodge further
>dont give me shit weapons
The default sniper and the IQA-11 are the best ones for sniping, you're just bad

Shitter confirmed

The default snipers are awful, nt-242 is the only one which one hit headshot kills all classes

>1m on a grenades potential radius
>False and homosexual, no upgrade allows you to dodge further
I can clearly see my dodge roll being way smaller than others. Fuck off with your bullshit.
>The default sniper and the IQA-11 are the best ones for sniping, you're just bad
Lmaoooooo kys my boy.

Faggots like you keep EA afloat.

Like what?

I cant imagine what its like being more casual then a BF2 player. Here's another (you)

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Get gud

Yeah at least in Australia I can find games on PC sometimes never on my xbox one.

not in NA

Show us an upgrade which allows further dodges user

This game still has shit balance. port over however many game modes from battlefield as you want, your guns are shit, your DPS balance is shit, powerups are shit, heroes are shit, your game is shit. Just imagine all the money EA could have made off star wars if you waited a fucking year and a half instead of crapping out the most repetitive game of 2017. Any real star wars fan working on that game ought to be ashamed of it

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The main mode always has enough to put me in a full game. The issues come with trying to play the Starfighter modes etc

It was partly because of disney meddling as well.
They didn't want to give away too much about the First Order in the game before TLJ came out even though that was a massive train wreck.

Is it just me or what, I've never seen anyone take down a single Walker or one of the MTT things. The game just ends in a cluster fuck cluttered inside a building or corridors. The map design in this game is absolutely atrocious.

They somehow managed to make the Hoth map even worse than the first one, like how the fuck?

Literally nothing substantial about the first order is revealed throughout the base campaign. It's a shallow logic of "me put star wars movie in theater, me need star wars game too". You can tell the story was written after the locations were chosen, giving us retarded narratives to shoehorn actual star wars characters like Leia into unrelated locations like Naboo

I think Leia being on Naboo was in legends as well around that time. However, they took those old yellow naboo fighters and went up to take down those doomsday devices themselves.

The real problem is, they had an original story, you could see it in the trailers. You were going to be loyal to the empire. Hell, she might of been part of the First Order. But Disney said no and maid them completely redo their campaign. I even read the fucking book and Aiden Verseo would never betray her father, no matter what.

>Literally just anakin
Not that guy, but from the perspective of a player returning to check out that (amazingly bad) new mode, all of the jedi heroes are absolute cancer.
Like seriously, who actually thinks that a massive bullet soak who can one shot standard class with exercising exactly zero skill is a fun or interesting game mechanic?

Either way, I really couldn't believe how bad that new ship capture mode is.
>Desert map is the worst map I've ever played in any game.
>Desert map also clearly wasn't tested with the trade fed tanks and the tanks can literally spawn on top of each other and bug out.
>Ship map is just a series of identical hallways.
>Never actually managed to play the clone ship map, since the desert map appears to be virtually impossible for the trade fed to win.
>No starships at all.
>People are seriously comparing this lazy, terrible shit to titan mode from BF2142.

Just mindblowing.

Fuck off nigger EA shill

Bfv is good Firestorm is good

Apex is for niggers fuck all of you that hated on BFV for having niggers and women in it

There’s always that shill that defends a shit game made by a shit company

>New mode still has phases
>Only one map
>Only one era
>Can't spawn on command posts
>No in-game map
Still plenty to improve upon. And if they're just going to fellate Clone Wars, they should call it Clone Wars Clonefront: Roger Roger

I like me some CW era stuff and it's good to have a big amount after BF2015 but spread some of the work those 10 devs do to other eras too

EA is based this is why Yea Forums hate them

I haven't tried the game since release, when I thought it was extremely disappointing. But the it would've been better to just use the Clone Wars in a game like this, having symmetric combat set in the Civil War setting is really stupid. I don't even know about the new era, which I felt was just completely uninteresting.

Clone Wars is the best Star Wars setting, even though the prequel trilogy if fucking terrible.


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I find it genuinely hard to believe that a multi million dollar production was set into motion, specifically to promote a movie, without clarifying the narrative its based on.

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Your one of those retards the point system already solves the fucking issue with vehicle camping no reason not to have them spawn on map fuck off

People complained about era locking heroes because they are casual fans who don’t care about canon, also guns are always going to be cross era because again the devs are retarded

Vehicles on rails are retarded period, laat are transport ships not, Mtt and at at should be multi seated vehicles and be controlled because no matter how skilled you are everyone knows how they will walk and kill you.

Two seater vehicles are a deal breaker because the fucking snow speeder is in the game you retarded shill

thank you for correcting the record friend