Are you (ironically) looking forward to Begathon 2?

Are you (ironically) looking forward to Begathon 2?

Attached: dipshitphil.png (313x242, 104K)

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no, because like most, i stopped having even mild curiosity about this guy like 5 years ago. at this point its just kind of pathetic to pay him this much attention, dude.

Can't say I am, no.

Attached: dspdab.webm (1280x720, 1.99M)

why is anyone even watching phil at this point? it was funny when he kept fucking up in games, but now he doesn't even do that

>it was funny when he kept fucking up in games
no it wasn't

Imagine being almost 40 and begging teens for money all day for a living. I hope he wises up and gets a real job soon.

Attached: 1553634578701.gif (400x321, 1.88M)

Got $1000 I plan on donating.

Attached: 9BBD232113714F828A948E3DA235D721.jpg (269x268, 19K)

yes it was

I am not a children's entertainer... okay?

Tevin's gonna freak

its gonna be worse then the first. 4 games, 2 of which is fucking CoD, for 12 hours. Trash


it was amusing before he just started doing it on purpose to rile up kojima fans

Attached: dancesydephil.gif (444x250, 3.99M)

It's funny how all these off topic e-celeb threads drop at around the same time. They're probably all from the same eastern european shithead who watches youtube all day.

Why do people like you always come to these threads to whine?

Why do you choose to use the video games board to discuss your virtual babysitters? Stick to the topic or fuck off, cockbreath.

DSP needs our help and you're not pulling your weight

Attached: dsp in 2019.jpg (192x192, 7K)

>he gets to play video games all day
>and gets paid for it
sounds pretty based if you ask me.

DSP and his parasites can go beg for money on reddit or youtube. Stop nesting here, you fat embarrasment.


>Won't play DKC 3 because it doesn't bring in views


Attached: 1553138720517.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)
at least he can get a gf

if you can make that money back fairly easy than do it please

Help him pay his taxes

> his dicksucking mod swagginz betrays him

I bet he misses her

he managed to score a barely 18 butterface with a great body
you can bet

this. like clockwork. Hiro should ban all europeans

you kids ain't got much experience in life have ya? looks can and will be lost, its what inside that's most important and eternal.

It's really obvious there's just one person keeping the thread bumped. Go look for friends somewhere else, retard.


Attached: 1547931442387.png (1094x487, 1.09M)

not really

>"thanks for the $100 tip"

what do?

Attached: unstoppable.jpg (658x370, 59K)

get hype

i get on my hands and knees and worship him day and night of course. I also tune in everyday and wear a similiar hat to his; that being cowboy hats and sonic hats.

he looks like a sleazy used cars salesman or incompetent Italian mobster.

someone post a link to this dipship motherfucker

Why the fuck would anyone do that?

What the fuck is that head spasm at the end?

He can't move his neck too far.

I'm sure someone is shilling something for views