Play games to escape from shitty reality

>play games to escape from shitty reality
>feel guilty at 3am in the morning after a long gaming session after realising you have done nothing to improve your IRL situation
>withdraw even deeper into games and become a full blown NEET

dont you wish real life has a restart option?

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more like fucking end it option

Every day you wake up is a chance to hit the restart button. How will you spend your time today? Will you sink even deeper, or will you take the first step to self-improvement?

>games no longer give you that release
>spend free time sleeping, or staring at the ceiling
Like, wtf. Every game I could ever want to play at my fingertips and I'm too lazy/depressed to touch them. Fuck.

we are alike brother

This is me currently. I boot up my PS4 with any game to chose from but instead I choose to browse YouTube or just stare at the monitor waiting for my occasional 3 hour work shift.

What sucks is that I work 8-9 hours a day, and I dread it constantly BUT it at least makes the 2-3 hours I play in the evening actually enjoyable. We are humans so addicted to suffering?

>give up videogames for lent
>mfw reading post like this

suck on a butt ya big buttface. get owned

This was me but then I got a gf and those few hours got taken too. lol

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>dont you wish real life has a restart option?
even if it did you would keep being a NEET and reset it every time you felt like you do now

Read the /fit/ sticky and get swole, bro, it'll sort out everything in your life trust me

This. OP has no real control and just chooses the comfy option all the time.


trying to get a job as a receptionist at hotels so I can grind anki core 6k

>tfw woke up at 8pm
anyone more neet than me?

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when did you go to sleep?

thats how drugs works my man
just do heroin instead

Get some real hobbies. Videogames are not productive at all. Play a couple of hours here and there thats it.

Videogames should only be a brief escape to unwind, not to dedicate your days towards. Well, unless it’s your way to make income I guess. Pick up new hobbies, join a local club, learn a new skill like an instrument or how to cook.

>situation is bad
>dont do anything to fix it
>situation is bad

Playing from an old save is not a restart.

Real hobbies aren’t productive either.

Real life should be a game anyway. Imagine becoming stronger with every insect or random enemy you defeat. Everything giving you exp, and not the kind of exp that get lost again if you don't practise for a while.
I am even talented at drawing so I have no excuse doing nothing when NEETing around and yet I lack the motivation to even do that and rather play. But even if I draw something I am too fucking shy to post it. I always think people will find the motif cringy or make fun of me for whatever reason.

>lost count of how many people from hometown are junkies or have died already
>still considering it
I mean if I want to die anyway it seems like an alright way to do it. Aim for OD the second or third time you do it so you still get to enjoy the dragon the first time.