Miyazakai and From killed fantasy

I remember a time where fantasy was bright, happy, and positive. It was simple. Humans elves and dwarves were good, orcs were bad or sometimes bad and sometimes good. You go to raid some evil lord's castle and save the beautiful princess and the kingdom, and ride off together on a unicorn. It was happy times, good times.

Then this guy came along and shit all over that. Demon Souls and later Dark Souls started a trend which would plague fantasy games for years to come. So many developers got a hardon for this fucking shit aesthetic, and now we're stuck with it. Endless developers trying to make "Souls like" games. Salt and Sanctuary, Darkest Dungeon, Hollow Knight, Slain, the endless fanmade projects that crash and burn. They're all this same twisted fucked up "dark fantasy" and I fucking hate it. Everything is evil and bad. The heroes are dark and twisted and use evil powers and weapons. The townspeople are all evil or dying or depressed. If there is a princess, she's either dead, getting gangbanged by the evil lord's council, or actually IS the evil lord. Blood and gore everywhere, streets and buildings wet with rain. Dark gloomy skies, creepy blood red sunsets, eclipses. It's too goddamn much. I'm so sick of this shit. Miyazaki has literally KILLED fantasy now. I hope he makes sequels to Sekiro, that way he can be contained in feudal japan where he can do far less damage. Go fuck that shit up and leave fantasy alone with your fucking sickdark shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>simpleminded idiot that loves his grimdark fantasy shit

fuck off.

don't forget the gameplay OP, he ruined that too. now all these games copy the same slow, shitty, clunky combat style based around rolling nonstop and "muh parries"

>I remember a time where fantasy was bright, happy, and positive. It was simple. Humans elves and dwarves were good, orcs were bad or sometimes bad and sometimes good
They still make plenty of games like that you fucking autist

dark fantasy shit was already everywhere before ds, it's only that this game actually put some balls into the concept instead of half-assing it like the rest

>waaaaah things need to be colorful and cute! where are my anime waifus!

end it

copy + paste threads should be banned

>3 posters, including fpbp and my last post
Stop replying to yourself OP, you're embarassing yourself

They need to make more, because it isn't enough to turn the tide back. Too much sickdark shit now.

Dark fantasy was relegated to warhammer where that shit belongs. Miyazaki made it mainstream now. And making some ultimate edgelord game isn't having balls, it's called being some edgy manchild with bad taste.

A lot of effort formulating such a weak opinion. Probably bait. Plain retardation at best.

Dragon Quest is still going strong though

Dark Fantasy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Generic Tolkein-knockoff DnD Shit

>waaaah things need to be dark and depressing and gloomy! where are my demon waifus covered in blood and wearing drab clothing!

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When you mature you'll realize that is wrong.

He said in one word what you needed half a novel for, that's the opposite of simpleminded

yep he literally KILLED fantasy and now it's a big dead

>orcs were bad or sometimes bad and sometimes good
Whoa buddy, I thought you said it was simple? I can't handle that kinda uncertainty in my games. Needs to black and white - good vs. evil. Just like real life.

>itt soulsfags mad because op is right

you bunch of sick fucks

Haha I love the Dark Souls aesthetic AND the Souls mechanics so I'm glad you're unhappy, dickhead! Come over to our side and leave those queermosexual elves and fairies and shit to the faggots!

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This, OPs that drop their delusions as fact and the people responding seriously to them, need to be shot.

well I wanted to include settings where orcs can be more than just murder machines. you know, positive? not "this town is dying, dead bodies hanging from all the lampposts btw the person asking you for help is really a monster le epic plot tweest"

Berserk is the best fantasy story bar none

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>loving souls mechanics

So you love slow, boring, clunky combat and movement? I'd rather play a real action game like dmc or kingdom hearts.

>/tg/ sperg upset that his DND shit is dying

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>ultra generic fantasy got replaced
Thank God for that.

it's hard enough to understand what you're trying to get across without you speaking like a baby intentionally as well, please don't do that

>from popularized dark fantasy
Are you literally 12?

>a depressing world where the villains win and the heroes barely count as heroes and their wins dont matter

yeah what a great fantasy, sure would love to live there!

When your brain rots thanks to shitty Tolkien derivatives you mean

>Dark Fantasy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Generic Tolkein-knockoff DnD Shit

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t. toddler

It got replaced with sickdark shit.

this guy hasn't read berserk

>sure would love to live there!
Damn that's some Balamb Gardens tier of autism you got there

That's not what berserk is about
But even if it was it would be better than Your shitty power fantasies

go be a game developer and create your own fantasy game then faggot

Yes because 8 literal decades of the same recycled garbage ripping off LotR wasn’t enough...

>taking the guy who unironically uses "sickdark" seriously

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>Games still made with all spectrum of fantasy from lighthearted to grim dark.

Hard to be that wrong, OP. Still impressed you did it.

If a fantasy world isn't inspiring enough for you to want to live there, that means its shit and failed. Look at world of warcraft, you feel inspired to want to live there, you could see yourself training to become a strong warrior for the alliance and fighting for your king and your people for a better future. Wtf would you fight for or enjoy in a souls universe? dying to some random ass skeleton on a dark road?


lmao Kingdom Hearts, get that weeb trash out of here, I'd rather watch two knights bash on each other with hammers than some twinky little homo prancing around with Disney characters. How fuckin old are you? Dark Souls is an adult game, kid!

OH I see so what you REALLY mean is
power fantasy > dark fantasy
You don't actually care about the story being told do you?

You forgot Blasphemous and Fear Hunger.

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Blaming From for what people that have nothing to do with them are doing?

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there are plenty of non low fantasy non grimdark games that have come out recently

you're a fucking special case, mate

I see tons of that dark shit being made, back then it used to be odd obscure games no one cared about that died. Now its mainstream shit.

>only one kind of fantasy is allowed

>imagine being such a sorry loser you ACTUALLY wanna live in a fantasy world

Holy shit OP, now I just feel bad for you, that’s pathetic.

Tolkien and Western fantasy have shit aesthetics. Good fucking riddance.

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t. 12 yr old

He comes from /tg/, his autism is 100% genuine

What does that make Dark Souls then, considering it rips off every single aspect, both gameplay and narrative, from Tolkien and western fantasy?

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>only way to appreciate story or a setting is to self insert like a motherfucker
Literal unironic sub 80 iq.

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Factually wrong you fucking retard.
On the contrary, thanks to WoW and LoL, colorful fantasy with pixar looking dudes is dominating the market, with countless mmos, diablo clones, strategy hybrids and trillions of gacha treadmills.

Maybe educate yourself about the shit you are talking about before making such a post, but wait all you wanted is to tell people, grimdark=bad, like the insufferable faggot you are.

I think I'm done with his games. BB, DaS3, and Sekiro have all been about just making the game harder via reaction time. He honestly doesn't seem to have anything else worthwhile to add to the genre.

>I'd rather watch two knights bash on each other with hammers than some twinky little homo prancing around with Disney characters.

manchild white cis male obsessed with appearing "manly" check

Nice goal post moving. Enjoy wearing your huge pauldron, faggot.

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>not wanting to live in the warcraft universe and marry a high elf mage woman who helps enchant your armor and weapons so you can fight in the name of the alliance

>reaction time
you're retarded

I think he's made it clear that he uses fantasy to ACTUALLY FANTASIZE about being a badass cuz it appears he needs it

Aww what's wrong Captain Onions, couldn't reach the grapes? Dark Souls doesn't handhold like your Disney games? That's a real bummer man lol

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DaS3 is easier tho

Actually your example betrays your point. LoL started out that way, then later on the reworks, new champions, and skins lean more heavily to edgy grimdark shit. Kayne/Rhaast being a prime example. Rework Swain, Rework Aatrox, Rework Evelynn(literally is a slutty cenobite elf bitch now), the God King Darius and Warhammer 40k Darius skin, Jhin, etc.

>I remember a time where fantasy was bright, happy, and positive. It was simple. Humans elves and dwarves were good, orcs were bad or sometimes bad and sometimes good. You go to raid some evil lord's castle and save the beautiful princess and the kingdom, and ride off together on a unicorn. It was happy times, good times.

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have sex

>implying souls games are genuinely hard

They're only "hard" due to the bad controls. Real action games like dmc, bayonetta, even fucking god of war has better controls than that shit from makes.

you're reaching peak levels of autism, mate


Tell that to the Soulsfags gawking over the fire bitch in ds3, and that hunter bitch in bloodborne

>he's a LoL fag
that explains a lot

no really you need to go outside and have sex. fantasy games are deluding your mind

have sex

Souls games have no elves. Probably because Miyazaki hasn't found out a way to rip off warhammer yet.

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>From games are bad because I can't pretend to marry the princess after prancing through gay lala homo land

Thanks user, you made my day.

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have sex

I quit when they started adding more edgelord champs and skins. Rhaast was the last straw for me. he literally looks like a from soft character./

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I'm happy WRPGs are dead because of people like you

>From games are good because I can live out my fantasy of being some grimdark badass murdering people and killing the princess and the evil lord because im so evil and dark and bad and no one gets me

have sex

>I remember a time where fantasy was bright, happy, and positive. It was simple.
Go play fucking call of duty or something. Clearly established good guys, clearly established bad guys, you kill the villain at the end and save america. Fantasy hasn't been like that long before DS because it's a fucking boring scenario that you need to see exactly once.

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Nintenbabs on suicide watch

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lol yep, Quick Time Events are super hard. Come back when you've beaten Sekiro, later kiddo.

Or uh, I just have fun with the games and like grisly monsters.

>deluding your mind
what the fuck else would they be deluding, you illiterate third world nigger, his right leg?

No one plays the games for that??????? HuhhHHH???????

I think Game of Thrones did more to influence those trends than Souls games ever did.


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hey OP
have sex

Sekiro has QTEs though, user.

How is it boring? This sickdark shit is boring, all the characters and settings in these are the same fucking shit. Depressing as hell, people always dying of disease or monsters, usually some corrupt church to show how bad religion is, some generic plague doctor dude to show how creepy and weird shit is, and some dumb "grand inquisitor" character that's usually some awful caricature of a religious person whose hobbies involve "rooting out heresy" and "purging the unclean, usually with some stupid ass name too like "Grand Inquisitor Whorewrecker"


Go save the princess from Bowser's dick, toddler cuck.

Shut it Snoyshit, this is a PC thread.

Dark Souls 1 your character is literally some edgelord who goes around killing shit to prove that he's some dark edgy badass.

I fucking despise Game of Thrones too. That shit also helped ruin proper fantasy. Bunch of ugly fucking people having sex, raping each other, and gratuitous violence for no reason.


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Nincel thread detected

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more like old fogey who needs a happy ending to feel satisfied

But you truly are retarded.


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>Miyazaki invented Gothic Fiction and Dark Fantasy and those are bad because I say so
Next you're going to tell me that Romanticism is bad too.

nothing wrong with a happy ending. Old fantasy you'd ride off on a unicorn with the princess into the forest. Nowadays the ending is the princess turns into a demon queen and the unicorn is actually a black unicorn and her bf, and she cucks you then rides on his back as he grows wings and flies away, then you kill yourself as sad music plays and the credits roll.

Religious oldfag detected

You had me going OP, now I know it's just bait.
Oh well let's pack up, nothing to see here.

You're right, you have convinced me. Recommend me some high profile fantasy games from the recent decade to play then, they have to be clearly about good guys (us) vs bad guys (them), no moral ambiguity, evil churches, corrupt heroes or any other sickdark shit allowed! Can't wait to save the princess and ride off into the sunset!

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lurk more

wtf is romanticism? is it better than this sickdark shit?

Obviously that endings WAY better

Jesus Christ this is just pathetic

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have sex

Same here but the exact opposite

Well probably not because he is crying about his romanticism of Tolkiens "happy colorful tales with light hearted adventure" being ripped away from him by evil japanese man and his grimdark badass murderhobo simulators

Atheist egdgelord detected. Here's a pic of what I'm sure you think all religious figures are like. It's even in a sickdark artstyle which you from soft fags love so much.

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I hope FromSoft games get even more popular. I hope Miyazaki doesn't stop making Souls games

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>So many developers got a hardon for this fucking shit aesthetic
>*lists 4 indie titles, one of which (Slain) is so obscure and irrelevant that I doubt anyone on this board has ever talked about it and the other one (HK) is about cute cartoonish bugs, the only "dark" part of which is that most of the game you spend in the underground*

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>the ending where your fair lady princes is actually a demon bitch and cucks you with a fucking horseman right in front of you then leaves is a good ending


>fantasy isn't good unless I can self insert in it like the nasally nerd I am and not be a loser like in real life
Thanks OP, that was entertaining

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Positivity is stupid, depression is intelligence. Disregard the fact that the most intelligent persons all built and brought progress and the most stupid persons all destroyed and brought nothing. If you like happiness, you have a low IQ.

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You're all fucking morons since when was fucking Tolkien all butterfly and rainbows?

All his stories are fucking about battles and wars.

unironically better than most wrpgs

ur cute

What do you expect, the guy was a depressed neet until he was 34 or something..


His elves are literally butterflies and rainbows
Nobody gives a shit

Why, to drive fantasy even further in the grave? Mark my words, you laugh now, but this shit will hurt you in the end. You can't mire yourself in so much sickdark shit and not have it fuck with you mentally. You'll start having awful nightmares that never seem to end. Worse, instead of trying to make them go away, you'll encourage them, you'll look forward to them. You'll spend your free time listening to creepypastas between playing your fromshit games, fully immersing yourself in darkness. By the time you realize what has happened, it will be too late.

way more interesting ngl

Dragon Quest XI

No, I don’t want that.

If you lived in that time period these artworks were made and told people you wanted to live out that shit, you'd be burned at the stake.

>If you like happiness, you have a low IQ.
Explains why nintendo community is so fucking retarded.

>high profile
>fantasy game
>from the recent decade
>good guys (us)
>vs bad guys (them),
>no moral ambiguity
>no evil churches
>no corrupt heroes
>no other sickdark shit
>save the princess
>ride off into the sunset!
hits every mark
well, the "princess" is your daughter, but close enough

This is the best troll I've seen in years
Keep it up

ok this HAS to be bait holy shit


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You see OP, what makes me better than you is that I am not a pathetic nerd that wants to escape reality by hiding in his fantasy shit

thanks OP you just reminded me to buy Bloodborne and DeS

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But romantic literature can be depressing, tragic, or dark so it's also bad.

forced meme

Keep crying cuck
Go back to sucking off the dust particles of Tolkien's cock

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He needs help then. I bet Miyazaki listened to and read creepypastas a lot. That's always a sing you're fucked up, being into horror shit. I know people in this thread think I'm some dufus obsessed with happy fantasy, but before I discovered positive fantasy works, I used to be into fucked up shit like Hellraiser. It was in a very dark place. World of Warcraft literally saved me from falling into the void. Immersing yourself in positive fantasy helps to cancel out that fucked up shit.

You can do better, user. You need to be more unironic, this shit is an obvious low-tier troll attempt.

>His elves are literally butterflies and rainbows

If you think Darkest Dungeon copied Dark Souls you're a mongoloid.

no one's forcing you to see shitty template replies
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

lady gaga is ugly as fuck

>Accept the elves in your heart
Alright OP ya blew it

>I used to be into fucked up shit like Hellraiser. It was in a very dark place. World of Warcraft literally saved me from falling into the void

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Darkest Dungeon looks like a fromsoft game in terms of aesthetic and setting.

Thanks friend, I'll check it out. I sure hope nothing depressing happens there!

Elves and the Fae in general have often been characterized as otherworldly creatures that don't operate on human morality and thus are often either mischievous cunts or just plain old cunts long before Tolkien's elves were a thing.

And this is the first time I've ever seen that forced meme applied in a context where it makes sense to use it

it's shit


You have no idea the effect Hellraiser had on me, the hold it had over me. It took years to get over it, and lots of Warcraft.

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I'm not gonna read that but you're retarded.

I dont like pre tolkien depictions of elves and fae, they tend to range from mischief makers9which is fine) to downright evil and twisted. Dark Eldar in warhammer 40k pretty much are just futuristic dark fae.

make sure to play NG+ to clear up any confusion
the first play-through fakes you out pretty hard, makes it seem like a bit of a downer with some senseless action
everything is explained later, just hang in there!

She wants him.

elves and fae are two separate races, they're not the same thing at all.

You're overreacting

It's shitposting. That's all this board is anymore.

How? Look at this fucking shit man.


I'm pretty sure this is the guy who tried to force anti-drone a while back. That, or the kiddinity/obsidiot poster. I'm not sure, but this failing at forcing your shitty homecooked terminology is a familiar type of autism.

>getting gangbanged by the evil lord's council

True but it's mainly about escapism and that should be rigjt OPs alley.

god I wish that were me

It's babbys first exposure to Lovecraft ripoffs with a hellboy artstyle

You're just mad he's among the few people who direct good games and they're not bright and shiny. Fuck off.

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Science fiction is better anyway

The source is Miyazaki, the sickdark master st Fromsoft.

Come now friend. You must put even more effort into your baits then this.

how does it feel that dark souls is the most important game to release in decades?

>people tt thinking Nintendo is safe from sickdark


coming to the nintendo switch

not until im married!

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shit considering souls games are the most overrated overblown pieces of garbage I ever tried

its like someone saw how good combat was in action games and decided to try and ruin it by making it slow and clunky and boring as fuck

Sickdark Souls is already on switch anyway, so there's no safe space for OP in this world anymore.

Feels like I wish that Fromsoft didn't get pigeonholed into the role of "the Souls guys" despite DeS, DaS and Blooborne being some of my favourite games.

not bad

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Does DeS/DaS really even stray that far from Miyazkai's biggest influences (D&D and those Jackson/Livingstone Fighting Fantasy novels from the '80s)?

People like that pop up from time to time in all kinds of threads.
These are actually retarded people that shouldn't be let on the internet or kids trying to hard.

Dark fantasy was a thing way before DeS though. Retard

>nice ass, who's this?

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No, YOU are an immature person not realizing I am trying to save you people here. This kind of aesthetic and settings will fuck with you, I know this from experience. You delve too deep staring into the abyss, and it will stare right back into you.

since when was gaga a fucking actress wtf
she's a washed up has been singer with a shitty body and witchy jew face

How does this thread have so many replies? Dark fantasy was literally the most mainstream thing ever 35 years ago.

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Sickdark thread OP

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Unfortunately nowadays science fiction in vidya pretty much means post-apocalyptic shit. Even high-concept stuff like The Outer Worlds seems to fall back on this.

Remember OP, even if you run back to /tg/ it won't matter, that board was made for Warhammer, the father of "sickdark"
The age of Tolkienshit is over

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>boss was supposed to be named Phantom Butterfly
>activision changes it to Lady Butterfly
>his response is to laugh about it'

what a cuck

I fucking hate warhammer so goddamn much. 40k being the worst, most sickdarkest thing ever created. If Miyazaki ever does sci fi I am terrified it'll be 40k shit.

You have nowhere to hide OP
Your Tolkienshit will die choking on its in blood, fantasy is ours now

VERY based

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>If Miyazaki ever does sci fi I am terrified it'll be 40k shit
Implying it wouldn't be cool as fuck

This is depiction of Apocalypse.

I want a Souls game with Miura as the world designer

only Disney fantasy is all bright happy and positive.
Traditional western fantasy and stories many times involve princess getting raped and impregnant and shit.

dark souls also ruined the indie scene, so many fucking games now are soulslikes with some grimdark artstyle

also I fucking hate sprites, why the fuck would you use sprites instead of 3d in this day and age holy shit, its like using a fucking beta max in the 80s or a cd player now

Technically it's a specific scene of the apocalypse but yes
It's the devil Knighting the beast of revelation

Make me faggot

>Traditional western fantasy and stories many times involve princess getting raped and impregnant and shit.

That shit has no business being in a video game. If you want rape so badly, go fund that subverse shit by studio fow.

>the entire game is just a boat trip

I can always play Japanese game.
Fuck Western fag lol

stop pretending you gave a shit about fantasy before or after dark souls you bandwagoning piece of shit

This looks like some shit you sickdark fags would love in a game. ooooooooooh gothic environment, pools of blood so darrrrrrrrrrrk

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>Dark fantasy was relegated to warhammer
Nigger what? Berserk and Conan made it mainstream a long time ago.

More of a fan of pic related
A shame they never implemented it in the actual game, would've made for a cool apocalypse event

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there's definitely a small, select caste of very visible hyperautists

that is just too edgy and unatural.
they are dressing like clown and blood is not clotting

Excuse me?! This is 4Channel and we do not support rape here.

>I remember a time where fantasy was bright, happy, and positive. It was simple. Humans elves and dwarves were good, orcs were bad or sometimes bad and sometimes good. You go to raid some evil lord's castle and save the beautiful princess and the kingdom, and ride off together on a unicorn. It was happy times, good times.
That's what a children's fairy tale game is like, user

>He comes from /tg/, his autism is 100% genuine
no it's just the same shitposting someone is digging up from 5 years ago.

dayum son Kyrie looks like THIS???!

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here's your agnus for tonight

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I always cared about fantasy, then dark souls made it mainstream, I noticed Souls fans are always dumb fucking jocks and dudebros. Every fucking time you can tell, they post a pic or do a vid, almost always some dumbass jock bro guy. "Yo bro, playing dark souls here, its so dark and sooooooooooooo hard!"

What do you have against gothic architecture, you cunt?

agnus wasn't black...

Its played out and overly edgy and overused in dark settings.

THis board is most retarded thing on internet

>tfw daily bait-party thread on /v suddenly turns into murky /x related shit.

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Yeah fuck good-looking buildings and stained glass. Fuck churches too in that regard.

>soulslikes bad
>3D instead of sprites

Suck dick pls.

Japanese edgy dark fantasy > western high fantasy

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>likes pixelated looking shit instead of clean visuals

I know this is pasta but you are a fucking faggot

>The virgin Tolkienfag
>The chad dark souls bro

No one is preventing you from getting a colorful high fantasy fix. Go play Trine or Fable.

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Maybe fromsoftware could do a really good Berserk game but I still want that Tenchu game and Sekiro has merely just solidified that need for a Tenchu game.

I'm going to guess you're the faggot from that got btfo.
Not to mention the fact that you got btfo 2.5y ago with the same garbage critiques:

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I love Tolkien but I absolutely despise when hacks copy him.
>muh orcs
>muh elves
>muh dwarves
So fucking tired of it. Miyazaki's interpretation of western fantasy feels fresh not because the concepts are entirely new (they're not) but because they're executed in an interesting but serious way and they leave some room for player interpretation/imagination.

Froms need to distract a bit from all these medieval stuff. What I do really want from them is a Blame! game.

If anything From games actually follow the romantic depiction of honourable knights protecting fair maidens and slaying terrible beasts to save the world. Which is why it was so refreshing in a post GOT era.

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Considering the sheer size of the megastructure, I'd rather have a Blame! inspired setting to explore.

I mean there's plenty of dishonorable characters in From games who pretend to be good guys but are actually severely fucked up. It's far from a "romantic depiction" most of the time.

WTF I hate Miyazaki directed games nao!
You're an idiot. I'm pondering about the olympic level mental gymnastics that brought you from sucking at Sekiro to making this post.

I guess there’s fucked up shit going underneath but its all so tastefully done that it doesn’t scream GRIMDARK like so many stories fall trap to. If I recall correctly, Miyazaki said in an interview that he’d always try to be tasteful in situations which are either too gory or messed up.

That's Metal Fantasy while From makes Depression Fantasy

>guy that hates non-high fantasy settings is also an alliancekiddie

>Craft of Legends
>League of Heroes
>War of Champions
>Ancient Heroes
>Kingdom of Dragons
>Legendary Lords
Maybe browser and phone games are more your speed.

Dark fantasy is so much better than regular fantasy. Truly a Chad vs. Virgin scenario if ever there was one.

Are we gonna ignore how the dark souls 1 dlc is literally about saving a princess from an evil wizard?

You mean the big darkie? The swole motherfucker who leaps 40ft in the air and dunks on you? That guy? A wizard?

He uses a big catalyst

for you

Stick with ffxv white boi, leave sekiro to the chads.

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I mean he has a staff and casts spells

Don't worry friend, Monolith Software and that new persona team fantasy game will bring back fantasy kino

he's a muscle wizard, even his spells are just physical damage which also scale with strength

I feel less guilty slaughtering monsters when they are zombified. Miyazaki (or whoever was actually behind this) knew their shit. Playing Monster Hunter makes me think "dang, does this Jagra really deserve to die? Or even this Rathian?" Story wise, the dark aspect is almost necessary.

>Black guy.
>Plays an Asian game.
>Asian games most of the time purposely avoid putting black people in.
>Black guys still buy Dragon Ball by the truck load.
The Asian master race are mentally enslaving the population of Detroit we better call Robocop.

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t. has read some Tolkien and nothing else

Based Miya, dabbing on shitty, overrated Tolkien fantasy.


Lord of the ring was always dark fantasy to be honest.

Just play Dragon Quest

Eat shit, nintentoddler

>WoWfag is an autistic retard



>Then this guy came along and shit all over that
please, miyazaki had no hand in it. he's just continuing what FROM has been doing since the company was founded.

at least dark souls 1 has some hope in it. you haven't seen a game utterly devoid of hope until you've played king's field 3.
>first NPC vendor tells you to take whatever you want because she will probably be dead soon
>sky is black and red for most of the game
>all homes deserted with most having the remains of the occupants inside
>you play as the king's son going to kill your father
>over the course of your quest you find out that you are basically the literal last person left to send
>by the time you get to the final boss, everyone you know is dead

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Last time i cheeked you have plenty of happy fantasy games.
You just pretend they dont exist.
Hell even CRPGs like divinity or Pilars of eternity are not any more bright or dark then the original IE games.

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>Miyazakai and From killed fantasy
things that didn't happen the post

Not a fan of Tolkienien fantasy.
>muh orcs
>muh elves
>muh dwarves

>tfw no good LOTR rpg

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eh, DaS wasn't that cheerful either considering any hope it gave you it was sure to piss on by the time you hit the kiln

even in lotr there were bad, dark people siding with sauron.


How the hell did he do it bros? Every generation there seems to be a new influential developer on the block. You've had your Miyamoto's, your John Romero's, your Kojima's, and now you've got Miyazaki. What is odd though is he came at a time when gaming has been corrupted by casualizaiton and big money that has never been seen before. Yet here came this fucker bucking the trend with games that aren't as advanced as the AAA studios with tons of mechanical flaws such as Blightown's garbage framerate and shockwaves yet he's influenced so much. His games are now arguably the biggest influencer's in the past 5+ years not counting shit like battle royale of course which is multiplayer casual crap not even real games.

How did he do it? Is it just safe to say the man was gifted? It amazes me so much. I don't think no iconic dev of the past had to ever put up with such a shit industry like Miyazaki has to with the modern gaming industry and its bullshit.

Or as I like to call them, niggers.

Satan gifted him with a sickdark mind to infect the population with it

you had some relatively cheerful characters like onionbro, the boss armor vendor guy, and others, and the world was beautiful even in its decaying state.
at least the game pretends that the characters will not have bad ends, and that the end of the world is somewhat far off.

KF3 is depressing from the moment you start to the very end, and is littered with little stories that continue to reinforce that this world has no future, like a little girl trapped in a town filled with ghosts, who has been waiting for her sister to return from going to find help for days, since their parents were killed.

Imagine thinking uninspired, generic DnD tier Tolkienien fantasy is better than Souls' take on western fantasy.

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>not being an enlightened fencesitter and enjoying both

How about being an enlightened facesitted

Lol it's just Berserk and the last unicorn combined

He's an actual nerd.

>the guy was a depressed neet until he was 34 or something..


fuck you bloomer go play your nintendo switch.

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He had passion and a strong will. He dropped a high figure salary just to get into game development, in Japan of all places.

Oh so you're just an autistic WoWfag. Okay, it all makes sense now.

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isn't dark fantasy its own subgenre?
its not his fault that this shit is more popular than regular fantasy right now.

miura's a fucking great at character, armor and monster designs too

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>Look at world of warcraft, you feel inspired to want to live there
Maybe in the SFM porn depictions, like fucking hell I'd want to live in a world where the alliance is as cucked as it is.

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Miya and Miura, dream team Souls game when?

jesus christ what a dumb fucking thread

Fucking good song. Sounds like the kind of shit you'd hear on a deldar game.

Everyone looks like a fucking supermodel in WoW, but you die to stupid shit in mere seconds.

Imagine getting killed by a fucking outdated pop culture reference.

>From invented dark fantasy

Seeing trine after the third game gives me depression. Way more depression than any from game.

>Imagine getting killed by a fucking outdated pop culture reference
I... don't get the reference.

sounds based and redpilled to me

I think he's referring to how chock-full of outdated pop-culture references Warcraft's world is.

But, which one kills you? Also references don't bother me, I actually get kinda nostalgic, but fuck m8 if politics irl is retarded, politics in wow is something on a whole new level

>You delve too deep staring into the abyss, and it will stare right back into you.
Are all WoWfags 70IQ niggers?

tell me what looks grimdark edgelord about , talk about fucking donte if you want edgelords

why? are 3 and 4 bad?

Is there enough a question

Trine 3 is the equivalent of cancer incarnate, imagine a game as half assed as anthem, and in a series known for being 3D sidescrolling, it's actually a 3D platformer. It went against every design decision that made the soul of the series. It trivialized puzzles to an insane degree. THIS is how bad the third game was.

They play wow, of course they are

Please end yourself