Nothing Personnel Samurai-san
also Sekiro thread
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Why are all the skills except whirlwind and ichimonji fucking garbage? Boring.
Stupid question: can you deflect attacks with your own attacks? I remember reading something like that in pre-release interviews.
monklet detected
>he doesnt know about the monk flying kick
bro that monk flying kick
obliterates sword saint
Monk skills are shit though.
Monk kick when the enemy does a sweep attack and thank me later
this is true but flying monk kick shines
on sword-saint level
Combat arts are pointless and only for style. You're better off unequipping it so you don't accidentally L1+R1 when you don't want to.
>unironically accidentally presses L1+R1
>he is panic mashing buttons
seriously this board is off-limits to
people with downsyndrome
Fair enough, I'll try it. Are you guys talking about leaping kicks? I don't know wtf monk kick is.
>phase 1
He has LITERALLY NO POSTURE on phase 1. Anything obliterates him.
The best one is the final skill on the monk tree called High Monk. It goes over the sweeps and kicks them in the face for big posture damage
Nerf fireworks, nerf ichimonji, take damage on blocks that aren't parries. What else to make the game good?
>playing with a controller
why would you do that when m/k works a lot better
Very cool webm
>take damage on blocks that aren't parries
Why the hell would you take damage from a weapon not physically touching you? That's stupid.
>take damage on blocks
you can use Kuro's doll for that later
That's optional and you fucking know it doesn't count because bitches won't take it. It needs to be DEFAULT on 1st playthrough.
One Mind/shadowrush/mortal draw/ichimonji all good. Leaping strikes is ight you can dodge sweeping attacks but mkst enemies will knock you out of the last few hits
look at the guard/deflect animation. he strikes the blade away from him and just alters the blade trajectory. he isnt blocking. the guard can be imperfect where the blade doesnt do intended cut but hits his body slightly.
>Lord Kuro will never be your master
>Friend is playing Sekiro
>Skips all dialogue and spoils everything with wiki shit, literally knows all the endings before he even gets there
God damn it.
This really should have been a thing. Clash > deflect in all ways.
Sounds like you're just slow as fuck, famalam. Blocking or deflecting, then immediately hitting the attack button to counter will trigger a combat art if you don't slow yourself down. Use something like Nightjar Reversal Slash and you'll be open for attack for a lifetime.
>cant admist hes panic smashing
off to reddit scrub
>giving a fuck about the story in a FROM game
lmao what a fag, your friend is based
>Playing Sekiro's opening kinda dumb, drunk, and casual
>Get killed a bunch of times
>The old dude is now rotting
I have the urge to just restart the game. Should I do it?
nah ur good
Steamrolled the game almost a week ago, nerd. Facts remain facts.
Enemies will cancel their attacks to block if you're like X frames into your own attack, so it visually can look like like a clash.
It also looks very dangerous, so if you instinctually block around the same time, you both look stupid as you both are now blocking with no impact.
No, I know that, they just cancel and block you, it's completely different. You can do that as well, early into your attack animation you can cancel it into a deflect or dodge.
Happens to me too.
half the arts requiring spirits and late game prosthetics requring 3-5 per shot make both of them useless because you're out after 5 mins if you actually try to use them.
>look i google searched achievement
so it would show like I did
>google image search so it looks like I finished the game
user plz
I spoiled the endings because I want to go for the rarest one on my first playthrough. I rarely play these games more than once
But all the endings are >1% a few days after the game releases anyway. Why rob yourself of the blind experience on the first playthrough for a few hours of glory of having a "rare" achievement?
No man, its not the achievment. I just like go for the rarest ending in all From games. Its just my thing
From really wasn't thinking at all with the active skills in this game. Horrible design all around making 80% of them useless.
Wait, that's Ashina Cross? Pretty sure that skill has a horizontal and vertical slash, not 2 vertical slashes like the Ashina Elites do.
Shadowrush is literally broken, makes a joke out of every boss.
Then by your logic it should be the same for enemies. Its not though, is it now?
dragonrot does nothing, literally dont worry about it. It only effects Unseen Aid.
there's three attacks that do the "sheathe sword" thing. two are from beating the two different final bosses, and the other is at the end of the ashina skill page.
>two are from beating the two different final bosses
Oh. So that skill is from doing the bad ending then, got it. Might go ahead and do that in my 2nd run then.
Yes, this is Ashina Cross. It does two diagonal slashes. Endgame boss skills are different, with one being a literal judgement cut.
Controllers are superior except when aiming is involved
Prove me wrong
Guess the perspective confused me then. Thanks.
Post source. Webm quality is shit.