Seems like they're coming out of the woodwork like an endless sea of zombies spouting "Far Cry 2...... best farcry....."
Who the FUCK are these contrarian Far Cry 2 lovers?
Honestly cant decide between 2 and 3. I had more fun playing 3 thats for sure, a bunch of organic cinematic moments.
honestly i havent liked a single far cry game and ive played all but the first one
Far Cry 1 was objectively the best.
monsters n shit
I had the most fun with 3.
I've seen that opinion here before
Far Cry 5 and New Dawn are arguably peak Far Cry except that Far Cry 1 had a much more enjoyable PC-gaming-oriented difficulty curve. Every Ubisoft Far Cry has had a piss-weak difficulty curve.
you just posted this thread and it was bad the other time too
I mean, probably.
2 was dogshit but it's a pretty low bar all around
You've got your answer.
Also, it's one of those mid- to late 2000s games that all the early 20s neckbeards are blindly nostalgic about.
I remember reading Yea Forums like it was yesterday, the complaints about malaria and weapons breaking... now it's the opposite and people love it. I don't get it.
FC2's weapon breaking was made 6x faster just before release.
You buddies are literally incapable of moving around the safe houses. They're animated entities without AI, due to crippling tech issues.
The game had no animation director. They had to borrow the Splinter Cell: Conviction animation director whenever they could.
The game's engine is nothing like CryEngine. Bad compromises were made to get it running better on consoles. The game uses a sector system with zero persistence. The reason checkpoints respawn is because the game is incapable of storing their state once you leave the sector. The sector system used to build the world is spaghetti code that only one programmer at Ubisoft understood, hence the game never would have shipped if he'd been hit by a bus.
It's been a long time since I played it but I used to love it when it came out. It's genuinely fun.
Far Cry 2's buddy system is a spit and twine mess under the hood. The game had to ship with 12 buddies because if the number of buddies was changed, the entire affair fell to pieces. A lot of the underlying scripting in Far Cry 2 is hacky as fuck and nobody was happy with it. Hocking later reflected that they spent too much time on technical stuff and not enough time on making players actually give a shit about the buddies. You can see Ubisoft trying to address this problem in later games by giving the Guns for Hire a lot of personality. Unfortunately, they can't die in modern Far Cry so the stakes aren't very high. Primal's optional companion permadeath was neat, though.
How many of those problems are addressed by this mod?
None of them, AFAIK. Most are just too deep rooted in how the game was built. The Redux mod does do a decent job of papering over the gaping cracks and improving how the game plays, though.
... but don't people like how FC2 plays as is thus the clickbait?
Originally, you were supposed to do jobs for either side of the conflict, which would cause the other side to hate you. This was gutted, and in the final game, everyone tries to kill you even though you're working for them.'
People like ASPECTS of how FC2 plays.
>Originally, you were supposed to do jobs for either side of the conflict, which would cause the other side to hate you. This was gutted, and in the final game, everyone tries to kill you even though you're working for them.'
I swear I've seen this problem in another game. Deus Ex Invisible War?
Seems like a common issue in game development
3 is so bad man wtf I gave up on the series after that. at least farcry 2 was still a shooter at heart, farcry 3 is crafting and all this open world nonsense bullshit.
Everyone who played Far Cry 2 on release know it's utter shit. People like to shit on Ubisoft because all their games is the same stuff recycled again and again. Still a moronic statement to say FC2 was even slightly decent, it's the worst-designed FPS I have ever played.
All of the Farcry games after 2 were generic Ubisoft open world sandbox shit. Farcry 2 had a ton of problems for sure, but it's the very definition of a diamond in the rough. Weapon degradation, that bizarre buddy system with permadeath and the fire mechanics all combined to create some of the most fun and organic chaos I've ever seen in a shooter.
3 and beyond streamlined away everything that was interesting about it, leaving nothing but another Ubisoft chore simulator with no real teeth whatsoever. No consequences, no challenge, no point, just busywork. Even if something unexpected did happen it never mattered because you always had such overwhelming superiority with the abilities and shit you had it couldn't make a difference, and there were no stakes of any kind without buddy death anyway.
farcry 2 was actually really the best in the series
Literally me, only I loved the game once it came out.
Far Cry 2 is one of the most boring games ever made. It's one of the few games I genuinely regret buying.
My uncle even warned me about how boring it was and I should've listened.
I swear they must have only had a single day with the voice actors because everyone in this game talks so fucking quickly.
Have you never played Far Cry Primal in Survivor Mode?
The only things I legitimately miss from FC2 are the fire system, which was massively downgraded in later games both from a technical and graphical perspective, and the bullet penetration. Nothing more annoying than shooting an M14 at someone behind a fence and it does literally nothing to him.
I played it a year after it came out. It was jankcore even back then but it was impressive enough graphics and immersion wise to make up for it.
Later Far Cry games introduced armour piercing bullets that penetrate surfaces.
Ubisoft invented a huge amount of modern AAA game design around 2005. It's interesting when you realise games like The Last of Us and Bioshock: Infinite were playing catch-up to King King.
You meant King Kong, and yes - though a lot of its mechanics are just a polished version of what was in Trespasser
But still, it's the only survival horror esque dinosaur game since Dino Crisis and it's pretty based
No, I haven't, why?
King Kong's bigger contribution to game design was AI companions that felt like real people. You know the way AI characters drag each other to safety in Far Cry games? That was introduced in King Kong. If Jack Black, for example, gets attacked by a giant centipede, the closest AI will grab him by the shoulders and drag him to safety. If you throw a spear and miss, AI characters will grab it. You can ask them to throw you weapons. If you're too far away, they still throw them, but they land short. That whole "Elizabeth tosses you things" mechanic in Infinite was clearly stolen from King Kong. Also, the dialogue between characters helped sell them as real. Little moments like stopping to make camp as Jack Black sets up his camera and takes some test shots. A huge number of modern "cinematic" character-driven games owe a huge debt to King Kong's attempt to create this journey that you took with these AI companions.
Primal has animal companion permadeath. It has more comprehensive fire mechanics than the other games, including fire being necessary for warmth. (Hot and cold mechanics. Without heat, you die.) Stuff like that.
Lot's of people like FC2, it may not be the most popular opinion but it's a fairly common one.
Personally I still think 1 is the best.
Wow you're right, I just never thought about it much. I honestly don't know how to rate it, it's too short to be one of my favorite games, but I still think about the experience I had and how scary they made the v-rex with its screen shaking roars. Those rafting sequences were stellar.
All the more reason to not make licensed games because did they ever re-use those concepts or ideas for any other game?
1 > 3 > 2
There was nothing organic about 3's writing. The whole thing felt like written by a 60 year old trying to guess how young people behave.
King Kong was short because it was made in a year or something crazy like that. Michael Ancel is an amazing game designer. If they'd had more time, they would have been able to flesh out the game far more. Typical peril of licensed properties. Tie-in games tend to be forced to release alongside the movie, sane dev schedules be damned.
Reminder that farcry 3 was peak farcry
It was so good in fact, that Ubisoft decided to rehash the same exact formula for every single one of its games across multiple franchises, most of them being successful.
Far Cry 2 with Dylan's Mod is the only far cry game I've ever finished. 3 and 4 just got stale after 6 or so hours. 2 was just satisfying
Having to complete a game in one year can also be a blessing if you consider I Am Alive
It is the best Far Cry, despite on the surface looking like your typical Ubishit game, its not, it has a lot more sandbox elements and freedom than the others, it having no tower climbing and no crafting and all those other things people whine are missing is actually for the better of the game.