Fuck exclusivity

>There's a restaurant you really like going to, you've gone there for the past 10 years.
>It's fancy, the chairs are really comfortable, the waiters know you, they always bring some free appetizers, they know how to do their job.
>The food is good, and every week they add things to the menu, you can basically order whatever you want.
>There's a new dish you'd like to try.
>You have never tasted it before, but you know it will be good.
>Your favourite restaurant doesn't make it though, but another new restaurant you've never been to does.
>You'd really like to try that dish though.

>One day you decide to go to that new restaurant.

>It's built near a rubbish dump, the smell is very noticeable.
>But you don't care, you want to try that dish.
>You enter, the guy at the cash register asks for your credit card, he'll keep it "safe".
>Meanwhile the waiter comes...
>...it's a monkey, with a bow tie.
>It shows you your table, a plastic table with plastic chairs.
>You sit down, the chair breaks.
>The monkey comes and repairs the chair with masking tape.
>You finally sit down, and look at the menu.
>You don't understand why Fork and Knife are listed for free on the menu, but anyway, you order the dish you wanted.
>The food arrives, and you start eating it... it's actually very good.
>You tell the monkey to congratulate the chefs.
>They come out the kitchen to thank you, they seem to love their job, even if they are not that happy to work in that restaurant.
>You pay, get your credit card back from the cashier (you don't understand why he wrote down the credit's card number on a piece of paper though) and then you leave.

>On the ride home you think: "Damn, what a fucking awful restaurant... the food was pretty good though."

Why do people want to buy from the Epic Games Store?

Attached: H50daJE.png (957x1059, 2.1M)

> making a food comparison

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>food analogy

It's analogy, silly

You just said everything.

>restaurant comparison

Most of the users there are poor fags because epic throw free games.

>food analogy
what's wrong with it anyway?

pretty, pretty good analogy.

Attached: handsome chad.jpg (1242x1387, 136K)

See this metaphor breaks down because Borderlands 3 is gonna be ass.

>go to the same convenient store for 10 years that is within walking distance
>new store opens up on the other side of town
>some of the things sold at your standard store are now exclusively sold at the store across town
Are they expecting me to go out of my way for this shit? No thanks. Keep it.

Buying store exclusivity is aids.

And don't give me that devloper cut crap, many people won't buy on epic and the numbers will be lower than if you sell on steam epic and gog

>go to the store
>buy burger
>eat the burger
>feel good because i ate the burger
this is fun, i like sharing stories :)

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Imagine being so American you look at video games and think of food

Op is a faggot more news at 8

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>go to my favorite indian restaurant
>feeling like i want pizza today
>they don't have pizza so i have to go somewhere else
i can't believe epic games would do this wtf!


Buying it on epic store, not a single thing any of you redditor fucks can do about it.

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A better analogy would be:

>Steam is a mouse trap
>Epic wants to also build a mouse trap
>Epic could try to build a better mouse trap and offer the cheese to go with it, like EA with self developed/funded titles and origin.
>Instead Epic uses Fortnite bux to buy exclusive rights to the cheese other companies are making to bait Epic's shitty mouse trap.

Fuck epic games.

I don't want PC to become like console market. If Borderlands 3 is an EGS exclusive, I'm firing up my bittorrent protocols faster than you can say schwifty five

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>Exclusive on console
>Have to buy the console
>Exclusive on a storefront
>Have to open an exe file

>I don't want PC to become like console market
in what fucking world is having to install more than 1 completely program anything like having to buy multiple $400 boxes? of all the things to complain about the epic store this one is about as smooth brained as it gets, it's like complaining you can't buy something on amazon so you just boycott it completely

>Console exclusive
>Have to buy another expensive console in order to play the game
>PC exclusive
>Just install another client. For free. And you can close it when you stop playing the game.

Why Valve fags are drowning in a glass of water?

Attached: 1553834830922.jpg (793x1280, 104K)

>Haha, it's only one more launcher xD
>Haha, it's only one more
Epic, Bethesda, EA, Ubisoft, and so on. If you want to see how you are a massive brainlet, then check out the market for streaming services on television. Fucking retarded kid.

Attached: 1554214670780.jpg (497x427, 83K)

>buy 2k dlc simulators on day 1
>not waiting aio edition a year later regardless of store wars shit.

imagine shilling for the Chinese as hard as these guys

So you want to be a PC gamer?
>GoG Galaxy
>Microsoft Store
>Bethesda Launcher
>Epic Games Store

>oh no i have to download a COMPLETELY FREE PROGRAM so i can play a game, this is totally the same as having to pay $15 a month on 10 different streaming services to watch things
yep i'm thinking you have brain damage

>Free, game clients are equal to expensive monthly stream services.

Attached: 3463462456.jpg (820x514, 102K)

Have fun giving your money to chinks

Oh, boy, can't wait for Square-Enix to launch their own store!

All my games are in one program, the launchers only open when I want to play one of the games, and it does so automatically. Its not a big deal, faggot.
Literally posted from a computer or pc with parts made by chinks.

>I want to watch/play certain media, better go check online which store it has through various sites which compare all stores rather than sticking conveniently to the store I prefer. Haha xD
You are not even hiding your brain damage any more zoomers. Feel free to top off yourselves.

>better go check online which store it has through various sites which compare all stores rather than sticking conveniently to the store I prefer
>He doesn't know about isthereanydeal
>He thinks people have to troll through various sites
>He thinks 'sticking with the store I prefer' is good
>He is happy to pay extra just to get happy fun emojis from his steam trading cards BASED GABEN
Not a shocking surprise that the redditor spouting EPIC BAD memes is a brainlet.

It's a big deal and annoying as fuck. Imagine if all your PS4 games had its own launcher with always online DRM with various maintenance times and you had to update and maintain all of them and let them eat up a shitload of resources for no reason. Literally cancer.

cool cover art desu

unless you are literally retarded you are already checking various sites like fanatical, gmg, or humble for deals

>Literally posted from a computer or pc with parts made by chinks.
>Taiwan/ROC is the same as PRC

Neck yourself.

You are a faggot of colossal magnitude and projecting. Have fun with your fragmented market.

Prices for sure, but now you have to check which store plays what, and that's different to just compare prices.

Either these anons deliberately misinterpreted and misread the statement or they are attention thirsty mongos.

>It's a big deal and annoying as fuck
>Use playnite to have your entire game collection in one interface, including any pirated games, and emulators
>Use isthereanydeal.com to always buy shit at the cheapest price
>Haven't touched a launcher itself outside for putting in a CD key in months
Wow yeah such a big deal, so annoying.

Lol just wait 12 months

Your malware doesn't make it any less annoying for all the reasons stated. Cancer will support cancer.

can i feel how smooth your brain is? i bet it's softer than silk

>Get called out for the brainlet you are
>You are a faggot
Nice argument.

it's videogames you fucking retard none of it is a big deal
it's just the only thing you know so you're getting autistic about it

t. sub-80 iq autist who doesn't understand context

Paid exclusivity sucks dick but you gotta stop with the 2000 character food analogies you fucking mouth breathing retard

>13 lines of pure retarded food analogy nonsense for a client that logs in, downloads, updates and launches the game just as well as steam does

Attached: 1501348360854.gif (512x807, 469K)

But I imported a lot of my computer parts directly from japan

that stores your info on piece if paper (literally, not like OP's analogy) and sucks ass

>All the obvious steam shills in this thread
I've got 15 years and 500+ games on steam. I treat it just as a storefront no better than epic, gog or any other storefront. If a games a good price on steam I'll buy it there, if not I'll get it elsewhere. I've not used steam for actively running games in over a year, that shits why playnite exists. Maybe its a zoomer thing but I don't understand why people suck Valve cock so hard. Its like they go out of their way to ignore the bloated social garbage (Or maybe they love it), the epib trading cards, the mountains of trash littering the store.

Attached: 1553106392935.png (492x653, 152K)

which were all made in china

>That stores your info on peice if paper
>Sucks ass
It logs in, downloads, updates and launches the game just as well as Steam does. That is literally all you need from a VIDEO GAME LAUNCHER

except Steam IS better, for a consumer at least

Tencent doesn't partially own Steam. Also
>implying I like steam more than any other DRM storefront and don't just pirate most of my games

>except Steam IS better, for a consumer at least
How do you figure? Its got opt in drm that nearly every game uses, its offline mode requires the servers to be up to use, its client is a bloated trash pile that uses up more resources than any other thanks to endless shitty social features nobody but brainlet zoomers want. The only thing steam offers over anything else, literally the only thing, is steam workshop. In every other way, GOG is better. Epic store meanwhile the only argument people can make are MUH CHINKS and its lack of social features. All I want from my storefront is it to open a fucking game.

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yeah just go try getting a refund on epic

Its pretty easy, how about you go and try getting a refund on Steam for a game you played for 2 hours and 1 minute?

>yeah just go try getting a refund on epic
Its literally the same as steams policy.

shhhh... you're supposed to pretend it never got better from that first week

>food analogy

Attached: 1492839466219.gif (500x281, 92K)

Wasn't Randy outed as a pedo a couple of months ago?

A very dubious claim by a disgruntled ex worker. The other accusations sounded more believable

>Indian restaurant would love to sell you pizza as well
>but the shitty pizzeria downtown has bribed every flour company in the US to not sell any flour to the Indian restaurant

Attached: Epic Game Store.png (1914x4402, 1.91M)

shiggidy shwa?

>baby learns how to use process monitor

>5 yuan have been added to your People's Republic of China Federal Bank account

Arent you gonna post the copypasta and get yourself banned?

">Food analogy" is very obviously a forced meme, and yet no one says anything, because it's useful.
This is *choff* bad, because Yea Forums's specialty is the SHIT analogy. It's better that we perfect our own skills, than just abandon entire areas of inquiry because it's convenient.

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not sure i know what it is, mind posting it for me?

>completely free
Depends on your definition of the word free.
You are paying with your data and privacy.
The epic games client is literal spyware.

Attached: file.png (1366x728, 289K)

>the numbers will be lower than if you sell on steam epic and gog
This emem already got blown the fuck out by Division 2, keep coping though.

>he has a launcher for his launchers
The absolute fucking state of PC gaming.

>Caring about Borderlands in 2019
>Giving Gearbox money

tl;dr and i dont give a fuck anyway cause I play vidya on a ps4. pc gaming is for losers.

Wow so hard to follow the rules huh

If you bring up reddit screenshots at least bring all of them.

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More like this:

>Go to restaurant every day for years
>Always getting new and delicious meals at an incredibly discount price
>Have friends there, a community to discuss the food and the place has millions of customers per year

>Suddenly a new restaurant opens up
>Hear there are some dishes that they make you want to try
>Find out that the restaurant paid the chefs to only offer the food at their restaurant
>New restaurant expects you to appreciate their restaurant and not just go there for the food
>New restaurant starts to make weird, outlandish claims against the other restaurant
>New restaurant tries to convince you that it is now better than that older restaurant

It's strange how people are acting like this is the same as a game being exclusive on a platform meaning people on other platforms are missing out but it's actually just the launcher? Could a user explain to me what the problem is.

>just get a launcher to launch your launchers you fucking zoomers
Can't wait until we need launcher launcher launchers to launch our launcher launchers since pathetic enablers like you exist.

How many web browsers do you have installed? Why don't you have them all installed? Imagine if you couldn't access a website you wanted to on the browser you use because the browser you consider to be the worst bought exclusive rights to it.

I really dislike having to add my friends on 7 or 8 platforms. If there was some way to get these companies to combine their friend systems I would be more accepting of all these stores

>food analogy
amerilard detected

yeah but this is literally just clicking another button. Most pc gamers already have EGS installed for fortnite anyway? It seems even more convenient than steam to me.

fuck off shill

Guess what dickhead? The laws in every civilised country gives you at the very least 100x the time that Steam gives you to refund a product that you are displeased with or that straight up doesnt work

I want to remind you that you couldnt even refund Steam games only a few years ago

Attached: 21421.png (832x989, 94K)

> Imagine if you couldn't access a website you wanted to on the browser you use because the browser you consider to be the worst bought exclusive rights to it.
I can imagine that though, there are sites that are poorly optimised on chromium so i just swap over to firefox for it
Literally zero effort to do

tl;dr that shit user

Just asking a question, no need for hostility. I try to stay on Origin ('cept for forknife) mostly but stuff like Launchbox and Playnite are expanding my mindset. Its very insular to just buy from one storefront so any competition is good competition imo. Steam is like the Walmart of games, convenient but so monolithic like it snuffs the life out of smaller businesses offering potentially better services. Epic is looking like Amazon in this situation.

See the first two questions again, how many browsers do you have installed and why don't you install all of them? Would you be happy being forced to install more browsers because of exclusive websites? It's just more buttons bro, just install more programs that do the same thing because they all want to carve out their little empires, there's already 10 of the damn things, sure just install more.

Think for a minute would you.

stop with the steam shilling already

Kill yourself shill, epic is worse in every objective sense

>I'm okay with being inconvenienced by other people's incompetence

Typical Epic store user, not a huge surprise.





He says, using Steam with its brand new and completely dogshit unoptimised friends list and chat.

>clicking a shortcut is an inconvenience
i cant imagine how hard it is for you to breathe let alone think if you think a mouse click is some grand monumental task

>dude just install this chink bitcoin miner spyware what are you a fucking pussy? dude it's FREE
>dude who cares if my information is sold on chinese black market, not like I do anything with my personal data anyways, dude WHO, CARES
>dude, installing just takes a few minutes and you get to buy this one game you might like for 60 bucks and the developer gets bigger cut than on steam! what's that? where you live the game's 80 bucks? DUDE WHO CARES they've promised regional pricing in the future!!!

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Explained in my previous post? Exclusives aren't new to PC. Epic is just using another tool in the toolkit. Like I said, most people already use it so getting cool games on it is fine by me. If a company releases a game on Steam but not Galaxy or EGS would that warrant complaint? No! I'd buy that game from Steam. I never even see the Steam UI load when I play a game from it's library.

Seems like all of this is mountains being made of molehills. These browser and food analogies misrepresent the situation.

Aww little baby cant post his autistic memes to his profile on the epic launcher, that means its bad :'(

I actually like the new cover.

>bitcoin miner
>information is sold

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t. true redditor

First it was spyware, but with that having been disproved it's a miner? Where is the screenshot of it's processes mining coin? Why would Epic risk their reputation over a burst bubble like crypto? Why is the EGS bad because of this phantom mining, yet it's detractors are giddy for justification to download actual malware disguised as pirated software?

>Monkey with bow tie
"Apex Legends for you, my good sir"

Attached: bow-tie-2.jpg (500x750, 49K)

>Its just another launcher
>literally who cares!?

Attached: launchers.png (1127x955, 149K)

>food comparison
guess how i know you're american

Division 2 sold like shit on epic store.

It's incredible how Epic manages to buy exclusivity for every big release now. They must have shitloads of chinese money baking them up


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Oh wow, a whole 2,5GB, how am I gonna manage with only another 998GB in my hard drive?

Post your PC games library. If you actually are a pc gamer that is.

>top 2 offenders are Bethesda (absolute dogshit, the only example of a bad launcher) and twitch (is it even a launcher? pretty sure its a mod manager and a place to watch streams)
If 2gb of ram is some monumental thing to you, you shouldnt be talking about PC gaming you fucking poorfag

Attached: 1505329799023.jpg (750x750, 108K)

Thats RAM you dummy.

if you built a PC in 2016 with 8gb of ram that 2.5gb can put you over the threshold and force you to get another 4

it's not a big deal but still, why buy another 4gb of vram just so you can use shit like epic launcher? sorry bud but my private tracker is RAM FREE

Still, what kind of retard has 10 lauchers running at the same time?

>if you built a PC in 2016 with 8gb of ram
Then you're a fucking poorfag and your opinion means less than dogshit to me

Epic's not the one mining the coins because they're just a puppet for tencent
It's the tianmen.exe that does the mining, it's just a byproduct of installing epic games launcher, it's cutting edge chinese technology, you won't even notice it running on your computer, but once that bug is planted, you can't get rid of it unless you completely evaporate your computer

I actually want the epic store to be extremely successful so steam has actual competition and is forced to adapt and grow to maintain dominance.
Sadly, it looks like EPIC games is ran by fucking retarded apes that can't do anything right.

and why do you think your opinion matters, lmao?

You mean the game everyone bought on Uplay right?

>crtl-f tianmen.exe
>no results found
What are you even talking about? Let's remain objective here. Your post is wild speculation at best, A paranoid word salad at worst.

Because im not a poorfag that cries about missing 2.5gb while running 8 launchers, 1 chat program and 1 mod manager all at the same time? I could run 50 fucking launchers and not have it affect anything i do

OP, why do you imply that borderlands will be good? Every other game from that series has been shit.

you think because you used your neetbux to buy a computer you're not poor? be real you ridiculous retard

Retard, that's memory usage. The majority of people have 8GB or less, so that's a pretty big deal.
Twitch has its own game library for twitch prime users. They don't have many community features, but it's still something a lot of people have installed because of the free games

Managed to keep this down to five.

you forgot itch.io, Twitch's desktop app that has games and Kongregate's Kartridge, and how could you forget Corsair's new game launcher
as shitty as they are

>Retard, that's memory usage. The majority of people have 8GB or less, so that's a pretty big deal.

oh wait nvm I'm dumb didn't see the Twitch included

What kind of fucking moron has them all open at the same time?

I am just having a giggle m8, you're actually taking this seriously?
but i am not joking though, the tianmen.exe is real


Attached: fatcunt.jpg (500x446, 43K)

If you want your games to auto update, then you will probably have all of your launchers running

Appreciate the empirical evidence, but I'll trust the objective facts that I have on hand, thanks.

Retard you just played yourself.
If im so poor, why could i afford to buy a reasonable amount of ram? Surely a wagecuck like yourself would be able to spend more than me?
This is all implying that im a NEET, which sadly, is just you projecting. Try again, sweetie
Never seen the option for games, i just open it to download/update WoW addons and close it as soon as they're done.
>The majority of people have 8GB or less, so that's a pretty big deal.

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Is Steam the restaurant with a monkey
Or is Steam the comfy restaurant
Or you are just talking about Pirate Bay?

lol cope more

Cope with your 8GB of ram you poor beta bitch


imagine spending your neetbux on ram

reminder we wouldn't be dealing with this shit if they hadn't made the abomination of a game that is battleborn
guarantee gearbox doesnt actually want to put their best selling ip through a shitty exclusivr thing noone uses but their boss is a pedo and they had a budget of 13 pence so sacrifices had to be made

Attached: 1509482106188.jpg (250x230, 7K)

A better analogy would be television networks since even the most poor will know about tv, unlike food

>one extra mouse click is equivalent effort to traveling across town
entitled zoomer

>go to the your mom store
>buy your mom
>vore your mom
feels good

Lil monkey fella

The games are for twitch prime users, you have to claim them with the crown icon in the top right
8GB should is the standard for gaming. People with more than 8GB of RAM are a minority, so it doesn't make sense to neglect optimization when it hurts the majority of people.

Attached: fucking dumbshit niggerfaggots.jpg (313x49, 4K)

>Meanwhile the waiter comes...
>...it's a monkey, with a bow tie.

That sounds pretty awesome

Attached: image.png (257x529, 169K)

It is how they say, ignorance is bliss. 10 social points will be added to your account for each BTC mined, thank you for your patronage!

soon i can post this to their announce tweet if i dont find anything better in the meantime

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Why are you projecting so hard? Maybe if you ask mommy and daddy they'll give you enough to make Chrome stop crashing your computer.
According to the Steam Hardware Survey, 8 GB is 37.57% and declining while 16GB is at 32.88% and rising, so that majority is going to flip soon. 8GB is without question a budget decision, if you cannot afford going higher than 8GB of RAM you should not be able to expect to run every single program you have at the same time.

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>a monkey with a bow tie

Attached: 28428350_211953659355465_3291674381742243840_n.jpg (640x640, 74K)

Good, Indian restaurant would fuck up that pizza anyway. I'd go to Italians for pizza instead.

>Supporting companies that pay devs to not release their game on other launchers

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I think you're referencing China's social credit system? I'm unsure since social credit doesn't have ties to cypto-currency. Clarification?

All this seething from Yea Forumsalve drones is proving to me that this is actually working

ok, now you're just making shit up
no one in this thread even uses more than 5 launchers on the same day, much less 10 at the same time

The Bethesda Launcher uses 500mb in the """infographic""", id argue that nobody uses the Bethesda Launcher anymore.

Bethesda/ID gave out Steam keys for Quake Champions for anybody that had a Bethesda Launcher version and if you honestly brought and still play Fallout 76 you deserve anything bad that happens to you.

20 minutes for GOTY

You will have all of them running if you don't want to actively manage when your games update. And even if you do have them turned off at startup, a lot of people have at least steam and discord running anyway so when you boot up anything from Bethesda you're penalized nearly a gigabyte of memory space

I don't give a fuck about Valve but Epic's practices are shitty and shouldn't be validated.

>Lure devs with a better split and millions of $ contracts for exclusivity/timed exclusivity
>Losing money but who cares? There's Fortnite!
>Secure market shares from people like (You)
>In the future lock UE games to be EGS only (unless you're a big dog like EA or Ubi)
>Who cares, it's the best deal for devs!
>Slowly change de 88/12 to 85/15, 80/20 until profit.

Congrats, enjoy paying all your games 60$.

>you go to your usual restaurant after 1 year
>they all greet you like you were just there yesterday
>the waiter comes and tells you that they cook that particular dish too, but it's half the price of what you paid when you went to the garbage restaurant, and they also improved the recipe

why do retards defend exclusivity on inferior laucnhers is beyond me
at least consoles offer basically the same shit, but epic games store is inferior to EVERY other launcher, uplay, origin, you name it.

Attached: angry_lonk.png (260x282, 220K)

I'm pirating it on TPB and there's not a single thing you Chink fucks can do about it.

Attached: 1553481852487.gif (270x270, 930K)

whoa there slow down, i hate epic but last time i used uplay it was still the biggest shit in history

>at least consoles offer basically the same shit, but epic games store is inferior to EVERY other launcher
You're free to explain how Epic is inferior to the other launchers in relation to logging in, downloading a game, updating a game and launching a game.

Remember, we're talking about game launchers here not social networks.

he said restaurant, americans don't know that word

You know what else is a mouseclick away?

EGS will never be as bad or worse than the Bethesda Launcher, to claim otherwise means that you havent used either and are just horribly delusional.

Attached: 1546972038420.png (565x187, 12K)

If you can find one, most pizza restaurants in Italy are run by Egyptians

thanks randy

anyone who defends EGS please respond
why would I have to download another launcher, sign up, validate my email (oh right, egs doesn't send verification emails), keep it up to date and have to vomit everytime I open it because they plaster fortnite on the home page when pirating is easier?
why would I fell the need to give money to epic to have a game on a launcher that offers NO incentives other than the game itself?

Attached: 3prD7lV.jpg (427x427, 55K)

You dumb mother fuck cunt. This was literal faking news and was fix right away.

>Pirated borderlands 1
>Pirated borderlands 2
>Pirated borderlands pre-sequel
I don't see any reasons i'm not gonna pirate borderlands 3, even if it's on steam.

>why would I fell the need to give money to epic to have a game on a launcher that offers NO incentives other than the game itself?
Thats the whole point, the game itself
If you really enjoy a game, wouldnt you want to give more of that money to the developer?
Why should you give 30% of that money to Valve when Steam offers NO reasonable incentives other than the game itself?

nobody cares

>was fixed right away.
you mean after they got caught?

>Steam offers NO reasonable incentives other than the game
That's just not true and you know it

This wtf. I expected them to do something boring like putting the standard psycho on the front with some red or yellow on the background.

>when Steam offers NO reasonable incentives other than the game itself?
Steam Workshop, refunds, discussions, reviews, etc.
yeah, fuck off

you cared enough to reply.

Go fuck yourself dumb pirate steam shill chink mother fuck reddit.

Damn, you made a perfectly valid point backed up with a perfectly reasonable analogy. Haha, too bad it was a food analogy, that means I don't have to address your point at all and can just reply with short greentext and I win, because this is Yea Forums. Better luck next time!

Some of you faggots play Fortnite and it shows.

Attached: 1364530799184.png (826x738, 1.02M)

I hope only 6 just like monster hunter world. I'll probably be impatient and just buy it for the ps4 and play it with my aniki

>Food analogy

Attached: 1407697901132.gif (240x234, 2.72M)

On steam I can get cards by playing the game which I can sell for small amounts of cash that can be used on other games

Missed opportunity to say it’s a Chinese restaurant

That pic is from that manga about a knight who's exceptionally good at cooking right? Something about dungeons as well.

Attached: 123124551.png (142x137, 32K)

Reasonable incentives, as in incentives that improve your experience playing video games.
When i download a game launcher, i want a game launcher. If i want a social network, id blow my own brains out before that happens.
The worst thing to happen to modding
Limited to 2 hours only while every other service gives a full refund based on your countries laws
Game forums have existed for years without Steam Moderators having control over all
Not only do i have no reason to care about the opinions of retards, but Steam Reviews are used to spam shitty memes and cry about grievances with the developer instead of providing legitimate reviews.

Got anything else? Again, if you want a social network go be braindamaged somewhere else. Steam is a game launcher, its standout game launcher features are lacking in comparison to its "social features"
You can sell the cards for cents while Valve gets a 2% cut of your profit anyway
Think about that, they get a 2% cut of your profit from digital items in a marketplace they themselves control. What does Valve need that 2% for anyway, there is no legitimate money, its all contained in their system.

>You can sell the cards for cents while Valve gets a 2% cut of your profit anyway
Those cents quickly stack up and some items even go for several euros
>Think about that, they get a 2% cut of your profit from digital items in a marketplace they themselves control. What does Valve need that 2% for anyway, there is no legitimate money, its all contained in their system.
Those items only exist and can be traded thanks to valve so I don't really care if they take a share

>If you really enjoy a game, wouldnt you want to give more of that money to the developer?
I would want everything to go to the dev which is why I'd prefer 2k to just make their own launcher at this point just to fuck with epic

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You're not refuting the point. Disregarding Steam's platform features as not personally useful does not mean that they don't add value in general. They exist because people use them, so they can't be worthless.
Also, being able to get the cards is at the bottom line an objectively better deal than what Epic offers.

>The worst thing to happen to modding
Literally mindless, you just click a mod and it's in your game
>Limited to 2 hours only while every other service gives a full refund based on your countries laws
if you had the balls to talk to a real person you can ask for a refund for anything if you give a reason
>Game forums have existed for years without Steam Moderators having control over all
Discussions that you can access with the Steam Overlay, you don't even have to open a tab in Chrome and minimize your game
>Not only do i have no reason to care about the opinions of retards, but Steam Reviews are used to spam shitty memes and cry about grievances with the developer instead of providing legitimate reviews.
if you don't have the time to find a legitimate review it's because you are a retard, not the other way around

I'd want to give less money in general.
So if I get to choose between EGS and pirating - I'll choose the latter.

i'll just pirate the game and send 60$ to the developers with paypal

>food analogy

Attached: Epic beta testing for steam.jpg (1499x1268, 247K)

>hated borderlands 1
>hated borderlands 2
>did not waste my time with pre sequel or the telltale shit

Get fucked epic

valve already turned pc into a console market BL2 was a steam exclusive no matter where you bought your key from. I hate that everything has been locked down by one company or another and you can't actually buy media for pc anymore so I just pirate as always

Bethesda quit trying to push it's awful launcher, and Ubi is just playing it safe.

They almost did it, but they realized how expensive maintaining the servers is. They prefer the reliable, decent service with a massive visibility: Steam. 30% cut is reasonable to them if they are not that greedy af.

Man, I never thought I'd become Captain Scarlett IRL to play the third game.

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steam is privately owned so they can do anything they want and answer to practically no one. it took all of eu just to get them to allow refunds on their service they aren't angels

>Those items only exist and can be traded thanks to valve
Valve didnt invent the concept of digital items and trading, im also not sure but im pretty sure that you were able to trade items through steam before the Steam Marketplace was a thing which means that these digital items would have gotten you more through either trading for other items or using a service like PayPal or Cryptocurrencies.
I agree, given the option i always choose a companys own launcher over Steam (mainly due to it being cheaper and almost no hassle). Rockstar Social Club GTAV keys went for a fraction of the price of a Steam copy.
They add no value to playing video games, which is what you download the launcher for. Its all crap that just bloats steam for no reason.
>you just click a mod and it's in your game
You click a selection of completely limited and Valve approved only mods and they're in your selected games only. I guess you're just too young to remember modding before Steam ruined it.
>if you had the balls to talk to a real person you can ask for a refund for anything if you give a reason
Steam has no easily accessible method to talk to a real person, tickets require you to leave the client and wait an absurd amount of time to get a response which will more than likely be rejected due to Steams two hour only policy
>Discussions that you can access with the Steam Overlay, you don't even have to open a tab in Chrome and minimize your game
So you're saying i should Shift+Tab and have the garbage on top of my game which i cant actually access again until i hit Shift+Tab again which is miles slower than using Borderless Windowed and Alt-Tabbing to a Chrome Window and Alt-Tabbing back or just clicking? Sounds pretty shit
>if you don't have the time to find a legitimate review
Why should i have to dig for the reviews from someone i dont know through the hundreds of ching chong spam reviews because the game criticised their president?

>Defending Epic launcher because it has Fortnite

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>play game on free weekend
>purchase it months later
>don't even install it
>decide to refund
>sorry you've played more than 2 hours go fuck yourself

Back to plebbit you go

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>Is also an Overwatch fan

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R* social club launcher also

0/10 Bait

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>6 months exclusivity

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Enjoy ur botnet

I know where that analogy came from. Alex Becker bitching about starwars.

2019 the new golden age of piracy

Yeah you're right, I cannot really understand you zoomers.

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All launchers are botnets ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

you are really grasping at straws friend uh
don't be ashamed to like fortnite, my autistic cousin plays it, he says it's pretty fun

>mobile image
>facebook image
>le meme frog image
Im sure you'll get someone eventually

>Epic is bad because i cant show my pride in my profile like i can on Steam!
Join the 40% thanks

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>Critizicing someone just based on random images
Yeah, you probably are one of those "experts" at life...

>Criticising someone because they refuse to suck corporate cock like you do
Its pretty obviously bait if it wasn't clear by the shit that they're spewing

What a shit thread. Borderlands 3 looks fun, going to buy it on the epic store.

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f-fortnite gamers don't do the same? I-I love showing the silly dances I bought with my moms credit card to my fortnite friends!

>steam is privately owned
Good cuz chinks can't buy, control steam.

Just when I thought you hit rock botton, you once again prove me wrong by showing an even lower level.
Learn to read zoomer, when did I say something good about Steam? You're the one defending Epic launcher.

>>just get a launcher to launch your launchers
Yes? Playnite lets me have a single launcher where I can run every game I own without having to think about what launcher has what. That in turn lets me just buy games wherever its cheaper, because it doesn't matter, I won't be using their launcher.

did you try that?
I did and they gave me a refund
I had 2 hours and like 15 minutes

Oh? Silly dances you brought with your moms credit card you say?
When you posted a Reddit Fortress 2 "reaction" image crying about Fortnite?

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You only go to either restaurant to get some food and you get exactly the same from both places. Fuck off with your shitty analogy.

Still can't read little zoomer?

>how to spot an American post 101

valve didn't pay for any timed exclusivity

I did, multiple times with no success.
They also stopped giving out refunds for games that had their development dropped during early access "launched" completely broken.

Tell me more, zoomer. Where did the big bad fortnite dab on you?

Why is it a problem now when we had to deal with shit like that since forever ?

>GamesforWindowsLive (killed Bioshock 2 multiplayer which was the best thing ever)
>RockstarClub (fucking Max Payne 3)

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Just goes to show that Sony wins again

This time reddit told me to get mad about it, because they stealing my data.

Posted on my iphone with discord on the pc that chinks made.

Epic is just buying out whatever they will think will be big
Other developers keeping their own games in their stores sucks, but isn't forcing people who aren't interested to switch platforms

When will steamtrannies fucking die already, I'm so tired of their crying

I mean, if I had the opportunity to get free stuff if some asshole cut off my supply of whatever, i'd go with it too, fuck him.

Sure you are.

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ebin :p

>all steamfags crying about not being able to play it til 2020
>claiming they'll revolt and not buy it

and a happy ching chong to you

i couldnt give a shit about epic, all these exlucisity shit saved me so much money this year its amazing

Gabe has his fat little pinky around you lot god damn. Imagine having brand loyality to a fat jew.

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>companies making a game and putting it on their own store is the same as some chinks buying games and having exclusive rights over them for a year to make boost sales

Imagine being loyal to chinks

>not liking chinks and exclusives mean you are loyal to the other party
Xin shut up

>Like ordering Grandma Wilker's Chocolate Chunk cookies from Amazon or other online retailers
>Ebay strikes a deal with Grandma Wilker's where they get to exclusively distribute the new release of Grandma Wilker's Mint Chocolate Chunk Cookies on Ebay, with it coming to Amazon next year

Now imagine somebody crying and shitting their diapies and screaming how Grandma Wilker is dead to them because she wanted to make more money on her fucking stupid cookies. That is how retarded you smoothbrains look

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There is no way on god's green earth that china is the lesser evil here, man.


>Zoomers don't know anything but steam
A zoomy doesn't have any concept of a life before steam. They can't picture a world existing without steam, the idea of a game not running on steam is alien to them. If a game does not have steam intergration it is worthless.
Brainlets parrot how epic is evil for collecting data, while posting on their smart phones, while using websites with cookies, while using discord that literally records your DMs. They "know" data selling is bad, but are completely uneducated as to why. The concept that data selling is simply a harmless (In the context of video games and media) way of targeting adverts over pre-data collection internet of ads ads ads everywhere is lost on them.
>Brand loyality blinds them to how good launchers are for everyone.
Before discord, steams community section was trash. The friends list, trash. It had been that way for years. Moments after discord? Boom, update. The old steam interface? Years old, suddenly all the other launchers are around with modern interfaces, steams had to step up and update. With playnite, the 'issue' of running launchers is removed, as it the issue of having multiple libraries for games. All that is left is the option to buy the games at the best prices without giving a single shit about what backend launcher it uses.
Another faggy argument is the cpu use. Yeah if you open every single one of your launchers at a time, it will increase your cpu load. But why would anyone do that? Unless you're playing multiple games, from multiple storefronts, all at once. Fucking retarded.

Now someone reply and call me a chink you predictable brainlet zoomer shits.

>used to eating at the same restaurant as always
>you like it because of the commodities if offers to its clients, like bread, chips and salsa before you order.
>its reputation has been questionable at times, but so far its done good to you.
>the chef of one of your favorite dishes decides he wants to move to another restaurant cause he feels he doesnt make enough cash in the current restaurant he works for.
>you check out the other restaurant, and well its simple since it just opened, and it doesnt have the comodities of the old restaurant, so you dont like it as much, but the food is still great.
>the chef tells you that if you dont want to try out the new restaurant you can wait a year as he trains some staff in order to replicate the new dish for the old restaurant, since he knows that many of his old fans still go there.

>never used any of these except battlenet
>hated battlenet

your point?

Good girls stay loyal to the cock that made them feel really good all those years. No chink shrink can ever compare.

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competition for valve is good you dumb faggots. maybe they will get off their asses off the pile money they got and actually finish games and make new titles instead of releasing a half assed shitty card game

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>>New restaurant expects you to appreciate their restaurant and not just go there for the food
>>New restaurant starts to make weird, outlandish claims against the other restaurant
>>New restaurant tries to convince you that it is now better than that older restaurant

I guess they arent trying hard enough cause I dont know what you are talking about, however you go to the restaurant to appreciate the food and not the restaurant itself, either way it seems most valve shills want you to appreciate the restaurant itself rather than the food they serve as seen in your post and basically every valve vs epic thread.

The only outcome of this will be that all stores start buying exclusive games
In no way does this benefit consumers.

>Yea Forums likes capitalism
>Yea Forums also hates the obvious effects of late stage capitalism, where the one who wins is the one that has the most money to throw around

Steam already gives you the best possible deals from anywhere, what the fuck do they have to adapt to? Yes, it's DRM, now a days, it's probably the best form of DRM.

>Imagine being so fat you look at vidya stores and see food

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>The only outcome of this will be that all stores start buying exclusive games
>In no way does this benefit consumers.

it will, it will force stores to offer better things to both developers and consumers. right now it doesnt seem like it because steam still has tons of cocksucking fans like you defending them, but once steam starts feeling the pressure, they will look to make changes, and in the meanwhile, epic will slowly but surely start closing the gaps in their service to be more competitive to steam.

do you really think epic will stay the same and not start offering better things to their consumers, they seem to be very serious about competing with steam so they will improve their service.


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then maybe valve should step their fuckign game up - discord trashed them, and now other business are stepping on their toes. Valve had a long time coming - and reckoning is finally here. I just hope this is a starter for them to actually get in gear and lose the new hip zoomer customers instead of relying on brain dead boomers and oldfags on Yea Forums. Aka new proper games from that fat ass gabe.

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It was only discord coming along that made steam get off its ass and update their friends system. It was only the microsoft store coming that made them put more effort into linux, and it was only the general up to date feel of the other storefronts that is making the ui update happen. Valve don't do shit unless they have too, such is life when you're top of your business. The fact people are against it is just sad.

This will happen, but a lot less since its way easier to do multiplayer with cracked Borderlands historically.

not like epic has any other choice other than to give us better deals with how garbage it is and how much hate they get

I don't understand why people think is the competition, or muh steam loyalty that we're pissed about. Is the exclusivity and anti-consumer practices they're employing that people are pissed about. Competition is good for the consumer, what Epic is doing is not competing at all and forcing low tier normies to give in and buy in their store. It's very anti consumer. I like steam, but I hate exclusivity. Games should be released on all platform and we the consumer decide where to buy. When the consumer has the power of choice, prices will be better and so will the experience. Epic is trying to monopolize. Steam didn't create the monopoly, we did by choosing to buy there. Epic has the right to release their own shit on their store, I couldn't care less about that, but this bribery garbage they're doing is not good and it's a slippery slope for worse trends. As if the gaming industry is not horrible as it is.

The funny thing is that this is an attempt at Epic trying to hold a piece of the market because Fortnite is bleeding users. They're a bunch of untalented hacks that've gotten lucky with normies in recent years. Fortnite will go down, the Epic store will as well, and all these retards buying there will be stuck with a shitty client/chinese spyware and their 3 game collection.

Imagine being that retard that puts trust and spends money on a US retailer owned by a Chinese company that does whatever the fuck the Chinese government tells them to.

>Looking forward to Borderlands 3
>Have no friends
It'll be fun solo, r-right?

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We know why you are pissed off, we just don't care. Deal with it.

How's the amount of content in Pre-Sequel compared to BL2?

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It's shit, and so is how the entire game feels.
Imagine playing on a server with sv_gravity permanently set to 100. That's the game, and while you're at it, you also have to stand for Burch's horrible writing.

If you're autistic, sure.

not like theres much other choice with a pirated version

>being this butthurt because someone has a legit argument

no one would be pissed if all the games release everywhere, fortnite playes will use their launcher and steam players the other its really no big deal

What I gather from these threads is that a high majority of actual retards think that steam exclusives are okay, but if other platforms do it, it is bad?

This is all valves fault in the bigger picture faggot. They need the competition, no matter how dirty it is. This is the only way they will learn - like how discord dicked them.

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>PC plateforms war

ITT faggots that actually buy games

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>what Epic is doing is not competing at all and forcing low tier normies to give in and buy in their store

are you saying that you need to play those games to survive? seems to me like you have a problem user, that you are being forced to buy from epic, just dont buy the game or dont play it.

besides some of those games are just temporary exclusive so its not like you wont see them on steam eventually.

this post 100% retarded oldfags and boomer tards with blind loyalty. No matter how hard gabe has fucked us with a nailed baseball bat, we gotta suck his chode cock. Valve needs to feel the heat and burn so they can come out of the ashes with NEW content and NEW games that people have been begging for a DECADE.

fuck valve, and im gonna buy bl 3 with a burner pre-paid mastercard and fake email so chinks dont get my real info anyways, and keeping them money out of gabes fat greasy fingers.

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What's wrong with Valve fags?

pre-sequel was originally planed as DLC for Borderlands 2, but later changed to stand alone release. so Borderlands 2 has more content and is a longer game than presequel.

that said, gameplay wise I personally enjoy pre-sequel more because of the gravity mechanics and new ghost busters type of guns.

My steam right now.

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as i repeated in the thread retards with blind loyalty remembering the 2004-2012 days and not understanding the monster they have fed.

They is no saving them. I love those years - but they arn't what they use to be anymore. They need the competition and more of it.

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>you need to play those games to survive

In my case, I couldn't care less. I will pirate or not buy anything. I'm still playing The Division and even though I actually liked the second one in beta, I'm not buying shit. The last full game I bought at release was BF3 and was instant regret. I only buy games on sale and never spend more than $20. This whole Epic shit is a really bad trend, and not good for any of us.

sure keep telling yourself that user, the fact that even though you pirate your games and still btich about epic just shows that you are indeed dependant on games,

>planed as DLC for Borderlands 2
I guessed as much.
What's so special about gravity in Pre-Sequel though?


Oh, they're limiting your options to buy it through Epic Games only? Guess they won't be getting my money.

>Epic Games might literally, unironically be the ones that push Valve to make a 3rd numbered entry on HL, TF, L4D or Portal so they can come up top on the digital store wars
>steamdrones are too retarded to see this and just chimp out
dumbfucks. also no, exclusivity is good for the industry

Steam doesn't pay devs extra for exclusives. They come naturally because it is a good platform to have your game on.

you are in the moon, so you can make long-ass jumps, and there is a buttslam mechanic in which you boost down towards the ground hitting it with force and blasting enemies who are near, you can equipo items that give you different bonuses when doing buttslams. also since its the moon there is no air so you have to make good use of your air supply (unless you play claptrap who doesnt need to breathe)

I don't need to impress you, bitch nigga. I said I would if I really wanted to play it. In other words, their anti-consumer tactics is not gonna work on me. For me is steam or physical and when on sale. I hate this whole industry crashes.

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>exclusivity is good for the industry

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i'm playing Borderlands 2 in anticipation for 3
i'm getting so fucking bored, when do I get some fun weapons?
that gives cancer to my pc, use Fitgirl

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>it's about brand loyality
stupid nigger

l4d devs confirmed a while ago they work on a new game similiar to l4d but they refuse to use the same name despite it being another survivor vs killer (cant remember if that shit was zombies too and how to describe it otherwise) style game

>cool loots
Almost never.

forgot to mention that, even though I like gameplay wise the presequel, I do hate that while in BL2 most character try to talk like badasses, in the presequel they act-talk like retards.

>game store
and why would you even have uPlay running?
I'm pretty sure games you buy off steam don't even install it.

They do. Ubisoft games bought on Steam require uplay to run as well...

>There's a restaurant
Stopped reading

this is the brain of steamkeks

>valve making a new game due ro somw chinks
>having a monopoly to boost your sales is good
There are people that trully believe this stuff

Exclusivity is good when it happens to new IPs, not an established franchise which was originally available on steam

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>imagine reading all of that
get a life

I hated Boderlands until I had friends to play it with
just putting this out there

I played pirated BL2 with my mates on tunngle

using steamworks fix

>imagine wasting your life on Yea Forums
never forget your origins

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