Dont mind me. just posting best land

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True weaboo

You smell like the inside of a front right tire on a 2005 dodge charger thats been left inskde of a garage

> STILL NO Chrono Break, Mega Man Legends 3, Mother 3, Phantasy Star V or Xenoblade X2
Fuck them

dont mind me. just posting best planet

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>tfw ruining the country as a gaijin invader
Feels good.

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ok faggots
i am working in the IT department
how do i find a job/company that will sent me to japan with our local conditions (worktime)?

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i want to as well!

* stabs babies and rape pregnant women *

heh, nothing personnel kid

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Go to school there.

Find a company that has offices in Japan? How else.

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Imperial Japan could've been so based if they weren't such fucking barbarians. If all that talk of honor was, er, honored, they would've been pretty cool.


wow just like the americans!

No matter how hard you try there u will always treated as a filthy gaijins.

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>it's totally fine to sexualize underage girl as long they don't exist
Based Japan

t. mad weeabo

Fuck no.

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t. butthurt amerishart

Name one country that doesnt want ugly woman only in its video games:

pfft that is tame compared to unit 731
wtf was wrong with Japan back then?

It's hoax, fake babies image that is fabricated by Chinese media. There is a series of hoax picture that already been proven fake as well.
as for being barbarians I think all Imperialist countries are barbarians. If you believe in hoax war propaganda picture that is.

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>no u
great rebuttal!

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>i-its fake
>being a nip apologist

im sure unit 731 was made up as well and they were all angels

It's from Chinese propaganda movie
skip to 54m36s

Just posting best girl.

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thats messed up, thanks for ruining my morning :(

Read this:

your video is fake

>war crimes being depicted in a movie means they never happened

by that logic any footage of the atomic bomb that wasnt 1st hand footage meant it never happened

Japs did nothing wrong, Unit 731 did nothing wrong, sure the attack on Pearl Harbor was a bit controversial, ill planned and pointless as they had pretty much won the war in Asia by that point, but that aside they did nothing wrong.
For fucks sake, not 30 years later America was napalm bombing Vietnam and Korea for the same reason the japs stabbed chinks, fucking communists.

funny thing about Unit 731 is that the americans took the data discovered from it and tried to cover it up afterwards

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There is no such picture in real life.
That is a fact.
It is fabricated by the movie director
Also look at 1:30:53

If you believe any of this shit it's like believe bruce lee actually beats thousand of Japanese in his movie.

Well, what else did you expect from America? They also granted amnesty to Nazi researchers the same way they did for researchers from Unit 731, in exchange for their "research".

>theres nothing wrong with live human experiments and vivisections
>they are now not human because they subscribe to a different belief

>this is your brain as a weeb

weaboo are many times better than Chinese fabrication lover.
They destroyed Japan with every chance they get with fake story.
Japanese have many war crime is a fact it is the same as every single imperialist country on earth.
However fabrication of history to smear other image is worse than insects.

Why wouldn't they take it? That's valuable information. Especially the tests with viruses and other contagious stuff? Back then people had no idea what kind of biological weapons could be used. Burn a few people or potentially save millions?

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This is also my brain on Cold War US mentality and the one I was taught on. As long as they're communists, they don't count as humans.

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>and covered it up

no hope for this guy here, stop replying to this brainlet

>Mother 3

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Yeah pretty strange for countries to keep secrets during a world war. lmao

Friendly reminder that next Tokyo major is a hard sjw-infested woman and btw there are preparations all over the Japan for coming ofmuslimsto 2020 olympics.

Are you ready to say goodbye to your comfy anime world?

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just pointing out that the war crime you're complaining about was pardoned by your country

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They ignore every good thing that Japanese do. Its very political oriented.
If we were to be criticism about good and bad thing Japanese did. Japanese did ways more good thing for Asia than bad things.
Without Japanese intervention Chinese and Korea would be western slaves and million would died from bubonic plague (Kitasato Shibasaburo discovered the infectious agent), etc etc

Japanese cinema > vidya

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hey! delete this image now

Are the Japanese too stupid for strategy games in general?

So horrific torture is ok if america says it is?

>Go to school there.
but i am already 25 and went to a language school there 5 years ago
>offices in Japan?
you mean some shit like fujitsu, komatsu etc?

>Country without bullshit political climate and filthy tranny jews that killed the west.
>Not full of sandniggers.
>Isn't an authoritarian shithole like other east Asian countries.
>Godtier women.
Japan's a fucking utopia nowadays.

wouldnt feel much different from now anyways lol!
i dont live in my home country since birth

you know that c.prostiution was a thing there till 2000s?
fuck abe

No they are cute.
Old lady:
"please have this 500 yen bus card, you can use it for a day, I have to take the train now so please have it."
Old man selling Suitcases talk to you for hours asking about your country and how you live your life.
etc etc
It is not so bad to be gaijin, in fact if you stay there long enough and speak good Japanese, you will feel at home.

>rape pregnant women
unironically that must be hot

>>Country without bullshit political climate and filthy tranny jews that killed the west.
>>Not full of sandniggers.

Yeah, but it's only until next year...

Westerner who let sand rags raping their kid and watch has no right to say anything to be honest.

nice doomposting
nothing will change

no i do

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They building mosques as we speak, denying hentai magazine sellings, oriental swastikas and similar stuff. Good luck with your expectations, man.

>nothing will change

Yeah, that's exactly how it starts every time.


How come weebs still still exists? When will people get over this shit?

Yeah it is kinda worrying that certain animu and vidya is starting to promote trannies but I don't think the people of Japan will let it get as bad as my home country, England.


I live in japan, what are you talking about? Blaming shit like conbini magazines and swastika changes on muslims instead of on all foreigners lmao /pol/ posters.

how come western game studios still exist?
who buys their shit?

thats great but when do you leave?

Are you autistic
Before ww2 comunist china was a spec in the map
Most of japanese war crimes ocurred in kuomintang territory ( today's taiwanese governmrnt )

Literally never. Don't worry /pol/ European / North American poster, your life will remain unaffected by the amount of foreigners in Japan.

>demographic crisis
>jap mans don't really give a fuck about anything
>time to get some ahmeds for saving population
>Breaking news! Japanese Khalifat was entirely destroyed by tsunami!


how did you get there
do you work 16 hours a day
do you have family there or found a japanese wife
is it hard living there in terms of finding a apartment or did your company took care of it
are you happy there
do you intent to live there for a long time

this is not a shitpost, i genuinely am insterested because i want to live for a few years there myself but dont know how to get there


I refuse to accept it, I have to have at least one country to hope for.

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- school then work
- no
- yes
- not hard no. the "some may deny rent to gaijin" meme is extremely rarely true. can happen but basically irrelevant
- yes
- maybe

reddit only watches capeshit, which i haven't listed

I've just accepted a job offer to teach in Japan after I graduate (JET). What small advice would you give on living in the country?

nip land is becoming muslim?

Where are you coming up with this bullshit? Walk into any conbini and you're still gonna find the same titty mags on the same rack as the shounen manga and only separated by a paltry divider.

Why do /pol/tards think they can extrapolate their echo chamber doom posting to the real world?

>school then work
can you eloborate this a bit more?
did you find your job there or did your company sent you to japan

I don't know, nothing. It's just a normal country. Don't act stupid, try and fit in with the culture somewhat. No one expects you to be Japanese but the more conformist you are the better.

I went to graduate school here then worked after.

Better make sure to smuggle enough autism meds to last you the six months before you quit because Hanako-sensei said "yada" when you offered her free English lessons at your house.

why are you still here if you live the dream?
this place is a place for shut ins and losers who cant fullfil their dreams and live in despair

oh no

>I went to graduate school here then worked after.

What's this place, Yea Forums? Living in Japan doesn't mean I have no boring laptop in bed time.

How do you need more elaboration. No company sent me here, I went to university here and then got a job after.

Don't project, mate. I'm not him, but I still come on here because I don't have many friends irl and Yea Forums is my social substitute.

but how? i cant image it.
>want to live in japan
>just go there
>find a hotel/hostel
what then?
could you speak and read? applying to a job in nipones sounds like hell
and that as a gaijin
even finding a job to apply to
dont tell me you work as a cashier tier shit

but you dont live in japan
you live in boring ass town
i guess?

But you don't speak English.
You speak boring Chink language.
I guess?

>why are you still here if you live the dream? this place is a place for shut ins and losers who cant fullfil their dreams and live in despair
Japan is just a country not a mythical dream world. It provides you with nice skyscraper cafes you can bring a laptop to and post on Yea Forums from though.

>want to live in japan
>just go there

I guess English isn't your first language but I said like three times I went to graduate school in Japan.

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Stop lewding my wife, please.

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What are you planning after graduated?
I planned to go to study Engineering or IT in Japan next year.
Is it easy to stay in the lab as post doc? I dont want to work for big companies.

Your wife lewded herself. Your wife is a slut.

>I've just accepted a job offer to teach in Japan after I graduate (JET).

Do you know what you're getting yourself into? This is what your job looks like, have singing songs my dude.
You're basically a ZOO animal for kids to gawk at while the real teacher (not you) teaches english

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I think people who do jet in 2019 are the type of people who just want to live in japan no matter the cost.

>Elementary School
I'm not getting placed there, user. Besides, it's a decent wage and I'll have plenty of time to do an online masters or something else outside of work that's productive.

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You're a dancing monkey my dude. A clown for bored teenagers.

>decent wage.
You're locked in like 200,000 which is like 2k and you can never get a raise

that's a lot for non-major cities but unless you can find stuff to do the life sounds terrible as a "teacher" in such a place

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