Steam AAA Bleed Continues: Anno 1800 to be UPlay and Epic Games Store Exclusive

Is Steam going to turn itself into indie shovelware peddler?

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Other urls found in this thread: Already Rejecting/ store/type/op/ store battle/ survey/type/op/ based/type/op/ their 30/type/op/ war z pricing/ dying platform/ Store strikes again /type/op/ Ubisoft moved The Division 2 /type/op/ the low price of $160/type/op/ Valve/type/op/ Steam And Epic Are In A Game Store Battle/type/op/ do you think the smart move is from Valve/type/op/ so far has only countered with/type/op/ Valve made something/type/op/ 'Metro Exodus' Bailing On/type/op/

>Associating your games with launchers
If you're not selling your game with a DRM and launcher free installer you get the pirate.


what was the best anno?

>game is consistently on sale for like $5-10
>rarely anyone talks about it
>more than half of Yea Forums never heard of it
>"t-take that, steam"
not getting detroit has been the biggest middle finger, but you shills rarely mention it.

No because Epic can only keep doing this for so long without making any sales, the money will run out sooner or later. Steam already won, they don't have to do anything but sit back and watch Epic and their Chink masters bleed themselves dry for nothing. The Epic store will be gone within a year.

Peak comfy
Everyone played those game on youtube already

>buying ubi games on anything but uplay

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apex legends is putting a dent in their money too

It's time to stop Already Rejecting/ store/type/op/ store battle/ survey/type/op/ based/type/op/ their 30/type/op/ war z pricing/ dying platform/ Store strikes again /type/op/ Ubisoft moved The Division 2 /type/op/ the low price of $160/type/op/ Valve/type/op/ Steam And Epic Are In A Game Store Battle/type/op/ do you think the smart move is from Valve/type/op/ so far has only countered with/type/op/ Valve made something/type/op/ 'Metro Exodus' Bailing On/type/op/

I can't wait to see those chink sobs folding up.


Now that shitty western publishers are leaving Steam, there is more space for based Japanese publishers and devs.
Thank you Epic.

Didn't the previous anno had a terrible drm or am I thinking a more previous iteration?

>Didn't the previous anno had a terrible drm or am I thinking a more previous iteration?
Yeah, and there were multiple instances where you couldn't play for days because of that shitty online only drm.

2205 got Denuvo added via a patch.

Tencent has baotloads of money tough. Once they decide to tkae over the rest of the company and pump in money you'd need someone like EA to play with them in a bidding war.

i personally had more issues with 2070 than 2205. 2205 has denuvo and so will 1800, so it might take an extra day or two after release before you can set sail and take to the high seas.

This saves me from having to pay Ubisoft to play Anno. Thanks for paying for my torrented copy, Epic Games.

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Nigger you still need a Uplay launcher to play any Ubisoft games nowadays no matter which platform you buy the game from like steam

at this rate valve will have to release half life 3 to stay alive


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>still requires uplay
>you get 20% off on uplay just for playing video games
you don't buy ubi games on steam or epic dear shill-chan

>buying game on release day

>buying ubi games
Their last good game was the first Splinter Cell

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ŕemember how bad the drm was in 2070
playing for hours hen you get disconnected from the server, it doesnt save your progress and then you have to wait because it wont let you log in or use half of the features
shame it was a really nice game

>update driver
>wont let you play because youve modified your system and youre only allowed to do this 5 times before you lose your "license" to play the game you legally paid for

well maybe with the cash infusion from daddy tencent ubi will invest in some fucking servers for this ga- oh who am i kidding all that happened is epic paid for yves guillemot's 12th vacation home.

It was 1404, but the beta for 1800 was mint.

Anno is the very definition of AAA retard, it might be the most AAA city builder to ever exist.

Steam literally had a little cry publicly about Epic.

>it might be the most AAA city builder to ever exist.

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>sit on your laurels and dont do SHIT for fucking YEARS

How is it not AAA?

Go on retard, prove me wrong, use your big boy words.

>Game gets removed two weeks before release
>"We don't like that this happened."

I don't educate retards, I laugh at them.

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>epic store
is it still going to force me to download and launch the game through uplay?

>It's another seething steam fag is full of shit with literally no argument episode
Imagine my shock, got your chink pasta ready?

lol yes
so in other words literally zero to point to buy it on epic or even steam for that matter.

In fact, Epic has paid for your pirated copy already. Their exclusivity deals offer guarantees sales. That means that Epic themselves buy copies, if sales fall below a certain point. So, in other words, Epic has literally bought your pirated copy for you. Now that you have no more morale obligation to buy the game, you can torrent at will, and sleep soundly at night. Thank you, Epic, for normalizing piracy! Gaben was right. It really is a service problem.

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>Anno games
lol, enjoy your gimped version faggot.


This is some hilariously underage asspull.

umagine ironically citing kotaku pieces

Man I fucking love basic game elements being stored in servers.
Especially when those servers shit themselves.
Member HoMMVI? (also ubi game)

1404 or 2070

Never go full retard kiddow

epic shills are in visitation on Yea Forums
they don't know how to behave

2070 ? Said no one ever.

>The bugmen fear the pirate

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but bugmen are also pirates


Bugmen are literally the biggest pirates on the planet, all the lead scene cracking groups are Chinks.

Not to mention the Epic store is less DRM than Steam, you don't even need the Epic Launcher installed, let alone running to play Epic Games.

>not an epic shill btw

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>It's another seething steam fag is full of shit with literally no argument episode
Imagine my shock, got your chink pasta ready?

Nobody's talking about Steam but you, bugman. Keep being upset that nobody's going to use your store to buy Ubisoft generic template game #12051.

>Nobody's talking about Steam
Try again you seething no argument faggot.

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Added the game on wishlist yesterday after playing Tropico 6. Rip I guess.

>Post from an hour ago that states Steam doesn't care about Epic
Stay upset, bugman.

>six times higher on the Ubisoft store
Doesn't say anything about EGS shit.

Is there a reason every Anno game title adds up to 9?

Did you literally not even the read the thread?
>Steam AAA Bleed Continues: Anno 1800 to be UPlay and Epic Games Store Exclusive

So you were wrong, retard.

Running gag, soon to come to an end.

>Gets proven wrong
>Screeches about bugmen
Every time.

Eh, I don't mind, Ubi seem to eventually put their games on gog. I don't need to play everything on release, or I can pirate then buy later.

Man, uncle Lu must have really whipped his teenage kids into a frenzy for them to post this rabidly for their 0.01 social credit score a day.

Time to wait for it to get re released to steam in a few months. It's not like it matters anyways, the anno games all launch through ubisofts terrible ass launcher.

It's probably just a ploy to milk pre orders ans get that juicy epic money. It's not like the anno series holds up price - wise for a long time

>Pulling our game our game from Steam has been great for us, because UPlay Store pre-orders are six times higher.
All this means is that people would rather use Ubisoft's store than EGS.

What it means is Steam is irrelevant.

>you lived long enough to see the cancer that is steam fading away
replaced by aids, but I'll take anything over that shit. aids' manageable

I was already going to pirate it because it has Denuvo but now I feel even less bad about it.

>Let's tell them this isn't okay by pre-ordering the game on steam and not buying it on the epic store! that will show them!

You are proud and courageous, if only more of us could be like you and valiantly stand up for what we believe in screeching at the top of our lungs how we will not be denied our toys.

Watch the chinkoids lash out at you for doing the sensible thing.

>Is Steam going to turn itself into indie shovelware peddler?
Where have you been?
Steams biggest market is now shovelware and chinkware.

It's fucking disgusting.

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uhh what

>Filters: Your languages
>games nobody has ever even heard of and doesn't care about are a problem in some way

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Do those reviews look like they're in English to you bugman? Do you even know how Steams filters fucking work?

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>niche city builder

No it doesn't you retard. People preferring motherfucking Ubishit's shitty launcher and store over the pile of cancer and aids which is the EGS means that the EGS is irrelevant, you stupid nigger faggot.

Given Steam is the thing that's been removed from the equation it quite literally means Steam is irrelevant to the success of PC games.

anno needs to go backwards
i wanna play anno 2106bc in egypt and anno 423bc in greece

>Anno 1800
Not even worth pirating

Really? Then where are the sales numbers? "X times the amount of Y" is nonsense PR speak.
There are raw numbers and there fake news, nothing else.

>I don't know how multiplication works.
Perhaps we should start you off with addition before we move onto the big boy maths though.

I see you are suffering from shillism and have idiotic images saved to assist you
get help


Raw numbers or fake news. Why aren't you posting data yet?

Still seething and incapable of dealing with the the truth, facts or forming anything even remotely resembling a coherent example I see.

Steam is a cesspool of Chinks and shovelware, and now that Chinks are Valves biggest earner, it's only going to get worse.

Perhaps even addition is too advanced for you, should we start with counting to ten? You can use your hands if it makes it easier.

go back where you came from

>Gets presented with facts
Every time.

>No argument
Sounds like you're from Reddit friend.

What facts? A nebulous statement that uplay sales increased from an unspecified amount to 6 times the unspecified amount?
Data or fake news.

it's the pirate's life for me

That nebulous statement has more credibility than you user, so have fun with your fiction and trying to spin your own little narrative to fit your personal prejudices, but no one is going to take you seriously because you're literally no one.

In addition to what other people have told your chinkshill ass, you are forgetting the rather simple fact that in order to play ubishit games, you need to go through the ubishit launcher regardless, and this doesn't make steam irrelevant because the sales(figures for which have not been provided yet, funny that) would be even higher if the game was on steam in the first place, you goddamned moron.

Nothing then. I win.

This is pretty rich coming from a chinkshill bubman soibitch like you.

I agree that those settings would be dope, but they wouldn't really be anno domini anymore would they?

Video games really need an equivalent of box office mojo.

>Epic holding games hostage yet again
And this is meant to be a good thing?

It's actually ubisoft being faggots.

>la la la la la la la la la
As I said user, no one is going to take you seriously when the facts contradict everything you say, when developers and publishers contradict everything you say, you can screech and scream and rant about bugmen all you want like the contrarian little sheep you are, but it doesn't change reality, and reality is, people are happily buying games on the Epic Game store, Steams iron grip is no more, and given Valve's utter complacency, total disregard for it's customers and selling out it's userbase at the first whiff of Chinese money, it's no loss at all.

>Anno is the very definition of AAA

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Where are the sales numbers then? Epic had no trouble disclosing Subnautica owners (given for free lol). Why don't they share the rest?

Cry some more chang while digging your own grave.

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>but they wouldn't really be anno domini anymore wasn't the AD just for marketing purposes outside of europe?


>Don't post proof of raw numbers that others demanded
>Call everyone else retards that ignore facts

Irony so think you can cut it with a knife.

>ubishit game sells better on uplay after being removed from steam
You fucks really should start to read your articles.


You cunts are too dense and too narrow minded to see what's right in front of you all because you're too busy gargling corporate cock.

Wake the fuck up.

it just depends on what setting you like more, old or future.
1404 and 2070 are both really good especially with their repetitive super mods.
and yeah the the whole AD thing was just for marketing, no reason the games couldn't go ancient

>You cunts are too dense and too narrow minded to see what's right in front of you

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I honestly don't know, I've only been on the Anno train since 1404 but I was always under the impression that's what the title meant. I also assume plenty of people will lose their shit online if they broke the mould just like if they ever broke the 9.

Personally I'd love to see an Anno Roman period. They could easily keep the trend there.

>Steam fags lose
>Pirate fags lose
Today was a good day, this entire year is going to be full of salty steam tears, it's gonna be good.

>posts article that contradicts himself
>Wake the fuck up.
8/10 made me reply.

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Why are all the lefty-obsessed sites shilling for China so much? Shouldn't people that whine about how "the poor game devs are oppressed and overworked" hate a country that scoffs at human rights and labor laws?

Steam still wins for getting the master chief collection

There's literally nothing epic can do to counter that

Holy shit the irony levels from this guy is off the charts.

Anno is to autistic nerds what work simulator is to Germans, it's like a graphically enhanced version of popping bubble wrap, it's not AAA in any way, shape or form.

You should know by now that modern leftist doesn't care much for what he stands for, only what he stands against. Epic is a tool in their butthurt crusade against Steam ever since Gabe told them to fuck off with their book burning.

Cry harder steamdrone. Your time is up and Epic will win this battle.

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No really, you've swallowed the bugman pill with your eyes closed because all you care about is your post purchase rationalization and allegiance to Steam, you've never stopped to actually critically think about the big picture.

Steam is governed entirely by it's userbase, always has been, always will be. Epic doesn't even operate in China, meanwhile Steams largest userbase is now Chinks, they are the majority on Steam, Valve openly stated that this years focus will be servicing the Chink market. Chinks are now the driving force behind Steam and they are no longer interested in your money, it's not a priority for them and will never be again, you are an inconsequential minority. They're partnering with Chink companies, they're diminishing the quality of service for their existing userbase by flooding their platform with Chinks, when Steam is up for grabs in the next few years, which it will be, Chinks are going to buy it and you'll have spent years yelling and screaming whilst bending over for the one thing you've been yelling and screaming about.

Dumbest post in this thread, and it's a dumb fucking thread.

>it's another "tim pretends to not know his masters" episode

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I already preordered in steam, what's the correct action I should take if I don't support what's epic is doing?

rome, egypt, and greece would be pretty great. god i would love a mix of caesar 3/zeus/cleopatra and anno holy shit

>It's another retard on Yea Forums who doesn't know a fucking thing about corporate structure expects people to take him seriously episode
Fucking endless re-runs, no one takes you seriously when you don't even understand basic shit.

Yeah, it's not Vavle who pays devs to release on as many platforms as possib...oh wait.
Cry some more bugman, you lsot this war and your refusal to see it is just more entertainment for us.

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>all the ubishit games are not coming to steam now
Finally some fucking trash getting removed from steam.

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Muh dicc

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refund it and get it on uplay, you don't need a launcher to launch a launcher be it steam or epic

I rather it go crazy, just one iteration that is treated as side title is enough. For example.
Anno Fantasy
Anno 40k

>no one takes you seriously when you don't even understand basic shit.
Glad that you finally understand how we see you.

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Welcome to the free market commie, feel free to fuck off back to whatever third world shithole you crawled out of whenever you want.

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do people even play this shit? ive never heard anyone talk about anno or metro until this epic store bullshit.

im pretty sure nobody gives a shit.

I really love the aesthetic for 2070 so I have to go with that one .

Are you pretending to be retartded or did you not read the pic?

You're the one trying to refute publishers and developers, not me.

I've got nothing to prove, you on the other hand, do, but alas, you're no one and seem to be painfully reliant on propping up your arguments with estrogenic fueled feels rather than facts.

If these games ever start selling they won't pay a dime. Its a self funding system if it takes off. Its evil.

Developers are free to make deals with whoever they please, that includes exclusive deals.

If you have a problem with that, you're a commie faggot.

>I've got nothing to prove
Yes you do, but I'm not suprised your insectoid brain is incapable to understand it and hopes that others will do it for him.

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>do people even play this shit?
yes. these games have been going for almost 20 years.

>makes baseless statements
>i've got nothing to prove
How retarded are you really?


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>use steam to promote your game for months
>Pull out from store at release

How many time publisher will do this before Valve will start to see red.

God I want a modern game like this so fucking bad.

Tencent is a ruthless Chinese conglomerate.
They didn't get half a trillion dollars ny pumping their money into things, seeing it fail, and then continually pumping more money into it until it stops failing.

They pump money into something.
If it doesn't perform? They cut their loses, squeeze whatever profit they can from it down to the last drop, and then move on to the next three things.

>Yes you do
No I don't, I can kick back, relax, watch exclusives get ripped away from Steam, watch those same exclusives go on to sell well.

It's evident that the market doesn't care where it gets it's games, publishers and developers are certainly much better off with Epic, meanwhile here you are, carrying on like a kid screaming about bugmen because you're so attached to your box of toys on Steam that the mere thought of all the kids going and playing elsewhere scares you.

Actually that's the complete opposite of how Tencent operates, especially with regard to games companies.

>Bugman still shilling hard for Epic
Man, he really needs those social credit points.

>watch exclusives get ripped away from Steam
But it was never going to be exclusive on Steam. It was always going to be for sale through uPlay. Time for you to lose at your own game of twisting the words, Chang.

>literally zero proof anywhere that any of these games are actually sell well on epic

>It's evident that the market doesn't care where it gets it's games
Except it does as the Metro and Division 2 sales prove more then enough, not something that you're capable to understand.
But screech some more how Epic will buy out everything while trying to rationalize them failing and losing more and more money. Hell, Sweeney himself even admitted that they can't operate that way any more and need to stop doing it or raise the cut on games.

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It's no longer going to be for sale on Steam after release, whereas previously it was, it's being ripped away from Steam.

How about you quit being a fucking retard and dancing around arguments and instead start participating in actual discussions? Or are you afraid you'll lose? So it's better to just keep calling everyone chang and bugman to deflect? Grow the fuck up or fuck off.

They're already heavily invested in Epic. They'll rather let them run themselves dry, then start to pump money into the company and buy the rest off Sweeny. Shit like that happens time and time again with gullible idiots who hit it big and don't know what to do about it.

But Metro and The Division sold better without Steam, not only that but the developers and publishers get a larger cut of those increased sales as well. It's win/win....and all of that is down to the market happily buying elsewhere.

Nice try though.

Metro sold like shit and the division 2 sold better on Uplay.

>Grow the fuck up or fuck off
Start with yourself Chang and for once try to be ratrional and argumentative instead of propping up your opinions with estrogenic fueled feels rather than facts.

"And I know that from a tabloid that quoted no sources and gave no numbers"


I've already won, Lu-Wong. I'm now going to enjoy Anno, without paying a single cent for it. I would have bought it if it came to Steam. Piracy is a service problem.

>But Metro and The Division sold better without Steam
Metro sold like fucking shit, fucking LLRedux sold boatloeads more and Divisdon 2 sold only well direclty trough UPlay and notr Epic store. You really should start to read the news your company releasees Cheng.

oh no, steam is LITERALLY dying
how do we save it? should we ask for ubishit back?

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>Metro sold like shit
Publishers say otherwise, your word doesn't count for shit.
>and the division 2 sold better on Uplay.
Yeah, so it sold better without Steam, that was my entire point, the market doesn't care where it gets its games.

There is no upside to developers releasing games on Steam anymore, Valve has shat the bed and the mere existence of the Epic Store has shone a massive spotlight on that fact.

You don't have to, just get it on Uplay.

>and all of that is down to the market happily buying elsewhere.
>when every offical number shows that it sold like shit on Epic Store
kek, thanks for the laugh bugmen. You retards at least brought back some laughter into this shithole.

This, if they ever stop the exclusive train, the media will give up on them and they fall into obscurity like discords store

get it on uplay like you should be doing with every other ubi game you're interested in.

>Publishers say otherwise, your word doesn't count for shit.
>sold 2.5 time better then LL during release on steam
>LL sold 20k on steam during it's lifetime
You can do the math yourself, retard.


Wow, so creative, it's like you trot out the same fucking scripts every fucking time regurgitating the same old bullshit. Do you guys just vomit the shit into each others mouths whilst making out or what?

kek this guy is a riot

Not my fucking fault all your bugman names sound the same.

Publisher disagrees with you, until you can prove otherwise, fuck off, your word is worthless.

I'm still waiting for actual slaes numbers. If it sold so good you would expect them to release it to prove their point. You know, just like with, say, Subnautica that had 4 million downloads not sales.

There's no need to get upset, Peng. You can't help being born in the world's butthole.

Epicd disagress, not publishers. Goddamit Hua Wei, learn to fucking read the press releases.

>Publishers say otherwise, your word doesn't count for shit.
2.5 times the amount of copies Last Light sold, right? Not even the redux version, they're talking the original version. You know, the one that only sold 20k copies. Which means 50k copies for Exodus. They thought they could manipulate the facts through clever wording and not posting the actual sales figures themselves, but we're smarter than that.

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God damn it I actually wanted to buy this.
oh well, looks like I'm pirating.

lol rage more

im screenshotting this and sending it to my friends lol you look so stupid

>LL sold 20k on steam during it's lifetime
Oh look, it's a retard using broken steam spy data again, why is it after the API change so many games defaulted to 0-20,000 sales despite the fact we know lots of those games sold MILLIONS of copies, hmm strange, it's almost like those numbers are completely irrelevant and steam spy is completely broken, but you wouldn't be a faggot if you let fact checking get in the way of your little narrative, now would you?
Publisher disagrees with you, until you can prove otherwise, fuck off, your word is worthless.

Last Light didn't sell 20k copies, so your entire argument is based on fallacy, not fact.

>Data mined long before the API fucked up
>It-it's not real! Help president Xi!

Except hat the data was taken before the API cahnge. I know, you're inacapable to understand that as you've made it more then clear by now that even a toddler eclipses you mentally. But cry some more, it's at least somewhat entertaining.

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discord has a store?
lol how many is that now, twitch has a store as well I notice
this is so retarded
I'm just not gonna buy any game from now on

>Publisher disagrees with you
>when it's only Epic
>without releasing any real numbers
Seems another round of english lessons was wasted on a retard who doesn't know when to stop.

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refund. Learn that you never again have to pay full price for a video game if you compare prices before giving Gaben money.

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Everyone has a store now. And they're all better then Steam. Especially the "lightweight" ones like Epic who somehow need more memory despite having less function...

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The data is broken, look at how many games have defaulted to "0-20000" that previously had actual numbers well above that.

Your entire argument is built on bullshit, but of course you won't admit it, and yet you still expect people to believe you?

Come the fuck on, i've done my homework, the least you can do is the same.

>so your entire argument is based on fallacy, not fact.
So is your life qian wei

>Epic is now Ubisoft
>Epic is now Deep Silver
Ok retard.

>i've done my homework
Teamleader Wang now makes you work at home, too? Poor Jing, needing to take on overtime shilling some shitty online store to keep his social credit in the green.

>Ubishit game is going to be exclusive on Chinkbotnet spyware platform while still being tied to Ubishit servers that cause more problems to people who bought it than to those that didn't.
>Take that Steamfags

lol ok.
I can seriously see Valve getting sick of publishers using Steam to advertise their games and then bailing at the last moment for that Epic cash bribe.

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How much do those Anno Blablabla games even sell?

Seems like a niche of a niche.

>source: reddit
Have redditors not figured out you do not have to keep these launchers running? They automatically launch if you click on the game.exe

You really should start to read your own press releases Huang Wei. It's getting emebrassing to read you shit.

>Steam bleeding
yeah, no. First of all Anno isn't really popular outside of Germoney, despite what Ubisoft would like you to believe.
Second of all, the only reason they're going for Epic Games is because most of the people buying it would go straight to UPlay anyway, so they're not losing much except some "public image" that got damaged controlled by announcing it beforehand. And probably exclusivity cash from Epic or just the extra percentage making up for it

t. tard who's friends with Anno devs

That sucks. I was actually gonna buy this game too.

Yet another great non-argument, I don't know how you do it. Such wit, such insight, such creativity, it's not like you're just parroting the same shit adnauseam or anything.

>The data is broken
>data that was taken before the change is broken

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Devs so far have said that it's about the extra cash and not the cut, otherwise the ywould go to the Discord store which offers an even better cut then what Epic has. I do wonder how much Epic had to pay to ubisoft tough.

Anno sells millions of copies, it's plenty popular outside of Germany, it's biggest markets aren't even Germany.

SteamDB says otherwise, Xiang.

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Who the fuck plays anno? You must be high to think losing that will hurt Steam.

Jesus fuck, go and look at even a single page of Steam Spy data.
It's completely broken.

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>not one argument brought so far
>only conjecture and outright denial of what is actually happening
You tried Li Teng.

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>data that was taken before the change is broken

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Why is that data different to what it was before the change then?

>they're all better than steam
you must be some sort of idiot

>steam spy didn't get fucked until last year
>Somehow this invalidates everything BEFORE steamspy got fucked

What. The. Fuck.

Yes, it is broken faggot.

You lot are the absolute densest of cunts.

Attached: Metro.jpg (1766x894, 155K)

>I do wonder how much Epic had to pay
No clue tbf, it was only brought up because I was wondering why they'd go to Epic. It's basically just to see what happens because most of their revenue is made directly through UPlay so it doesn't change much

>taken before change
>before the change
>the change
A child can understand it, yet you can't. Truly incredible just how stupid someone can be.

Attached: 1554124580373.jpg (960x960, 73K)

>Anno sells millions of copies
Feel free to stop posting at any time.

Attached: Untitled.png (993x100, 6K)

Fucking tard.

>Ubi games are epic store exclusives*
*also on Uplay
>Chinese firm Tencent is taking a 5% stake in Ubisoft
Mmmh I wonder why

>Yes, it is broken faggot.
Funny how I never denied that. But twisting words is all you can do anyway.

> I do wonder how much Epic had to pay to ubisoft tough.
Why is Epic paying money for a game that isn't exclusive to their store?
I bet Ubisoft is just looking for an excuse to take games off Steam because the 20-30% cut is hurting.

>Claim vehemently something is broken
So you just posted numbers from something you yourself claim is broken. They really don't train you "influencers" well, now do they?

Replying to yourself doesn't give your opinion any more validity Cheng.

Anno is primarily sold on uplay. Boxed copies come with uplay. Every keystore sells uplay keys.

I said it was broken AFTER the API change.
Dumb cunt.
So now that i've BTFO out of your bullshit arguments, what next huh?
Oh wait, you've got fucking nothing, as usual.

Dumb fucks, literally sub 80 iq niggers.

Finally, some real competition to break up the Steam monopoly!

Attached: jimpic.jpg (436x435, 47K)

That and Ubisoft don't want user reviews for their games.

I mean you didn't, in fact you just kicked yourself in the nuts without realizing it, but since that's something that isn't permited in your bugworld you'll keep on claiming that you "won" somehow.

Because it's the only way for them to get games on their store and maybe even sell them. Otherwise everyone would go to steam simply for it being the better store.

>I said it was broken AFTER the API change.
>he doesn't understand hiw own posts

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-18 first-you-laugh-then-you-cry jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 460 × 563 Pixel).png (458x428, 318K)

>I won!
>Still doesn't realize that Anno not being on Steam doesn't hurt anyone
Sure, honey. You "won". Go pay $60 for a license to access Ubisoft's servers. Meanwhile, the adults will be pirating the game.

Really, because I could swear I just proved that Last Light actually sold well over a million copies, not the 20k you claimed, meaning it sold amazingly on Epic, I also proved that since the API change Steam Spy is FUCKED.

Do fuck off now kid, you lost, and now you're going to have to come up with a whole new bullshit argument to push your little narrative as yet another has been torn apart by facts.

Fucking pathetic.

>steamspy doesn't work
>but it does when I want it to
Learn to read your own posts bugman.

It doesn't work since the API change, but please, keep trying to spin shit because you got rekt, it just makes it that much sweeter.

>Enraged bugman continues to pretend he won the argument
>While not understand how stupid he's making himself look right now

>Epic says Metro Exodus sold 2.5 times better on Epic Store than Metro: Last Light did on Steam
>LL sold more the na million during it's whole lifetime
>that measn it sold mroe then that on Epic within 2 weekls
You really should start to read what you post mate, so far you've only hurt yourself and your "argument".

user please, they're comparing the LAUNCH sales of last light to exodus
not the fucking life time sales of ll

Attached: Untitled.jpg (726x594, 145K)

>buying games

Because it shills their store. And like I said before, Ubisoft doesn't have much to lose since their main platform is still there. They're getting an extra percentage of sales or just being paid to try out new market options

>literally everything chang does it spinning words
>gets exposed again and again for it and now tries to pin it onto others
Kek, please never stop, my sides'll thank you for it.

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>No it didn't, here's proof
Better luck next time kid.

You can't post that. It goes against Liu Weis narrative and might kill his social score.

You mean like me posting actual sales numbers of Last Light debunking your 20k claims?

Seethe more tard.

Learn to read bugman. It'll help you in the future.

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man they the english teachers need to do a better job in russia

>This website is broken!
>Oh no look it's suddenly not broken now that it fits my narrative!
Reminder that the Chinese don't see any harm in lying. In fact, it is a Chinese custom to lie to foreigners and to strangers.

do you even know what launch and lifetime sales mean or didn't they teach you that in your english classes?


Attached: 1553684547105.png (438x432, 61K)

How about you learn to read faggot.

Faggots said that it only sold 20k, which is wrong, faggots claimed that Steam Spy data was still accurate, which is wrong.

So I proved it, with facts, but naturally being the little bitch you are, you can't accept, let alone admit that you were wrong and completely full of shit and that's why you'll always lose.

>compared to Metro LL LAUNCH SALES
>arguing about total owners

>Everyone but me is wrong!
Oh, sweetie, it hurts to see you embarrass yourself like this.

Show me where I once said anything about launch sales. Oh right, you can't, because I didn't, and you're just being a faggot trying to yet again spin the argument away from you being WRONG.

Seethe more.

>faggots claimed that Steam Spy data was still accurate
Nobody claimed that except you but seeing how quickly you change positions hoping you'll "win" with it, I'm not even suprised by it.

Anyone who said Steam Spy data is still valid and that it only sold 20k copies is wrong, and that was a whole lot of you faggot.

All of you got dabbed on by one user.

>Show me where I once said anything about launch sales
>when this has been the point this whole fucking time
>when it's literally the only way Epic can claim that Exodus sold better then LL
Christ, you're even more retarded thatn I initially tough.

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>Nobody claimed that
LOL yes they fucking did you cuck, read the fucking thread.

Hilariously based

more like epic games continues to ruin themselves by paying for another AAA game
valve is gonna buy epic in 2020 rename fortnite to fartnite and sell new copies exclusively on steam charging 1337,69 US Dollars just because they can.

Yet you yourself claimed the data was invalid, so your made up number is meaningless. You played yourself. Now stop posting, please, before you make a fool of yourself even more.

>Nobody claimed that except you
>read the fucking thread
It's like a parody coming to life, unable to understand that everyone is laughing at it, not with it.

Attached: obama-laughing.jpg (1024x576, 126K)

>Anyone who said Steam Spy data is still valid and that it only sold 20k copies is wrong
>is STILL valid
Learn to read faggot, Steam Spy data now and from before the change is completely different.
You need to look at archived data, not the current data.
Now stop pretending to be retarded and just admit you were fucking wrong and quit acting like a bitch.

I like it more when they get mad chink shills really have a low temper

>Gets proven wrong yet again
>Posts the same non-argument yet again
Great defense mechanism you've got there, i'm sure if fools everyone.

>Learn to read faggot
>while he still can't read
It's starting to get emberassing Cheng.

That isn't what I was arguing at any point, you know, because it was posted AFTER i'd already proved the other arguments wrong.

How dumb are you?


>Gets proven wrong yet again
>tries to turn his own failings on others yet again
I hope it's a bunch of bugs taking turns and not really just one autistic one that keeps this shit up.

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Did you even read the article. They had six times more sales FROM UPLAY than the previous title. Not total sales. A sudden surge in sales for a specific launcher when you have taken away the major alternative means the game only sold better on their platform BECAUSE it wasn't available on Steam.

It's classic shareholder meeting talk. "In these specific circumstances, we did really well the last quarter" As an accountant, I'm told to dress shit up like that all the time.

Man, this one insectoid is getting MURDERED. Anyway, I'm done pulling out legs. I'm going to bed, which was made in China, probably by the shill's uncle or something. Feels good not to be a third worlder sticking up for a shady, corrupt online store lacking features that its competitors have hade for decades now.

>chinks try to banter
>They just repeat what gets thrown in their face

Attached: 1554239659253.jpg (250x241, 7K)

>That isn't what I was arguing at any point
>when it's the sole reason for the discussion to exist

>How dumb are you?
Evidently nowhere near as dumb as you.

>Bugman pill

Attached: 1553873957607.png (378x357, 81K)

holy shit why are faggots shitting on Anno now

No amount of back and forth shitflinging is going to convince me to purchase games on Epic.

Wow DRM free games can launch without the epic launcher
It's like it's the same fucking thing with DRM free games on steam you fucking shill

>when it's the sole reason for the discussion to exist
No it wasn't. I was disproving these posts.
And I did exactly that.

Steam Spy Data HAS changed since the API change.
Last Light did NOT sell 20k copies in it's lifetime, but well over a million.

That was the entirety of my argument and faggots got BTFO because they were too caught up in spinning their own narratives to fact check.

Epic doesn't have an equivalent of Steamworks champ, try again.

>Claim website has wrong data
>Find different data from same website

Cry more faggot.

care to share some sales figures?

Lmao. How is that bleeding "AAA games"? Not to mention you always had to use the shitty uplay thing even when buying off steam.

Did you read my post?
I said games on steam with no DRM (meaning no steamwork either) can launch without steam
It's not a special thing
but I do get your point that a lots of game use steamworks without telling you that it's a drm

>When you have to teach the shill what his company owns

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You don’t even need Ebin games store for this

They aren't shitting on Anno, just shitting on OP for thinking Anno is popular enough to drive Steam out of business.

Muh sailin gaem.

Bitches don't know about the cash cow that Artifact is, that shit alone will sustain Steam for years to come.

Ah so he's using Anno for shitposting? curse him then

It's ubishits only decent game the fact it has no steam release screams shitgame to me

>Tencent is a ruthless Chinese conglomerate. They didn't get half a trillion dollars ny pumping their money into things, seeing it fail, and then continually pumping more money into it until it stops failing.

Clearly you know nothing about Chinese economics. China has been loading up on debt the moment they started taking over manufacturing for the world. The secret to becoming a modern superpower isn't to have people indebted to you, it's be indebted to the world. If you owe everyone $500 they will just stop talking to you are write you off. If you owe everyone a trillion dollars, they want to see you fucking make returns and will loan you more to keep you floating. They will try and sell your debt to each other and your stability is key. China is one of the only real nations on Earth, everyone else just runs sideline through corporate boards and conglomerations.

Unless they really fuck it up between the beta and release, 1800.

they already released a demo for it and it was great

>Fortnite actually GROWING
>UE4 is the most used engine for big name games by far
Y-yeah steambros.... any day now Epic will die...

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Good thing it was never about it's lifetime data, but only about the inital week, you know, since your employer claimed that Exodus sold more then LL during its release.
But seeing how desperatly you try to move the goalpost it's clear that even you know that you're just full of shit and too afraid to go against your buglord.

Attached: 1553475692931.gif (500x252, 985K)

>unironically replying to the mentally ill retard that makes this type of threads everyday for multiple fucking years
The absolute state of Yea Forums


That's where you have it fucked up user. Media are just tools for their sponsors and their sponsors benefit from devaluation in labour. You'll also notice that they will never ever talk shit about their sponsors, there could be a story about how "bank of whatever is funding child labour in sudan" but their story will be "bank of whatever is funding sudanese workers BUT so is everyone else all banks suck so it doesn't matter which you choose".

>being such a cuck that you need Epic to "buy" your copy before you can pirate or you will feel guilt
Don't fucking try to associate with me you buycuck faggot. You Steamniggers need to fuck off and stop trying to pretend you're pirate Chads all of the sudden when you obviously still a fucking buycuck who is just pirating because he thinks he'll somehow get back at Epic for hurting their friend corporation.

Fuck both Steam and Epic Game Store, you DRM cocksleeve.

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Nice I might pirate then

We've been doing this for since December now

Having no data is an argument now?

All I did was debunk anons bullshit claims with readily available data.

If you have access to LL initial week sales on Steam, feel free to share, otherwise you can fuck off.

That is a really dumb, simplistic way to look at it. Greece, Germany, and even the UK have all completely failed economically in the past and didn't pay back debts. The US flat out told Britain once it wasn't going to pay them back and that was just the end of it. Because they didn't want to go to war.

China is a bubble and a bad investment. There are no returns. The only way to get anything from China is to use it and abuse it. Your dumbass logic is to give a crackhead more money because they can smoke more crack but maybe sell some too and pay you back. That doesn't work.

Valve drones are so desperate now that they will shit on any game that is on the Epic store. As their desperation increases, you'll see them start shitting on any game using UE4, too.

>That nebulous statement has more credibility than you user

Yes random internet man has less credibility than journalists, one of the least trusted professions (just under used car salesman fyi).

Oh I am. So keep on sperging out some more thanks to your inablitiy to think rationaly for even one tiny second. My sides at least will thank you.

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No, you didn't. Other anons have proven you wrong multiple times already, with you giving them more and more ammunition since you don't really read what you post, but seeing your inablity to accept that I just take it that you really are as retarded as you appear and not just a baiting idiot. Even they know when it's time to stop.



>hmm, who should I trust
>a whiny little hot pocket scoffing faggot on Yea Forums who does nothing but REEEEEEEEEEEE about bugmen 24/7 with no understanding of anything beyond his basement
>or a publisher that can be sued into an early grave by it's shareholders for releasing misleading, or fabricated public statements regarding sales figures
Gosh, that's a hard one.

Mad as fuck chink

>No, you didn't.
Yeah user, I did.
I proved that Steam Spy data has changed since the API change.
I proved that LL has sold more than 20k copies on Steam.
End of story, and the faggots ran off because they got BTFO.

Nah you didn't, and you've proven it again without realizing it, retard.

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>Your dumbass logic is to give a crackhead more money

I love it when anons make completely nonsensical analogies. China is partially a bubble but it has a solid foundation and that is their manufacturing. Your examples are terrible because they don't take into account the times. So look at current America, China and Japan. Both are financially the largest superpowers on the planets and have so much debt poured into them so they can't really fall. It would take the EU 30+ years to be able to not bother with them.

Bubbles are better applied to countries which are unnoticeable and there's many more case studies. Take Ireland for example, they floated by and then once the market had a bit of turbulence they popped. Australia also follows this same route, their current election choices are either "continue the bubble scam" or "develop a stable economy".

Your crackhead analogy is so fucking retarded and reductionist. Which is why your opening sentence of "that is really dumb, simplistic" is hilarious.l

>I proved that LL has sold more than 20k copies on Steam.
>which was never in question
>since it was always about the release numbers
God youre a fucking retard beyond any reasoning. Guess it's true that chinks will try everything they can come up with to weasel themselves out once they get BTFO.

do you know what AAA means?

>no argument user is back
Still seething I see.

No I don't, please define it for me user in direct relation to Anno.

>he thinks he has an argument
>he thinks I'm some user from before
kek, good one mate, cry some more for me.

>which was never in question
Yes it was, it was questioned here...
And BTFO here...
>since it was always about the release numbers
No it wasn't, we don't have Steams release numbers, do you? I wouldn't be dumb enough to argue about something I have no facts about, but apparently you are.

>what is poster count
Fucking newfags.

>>what is poster count
>newfag tries to educate others
This is getting to stupid for me.

Attached: 1553940615061.gif (446x469, 1.46M)

English motherfucker, do you speak it. Read what the fuck your stupid little ass linked you goddam retard. Christ, I guess Epic finding a bug as tenacious, stupid and stuborn as you really paid of for them. Only have to feed one bug instead of ten.

Attached: Epic says Metro Exodus sold 2 5 times better on Epic Store than Metro Last Light did on Steam.png (602x249, 26K)

I think you're just too stupid for the internet in general given the rate at which you've been getting BTFO.

>Read what the fuck your stupid little ass linked you goddam retard.
You first.
>LL sold 20k on steam during it's lifetime
>You know, the one that only sold 20k copies.

Come on user, apply yourself.

>earnings call
Just corporate shit talk to get more investors

Kek now let's wait to see if he will call you a newfag r*dditor

Nah nigga, you're really just too stupid to read a simple fucking article and realize why we're even having this discussion in the first palce.

user you clearly missed the point as to why the stats are retarded in the article. They can be correct but the actual logic is retarded behind them.

X = 90% of sales
Y = 10% of sales
Removal of X means Y went up by a factor of 7
now Y is 70% of the sales and Z paid us 5 million and has 30% of the sales.

Let's completely ignore that we lost total growth in sales and push the store taking over 70% of our unit sales.

Do you understand the logic user. They shoot themselves in the foot but then talk about how the overhead is cheaper with 3 toes.

Division games are for casuals

Ofc he does. All their information comes from sending less then a week in here after crossing the great firewall. That's why you see the saem insults the whole time, it's all they've managed to learn in that timeframe.

I've linked the posts, i've quoted the posts, and most importantly, i've disproved the posts.

If that's not enough spoon feeding for you, there's nothing more I can do for your retarded faggot ass.

Run along and play in the street kid, let Darwin do his thing.

Do you know how money works? They're not even buying permentant exclusivity. Doesn't matter how well fortnite or unreal is doing if they keep dishing out millions for timed exclusives.
All it takes is for one of their exclusives (most likely Phoenix Point) to bomb and they're in the red. Why do you think EA is laying people off after a bad quarter?

>No because Epic can only keep doing this for so long without making any sales, the money will run out sooner or later
They have enough money to do this for 3-4 more years. I honestly can't endure that. I hate Epic more than EA, Activision and Ubishit. I hate them more than I have ever hated EA and their stupid store has only been out for about 4 months. PC gaming was going so well than these fuckers showed up out of nowhere like denuvo. I wouldn't be surprised if they were funded by sony.

Do you think they send the same guys over and over? I like to think we made one rage in to suicide some time ago his sperging would make this dude blush

Do you always talk to yourself?

>entire comparison of metro last light sales to metro exodus we're all about launch sales
>some illiterate nigger thinks it's about lifetime sales, a completely separate argument

Can you post the launch sales numbers for Last Light on Steam user?

>I've linked the posts, i've quoted the posts
You forgot the part where you didn't read the posts, retard. Since you would've noticed how you, once again, contradicted yourself.

Since I'm not a bugman, no.

Attached: [...].png (151x147, 3K)

No I didn't, the posts stated that LL had only sold 20k copies on Steam.
The posts stated that Steam Spy data hadn't changed since the API change.

I proved both wrong.

Try again.

Nice photoshop bro, but you're a bit slow.

Yeah you didn't read the posts, Glad you finally stating to see it. Now you just have to hold that line of tought to it's logical conclusion and maybe, just maybe you'll manage to realize how retarded you've been this whole time.
Good luck with that, you will need it.

Attached: 1553980255298.jpg (301x267, 55K)

The Division 2 is probably the only Epic store exclusive that counts as AAA.
I'm not saying I'm not mad, I wanted to buy Phoenix Point, but that doesn't make it an AAA.

I'm on autistic german who loves anno and builders but let's be honest it's not a AAA game and not a big deal. Plus the last two anno games were garbage

I said try again, not re-iterate the same non-argument bullshit you've been spewing this entire thread user.

I've proved you wrong, deal with it.

Easy pirate
Anyone who also buys any BL games at launch is a moron.

Hi kamiya

Anno more like Anu(s)

I bought 1404 on GoG. Not having uplay is the tightest shit

absolutely based picture user. stealing.
