>B-b-but having standards and rejecting games BAD
Thank you Epic, fuck Steam
>B-b-but having standards and rejecting games BAD
Thank you Epic, fuck Steam
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so the tl-dr is that dev makes shit game and gets rejected by epic-store, and then he complains about being rejected?
>87 metacritic
Wow nice store
>shit game
High score on metacritic and opencritic, multiple conventions awards winner, favorably reviewed everywhere by players.
pretty fucking based tbqh
Stop reposting this shitty thread every day.
the way i interpret it is that no big publications reviewed the game and that metacritic score is game-journo dicksucking and networking-related, rather than the game being good or not.
>meanwhile at Valve
Not that guy but it’s also (relatively) old.
They could just be trying to get new entries in.
>paying developers so they release on all platforms
>paying developers so they release only on one platform
One is good and one is bad
>indie devs turn on Steam hoping for preferential treatment and free money from Epic
>they don't get it
>the way i interpret it
How about you Google "Assault Android Cactus review" before interpreting, shill?
So what you're saying is that you have to be a major AAA game or an absolutely massive indie game to get a chance to get into Epic's store?
Truly a great platform for developers, Tim.
both are bad
Yea Forumsalve shills btfo
>Valve paying to prevent exclusivity
>Epic paying to enforce exclusivity
Yet they took Borderlands 3, a series which has a reputation for being shit.
I mean fair enough, it's their store so they get to decide the terms for games being on their storefront and this is perhaps the one exception I guess where Epic was wrong about an indie title. Now whether they chose to reject the game purely because they thought it'd be shit or that they felt it didn't fit in with their current catalogue of games will probably remain a mystery but this is one thing I think I can give Epic credit for, really tough curation. This really would've prevent the Steam greenlight debacle a few years back.
They do the exact opposite of Epic, they support devs to release their games on as many platforms as possible.
Why is all platforms worse then one platform.
How about no? This is like the time GooberGate surfaced last time. I'm not taking the word of smaller publications that partake in that network. This metacritic score for this game, that looks shit at first glance, heavily reeks of networking caused nice score rather than the game being measured if it's good or not.
87 score for a low quality indie game is not normal.
Developers are entitled fucks and shouldn't be rewarded for doing what they should have done all along.
>Epic filters shit games
>shitty indie title gets filtered
When will these indiedev retards realize that they are part of the flood of shit on Steam they complain so much about?
Oh look the dev is here again. Last thread there were like 20 posts defending the game, a game that peaked at 200 users.
Listen, nigger. Just Google the game.
8.8/10 IGN, 9/10 GameSpot, 9/10 Destructoid. Are these the personal blogs of Twitter SJWs?
Define "smaller publications" here, in a way that doesn't make you ashamed to read out loud.
Also, its Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam, as reviewed by players, which matters the most. The game apparently isn't bad, and you should adjust your views to fit this reality.
>essentially pre paid steam revenue
>however there are no strings attached
>Are these the personal blogs of Twitter SJWs?
big publications giving good score for low quality indie games means nothing, it means lower priority journos who are otherwise blacklisted for being corrupt gets to write the review.
>Owners: 50,000 .. 100,000 on SteamSpy
>1300 Steam reviews
>the game isn't even a Steam exclusive
>"I'm not taking the word of smaller publications"
>"All the major publications are SJW blogs"
>"Steam reviews don't matter"
I am sure this is the standard you always hold, and never use any of the above to bash a game you dislike which has low scores, or praise a game you like which has high scores. Because that would make you a hypocritical piece of shit, right. It would.
Pair of ass blasted tranny domestic terrorists here.
Thats a very bad notanargument you have there, user.
>We must secure the existence of our platform and a future for PC gamers
>We must make loads of money for our 回聲benevolent overlords回聲
>8.8/10 IGN, 9/10 GameSpot, 9/10 Destructoid. Are these the personal blogs of Twitter SJWs?
It is [current year] so they definitely are.
>Also, its Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam
That is actually a good way to see if a game sucks or not, but one really has to read through them for some time to see if they are fake or dishonest. Still better than any game "journalists though", since they always lie and whine these days.
>IGN GameSpot Destructoid
You're not helping your cause gabe.
The only way it has 100k owners and was only played by max 220 people at the same time is if it was one of those trash games they give away in humble bundle or similar deals, where everyone buys it for another game but in doing so they get this too.
Stop defending your shitty game or your indie bay area friend's shitty game.
>Valve drones are so desperate and cornered they are now defending shitty indie games because Epic rejected them
based epic
Yet they accepted rollercoaster tycoon adventures.
It was a beat the average Humble Game, which has had plenty of great indie games.
Let's post games that would never get on the Epic Store if they weren't already incredibly successful.
Is this a bad game, user?
I hope you're a shill because otherwise this is mental illness.
Stardew Valley is definitely a major one, the game doesn't LOOK good enough for the Chinks to understand why people would enjoy it.
Assault Android Cactus is a pretty fun little game though. It's better than Borederlands 3 is going to be so it's obvious that they still allow shit games on their store.
>This game is bad because that pedophile Tim Sweeney rejected it
Yikes shills are getting more and more retarded every day.
What game?
Screens look good
Even Valve stated that if they mandated who could get onto the store with an iron fist, Stardew Valley would've been denied a spot on Steam.
epic are really giving sony a run for their money to take over the nogames title
but they can't win in the long run since playstation has a worthless console that collects dust with no games and epic is just a chinese store with no games
Reminder that there are shills among us.
You are all just being contrarian for the sake of it
Not a single genuine opinion
Didn't that game already get rejected by GOG ?
Hard to say what their procedure is like and what actually determines the titles that get onto their store front. Perhaps that wouldn't get onto Epic but maybe it's down to publisher or developer behind the game, something like Pillars of Eternity would obviously be rejected but Obsidian are loved throughout the industry. Would be hard to see them turn down Obsidian.
Nvm I can't read
I assume you have to be a game that is not 5 years old with 0 players that has no chance at all of selling much and even if it did, it wouldn't be much of a draw as seen by its previous sales and the fact that it's half a decade old.
It only got in because of Steam Greenlight.
My genuine opinion is that the game in question genuinely won multiple awards on video game cons, genuinely has reviewed favorable reviews from critics (as shown on metacritic and opencritic), and genuinely has received favorable reviews from players (as seen on its Steam page).
I genuinely think that you are a disingenuous shill, as hinted by the multiple times you made the same thread and by your attitude towards people disagreeing. I genuinely wish the atoms that make up your corpse would be rearranged into a more useful configuration. Genuinely recycle yourself.
Yep, I can't find the damn Kotaku article about it, but it was alongside GOG saying they would have denied a puzzler because it looked like a mobile game.
Terraria, which only boomed and got ports after its initial success, wouldn't have existed.
Their procedure is "does it look flashy and exciting?" and not "is it a good game?"
Hotline Miami because of spritework.
so epic is just a zoomer vendor?
Epic's procedure is the same as the iPhone store - does it look good at a glance? Because they are aware the casual Fortnite player won't give them more than a glance, so they have about 2 seconds to make the sales pitch with 2-3 images.
Baba is You is one of my favorite games this year, but it would be rejected in a heartbet.
Devolver Digitial was the publisher, so Epic might have actually allowed that one.
It's fairly obvious it comes down to and who is backing you.
How do I get paid to shill for Epic?
Cuphead, I guess?
Would Cuphead be on Epic Games if they were offered a deal beforehand
A lot of the steam reviews seem to be written by "professional" reviewer. Only very few autists spend like 1 hour writing such long and detailed reviews that look like they are straight out of some marketing department. Would not say that all are fake, but a good portion seemed bought.
I encourage every true Gamer™ to learn how to spot honest Steam reviews, since it is the one of the few review sources that are not completely bought and infected and censored. Developer and Publisher fear the honest Steam reviews so much they switch to Epic.
That's General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the Central Military Commission, president of the People's Republic of China Xi, you fucking peasant. Kiss my feet.
>go to review author's page
>see how much they play and what achievements they have
And no, most reviews aren't made by people with no clue. In fact most reviews, especially long favorable reviews, are made by people who played the game and similar games for a long time, and got achievements to prove it.
It's not that hard to get into the App Store, assuming you follow their 10,000 different rules.
The only thing is you can't have an app that looks like it was made by an amateur programmer as their first test app, which is great if you ask me.
That's where Epic and Steam should stand, if the game looks like you put in some effort then it's fine but if it's plain as day Unity trash it should not be on the platform.
Examples of what should NOT be on Steam imo:
And a game that looks just barely just "good enough" to be on Steam:
You just got BTFO in your other thread, Wong.
Not the first time it happens:
did you even read what you responded to?
Yeah you kinda right yes. Always check the profile. Problem is, that a lot of the payed reviewer also get some cheats to get achievements etc. Game time is no problem.
It is a very dirty businesses but I am glad that Valve at least acknowledges the dishonest review problem. Markets like GooglePlay / AppStore were a cesspool of fake review and it took them years to counter it.
I think when making awful fucking shitpost has become a reflex it's probably time to stop and go outside.
>MFW it is yet another Epic zoomer shill defending and praising a company trying to push a real monopoly
>epic pretending they have standards
Considering they let David's shit movies Detroit and Heavy Rain on I doubt it
oh, people are finally realizing that steams "we dont decide which game is good or bad, we let the community decide it" policy is actually a good thing?
If you think that people create fake profiles, fake their playtime and achievements in this and other games (including competitor games), fake write reviews for other games so that this isn't their sole one and it looks weird, and do all of this on an account that is multiple years old, just to sell to the very few people who are so on the edge that a Steam review will push them... you are paranoid.
The amount of investment to make a believable "fake" account for reviews, and to make multiple such, and to upvote them all over time to avoid looking fishy to the algorithm (which requires making many more other accounts for upvotes, and developing them to dodge the detection)... its too much and not worth the risk and bad PR if caught.
Of course its good, Steam will never forget how they denied Notch when he asked for Minecraft to be sold on Steam.
They just need to fix their "discoverability" issue where games people aren't interested in still manage to float up and take space away from games people might be interested in. But thats all algorithm tweaking. The philosophy is fine.
Alright go ahead
>Indie fags and journos back chink corporation because of muh bigger cut and le toxic gamers
>Backfires on them almost immediately
Same sort of retard who is A-OK with silicon valley censoring people until it bites them in the ass.
Ohnoononon steambros we got too cocky
That's what I love about this.
>Steam lets everybody in to be fair
>No, my super special game can't possibly succeed in this sea of video games!
>Ha, Epic is keeping out the trash, I'm sure to succeed now!
>What? They denied my request to be on their store? How could this happen?!
agreed, steam really could need some better filters or algorythms.
its becoming a fucking drag to find games on steam.