What happened to the worms series?

what happened to the worms series?

Attached: worms4.jpg (312x445, 43K)

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its full potential is playing with bunch of friends irl on one computer
zoomers have their own little toasters to play fortnite on

I recently gave WMD a shot and it was pretty good, I would go as far to say its better than Armageddon.

2D or 3D worms?

2D. Worms in 3D is just fucking wrong

People nowadays have no patience to take turns in a game.

came here to say this

Me and my friends still play worms. Its so much fun and full of funny moments. I personally prefer battlegrounds to the newest one.

Playing Worms Mayhem with x2 Damage, x2 Gravity and 2x Explosive damage with friends at school was the highlight of my teenager life.

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I miss those couple magical weeks with constant Armageddon threads on Yea Forums a little while back. It was good stuff


Modifiers are the reason to play 3D worms hust because of how fun it is to obliterate shit while trying to start a Worms Space Program

It annoys me that they keep changing the core game over and over instead of finding something that works and improving on that. Armageddon/World Party is still the peak.

I hate today's BR games but as a kid I played a bunch of my own home-made BR mode in worms:
>set up crate drops to drop multiple in one round, more weapon creates than HP and utility
>set starting weapons to none except for unlimited prod and one ninja rope
>first rounds are just me going around collecting crates to fight with what i get
it was great

fug you, 3D, fort and 4 were good.

Tell me i wasn't the only guy in worms 4 placing girder to go the in the tallest point possible of the map?

Worms Mayhem & Worms 4 has absolutely the most comfy graphics in existance. I love just walking around there, roleplaying, it's the most beautiful world ever and it's a happy place for me, free from any cares.

Anyone know how to stop the 30 minute limit? I wanna play for hours but there is timelimit that interrupts the fun.

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The music is very good also


Attached: worms_ultimate_mayhem_psn_launch_screen_2.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

Could you imagine worms now.
>loot boxes for worm skins, sound fx, animations
>microtransactions to buy fucking hats and weapon skins

Attached: nah cunt.png (778x717, 407K)

>Pay 6.99 to unlock The Carlton dance for your Worms!

>Half the voices are removed for offensive stereotyping

by brother bought a ps classcic for 30 bucks
i put worms world party on it and were having a blast

I’ve been playing this one on switch. I don’t like the crafting stuff and weird redesigns but it’s still kinda fun. My favorite is still Worms 3-D

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Didn’t know this existed. Can you get ultimate mayhem on xbox one?

i aggree with you in 2/3. Fort was trash, mostly bc the maps were too huge compared to your buildings