Borderlands 3 has been having some leaks including a new short trailer in spanish, cover art and the release date. Whats your opinion on the game so far, I think the game and especially the cover looks awesome.
Borderlands 3 Leaks
>no dumpy
game dropped
its in french you dumdum
Yeah, Randy did it again
Who will stop him?
I hate Gearbox as a company but I'll begrudgingly admit I've enjoyed these games.
>Shilling your video and channel
Nice try fag
Not even mine, alot of the trailer leaks have been taken down lately and I dont want mine to be taken down.
That's french though
>standard edition
>deluxe edition
>super deluxe edition
>collector's edition
Why is this allowed before a game even fucking launches
This collectors edition seems really cool tho.
Fuck off randy
the state of amerifags
We haven't even got much information, and their already pushing out X edition for money. Fucking Gearbox.
That cover art is really intricate, I dig it.
>only 119.99
You fags will eat up this shit and buy a game for double the price.
fixed her face. shes suffering from the square head issue that plagues current netherrealm games.
pleas dont do that again
I am retarded, I thought a word in the trailer said los instead of les and instantly thought it was spanish with no thought of reading the other words.
Why no purple hair for the new siren to match the design motif they've done for the past playable sirens?
With Lilith and Maya in the game I have no problem with this character there is no reason to "fix" her face as she is most likely meant to be an annoying squared jawed lesbian. Your as bad as the tumblr artists that covered up Xenoblade's Pyra. Calling it now 100% certain she is one of Moxxi's ex's.
I mean, to be fair, you need a high IQ to understand borderlands
isnt everyone tho, even that fat mom from the torque dlc was
>Tfw got the BL2 loot chest
No ragrets, I use it to store various trinkets, and the marcus bobblehead is nice
Ah yes. Let me rephrase that.
$80 for overpriced chink shit
$120 for the fucking game.
Yup. But there is something about this new Siren. I mean a siren with so many fists SHE has to be a Moxxi ex just for the Moxxi fisting jokes. Its as if she was designed for this purpose alone.
earlier tonight I hacked Randy's computer and found his top-secret marketing plan for this game and holy shit you are not going to BELIEVE the absolutely insane level of genius this madman has been cooking up. I myself can hardly believe what I've just seen with my own two eyes.
unfortunately, Randy counter-hacked me and remotely wiped my hard drive, but bear with me, I think I can recreate the gist of it. I might get a few minor details wrong because, once again, this is a groundbreaking masterpiece of marketing brilliance.
so he puts this cover out there on the internet, but get this: IT'S NOT THE REAL COVER, IT'S A FAKE COVER DESIGNED TO GENERATE CONTROVERSY ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Christians will take issue with it, and a subset of them will be /pol/ slash "alt-right" slash "slash arr slash the Donald" types... you know, Republicans. this will allow Randy to publicly dunk on these acceptable targets, and then -- get this, nobody's ever done this before -- "game journalism" websites like Kotaku are going to write articles covering the "controversy" that this subtle, covert publicity stunt generates, with outrage-baiting headlines that get people to click on them, because that means more ad impressions for them. get it?? you probably don't get it. it means Randy wins because it gets people talking about Borderlands 3, but it ALSO GENERATES AD REVENUE FOR THESE OTHER WEBSITES, all by expertly, downright MASTERFULLY utilizing the postmodern concepts of outrage culture and attention economy. as an added bonus, Randy gets to dab on groups of people that he personally dislikes for political reasons.
now you might be saying to yourself, but user, this is nothing new, Blizzard for example has been manufacturing faux controversy for Overwatch every few months since it was in beta, just to keep the game in the public subconscious, and you'd be right.
but check. this. shit. out:
there's already an alternate box art fully produced and ready to use.
screencap this.
>Randy counter-hacked me and remotely wiped my hard drive
Okay Retard
>Caring about Borderlands in 2019
>Giving Gearbox money
Absolute based. Epic is making piracy great again.
I only played the first one and its DLCs, where do I go from there.
btw it's French
So is it on Steam? I cant make out all the logoes in the end...
>I mean a siren with so many fists SHE has to be a Moxxi ex just for the Moxxi fisting jokes.
I doubt it, so far, non of the playable characters they've introduced in the series have any connection to any characters in the series prior to meeting them ingame.
>Epic games
It would be 2k to blame bud
Big if true.
The second game is alot better but the presequel is a sideways step from that.
Confirmed Indian.
Get fucked "She's black" posters.
Another reason randybobandy wants to go the epic route and not steam is because he is still salty about the deal valve closed with sierra, which at the time owned half life, basically randypanty and his team were hired to do some dlcs you know this, at one point the communication between valve and randy stopped while valve closed the deal and didn't tell him anything for fear of spooking sierra into keeping the property. Fucking faggot
How am I going to boycott epic games with this game coming to it, hopefully its on steam aswell.
He should of thanked valve for even making gearbox a thing.
>Whats your opinion on the game so far, I think the game and especially the cover looks awesome.
could you sound any more like a $hill you filthy subhuman?
>he's never heard of counter-hacking
You may not like it, but its what peak borderlands looks like
>Most likely a dark skinned Indian.
>White middle class American girls on twitter that do not play games argue they are black and completely ignore Roland.
Its the Hammerlock bullshit all over again.
remember when Randy had the chutzpah to make it so you have to activate the VALVE and the GEARBOX at the end of op4, lighting up side by side lights as if to say, hey man, great working with you guys, let's do this again sometime?
and then remember when Valve never worked with Gearbox ever again?
that's bullshit but I believe it
It was pretty great yea
I found all the DLC's boring as fuck
Even that sword gun looked like shit
You probably saw it already but if you watch the documentary on noclip randy is fucking suppressing his hate for valve, and he says making videogames is a bit like magic for the player. Like this dood is legit autistic about magic. What the fuck happened during his childhood that he got so traumatized. Did he shove a wand in the pooper??
dude racism and references haha XD
Hammerlock dlc was the best.
So who's writing this one?
I know it's not burch, but Its probably wishful thinking to hope some of the tales writers would be on this
Every second of the game is dude reference dude pop culture callbacks, hey look top gun. It's annoying but i'm a retard for guns and shooty shooty so it's tolerable.
What does the cover art has to do with a fucking videogame, you autistic incel?
>playing Sal with DPUH
>brittle skeleton walks in front of me
>reflects all of my shots
>fps with a controller
>nulilith will never sit on your face
your chin isn't real
Don't worry, no one actually give a shit about those third world languages.
>The Calypso twins
>Discover new worlds
>Incoming Clusterfuck
De rien, Yea Forums.
dios mio
Randy has always struck me as the kind of guy who constantly barely manages to maintain the facade of a non crazy person while in public, but then constantly goes completely apeshit behind closed doors.
He seems like he is constantly on the edge, constantly about to do something idiotic. As was the case with the squirter. Maybe it's his social anxiety but fuck man he is so jittery you can't tell if he is having a coronary collapse or just needs a jacket
This song randomly popped in my head today, fuckin weird hearing it in that video now
no one appreciates the fact they didn't call it Bord3rlands
has a single slag weapon been spotted in the trailers yet?
I appreciate the fact that logo looks like a dick. As well as spaceship above.
all of Moze's abilities are Slag based that's why Randy refers to her as Slagslut
its a stylized cartoon world, incel
have sex.
please tell me youre shitposting
i swear to god if slag makes a return im going to have an aneurysm
what if they leaked that shit on purpose to see if people were really against epic store and maybe now they backpedaled
I am so glad cryo is coming back.
While its certainly curious that Geabox isn't telling us what PC platform its releasing on, I think they're just holding off on the epic announcement so people get hyped first.
You can't backpedal million dollar deals. The game will be on epic for 6 to 12 months.
what the fuck is that on the left? a cannon?
I am slagposting bruh
yeah and that will start in 6 months
1 to 1 and a half year for the game to actually come out
owner of 2k literally jewish btw
I would be so happy if it was fake and it likely is, when wario64 leaked it on twitter the official borderlands twitter responded to it which kinda makes me think.
unabashedly based fucking kek
>As was the case with the squirter
Or that ridiculous guitar performance.
Loved BL and BL2. I platinumed the first one. I think I might buy the remaster tomorrow and I'll for sure preorder BL3.
Link to the response? What would they even say to that?
something along the lines of "haha guess we will just have to tune in on the 3rd when we reveal the release date haha"
>millennials in charge of character design
When will they stop hiring them?
All they create is disgusting mutts.
musclegirls are cute
Going from Maya to that is a fucking crime.
redpilled as fuck
if you dont play as zane youre a zoomer
No they fucking aren't, disgusting roided trannies.
>b-b-b-but muh fetish
Yeah, go ahead and post anime girls that look fucking nothing like that nigger.
im not talking about the reality of things
im talking about ideas
not sure but they seemed unusually chill about it none the less.
Your idea results in ugly shit.
Ah so their response wasn't about epic, just the release date.
Just gonna buy the new version of the first game. Better to have no story than to play a dogshit cringey story full of epic memes.
Doesn't look that bad, desu.
the remastered version is free if you already have the original release on pc
nah its after he tweeted a ton about the leaks and they did no takedown on the tweets.
Takedowns are pretty useless for leaked info. It just confirms things and shows a dev/publisher wants to cover their ass. Leaving them up actually makes people wonder.
So, do you think christians are gonna complain about this?
christians usually don't give a shit unless they're hardcore and hardcore ones wouldn't give a shit about games as a whole and wouldn't know about it.
Christian here, I'm not even mad
but theres always been an alternate box art.
It's perfectly okay to pirate Epic Store games, after all Epic paid for our copies
It's more of an affectionate parody than anything else. I'm okay with it.
I would expected anything. Such as redditor, discord tranny, faggot, kike, nigger, cuck, or even tumblrina, but THAT. I'm actually kinda suprised.
Yeah that's how I see it.
Gabe spent years making regions that never bought games profitable, and these short sighted retard insects are fucking it all up.
I say fucking bring it, fuck videogames and fuck developers.
And then developer stop making singleplayer games and switch to online multiplayer
You sir are wrong, the sword-splosion was a gift!
no. no they aren't. liking traps is gay.
Sweeney was our guy all along
>collectors edition
>it actually includes the game
Its 2k's fault
a scroll u uneducated buyfag
Imagine being this gay.
Nice try, you fucking Gearbox shill.
How about you go and choke on a dick in the third bathroom stall?
>Low test beta incels seething because developers are no longer pandering to them with soft chinless anime girls
Damn it feels good to be high test.
>Coming to Steam in April
>epic exclusive after all
Yo, fuck this.
This post aged poorly
trailer looks good but its on fucking epic
0-2 Zane
3-6 Amara
7-9 Fl4k
>It's an epic exclusive
yo ho ho, it's a pirate's life for me...
>getting it on ps4 anyway so can't be mad
Time to learn to pirate like a big boy.
Did anyone see the splitscreen in the trailer?
I did.
I guess that confirms splitscreen mode for PS4 and XB1
yeah nah, guess ill save a couple bucks
Here we go lads
She just look like a normal woman who's been juicing at the gym. Probably had a 3 inch clit
gonna play as her anyways because she's the melee class
>3 inch clit
Can't wait to buy it for 50% off on Steam's summer sale in 2020
thats french u uncultured swine
>that music
No wonder it was deleted.
If there isn't a cute girl I can play I will not play the game
>could you sound any more like a $hill you filthy subhuman?
To be entirely fair to OP, Borderlands 1 was one of the most-shilled games on Yea Forums when it came out, so I'm not surprised by this.
So when are the HD patches coming to the older games?
epic is paying for lost sales, so really there's no reason NOT to pirate this. the devs aren't going to lose anything.
based and piracypilled
>randy is known to be fedora tier anti christian
>game shows heavy religious imagery
lmao what the fuck will the writing be
>no one actually give a shit
Neither do you about English apparently
Fuck, and I just gave them $15 for the rest of the Borderlands 2 collection as a thanks for free remasters.
Why must they toy with my heart?
>I will pay for the same boring shit for the 3rd time
>even remotely moral fagging
fuck those niggas
If it's the same time as BL1 GOTY (again), 3 hours for PC, 2 minutes for console.
I did the same senpai
at least the games wont get cheaper than that
im a little upset
how so?
can anyone identify who's the face on the left-most rose? closest guess is Marcus but it doesn't quite look like him
>buy BL1 on steam
>Wait for the remaster to drop
>Refund BL1
>BL1 remaster doesn't get removed
>Play it until BL3 comes out on steam
actually I also don't know who's on the right. It looks like Moxxi's hat but the face seems new
Higher res version might help.
but when does the remaster come out?
in 2h50min
jesus no way thats moxxi, she looks generic as fuck to actually be her
also its marcus on the left yeah
>all steamfags crying about not being able to play it til 2020
>claiming they'll revolt and not buy it
What ethnicity is Hammerlock supposed to be?
>no PC version
Fuck sake
British Zanzibar
it's a sack
6 - 4 - 0 thats a dude
I like the roses.
That's it
I like __you__ as well
What is that frog supposed to be?
Do you think gamestop will live until 3's release? I don't want to throw money into the void.
icefrog, creator of defense of the ancients and designer of its sequel
How? It doesnt affect you at all?
>sticky gyrojets
Piratechads win again
It's the year of the pirate, baby!
imagine trying to find your series' identity in a post-Burch world
>a post-Burch world
>bullet ricochet
So everything has at least 2 gimmicks now? Btw you fags promised S&S.
Don't worry, walmart will buy them :)
>he can't even speak his own language correctly
Me río de tí, amerigordo.
Fuck those brittle faggots
>trackers and smart bullets
Based Rhys saving Atlas.
Also Torgue guns suck ass and I won't use a single one in 3.
Gun designs definitely looked more varied and the skins definitely look way less samey than the ones in 2.
>Jakobs guns ricochet
Best manufacturer just got better
>hey guys, he make Jesus pose, get it ? also the ship behind look like a dick xD
reddit: the game
If it releases in September, and Epic has it for 6 months. That means everyone with a brain will get BL3 March 2020.
Yes, because Timmy took his dad's Acid round firing, self walking gun to school recently
Why would you pick any other gun
so no PvP? What is this , Anthem?
What's the point of trophies no one cares
From the looks of it every gun is moddable. Just that Vladof has an additional set of attachments.
Who you picking, lads?
>Moze as THE GUNNER:When Moze needs backup, she digistructs her mech - Iron Bear - for a sucker punch of additional firepower.
>Amara as THE SIREN:A confident, capable brawler with the ability to summon ethereal fists, Amara used her Siren powers to smash her enemies
>FL4K as THE BEASTMASTER:FL4K lives for the hunt. So do the loyal beasts that follow their master's every command. Their preferred prey? Unsuspecting bandits, those poor sucker
>Zane as THE OPERATIVE:Specializing in battlefield gadgetry, Zane is extremely proficient at slipping into combat, creating chaos, and sneaking back out as if he were never there.
It’s certainly looks promising and that’s a sickass box cover. It’s just a shame that they’ll probably not use the writers that did TFTB. Can’t decide if I want to play as the Rich old dude or Punch Ghost momma but I think I wouldn’t mind replaying the game for all 4 characters. They look really cool compared to the other games where I just picked the 1 and didn’t really care for the other 3.
I'm a sucker for mechs. Me and 2 other friends have decided on which class to pick. It's gonna be fucking sweet.
Old man Jensen
I’ll give you a hint.
Why is anybody excited for this again? You desperately in need of more shitty juvenile dialogue like LE BUTTSTALLION LMAO XD and the same fucking mechanics 4th time in a row?
Who cares if it's an Epic exclusive? Competition is good, Steam has had a monopoly on the PC market for years and have introduced increasingly anti-consumer, anti-developer policies. You get greedy enough, eventually the pendulum will swing and a new store will rise up and usurp the old. It's the way of all things. Steam is a dinosaur and had a good run but they stagnated, now we're sick of them. If you want to express your disapproval for BL3 exclusivity, DON'T FUCKING BUY IT THEN, idiots.
The PIRATE since no other class is available on Steam.
Do you know what a millennial is?
What do you think we are doing by pirating it?
Amara when the compete edition comes out on a deep discount.
Not even as a shitpot is this funny
>dont buy it
Just pirate it
>room full of Americans
Being retarded attentionwhores?
At least Burch is gone so if we're lucky we'll have a little less of "HEY I'M GAY DID I SAY I WAS GAY YET I TOTALLY LOVE OTHER GIRLS BTW DID I MENTION I'M GAY?"
Most guns look uglier than in bl2 specially tediore. You fags said they will look more like in bl1
>Epic is creating competition with Steam's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad monopoly by trying to brute force their own monopoly
Flawless logic there, chundercunt.
>now we're sick of them
You mean Epic and their shills?
If they actually get the VA to do this, it would be the first reference in 3 games that makes me laugh
Well, odds are they have Teltale writers so maybe they'll introduce a seemingly normal character and THEN turn him gay for absolutely no reason. Oh wait they already did that with Hammerlock.
Which is epic spending more money on: buying exclusives, or paying shills to shit up every image board and forum on the internet with their pro-chink spyware garbage?
>paying shills
I'm guessing millions on the exclusivity deals so the devs/publisher get more money from the deal rather than from actual fucking sales.
how the fuck can they "turn" him gay if he was always gay in their own lore? was he straight at some point? and what do you mean he was "seemingly normal" and then turned out to be gay? would you prefer he was a prancing la-la man sucking on a dildo the first time you met him so you would know he was gay from the get-go? i'm not a fan of pandering for the liberal crowd either but you really are a special kind of retard
>prancing la-la man sucking on a dildo the first time you met him so you would know he was gay from the get-go?
Yes. Either make it clear and important to the plot or don't pull this shit out of your ass for no reason.
Epic doesn't need to pay anyone to 'shill' them. The majority of those who are discussing Epic as a viable store platform on here have been spurned by Steam's retarded policies and screwing us around and providing no quality control for the shit they are spewing out on the market. Epic is a far more professional, streamlined platform that cuts out all of Steam's bullshit.
so did you shit your pants in rage when they pulled roland's straightness roland out of their asses in borderlands 2? it wasn't really relevant to the plot
It's always been six months, Randy exposed that in his desperate attempts to save face.
user they hardly "pulled it out of their ass", it's not like in the middle of one quest you suddenly went to turn the quest in and he was humping a 3 foot horse dildo dressed in rainbow sequins with his hair dyed blue, he offhandedly mentions "an old boyfriend" one single time.
So how much are they paying you?
You're dumber than I initially thought.
>get cornered
>"ur dumb"
i guess i win the argument, haha
redditors enjoy this type of games and humor
it's Tiny Tina
>screwing us around
>no quality control
Such as? And dont try to use greenlight
Tina never had that much chin though
She always reminded me of a turtle for some reason
I don't get you. You guys constantly shit on Springs' character but it's literally the same case here. Is his orientation relevant in any way? You as a player character are not supposed to fuck him either way.
See, you even laugh like a retard.
Which one has a Bore skill like zero sniping tree?
what competition retard? bribing the developers is not competition
uhh, retard, you were unable to come up with a reply when i asked why you didn't find roland's sudden straightness a problem, you shouldn't be calling anyone a retard.
please explain the difference between hammerlock's sudden gayness and roland's sudden heteroness or admit you are wrong.
Worked for Sony back in Gen 5
>Torgue can now supercombine like a needler from Halo
>roland's sudden straightness
That's why I call you a retard. It's not sudden, unlike with Hammerlock.
was it delivered in smaller doses or what? elaborate
>creator of defense of the ancients
He's like 4th guy that worked on the dota mod that took off
How is Hyperion still in business?
Pretty much explained in Tales
currently epic
>buying a randy game ever
I'm actually okay with slag as an element, just as long as the difficulty spikes don't require it.
It's on your torrent site of choice within a week of release, just like metro.
Atlas = Hyperion?
Doesn't explain why there's a Shift code on the current cover art.
Agreed. Slags problem was not that it was "hey if you want to have an easier time killing something hit it with slag first" it was that it became "lmao better get your slag weapon, faggot, otherwise I'm not letting you do any damage".
Would it still be possible to play online? Most game I pirated didn't have access to online function.Borderlands can be played solo but it's honestly better to play with other people
If the game has LAN play (it probably won't if the BL1 remaster is any indication), yes.
All borderlands game had online cracked
Rule of thumb: does the game support LAN? then you can pirate it to play online
>based Vaughn is on one of the rose
He even was in the Mayhem trailer, I really hope he will get a lot of screentime, the cast of Tales was great
You made non english cucks literally seeth.
Based and anglo-pilled
Any lewds of her yet?
No, you're not getting a link.
what does this have to do with anything? the fake box art is being circulated as part of a viral memetic marketing campaign, of course they put a shift code in it and encourage autists in previous theads to find it. how does this challenge my assertion in any way whatsoever?
as a side note, I personally have nothing against the Epic store and studios putting their games on it with timed exclusivity, but it's funny as hell to see any attempt at positive marketing spin being overshadowed by anti-Epic store memes on social media. play retarded games, get retarded prizes (like a code that unlocks loot in a mediocre lootershooter that doesn't do anything meaningful to evolve the formula that its predecessors more or less created, kek)
>No shitty statue of a character just standing on a slab of rock
>Something actually interesting and usable like a box
>A bunch of other stuff that isn't just paper like 10 figures
>Game actually fucking comes in the collection and isn't left out for some mind boggling reason
>Is a complete package coming with everything including the season pass
Wow an actually decent seeming collectors edition, hopefully it's not some ludicrous price or isn't made out of the shittiest materials that break on contact
Bien dicho hermano
These posts feel like a normie trying to pretend they're lol SO NERDY.... kind of like borderlands writing.....
>Everything I don't like is Reddit
I don't know,I like them all I'll decide now
0-2: Amara
9-10 & dubs: Boomer Jensen
I'm digging it, I'd buy it as a poster.
The Joker dabbing
(You) t-too
I'd say you're overthinking it but from the looks of things, it's just going to be more Borderlands, it's not going to have any meaningful sweeping changes from the formula of the previous games. as such, I can't imagine anyone being legitimately excited to play more same ol' Borderlands, and concur that it's either children or shills.
>Buying a Gearbox game
What's the difference?
I'm just glad it looks like another Borderlands game and not "shitty generic battle royale clone: Borderlands edition". Looks like it's Borderlands staying true to its roots.
That's rare and commendable these days.
You pirate it and then buy the actual game on steam if you want to support gearbox.
>I can't imagine anyone being legitimately excited to play more same ol' Borderlands
Perhaps the people that enjoy Borderlands?
Your world view seems to be super narrow.
well the thing is epic store is only good for devs, theres no benefit for me as a consumer
>no bandit
For some people, Epic launcher offers faster download speeds than Steam does. There is a tangible benefit to the consumer base.
>guns that look like total ass over 2 tone black and gold sexy works of art
>TT with a nubile teen bod
>the way she moves her hips in the trailer
Future nut for sure, having "known" her since she was a kid just helps the eroticism of her
Doesn't the epic games store have a download queue?
>the gay fag from tales is there
>no adorable waifu with the bowler hat
Nope, fuck this shit
Cool argument.
What do you mean? Like a queue that means you can only download one game at a time? Sure. So does Steam though. Or do you mean a queue like you have to wait until other people finish downloading a game before you're allowed to download it? No, it doesn't have this. At least, not in my experience.
So I can finally have a tacticool sniper rifle without the shitty burst fire that jumps your gun?
>wanting guns with the gimmick just being huge mags
bandits kinda gay
>>no adorable waifu with the bowler hat
You mean Moxxi? She's on the right, by the looks of it. Different hair though.
>when the compete edition comes out on a deep discount.
see you in two years then
The male parts was. Fiona and Sasha was kinda dull. I know they intended them to be the straight girls to rhys/vaughn dumbass duo, but I felt it felt flat. Rhys and Vaughn, as well as Jack and Hugo really stole the show
Amara x Zarya when?
I mean Fiona, not top hat horsecock loving slut
I know Rhys has a moustache now, but it really looks like a massive tard overbite here
Oh, some bland, literal who character?
Yeah, who gives a fuck other than you and other contrarians?
>Btw you fags promised S&S.
Maybe they're saving the reveal of those for later
Or they're back and they don't make weapons
Idk dude
0-2 Indian Asura
3-9 Flak
>They just upgraded my base BL1 game to GOTY with all dlcs
>Getting paid to play a remaster
Who /comfy/ here?
>I’m so happy girls are manly now
Uhh bro that’s kinda gay and kinda cringe
>mimics are 100%
that is based
hammerlock's dlc is the worst one.
Tiny Tina > Scarlet = Torgue > Hammerlock
3.5k dislikes
It's not all bad
Why do you pretend pirating doesn’t exist user
This, 23-35 year olds are yikes, when zoomers get in charge we'll dab on these millenials.
based zoomer dabbing on old fucks
Is the update also free for people that only have the normal edition not the original goty?
So where can i pirate the GOTY remaster?
This is good for girl gamers.
katcr co
>competition is good.
t. Liberal retard who uses Google, owns an iPhone, drives a toyota
This isn't even competition btw, Epic is actually employing Monopolized business strategies and you are a literal bottom feeding retard if you don't see why it's a bad thing.
Literally study economics for once in your life faggot.
>looks like jack with a wig.
>Implying you wouldn't do jack either way
He's not called handsome for no reason, you know
homeless robot
Have you been to reddit its literally a bunch of man children and autistics trying to out-wit each other with how clever they can get witht heir replies.
hella yikes
doesnt look like any site has it uploaded yet as it only came out 30 minutes ago
You're right. He's Handsome Jack because his face is disfigured, forcing him to wear a mask over it and killing anyone that brings attention to it.
>Not wanting to date someone with hella insecurities and issues meaning you're the only person who would ever date them, making them depend on you to a point where breaking up isn't a option
Step up your game bro
Remaster isn't out yet
Steam updated BL2/TPS, renamed BL1 to GOTY and gave dlcs to people who didn't own them
Now I'm waiting for the remaster to actually appear on my library
Abs > thighs > armpits >>>>>>>>>>> feet
fuck you armpits is kino
how? our dicks should have been exploding judging by how it was going with the siren evolution? why gives us el shreko?
to a degree. that's just niggerspawn tier
:( what is wrong with toyota??
they out nigger
time 2 pirate
Anyone know if these graphic updates for 2 and prememequel will ruin my mods?
I really don't wanna play base BL2 again.
yeah my mods got fucked with the update
thats Yea Forums though
How do i activate the 4k textures in borderlands 2? I don't see any new options
tick the dlc before opening the game, that did it for me
God damn it.
Well hopefully they get it working again soon.
Time to test this theory
Then it won't even be worth a pirate in the first place
Tfw you need the handsome jack collection to get the hd pack for borderlands 2
Nvm still got it bad to look it up manually
You don't tho
I only own tiny tina's and Ultimate vault hunter and got the update for free as a dlc, just check the page
I'm surprised they didn't mention the UW support for GOTY Enhanced, that's a huge deal for some people.
He doesn't look pakistani
low test as fuck
The cool guy on the right, I don't even give a shit what his skill is.
He can't be not a badass.
does the remaster works for 1080p? I'm not seeing any difference
he's gay
>her head is clipping though her hair
>these faggots aren't going Moze
Fun-sized Soviet mech waifu a cute!
I hope she has anarchy like the Mechromancer.
I hope she has a bulge desu
Oh shit the original didn't had 21:9? I remember that BL2 supports 21;9 but the hud is at 16:9
Oh man, a low res pic hiding most of xir features, so hot.