How come nobody wants to play tank?
How come nobody wants to play tank?
love playing tank in smite, watching the enemy team waste everything on me, not even dipping into red
Because tanks are typically a leadership position and most gamers are betas.
t. former raid leader
>play tank
>healer runs in alone and dies
>play healer
>tank runs in alone and dies
We were put on this earth to suffer.
I have to agree with this. In MMOs, tanks set the pace of the dungeon. For modern gamers that refuse to try any content without watching a youtube video, this is a big responsibility.
Because tank is useless without an aggro system, and aggro system is just annoying to deal with.
>Meatshield thinks he's the leader
Whatever helps you do your job I guess.
>tfw healer is the slut but the tank spends all his time getting railed
Too much responsibility with too little impact, that's why most tank players cry for damage buffs. 500 goburins trying to stick their clubs into your anus while the DPS hammers away at the wall and the healer does /fa/shion with his character in the background.
Because you're generally tanking autistic DPSers and not cute anime girls.
Generally, the role comes with a lot of pressure and responsibility as you take point in most situations.
Personally, I don't tank much in XIV because I have the navigational skills of a rock and have difficulties with learning all the fancy shortcuts and skips that people like to do for quick completions. It's also why I had to stop tanking in SWTOR as well.
In WoW, playing tank is a thankless job, and it doesn't matter how well you do because the dps are retards that don't know how to do decent dmg or dodge the bosses mechanics
I like playing tank but I’m fucking terrible at it and much better at high technical skill, high damage stuff.
This. It's also why I always pick the tank role.
Holy trinity is a boring system that takes the work out of teamwork and results in 5 players all ignoring each other while making numbers appear. DPS can distract themselves with big numbers, healers can distract themselves with green numbers but all tanks get is low damage and invisible threat numbers.
Because if you're giving me the option of picking emo tank or sword racoon, I'm picking sword racoon.
But XIV's dungeons are linear as all fuck and XIV's tanks have less combat mechanics to deal with than other roles.
Also tanking is like 90% prior knowledge of the mechanics you could only get by reading guides. That’s pretty gay. In pvp games tanks often can’t carry the game but also can singlehandedly lose it.
You mean you're not all secretly masochists and get off on it?
You're constantly relying on someone to help you through the game and that starts just as soon as you create your character, plus the basic gameplay tends to be boring and there's not enough skill based incentives in typical MMORPGs. As you can see from most of the posts here, the shittiest ones imaginable who you wouldn't dare talk about it on Yea Forums before, namely WoW and now FFXIV, made it somehow worse. I found the tank gameplay in DDON to be somewhat fun, however.
Because killing things is more fun that holding a rectangle and waiting for your DPS to do the fun things while the healers keep you alive.
Because it's very hard to balance the role in a way that makes it both fun and necessary.
Most of the time their skillset winds up being the defining factor in which the content gets developed, and as soon as it's not 100% necessary they get dropped hard. There is zero in-between most of the time.
I feel like the most fun "tank" is TESO, since there's so much realistic wiggle room with your build. But you're still forced to use sword and shield, and I hate using sword and shield in that game.
>Bosses can be done in any order.
>Do them in an order that isn’t standard
>Sits at the entrance
>We’re clearing without him
>He drops group
Unrelated but funnest time playing WoW was Warlock tanking cata dungeons in the mop prepatch with a healer friend that would go along with it. Really funny watching the “tank” have no idea what to do when I’m pulling three packs and having my pet taunt off of him
>holding a rectangle and waiting for your DPS to do the fun things while the healers keep you alive.
You hold up your shield until your team is close to the enemy. Then you slap everything with your hammer and play huge distraction meatshield then fucking dunk the enemy with your earthshatter.
The shield comes back when significant damage is about to be done to you or your team.
Otherwise you're playing wack-a-mole
But that's not what most tanks do? Usually in most games tankingrequires using several CC skills, many dps skills to keep up the aggro and various situational protection skills not only on you but also on your allies. If all you do is just standing there taking hits then you're an awful tank.
This is not why I don't play tank. Here is why I don't play tank (at least in FFXIV):
>any minor mistake is criticized by everyone in the party (even if no one says anything, they ARE thinking it)
>you have no real control over whether you live or die, if you don't have enough HP to eat a tankbuster because of healers, you die, if you don't get healed after, you die
>your fuckups are very clearly reflected because not only are you the first to die, it'll be likely that someone else dies also because of you
>gear needs to always be up to date else you risk losing aggro from overgeared/bad DPS that don't know how to handle their emnity
If I want responsibility, I'd rather play healer.
I can't play tank or DPS they're both too stressful, healing is easy and you can DPS while you're doing it
Degenerate healer scum.
DPS with some support elements thrown in is the true patrician choice
>any minor mistake is criticized by everyone in the party (even if no one says anything, they ARE thinking it)
What a shitty mentality. Unless you singlehandedly cause a wipe most of the community is too braindead to even notice your mistakes
>you have no real control over whether you live or die, if you don't have enough HP to eat a tankbuster because of healers, you die, if you don't get healed after, you die
You literally have invuln cooldowns, not to mention that every tank has some form of healing, even if it's not sustainable. If you die even then, that's solely the healer's fault.
>your fuckups are very clearly reflected because not only are you the first to die, it'll be likely that someone else dies also because of you
Tanks in xiv can fuck up mechanics and not die, and the only case where you can take someone with you is in savage raids
>gear needs to always be up to date else you risk losing aggro from overgeared/bad DPS that don't know how to handle their emnity
That's literally every job in the game.
If the healer doesn't keep the gear up to date, the tank risks dying by normal-ass mechanics, while if the dps doesn't stuff just won't die and you'll hit enrage
They never let me use two shields
I usually gravitate towards tanky classes. Bonus points if the class is gimmicky like a ranged tank or something silly like that.
Because you always get shat on by the entire party just because you're not a tank god and lost aggro of some mob due to a mistake, inexperience, or a mix of both. It's similar to healing but at least when you're healing you're usually not alone.
If you've lost aggro and someone actually died due to this then it is your fault. It's not a reason to dispand the party or something extreme like that but you will get shat on, that's the deal.
Yea what about when people don't give a shit about the main tank's target ot simply don't pay any attention to aggro generation and then complain that the tank sucks.
In most modern games DPS or a healer shouldn't even need to watch out for aggro generation as long as the target is already baited on the tank. Modern MMOs are super simplified and tank can outaggro anyone without any sweat. The only situation where this is sorta excuseable is when it's when there's really a lot of targets on the field, like 10 or more then MAYBE you've somehow lost aggro on one by accident, and even then fixing it should be one skill away so not long enough for someone to die from it.
Because tanks are always shit to level and boring as hell outside of groups.
Just admit you're really a cock hungry slut.
In vanilla Wow at least, tanking is fairly easy once you get the hang of it. That's why they're always Raid Leaders coordinating the team.
But I do. I exclusively tank of difficult content.
because it's not as fun as dps and you're blamed for other peoples mistakes, only game that made tanking sort of fun was tera. In the ideal game you should be able to tank in all sorts of ways whether you're matching and overpowering attacks against mobs, evasive tanking, swap tanking, or classic shield timing. Also the camera needs to be able see through walls so when you're backed against one you can actually see what's going on.
If you're not pulling large areas as a tank you're probably doing it wrong, depends on the game obviously but in my experience tanks are one of the quickest classes to level. Healers on the other hand tend to be terrible for leveling solo.
because nowadays every game is just a bunch of dps with 'ultimates'
its even showing up in shooters now after OW
That's a good thing. I'd rather have a party member contribute good DPS with some tanking than a full on wall that does shit all but soak damage.
Are you guys even a gamer?
Is Yea Forums full of gacha mobile faggot who doesn't know role play?
Tank in eso was way more fun for me than the other roles. could even solo some raidbosses because they couldnt kill me, did take forever though.
Shieldbro is goty, prove me wrong
don't even bother, you can't ;)
I used to love tanking, I always played tank. And thats why i hate it now.
>Used to tank in Tibia
>Felt like you were the only containment wall between against server-wide collapse and victory
>Have up to 10 people healing you at once
>Dedicated players whose task was only to keep the boss and its minions positions steady and manageable
>All the off-tanks standing by the sidelines, doing nothing but survey the situation constantly in case they needed to jump in and save an emergency situation from escalating in the blink of an eye
>Those crushing defeats where your death spiraled out of control resulting in a mad scatter of a hundred people and 50+ deaths
>mfw the state of MMOs and tanking