Can we have a non doomfag XIV thread? What are you looking forward to for ShD?
Xiv thread
No. We can't.
no, but we can have Alisaie instead
please do not post about video games on the video games board
thank you for your cooperation
That's fine too
Disgusting 3d whores need to stop ruining 2d
So are we even going to fight the empire in 5.0
if i had to guess they are going to make us play as elezenos in a lot of "meanwhile, in the garlean capital" side stories
Dead game
Only one of these groups has a leader that's using the English client
Krauts are no better than the baguettes. Holy fuck, I can't believe I fell for the get away from Moogle meme.
>Not joining Perfect Waifu's party
I for one enjoy both Doom and FFXIV
>oh, 6 high end duties, let me farm some omeg-
gas the krauts
I kinda want to buy some FFXIV stuff on Etsy... should I?
Why wouldn't you?
All the cute Lalafells
Probably not if the alliance could realistically take down the empire as is then the rest of the story doesn't really make sense, it's more likely we'll cause an uprising or something
There will be a huge TWEEST like ceruleum actually being made from lalafell or something
The sheer joy in YoshiP's face makes me so happy
I'm here to break guns and bring shadows, and I'm allll out of guns.
You think he got invited to the orgy?
>implying Yoshi needs to go to a orgy to get alphie cosplayer boipussy
I'm looking forward to my job getting uncucked
I just beat 4.1 quests and feel like getting a new job. DRG or AST were my first choices. I already have PLD,DRK, SAM and WHM at cap, with RDM and BLM in the 60s.
MCH is getting removed
Your penis is getting removed, tranny
>I can't believe I fell for the get away from Moogle meme.
I fucking told you but you wouldn't believe me. "Germans are better than frogs at least!!" No they're fucking not, it's like saying "oh well cancer is better than a tumor right?"
I saw a clock that was really nice and not crazy expensive, I'd buy it. Just stay away from the job stones and you're good
I moved to american servers myself, my ping is often better than theirs anyways because of their wonderful internet infrastructure.
Waiting for gunbreaker is so painful.
>Waiting for SAM since it got announced
>Pick it up
>"it's not really that great"
>Drop it and go back to the same job as always
why? what did i miss? i thought this was supposed to be le best most funnest of all time mmojrpg that everyone was quitting WoW for?
I want to congratulate Square Enix for successfully killing an entire region
It's not that bad shut up retard
It is but salty wowfags will never stop being butthurt about it.
>Just stay away from the job stones and you're good
What's wrong with them?
Break easily?
/vg/ thread right now is literally /pol/+/soc/ without moderation. At least this thread has some sembalance of video games.
king's honor friend
It seems like all the job stone sellers have severe autism. I bought one but it arrived in the wrong color, I let the seller know and he said he'd send me another one if I sent the bad one back, though the new stone was in the wrong color again. So I said "fuck it" and tried a different seller, same fucking thing happens, they give me the wrong color. This 2nd seller wanted to give me another one too but I refused and just went with it.
I guess it's not the job stone's fault itself but another reason to not get them is that they're extremely expensive compared to other stuff on etsy, like the clock I mentioned. Same price but clock > job stone
>XIV writing
>Expectation: 4D Mahjongg
>Reality: Next time on Dragon Ball Z...
It's literally that bad
XIV's writing is now 13D.
Last night Light had more PF parties than Aether. Just check last night thread for proof.
It's also literally the tail end of an expansion. There's nothing to fucking do.
if you do the blue mage quests you learn that ceruleum is basically mako energy a la FF7
>somebody put 19 nidhog scales for the grand total of 5.5m
I don't know what the fuck they were thinking but thank you
Which EU servver has the most English speakers. WHERE SHOULD I TRANSFER TO?
I've only ever played on Omega and English is the dominant language if that's all you care about.
Literally all of them my dude, and it won't matter where you are in 3 weeks.
the nature of datacenter duty finder means you'll have to deal with them regardless on EU datacenters, I moved to gilgamesh to escape my fate of french dipshits who can't do mechanics or be told how to play.
Just come to NA
Light is english datacenter, Chaos is non english.
you need to go back to r/ffxiv
IIRC Moogle is france, avoid that one at all cost.
Finally getting around to leveling crafters. Should i be leveling them all at the same time?
>m-my datacenter isn't dead I swear! w-we primarily english! really guys! french people suc-.... w-what do you mean german people are just as bad?
Guys i followed a JP player and now i don't know where i am
T-that's a big Lalafell
See Light is filled to the brim with krauts. There was even a desperate PF trying to set up an English speaking discord for Shiva players.
>light full cheating krauts
>chaos full of shitter frogs
it's not fair bros
NA is tempting but then I remember ARR latency
I wanna headpat the elf
I wanna fuck a potato
I wanna not play this game
>Post on an image board for an hour about playing a game instead of playing it
but user i'm in class how can i play from school if my pc is at home?
Just get a remote desktop app bro
What data center is best for east coast?
where is that spot?
Any of the NA ones, it doesn't matter. they got moved to the west coast a while back so they all suck dick for us now.
You get the same ping on both EU and NA servers
t. 1.0 player playing on ragnarok since before it was made an EU server
but im fishing as we speak
EU is in germany, NA is in california. not the same ping.
>what's an east coast guys?
a coast you shouldn't play on unless you use a virtual private network to fix the routing
>The winner has to attend this table
>steals your budget
As the head of both projects he will have at least some sway over how the money flows, so he could fight to get his XIV crew more funding than if someone else was running the new project.
Me on the left
>April 1st
>I don't understand how game dev works but I'll pretend I do to doompost
Fuck off
It sounds bad on the surface but I frequently hear americans complaining of lag while experiencing none myself despite the fucking ocean in the way.
I can only assume it's their third world internet service providers.
>Job stone ecks deee
If your picture is from an anime, your post is invalid.
Okay but do you have an argument
Pretty sure Yoshi is handing the director spot off to another guy after ShB
>plays this game
>buys jobstones off plebbit
>tries to invalidate my post because "muh anime"
the irony
>leveling BLM (actually THM atm)
I sleep
God this is slow, even with rested exp and 60% from the ring and earring.
i see
It's worth it.
Also kill me Pete.
the best part of having everything at 70 already is never having to do this shit again.
first thing I'm gonna do in shadowbringers is get gunbreaker and dancer to 70 so I never have to deal with sub-70 content ever again.
>leveling roulette
>thousand snores of toto-rak
>sprout ps4 player tank/healer
I sure hope so
DNC and GUN start at 60(?) so its not THAT bad.
>leveling roulette
Doesn't matter, you're fucked either way.
So I'm gonna start leveling my gatherers and then eventually my crafters. I never wanted to bother with this bullshit but I need the gil. auugh.
Well at least leveling things is usually the most amusing part of this game so maybe that'll translate to these crafting jobs. I sure it does. certainly.
What's wrong with it?
I really like my job, having a job stone of it for decoration would be neat.
I'm levelling my PLD on PS4.
Exp, why else
literally who
Fuck with your discord drama you tranny whore
Why would you link some randos discord? Why cares?
The reason people FF14 is for self validation prove me wrong.
After 6.0 (garlemand shit) he will leave, and mentioned already that he wants to do this (garlemand) expansion arc as his last one.
The timing of that other game production probably lines up with when he will leave FFXIV.
Those are the blight of this community. Sometimes I join as WHM just to trigger their bitch asses and report-bait them.
t. 99/100 BRD&AST
the fucking irony in this post
you're still going to get toto rak in levelling roulette
Lmao the absolute state of self righteous cunts
Just spam the highest level dungeon you can.
How will the cuck Scholar in 5.0?
While I'm glad to not be a shitter I despise those faggots around me trying me trying day and night to get gold parses, I fucking got those without even trying, just mentioning it because I got ground to stand on and I wish that mr happy would fuck off and die for endorsing cancer
Might as well make an instagram for likewhoring
>gold without trying
Big doubt. Not with all the tryhards cheesing and making the team bend over for them
What's this webm from?
BLM does start out really fucking slow, but at least you have the benefit of shit dying quickly and not needing to pay too much attention to what you're doing. Around the mid 30's-40's the pace picks up decently (you get fire/blizzard 3 so you don't need to fuck with transpose constantly, and fire/thunder procs i think) and it's pretty much just straight up from there.
PLD and MNK are my mains, looking forward to gunblade. Never had much fun as a WAR, DRK had a great questline but outside of that it just wasn't fun for me. Always loved FF's gunblades, even if the concept is incredibly silly. Seifer's gunblade and duster aesthetic was top notch.
Honestly, at this point I expected them to cut off Selene or Eos in some way and give SCH a hot in one of their new skills.
Nerfing Chain stratagem too.
And killing their dps even more by removing bio or mixing bio and miasma as one dot.
>gets top 100 dps in the world without even trying
Post your GOLD parse you got without even trying.
The fact that you don't know there's a difference between orange and gold parse means you probably don't even parse. You need to somewhat try to have best dps in the world
I hope they get rid of Miasma II and add an AoE that won't fuck over the party because the SCH wants to parse gold in pugs
>shit on SCH
>then buff it
>never actually make WHM better (even tho they're the reason the above even happened)
>rinse, repeat
>I hope they get rid of Miasma II
You shut yer dang mouth.
I know Akagi and Saki, what are the other series?
I miss ARR Thancred so much; I really don't care for Punished Thancred.
When is she becoming a full-fledged giraffe. I'm tired of this chibi-Elezen bullshit
probably intended to put 1 and forgot to change the autofill from max stack down to 1, poor guy
>inb4 user finds out they're colour blind
>mfw theres a tranny in my fc
>on primal
i thought i was safe
apparantly they have a second neck stretching puberty around 20.
Top right is The Legend of Koizumi and it's a fucking 10/10 manga.
Trannies are everywhere, and I'm fucking glad I've only meet a quiet one on 4 months.
>When is she becoming full-fledged ruined
thats all I'm hearing. Yoshi's not dumb though, the moment she starts getting giraff-ish, the plot will have her get "minfilia'd"
>wanting to ruin her perfection
okay fag
i mean they are pretty chill so theres that at least definitely better than the ones i've run into on aether
it has 2 ovas which are quite ok yet he only fights the north korean and the chinese leaders only.
>He doesn't love his kouhai the way she is
Read the manga.
DAILY REMINDER for parse fags and raid trannies
Getting orange parses will not make you a woman.
Chopping off your dick will not make you a woman.
HRT will not make you a woman
Ultimate and savage content is autistic content and is not real content
Fuck raid trannies. I remind /xivg/ everyday and now I will remind all of you.
Yoshida come back!
You need to go back.
make a PF and forum post with that as the message
I can't even tell what people mean by trannies anymore, is it just anyone with a female character or what?
Rent free.
I unironically want them to make PvE skills more like PvP. Some of the jobs function better or have improved uses such as SMN
Top right is Koizumi from Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku, dunno about the other one.
It means anyone that takes anything about this game seriously.
Literal trannies is what I mean by my post. Look at some of the best "savage parsers" in FFXIV. They're fucking trannies.
Now look at how autistic this savage shit is. It's akin to speed running. It's literally just tranny shit.
Everyday till they get it bros
t. 40%
Having skill sequences be on one or two buttons is nice, it frees up the hotbar and stops you fingerbanging half the keyboard.
If your want your combos simplified to one button, you can already do that with autohotkey or a gaming keyboard that has hardware support for macros.
That's gross, Alisaie. Why did you have to put it like that
based grey tranny
Can someone explain to me what's up with the latin letters next to the kana? Is that supposed to be a translation? Is that what you call those mahjong pieces in English?
I don't look at savage parsers due to a crippling inability to give a shit, are there real life pictures of them looking like the troglodytes from agdc or something? the more you attempt to explain the less information I seem to have.
have you read the word "literally" in a dictionary?
You are as bad as them, and spamming that shit here is like screaming to a wall with nothing behind
People forget they're supposed to pay attention for the subsequent runs too.
BASED falseflagger
Mad cuz bad
Specifically to gross people out. Based elf midget putting sissy fags into unease
Exact opposite for me
>Waiting for NIN rework
>Expecting to get a cool animation for Huton like greased lightning and blood of the dragon
>Job gets gutted
>Pick up SAM
>Main it now.
She basically lives to embarrass her brother.
>not getting your top during 3.2
I don't know why people bother having modifier keys and binds all over their keyboard when they can set it up to have 1-9 display different hotbar layout with a simple press.
Read it right to left.
This chad is the best Black Mage in the game. Your move.
How come people can't stop putting an apostrophe in Au Ra?
Macro have too much delay.
I'm glad you don't play nin anymore
>want something that's on a different hotbar
>have to frantically scramble to change hotbars constantly
>instead of being able to quickly access anything you need with a modifier and having every cooldown visible and ready to be weaved in on demand
They're spelling out 'Final Rising Sun'. That's also what the kana are spelling.
He's also gay, we love a member of the community! YAAAAAAAAAASS
>Seifer cuck
personally I just have a mouse with extra buttons on it, I slap shift and ctrl on those extra buttons so I have a second less pinky straining way to use said modifiers.
Ah, I see it now. Still translated in a silly matter if you can actually read those kana but if you can read the characters at that point I guess you should just read the raw manga (unless you are a kanjilet like me)
Me too, being a trick cuck with a core ability that makes you a black mage sounds like the gayest shit.
The in-game macro feature has a built in delay on purpose. That's why I mention macro programs outside of the game like AHK and gaming keyboards. They have no delay.
>ITT: people who are too brainlet/ or playing their first MMO and think the default 1-0 keybinds are the only ones you can bind in the game
>changing fucking hotbars for some reason
Protip: Unbind Q E R F G Z X C V B ~. You can combine Ctrl/Shift with 1-6 too.
Controller is the best thing this game has done.
Prove me i'm wrong.
So comfy.
Gunbreaker is for WAR and SAM mains you cuck.
What's gross about sharing and enjoying a womb with your brother? I bet their hot elf mom's womb was quite comfy
You are 100% fag.
But I don't go above 1-5, fucknugget. There's literally no reason for a sequence of three skills to not be applied to a single button.
Only shitters dislike TCJ, learning when to use it is great, if you don't like optimization fuck off of nin and play sam, you did well, unfortunate shad will ruin it because of people like you.
You never played with a controller before? Good players often have their cooldowns visible above their main rotation. They don't have to frantically scramble hotbars either if their UI and binds are set up properly. The same thing can be applied to KB+M players.
you have 2 seconds to cover me
oh fuck I'm dead
I'm looking forward to DRK getting unfucked I guess. Really hope they don't double down on the constant dark arts mashing.
If they do I always have Gunbreaker to fall back on.
Rather they just have both options of current but a merge button like PvP in game and people can choose. I don't understand why shit like Summon Bahamut doesn't become Enkindle Bahamut in PvE and requires a second slot
>Only brainlets like standing still on a class all about mobility
Whoa, you play DRK and DON'T like the Dark Arts mashing? Why the fuck play DRK then?
Triangle. Done.
don't know why people are so against weaponskill combo consolidation in pve, hitting 123 isnt any more difficult than 111 for anyone that knows their way around a keyboard, it doesn't even register as a source of difficulty in this game.
It's ironic that people consider it the braindead low skill portion of pvp, because by hating on it you reveal that hitting discrete buttons manually is some kind of accomplishment for you or something, which means you actually struggle with such basic game mechanics. It's like a kindergarter being really proud of mastering subtraction and then being mad that calculators exist.
>Muh optimization
Nobody cares about your DPS fag, you only exist to keep trick attack up.
>class all about mobility
moving to the flank every 30-50s, such mobility
I hate BRD and MCH who are constantly moving when they have no need to, there aren't even mechanics to avoid. Fucking ADHD kids, Bring back 3.0
Current focus classes are:
DRK (main), SMN, SCH, WAR
That gives me 2 tanks (I prefer tanking), 1 DPS (SMN is muh nigga), and 1 healer. So far so good.
Rent free.
Who's your favorite FFXIV eceleb? Mine's Rin-chan!
What about those jobs whose skills diverge mid combo like WAR or NIN or MNK or DRG or PLD or SAM?
BRD: 50% are girlfriend characters who don't want to play WHM, or play BRD as their #2 to WHM. Never expect them to be good.
MCH: 30somethings who are obsessed with guns. They know the class is shit but need to blow shit up. If someone mains MCH, they are based.
stfu ape
every run is the same
>duty commenced
>"everyone know what to do?"
>ready check
>8/8 ready
>die to execution because of shit dps
>pull again
>die to mirage blaster because dps is shit
>by some miracle get to the post-brute justice buttload mechanic phase
>everyone dies
>explain mechanics
>everyone is silent
>one guys jumps around or spams emotes while trying to explain
>get there again after 2 pulls
>everyone dies again
>someone says "srry gtg"
>they leave
>another person leaves
>"the cross-world party has been disbanded"
>He thinks GUN isn't going to constantly be mashing reload.
>unironically being a tranny
Wew lad whenever you start thinking that Yea Forums is making shit up somebody like you shows up
You're still going to end up pressing 123 anyways on some jobs even if you consolidate combos. SAM has 3 sen combos so you need 3 buttons for each combo branch unless you make it so it only does 1 sen each per completed 111 press which will not only dumb down the job but reduce DPS in certain situations if you ever have to break a combo to refresh buffs or prepare for hakgure.
Change Wildfire from 10sec duration to "last for x amount of gcd/ogcd
111, 112, 113, 122
Been waiting for a new tank
Literally the same argument used by retarded bowmage brainlets back in Heavensward. You don't have to be constantly moving you know. In most fights it's even detrimental to not be stacking in moments when there's no specific reason to leave the group.
You mean every single job that has a melee combo? There is not a single job that doesn't have branching combos in melee...except for DRK.
PLD, WAR, NIN, MNK, DRG, SAM all have them. DRK is the only one, and they used to have a branching combo but they decided to get rid of it for MUH DARK ARTS SPAM.
>Entire trait around increasing movespeed
>Ability whose only purpose is to get you back to the boss as fast as possible after avoiding an AOE for uptime
>Only requires moving to the flank every 30-50s
Is there pvp in this video game?
1-2-3 on one button
When you press 1, 4-5 lights up in the next button over. It's easy.
Fluff me you trick slut. Fluff me harder.
Should be like Aion.
...yes. Instanced PvP with a few different maps/modes/objectives. It's fun as something to do on the side but more of an afterthought.
There is and it's available in the free trial up to level 35 and free base game with Twitch Prime.
>dead tranny mmo
>die to execution because of shit dps
>die to mirage blaster because dps is shit
This is a minimum ilevel party, right user? This isn't happening with Lv. 70 characters and Lv. 70 gear, right?
MNK doesn't actually have combos. Their moves are just locked behind whichever buff they have.
wtf i'm now moving all the time for no reason
>Ability whose only purpose is to get you back to the boss as fast as possible after avoiding an AOE for uptime
wow like all the other melee dps
>Defending bowmage
Are you real right now nigga?
>it doesn't even register as a source of diff-
Fair, I'm a brainlet when it comes to MNK, but I've never played one. The only classes I haven't played to high level are MNK (maybe someday), DRG (nah), BRD (fuck nah), NIN (thinking about buying level boost because I ain't starting at 1, and the class seems neat).
Speaking of which, is NIN actually fun?
one time we had 6 people in 370+ gear and it tool until 60% echo before we could kill it
Yes. Pvp uses completely different abilities than Pve so they don't have to worry about balancing them. When you move to a pvp area you hotbar swaps to pvp mode. In pvp every has around 30 buttons but for pvp it's condensed into about 10.
NIN is tedious, bullshit and not fun at all, people who play it only want to feel useful because they are nothing but a Trick Attack.
It has to be, I've experienced the same thing in reverse on Moogle as a bona fide Americlap. No lag whatsoever despite being a continent away, the only time I lag is when my internet is hiccuping
>60% echo
>Melee jobs have abilities that center around uptime and not abilities that make them stick in one spot like a black mage.
Who'd a thunk it?
DRG does not have branching combos.
Pressing different buttons is more fun than pressing the same button. The logic of "well it's already so easy so just make it simpler" would eventually just lead you to removing 90% of combat mechanics in the game. 123 is so easy, just make it 111. 111 is so easy, just roll it into autoattacks. Optimization is so simple and never changes, just have everything go off automatically on CD.
By making everything 111, you lower the skill ceiling of the game without making the skill floor bigger. That's boring game design. Why do you think PVP is more dead in Stormblood than it was in Heavensward?
I'd like some in-class customization too, but considering the devs can't even balance the 15 jobs against one another for 90% of each expac, job balance would be in the shitter forever if they added any sort of talent trees/job customization
>Why do you think PVP is more dead in Stormblood than it was in Heavensward?
Literally untrue.
>and people say parsing isn't needed in this game
Reminder that the people in that a8s farm party represent 99% of FFXIV's player base.
>if I simply hit my buttons on my hotbar, and I am hitting the target, I am playing my class at the highest level that I can play and you can't tell me otherwise because you don't pay my sub
just add the ingame parser already yoshi
nin is fun if you like optimizing fights by ogcds
I know they are showing off that DRG spamming the single ability, but why is that WHM swiftcasting Stone?
How do you think controller users play then since that's literally how they're forced to use their hotbars, having to reuse the same face buttons on multiple bars. You do it between gcds/animation locks. Nothing is stopping you from having all hotbars displayed at all times either so idk how that comes into it.
Having all your actual binds be ergonomic 1-button keypresses is a far bigger advantage, and you never see these people complaining about hotbar bloat so obviously one of them is doing something right.
We have to remove skill bloat somehow you fuckers
He won't, after that streamer bitch got harassed by 2chan posters for doing like 200 DPS in coil.
Frontlines never pops up anymore and Rival Wings is dead except for the weekend when Reddit organizes their weekly PVP event.
When's the last time you played 72 man seal rock
why is she straming this late in japan I thought they all had work early in the morning
Have you ever been so fucking bored to where you start pressing role actions that are useless in the current situation, inbetween a gcd?
>Why do you think PVP is more dead in Stormblood than it was in Heavensward?
That's both untrue and implies PvP took any amount of skill at any point of its existence in XIV outside of basic coordination. "1 2 3" isn't skillful in any way, "111" + "122" or "222" PvP-style allows for considerably less hotbar bloat and thus more possibility for GCD abilities and oGCD fluff/utility abilities without pruning a job's actual skillchains.
I really, really hope so. Initially Zenos felt like a discount FF villain, but he really grew on me with the whole 'my enemy, my friend' bullshit, and the echo fuckery is making him seem more credible by the story update. He needs to humiliate notZenos when they eventually fight, and show that the original is superior even in another body, or else it will undercut the entire point of making him terrifying and someone who can remain a threat/rival to us all the way.
All the the fucking time. What DC are you on?
>that image
Can someone draw the version of this image after Alisaie's growth spurt? I wanna see the manlet of light get mogged by an elezen goddess
What's your favorite DPS then?
Parses are double-edged sword.
On one hand, its much easier to see shitters for what they are.
On the other hand, it causes people to train harder as well as people to shit on those without consideration of following mechanics.
I never noticed before. Heartwarming.
Rin is a top quality vtuber. This is her job, mate.
I don't I hate that jap cunt the dumb fucking nigger is ruining my game!
exactly, its people like that drg who stamp their feet at the idea of autocombos because the base game is hard enough to them that they dont want that source of accomplishment taken away.
did tank bis change with eureka? their elemental gear is all trash
The dumb fucking nigger is unfortunately the reason you got to play the game as long as you have.
I always liked Alisaie but it was only the latest patch that really endeared her to me. She is easily my favourite NPC now and is also a precious cinnamon bun that I need to protect
Why even care abiut bis now lol
I want more Jumps and Phlebotomize back.
>new zealand
>has pronouns in his bio
who gives a shit
Last night. It was nearly instant queue during prime time.
I actually think that the "toxicity" problem that exists in Overwatch specifically stems from the fact that the game doesn't tell everyone how many kills each player has. So instead of one seeing that they are being carried by a non-meta picker, the rager will only assume that the non-meta picker is the problem and will rage at them even though had he been able to see that player had the most kills he might have not raged.
It's the same thing with parses. With no in-game feedback people have no other option but to disregard any advice on their job performance. Whether it's being delivered tactfully or not. They just figure "eh, no one's complained before. this must be some angry troll that i can disregard"
But if they had a big fat parse in their face at all times telling them they suck, they would actually understand that they are in the wrong.
Fair enough
>Data center split has emboldened both the baguettes and the krauts into thinking they own their respective new data centers and can now freely spam their gibberish joke languages everywhere
The worst possible outcome.
>without consideration of following mechanics.
>don't follow mechanics
>parse goes to shit
>try and screw over another party member somehow
>they die
>YOUR parse also goes to shit.
Now that she's officially one of the people the WoL cares for, she is now in the line of fire for future Fray-fuel.
the main reason we don't have parsers is pic related. harassment is the #1 most reported thing in this game according to the live letter dev stream and parsers enable shitters to harass others for doing low numbers or not parsing purple like fflogs said they should.
>they would actually understand that they are in the wrong.
Stupid people don't accept being wrong. They just unsub to find a place that doesn't point out their idiocy and Yoshida is in the business of making money off of stupid people.
The problem is not people being shit per se, it's that they have 0 reference in whether they're doing well or not, nor is it clear what they should be doing to become better.
I had a hard time complaining about the 4K DPS DRG in a week 1 O9S clear because it was clear the dude was trying his best (using BiS food and pots, doing mechanics right). The game needs not only a personal parser but also a rotation tutorial, explaining double-weave, uptime, buff usage etc.
>everyone complaining about the EU split
>have barely noticed a difference so far
Uh... bros?
Pauvre anglo
I don't like Seifer (or anyone in FF8) all that much, but his clothing aesthetic is top notch. Irvine too. I think I just have a thing for dusters
I'm gonna a play it and enjoy it and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
don't even need parsers in-game. just make stone sky sea completion mandatory for all level cap stuff.
Okay I feel bad for making fun of you euro's before, nobody deserves this.
>MCH: 30somethings who are obsessed with guns. They know the class is shit but need to blow shit up. If someone mains MCH, they are based.
Honestly, it's fascinating how every MCH player I see just blow everyone else DPS out of the water.
They are few but goddamn they are good.
The guy in your picture is completely correct
Same but I play on primal haha
This. a lot of /xivg/ people echo the sentiment that it'll make players compete against each other but they absolutely fail to realize that parses are dependent on kill times and if there are multiple deaths because someone is being greedy or isn't following mechanics everybodies parses are bad.
Yeah they'll always be that shitter being greedy and dying to mechanics but I honestly don't think an in game parser will make the game any worse.
Eventually people will figure out that doing shit like not stacking where they should be stacked and causing someones death, and then seeing the "Raid DPS" number go down time after time, they'll realize "maybe I shouldn't fucking do that shit"
No, be quiet. Alisaie is gonna outlive the WoL
Do you think we will ever get a scene like this in XIV?
This is exactly how I felt on that one expert roulette run with the BLM that used zero AOE abilities and that includes Flare and Foul. How someone ever looks at BLM and thinks "gee I shouldn't use my AOE skills, Fire IV is the one good ability I have" is fucking mental to me, and I assume they hadn't cleared the job quests that's why there was no Foul.
>overbearing emotional-homunculus of people the WoL explicitly cares about or holds some affection for
>mega-mommy of features from alisaie, your city-state's inn owner, minfilia, yugiri, maybe a little yotsuyu
Nah as people could clear it once then half ass after. Or pay others to do it.
So, how are we going to get our Scions back?
I'm guessing Graha has somehow reprogrammed their souls into mastering different jobs to allow them to better defend the Source whilst WoL is off on the first
I don't think they have the budget for anything close to it
"You shouldn't use AoEs because they do less damage the more enemies there are".
t. Level 63 SMN in levelling roulette
Before 60, Flare is so fucking stronk. It's also cool as hell, so why wouldn't people us it? Between 60-70 people get confused as to why to do given Enochian, but at 70 it is very clear: FOUL DEM NIGGAS
You can do a triple Flare at higher levels too, which is hella stronk
I'm betting the trailer versions of the Scions we see are just their First counterparts like Arbert was ours and G'raha will dump their souls back in their bodies as soon as we get off our asses and THROW WIDE THE GATES
>Alisaie-Miounne hybrid
But the best non-Ishgard city has a male inn owner.
I wish we saw more female imperial troops. Ever since ARR the rank and filers are pretty much all male Hyurs, with one or two Elezen mixed in. ARR actually had some female troops mixed in (though never any in the open world, they only showed up in quests). So what happened? Did Yoshi's balls drop off? Or was it only Gaius' legion that had any female presence?
basically the MMO community ruins the game once again.
why does square hate that we like the empire
Then replace it with Haurchefant and say we were a little bi-curious if you have a male character or something
Yikes. As a SMN main, that is fucking bonkers. SMN was the god-emperor of AOE in HW. BLM took that title back, but nigga...
i wanna see these per server
>How do you think controller users play
Like fucking retards.
>You can do a triple Flare at higher levels too,
Quadruple flare, slam down a Super Ether after the Convert flare
Disgusting Poorstation players.
Post some yourself, faget
full pic where
As far as I know, SMN is still king, BLM just closed the gap
Just having the SSS completion in place already filters out a large amount of the community. If you can beat it with time to spare then you have enough DPS to coast through the fight even with a death.
>inappropriate conduct
You hear that ERPing fags? This man is coming for you to cleanse the servers of your degeneracy.
Only if the fight lasts long enough for you to get Bahamut. Usually, the big AOE pulls in dungeon are 50% Bahamut if your group isn't slow. BLM can Foul every pull.
If I received this in response to playing like shit, I'd start playing even worse because I wouldn't be able to play for shit from all the laughing.
but fire 4 is the bigger number
back in the old wow days we used to mark low DPS players with a skull icon. in FFXIV we do the same thing but with the X icon.
delete this
I wish, pulls usually don't last 30s
How is RMT at the bottom? Are people really this bogeyman about harassment?
Actual RMT and not just gil-bots, note the asterisk disclaimer
Is it usually girlfriend BARDS?
Dear god, I want to marry Krile!!
the report RMT button is not counted in this ranking. only people that manually report RMT like people selling clears for paypal in PF or the bots that multibox+teleporthack in zones.
the lowest DPS players I've seen recently are usually samurai's.
Pedos get the rope
Zenos will fight off legions of Enchanced Soldiers just so the WoL can escape he'll be back a few patches later
>being a Nashufag
I bet 98% of those "harrassment" cases were just people reading something they didn't like and running off bitching to GMs and wouldn't have been made had their skin been 1mm thicker
Tsuyu had the mind of an innocent child, technically pedophilic to post images of her, as well.
But Krile is legal, she's over 20
don't remind me about phlebotomize.
just rip our best dot from our hands in the name of "trimming useless skills" why don't you.
Beg you pardon, but this lady is over her 22 summers
I want 1.X's sexy pole-swing animation for Jump back too, even MonHun World uses it for its Jump emote. Make a new oGCD Jump and give it to us that way if they have to.
I'd much rather spend a night of intimate embrace with Krile than the half-baked, emotionally stunted Alisaie.
These people won't tell you anything unless you add them on Discord and talk about it there. They think they are being clever by not discussing RMT in-game. I talked with a GM about this, and if you can provide proof of their party finder ad with this Discord name, as well as your chat with the Discord user of that name showing RMT, they will ban them.
I've been fishing for these faggots for a long time, and usually add them so I can see if they've been banned. Several have.
Alisaie makes up for it since she's got something to prove and hormonal so she's eager
>B-but she's actually a 1000 year old demon, she just LOOKs like an 8 year old!
>she just LOOKs like an 8 year old
That implies lalafell actually look like children and not stumpy midgets with squished faces
A sale.
Look at this smug
Kids are too innocent to be smug like that
Hence the ultimate proof Krile is not a kid
it's a valid argument
MNK had it worse. They lost Touch of Death and Fracture.
I'm not even a potatofag but this is a stupid argument in this case. Lalafells aren't human. That's the way adult lalafells look. She doesn't even look like a human eight year old, lalafells look like chibi humans with how rotund they are.
>fuck over the party
how can any of you stand the god awful combat in this game? i want to play xiv. i've tried to play xiv 5 times and yet i still can't get over how bad the combat is. whys it so hard to get a game with the scope and lore of xiv but the combat of something like blade and soul?
I guess people that are petite and youthful shouldn't be treated like adults either then?
I do it with Fluid Aura, my muscle memory tells me it still does damage
Yeah I actually asked a GM about that stuff after the rule changes and they take Discord screenshots as RMT proof now if they got their discord name linked in their RMT PF ad. I fished pic related and I never saw him in PF again after 2 days.
>Not looking at female lalafells like the women they are
>mfw girls with chests not big enough will be forced to stay under their parents' custody all their lives and forbidden from ever getting married and having kids
manlets aren't treated like adult
XIV is a WoW clone and not an action game
Unironically the answer is "it gets better after 20 hours". Doing high end raids with all your friends and everyone cheering and sighing with relief after a hard encounter makes you overlook any issues you have with the combat.
Maybe play a melee job, they usually have more buttons to press than any other, almost to a fault (MNK and NIN)
Maidy. But no one outside of japan knows who he is.
>35 (thirty plus five) smackaroos for a fucking seiryu ex run
ARR started as a WoW clone but has since emphasized plot/story, deep class-specific mechanics, and well-choreographed boss encounters, all of which have been copied by WoW.
>lustful thoughts of Arbert's loins
Koji wants a lalafell mommy gf
Have a +Like and Yea Forums Gold my friend
Lalafell are just walking onaholes
How about some fights in XIV that aren't choreographed with the same rotation. Give me Titan but you won't know which mechanic is next.
>What are you looking forwards to?
Being able to play Dancer during the time my Mistress is at work. She won't let me play anything but white mage while we're playing together.
5.0 WHM Fluid Aura is deleted. Stone V and Aero IV. Cure 3's aoe will be eliminated and instead will just be a higher potency cure spell to replaces cure 2
>mommy gf
Why, when daughterwife is infinitely better
When I first started playing I thought cure 3 was literally just a super cure 2 I used in oh-shit moments because it was so expensive. Doesn't cute 3 and medica 1 basically do the same damn thing?
Unironically doin' good, RMT is pretty faggoty and his prices are fucking insane either way
Adorable little potato
Cure 3 is extremely superior healing when all its targets are stacked together, it's basically built for Akh Morns. Medica has a much broader range with inferior healing and lower MP cost, so it's more general-use party healing
Cure 3 is stronger but has a smaller area of effect
Why not both?
>duty commenced
>"everyone know what to do?"
>>ready check
/8 ready
>get a wipe
>some prissy bitch whines and drops out after one fail
I get being pissed off at a shit team but at least stick around for like 2 or 3 runs to see if the first was just bad luck. Don't be a faggot, sometimes the team surprises you.
Krile is a miracle of the universe and she's cool and cute and smug
This exactly.
>healing for my Mistress
>just learning, on voice coms with her
>fuck up the first big pull, we wipe
>get halfway through the first boss before we wipe again because I fuck up
>she calmly tells me what I did wrong and how to improve
>get all the way to the end and beat the final boss without any issue
>I'm sweaty as fuck and my Mistress just tells me what a good job I did before making me pay for her gear repairs
The hero we don't deserve.
>$70 for fucking 9s
nah fuck you, if a group gets a hard wipe before anything difficult even happens then I'm not sticking around to take an inflated repair bill for other people's mistakes.
>trial roulette
>royal menagerie
>screen still faded to black, game hasn't finished loading yet that the "Light party" sound effect kicks in
There is literally nothing wrong with buying gil I've done it twice
Medica 1 is also your least MP efficient aoe heal, especially since they removed the trait that gave it a chance to cut its MP in half. If you can actually get people to stack, Cure 3 is usually the only spell you need for raidwide damage ,with the rest being cleaned up with your Assize or a SCH's Indom.
Their excuse for those insane numbers is that "oh but we have to split it in 7, it's cheap"
yoshi already said it wont
>Thunder God uses Cleansing Strike
>everyone is stacked with 1 hp + doom
>WHM uses Medica II
Everything but the delicious fetch quests.
There's been several "coin flip" fights already like Quickthinx Allthoughts, Guardian, Chaos, Omega M/F.
Having a purely random encounter would be shit though. Shitters would get free passes through "lucky rolls" and it would be frustrating to wipe to "unlucky rolls"
See, knowing shit like this makes me thankful I'm being forced to learn how to heal. I NEVER move too far away from a healer in 8-mans and always stack. I'll hold their fucking hands if i have to.
What specific rule changes that allowed you to destroy these faggots?
I would have preferred Medira or Medicara instead so dipshits would at least know it's a different spell. JP trying to localize to prevent western brainlets from failing just made it worse since "II" and "III" implies a direct upgrade.
You're seriously just going to waste your time waiting for a roulette, get in and make it to boss, and then quit after 1 wipe just to do it all over again. Not sure if you get penalized for dropping out of a duty or not because I'm not a cum stain like you, but you do this to save a few thousand gil for repairs? Get a dedicated group or fuck off the game
You always use Medica II first for the regen then III
Man it's so fucking easy to bust these lame ass sellers. All it takes is one GM going undercover to get all the information they need but SE is too incompetent to do that.
Not really a rule change as much as it is GMs are taking a wider breadth of evidence to more accurately nail RMT
Guardian's programs should've been entirely random like in normal mode
I hope they give us a reason to go back to the zones. There's basically no point in the open world right now
>so poor he's worried about repair bills
it's okay sweaty I'm sure groups are grateful when you leave
Leatherworker and Goldsmith first so you can repair gear. That being said yeah you want to level them up all. It is a pain but the money you can make and save is worth the hassle.
The regen effect is good for topping off the people missing minuscule amounts of HP without having to use another GCD for a heal
t. cohealer SCH
Don't forget Ghost Train
>be melee
>get target by tether ghost
>frontmost square ghost so you can't safely clear the ghost while keeping your uptime
The MSQ literally sends you all over the world even in new patches, gathering, achievements, finishing up old content, etc, if you feel like there's no point in old zones you're purposely limiting yourself
needs to lick lower
A single Cure III + your co-healer's heal is enough to top everyone except the tank. Medica II regen is largely wasted because doom will run out before the regen does and that fight barely has raidwide damage. You're just overhealing using Medica II.
Square Enix updated their terms of service and conduct policy for FFXIV a couple of weeks ago. Repeated suspensions now have harsher penalties and GMs have more authority to investigate cases that weren't previously enforced in the rules.
Yes. I tank, so wait times aren't a problem. I'll use the downtime from the duty finder dropout to craft and make the repair cost back five hundredfold. It's not the gil, it's wasting my time that I won't permit. If the group isn't fresh progression, and has had strats explained to them but still eats shit, then fuck em.
Oh god, was that Shizuka? I saw she did coil and it took her like 2.5 hours to do turn 5.
If you pre-cast it to get the confession stacks and regens up, sure, but I think user was implying that they used it after the doom went off, when you'd want to heal everyone quickly and medica II wouldn't do the job well. Personally I usually just don't bother with medica II when it's one of those 'heal everyone up or lolwipe' mechanics, since I always throw in an extra medica/cure III just to be sure and the regen would be completely wasted. I don't like playing the 'oh boy I hope the regen ticks quickly/hard enough for us to not all fucking die' game.
>tfw her real body on the First Shard looks like this
I can already tell you've literally never played healer stick to your role dpslet
>report someone for speedhacking in pvp
>get an automated response 3 hours later
>report someone for sexual harassment
>GM personally responds in a tell in less than 30 mins and tells me they will investigate now
No, Rin is fine. Rinfam are the retards. You should have seen her to labyrinth.
>look for replacement
>"empty spot at final boss of Za Bwaano" in /fc
>replacement appears in 15 seconds
thank you for your service
>tfw no lala mommy gf
Why even live?
>tfw SCH dealing with that mechanic
it probably easier to get proof due to text and emotes used. Besides, don't they do mass bans every few months?
Let's be honest here. The players with the good sense to accomplish the feat of getting another tank to join aren't the ones who're predisposed to having a full party wipe.
XIV's netcode is such a fucking joke it baffles me some people take PVP in this game seriously.
user he didn't report anyone he's a falseflagging retard
That theory has already been pretty much ruled out. The different shards arnt "Alternate Realities" as such. After they diverged they each followed their own progression and had different evolutions and timelines. They are similar but not the same. Arbert wasnt supposed to look like "Your WoL" as each WoL is different depending on the player.
And in the case of Y'shtola in the trailer, it is 99% guranteed to be our Y'shtola since firstly its highly unlikely another Y'shtola exists but if she did then it would be even more unlikely that she experienced the exact same scenario where she had to use Flow to escape Uldah, resulting in her grey eyes.
Stick to your 55% overheal
I bet you also spam medica on the last boss heal check like a retard and never detonated a single confession stack in your life
>55% overheal
I can tell you've never done math before either it's okay grey parser keep back seat healing though
Oh look it is my lost sister
Medica II is obviously better than Medica and Cure III is better than Cure
carry sellers btfo
I’m so sick of farming snake boi ex. I’m almost at 99 totems but the sheer amount of idiots that I get makes me wanna rip my hair out. How hard is it to heal during the add phase?? How hard is it to do a fucking tank swap and not stand with the party and cleaving everyone. I’m starting to think dog mounts aren’t worth it anymore.
Kind of par for the course for stream viewers who actually want to play with the streamer desu. Still, that's a relief, she always struck me as an average player at best, but she cute.
trannies are everywhere in xiv
they even hate real women too
Desu most mid-level healers take overheal too seriously. Sure, you want to minimize it, but it's an inevitability.
if they could fix the netcode in FFXIV, it would be better than WoW.
Dog mounts were never worth it
Yikes, I would never suffer through that shit with randoms just for a fucking mount, user.
>they even hate real women too
But they never will, and we all know it
Historically an overbearing focus on 100% optimization is the mark of a tryhard or "midcore"/middling player. Somebody that wants to be one of the big boys but isn't good enough for it, so they've got something to prove
What does Yea Forums think of my mains?
Tank main: DRK
DPS main: SMN
Heal main: SCH
4th pick: WAR
Those fools who deign to profit from questionable ventures such as this must needs be dealt with swiftly. History is like to repeat itself and those that benefit from these illicit arrangements oft deliberately sabotage others who would earnestly try, as to protect their financial interest.
Also, fuck mhiggers.
You are doing God's work. Please keep this up to keep these degenerate NEETs from my PFs. It's a fucking eyesore.
>that face she made when Zenos threatened to "carve the fat" off her
I was legitimately worried for Krile at that point
I probably should stop for awhile, at least for sanities sake.
discord logs can be faked :) you cant stop rmt.
someone has to pay for my hrt.
I helped some of my buddies who are a bit on the shitter side clear it, and I honestly thought they were joking when they said 'watch out for the tank swap, it's pretty tricky', but apparently so many people fuck it up that people actually think that a normal goddamn tank swap is hard.
>my last PF OB took 7 fucking attempts to kill Thunder God
I love that boss but holy shit its a harsh pleb filter.
I'm going to report you to the IRS for unpaid taxes
It's not only possible but with dumb shits like you who use regen AND cure III for a mechanic everyone is stacked and needs to be topped in a few seconds, with absolutely nothing else to regen after but a few boss autos. You're using 4k MP and 2 GCD when a single GCD and an emergency OGCD like plenary could do the job if your co-healer didn't have a heart attack or something.
One thing is to regen and Cure III mechanics like White Hole, Charybdis and Heartless Archangel where you know the regen will be useful afterwards, another is in a fight where the boss just sits like a pinata and does some autos on the tank.
all midlanders look the same
She's fairly competent and says she plays the game seriously on her main character.
you cant and that is only if you make above a certain amount. dont be transphobic
I love the fight. It's so fucking simple and easy all the way through, but it absolutely chews through shitters.
Yes yes grey boy get mad I'm sure that'll make you better
seiryu ex is a "high-end" duty user, it's too hard for this casual playerbase.
Aye, though I fucking despaired when one Alliance; despite having all of its players alive; still couldnt do enough damage to the add in the fucking transition phase
Boggles the mind.
Technically everyone looks the same
Thank S-E for the lackluster character creation. I will never not be mad.
>keyboard stops working in agrias and I die then 2 bad ress memes
I-i'm not a shitter
>Good at the game
>Have top notch gear just under what you can get in Savage
>would love to Raid
>Cant find a static because my job makes me work retarded shifts so I cant commit
This is the worst kind of blueballing. I want to find a nice Static to kill Omega with but I just cant be available when I need to be
>brags about knowing his role
>doesn't understand that the bare minimum to play it well is to know the boss rotation
>'u-uh....yeah u mad g-greylet..."
the absolute state of (you)
based and I read this in your voice
They should focus on improving character customization instead of adding more races that'd just further increase their workload regarding gear model adjustment.
I hope those fantasiabux is going to worth it for them.
It's only $600. A few full clear runs will push that whole group into needing to report that income, if they live in the US.
JP servers pug omega and dont static it. shame NA doesn't work like that.
>keyboard stops working
>mouse stops working
>controller stops working
>internet stops working
>brags about knowing someone else's role
>doesn't know the role
okay greylet
imagine mythic raiding with 20 people in WoW and something like this happens to one crucial member needed for a mechanic.
Sometimes you just have to settle for a casual static that is okay with your odd hours. I would have loved to have done actual week 1 prog and early clears of both ultimates, but I just couldn't because I work on call.
270 enemies
27 fates
27 dungeons
40-60 Tam tara runs
27 fates
27 levequests
12 atmas
all for a piece of glamour.
totally worth it
Be so good at the game that your entire static bases their raid schedule around you. It can be done, unless you literally work some shit hours like 5 PM to 5 AM then RIP you
what if they actually pay the taxes on what they're earning through this shit?
it must have been hell to do all that on a toaster pc that runs at 20fps
post tail
>Mfw on ps4 and dont autistically obsess over meaningless numbers like parses
well, average 30.
Nuh uh, i'm a special snowflake character. It's rare to find my twin
dark skin duskwight elezen with unpopular face choice
>Tfw got dog mount on accident
>scion clothes
why yoshi?
>throws peanuts
>plate of tenders and fries
now hold on a minute
Did you take the knot?
>not embracing your thematic inner edgelord for ShB
We need more raid bosses with cute feet.
Texas Roadhouse is a restaurant chain where every table has a bucket of peanuts and you can order tendies there too. IDK if that's where that image was taken, but that's what it reminds me of
>Good at the game
>Have ilvl 400 upgraded tomestone gear and Eureka relic
>No desire to raid because I am capped at ilvl and I hate the part time job feel statics bring
Thanks Yoshi.
>mfw on pc and a ps4 player is party leader, someone quits and they don't refresh ranks, they don't know how to transfer party leadership either.
It actually does seem to be one, good eye
>mfw I'm pc and have to carry console babies for every dps check
better than I expected, still congrats on your zeta.
>last resort
Why wouldn't you at least do it for a decent looking one? There's literally no point in glamoring any books
I honestly was thinking of doing ragnarok, but after this suffering, i’ll take minos instead.
it’s more visible anyway
ah so that's why I see that PF that's been up for 40 minutes looking exclusively for a machinist
Step off nibba the Bahamut-wing book and its counterpart fairy-wing book from Anemos are pretty good.
Thanks, pc
I will make sure to die more often.
Texas Roadhouse doesn't throw them on the floor anymore, at least not here they stopped that a few years ago, Logan's still does it and they're literally just a rip off of Texas Roadhouse down to the decor
I'm on PC and I had to stop parsing because I legit get sad reading the results of how low some peoples damage numbers are. I just have to grin and try my hardest.
I have never once cared what my book look likes it just doesn't have as much impact compared to other weapons
Hence the glow-effect specific to your job, books on their own are underwhelming but the wing glow is eye-catching and it helps that the base AF books for 70 aren't shabby.
Dunno I just don't see the appeal of any of the books and I main SCH I'm picky about my alt class weapons but I just don't care on books they're underwhelming no matter what you do, but I'm glad you've found something you like user
I unironically DDD and Guy he's the perfect background noise
I agree. I worked night shift in an office where we could watch cable TV, and Friday nights when Food Network spammed 10 hours of Triple D were the best.
I need a flame shirt glam in this dumb fucking mmo
tsukuyomi had neat books
>bought a job stone
>pictures are all beautiful, good pricing
>shows up, cheap ass resin with several finger smudges and chips in the resin
controllers are shit because they suck at camera manipulation and ground targeting, switching hotbars is still the objectively best way to setup keybinds. That's why if you do it on kbm you get the best of the both worlds.