>You're not a Skag, are ya? No? Lucky you, I only shoot Skag - mostly, anyways.
You're not a Skag, are ya? No? Lucky you, I only shoot Skag - mostly, anyways
Post yfw you walked into his house and saw him hanging from the ceiling fan, dead.
borderlands games are some of the most boring games ive ever played
Yeah but you can see numbers go up.
Ah man you just gave me about 1000 memories from high school playing this game over and over with my best friend. He's dead now.
I gave up on 2. empty deserts with tiny levels hidden in the corners full but get this also you have AWFUL fucking vehicles to take you from place to place. Spend 90% of the game comparing statistics for different versions of the same gun then move off to another cringe dialogue and lame easy boss battle
I'm really excited for BL3 but feel bad because I never played Pre Sequel or Tales and now feel like I won't know fuck all lore or characters
That was one of the good things about the first game. It was mostly this wacky game with a plot of nonsensical proportions, but it had these darkly serious moments to more subtlety drive the world building home. And then the second game tried to do the same thing but just ham fisted it in like with the dahl quest with tanis.
Did he get killed by a super corp and hung from a ceiling fan?
So when does the update come out?
Probably one of the best metaphors for the entire game.
Get some "wacky" and "crazy" character intro, be told to go to some brown spot on the map, shoot Jason Voorhees and his pet dog along the way, come back and something actually interesting happened off screen while you were away. Rinse, repeat till the end of the game.
At least it was before Gearbox fucked everything up.
I feell like replaying BL1.
Which character should I pick. And what build should I go for.
P.S that shotgun was probably the most unique gun in the game and it was crap.
Wait for the update fuck nugget
who plays the serise for the lore?
Hi Randy, we know it's you shilling and hyping for BL3.
All fine since BL is a very nice series, but:
I like the world and characters, it's silly as fuck but I like it.
Psychos ganged up on him.
You're quite fortunate.
May aswell wait a day for the remaster to come out.
grow up.
no u
How did a Telltale game manage to be the most fun and intriguing Borderlands game?
Fuck TK's wave though it's absolutely dogshit.
Is the remaster going to add anything to ACTUALLY make it worth playing again?
Fyrestone is one of the most comfy vidya game towns in recent memory, even if it is mostly devoid of life. More comfy than the priory in Oblivion.
QoL improvements
Is the interface still garbage?
Maybe I am misremebering but I don't think you enter the room, you look through the back window.
>stop liking things
lol no
No idea, haven't seen it yet.
>Removed old minimap, put in 2's mini map
>Better user interface in the menu (no details yet on what that means, apart from...)
>Can now lock items so they won't be sold, can mark items as "junk" to make it easier to see what you want to sell
>New weapons (looks like 6 or more new legendaries) and some other tweaks to weapon types
>The Destroyer (vault boss) got AI updates and new moves, so its not just "find spot his eye beam attack hits the pillar in front of you but you can shoot its weak spot for 15 minutes" still
>Updated character customization, can now use heads like in BL2
>Added golden key chest like in BL2, can use shift codes to get free keys
>If you already owned BL1 then you get free keys (one source says 75, not sure yet)
Might be some more changes, but thats what I've read so far.
>hats cannot be earned
>only start with 5 per character
GODDAMN IT, I just want that silly straw hat that Hank had!
Greetings traveler. There are new missions available at the Fyrestone bounty board!
>gunslinger class mod
>pistol accuracy, reload speed, fire rate, ammo regen
>5/5 trespass to bypass shields, passives to accuracy, crit, reload, and health regen on kill
>2 shot masher for super high damage, can reload as fast as it fires thanks to skills, mod, and with the high weapon profiency the spread is minimal at medium long range
>will on shot most enemies through their shields, 2 or 3 shots badasses
>pestilent defiler
>firehawk pistol
>volcano sniper/jakobs sniper
one of my favorite builds, you keep regenning your health as you kill so you just go ham with your masher killing everything before it gets you. defilier and firehawk for the knoxx DLC for the heavily armored atlas units and badass elemental skags
6pm BST.
>7 hours
Fuck me. I don't know what to do while waiting.
>he didn't have an unforgiven masher
had one that was level 60 something, didn't get another one until I had been doing the farmory for a while, and it didn't perform better than my current masher at the time.
I like Old Haven
So what bl1 character is going to suffer a cruel fate next? My money is on Zed or Marcus.
Lillith already gets her siren powers stolen, so hopefully she fucking dies. The writing for her was especially bad. What I want to know about is if they're ever going to do anything with the siren from the comic which they insist are canon. She was a cute asian siren that could talk to animals. She used to wait for Marcus's bus with claptrap in Fyrestone for new vault hunters and they'd dance. One of Marcus's buses exploded, a trap set by Nine Toes, and she was left in a coma. That's why claptrap was alone to meet you, and also why you had to deal with the skags, when she was conscious she would use her powers to talk to the skags and have them help keep the bandits away, which is why Nine Toes wanted her dead.
>loved the games back in the day
>spent a shit ton of time grinding solo and with friends
>was part of the group on the forums figuring out how to try and manipulate the items in the farmory
>ran the farmory for literally over a hundred hours in testing
>finally figured the basic "rules" the atlas crates ran on
thought all of that effort was done for, but with the remaster it looks like people will hopefully find it useful again.
What's the appeal of loot shooters? I tried to play 2 with a friend and it bored me to no end.
I assume the floor is fixed up this time around.
The looting and shooting
Hope not, being able to go through and loot the place was great, friends and I made a race out of how fast we could get from T-Bone junction through the enemies, kill Knoxx, and get into the farmory to open all the atlas chests.
Nope they are keeping it broken. Devs confirmed on twitter and people with early access have tested it.
>Start up game
>Get to when you can first fast travel
>Fast travel to T-Bone Junction
>Level 30 something enemies when you are level 3
>Run around the hub opening the 2 red chests and 2 or 3 silver chests and the 3 lockers
>Avoid the courtyard by Marcus where the Atlas Assassins show up so they won't spawn
>Pick up all items you can carry
>Sell them, exit to character select and log back in, repeat
>Gain a shit ton of money
>Do This for 10 - 15 minutes
>Go to the ammo vending machine by the fast travel in T-Bone Junction
>Sells up to the second highest ammo capacity upgrades
>with your cash can now get almost max grenades and 2 or 3 other ammo types almost maxed on carrying capacity
Some would call it cheating, exploiting, or sequence breaking, but its better than trying to use a revolver with only like 50 or 60 rounds you can carry, or 40 shotgun shells at a time in the beginning.
>You're not a fag, are ya? No? Lucky you, I only rape fags - mostly anyways.
>not liking the gritty and simple beginning of a journey
>implying Act1 isnt the best part of Diablo 2, when a simple gem is a huge powerup and every blue item is a priceless treasure
it's dirt cheap to get presequel on steam right now. If you own the 'goty' version of bl2 it should be $8 and change to top off the bl2 dlc and the entirety of presequel+it's dlc. tales goes on sale sometimes, but I just got it on ps4 through that ps+ shit so I haven't really looked.
>find really cool gun at level 12 or so
>can't use it practically because you can carry so little ammo
> (OP)
>>You're not a fag, are ya? No? Lucky you, I only rape fags - mostly anyways.
Classic Cum Town bit
DLC for level-up and drop chance
Any interesting info on Farmory? I never really did it.
>he has ammo issues in 1's early game
How? Everything dies so quickly to critical hits. You're set for life as soon as you find a sniper rifle.
I love how repeaters are fucking abysmal yet the Thanatos is a top 5 weapon in the entire series
Vladof and S&S repeaters can be pretty good
going back there in 2 was neat too even if it really was just riffing on the D2 Tristram revisit.
anyone else here gonna make a new file when the remaster drops in a couple hours?
please god I don't want to play it alone, it's awful alone.
I got you son
What happened to them?
So did the remaster make any class changes? Are Mord and Lilith still unequivocally the best class while Roland is just slow and boring while Brick is borderline useless?
t. Punchlet
He is my favorite character but he is still a sack of shit.
When is the remaster actually meant to drop?
Yeah but I'm going to be downloading the fitgirl release.
About 4:30 hours from now
What's the least boring game you ever played?
if you jump around the back you can see him hanging before you even get to that mission
Would I get the free update if I bought the game on some key site?
I was so ready to go on a murdering spree against whichever boss caused this, except, it was no boss, it was just a random killing. The first borderlands game had a brutal touch to it.
BL1 didn't have a minimap, just a compass
Interface being better is debatable, I'd say they consolized it instead, every item is now a huge icon instead of its name, just like in BL2
IGN review mention there were no buffs to Destroyer
As long as it's a steam key, I would assume.
In theory, yes, as long as you redeemed it on steam. They haven't clarified the exact scenario but so far as long as it's in your steam library, you'll get it free.
I sent a DM to the borderlands account with a timestamp of me holding the physical box and a receipt from gamestop for launch day of the original release, they gave me a steam key and I got it yesterday.
>when you learn WHERE those flying shits come from
You kept a game receipt for 10 years? That's amazing.
Don't worry. That hat is indeed one of the available choices.
I keep most of my receipts for physical purchases in the game box.
why are people nostalgic for Borderlands?
>shit-tier and boring gameplay
>shit-tier graphics
>shit-tier world-design
>shit-tier level-design
>shit-tier humour
>ok multiplayer
Is the remaster out yet?
>the same inventory that has been bugging out on pcs with the scroll glitch is now on the BL1 remake
>said issue was never fixed even on BL2
There's really nothing they could do to make it a threat in the first place, as it just sits there like a useless lump.
Would've been better if you got to fight Steele beforehand.
it always annoyed me that TK had his normal looking double barrel shotgun but there aren't any normal looking guns in the rest of the game
also bl1 is the only good game in the series
Because they liked the previous games.
Sorry that you didn't, I guess?
>finding out there's no ammo regen on BL2 and TPS
some of the jakobs weapons are pretty normal looking
thats autism
No it isn't. It's fucking smart. I'm gonna start doing that.
I guess, it only takes 5 seconds to open the box and put the receipt in though.
Were the DLC's any good? I remember the zombie one being a chore.
Only the Brains achievement chain was a chore. If you ignored it the DLC was fairly straightforward and of good quality.
>More info on April 3rd
>Just an announcement of an actual gameplay reveal May 1st
No its not. Having those can also be a bit nostalgic, seeing the date on the receipt.
This series was much better when it wasnt so EBIN
Wait, is that what they said?
The DLC was where Gearbox started getting wacky with the writing.
We got a release date too
Well yeah, Gearbox is literally cash grab the company. Hence the Epic store thing.
EGS doesn't bother me as long as they bring it else where eventually. No fucking way am I paying full price for BL shit.
When the Legendary BADASS 100% Supreme Gordita edition comes out in 2020, I'll scoop that up. And then buy the 10 or so critical dlc that aren't included in that pack for some reason. Should be about 20 bucks total.
The first one was ok and good concept. The second was just trying to milk sales. Pity because they started the idea of a loot shooter and if they actually spent time making their games instead of shitting out colonial marines and duke nukem, the franchise would be worth to buying.
Imagine shooting yourself in the foot like this.
for fuck's sake
It'll probably be 1 year or 6 months like most other egs exclusivity contracts.
unless fortnite mysteriously loses 100% of it's playerbase in the next year it's already better than uplay and origin combined.
no u
BL2 had better gunplay 2bh
You don't have to be sorry for people that don't like objectively bad games
>use common knowledge and basic foresight
you might be the one with autism
I think I see your problem here. You don't know what objectively means. It's okay, a lot of Yea Forums posters don't.
So, how does the cross-save work?
>tfw you will never catch a riiide again
I didn't even know that was in the game
The agony of knowing his franchise is now owned by that Aussie lesbian Springs.
>nisha and springs were the only interesting characters in tps
At this point I don't think it matters. I have games on Steam, Origin, Battlenet, and GOG, and I already use Epic Games to play Fortnite with my little sis, what could it honestly hurt? Valve? I've given them well about over $1k over my 10 years with them.
>Borderlands 1 came out 10 years ago
Man Allan Moore has really let himself go
At least it was before I fucked everything up.
>walked in and saw him dead
>walked out and he was still on the front porch
Man, Borderland was a buggy fucking game
unironically the only bit of plot i remember besides the general vault lore and ending
He was an okay guy, damn it. He had enough shit go wrong in his life and he was still trucking.
How do we even pirate the remaster of 1
How the hell do you not have BL1 already?
Gearbox. Really hope they come back in 3. Best manufacturer, best guns.
Pirated it 10 years ago. Just never bought it kek
Poorfag then, even poorerfag now.
It was 3, THREE fucking dollars one point my guy
>playing BL1 for the first time as Moredecai
>find a mod early on that gives Bloodwing something like +4 attacks on release and a fuckhuge damage boost
>start building into the Bloodwing tree
>get to the point where releasing Bloodwing instakills entire encounters and her cooldown is low enough to fire her off whenever I want
I barely had to fire a gun unless I was actually fighting some super tough enemies or a boss. Loved that bird. At least Mordecai got her chicks
there was a way to get it for free a couple years ago iirc
Literally unoptimal mordecai build though.
wow wtf man spolers!
user this game is how old
I played so much of bl1 with my friend years ago I don't think I can ever play it again. I'd rather just keep those memories of when I actually had friends.
Pirated copies are often full of unpatched bugs.
>try out TPS
>no OP levels, but I guess it's alright
>start up
>the fucking awful delivery that sounds like the voice actors weren't even trying
>burch's terrible writing
>the game feeling like playing on a Goldsource game server where it's permanently set to sv_gravity 100
How the fuck did this game happen? That gravity shit alone should have merited somebody getting shot. I'm glad I was in time to refund this shit.
What are they gone in the first place? They never closed or any afaik and bandit guns are just random parts of guns cobled togheter
>what could it hurt?
Retards everybody
Wich is?
September 13 if you're gonna get it on EGS, PS4 or XBOne.
April 2020 if you want to wait for Steam.
After playing Kenshi for a while I feel like Borderlands with the Kenshi formula would be fantastic.
Post your Gunfu
>Mordecai + Pestilent Defiler
Knoxx DLC was a breeze especially after finding an objectively better variation in the Armory
Just a (horrible) decision by the devs with no real explanation. Kinda happy they didn't make it in to 2 and be ruined by gimmicks like everyone else, desu.
I know I sound like a basic bitch, but Zer0 with Pimpernel is a joy.
>mfw one-shotting almost everything thanks to B0re and the multiple pellets
>Bandit guns are just random parts thrown together with a custom high capacity magazine
>Bandit's STILL somehow figured out how to get E-tech to work
>tfw Bandit E-tech guns are objectively the best due to their high ammo capacity
Krieg+Baby maker
Max out your bloodlust, get that +500% magazine capacity, shoot one bullet, and just chuck it.
An S&S liquid wrath sniper rifle. I'm so fucking glad S&S is coming back in 3.
Didn't the Gearbox-written strategy guide say that S&S went out of business?
I bet you play Fornite and Apex.
>S&S is coming back in 3
>You can kill Roid Rage Psycho by shooting him from the pit you jump down onto
>You can whittle down Sledge by hiding in the room you came from, behind the doors, and letting your shields recharge
>You can "bypass" Mad Mel by jumping out your car, activating the fight, running back to the ramp and shooting the cars with your guns
>You can snipe Krom from so far he can't aggro you
>You can shoot the Rakk Hive from behind the large boulder in the roadfork
>You can hide behind the crates in the fight you get your first Eridian gun (that Colonel)
>The Destroyer can't shoot you if you hide behind the right pillars, but you can snipe the critical spots
>Crawmerax loses your sight and will just flail around if you sit tight and snipe the critical spots
>The Crimson Lance gauntlet has bugged interiors where you can hide and the enemies can't harm you
I swear
This game was designed with the mindset of not actually fighting the bosses, but to find the correct bug to beat him
remaster out on pc yet?
his ass
>Playing video games for plot
Do you watch movies for gameplay too lmao
Then who the fuck is taking over the "shoot lots of bullets really fast" role? Are they taking away Atlas's "generally good all around" gimmick?
I'm confused. What do I need to get to get the HD packs? I own each game individually on steam, am I sorted?
I'm going to guess that Atlas weapons are going to be "good as a gun, regular gun, shoot the bullets and kill the bad guys". Higher ammo capacity (because theres no s&s or bandit weapons), high DPS, but likely no elemental modifiers or other gimmicks.
Out yet?
>Then who the fuck is taking over the "shoot lots of bullets really fast"
Isn't Vladof about precisely that ?
neat. 2 hours to go, right?
Epic reaction images guys, keep em coming. What are your favorite borderlands memes? Tiny Tina makes me LOL!
26 minutes to go
how are you holding up?
I'm actually pleasantly surprised these threads haven't been ruined by eternal steam vs epic console warring. thanks guys.
this is the first time i've ever heard lore that i care about
source? i want more
I can't really be fucked playing through BL2 to get to UVHM but I hate using save edits.
Off I go, I suppose
Vladof's gimmick is fire rate, S&S's is magazine size. You could easily get away by combining the two, but it feels odd to not have S&S at all.
Basically everyone who isn't a troll agrees that Ebin Game Store is sketchy as shit. The only disagreement here would be whether Steam is worth dealing with too, but that's irrelevant.
I haven't played BL2 since it launched. I beat it with Salvador. Any class suggestions? I have all the DLC
Despite being a UE3 game the PC port was abysmal.
zer0 is a a fun pic and my main in BL2
Gaige and Krieg get a lot of praise around here
Anarchy Gaige let's you play absolutely balls to wall. But shit will be miserable every time you die or load the game.
No, that was a very easy "glitch" to recreate. If you hadn't completed all of TK's sidequests when Scooter gives you the mission to check in on him, the quest-giver TK will still be sitting out front while the hanging TK is inside.
This is done so you aren't cucked out of any content, and once those sidequests are complete, quest-giver TK disappears for good.
Would have made more sense to rewrite parts of TPS so that it was S&S instead of Dahl as the bad guys. Same reason why Atlas is gone in 2 and returns in 3.
I keep trying to replay Diablo 2 and only going as far as the start of Act 2 before either losing interest or creating a new character.
The whole reason Pandora went to bandit-infested hell in the first place is because Dahl was mining the planet using convicts for slave labor.
I liked the first one because it was so very simple and at the time shooters were cinamtic focused pieces of crap 90% of the time.
Today it's nothing special but it had it's place.
>In BL1 you receive you HUD device as a "free gift ftom the Dahl corporation"
Will such a megacorp really do such acts of altruism, or will this come biting back later?
I haven't played the respective games since launch so I will not remember everything. Pls no bully
I don't think my game updated to GOTY version even if it says it
Where can i pirate the GOTY remaster?
Same goes for me. Says GOTY in my library but looks the same ingame.
>Not a separate app
Fuck off.
Surprised not many devs tried aping Borderlands. The concept obvious has potential, but all 3 BL games were profoundly mediocre.
If you dont have a minimap then its not the remaster
This. Instead everyone went for MMOFPS and that stuff just isn't the same.
>update broke community patch and bl2reborn
I suppose that was to be expected.
so where is it?
Because Randy forbid you get to play the game any way but his.
Damn it I want to play the remaster where is the update
Fortnite and Apex are for zoomers who grew up on Borderlands 2.
>all those hives in out of bounds areas
I want to fight them so bad, imagine randomly encountering a badass rakk hive.
What does the Bl2 patch actually add? is it just better textures?
Yes, and some model geometry improvements; pro exclusive for ps owners, I'm a little miffed.
Why do faggots like you exist
There's GOTY and GOTY Enhanced
Because people like you and I give them attention.
Post yfw he came back in Dr. Zed
Is there a more definitive "people you couldn't save" character than this?
Pre sequel was absolute shit.
>graphics improvements require better hardware
I'm playing through PS right now. I can definitely agree with anons on the whole political cram-down-your throat thing. Female characters keep mentioning their girlfriends. Lordy. The moon gravity gets old quick.
Playing as handsome jack is pretty great, though. And Jack himself, well, his VA still carries the game hard. I'm not very far in but he seems like a genuinely great and likeable character. Which is really weird since in 2 he's a genuinely great and likeable jackass villain. I'm almost scared to find out what happens. Also lasers are pretty great.
Why the fuck did Gearbox get so "LOL so random" with the writing anyways?
The main game was fucking brutal at times but had a sense of humor
Dr. Zed was camp but funny
Even Mad Moxxi was still somewhat alright
Then the fucking Secret Armory of General Knoxx happened and even the fucking description of it wouldn't stop with the whole "AMP IT UP TO ELEVEN!!!!!11111!!!" shit and that General Knoxx Twitter account.
The intro to Borderlands 2 made me hope they grounded it a little bit better but it was the same shit.
Maybe instead of playing the role /vol/ wants you to, you should use this time to reflect on why it bothers you to hear that someone is gay and what you can do to fix that deficiency in yourself. People will keep being gay, but it's up to you if you want to be butthurt.
>Secret Armory of General Knoxx's description
Fuck you for reminding me about this
I've got so many other games in my backlog but for some reason with all of this borderlands stuff happening I just want to play them all. Should I just do that and push everything else to the back?
They probably had it as an incentive for colonists to come over, and there was just so much of a surplus of the damn things that Dahl never bothered to cancel it.
It's nothing to do with that m8. It's just so obviously forced in. Why do the characters that wnat me to kill things for them have to keep referencing their sexuality? To what end? They could have waited with Janey until it was relevant she was perving on Moxxi at least. Then the questboard npc going on about it. There was torgue chiming in with the whole misogynistic friendzone thing. Why?
People like to talk about their partners. Yes, it's fucking annoying but it's a people thing, not a gay thing.
I've been playing though it for the first time, and it's definitely not as bad as people say. The script is fucking dogshit, but anything that Burch gets is hands on always is. Despite that, some jokes still got a laugh out of me. Jack is based, I hope we see his doppelganger in 3.
Is Tales from the Borderlands worth playing? It's the last game I need to play to catch up.
Decent writing, but it's not a game. Play it if you want something kinda funny to watch.
It's the only Telltale movie-game that even comes close to hitting the same sense of adventure and emotional investment as The Walking Dead S1. If you're okay with Western visual novels, you'll love it.
I agree. I don't give a shit about what body parts people put stuff in, or how they get off. But it was so obviously a response to the "toxic masculinity video games" trope that I couldn't get into the game. Same with the last Wolfenstein.
If you aren't seeing the Borderlands GOTY Enhanced yet, toss this in your browser to start it up
thank god im not anthony burch
Thanks. Now all my games got uninstalled.
It added a new listing to your steam. You gotta redownload it lmao
You faggots better not be hating on The Secret Armory. It is still the best borderlands content between all the games.
Anything for you user
>oh no they consolized an already consolized menu
>that pic
but I already fapped today
Thanks user
>my fucking bird can destroy entire encounters
>reee unoptimal
You're welcome bruh spread the word
Wew lad there is a noticeable level of detail difference, and the game doesn't run like shit anymore.
Does it still have UE3's patented slow loading textures?
Anyone else experiencing flickering?
Damn I forgot how much better explosive element was in 1
Did they change the name of the vainilla Borderlands? I'm pretty positive it didn't say GOTY before. (even when I actually had the goty version, it just didn't say goty on the game title)
>open first chest to the left of the bus stop
>jakobs sniper
Yeah, this is gonna be a good run.
Fuck your little sister
Even if you don’t I still put that idea in your head, “what if I did fuck her?” “Would that be wrong because of her age?” “What if she likes it?” You’ll tell yourself that you would never do such a thing, but the curiosity in the back of your head will never go away.
user have you ever had a sibling you disgusting fuck
>I hate *zoomer game*
>I bet you play *zoomer games*
great deduction user
They made it faster, added flying parasites to get a second wind, and probably added more health. They also added 5 red chests after beating it with a guaranteed new legendary.
No, I'll forget about it in roughly ten minutes but you'll still be retarded in roughly ten years.
Haha got him
it is, check your library
>Borderlands GOTY
>Borderlands GOTY Enhanced
Remember how long that intro is where you have to wait like 10 years for a whole bunch of dialogue and a lot of nothing? Remember all those shitty sidequests and how long it takes to get anywhere? Some good shit right there.
yes, this is the only correct decision
do it user
Yeah, it's all coming back now.
i put an idea in your mind
to fuck
to fuck anyone
oh lol
you can't
Does WillowTree Work with the EE?