ITT: popular games/series you personally hate
ITT: popular games/series you personally hate
Kys faggot
>hating the most based series
nigger what
Thanks for killing the fps genre for years to come.
Which cod do you think started the downfall? For me it was ghosts
justify your shit opinion
halo did that actually
I hate the level design, I feel like a rat in a maze looking for cheese
I don't think the gunplay of "shoot a guy with your gun that has 3 frames of animation at a guy whose death animation has 3 frames of animation" is satisfying in the slightest
It's not even real 3D, and thus you can't even look up or down
The early environments just look like random shit, I don't get a space station vibe from it. Hell looked good though
Constant nostalgiafagging/bandwagoning/unjustified dick-sucking ("omg doom is soo good :) lol no I havent played it") and shit has simply made me hate it even more
>Metal gear
>Dark souls
>Tomb Raider
>The last of Us
>God of War
>Final Fantasy
It's all shit.
Seething /Redditors. Go back, nobody likes your oudated piece of shit meme game
I've tried many times but I can't enjoy metal gear solid
>I hate the level design, I feel like a rat in a maze looking for cheese
Jesus Christ almighty
nice retort
He’s right, there’s a reason why GoldenEye made PC FPS games irrelevant when it came out among normies & was the face of FPS until Half-Life 2 & Metroid Prime came out
It's very mature of you to admit you personally hate it instead of sperging out about how it's objectively shit.
barneyfag is back
this is even dumber than the epic game shill store threads
I hadn't even heard about the goldeneye fps for the n64 until I came on this consolefag site back in 2008
>Metroid prime
>Doing ANYTHING for the fps genre as a whole.
You are actually fucking kidding right?
Call of Duty
You fags always jerk off maze level design being da best but can never justify why
As someone whose played it day one and still has the CDs for Ultimate and II, I respect you OP for having the balls to confess to disliking it. DooM is amazing but the fanboyism behind it is shocking.
Anyways, I don't hate many games at all, but I do have some series I find dull or mediocre that get a lot of praise.
>God of War
>Tales series
>Crash Bandicoot
>Half Life
That's some sad shit. I don't even want to imagine living a life where I think Goldeneye is a good game and I've never played Duke Nukem, Quake, Deus Ex or any other PC FPS.
I have honestly never played a single popular game series
N-Neither have I!
Fucking Division
Sorry mate, I love Doom but Ranger is the GOAT.
Doom is irrelevant & so is GoldenEye now
>Cuckstar games that aren't Max Payne
Jesus fuck, Normalfags are tasteless.
Bbbut Nintendo
Yes. Mario is a dull platformer and Zelda and Metroid are by far the most overrated shit in the whole industry, along with post SA GTA and Read Dead Redemption.
The level design is half the fun of it. The shooting is the other half.
Portal 1 & 2 are great games
what kind of bait even is this
DOOM 2 is the maze like level design. Only thing doom 2 has going for it is the new monsters so everyone makes mods for that and boy are there mods and mods galore, going to outlive all of us.
>DOOM 2 is the maze like level design
hahah what
have you ever even played doom
Nintendo shit
Indie shit
This is some low quality bait man