Why is the east so much better at character design?

Why is the east so much better at character design?

Attached: Oka_(TKDK).jpg (2000x2000, 1.05M)

They have a boat load of artists with unique, stylish art because of the manga scene. Take any western comic book there's a 99% chance it will just be some gritty realism and there's no point in hiring them to design characters.

>the way she unsheathes her katanah~

I fucking hate skirts and i hate you OP.

The East designs characters that the designer likes.

The West designs characters that they think their audience would like.

Japs are just better at everything

Any examples since you obviously don't mean that OP image?

Because the Japanese are superior, smarter, hard-working people with a better culture, a higher sense of respect and more creativity.

Most retarded thing I've read today

>I fucking hate skirts
Get a load of this fucking homo

t. sissy

Unironically because of whites. Whites always ruin everything. Its whites pushing gay propaganda and control over media. Its the race of boot lickers.

Attached: 1554099139273.png (717x664, 331K)

>I fucking hate skirts

Attached: your hat.jpg (720x720, 57K)

They're not scared of pissing x group off and are free to experiment.

They just don't deal with that bullshit about video games needing to represent real people.

>They're not scared of pissing x group off
Yes they are. That group is bad taste otaku who want the most derivative moeblob flavor of the month designs. Which Yea Forums has mind controlled themselves into also liking so I don't think many will complain.

because they appeal to your dick in the most blatant way

Style comes first, you can worry about other faggotry like "Realism" or "Status Quo" later.

Attached: Guild Hall.jpg (480x360, 21K)

>eastern female design
>mandatory knee socks and a miniskirt
I like legs but give me a break

They know video games are suppose to be fun, fantastical things. Not politics drive gritty reality shitfests.

Because the west is too busy trying to be diverse and inclusive.

>The West designs characters that they think their audience would like.
the west designs characters that they think the people who don't buy their games will like.

Based slant-eyes

is this a /pol/ raid

>generic doll dressed in overdesigned clothes
Pic not related, I assume.

Don't kid yourselves, nearly every single piece of modern Japanese media can be traced back to the West in one way or another. Music, clothes, films, video games. They can't do shit on their own.

You are so new

That's because they don't have minorities and trannies working for them.

Because they cater to the people who actually buy their games.

Attached: skelebone.gif (320x240, 628K)

Nah. Retards who think designs like the OP or the 90,000 designs put into Japanese smartphone games monthyl are avant garde "experimental" designs are though.

but that design is trash

If Koei's character design is so great why have all their games released in the last two years flopped so hard?

The only thing keeping them afloat is Square Enix and Nintendo outsourcing work to them

One of the most basic principles of animation is appeal. You're designs have to have some kind of appeal. It's why Disney main characters are all attractive.
In game design, though, the west has become more interested in realism and they haven't gotten passed the uncanny valley. Add to that there is more interest in representation than actual appeal. So much so that whenever there IS one they all but immediately become iconic or famous.

Why is she so cute

Attached: NPJH50878_00002.jpg (1360x768, 240K)

Facts can be pretty retarded I know