Other urls found in this thread:
hopoo is/originated from /vg/agdg/ so probably not
Its fine, we can get updates frequently
just one more game
one more hour can't hurt
I've already lost too much sleep
expand on this and make a final version with other people's input pls
Guys who have the artifacts modded in already, tell me about each of them
EU bros, where are you?
Replace the sharedassets0.assets file in the game's data folder
reminder that Sticky Bombs (proc chance and damage) and Will-o-the-wisps (radius and damage) have two way scaling making them extremely good. Don't pass the opportunity to get more.
Risk of Rain World
If slugcat was an item what would it do?
I am the bone of my bow.
Thick is my body and plasma is my blood.
I have created over a thousand Backup Magazines.
Unknown to Drizzle.
Nor known to Glass.
Have withstood Overloaded Wurms to create many Backup Magazines.
Yet, those hands will never hold Ukulele.
So as I pray, Unlimited Glaive Works.
what does this mean?
where do i find antidepressants for my turrets so they stop being sad sacks of shit and start killing things?
>have 3h/day to play videogames cause work and shit
>get home
>launch ror2
>pla one and half runs
guys, gearbox is partnered with hopoo now
Im really scared and I don't want their trainwreck game design and politics affecting ror2 in anyway.
It literally can't be any worse than Chucklefucks. We're fine.
It'll have to be rewritten when artifacts become standard anyway, won't it? Glass especially changes the game in a pretty big way.
>good run, boss is dead and a few seconds off of getting Merc
>accidentally strafe shoot into a barrel from offscreen
>-1000 YOU DIED
Maybe next time haha
You find it on your "R" key on your keyboard. You'll have to wait for the cooldown and place a new one.
Two way scaling doesn't really matter that much for the wisp. I don't feel like the range extensions are all that important. It's still good to stack for the damage though, along with gas it's one of those items I always pick up when I see it.
pretty sure the partnership was them showing the trailer while Randy was doing magic tricks
quality hopoo coding
Good start hey
Did I step into a thread from over a month ago? About a deal that's probably been established for at least several months? This is nothing new. Has it affected anything yet?
Does anyone know what is coming out in the patch that's due this week? I keep hearing people mention it but have no idea what's being added
>happy mask
So how common are Lunar Coins? I have about 6 and now I can't seem to find any at all.
I guess I'm glad I unlocked Artificer, but she seems a lot less fun to play than Mercenary.
god fucking damn weebs have absolutely no discernible taste
What's wrong with happy mask?
Engineer should be the character to prioritize giving a Hardlight Afterburner if it appears since it allows him 100% uptime on his shields. Mercenary should come second as his hit-resets should allow you to maintain dashes between cooldowns, and Huntress third since she has a pretty long cooldown with no way to mitigate it like merc.
I enjoy playing her a lot to be honest, but it's really dependent on my drops whether it's fun or not. With some mobility and a few magazines she feels like a dream, without those it's fucking torture.
only current downside I know if is Dunestriders are fucky and like to give you the succ even though they're allies
its shit compared to ror, got nerfed big time
10% chance to spawn is pure garbage and really not useful at all
want a less powerful sentry every 40 seconds? here you- its dead
I've had full runs that dropped zero lunar coins and others that dropped 6 in the first two stages, it comes down to pure luck
cant get any worse than chucklefish it'll be fine user hopoo knows what hes doing
warbros #1
4 man rainstorm
i'm in us east but join from anywhere
>Yea Forums x randy
Usually when I cheat I feel regret at some point
I don't at all with giving myself a bunch of lunar coins
It's nice to be able to get a shard every so often and have some fun, or feed the newt with no regrets
>finally unlock Artificer
>now I need eight more coins for the altars
>then even more coins for the five lunar items
>the red revive teddy bear works on turrets
>replacing the turrets gives them another revive
just cheat bro
I'm sure this has already been posted, but you can play the music/sound files through foobar.
Why do you have to buy any more lunar stuff? Do the pods not spawn unless you buy them from the store first?
There's an item unlock for having 5 lunar items in a single run
Good with the clover though
US midwest monsoon, get in 4 players
fireworks are great
>run through map opening capsules for cash
>fireworks kill enemies
>more cash
>open chests
>good chunk of the map is open before even finding the teleporter
Some lunar items should be buffed
Why does huntress have low life while also having low dps and not being able to strafe sideways?
>invalid lobby
thanks for game
time for slep
Because Hopoo is a deviant who want to see rape porn of her
I get these god damn things every run, and I mean bundles of the fuckers. Sure they help clear some of the map but fuck are they useless when crunch time comes.
>*Concern intensifies*
I want to know more
Brittle crown should scale with difficulty considering a 33% chance to get 3 gold on hit kind of stops being useful after Medium. Transcendance and Corpsebloom are meh but that's due to how they work in the first place. Shaped Glass is fine, Gesture of the Drowned is fine. Meteorite is fine, Hellfire Tincture is weird but fine, effigy is eh.
Controller or KB/M, Yea Forums?
They are really pretty too
The tar turns you into a beetle, what more is there to get?
2 answers.
1: Fire elite lol
2: His attacks are super fun but the damage ends up lacking on anything mildly tanky
Is it true that Chucklefuck never did any advertising beyond a single tweet?
TPS/FPS = mouse and keyboard
2d = controller
yes but why?
How did it the aquaduct get there
why was the teleporter on the ship
i want to unlock all the items but i want to fuck about online too
i REALLY don't want to push the crabs
regular 4 player rainstorm lobby, fuck your deviant modded artifact million player shitfests
More likely clay men and dunestriders, though it begs the question where clay men are in RoR2
hermit crabs aren't too big a deal, easier than drowning Whorls, which is funny considering the unlock is a reference to it. Just get close to them and they puss out.
You can only do it on a second loop though on the plains since there's nowhere to chase them off in the 4th level and they don't spawn on level 1 first timee
Just loop to first stage and hope to god it's Titanic Plains. Then you just sit somewhere inaccessible to most mobs (on top of one of the rings.) Forces Crabs to spawns since they're meant to deter you from camping a hard to reach area. Then it's just a matter of grinding it out.
>ror1 was better with 10 players
>ror2 is better with 4 players
how did they do it?
>eh its 12:50 AM, might as well play a game or two with my pal before heading to bed for 3 AM
>Wew those were a fun two games, almost beat the final level
>Friend heading off, I might do some solo play if I have some time before 3...
3:45 AM
i need artificer to sit on my face more than i need to breathe
buy me it
I've only ever played with 4 and 16, never anywhere inbetween. is 6 or 8 any good?
>having fun in a good run
>oneshotted out of nowhere
such a weird feeling bros
Tell me. Why do we hate the giggling fish?
Delete blazing dunestrider and it's teleporting bomb barrage
This game is cool, but I really hate the "wander around aimlessly looking for a teleporter" aspect.
Any way around that, or am I just fucked? I really hate this kinda stuff.
probably just not implemented yet. I wouldn't be surprised if they came back eventually along with crabs, jellyfish, the big light dudes, etc
Rainstorm/Monsoon EU lobby 4-6 players
how long do you reckon this'll be in early access for?
why did you post a pediatrician's waiting room
clay men don't make chittering sounds, and neither does the dune strider
i think the clay men and dune strider BROUGHT the tar and the tar turns people into beetles
Download the Artifact mod and take Glass. It accelerates the entire game.
my heart goes out to you artificerbro
why do blazing fags deal so much damage
>Plains adds children and parents
>they're REALLY FAST
"wandering aimlessly" as in can't find it? If so, they're making it easier to find.
i've played for 25 hours and i have yet to see this golden zone people talk about
Blazing mobs are literally broken right now. I dashed through a blazing Imp Lord as merc and was killed mid-dash from the contact.
I only have like 20 minutes in the game, so pls no bully, but yes I can't really find it. It just kinda feels like a slog when I can't find it, but I feel like I've walked around the whole map.
gomenasai thanks for the spoonfeed
Don't worry about it. It sucks ass and there's no reward currently.
Find a Golden shrine, activate it before using the teleporter
Enjoy your aids
you probably got fucked by that one single map where it's REALLY hard to find.
Keep an eye out for an orange particle effect floating around it. Once you find the teleporter, study this visual because it makes spotting it much easier from now on.
>guy im playing with had 20 tougher times from shrine of order
>can tank elder lemurians and greater wisps
>blazing bison runs at him
>*spawns in above and behind you without a sound while blazed up to one shot you*
So how does the bazaar work? Are blue items one-time purchase or they start to drop after you unlock them?
They practically did nothing for Risk of Rain but collect money from it. Also they shit the bed with Starbound.
That was part of the original game as well, although here the spawning can sometimes be bullshit. You're best to look for orange/red particle effects in the air as a tell for the teleporter.
my personal FUN ranking (note that this is my personal opinion)
how do I stop being shit at the game
im playing on easy and barely get past 2 portals
okay quickplay is ass
>playing with randos
Nice of you to learn
don't be an hero
sometimes the best way to play is to run away and take cheap shots
play huntress
literally just move around a lot
The bazaar is just a way to choose what specific blue item you want, the trade-off being it costs more than getting a random one from a pod.
where is this mod
I noticed that
takes fucking forever though, commando doesnt seem to be a heavy hitter
I gotta go through portals a lot right
This Mercenary exploit is way more ridiculous than MulT's crit bug.
Initially finding the teleporter can be hard but as you play more you realize that a large radius of the teleporter you'll have orange/red firefly things. These can be hard to spot at first since you'll be focusing on all the other colorful flashy shit. Granted the swamp map is pretty hard finding it as well as the lava one since the teleporter effect blends in with the level.
But making the teleporter easier to find will be one of the next upcoming updates.
>Find 3D printer for soldier's syringe. Get as many as you can. (Aim for 25-30).
>Get a few goggles, you don't need a lot.
>Get a few green proc on hit items.
One shot bosses on HAHAHA
Keep moving
Know when to use the right skills at the right time
Take it slow at first until you get decent items
Learn the different enemies and their attack patterns
Keep moving
what exploot
What exploit?
>not ignoring every item within range of the teleporter until you actually activate it
I have a bigger problem with their greater forms. They can eat shit
You might also need to get the 16 player mod, which came before this one. Or maybe this one has everything needed to work included with itself. I guess try this installation by itself first and see.
commando is just awful currently. just outclassed and boring to boot.
how would you improve him?
i did it guys :)
I DC'd the moment a huntress was blinking through all 8 boss items
Activating TP locks items...?
how does the stage progression work? i just went from the grasslands > swamp
then restarted and went from the other lvl1 > swamp
>Greater Niggers can fire off their fucking fireballs EVEN AS THEY ARE DYING
>Titans lead their punches pretty accurately even if you're running at 500 MPH
Mercenary spawns invincible. Using his Shift or R removes it. If you're willing to play him in the most unfun gimped way possible by just using M1 and M2, you can tour Monsoon with him. I'm surprised this exploit hasn't spread like wildfire.
People have actually been encountering and mentioning it a lot without knowing why.
You know damn well this won't do shit 90% of the time.
>within range of the teleporter
except those
He needs his damage buffed overall, his 2 should probably do multiple hits as it travels through an enemy, his 4 is just kind of fucking boring, I think Merc 4 does more hits.
have his R shoot the equivalent of the amount of shots you can shoot in 5 seconds within 1 second
not the ones within the TP field user
>accidental picking up wake of vultures
>it's true
I don't like the new TP area mechanic
Seriously? As long as you don't use shift or R, you can't take damage?
All one to two of them which deal nearly no damage.
jellyfish are in
any way for pirate bros to play with legit owners? or just pirate with pirate players?
Holy moly
Doesn't sound terribly fun though
Holy fuck, I thought this was some "Mew under the truck" shit.
What the fuck, Hopoo? What would even be the purpose of that?
Hey to the people trying to get 57 leaf clover
blue shops and the obelisk area counts to the 20 levels so you can cheese it a bit with those
Probably because he'll have shit dps on multiplayer and never get enough money to buy good stuff
god damnit if they patch it before i get back home
>bring back iframes on dodge
>buff or change m2 to something more useful like marking enemies so they take more damage
>let R pierce through enemies
>Case with shroom, shroom, random item
>Huntress goes and takes the shroom
>We had an engineer on our team
Yes, you can literally test it out yourself by simply starting a game as Mercenary and walking into an enemy without attacking. It also fucks with the enemy AI until you attack them.
By the way, this essentially makes the Shift and R into suicide buttons. Even if you farm forever, Merc will get shit on the moment he tries to fight anything at this point.
>It actually works
>Enemies wont even attack you
Multiplayer money is given to everyone for any kill user, you can literally afk and get money.
ok, this is epic
brb for deicide and four leaf clover
But why? Does it take all the accumulated damage at once the instant you remove the invincibility?
You don't get nearly as much as if you do the killing yourself, though.
was that 21,234 damage dealt in a single blow when you came out of invulnerability?
No, not at all, enemies just do his entire health pool at that point. Blazing enemies essentially have deathtouch as well.
You can still take damage from falls and pain statues, but it's a null matter as those can't kill you.
I'm trying to imagine this
>oh I want that item, lemme das-OH WAIT N
did hacker user make glass work?
>which do nearly no damage
Not if you have enough fireworks.
I miss RoR1 fireworks all spawning in at once.
>Get three dashes as Huntress
>Go faster and further than a 20~ hoof transporting MUL-T
>enemies just do his entire health pool at that point
No amount of items can change this?
just don't pick up healing items
and just to be safe don't open cans.
Glass works completely.
Spite "works" in that it's technically functional but the balls are just orbs of light and they all collide with each other, so it rapes your framerate. Command doesn't work. Sacrifice partially works in that it causes elite enemies to drop items, but doesn't get rid of chests, so it's essentially free items. Enigma and Spirit are there as well but I haven't tested those.
There's a host option that doesn't rely on steam as well as a connection option that relies on IP rather than steamID, needs some cheating in to work though.
How the fuck do you deal as engineer on levels 22+ Things are way too tanky and turrets instagib.
No, about 16k of that was from falls and pain statues over the entire run. I then proceeded to take 2k damage near instantaneously from enemies when I finally decided to end the run and threw myself at enemies with shift/R. They don't actually have enough iframes at all to protect Mercenary even slightly so I essentially chunked myself instantly by colliding with a blazing vagrant. Then after I revived with Dio, I proceed to fight a Titan, also didn't end well.
If you somehow got 20+ Infusions, it might be possible. But, seriously, high end Monsoon damage is scaled too fucking high. There's simply no proper damage mitigation items, just block chance from teddy bears.
just have a build where you can shit out a turret every second bro
Unfortunately no. Well, yes, but the ONLY item that increases armor in the game currently is the Rose buckler (for sprinting). Tough times gave armor normally but was replaced with Tougher times, which is a chance to null damage instead.
So you eventually get to the point where you're just waiting for Tougher Times to not proc and you ragdoll into oblivion from a random potshot
hey guys trying to come up with a good strategy for monsoon and I want your opinions. here's what I've come up with so far.
>mul-t: boss killer
>engie: support and proc
>huntress: glaive spam
>merc: AoE and crits
>Risk of rain
>Game doesn't have rain
What do they mean by this?
It's not like I hate them, but they don't make good games.
Man I fucking hate the engineer's grenade weapon, what a piece of trash with the range of a thrown plastic bag
EU 2/4
give engie tesla and merc afterburner
either or really
It's on the menu, also the forest on the menu doesn't seem to be a playable map. I'm sure we'll see more.
hell yeah. also, do you know if other people need the mod to play with Glass or is it only host?
don't look for the teleporter, look for the orange particle effect
it's much easier to find, and the game really should tell you about that orange effect
>Mind instantly thinks "OH WAIT N" is "nigger" instead of "no"
>Laughing alone in my room at the idea of a racist Merc
I've heard some shit taste before but this one is pretty bad.
Learn 2 aim.
Give MUL-T fuel cells since it affects both his items. Don't be a crit hud baby and get yourself a manly royal capacitor
unfortunately hes the worst character in the game right now. he got fucked in the transition from RoR1
I just had a learning moment. Lunar meteors are hilarious, but extremely bad. Especially when paired with brittle crown.
>Fuel Cell and Gesture of the Drowned
>Engineer and Huntress
Nigga, what are you doing. Those go to MulT. He can even use Gesture of the Drowned and save Preon charges by keeping it on the weapon he uses less.
1 more
For what it's worth, it appears you got completely shafted in terms of items and the run was doomed to fail. You had neither the damage (no stickies + stacks of syringes), or the CD reduction (no Alien Head/Hardlight Afterburner/Bando stacks), nor the healing (very few mushrooms, no N'kuhana/Rejuv Rack). Nice Uku's tho
It's because we're the rain
dio's teddy needs to be on engie, not mult
this game is too easy
Use ocular hud for crits
Cheese healing with bustling fungus
Dio's best friend and old war stealthkit for emergencies
Get on hit items to boost your turrets
Tesla coil for hilarity
I'm pretty sure the people connecting need it as well, if the host has it. I'm not positive, though. I made a lobby earlier and people were getting booted, but that was due to misconfiguring the 16 player thing so I'm not sure what relevance their possession of the Artifact mod had.
Merc should be attack speed + proc on hit + defense. His R becomes ridiculously op
jellyfish are in, they are just suicide bombers instead of kamikaze
Us Midwest Monsoon 4 players
do it on any class other than mul-t or engineer, or no one cares
>Turn on Glass
>Get gesture of drowned
>Pick up radar scanner
>Activates constantly with 0 cooldown
>Cooldown says 31297865
>Game crashes
hard pass and also a yikes from me
I think he needs a bit of a rework to be made good. One thing I don't like is how his shift sends him flying through an enemy and forces you to do a 180 to hit the enemy again, so you have to do like a 360 motion to make the most of the attack which feels kind of shitty. Also I think his M2 needs to propel him farther and his weapon should have a bit more range.
this guy gets it
give shell to MUL-T, he gets the most usage out of it
move tesla to engie
hardlight can go to engie or merc, both work.
remove alien head from engie and give it to huntress or merc
move antlers from MUL-T to Engie since he's already stacking the heals, might as well double em
Fuck off. Discord was the worst thing to happen to this site. It's killed or trashed so many generals on /vg/.
Merc's 3 feels fine to do, get used to swinging around after doing it, the game gives you plenty of time to do it before you start falling.
Does natural healing count against naturopath or is it just item/orb based healing?
And let NeoRussia come in and post CP. I don't think so buddy boy but thanks for the offer
3 Slots still open, GET IN
Maybe if the game had a "turn 180 degrees" button that'd make Merc a lot easier to play if you wanna repeatedly attack the same enemy
this shit gets old fast
meteors are good and fun though
also did you mean gesture of the drowned?
are you talking about merc user? what does thath ave to do with commando being shit? merc is more than fine to me desu
then again i played lots of korean mmos in my youth so I'm used to whipping the mouse to 180 for dash skills. Fucking dragon nest and vindictus
Just don't pick up or activate anything that gives you green numbers.
>I think his M2 needs to propel him farther
I would actually prefer if it propelled him less far. Frequently when I use it I end up sailing past the enemy and not even hitting him due to not having the wide range of the dash intended for passing enemies.
I'd also prefer if his M1 was just repeated basic swings instead of a combo.
A 180 turn button would be nice for everyone given how hectic the game can get at times and the fact that you can be hit by things you can't see behind you.
everything but natural hp regen breaks it
as far as i know this includes infusion and the bonus regen from titanic knurl
play with friends.
EU lobby
natural regen does not count, only green numbers
That too, but at least you can see he's about to do that shit and run the fuck away. On queen she just do it suddenly, with 0 telegraph. There's also no blind spot for the attack, she can launch it directly under her. It's bullshit.
Come on gamers
this, i'm burned out now. original ror had more replay value. it was a fun 4 days playing though. i'll wait for them to finish it and come out of early access before i play it again.
Play with Glass.
literally got nervous just looking at the horns
which of you niggers said transendence was bad?
are you out of your minds?
>having artificial fun
His timer for consecutive dash is too short, add another second and you can do better combos.
Also remove the tiny bit of delay between hitting the button and dashing. It makes his dash feel choppy
Problem with Discord is that they ALWAYS turn into a circlejerk and they're inherently unwelcoming to newcomers, at which point your community becomes stagnant and shitty. The anonymity of Yea Forums allows anyone to join in on the conversation without tipping off others that he's new (unless he talks like a dumbass)
>are you talking about merc user?
Yeah I'm an idiot
I guess my bigger problem is that Merc's M2 does different shit on the air and on the ground, and the ground M2 feels a lot better than the aerial. But I can see what you mean, he's already got a lot of mobility
Why is Engineer the only character so far that has a higher damage per level? I know the "motion values" of the moves matter somewhat but still
>basic character sucks
yeah that should be fixed ASAP
Anyone have the bandit + 16 player assembly?
>highest dps
>highest HP growth
>can deal with every enemy
>gets to carry 2 consumables
>does well no matter what items drop
why does mul-T get everything while every other class gets only 1 or 2 of those things???
take a break, you're probably burned out user.
how many hours do you have in the game?
The worse part about playing Merc is that you have to be up in a boss's face to deal consistent damage, which means if he happens to line an attack up with you you've got no chance to dodge it. I don't typically get hit just due to the fact that I'm crawling all over them, but when they do happen to shoot where I am at that moment it's not really avoidable.
engie needs afterburner for 100% shield uptime
tesla is AoE so it's better on merc who is right up in the action and combos with his other items
MUL-T only needs to use his equipment once or twice per level. Chrysalis to make up for his poor speed and low health out of combat and ocular hud to boost his dps during boss fights. preon annihalotor is the most powerful single shot weapon in the game afaik so it gets fuel cell priority. also this isn't using the crit glitch I just think it works well on mul-t.
Missile launcher is cheap with a short cooldown and it doesn't hurt to use it with gesture of the drowned. It's good against trash but weak against bosses so it doesn't make sense to have it on MUL-T. Preon accumalutor could work well on MUL-T but ocular hud is worthless on engie.
how do you plan on beating the wave if you can't kill the boss? time is more important here. the longer you wait the harder it will get.
I tried that at first but it ended up with merc carrying the majority of the items. AoE is a more clearly defined role that fits his playstyle and his lack of attack speed is made up for with pred instincts and berzerker pauldron.
wake the fuck up gamers, US West Monsoon, 4 players. get in
>Wisp + Gasoline + Blackhole near the bosses
The chain reaction explosions instakilled everything, simple but beautiful
Merc bros... at last I see...
I'm gonna take a break until the next big content update and just play division 2 in the meantime
>all healing items become useless
>shrine of sacrifice doesn't work
yeah it's shit
personally I think air M2 is much better than grounded m2
if i want grounded damage i'll just M1 or dash. grounded m2 feels like shit, especially since air m2 is easier to hit on a single target. you can often shoot past an enemy if you do grounded m2 and you'll only land 1 hit on it, and lategame it's suicide to go into a large group with grounded m2 instead of just dashing
What the FUCK is Merc meant to do vs flaming enemies? At some point he just becomes completely unable to do damage to shit because he just gets nuked
Best way to get the timed chest is to just rush to teleport and not even bother getting any extra items, right?
holy fuck this merc exploit is so boring i can't handle it
1 More, COME ON
Why do you keep posting this
Preon Accumulator is a meme. Royal Capacitor is a bit weaker (3000% vs 4000%) but it has a much lower cooldown, is faster to use and can smite enemies from any range, making it useful for things like Overloaded worms.
I give up
It's surviving at the cost of living.
dio's teddy only works once... unless it is on engie. his turrets get a COPY of his items. including a copy of his teddy, and when they resurrect engie's original teddy is still intact.
Imo commando doesn't really feel THAT bad in late game
early does feel weak compared to other characters tho
Doesn't Preon Accumulator deal its damage to everything in range on its path, though?
Is it just merc? I noticed in the devblog that one of the issues they're looking at his getting bombed when you spawn in.
Wait for Hopoo to patch them.
Had to remake
user what are you doing
This is the real one, sorry
Btw you can pick up the item that heals you more rapidly outside of combat. Seems like it just speeds up the base health regen so it doesn't actually count as a healing item.
Is there a 16 man?
I love this game but the boss themes need to be amped up a bit
Nothing reaches this level
giving up
old ost mod fucking when
I did a test run going straight for the teleporter. I found the chest with 3 minutes to spare. Given, the first two teles were decently easy to spot and I spawned close to the chest. You can maybe loot 1 chest max outside of the boss circle
2 more
Tesla is better on Engie for a number of reasons.
>Effect is trippled thanks to turrets
>Range is a non-issue because it is HUGE compared to something like Frost Relic, and turrets are likely to be surrounded by enemies
>Tesla can trigger on-hit effects, so it should be placed on who can best take advantage of that
>MUL-T only needs to use his equipment once or twice per level
...why? Do you mean to say the Occular Hud in that image is implying you're abusing the MUL-T glitch, and thus your whole post should be thrown out? Because otherwise MUL-T is the only person with two equipment slots and thus, double the benefits from Fuel Cells.
>how do you plan on beating the wave if you can't kill the boss?
Not sure how that relates to Dio, but you give Engie Dio because
>His turrets get a copy everytime they're summoned, and can even be abused to get three turrets out at once
>Prevents his turret nest from being destroyed by spike damage
>I tried that at first but it ended up with merc carrying the majority of the items
Because that's how Merc is. If you're looking to minmax and spread items evenly, you don't bring a Merc.
Ok nah the merc exploit is incredibly boring
I can't get through clover like this but at least got backup mags
Give me like 10 minutes and I'll make one.
>give shell to MUL-T, he gets the most usage out of it
true but I don't think it's worth it if you look at the big picture. the only equipment that don't suffer from the shell penalty are drones (which suck) and the rocket launcher. maybe if we get more equipment later on.
>move tesla to engie
see earlier post
>hardlight can go to engie or merc, both work.
shield uptime is more important than free dashes
>remove alien head from engie and give it to huntress or merc
forgot to put on there that merc gets brainstalks. I don't think he needs it.
>move antlers from MUL-T to Engie since he's already stacking the heals, might as well double em
honestly could go to either of them, it's not that important. you just really don't want MUL-T to die because it could kill the run.
I'll have to try that then. Only reason why I prefer preon is because it's a guaranteed drop on the third map.
>have the dream item set on engineer
>unavoidable instagib by overloading worm
Slap a hand clipart on that
This is the successor that possible showers 1, could have gotten.
Just don't go out of your way to grind or find chests and you should be fine.
it should be changed so that the invincibility is removed once you use a skill or active item
that way the worst that someone could do is activate a teleporter when they have a tesla coil already
Ahh yes I need a track that has as much fire behind it like Hailstorm. I hope Chris isn't done making music.
Lemme guess, the texture kept on getting weird corruptions?
>honestly could go to either of them, it's not that important. you just really don't want MUL-T to die because it could kill the run.
Do you have any idea how fast Engie kills things with Rejuv Rack, N'Khunanas, and Sticky Bombs? Not only that, but Rejuv Rack doesn't do shit for the MUL-T here because he has glass and thus, will be dieing to spike damage that healing can't prevent.
I unlocked the clover and you didn't
How does it feel, huh?
You have to have enough time to find the timed chest too
Five minutes is a good enough time to find it. Any less and you'll find yourself sweating by the second
>Game looks like shit
>still takens an i5 and 580
no hand clipart, but here's the next best thing
paint.net's a gem
don't give up, user!
Bless your soul user
Just export to collada or fbl, that way it's already UV mapped.
Personally I'm remaking it because the textures are potato quality.
Nigga the only thing I dont have is the kill elite monsoon boss because FUCK FIRE
That and the odd angles on the texturemap that make it almost impossible for any kind of continuity at the seam where the belt is.
where to get the ingame model with textures? I wanna fuck around a bit
i unlocked brainslug and you didn't
*dabs on you*
>Effect is trippled thanks to turrets
that's a good point I didn't consider that. I think it might end up with stacking too many items on one character because if you're gonna move tesla you might as well move behemoth and meat hook too so they can combo together.
>...why? Do you mean to say the Occular Hud in that image is implying you're abusing the MUL-T glitch
>also this isn't using the crit glitch I just think it works well on mul-t.
>Because otherwise MUL-T is the only person with two equipment slots and thus, double the benefits from Fuel Cells.
see >Not sure how that relates to Dio
If your boss killer dies you're fucked. Time is really important on monsoon and plinking at the boss with engie for 30 minutes isn't worth it.
>His turrets get a copy everytime they're summoned, and can even be abused to get three turrets out at once
turrets aren't THAT expensive, just build another one. losing a player can cost the run, losing a turret is a minor setback. I get what you're saying but I don't think it's worth it.
>Because that's how Merc is. If you're looking to minmax and spread items evenly, you don't bring a Merc.
It doesn't matter who you bring if you give one character too many roles they're gonna end up hoarding items and starving the rest of the team. if I was doing 3 player then absolutely I'd drop merc.
Here you go, user: 109775240989940528
16 man lobby with artifacts because Glass is the only way to play.
so i should use merc glitch to unlock every hard item? like the 3rd stage without healing?
I've found that it actually varies from model to model. Some of them look pretty normal as far as textures go, and then you get to models like Artificer, and her model/texture look like placeholder assets. Solid blocks of color on the texture with specific faces mapped to them and the model itself has really weird edge flow throughout.
what artifacts are in and what are fun and when we will have it and why MUL-T IS FUN
Are you an unashamed casual? Even playing on Drizzle would be more acceptable.
>like the 3rd stage without healing?
This one is piss easy anyway, very easily doable on Rainstorm
If you're willing to slog through a long boring run as a gimped merc using a glitch to unlock the shit, why not take it a step farther and just edit the files directly so they're already unlocked?
>time to get trascendence
>get this
Hoppo you so funny.
Oh yeah, I almost also forgot to mention, it might not be an actual seam that you're worrying about. I don't have the model in front of me right now, but I do know that the models aren't made conventionally. The torso is explicitly separate from the legs, most likely for good deformations. This would cause problems with custom texturing, though.
I dont tried to do it yet, clearing the easy ones now
See Glass alone is a complete game changer. It almost feels just like the old days playing RoR1 with Yea Forums. Instead of whittling away at sponges with moderate risk you get to shred through enemies like paper with incredible risk.
How do I get Brilliant Behemoth
>throwaway run to test something
>glasses printer
>3 syringes
I hate this game
Also reminder that if you don't have , the lobby will probably be broken for you. If you do have it and the lobby is still broken, it's a sign I've fucked up so let me know.
>3rd stage without healing
I'm going to pretend you don't know that natural regen is fine, and other healing is not.
lobby's bugged for me
What's wrong with that?
Do you have the Artifacts mod?
I'll try reinstalling them all and see if that helps
>finally got the flawless achievement
I'm doin it lads, I'm gettin gud.
Genuinely what fucking retarded country spells rogue rouge
Cause it's not America or Canada afaik
Did modanon release Honor?
You already have it:
Kill shield enemy. Half of health becomes shield. Effect goes away. You are at half health. A hundred times over.
Is that in pastebin.com
>pick engi
>spawn turrets
I get a lot more in earlier stages. I think it has something to do with enemies being easier to kill en masse resulting in higher chance of coin.
They usually target small indies that can't afford a publisher (Stardew Valley, Risk of Rain, Pathway etc.) and they give them a terrible cut out of each sale.
That's why 100% of their sequel games (previously published by Chucklefish) are always published by someone else, simply because the devs were mad that they were scammed.
It takes half your health away and gives you shields instead with elite powers when you kill an elite, it's absolutely terrible
Well, like I said, if you have them already and the lobby's still broken, it's a sign that I might've fucked up. I don't think that's likely the case since there weren't even 4 people yet, but it's possible.
>Do you have any idea how fast Engie kills things with Rejuv Rack, N'Khunanas, and Sticky Bombs?
I don't see how stickybombs are relevant here. you are correct that rack and nkhunana stack but it depends how much fungus you have and you don't want to stack too many healing items on one character. engie is going to be getting more heals than anybody. if you have enough fungus to keep you topped up you're not benefiting from it.
>but Rejuv Rack doesn't do shit for the MUL-T here because he has glass and thus, will be dieing to spike damage that healing can't prevent.
the point is to have MUL-T be self sufficient on the offchance the engie dies or there's too much shit on top of his turrets. chip damage is still a thing and has to be healed somehow.
>he doesn't know about sticky bombs
If you're going to be arguing about meta items on characters why the fuck not just stick headsman axes on Mul-t like holy shit that thing is ridiculous.
Slugcat should be a survivor not an item if he was an item though he'd have infinite spears on his back and damage enemies with them. Stacking slugcats would increase the rate of which he throws spears and their damage.
>Sticky bombs proc on hit
>Sticky bombs scale damage AND proc chance with stacks
>Turrets shoot a lot
heIIo uwu
Oh. The only time I got it was very early, leets didn't have much shield and I thought elemental attacks were pretty cool.
Thanks for the heads up.
>Sticky bombs proc on hit
Engie already has all the proc items including sticky bombs so I don't see what your point is?
The problem is you're splitting up a lot of items arbitrarily, even when they clash with the role or would be better served elsewhere. If Engie is not your boss killer, why give him stickies? They only scale with themselves and attack speed, so why would you not just put them on the MUL-T who will be hoarding the syringes? Why put Ceremonial Dagger, an item that is INSANE for procs, on a character who you're giving no proc items?
>If your boss killer dies you're fucked
And this is the crux of why your plan is flawed. You're putting all of your eggs in one basket, then putting that basket halfway hanging off the edge of a cliff. Multiple survivors in that image need the same items, they should be divided to maximize efficiency and success chance.
>>I don't see how stickybombs are relevant here
>N'Khuna's skulls are based off healing recieved
>Rejuv Rack doubles healing
>Thus doubles skulls fired
>Skulls proc stickies, aka the single strongest offensive item in the game
Whoever has stickies IS YOUR BOSS KILLER. There is no exception to this.
>the point is to have MUL-T be self sufficient on the offchance the engie dies
You don't do that by giving him Rejuv Rack, especially when his source of healing is fucking LEECH SEEDS.
I did all the pastebin said and got booted to the main menu on joining
did you set sv_maxplayers 16?
haha I typed heiio in caps fuck you faggot
Still more slots.
engie's turrents cannot survive past the 4th loop
how do you play him past that point?
just tested it with commando and it doesn't work with him
it's probably unique to merc
Because you're loading a character with proc items, but giving him NOTHING to boost his procs per second.
>you will never FIRE THE HARPOONS again
I definitely put the right command into my autoexec.cfg this time, so if it doesn't work it just means you can't use autoexec at all.
However, even if it doesn't work, at the time you posted this there were only 3 people in the lobby. There are currently 3 people, after someone just joined and left again.
you play him as a hit and run character. set your shit down somewhere then run away
Stupid idea:
engi's turrets will do a jump every time engi does an extra jump with a hopoo feather
Kill shit before they can get to the turrets
could take a look later into adding it
two options:
1: have an insane cooldown reduction build and shit turrets faster than they can die
2: you die
bros mul-t is literally broken, you can just hold attack after using ocular hud and the 100% crits will stay regardless of the effect timing out
getting instagibbed by blazing elites is my favourite part of the game
ATS on merc instead of MUL-T. Especially if the merc is crit, affects how much they get healed for with the amount of additional hits they get in with increased ATS.
yes, that's stupid, that would make all the fungus stop working
open up your console, ctrl + alt + ~
type sv_maxplayers (no number)
check what it spits back
you can use autoexec, I use it
maybe you played autoexec in wrong folder?
Who are you and why are you trying to do this theorycraft of an "optimal" team? You talk as if you haven't done a proper run with any of the actual characters with what makes them powerful. Instead you're trying to optimize based on half-baked knowledge for stuff that "works" but is nowhere close to the optimal or strongest builds for any character just so it fits around your team theorycraft.
Engineer has one of the most broken builds in the game that can go infinite in Monsoon. Mul-T is the strongest user of items in the game bar none and giving him a HUD to force him into a DPS role is actually outright mediocre. Mercenary just has no actual place in a team game as he needs so much to be basically competent, but is guaranteed to fall off later in the game due to the existence of blazing enemies.
Like what the fuck.
Nice man
>breaks fungus
>breaks the turrets because elevation fucks their AI
uh no thanks
I haven't unlocked him yet, I did it on Huntress.
everyone needs it, most likely because I added it to the list of artifacts rather than replacing one, I assume people without the mod get index out of range errors
No user. Sticky bombs THEMSELVES can activate procs.
In addition they're one of the few proc items in ROR2 that when stacked gain both damage per stack, AND prochance.
Complete must have on Commando, MULT, Engineer, fuck even Mercenary.
No, user. You need both.
You should have some form of CD reduction/reset at that point, meaning you can just plop down pairs of turrets wherever. Literally the only threat to Engies lategame is Worms.
Did a MUL-T run. Got a fuel cell printer, and a blue shell. It is as broken as it sounds. Nothing can handle 23 fuel cells, and a royal capacitor. The capacitor is for sure the best item. Hits all the way through the map, hits buried worms, and it can fire at max speed unlike missiles that enter a queue to become launched and Preon taking 3 seconds to fire. It is on par with 39 sticky bombs mostly because you can just sweep your mouse and the map is dead.
sometimes i feel like merc can pop off with like a couple crit lens and syringes. Then i find out theres a blazing elder lemurian boss and i cant play the game
Counterpoint: the less you breath, the less time you get to have Artificer sit on your face.
>beam is practically glued to you when it fires
Well, you were right, it was 4. No idea why only 3 people could join, though. Also there were a bunch of messages spamming the console, had to use PrtScn to grab the output before it got pushed up by spam.
What folder should my autoexec be in? It's in steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed right now.
>Try to do it non-cheese with Engie
>Get the portal charged to like 80%, goin good
>Lesser Wisp spawns behind me and plinks my asshole for 1 damage with no telegraph
Perhaps as Artificer is sitting on his face his urge to breathe will rise until he would rather breathe than have Articifer sit on his face, like an oscillating function
mfw playing merc near anything with fire
optimal team is 16 MUL-T
tfw stickybomb printer spawns but you have shitloads of syringes
Good screenshot. Overall it hardly helps MUL-T, it locks in any crit rate or attack speed which means items like predatory instinct, and walking into a warbanner do nothing until you stop shooting, then begin shooting with their buff enabled at the start of your attack. Of course this means you can line up 3-4 effects at once and keep their buffs the whole time, but I find you need to actually play the game after the first few stages. Sprinting, jumping, etc, focusing on keeping a yolked attack string is cool when you just need to sit and burn.
So my luck has been insane and quite frankly I'm one shotting everything. Should I spend another lunar coin? I really want this glass thing again since I cannot be hit because of these peeps, but at the same time the crown kinda sucks if I do get hit.
you will end up getting hit for some retarded reason and lose 2000 money
How far in do I need to go into a monsoon run to get a fucking elite boss? 2nd loop with a mountain shrine?
I dropped the Ocular way later for Missiles and Foreign Fruit (burn does so much damage for some reason) but it's definitely a wonderful item to get earlygame to ensure that you basically win until mid-lategame, but at that point you've got more than enough resources to switch up equipments.
Why the fuck do blazing enemies do so much damage? It's fucking unreal, I almost died to elder lemurians several times because they'd walk up behind me and give me a DoT that rapes my ass unless I had fruits ready
it was a corpseblossom. I still don't know if its good or not.
Just go for the 5 lunar item unlock I guess
thanks user I also had that thought come into my head due to the recent rain world threads
>What folder should my autoexec be in? It's in steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed right now.
\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config
apparently I forgot to add the autoexec location to the pastebin
>so why would you not just put them on the MUL-T who will be hoarding the syringes?
because MUL-T has reduced base proc chance. otherwise I would have.
>Why put Ceremonial Dagger, an item that is INSANE for procs, on a character who you're giving no proc items?
you are correct I'll change that.
>And this is the crux of why your plan is flawed. You're putting all of your eggs in one basket
there is no other choice with the characters we have right now. who do you suggest if not MUL-T?
>especially when his source of healing is fucking LEECH SEEDS.
I've heard leech seeds are bugged and don't stack properly. I don't want that to be the only source of healing.
Your entire point comes down to
>just give one character all the offensive items
How is that not putting all your eggs in one basket? That doesn't work in multiplayer. If you want to micro manage every single item and split them up in different amounts over multiple characters knock yourself out but I don't think that's practical. If you just want to turn one character into a god then you might as well play singleplayer, it's a lot easier.
and who would you give them too? MUL-T isn't a good choice as I've stated above.
fuck I forgot those even existed now I'm sad
Because it adds a new stacking DoT for every instance of damage you take. One titan laser hitting you for 4x20 damage will also add 20 instances of the burn, and nothing will save you from that.
Does the fruit cleanse the status effect?
>16 player slots
>only 3 players
I guess these are dead hours.
He's twice as big as everyone else
They overdid it
Yeah alright I'm not feeling the glass mod.
It just doesn't work the same way as with RoR1. Due to the inability to see the whole field at a glance, the new Wisps, Jellyfish and Lasers, as well as Blazing enemies doing what they do, playing Glass in this game just doesn't come off as a viable way to play.
Which is a shame cause for once killing things in a reasonable amount of time is fun, but the drawback just clashes too much with the current gamedesign.
No, I just had 4 fuel cells so I could heal myself until it went away
Dunestriders give EVERYTHING the succ.
Its actually a good thing since they pull everything else cllser towards them so you can aoe.
if you want I could also add a 2D mode so you'd be able to see all around you
I think i just had a bugged game
Scoured this entire tiny ass map with no tele and 2 items
Pic related was probably supposed to open but didn't
it's noon on a...wednesday? in EU
>because MUL-T has reduced base proc chance. otherwise I would have.
user. That isn't how it works. He has reduced base proc chance because he has the fastest fire rate in the game. Ergo his actual proccing rate is above average. In fact, the only one who is better by themself is Commando and he's not even on your team. Since attack speed increase is percentage-based, Mul-T will consistently have the best proc rate no matter who you give the proc items too besides Engineer who has his turrets.
Like what the fuck are you doing. Have you even played this game or as any of the characters you're putting in your team?
I bet you didn't go up to the very top with the land bridge or to the island with the land bridge
is the island area connected to the map this time? it was probably on the lower ledge of that area, since a lot of people forget about it
How worth it is this item? I've never seen it before and I'm afraid of losing something good.
America is the only country that matters.
I think fire dot is a % of the attack damage which scales ridiculously, once you get burned late game you're dead.
Hopoo put a safeguard for a single attack can only do 90% of player health but dot bypasses that.
there's a section on the far side of the map with (what looks like) two tiers, the teleporter sometimes spawns on the lowest one and is really damn hard to spot,
if the door is closed, nothing's ehind it.
Try playing the game. 0.4x proc rate doesn't mean shit.
>Played as a merc with friends (all of us as a different character in 6 player lobby)
>Went on a long as fuck afk in the middle of it
>Get back
>Everyone already left beacuse they all died
>Start playing and obviously die beacuse it's haha difficulty and I have no items
>Turns out I got a flawless achievement
I thought it was some spawn protection stuff so that people that went afk when they died previous map wouldn't die on the next map beacuse they didn't return on time.
What the fuck even causes this glitch?
Alien Head = Reduces skill cooldowns by 25% (+25% per stack).
Monsoon? Triple MulT + Engi or double MulT double Engi
Your base idea is fucked up, everyone wants certain Key items like Tougher Times, Ukulele, Leech Seed and so on
>Who are you and why are you trying to do this theorycraft of an "optimal" team?
Because multiplayer monsoon is fucking hard? I don't think anyone here has gotten that far in MP monsoon. I don't pretend to be an expert that's why I asked for opinions. If you have good reasoning behind it I will take your advice but don't look at items in a bubble or as if you're playing singleplayer. Remember you have to share with 3 other people and there are opportunity costs.
3/4 get in here
I went to all those places
That's happy mask though not alien head, innit?
It gives you a chance of a ghost of an enemy spawning when you kill it, the ghost then helps you it also works on bosses but it's not very great item desu.
>>because MUL-T has reduced base proc chance
MUL-T has reduced proc chance because he has insane base RoF, he is still a fine candidate for anything proc based items.
>>who do you suggest if not MUL-T?
I'd suggest splitting up essential items to all who need them so your entire team can be effective, but if you absolutely need a carry character then Engie is your best choice.
>>I've heard leech seeds are bugged and don't stack properly
Last I checked, they are. They will forever restore a measely 1 HP per hit and using a Rejuv Rack to boost that is a waste.
>>Your entire point comes down to
>just give one character all the offensive items
No, my point was "split items needed on multiple characters between multiple characters". If you're giving Engie stickies, missles, and Uku's, then he needs attack speed items to boost procs. If you want MUL-T to be self sufficient, then give him crit items and Harvest Scythes.
>but I don't think that's practical
And yet you think micromanaging a 4-man stack for Monsoon is? It's not hard to be conscious of what your teammates need and middle click the desired item.
>If you just want to turn one character into a god then you might as well play singleplayer, it's a lot easier.
Your entire plan REVOLVES around turning one player into a god that, and you said it yourself, kills the run if he dies.
>and who would you give them to
To whoever has items that need to be procced. Engie, MUL-T, Commando, and even Merc are all good candidates attack speed and proc item combos.
The worst thing is you have this concept of "Boss Killer", yet seem to not know what actually kills bosses. Like do you actually think this MUL-T is going to do ANY damage, let alone kill bosses on Monsoon? He has nothing except boosted attack speed, glass, and a measly 8 seconds of crit. Your "support" Engie, and even your Merc would be absolutely dumpstering him in damage.
you're right. maybe i could have like a breathing tube?
One Engi and three Artificers. GG you win everything since they can one shot literally everything in the game even without items. All the Engi needs is one afterburner to protect them forever.
I want more maps
Has a 10% chance to turn killed enemies into ghosts that help you. No reason to have more than one though.
It was under the fallen bridge then. It was there, you just didn't see it.
sorry my game was freaking out i just installed some of the mods
where the fuck is this map log at dammit
coast is the last one I need
>one of my idiot moron friends constantly insists we give him speed items because he likes to go 2fast
>he uses his speed to run to the nearest chest every time he gets enough money to open it and steal the item without even seeing what it is
>has been it in the ass multiple times
>has screwed the rest of the team composition over multiple times
>constantly over-extends and dies even when playing easy characters that he refuses to get better at
I admire his spirit but holy fuck do I hate his playstyle and additude. He does this kind of shit in so many games. If he can't find some way to bitch and get ahead, he drops the game immediately, like in MHW, where he hit his first wall of an enemy he couldn't survive around (Legiania) and he just never tried the game again. Said it was bullshit.
Any ideas on how to break this habit of his?
break him
or make him play mul-t so he can stack speed to run into shit and benefit from the extra hp
Knowledge of the game at a base is essential for knowledge in a broader context. Your planned team has multiple flaws already pointed out by various people due to it being quite clear you don't actually know how to build any of those characters standalone let alone on a team.
It also reeks of zero practicality. Do you literally have a group of three people that follow your commands when playing? Where is the Radar Scanner, the most optimal piece of equipment for loot hunting that every lobby would save minutes by having? You bring a Mercenary, but Mercenaries are pointless. Functionally, stacking everything that works together on a single person will be the strongest strategy that fact does not change even if it is a team game. Risk of Rain 2 is not a RPG with varied characters with operational niches. Every character is meant to turn into a killing machine using the same pool of items to functionally kill everything. Engineer manages to be an exception solely due to his turrets while MulT is the best at the general role described.
You need to elaborate more on your goals as your current planned team is full of holes regarding the sheer purpose of getting far in Monsoon.
Is this game worth getting if i don't have friends and only can play alone?
>Ergo his actual proccing rate is above average
Are you 100% sure? If he's the best for proc I'll scrap everything and start over.
>stacking every item in singleplayer is really effective
yes because you can play with us
You see that 40 damage? That's a non crit shot. You see that 9999+? That's sticky bombs which you think are shit on MUL-T because you read on some post somewhere that there's a big bad x0.4 modifier :(.
Delete your entire """"""""""guide"""""""""" right now shithead, and pretend you never brought it up in the first place to save face anonymously. Every post you make reeks of someone who both doesn't know how the game, and people work.
game is twice as fun solo because item sharing is dumb
You mean the achievement that's bugged
Feast upon the brap
Anyone got a lobby up that is noob friendly?
You guys are having artificial fun by playing this unfinished early access game
We have those already
About to start this up for the first time, but I have a an important question: M/KB or controller?
The whole specialization aspect is flawed.
A: You have to account for all the extra travel time to call out loot
B: Besides a few exceptions like stickybombs/fungus, item have diminishing marginal returns. It's better for more people to have less copies of an item than one person with all of them.
This kinda guide is only viable for red items.
I've heard controller support is pretty ass in here
>Are you 100% sure?
This is why I keep thinking you haven't actually played this game. If you have literally played MulT even once, it would be frankly obvious his proc rate is really high. It's not even that either.
Mathematically speaking, having a 0.4 proc coefficient is cancelled out by having a 2.5x firing speed. MulT's nailgun is clearly several times faster than every character besides Commando who it still significantly faster than. Since Syringes affect the attack speed by percentage, that means they have a multiplicative effect and the ones it will help most are the ones with the highest proc rate. It is basic arithmetic.
I take any and all chest items I can get, but I don't ask that others give me anything to facilitate it.
>start risk of rain
>find myself having fun
This sucks, too bad theres no one to play with
You mean the achievement that is bugged? Good luck getting it since its impossible. I've done 21+ waves on Monsoon and didn't get it.
What would you expect from a honor artifact in this game?
Should I just make it spawn every enemy as an elite and keep everything else the same?
that sounds kinda sweaty
why do i always get behemoth on artificier
literally the worst char to get it for
>due to it being quite clear you don't actually know how to build any of those characters standalone let alone on a team.
and you are only looking at it in a bubble where you think one player can hoard everything.
>Where is the Radar Scanner, the most optimal piece of equipment for loot hunting that every lobby would save minutes by having?
Do you seriously think opening every chest on the map is a good strategy? That is a huge waste of time. Go to the teleporter, kill the boss, open any nearby chests, move on. Killing mobs while the teleporter charges is much more efficient than waiting for the slow default spawns to get money, opening every chest, then spending several minutes fighting the boss and ending up with a ton of money you can't do anything with.
>Every character is meant to turn into a killing machine using the same pool of items to functionally kill everything
Some items are more effective on others. Like sure you could make huntress into a proc machine with enough syringes but why do that when MUL-T and commando exist? You have a limited number of items the goal is to split them up relatively evenly so one player doesn't end up being dead weight and to give them to the characters that benefit from them the most.
Isn't that how it was in the first game?
>unlock merc
>can't even kill vagrant in the first level
What is so great about this shit?
It was a good, fast run. Huntress is a lot more enjoyable than I thought
Stand on its head
4 player server, bring an umbrella
Where do you use rusted keys? I've seen switches in the desert but I can only find one.
It's fun
he's gimped early on against a few bosses. vagrant and dunestrider both suck to fight before you have decent items
Isn't that what it did in the original?
The use of it was to spawn all elites with Honor, then kill them with Glass to get more chances at a Sacrifice spawn, right?
Also, for the love of god mod a nerf or add an option to disable blazing elites from spawning.
oh, the shekel boss map
>aim vagrant
>press r
>pres shift 3 times to continue in the air
>press r
merc is easy and fun as fuck
4 player lobby
Rusty keys are item filler. For the 63 of them you have you might only find two lockboxes. Also friendly reminder to keep an eye out for the cloaked chests.
>get a friendly dunestrider ghost
>it still sucks me in and deals damage
Tell me your secret, I don't use any modded shit and I even did it with a friend. Neither of us got it multiple times doing monsoon.
Pretty sure you have to activate one of those challenges before fighting the boss in order to get an 'elite' boss to spawn.
I got it stage 6. :^)
>then kill them with Glass to get more chances at a Sacrifice spawn, right?
Lockboxes spawn when you have rusted key, they look like very small boxes on the ground, smaller than chests
They mostly give you white items, it's pretty trash
What does this mean?
>have good run, loop 4
>blazing titan beam scrapes me for .01 millisecond and die instantly from 1400~ health
also dont take vulture(the belt that steals elite perks) cause it chunks you for half your hp when the shield goes away that you get from certain enemies
>Sit on top of vagrant and kill him while he can't hit you
>golems shooting at his asshole uselessly
Dunestriders are kinda ass though I'll give you that.
Wait fucking what
how do you do the crab achievement? what does it mean to chase hermit crabs off the map?
Did you kill a Blazing/Glacial/Shocking Dunestrider/Titan/Vagrant/Beetle Queen teleporter boss?
I never said that stickybombs were bad.
>because you read on some post somewhere that there's a big bad x0.4 modifier :(.
>directly from hopoo is "some post somewhere"
>Delete your entire """"""""""guide""""""""""
It's not a guide dumbass, I never claimed it was the best to begin with. I'm trying to get further in monsoon and I asked for advice and you are trying to paint it like I'm a self proclaimed expert who thinks this is the only way to play. I swear you faggots take everything personally.
>someone is disagreeing with me on the internet THAT BASTARD
All (as far as I'm aware) character IDs, I went through 0-70 using the given info from pic related.
Pretty sure it needs to be a REAL boss, not wisps or some shit. I got it off a dunestrider, no mountain.
I can't even remember what type of boss exactly I killed but I'm pretty sure I activated two mountain shrines at the same time and got another achievement for that on top of it
Guides are a function of knowledge and proficiency at a topic or task. If you don't know half this shit already it means you're not cut out to make it no matter how autistic you are about wanting to make it. I'd rather ask the thread any single day of the week for advice as a new player than read any one of your entirely misguided and forced PNGs.
I'm fairly certain we did. A blazing titan golem? Of course did mountain challenges too to try and get it.
You can get it done. It's just luck. Activating a mountain shrine helps. The only thing that sucks about it, is that hordes don't count as bosses.
>If you have literally played MulT even once, it would be frankly obvious his proc rate is really high. It's not even that either.
singleplayer experience is irrelevant here when you can stack just about anything and make it work at some point. there is no cost for picking up a bad item in singleplayer, you don't have to share with anybody and fighting one boss is a lot easier than four.
>is cancelled out by having a 2.5x firing speed
Where did you get this number? Don't give me personal anecdotes.
I'm telling you that your team builds are crap because they're crap. They're crap because you don't even know how to build outside of a team. Let alone in one.
>That is a huge waste of time
So is advancing to the next stage without looting anything. Have you ever looked at the difficulty bar when you jump a stage? It increases. Difficulty increases not only with time, but by huge chunks with stages as well. You're not working on a loot to time ratio. You're working on a loot to difficulty ratio. Not effectively grabbing loot from a level gimps the whole team. Have you even done a solo Monsoon run?
>Some items are more effective on others. Like sure you could make huntress into a proc machine with enough syringes but why do that when MUL-T and commando exist? You have a limited number of items the goal is to split them up relatively evenly so one player doesn't end up being dead weight and to give them to the characters that benefit from them the most.
This is correct, but that does not mean the builds you made for this purpose are not awful. You clearly don't know how to do it at all.
I killed a blazing dunestrider for it. Just make sure that your teleporter boss is some strange variant.
that includes luring them to an area where you can get on top of them too though
oh shit you can have NEGATIVE luck
>The use of it was to spawn all elites with Honor, then kill them with Glass to get more chances at a Sacrifice spawn, right?
Aite, you asked for it. (I'm not sure if only elites can drop items now, but it seems it scales with enemy exp so I guess in a way?)
>Also, for the love of god mod a nerf or add an option to disable blazing elites from spawning.
oh yeah I forgot I could probably do that
I don't know, I never played much RoR because I was afraid Yea Forums lobbies were tryhard
I keep accidentally picking up wake of vultures and every single time I do the next level I die on. it's so fucking hard to resist picking up a red
all character IDs were already known
see pastebin.com
>singleplayer monsoon
Try Drizzle Multiplayer for a real challenge.
RIP the fools who dropped out
I've never had a problem getting on top of a vagrant. You double jump, hit them with a dash, and dash again. Bam, you're on top.
Also, apparently fire dots are multiplicative of the base hit's damage, because I zapped a mob for 3k ish with the lighting usable, and the fire ticked for 9999 twice and killed the mob
Monsoon multi is where men are made
this desu
4 player dizzle is unironically harder than singleplayer monsoon
uh what the fuuck
Drizzlets could never experience glory the way we did. Fuck Huntress and Engi
>Where did you get this number? Don't give me personal anecdotes.
Oh, you dropped out of middle school. Let me explain to you basic math. You're an idiot by the way.
1 divided by 0.4 is 2.5.
muh videogame ego i need to downplay everything other people achieve
to be fair that's usually because the type of players you'd find in drizzle lobbies are dead weight so it's basically you alone versus a lobby scaled to 4 players
>they dont know what it is
Oi mod user, when I've hosted some lobbies using the Artifacts mod (even after I finally got them properly working with the console command) I've had players report that their Huntress's M1 and M2 don't work, nothing fires. Could you look into that?
>Guides are a function of knowledge and proficiency at a topic or task
what part of >it's not a guide do you not understand? do you get this butthurt every time someone disagrees with you?
blackhole+wisp+dagger+ukelele=murderball comp
the daggers keep it going almost forever ecause it's got infinite range, so as long as your waves last, it lasts.
lmao you're right, i was messing with the invincibility glitch earlier and couldn't use shift so i forgot it existed for a second
oh god new thread when
>if you have multiple infusions you still only get 1 maxhp per kill
huh weird, I assumed you got 1 per kill per infusion that wasn't full yet
fug, I'll have a look
At least you aren't as retarded as I was, where I played my first 10 or so games as merc not realizing I could dash three times.
monsoon lets go
number of players? Region?
Yeah, I noticed this. They still stack to their cap, but it's hella slow sometimes. I'd actually like to know if you have one infusion, and 3d print it into another infusion, if it'll just keep your infusion cap or add another 100.
eu, 4
I just played a round, turned on all artifacts and my huntress worked just fine
I hosted glass yesterday and in one of them someone played huntress & he carried all of us through like three rounds so I can't imagine there's an issue
They do know they can't fire when there's no enemies in sight right? It also seems like you can't "lock on" to fire when they're spawning, whereas other players can already shoot and hit them. So that could also be it. Maybe because of glass everything died before it was fully spawned
>fighting one boss is a lot easier than four
Not true. Due to how a lot of procs have a contagious effect, a group of bosses ironically dies quicker than a single boss alone. The difference is extremely obvious when you can whack on a single boss for a minute, but can kill 4 of that same boss near instantly due to procs.
Also functionally, amount of bosses doesn't matter at all for difficulty past a certain a point. Rather it's amount of blazing enemies, boss or not. The boss could be an elite whatever as long as it's not blazing. Literally should be ignored in favor of killing and removing blazing enemies.
you can tell in that code
it checks how many infusions you have and what your infusion bonus is (likely the bonus isn't tied to the item at all)
if you swap one infusion for another, you'd still have 1 infusion, and you'd still have 100 infusion bonus out of 1*100 possible bonus, so it wouldn't award you an orb
stack mobility, fly around while dropping shielded turret positions and reposition whenever they're about to be overrun
if you're fighting imps or beetles dump lots of mines on the turrets, if you're fighting worms or boss imps only put down one turret at a time
Equipment tier list
BLACKED hole cube
The call that saved the run
Disposable missile launcher
Royal Capacitor
>Good tier
Memeon cannon
>shit tier
Money gun
>meme tier
all lunar items
Help, I can't play anything other than Engineer or MulT in single player. Why are Commando, Merc, and Huntress such garbage?
>didn't even list preon accumulator, aka the boss melter
you garbag
>leaving your turrets to die
I want to ________ ______ Huntress!
>shit tier: fruit
come talk to me when you survive getting hit by a burning elite
shit player
>So is advancing to the next stage without looting anything
and I didn't say that, you get chests that are convenient and easy to get too.
>Difficulty increases not only with time, but by huge chunks with stages as well.
Yes you have to find a balance. First of all popping the teleporter early is an objectively better choice because you do two things at once by farming for money and getting the teleporter charge time out of the way. That will always be more efficient. As for which chests to open I've had the most success with opening close chests and moving on. Feel free to post your own multiplayer run if you disagree.
again where did you get this number, you are just assuming here that his base proc rate is 1 with no evidence and didn't you say it was above average before?
fuck-artificer in-front-of
There's actually no argument possible for Fruit not being elder god tier.
>sacrifice powerful item to get hp on a certain moment of the game
Does Artificer even have a feminine penis though?
Lovingly refuck?
haha just git gud at not getting hit haha how is burning even real
hug the
>sacrifice some damage for an item that saves your life
yes please
of course not, that'd be gay.
stick peperoni
>turrets draw aggro
>instead of using this to reposition for the next flank turret you stay in the bubble and eat melee damage directed at your turrets
doesn't sound like a smart move to me
One more run, it's like 15 minutes at best!
>90 minutes later
>wishing for death but can't die
yes, she has a vagina
>an item that saves your life
>when you have 40 white items that does it
>live for 2 seconds more
>die immediately after because you didn't have something that could clear the mobs in front of you or help you escape
The safest place in this game is the sky. Turrets fend for themselves on the ground.
money crown is pretty cool
>Try out Risk of Rain
>Kill the first boss without challenge
Is the default setting easy? Also, can a complete noob join Yea Forumss games
>Due to how a lot of procs have a contagious effect, a group of bosses ironically dies quicker than a single boss alone
But boss health grows much higher with four and you have to take into account their attacks. Vagrant AOE is a lot scarier when there is four of them, dunestriders can be impossible to escape if they use their suck attack at the same time, etc.
>Rather it's amount of blazing enemies, boss or not
That is true but I can't really think of any good way to deal with them with what we have now.
>feel like playing merc
>first stage boss
>horde of many
>blazing greater wisps
>"eh, you win some, you lose some"
>try again
>first stage boss
>yet another horde of many
>blazing golems
>alt f4
invalid id?
1 is every other character's proc coefficient. 0.4 is Mul-T's proc coefficient. 0.4 multiplied by 2.5 is 1. So any character he shoots more than 2.5 times faster than, he will proc more times than. This is literally basic math.
Unless it turns out every other character doesn't have an exact proc coefficient of 1. However, this has not been stated by the devs, just that Mul-T has a lower one at 0.4x to balance out his fast firing rate. At the very least 1 is Commando's proc coefficient as he is the base character and most likely the standard.
>first boss
>x5 rusty keys
>open lockbox
>a fucking hoof
>the first boss
you just beaten the intro video of the game
>user has picked up Fuel Cell (9)
>user has picked up Shaped Glass
>user has picked up Gesture of the Drowned
>user has picked up Glowing Meteorite
Long range commando is best commando
>Bosses have over 100k hp each
>slowly hit them for 13 damages from the far corner of the map way high on a mountain
>friends get mad because they died
>a hoof
>Friend wants to a do a Drizzle meme run so I can help them unlock clover
>"Sure this won't take long"
>Eventually unlock clover but both of our builds are so stupidly perfect (Engie with double N'khuana + Rejuv Rack + 21 Shrooms, MUL-T with double Royal Capacitor + 10+ Fuel Cells + Soulbound Catalyst) we keep playing for the power trip
>Eventually we decide to end it all and obliterate ourselves at the obelisk
>Look at the timer
>4 hours had passed
you are supposed to be able to kill the first boss easy and yes you can join lobbies even if you are a shitter
now we're just back at where we started, you pulled this number out of your ass. he has a faster fire rate but what that exact number is isn't stated anywhere.
its the first boss of course its easy you numbnuts
Is this some fancy new move or something?
how do you not feel absolute joy everytime you see a hoof
It's really dependant on the bosses distance to each others, you shred them in a second if they are close but it takes a while if they're seperated.
Did you really beat the first boss? I thought it was a mandatory loss, but I got a game over.
Am I meant to lose all my items when i log out?
I thought I only lost everything when I died.
>tfw 41 hoofs ruin your mul-t run completely topped with 10 hopoo feathers
don't be silly. items only last for that run