User... гoлyбчик

user... гoлyбчик...

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Russia is the enemy, stop fetishizing their succubi.

A4 is Ukrainian, though. They don't exactly like Russia.

They're Slavs, who cares

Fuck slavic women, but never marry them. They age worse than any other ethnic group, at a certain age they just magically morph into babushkas. It's a fucking scam people! It's the dark arts.

>Russia is the enemy
t: shlomo

>entire game revolves around looking after your clumsy wife and herding her back home when she got lost again

why does the game have russian language and not ukrainian then?

Slavic people are the last bastion of hope for the white race they don't racemix like Western people

Tell that to my slav gf

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>slavs are the last hope for the white race
>slavs, a literal mongoloid race of mixed barely europeans and asians

Your slav gf looks like a black man. I hope you kept the receipt.

Didn't they patch Ukrainian into the game this month?

2016 /pol/ yanks truly are retarded

so they patched their own language in after russian? lmao looks like crimea isn't the only thing that got annexed

More people speak russian, rather than ukrainian. It's about costs

whatever helps you sleep at night sasha

White race is a meme

My name is Stanislav, please don't make that mistake again

This. Fuck Slavesses. NEVER trust them, they're cold bitter sociopaths that like to strangle puppies and gold dig for a hobby. Don't fall for the stronk or Putin memes, stay away from those Cruella DeVille hags.

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Your slav gf is black, has AIDS and a beard.

Ok, Stas

The left one looks scared for her life, and why do they have alien eyes?

There are plenty of Russians who work at A4, the real Ukrainians and Russians don't hate each other and instead they hate Putin and Ukrainian president for starting the war.

Ukrainians are to Russians what Texans are to Amerifats. They're still slavs but with all the bad things amplified

sure thing boris

>but never marry them
You're missing out


Do you have any data to backup your claim?


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>he doesn't want to live with a nice, caring babushka
>who will make you blini, vareniki, pirogi, and smetana all day, every day
>who will sew you an entire set of wool clothes, that will keep you comfy and warm even in the most coldest of weathers
>who will always give you 50 rubles and some ice cream just for good behaviour
>who will tuck you into your bear hide blanket at night and tell you fairy tales about krasnaya shapochka
I didn't know people had such a shit taste in everything.

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True, Slavs are above white.

you fags know that slav is a linguistic group, right? you can become a slav by the end of the year by studying hard.

Slav pole here
Polish women are literally the biggest whores in european union

pic related is the only white guy in russia

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And what do you think western women are like?


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After living with slav roommates all I can say is that you're full of shit.

Shy, modest and cute?


jap Dah-lin > russian гoлyбчик

All women are like that, don't listen to bigots

Not really, only faggots use the word гoлyбчик

definitely whiter than you. makes one think

Are you calling Anna a faggot, faggot?

Tы чe oхyeл cyкa?

Metro was never good.

She likes men so yeah


shit game

>shit game

>here's the list of things about me being a fat irresponsible fuck

I swear, Burguers are the most retarded people ever, imagine believing "white" is a race and that fair skinned people with their shit recesive traits only exist in burguerland, imagine naming your peasant colonies after a continent because you lack the creativity and cognitive abilities to think of a good name.

Russian women are gold-digging whores.

Calm down, Vanya

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*muh russia*
*zoom zoom*
*yeah russia pretty based*
*dubs on you*
*cyka blyat xD*
*subscribe to poodiepie*

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>Socialism fails in Russia and raises it's head in the West
>Traditionalism fails in the West and raises in Russia
>Russia is still portrayed as the bad guy
good goy

Rather, traditionalism is subverted in the West. It has not failed.

Russia exports raw materials and imports manufactured goods. They are very backwards and medieval in their economy, and their society is collapsing.