>Go on a rant about how Sekiro should have easy modes for developmentally challenged people and those that just want an easy/good time
>YouTube quad makes a video of himself playing Sekiro to prove a point
>Gets BTFO by a literal cripple
>STILL acts indignant about Sekiro and its fanbase
Does Twitter make people legit insane?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Imagine saying not everything is for everyone
Yeah, imagine that.
>food analogy
>food analogy
It's more like saying "Don't go to an italian restaurants if you hate italian food"
Going into a fucking taco bell and demanding a fucking McDouble is retarded
>Career is playing video games
>Complain about having to play video games
Are games journos the stupidest niggas on the planet holy shit. GIT GUD
The stupidest people in the world can use Twitter, so Twitter has all the stupidest people.
It also gives the stupidest people the feedback they need the most, which is a tracker of roughly how many people have circulated or approved the stupid shit they have to say which is also why they like places that track their comments and likes so much.
>Are games journos the stupidest niggas on the planet
post the one with the pigeon solving the problem faster
>food analogy
>food analogy
>you can't sit in a restaurant cos of access issues
but you can. nobody is preventing you from sitting in a restaurant. everybody can sit in a restaurant. everybody can play the game, any game. BUT YOU HAVE TO ORDER WHAT THE RESTAURANT HAS IN MENU. YOU CAN'T ORDER WHATEVER YOU WANT.
>imagine saying not everything is for everyone
because it isn't. life is unfair, deal with it.
>tfw these shitters will be gatekeeped due to their own incompetence
>all they can do is piss in the wind as they get left behind by developers who don't give a fuck about being "accessible"
feels fucking good. Too bad it can't encompass every series and genre.
Imagine wanting to play sports but being a fat fucking blob who's not even fit to stand up and whining about how it's not fair. Go play some other video games that cater to the mentally disabled. There's thousands of them.
Do you still have to ask?
fucking hell. are game journos modern day church moms? they literally act the same.
American women are pigs
Can we put all of these people along with the trannies out in a desert somewhere and nuke them?
Twitter allows people to build public echochambers in which they can virtue signal and act holier-than-thou. While at the same time allowing them to present the opposing side as fucking retards by only cherrypicking the dumbest arguments possible, ignoring and silently blocking any semblance of an intelligent counter argument. So yeah, Twitter DOES make people legitimately insane.
Oooh, oooh, I got one too. Look at me!
Why the FUCK does every mouthbreather do this "imagine" shit now. I was saying that shit for years and now all of a sudden every cunt says it. Fuck off you brainless fucking drones.
This is still the one that blows my mind, it's such a pathetic display.
Video game journalists are video game rejects and journalist rejects.
No fucking shit they ruin everything they touch.
If you guys hate Twitter so much why do you make so many threads about it?
>insane dude makes a reference to someone
>that someone is now an accomplice in the crime
can't wait until someone references obama or ssome shit like that
these are true though, fuck pewdiepie and anyone who watches him
He right though. It's time for you redditors to stop claiming "difficulty" is a sign of a good game, because the fact is that most of you zoomers have never actually played a truly difficult game. Tired of cringe redditors letting From get away with recycling the same game for nearly a decade.
Is the restaurant bit an obvious bait, or is she really that oblivious?
I thought it was public knowledge that all of the best gamers suck
This is such a classic woman's tactic. When they've been proven wrong so they just repeat your refutation in a stupid tone in an effort to distract from how embarrassed they are .
i don't hater twitter, i hate people
They have it in their dumb fucking heads that everything is for everyone. They have communist brain, they want everything to be the same for everyone or no one. In Cross Code theres a puzzle helper, in a puzzle game. Why can't they just watch twitch and youtube lets plays like the rest of the brain dead imbeciles?
How many of the people complaining about Sekiro's difficulty even play the game?
kek that guy is just low-IQ. he can't simple problem-solving
Honestly just let Muslims take over so they can mass execute these fucking cucks at this point. The cancer is terminal, it's too deep.
Yeah man, "pewds" promoting "alt-right" books should've been a clear indicator of that already.
Pay attention to this tactic, lurkers.
The idea is to get somebody they don't like to witch hunt their own audience, so it breaks itself apart.
Naturally, these people get really fucking mad when people don't take the bait.
>typical alt right books
>bunch of shit on every highschool lit reading list
To be fair Pewdiepie is kind of a faggot
they sucked but rockcock wasn't an SJW before he met syncope.
>reading books is now alt-right
Can we make breathing the new meme thing so that these idiots will stop doing it
>readings books is now alt-right
Where in either of those tweets did they imply pewdiepie was an accomplice in the shooting? People are saying that he has some level of responsibility to respond to it and make it clear to his audience that he doesn't support white supremacy, which he apparently has a really hard time doing considering he keeps "accidentally" yelling slurs on stream and making videos showing support for various alt-right personalities.
Good lord. Is this bitch still relevant?
Why would you want to have a single player game thats short and easy?
have sex
Theres nothing wrong with analogies including food analogies as long as you make accurate comparisons.
>you don't need reading comprehension to understand books
>you don't need taste to appreciate art
>you don't need skills to enjoy games
>People are saying that he has some level of responsibility to respond to it
Well that's retarded, because he doesn't
>he has some level of responsibility to respond to it and make it clear to his audience that he doesn't support white supremacy
He doesn't.
how is this any different from you guys claiming 800 different things are sjw
But it's not true, media took what he said out of context and made clickbait articles. Pew literally didn't do anything wrong.
Stopped reading exactly right there.
slowbeef still defends her honor right?
Imagine wanting to play it but being so bad that you literally can't.
President Trump shitposts every day on Twitter. Think about that for one second.
Not really, I don't actively watch him but he's fine. These days I associate people that don't like him with cringe shit like this pathetic SomethingAwful piece. youtu.be
KEK should include classical music
list 10
>which he apparently has a really hard time doing
Unironically based. He knows the mind poison that is porn.
video game """"""""journalists""""""" are hacks that can not into real journalism so they have to write about video games and this eats them up inside. They insert politics and their own politics into video games becauseit makes them feel more important than someone who mere writes about video games.
Also jumping on the current band wagon, group think makes you an ally, you get nothing for going against the grain.
I mean, I'd hatefuck void's burger, but she is a dumb bitch and needs to be put in her place. Shame that 5,4 sub of a bf she has won't ever do that because he's a pussy.
Denouncing drinking onions or whatever isn't even remotely as much of a broad generalization as "reading books makes you a nazi" is
Yeah, in this case it's retarded because anyone can enter the restaurant it's just that you can only order what they offer on the menu.
Posting on twitter does nothing. Cutting your dick however..
hang yourself
why do you want to play sekrio?
Banning Shmorky, Voidburger and all those other spergs was the best decision Lowtax ever made
This is what I don't get - these retards watch YouTube longplays of games anyway
But I think it has something to do with gamer circles still, you know, requiring you to beat the game before being able to discuss it
So if say I beat Sekiro on easy mode, I can then talk like "I beat Sekiro and I think X and Y are just as bad...".
It gives them some unearned talking points in arguments
How do you get twitter followings I want people to respond to my tweets. Every time I tweet or reply to someone else's tweet it's just a void.
If a shooter makes a direct reference to you before murdering 50 people, and you're the most popular Youtuber on the planet, and said shooter was radicalized into white supremacy through the internet, you absolutely have a responsibility to directly tell your audience of mostly young people that you in no way support the shooter's beliefs or actions. What does it say about pewdiepie's supposed moral character that he can't even do that?
Slowbeef is a good guy who doesn't really want to get involved in anything. He's the most normal of the SA crew that's notable, he promotes all those degenerates, but he's basically just a fat dad now.
Twitter lets the world all communicate with each other, so yes because everyone thinks a little or a lot different.
You could be a doctor thta ends world hunger and you would be hated for ruining peoples farming jobs.
You could cure cancer and people would hate you for putting researchers out of work.
Then you would have lefties that think overpopulation is a problem and hate the two things above and call them literally hitler.
Twitter should change so that the only people that can read tweets is people who are your follow list, and the only people on your follow list are people who you allow to be there. It's too open and that is bad.
>Fahrenheit 451
i wonder how much better the world would be if everyone who types like "meanwhile, on [website]" just died in their sleep tonight.
Did he actually ban Voidburger? Press X to doubt.
that's not a denouncement
Most people I know who read are women, as if I didn't already feel out of place in my local book hole
>Twitter should change so that the only people that can read tweets is people who are your follow list
>let's make our echo chamber even more of an echo chamber
that will work great
I swear most of this social justice bullshit spawned from the feel good hugbox that was SA before it imploded on it's on faggotry.
It's hardly an endorsement. Does he need to peel off his white skin on cam?
Don't give New Zealand any ideas
Their Chief Censor has currently gone power crazy.
>you absolutely have a responsibility to directly tell your audience of mostly young people that you in no way support the shooter's beliefs or actions
no you don't you absolute faggot! anybody who NEEDS to be told that you don't support murdering 50 people is clearly too retarded to be outside and should be returned to their handler asap
>Somebody defending Slowbeef
Hi Slowbeef - you used to be funny, but neither Proteus or Diabeetus want to put up with you anymore because of your faggotry.
Also remember how you went after Pewdiepie for the "wrong type of jokes"? Or how you think PDP will turn your kid into a nazi?
kys slowintheheadbeef
>Not really
I'm not speaking for the world you dumb faggot
Easy mode is like accessibility for people with learning disability.
They are just crippled in their own way.
yes, yes it does.
Doesn't the "puzzle helper" in CrossCode just make the duration you have to complete timed puzzles longer?
>you absolutely have a responsibility to directly tell your audience of mostly young people that you in no way support the shooter's beliefs or actions.
Reminds me of all the useless cunts complaining that Hollow Knight was "too hard"
No, twitter incentivizes people to say inflammatory things that no one actually believes. Take away twitter and no one acts like that. Or fewer people do, anyway.
It's less not being able to sit in a restaurant because access issues and more wanting dessert before the main course.
I know, I know, food analogy.
You know whats funny? The original guy that made that forbes article talked to an expert in accessibility and game difficulty, and he agreed that simply adding an easy mode is a blunt way to handle access issues, and ultimately the artist decides how they want to go about it.
But yes. Twitter does make people legitimately insane, research has been done on it.
I never played any Soulslike game, but I was under the impression that the challenge of the game was the appeal itself.
I have a major hand eye coordination defect and I have never had a problem with video games, they are just lazy and unwilling to train, anyone can beat a video game if they practice.
such a leftist view of things, guilty until proven innocent, it's like you think if you don't publically reaffirm your basic values on a monthly basis people just start assuming you're a nazi. fucking idiots, i can only hope you grow out of this shit soon
is she /ourgirl/?
Because when reality doesn't line up with the picture they want to paint they just have to evoke that everyone should imagine the worst case scenario instead.
They aren't gamers, they are failed journalists.
Just stop listening to them. Eventually big game companies are going to realise that "gaming journalists" want the complete opposite of actual gamers.
A ban, not a permaban, which you can buy your way out of on SA
Though that screen is pretty based
Can we agree that anyone who reads peterson is an impressionable, insecure man-baby, though?
it's really funny that you guys yell about how sjws are infecting kids' minds with liberal ideas or whatever but refuse to believe that someone like pewdiepie could be doing the same thing
thats the meme.
The real attraction is that you have to think a little bit to figure out how to trivialize souls like games.
In Sekiro you can take the time to backstab everything including the miniboss. At that point you can utilize terrain and jumps to abuse the AI.
I remember a video game journalist saying they're journalists first and video game fans second, which feels like it's the wrong way to approach things when their gameplay is I feel like the main reason Youtube reviewers have as much, if not more, clout with audiences than video game journalists is because they are the exact opposite
I think LowTax hated what his forums became, he pretty much hit the self destruct button. I can't blame him, SA was legit worse than modern Resetera.
The less time they have to spend actually playing video games, the more time they have to write their awful clickbait tripe and retarded tweets.
It's simple math.
So they claim to speak on behalf of disabled people, but when an ACTUAL disabled person comes up and tells them they're wrong and full of shit, they brush him away and ignore his viewpoint? So much for caring about people with disabilities.
anyone who reads peterson and agrees with him sure.
What are you talking about? It was one cunt from whitcoulls (a dying bookstore chain) who banned petersons book and then they brought it back when people called them out for being a fucking retard.
Not being able to plow through Sekiro while randomly button mashing is exact like being constrained to a wheelchair and unable to access buildings.
This seems even harder than a standard controller. I don't think i could even use that.
Shitty people acting like I'm exaggerating about Catcher In The Rye being an enabler for assassins but here we fucking are. Fucking hell.
Literally why?
I keep hearing people say shit about him but I watched some videos and pretty much all he says is "try to be productive with what you can, stop fooling yourself"
How the FUCK is that alt-right? The dude openly condems ANY dictatorship regime
Based Sekiro getting these shitters THIS assmad about being left out
When did he do that? Last I remember he was making a point to say in the most low key way that it didn't matter. I wish he would go back to doing shit with diabetus, I can't stand that Doc faggot.
you sure are interested in the things a mass murderer has to say. do i need to call the feds user?
It's probably much easier than a regular controller if you don't have working fingers.
She got permabanned along with Psychadelic Eyeball because they stuck up for Shmorky
It seems like all of the most obnoxious Twitter users are former goons.
I seriously doubt these people actually want to play video games, anyway.
They just want to be paid for writing shitty outrage clickbait and and bait tweets.
>The Earth can support a literally infinite number of people
So this is the power of anonymous..
pewds instils actually liberal ideas, like you know, freedom of speech, separation of church and state (as opposed to sjw's who would love the church of social justice to be fully integrated into government, then gulags) you should be grateful that someone with the character and moral standing of pewdiepie is the one teaching your kids and not some fucking deep state pedo prop channel
Alright, thanks for the info.
If they were to add an easy mode, they should make it so the story is completely gimped if you played Easy, so you can tell who played the easy mode or not.
>doesn't want to be involved in anything
didn't he defend dina during the mn9 fiasco?
i'm pretty sure he even made a couple of videos where he strawmanned everyone's complaints about her and just painted anyone that criticized her as a "sexist"
When dudes say this I just imagine the state their room must be in.
I doubt porn is worse poison than socjus memes but hey.
its a keyless keyboard
its meant for people who have issues typing with their fingers or no fingers at all
>She got permabanned along with Psychadelic Eyeball because they stuck up for Shmorky
Based Lowtax getting his nuts and not letting the LP forum and that Zoltar/Zoltrix or whatever guy hold him by the balls
>defending fucking pewdiepie on Yea Forums
i remember a thread years ago where people were predicting that one day there would be legitimate pewdiepie fans on this board, and now here we are
I'd say he's based but a footfag fuck up whose so bad with money he can't figure out how to handle nearly a million a year (back in the day) yearly income isn't based. He's funny though, but not as funny as Shmorky's Spongebob voice.
The user you're replying to never said "alt-right"
I wish people would stop using this as an example because he made it as a joke, obviously.
I kind of feel bad for Lowtax. He clearly hates his gay dead forums and the sjw culture it spawned but he's trapped being it's webmaster, so he just alternates between sucking them up, getting drunk and getting banned from twitter.
What is the appeal of Something Awful, anyway? I've been hearing about that site for over a decade, and when I visit it, it just seems to be a regular forum. I can't discern anything special about it from a quick glance.
Why didn't Young Turks denounce the actions of the Bernie shooter directly? You don't do those things because it just opens you up to attacks. This place needs IDs, I bet you are replying to your own bait.
...Wait wtf is so alt right about fucking Fahrenheit 451
what is this 2011
I don't get what's wrong with a holocaust joke as long as it's funny and it doesn't try to ride the shock value in lieu of that. Even then it isn't morally wrong, its sin is that it's unfunny. The holocaust happened the better part of a century ago.
pewd is a symbol of the counter-culture now, he needs our support against the globalists
The irony.
>someone with the character and moral standing of pewdiepie
Is this still Yea Forums or am I having an aneurysm?
>imagine being this out of the loop
go back to redit you mindless drone
I followed his channels pretty religiously at the time, all I remember him doing is shitting on DSP hardcore and how DSP is a fucking nutjob. I think he said people were a bit too hard on MN9 but that's about it.
Imagine thinking you have exclusive rights to a word being used online.
There have been legitimate redditors on this board for years. This very thread was started by a twitter post.
What's your point?
>years ago
Just because you're stuck doing the same shit you did back then doesn't mean everyone is
It was back when forums were a bigger deal. You might not remember, but maybe you do, but this was pre facebook and nobody used MySpace social shit, so you needed forums to discuss stuff with no twitter and no Yea Forums.
I have literally never watched a single pewdiepie video in my life.
Doesn't mean I think he has any responsibility for what a crazy fuckwit did
Imagine being so fat that you constantly bring up food in your conversations.
That is surface level, under that is an ideology of submission (very Abrahamic and since he is a bible basher it is not a huge surprise) and one of subservience to any ruling power, it also talks about being tolerant to hostile voting blocks (Like Nazis, communists and Muslims)
>Slowbeef is a good guy who doesn't really want to get involved in anything.
Nigger were you not here for during the Mighty Number Nine debacle? Fucker is SJW as fuck. He's quick to white knight anything that's female regardless if they actually deserve it or not.
This is post-Trump Yea Forums.
That would be impossible since Miyazaki said he wanted people to experience 'overcoming' the same monsters/levels. The way you overcome it will be different though.
That's just his way of implementing accessibility. And smarter people like those who have talked to the original forbes article guy agrees to just leave it up to the creator.
i'm blowing your mind with truth, just let it happen
I picked up Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima because of PewDiePie's videos. Due to the reaction (((blue checks))) had to PewDiePie's videos and Mishima's wikipedia page I was expecting some nationalistic, pro-fascist treatise.
I got a fucking romance novel about two Tsunderes instead.
The game lets people change the controls to their liking.
There are peripherals designed to make games easier for the disabled, Microsoft have a whole setup for it.
An easy mode will not make it more accessible to the disabled, taking weaker hits isn't going to make controlling the game easier than what is currently available. If the game is too hard for you, and after changing the controls and finding a comfortable setup it is still too hard for you, you are just among those people that the game is too hard for in general. That is not a problem with the game, or its accessibility, it is designed to please those that like a flat-out difficult game. Much like racing games aren't designed for people that like FPS games, and RPGs are designed for people that like role-playing.
He's doing well on Patreon last time I checked
Clean your room, Jordan.
The whole thing may seem like a joke, but it isnt.
These people (twiitter dwellers, Resetera, and SJWs in general) are continually demanding that everyone and everthing should bent to their will.
Its like religious fundamentalism, a blind hatred towards anything that doesnt fit with their distorted view of the world
>Psychadelic Eyeball
He got banned because he can be a far left whackjob, but mostly because he said it was kinda fucked up to have his kid be a mouthpiece echo of his opinions, which I can kinda agree with but then I remember he's of the mind that if you don't liek current year video games or if you think Duke Nukem was good and funny, or that MK11 isn't condescending to fans, you're a sexist.
I can still watch him because he can at least separate that from his content 90% of the time. Unlike half the stragglers who got displaced from the forums like the vicas guy or mcdt.
This is some next-level delusion, holy shit
>bwwuuh i am supposed to like pewdiepie or hate him? Tell me how to think fellow redd- i mean 4channers.
So it's literally just a case of "It's OK when we do it", great.
"not everything is for everyone" is a completely true statement
I had mushrooms growing off a t-shirt, you think that's a male only problem or something? Are you a retart?
her own shitty analogy craps all over her point
there are people who can't stand spicy food and therefore going to a spicy wings restaurant or ordering almost anything off of a mexican restuarant's menu is a no-go
not everything is for everyone and that is exactly how it should be, there's this thing called fucking demographics and before the AAA game culture that emerged last gen not every game was made to appeal to literally every person and people were fucking okay with that
sekiro is a hard action game for people who like hard action games, it's not fucking FOR people who want an "easy" mode, it would go against its entire design philosophy to include one
the attitude that every game needs to have mass appeal is a shitty meme pushed by western publishers trying to recoup the hundreds of millions of dollars they spent on marketing this year's bloated piece of shit looter shooter/military FPS/walking simulator/"open world" game with no content. retards like this dumb bitch can't even fathom that there are games made with a SPECIFIC DEMOGRAPHIC in mind and are absolutely not "for everyone"
I'm fucking amazed that the SA forums are still alive. Who even goes there anymore?
The irony of this post is astounding.
>analogy equating person with handicap unable to enjoy thing
>versus an example of a handicap person enjoying product just fine
Ah, didn't know that. Dev should be allowed to make his game however he wants.
It's just some games just cuck players on Easy Mode out of the story and tell them to improve. Example coming to mind at the moment is Touhou 6.
have sex incel
Enemy of my enemy blah blah blah. Fuck commies, there are too many of them lately. I'll take allies where they pop up. There are legitimately "people" that want to get rid of the electoral college right now.
Why does it really matter if there is an easy mode for shitters though? It's single player and I can just play on the default difficulty. I really don't understand the 'controversy' over this type of shit. Why get bothered by things that don't that don't effect you?
>food analogy
I can tell by that pic why the first thing she thought of was food.
It's just a matter of muscle memory but if you have working hands then there isn't really a need to use it.
In the late 90s/early 00s internet forums were pure cancer, ful 0f k1dz speekin liek this u kno xD? SA was a decent alternative and actually had funny content.
>Why get bothered by things that don't that don't effect you?
Yea Forums described in a single sentence
They have never and will never care about anyone but themselves.
Nice ad hominem
The Cuphead thing isn't even the worst thing Dean Takahashi's ever did.
It's not even the review he gave Mass Effect where he called it a bad Gears of War ripoff because he didn't know it was an RPG and "didn't know" how to level up (I don't know how the fuck he didn't know when the game has a levelling tutorial, but he said he didn't know).
Worst thing he's done was this
I don't know how the fuck he still works in the industry, goes to show its standards.
How does "I don't like thing" equate to "thing needs to be changed so I'll like it." Who even are these fuckwits and why should people care about coddling their limpdick attitudes. Just move on. Admit you don't like it because it's too hard for your tastes and go on about your business.
are you implying that the main values of western society are not better than, say, the tradition of young african men to stick their dicks into fire ant nests as a rite of passage? i do not accept this cultural relativism bullshit, it IS ok when we do it, because we have thousands of years of human civilisational progress as evidence to back it up, versus the social justice drones who keep trying to hide the 100 million deaths from their bullshit marxist poison. fuck you all
The electoral college was literally created to stop people from electing a populist tyrant. This, it did not do.
It was a very big deal in the early days of the internet. It was the counter-culture webpage of it's day, back when Yea Forums wasn't even a thing.
For reasons I still don't quite get, it got hijacked by sjw a while ago. In fact I'm pretty sure sjw as a thing was born in the SA politics subforum
>Bad takes
>hot take
>spicy take
why do the mentally deformed use this terminology so?
I have agoraphobia. That's an access issue if there ever was one. If I want food from a restaurant, I have to get delivery. If the place I want food from doesn't do delivery, then I have to fuck off and order from somewhere else. That's fine. I'm the one with a problem here, not the restaurant.
But he did denounce the shooting
"I'm gay" - (You)
discord dedicated to making fake twitter posts
Orange man bad
>Proving him right
Pointing out hypocrisy is not ad hominem.
One person is not representative of an entire group, specially those with disabilities considering there's so many different kinds. Just because this one dude can play it well doesn't mean every disabled person can.
I can only hope you get the rope, friendo.
>Repeating a slogan in response to an argument
>getting rid of the electoral college
just let it happen, we might as well speed this fucking doomtrain up.
He kinda does on twitter maybe? But I don't remember him mentioning any of this in his videos. If it was a it was a quick word or two, you see something I don't? Genuinely curious as I haven't watched him since he started livestreaming him and his family and nothing else.
Millions of users here every day and you think none of them would be fans and instead all share one hive mind?
How far can you take the 'board is one person' meme?
>Implying the Americans will ever see any candidate that is truly for the people.
They are all spoilers buddy, its traitors the whole way down.
>Mass Effect where he called it a bad Gears of War ripoff because he didn't know it was an RPG and "didn't know" how to level up
i refuse to believe this is true
Why do you care? If Twitter is so bad, why go there every day, invest yourself in its drama and even go so far as to bring this filth here with you?
Good. it's been outdated for decades.
I don't care about most people, why should I care about disabled people? They have equal access to the product its up to them to do shit with it, I wont hold there mongoloid hand.
>imagine saying not everything is for everyone
>food analogy
>Some of the most memorable scenes of Gears of War are when you are shooting weapons into the enemies, who grunt and roar at you. You hit them once and they don’t go down. It takes a lot of shots at fairly close range to bring them down. When they get too close, you can press a button and activate your chainsaw bayonet. Blood splatters everywhere and you cut the enemy in half. The experience is very similar in Space Marine. You got the big marines in big armor shooting weapons that take a while to cut into the enemies. And when you close with them, you activate your chainsaw, or “chain sword,” if you will. The enemies grunt and roar. They bleed profusely.
Reminds me of IGN's Dead Space 2 review
no man, obviously the restaurant should have an inflatable corridor to your house so you gan get there on your own.
>the quote used against alleged NPCs has become a programmed reaction to all criticism of the president
>imagine saying not everything is for everyone
I guarantee she's a socialist/commie
So people should take their anecdotes over an actual legitimate example that proves the initial argument wrong??
and the truth comes out
The world is too safe. Jumping into enemy territory triggers our basic animalistic needs and desires
Very true indeed. Most zoomers don't even know our very own faggot moot was a SA user before he copied 2chan.
and? where do you want to draw the line? obviouslt blind people can't play video games, so what now? how do you include them?
>shoot up school
>leave not saying lefties made you do it
>shout antifa and hilary clinton every time you mow someone down
>all lefties are now bad people
i just broke the system boys
I can't click link what is it?
Your reactionary bullshit is no closer to the philosophy that brought about the enlightenment or the industrial revolution than the 'sjws' are.
>keep trying to hide the 100 million deaths from their bullshit marxist poison
As opposed to poltards trying to hide or even glorify the holocaust as a good thing?
I mean by this point you're literally trying to use completely unrelated achievements of your ancestors to justify being a dick and brainwashing kids.
To be fair he pretty much created the ground zero of it by not shutting down the laissez faire sooner.
So Farenheit and Brave new world are alt-right?
Oh my
And how many actual disabled people do they use to defend their argument? Zero.
>the tradition of young african men to stick their dicks into fire ant nests as a rite of passage
This symbolizes descending into the underworld and confronting the dragon of chaos, a deeply profound ritual that the West could learn from
Not everything is for everyone you retarded cow.
Why do you care that they would have an optional easy mode that doesn't effect your game in any way? It's really not hard to see the double think going on here. You want to have your cake and eat it to but it's for the most absolutely pointless thing that doesn't effect you at all.
It's almost like the people parroting these shitty memes have no sense of self-awareness
Looking at the size of her, that food analogy actually happened
He can always delete the site if he hates its users.
I fucking hate the trend of people trying to make accessibility and difficulty to be the same thing.
>font size changes
>custom button mapping
Difficulty options should not be in the same category of accessibility options because those are the real important things to talk about
This. Trump is obviously an Israel puppet but boomers can't even see it. Everything is fucked, why even argue about it. You will never change anything.
Blind people can and do play video games, I remember a blind player clearing raids in wow
What truth? That the life of paraplegics are not my business? That I have no desire to aid gimpy cripples? I wish them all the happiness in the world but I have no desire nor the responsibility to make there lives any better.
The website didn't get hijacked, it pretty much created the SJW movement.
>just recently started buying books about economics and politics
>see this
Damn, guess I'm alt-right now.
He calls Warhammer 40K a Gears of War ripoff, gets called out and then writes an "apology" where he doesn't apologise but AGAIN calls it a Gears of War ripoff.
i want you to count the number of national emergencies other presidents have declared including executive orders.
have fun being a sociopath i guess
Imagine going into a restaurant and ordering peanuts when you have a peanut allergy then complaining when you die LMAO
The system was created by leftists to ensure leftists always get a pass. If someone shot some place up and said leftists made you do it it would be blamed on the right.
>loaded question
yeah nah
>anime reaction
>the six gorillion goy!
>marxism isn't as bad goi!
I don't know if you're ironically a reseteratranny or if you're actually one, but you need to die, preferably when the elite ordained purge commences.
But that's gatekeeping user and you cant do that! You're supporting Nazism!
>works for Eurogamer and Variety
>retweets Sadiq Khan for open borders London.
Just a useful idiot. Part and parcel.
>have fun being a sociopath i guess
Where do you think you are user?
Should all films from now on include a narrator explaining the plot in simpler terms scene by scene for people too stupid to understand the plot on their own? It's the same with games then, some are designed with a specific level of skill in mind.
But you're not effected by an easy mode in any way. Like there is nothing happening to you if there was an easy mode in a game. You still have your normal mode and they have their (optional) easy mode. Nothing changes for you at all.
But he's totally right here. He's articulating his point very poorly, but that game was just a Gears of War clone, and a pretty fucking poor one at that.
He just managed to inflame the sensibilities of autistic warhammer nerds who can't deal with reality. There's nothing wrong with Warhammer, the old Space Hulk games are pretty fun, I've heard good things about some of the strategy games, but just because your concept "pre-dates" someone else's, that doesn't mean you can get away with copying it back. GoW was the first major mediocre TPS cover shooter, I don't think it's a stretch to compare the games.
>Look at how much the right has radicalized that they start shooting up schools and saying the left made them do it!
>Ban different opinions NOW!
i know, i also remember a quadriplegic getting to diamond league in starcraft. being a shitter is not being disabled, it's just a mindset
Imagine if Twitter had a 'dislike' button. There'd be a lot less dumb shit on it.
Kaede is so perfect. Best hag.
SJWs have existed since the fucking 60s and 70s, bro. I remember reading about feminist bullshit material from those decades in social studies class in college. Perhaps SA made SJWs mainstream, but they certainly didn't invent SJWs.
He got it wrong, it was about Space Marine 40k
It's the only money he makes these days
Well they are against individuality and free thinking. It's easy to see how an sjw can think these books are anti-sjw.
Mass Defect: Why Mass Effect falls short of its hype
By Dean Takahashi
You never run out of ammo. But you’re always shooting these solid mass bullets at the enemy. Every guns sounds and fires and behaves the same, whether it’s a shotgun or an assault rifle. Stupid. Then, when you’re shooting at a target, an orange box appears as the one and only place on that target where you can actually hit them with a mass bullet. That’s not even close to realistic, and counts as stupid No. 2. Then you can’t even tell if you’ve hit your target because your target just keeps coming at you or does not even flinch upon impact, whether their shields are up or down. That’s stupid no. 3. You get a red bar that shows exactly how many times you have to shoot the enemy in order to take them down, no matter whether you’re getting in the equivalent of head shots or toe shots. The grenades are equally stupid. They fly in straight lines like hockey pucks on ice until they hit something. That something will often keep running right at you and then blow you up.
Not him but a man is the legacy of his forefathers, he is not responsible for the actions of the people before him but he holds there soul within him and is the last remnant of them. He has every right to claim the great things they did as part of him and he should be held to a high standard, its crab people like yourself who claim that no one has any right to claim greatness of the past.
I am not even white :)
Bring on communism, I will gladly starve to death if I can take you stupid fucks with me, I just want to shitpost one last time before I die and rub your fucking face in it.
Oh lol, dont people realise we just live in a constant echo-tunnel of re-used ideas?
This guy has no idea what he is talking about.
how many disabled people do you help a day?
ESL retard
>It's NOT even the review he gave Mass Effect
>Worst thing he's done was this
He was talking about the aesthetic
kid i didn't mention jews or pol, but you can't get it out of your head?
>unrelated achievements
the achievements were gained through effort and work ethic, something alien to commies like you, the western values that i hold are the same ones that led men to the enlightenment, the values that you hold have only led men to kill eachother and turn against their brother. don't even try
I remember the days when pewds himself posted on this board, asking for advice
Neck yourself, "oldfriend".
based sage poster
Who knew books about thinking for your self would be considered alt right.
is the old /jp/ anime shitposting crew still around?
He was talking about the aesthetic and shit like there being chainsaws, not the gameplay
>Space Marine's chainswords from the fucking 80s are a GoW ripoff!!! As are their huge shoulder pads!!!!!!
When people start changing your Harry Potter books so that it only has monosyllabic words then you'll understand I guess.
You seem triggered user
>muh 6 gorillion
what the fuck is that terrible writing. people on fucking Yea Forums write better posts than this, what the actual fuck. is this person a journalist? how can you be so bad at playing games AND writing and still have a job like this? it boggles the mind.
I'm not saying make all games easier for disabled people, I'm just saying disabled people do play games and I think accessibility is great as long as the actual game remains unchanged
/jp/ died when they put an autistic tranny janny in charge of the whole thing. Now it's just dozens of generals about absolute cancer like JAV, 3DPD idols, and other meaningless garbage.
Try and make a fun post on /jp/ right now that doesn't have a 2hu image, it'll be deleted within 5 minutes. On a slow board, this kind of shit is a death sentence for creativity. The most fun I've had on /jp/ in the past 5 years was in a fucking ghost thread, what's happened to that board is an absolute travesty.
Imagine suggesting i cant sit at a restaurant because its out of my league and i cant afford that.
oh no, the slippery slope, whatever will i do?
they're nothing alike. you'd have to be a complete mental retard to think one is a ripoff of the other.
easy mode ruins the product, its that simple, you are claiming that disabled people cannot enjoy the product without the easy mode, I am asserting that disabled people can do so if they dedicate time and effort to the product.
If all you want is a "YOU WIN!" screen why not just cheat?
Let me put this in perspective
He said that the DESIGNS of the Space Marines from WH40K which have been the same since 1987, and their iconic weapons like the chainsword and thunder hammer, are ripoffs of Gears of War and Halo.
but the game is accesssible. you can download and play it right now. you can do everything every other person can do, right now. nobody is keeping you from playing the game, any game.
I've never seen anyone say "Alice is aryan" or similar drivel this guy is talking about.
Yeah, you've clearly invented the concept. Pretty soon you'll invent some way to get laid at this rate. Slow it down a notch, we're not ready yet
The better analogy would be "imagine you can't eat at a new restaurant because the only entrance has stairs and you use a wheelchair"
You seem infantile, which is why i mention harry potter. The point is that you will only care if they mess with some hobby you care about despite the arguments used being absolutely dismal.
Cool, let's just ignore the mass censorship that the kikes at Google and Facebook are perpetrating. Yea Forums would be shut down by now if it wasn't a honeypot for literal retards. Censorship is bad, I don't know how we lost the plot on this one. I'll listen to your fucking retarded commie bullshit all day as long as you don't actively censor opposing views.
The product is made worse by its introduction, and the only people who benefit from an easy mode are 5 year olds and games journalists, disabled people have been in the hobby forever and have done just fine.
>Jueden B. Peterstein
imagine posting anime on an anime site
>immediately resorts to meaningless buzzwords
Nice one, user!
A man who pisses on his fathers grave deserves no claim in his legacy.
Yes, truly effort and work ethic reminiscent of the enlightenment.
Thanks for proving my point.
Oh right I see sorry I'm being retarded lol, I read that as " mass effect is a rip-off of gears of war" how the fuck did this schmuck even get a job?
yeah, imagine not being a whale that smells like shit and being told to move your fucking ass to mcdonalds
I don't know about you but thinking nazi's antics are funny is kind of a 100+IQ thing. Not a, "I am actually a racist and hate niggers" thing. How can someone not be in absolute awe of what they accomplished? The madmen ALMOST did the impossible.
No, he was talking about game design. The massive reticule, zoomed in camera, large weapons and large character models, all of these are very GoW esque.
I get it, I hate this fucking retard too. I don't think he should be allowed in front of a computer, let alone be allowed to play video games. But holy fuck, he isn't wrong here. He's just up against autistic tabletop nerds who cannot deal with reality.
THQ made a lazy, uninspired rip-off of GoW with the Space Marine's license. How is this news to you retards?
I know, but it'd be nice to level the playing field
>people getting mad about someone using the word "imagine" and claiming it's an sjw thing
>in the same thread where they were laughing at a resetera post from someone saying that reading books was an alt-right thing
just zero self-awareness from you guys huh
source on cosplayer?
>animeposter dares talk about pissing on ancestors graves
>literally can not differentiate western traditional values from violent extremist ideologies
you are so far gone, good luck friend
Having one difficulty but having multiple ways to trivialize the game is the Fromsoft brand.
This is their competitive advantage and calling card.
Doing what you said works against that competitive advantage.
Are you by any chance a communist or a marxist? Is that why a company or a creator can't decide for themselves when it comes to their own products?
Being tyrannical and genocidal isn't some mad achievement, it's common throughout history. An achievement would be elevating society past the illness that causes tyranny and genocide.
>implying diversity hires are in any way what our forefathers would've wanted our workforce to turn into
It doesn't ruin anything for you personally. Nothing changes for you. Some people use 'cheese' strategies or more powerful items or whatever in games to get passed things and that's their choice and prerogative. I still get the same enjoyment out of a game whatever someone else's journey though a game was. I don't care if they are disabled or if they are perfectly healthy and just don't care to play the game in a certain way. I don't have any need or desire or concern about what other people do in their interactions with whatever they're playing. It doesn't change anything for me if they turn on god mode and breeze through the game that's their choice.
>go to Suzuki and tell them they need to make motorcycles everyone can ride
>they go out of business because their existing customers want street bikes and the "new customers" don't fill the void
No one would have fun at this rate
>mass reply buttblasted anime poster
>ironic 24/7 loser shitposter doing it for dopamine
Either way you're a lsoer and you should do the country a favor and remove yourself from their presence quicker. Or stick around and be bludgeoned to death, pick your poison whelp.
They’re both failures that’s why
Mentally ill people shouldn't have access to social media. Judging by the discussions in this thread Im clearly right.
Why has the concept of "this game is not for me" gone away? If you find it too hard then it's not a game for you. It's really nothing to ashamed of.
*tips fedora*
The madmen just wanted to get the fucking Jews out but typhoid spreads like crazy in that environment and then you've got allies bombing the shit out of your supply lines, what so you expect to happen? Give it time, the Jews will be kicked out of the US just like they've been kicked out of LITERALLY EVERY OTHER SOCIETY IN HISTORY. Don't believe the lies.
>people be acting like
Is this a nigger? Nah, it couldn't be, could it?
Everyone here loved it when halfcoordinated did that famous run at GDQ a couple years ago but when it comes to actually supporting accessibility in video games you're all fucking terrible.
I'm referring to the jews haha
>diversity hires
Literally nowhere in that entire reply chain were diversity hires discussed. But I guess when you're obsessed it's hard to think about anything else.
lmao why is she acting like he did the shooting himself?
You should be required to post a picture of your face along with your comments online.
Mental illness and delusion that fits her narrative.
If you're a game reviewer these days, you have to be a fan of everything
I'd hate to be a game reviewer because I don't want to play Paradox strategy games (mainly because I don't get them), but they're games that have to be reviewed.
You need understand mentality of numales. They genuinely feel uncomfortable and guilty about being physically attracted to women.
protip; this is a larp
I didn't say anything about anyone being forced to do anything, my friend. I don't think any dev should be forced to add or remove anything in their game if they want to. All I said was that if there were to be an easy mode it literally wouldn't change anything for the type of people that wouldn't use it anyway. That's the most open-minded opinion about the issue. Nothing forcing developers to add those modes and nothing forcing people to play them but also not caring about things that don't effect your interaction with a game (or whatever thing).
Because entitlement has grown in popularity over time.
Imagine if Dungeon Keeper had "Pussyfaggot mode" it would ruin the game, sometimes less is more, not because it stops people playing and enjoying the game but because it presents a baseline experience that everyone will have when they play.
He is boomer tier non racist, possibly a Jew lover. How much more money can these SJWs pump into penis washing man? He thrives off these posts.
Glad you posted yours user.
It's about the "no claim in his legacy" part.
The guy that put in the time and effort to learn from his forefather's experiences has his job opportunity taken from him because a guy has another skin tone from him or is female.
That I don't agree with at all in modern hiring process.
The point is if an easy mode or difficulty option would change the way the developers of a winning formula or archetype of game AND be against the core design philosophy(one that has been expressed ad nauseam by From Software and Miyazaki), it would not only ruin the experience of the game for me and what I expect but also would ruin it for you as well.
>supporting accessibility
not every game needs to be for everyone. if disabled gamers can play any games at all then that's a win, you can't help everyone. you're coming from a place of love wanting to help but from everyone else's perspective you are just shitting up our vidya to help X minority. i'm ok with sekiro being too hard for me, i quit it and probably won't go back. but i'm not bitching to patch it to be easier either
To bad faggot now you have to play incest simulator for at least 6 hours.
how do the easy mode faggots reconcile this with something like sports or complicated subject books?
and bloodline 2 devs post there.
Twitter itself ain’t bad; the users are same with discord.
Overall not bad services but god it makes idiots louder
>Diablo 1
>Had all sorts of difficulty options
>Souls meme games and Sekiro
>No difficulty options
Why do consolefags defend this?
Twitter is just Yea Forums for normies
it is when you survive against nearly unsurmountable odds and take over most of europe, we were a tacoon's asshole away from losing WWII. Little Germany did that. That would be like if Italy got off their pasta asses and managed to conquer nearly all of europe.
Gee I wonder why YouTube actively censors this content and makes it hard to find.
>not every game needs to be for everyone
you guys keep saying this and i'm not sure i understand why. why can't every game be for everyone?
best moment in the whole episode
sup loser?
>yfw twitter surpasses 4chin when it comes to an autistic userbase.
It's more like
>go to a chinese restaurant but don't like rice
>complain about how much rice there are in the meals
Food analogies are only made by the biggest retards though so it's no surprise blue checkmarks would use them.
Consider Black Panther, it's basically a black movie for blacks
The only other people that would watch it are white SJW numales with no culture
why should they be?
except diablo difficulty options only went up
Pol lost the culture war so hard yet they're still dreaming about the day they rise up. You have basically zero power now, everything you like and hold dear is being taken over by SJWs.
I never got this meme. It seems forced AF.
Because it's impossible to please everyone, as evidenced by the discussion at large. Technically though every game is already accessible by everyone, just doesn't mean you're gonna like it.
why should anything be for everyone? how do you make something for everyone?
if they have to worry about making a game for everyone and not at its core a fun game, then you are possibly affecting the final product. Take Dead Space for example, the first game was for horror buffs and was renowned for it. By the third game .. you know what happened.
>Novel about opposing censorship and promoting the preservation and free flow of information
>Novel about the risks of indulging technology and people's penchant for distracting themselves with entertainment
I mean it kinda makes sense why someone on the far-left would see these as alt-right
A video showing why From Software shouldn't add easy modes from both an artistic perspective and a business perspective
Every one of these easy mode babies have to watch this because it destroys all of their arguments
wwow what a brainlet
oh and >anime reaction from a gay tv show about highschool girls
Most likely none of them.
I didn’t even like dark souls but I figured out the controls and the rest of the game was a steamroll
let's show em' fellow weenie
>i'm not sure i understand why
Because you play shit games.
but the playing field is level, you're just worse than others.
Yyyep, your opinion is still almost completely unrelated to the entire reply chain. You're just so obsessed with this that you're seeing it everywhere.
He's right about the FROMcommunity being literal retards. The git-gud response they regurgitate only cements their leading place as the most autistic and unlikeable community in the videogame medium.
You're right, sexy clothes aren't for everybody, so we've made all clothing non sexy stretchy gym pants tier clothing so everybody can wear "sexy" clothes
let me guess, you guys hate this thing too?
Whatever you say, libby.
Instead of lashing out you should take the advice.
>why can't every game be for everyone?
This is probably the dumbest post ever, congratulations. I cannot think of anything less appealing than an experience that "everyone" can enjoy.
first thing that came to mind
I'm not reading this, whoever you are you sad little "man" or more aptly, creature, you need to self terminate immediately.
this is delusion, the jews aren't going to be kicked out of the US or it would have happened already. I don't know if you noticed but literally every president, regardless if its a dem or republican, is a zionist shill. The us is probably the most pozzed society in the history of the planet. I don't know where you get the idea that the us will kick the kikes out, especially given how proliferated they are in positions of power.
That looks based - how does it work?
Why is having an easy mode more of a problem than not having a female protagonist?
If the shooting happened a year earlier, the shooter would 100% have made an ugandan knuckles reference. This was about being a memeing fuck, and nothing more.
It's not like western From community is likely to have any impact on what From actually does.
People whine about them on Twitter because the social justice types don't really want to play the games, they want to experience them as theme park riders to be part of talking about it while it's relevant.
>tries to quote in the middle of a line like an idiot
>immediately goes for stupid buzzwords.
Yeah its amazing that these ideas are considered alt right and fascist even though they arent. The irony of progressive liberals is palpable.
I'm sure someone already made a similar point but it's like going to a restaurant that is themed on being spicy and complaining that everything's too hot and they need to offer everything without spicyness.
Boomers are waking up more and more each day with each new retarded mandate that is passed down. Granted they would only act if you fucked with their social security but at least it's something. The Mueller report was another big swing against commie faggots, it exemplifies a big lie that all the mainstream media has pushed for years. You can't hide that you're full of shit forever, eventually you will be exposed, no matter how dumb the populace is.
This post is embarrassing
seriously? because people have different tastes, personalities, strengths and weaknesses, life experiences to draw insights from, etc. no 2 people have the exact same taste in film or vidya, so why the hell would we try to make sure that all film or vidya is accessible to everyone? that's going to dilute the quality of each individual project. the uniqueness of each project gets hammered out in the goal of making everything the same standardised shit.
I don't think I've ever seen a negative comment about this, discord tranny. Wait, there was one guy who complained about the price once.
Calling casualisation "accessibility" is the most dishonest bullshit around. I don't think anyone would complain about a game having a color-blind mode, but people are going to complain about games with an infinite HP option in the fucking menu.
If my for life wheelchair bound bi-racial female friend can beat a game like dark souls and currently play Sekiro on Xbox thanks to that adaptive controller with only minor hiccups (she’s literally further than me) then these faggots need to git gud
The end game of progressivism is always return to strict societal roles and segregation, and progressives do it themselves.
can you explain your post? I want to know more
Nope, sure don't. If people buy it, sell it. Get yours. You see, I'm not an oppressive lefty soiboi.
so all the white supremacist neo-nazi shit in his manifesto was just him being a "memeing fuck" too, right?
What a brainlet holy shit
she's right
because it's about faggot games journalists who don't give a shit about video games, and are resentful about having a worthless degree
>people still claim this movie wasn't pure propaganda for the radical left
>but people are going to complain about games with an infinite HP option in the fucking menu.
Why? If it's completely optional and doesn't affect your experience in any way, why does it matter if it's there for other people to use if they want?
And the difficulty names were so unique too. How was anyone supposed to know Sorceror meant Easy and Warrior meant Hard?
Resetera is weird as fuck, I saw a Japanese game journo on Neogaf say he doesn't go there because they're openly racist against Japan.
>spyro the dragon, fortnite, and crab rave are neo-nazi shit
we live in the strangest timeline.
Andrea Rene defending him really solidified my hate for her
You and those journalists deserve to be beaten and maybe this warped mentality will dissipate from you POZ brains.
Instead of passive-aggressively hating me for speaking facts, you should seek professional help.
I'm not sure what you want to know user, I can say that the massive taxpayer waste of money that was the Mueller report showed no collusion with Russian forces (no shit) you have to find your own truth though. I would suggest that Trumo is not our savior, he is just a different kind of puppet.
yes, his biggest point was to
1. retaliate against muslims for what they've done while proving the double standard of whenn their attacks are done versus when a "white" guy does it
2. to speed up the process of the race war powderkeg that's been brewing across countries
He's not explicitly nazi, he literally did that as a psyop for shitposting, this is why he used mememusic and "subscribe to pewdiepie" and he proved everything he said right.
>impressionable, insecure man-baby, though?
We are on Yea Forums, just a reminder to you.
They cannot forgive Japanese for being non-progressive persons of color.
>anyone who wants it to be easier is bad at it
Well yeah
boomers waking up, social security and mainstream media's message. I don't think Trump is a puppet, I think he plays the puppet and if he thinks he can get away with it he'lll turn on his handlers.
I remember when somebody at NeoGAF made a game, hired Wil Wheaton to voice the protag, and gave free keys to GAF members. It bombed and he got super butthurt.
Hopefully VTMB2 bombs too.
So you have the main interface and about 8 ports for input devices.
The most based one is the dual sticks you can control with your feet.
I brought my old friend one and she uses it on both Xbox and Switch thanks to this little adapter I also brought her.
Overall a very legit 10/10 I’m just completely impressed by this controller
Don't forget a literal copypasta of the navy seal meme. It was literally a mossad attack. Yes people died but also yes it was a god damn conspiracy. Isn't it funny how shit like MK Ultra is just crackpot shit until ACTUAL PROOF is leaked by documents that proves it was real.
the fact that people actually believe shit like this to remove the blame from online radicalization is astounding. it's really easier for you to believe that this guy was a "psyop for shitposting" instead of a legitimate white supremacist who gained those views thanks to the internet.
Because it invalidates the challenge? It doesn't matter if I beat the game without using it, if I talk to anyone about the game, they'll assume there's a chance I used it. If they're a shitter, they might even believe that not using it is just an in-joke and that everyone secretly turns it on because the game is "impossible" without it.
I'm not interested in a game with optional challenge. If you aren't confident enough in your game systems to actually deliver a compelling gameplay experience, then you should be making a fucking movie instead.
Outside the high price this thing is god tier
>See something difficult that I wish I was good at
>See something difficult that I wish I was good at, but know I don't really have the interest
>Move on with my life
>n-no guys seriously this shooting is definitely the conspiracy, for real this time!
Come on, dude, argue in good faith here. I disagree that adding difficulty options would necessarily change the design decisions. If they designed the game as it is now and then they tuned a few things down and just added it as an easy mode how would that change anything at all for you? You like the game (I assume) as it is now and you got to experience it in the way you would have wanted to, correct? Now imagine you've already beaten the game and done everything you wanted to do with it and just uninstalled it, etc. Now let's say they added an easier mode next week, how would that really change anything for you? It doesn't except for maybe in your outside discussions with other people about the game. Even then there are plenty of people who would have played the game the same way as you.
Even games that are considered very difficult usually have people doing personally set challenge runs and things that go beyond the 'baseline' difficulty. Would you doing, for instance, an SL1/no bonfire/no hit/etc run in a souls game (bad example because of the online component tied to the single player, but still relevant if you just consider them offline) change anything for someone that played the game 'normally' considering it has no difficulty option?
what's the joke?
This, I want people to care about my shitty opinions!
Blame it on the education system. Boys would read more if the books you had to read at school weren't garbage melodrama shit aimed at the middle aged cat moms who make up the bulk of teachers.
I don't think it was mossad, that was the la shooting they swept under the rug pretty quickly. How the fuck could they7 mk ultra this fag anyway?
>blue checkmark
The two games look literally nothing alike, and don't play similar in any way either.
Now get the fuck out.
>See something difficult that I wish I could play, but know I don't have the physical capability to thanks to a disability I've had since birth and the developer's decision to not include accessibility options
this is what's actually happening
I'm all for it as an idea but I think it's disgusting how Microsoft is bleeding disabled people for money with these crazy prices.
>legitimate white supremacist who gained those views thanks to the internet.
That sounds even more retarded desu.
You are describing Reddit. Consider what you just posted.
accelerating a race war is the main component of natsoc ideology.
Putting as much bait into the manifesto and getting people to fight each other over it helps accelerate this race war.
He even named the thing the great replacement. He's nat soc, there's no getting away from it.
By understanding that video games are very different from those other things. Even sports have special olympics and other tiered divisions. Same with books that have casual and academic-level discussions/analysis.
These people are just lazy. Blind people beat videogames. People with no hands beat video games. There's that one handicapped SF pro that's super good. If they can, everyone can.
Why learn read book? Bookmaker need make the read easy
I will say that this thread makes me hopeful before the soi jannies delete it. Thanks Yea Forums. Keep fighting for a free republic. Don't let these communist fucks win. Question everything. Censorship is ALWAYS bad. The powers that be never have your best interest in mind, don't be a fool for a cult of personality.
He didn't though, have you watched his videos?
the real mossad op is getting you idiots to call the shooting a mossad op
>Defending Zoomiepie on Yea Forums
Put the phone away Zoomer
So are you getting radicalized then? You are in the place where radicalization supposedly happens. Feeling radical?
Yikeys here’s your (you)
no you dumb nigger, he wasn't a racist, I said he did his own psyop and it worked, he wanted to post a bunch of shit along with white supremacist shit, but he flat out says he's doing this to prove a double standard and to further the race war, but also for laughs.
What is racist about being annoyed that when muslims do worse attacks, and they do, that it's met with "not all muslims" and "religion of peace!" but when a "white" guy does it he's automatically an alt right nazi and all whites need to apologize? It's fucking insane, especially when you consider the concert shootings a few months ago and all the trucks of peace, as well as their recent retaliation attacks a week or so ago.
We had pretty good reading lists when I was in middle school, wrote some of my book essays on Neuromancer and Dune.
>For analogy
Typical fat lard bucket of a female. You can not compare the food because not even 3 seconds in you eat it along with nibbling on anti depresseents like they are tic tacs.
the fact that he included the memes in the manifesto is the smoking gun, he directly ties those two things together because he discovered them both in the same way