What sort of games do muslims make? are there any hidden vidya gems known only to the durka hijab world?

What sort of games do muslims make? are there any hidden vidya gems known only to the durka hijab world?

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A game based on the popular comic Stone Toss

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Oil Tycoon

*lies and corrupts your country*

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To be honest I bet they could make a fucking legit horse racing sim. Those guys love that shit.

jewish plant, like stalin

the Shah was the Jewish plant, milking Iran dry for his American masters

Rather be poor and free, than rich and oppressed by a stoneage religion.

that's not the dichotomoy at all though
under the Shah Iran was oppressed and poor, under the Ayatollah they're slightly less oppressed and slightly less poor

>being this much of a retard

Is there anyone who wasn’t a Jewish plant?

>democratic elections for the parliament
>less censorship
>favor civilian court instead of military court
>legalized all political parties
>Shut down the barbaric secret police in his last year in power

Had the Shah not fled, Iran could've been a secular nation with a strong liberating western culture.

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>shah good
>ayatollah bad

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muh puppet nations

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>what sort of games do muslims make?

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The only things hidden in the durka hijab world are bombs.

>What sort of games do muslims make?
30 fps ones in GameMaker

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Bomberman clone?

i hope we get an iranian revolution in the west, Islam is unironacally the only way to fix everything, InshAllah.

>What sort of games do muslims make

Games that are about scamming non-Muslims and exploiting the European welfare system.

Flight Simulator games

>showing hair and arms
Literally haram. Why hasn't that bitch been stoned?

Came here to post this, thank you nigga.

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Yeah that tends to not hold up well to time

the CIA made a coup against the democratic and elected pm of Iran, Mossadegh, they wouldn't be in this mess, look "operation ajax"