Comfy late night 3DS thread.
Whatcha playin? Any recommendations?
Comfy late night 3DS thread
Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam
...getting bored with it, though.
I'll finish SMT IV Apocalypse once the next week has passed. And go back into Warioware Gold, I only barely beat the story then stopped. I also caught a shiny Nihilego.
The Alliance Alive even if it's getting the remaster, the second screen is convenient on the overworld
Ever Oasis is decent and definitely made for younger players, but I enjoyed it.
Everyone knows the Etrian games are recommended, and if the party mechanics and difficulty aren't for you then Persona Q is very easy and has preset characters.
The Devil Survivor remakes are good, although I prefer 2 for the second story.
I appreciate 3DS threads. Goodnight user.
playing pokemon crystal. Exeggutor is fucking shit up. I love it.
>tfw want to get it just for celebi and to use this ancient tattered guidebook
Pokemon White 2
Please recommend me a team for Nexus senpai. No duplicate class and dedicated healer/medic preferably that can last entire game even post game. Preferably an aggressive with status/bind team.
>alliance alive
What is the strongest hidden boss there?
I've been wanting to play something on my 3DS lately, but I can't decide on anything
I've been playing MGS1 on my Vita instead
Smash bros, like usual...
Heh, just tried M&L Dream Team demo and boy it was great. The game lived to expectation?
When do you fellas find time to play your 3DS? My has been gathering dust and between PC vidya and work I can never find the urge to play. Last thing I was on was Soul Hackers and its fucking great.
late night sat up in bed
I have a comfy Yea Forums pillow to stay comfy sitting up in bed for hours
Currently playing Yo-kai Watch 2 Psychic specters. I loved YW 1 and 2 is a cool sequel. I also managed to get a physical copy of 3 at my local game store, fearing it would increase in price in the future. And also a bit of AC NL from time to time.
The YW games if you are tired of Pokemon. A hidden gem I always recommend is Fantasy Life. It's cute, charming and fun, especially with friends.
how is Tales of the Abyss on 3DS?
in what way?
Just emulate ps2 senpai
It's for the worst Tales of I played in terms of story and characters but I didn't have any major issues with it regarding performance and on a gameplay perspective. It's nice if you want to have it on the go but if you can track a PS2 copy, get that one.
What is it about yo-kai watch that you like? It never looked that great to me
Well I'd say it's a mix up of all these things:
>Cute, charming, funny stories that can get emotional at times
>cute / funny monsters and tons of them to collect
>Battle system is interesting and haves you pay attention to your party
>Different ways to customize your party
>Tons of stuff to do and little details that make the world feel alive and believable
>Great OST
>Level 5 charm
>Some fights can be really challenging
I've been using Imperial/Nightseeker/Sovereign/Gunner/Harbinger and it's a pretty fun party to use, bosses and random encounters really feel like puzzles, figuring out when and how to enable all the crazy burst damage that the party can dish out, and it feels nice to have a party where changing rows around mid battle is actually a noteworthy ability, as nightseekers, harbingers and sovereigns all can perform their roles a bit differently based on their rows.
okay, well I can get it for cheap so I'm gonna take the plunge
hope it's fun
There's a demo for the first game on the eshop if IIRC. If you like it and buy the game, don't hesitate to look some stuff online like how to get certain Yokai. Have fun user
I forgot to mention that there's some nice synergy in the entire team as well, aside from the obvious buffs + debuffs and additional ailments from Harb, Gunner can seriously help out both Sovereign and Imperial with their auto Pop Flares, as it's a free buff that simultaneously triggers the sovereign's passive TP regeneration, turns on sovereign's Negotiation on the entire party for HP/TP heals making a very effective TP battery combo, and helps Imperial with their shit accuracy. It really does feel like a well oiled machine later on.
Pretty much replaying Culdcept Revolt.
My battery is so fucked, it lasts 2.5 hours before going blinking red.
Who is the dps or tank here? Looks like all of them are support type?
>tfw got MonHun 3U with my 3DS way back when I first got it
>still haven't beaten it to this day despite really loving my time with it
should I go back and finish it or should I get 4U and just play that? I'm in the mood for swinging some giant weapons
playing the now complete fantranslation of The Great Ace Attorney.
I'd say finish it
MH4U. Finally trying out insect glaive and it's pretty fun. Getting bug roids and flailing on Gore's legs to topple him is so satisfying
How shit is it?
which Mario & Luigi games are good on 3DS?
Imperial, Nightseeker and Gunner all do a lot of damage, especially boosted by the buffs and debuffs of the other 2 members. Attack debuffs plus defense buffs plus binds and ailments make a tank not necessary, though you need to be smart in random encounters in the priority you take enemies out. If there's anything this party lacks is reliable reviving so stock up on nectars
post underrated 3DS games
convince me to finally start playing FE Fates : Conquest
that is not underrated.
It's just shitty game that nobody asked for.
Thanks user. Seems like a solid party then though I really don't like gunner for some reason. Just my tism. Can you think of solid replacement for it with that party?
Only major difference between it and the PS2 version is the nonexistent load times.
Guys help me out
Should I:
- finish my half-finished ultra sun file
- start over and do a mono ghost run
don't play the game
for real though start over before you're too into your first file
Fantasy Life is indeed one hell of a hidden gem
Terraria, I can't believe I finally got used to controls. It's less handy than PC version, but still playable. Save time is atrocious though.
man, I was considering getting that purely cause I would rather play a game like terraria in my bed than at my PC
Ni no Kuni: Dominion of the Dark Djinn
It's a very different game from the PS3 version which is called Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.
And while I prefer the PS3 version, I do still think the DS version stand out on it's own as a very great game.
It's also very impressive on a technological level, since the music is really high quality, it's almost CD-quality.
And there are many FMV sequences with animation from Studio Ghibli and they are well compressed.
Unlike the PS3 version which is full 3D and has a real-time battle system like it's an Action RPG version of Pokémon, the DS version is turn-based and the backgrounds are paintings while the characters are 3D models ala. the Final Fantasy PS1 Trilogy or the classic Resident Evil games except for Code: Veronica.
While the story is incomplete in the DS version (the PS3 version is the full story), it's still a really great game and one of the best JRPGs on DS.
And even better for you people who don't speak Japanese, it recently got a fan translation under the title: Ni no Kuni: The Jet-Black Mage.
And finally, unlike the PS3 version where The Wizard's Companion book wasn't required to play the game and is pretty much a collector's item, you need it for the DS version, but you cannot play the DS version with the PS3 version of the book, but thankfully, the DS book also got a fan translation as well.
is yokai watch 3 a good place to start even though i havent played the previous entries?
Backline attackers like Survivalist, Ninja and maybe Zodiac are my first thoughts for replacing Gunner. Survivalist and Ninja will help the party with weird support skills with some Nightseeker synergy by providing ailments, while Zodiac will provide some extra crowd control and help with enemies specifically weak to elemental attacks. You can also move the Sovereign or the Nightseeker to the back row(or rotate them around as you see fit) and put a Pugilist in the front as well, since part of what the gunner was doing is help with Binds anyway.
Can confirm Fantasy Life is great but damn if it doesn't suck time away like a motherfucker sometimes.
But what happens if the 3DS casts a shadow?
If your 3ds is hacked, then definitely give it a go. Playing Terraria in bed, or on a train is top comf.
But I don't have any. Is it still fun then?
you can definetly get fun out of it, but don't expect a perfect experience
Trying to make the great ace attourney work on Citra
It works but the framerate is halfed, and the patch doesn't work if you pirate the mobile version
Do I really have to pay 20 bucks for the mobile version or there is a way to play it without buying a 3ds?
Gonna get back to playan Etrian Odyssey, got to finish 2U story, V and Nexus and then I am free to try the games with different parties
I heard it's shit compared to 2. Don't buy it.
It's still fun even if it can be a bit grindy
Was the content locked behind online with FRIENDS or some mission was impossible without FRIENDS to play with? I hate my life.
At least SoJ works and man that first case was awesome
Only one problem, when the fuck Maya appears?
>try Yo-Kai watch for something a bit different
>that mobage-tier combat
I don't even get it, are you just meant to constantly use special attacks and then rotate them out to use the next one's?
It suffers from modern Nintendo handholding that slows the pacing down alot but if that isn't a bother then it's a very solid M&L game.
Level 5 can make insane grindfests sometimes, and this game can get pretty bad on stuff like item drops, though luckily you can always switch to another class if you're getting bored. It truly is a game where there's always something else to do.
yeah, it's pretty shitty
I heard they changed the combat in the newer games but I don't have the slightest interest after playing the first one
you can do everything solo
Any game with Stella Glow feels? I like it VERY VERY MUCH.
I really didn't like the first case.
Currently going through Fire Emblem Fates, i am enjoying it but for some reason i think i prefer Awakening.
yeah idk I like everything else like the radar and lens, I just wish they didn't go for this weird auto-combat shit
Radiant Historia
Should I play the 3ds version or the D's one?
Why would you want to play DS version?
Because I own a DS and if they didn't add much I prefer playing it on the original system instead of emulating
are story of seasons good?
can I play Bravely Second without playing the first?
bump for 3ds
very comfy timesinks. trio of towns is very good.
nope. second is a direct sequel to default so it's recommended to play it
thanks, I'll get that one then
I mean sure finish it if you want but definitely get 4u it's arguably the best in the series
They added a fair bit. There's an extra set of sidequests that you have to do to get the real ending, with a new set of final bosses. You then have to play through it AGAIN to get the really REAL ending, and the real final boss, honest. Also, there's a bonus dungeon that's really just there to grind for exp and points to exchange for high powered equipment and new assistance moves for the other characters.
just ordered a haul of Yoshi's New Island, M&L Paper Jam and Codename S.T.E.A.M.
I'd say XX (AKA Gen in the west) is better but 4 is still very good
>late night
is there any point to getting XX on a 3DS instead of just buying a Switch tho?