There is no way the Witcher can fail with this talent writing it

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You're obviously craving for attention and I should let this slide but Claire a cute.

Hello, incel.



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Caring about shitty American TV shows that will get cancelled after one season.
Women mostly can not write for shit I mean the most successful female author is that J.K idiot with Harry Potter and she just ripped off The Worst Witch another woman's work.

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seething incel

Seriuosly? What country are you from? In mine she'd be given a soild 6/10

Have sex


Mommy plz

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and you still a 2/10 though

american faggots glorify their fat women like they're goddesses, no wonder people shoot schools every day there.

How could this be happening to us, bros? Why can't the world just be buff bros slamming their pecs against each other. It's not fair. Imagine a beautiful world without women and just manly frottage.
It's not fair.

Too bad she describes herself as an aspiring cat mom. So sad to see an attractive woman choose to become a femcel catlady.

Hello, Clare

biggest meme "weapon" in history

Lmao go back to >>>>>reddit


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it's funny how freely women admit that sex is the only thing they think about and how sex is the only thing of value they offer to the world



If women are mentally inferior and iq is mostly determined by genetics how come the human race hasn't progressively got retarded over time? Also there is no iq differences between men and women

Source? You know this is wrong.

Also, how come we don't all have dicks and vags if women give birth to all of us, my why didn't I inherit my mom's tits?

While there are more Male geniuses compared to women there are also more Male retards compared to women so it balances out.

>Also there is no iq differences between men and women
I think statistically there is a difference. The 'bell curve' for men is more spread out, meaning there are both a lot more genius savants and a lot more extreme low IQ males.

How the fuck does someone responsible for cloak and dagger and Jessica Jones keeps their job?

Based homo sharing with us his rightful angst of incompetent roasties with their boundless willingness to destroy every place where they aren't the center of attention

>most successful female author is that J.K
I don't think JK has surpassed agatha Christie or Jane Austen in sales or recognition

Because they only did the writing

Rowling is literally the richest author

If women are physically weaker how has humanity not gotten to toddler levels of strength
Sexists btfo

Also the shittest