>game has “dragons”
>they’re actually wyverns
Why is this allowed?
Game has “dragons”
Other urls found in this thread:
Because only colossal faggots care about the difference.
there's a difference?
They're actually neither. Dragon is the improper or translated term in-universe. The proper term is Dovh/Dovah
Dragons have 4 legs wyverns have 2
Within the game world, they're dragons.
/Thread my own post
>game has "wyverns"
>they're actually watered down manticores
how would i know
>Expects to fight a challenging creature that terrorizes the land, and makes its lair out of mountains of treasure.
>Fights winged lizard instead.
Wyverns are gay.
>DND fans still thinking they can dictate what is and isn't a dragon in fiction according to their game
>they’re actually wyverns
You're wrong OP
marketing teams make these choices not devs
ok OP, serious question. Do you think dragons/wyverns/whatever you want to call them ever existed in real life? Answer truthfully, be as detailed as you would like. I'm interested.
>game has "manticores"
>they're actually watered down wyverns with fur
Honestly, that shit is so fucking stupid, they gave it the body of a lion correctly and then replaced its front legs with wings. It even still has fucking paws for joints.
No he fucking isn't. Learn fucking difference, pleb scum.
>dragon language with lore describing their duels as shaping the earth
>breath fire and ice and that's it
smaug has 4 legs
Not Op, but what are dinersaurs amiright?
Nigger the developers should know their shit.
Vampires are now actually centipede like creatures that need the sun to survive and can be hurt by everything except silver.
>game has "chimeras"
A tetrapod having 4 legs AND wings is imposible. Dragons have 2 hindlegs and 2 wings and 4 legged dragons are only acceptable to retards and children.
Dragons are what ever you want them to be.
However Wyvern is under the Dragon class as a sub species.
None the less there's a fucking Unicorn Lizard looking Horse that's a fucking dragon.
that's more scientifically grounded
book smaugh has 4 legs and wings, movie has 2 legs and wings
Honestly after learning the difference I'm a little pissed too. Actual dragons look far cooler and more fearsome.
Because wyverns are a type of dragon.
Western dragons are far more realistic
Why do dragons make peoples dicks hard?
That's how they're depicted sometimes, although I'd love to fight one of these bad boys.
>What is mother 3.
A dragon with 4 legs is powerful in presentation, more able to interact physically with the world beyond being a monstrous presence, and doesn't look like a bat with a long neck and a tail. A dragon clomping around on its forewings is aesthetically displeasing, ungainly, and undignified, with the head held close to the ground. A biped with winged forelimbs is mundane in its derivation.
Because they are built for that.
Faggots, autists, and unchecked online degeneracy.
Big fat tails.
>There is no evolutionary reason for an extra pair of limbs sticking out of your back!
It happens, though.
For insects.
what the hell is a drake then?
I spit on you, faggot.
>unchecked online degeneracy.
welcome to Yea Forums, retard.
>Underarm membrane isn't even attached to the main body
God I want to hurl. This image was made by a retard.
In my opinion oblivion was better, it had more fun quests
Arena is unironically the best one
Yes. Those tiny wings are definitely going make the very heavy creature fly. especially while hardly flapping them at all.
>leveling is fun
>the rest of the game sucks
Bring back Julian Jensen, we need ubermensch games
Touched a nerve didn't I
The only acceptable answer to "why four-limbed dragons" is aesthetic preference. As soon as you try to drag real world biology into it, you've gone full retard, because using those same rules, the typical 2 legged dragon is just as impossible due to other factors.
>game has dragons
>jannies hate it
An impoverished dragon that lost 400 thousand gold
fuck off nigger
This is autistic
>western designers have no creativity
Glad we cleared that one up.
>wyverns aren't dragons
Retarded, per chance?
Do dragons lead to alt-right indoctrination?
Wyverns are a sub-species of Dragon you troglodyte
>posts on Yea Forums
>bitches about degeneracy
off yourself, underage.
Are you trying to pick a fight or are you unaware we are home to boards that host some of the most depraved porn legally possible.
game has "dragons" its actually just some made up nerd monster
not OP but i believe in consensus reality
ask me anything
Oh fuck is that why he's called drake?
What's the problem with this one? Educate me.
>Salamander is actually not a salamander
Dragons are redpilled.
Bluepilled trannie jannies seethe at them uncontrollably.
>hurr its impossible
The only flaw of a dragon being real is it's diet to sustain it's size and there are no sufficient animals alive that could feed it effectively.
They can fly,just like the Pelagornis sandersi did despite the theory of mechanism saying otherwise
They can breathe fire,that's easy to make.
>He thinks dragons weren't real
Bet you don't believe in the giants either
That’s like saying insects are the same as spiders
>one has 6 legs
>another had 8
>that’s a 2 leg difference
>but they’re the same species because they look like creep crawlies
oh my god this faggot again
>everyone on Yea Forums is a sick fuck that wants to have sex with animals or imaginary dragons
Seeing as how Dragon's Dogma has the best dragon fights period, dragon is a family and drake, wyvern, and wyrm are a species.
Faggot tranniejannie $0y muncher
How many games do this (besides Skyrim, obviously)?
It is pretty damn stupid they made a game with a dragon-theme, and forgot to design actual dragons
evolution is bogus jew science
Nobody said that,they just said that the site holds boards filled with degeneracy and you are the complainer about it.
Epic strawman
They're very often depicted in fantasy stories as almost god-like entities yet hardly any games do them justice, especially action games. Only action game I've ever seen do it remotely well is Dragon's Dogma.
>Being this much of a newfag.
Thats not the flaw or else there would just be tiny dragons. The thing is an invention of man's imagination just doesn't happen to be the most efficient organism for any niche, unless you count crocodiles as swamp dragons which I do.
People who don't understand the difference between wyverns and dragons are the kinds of people who shouldn't enjoy fantasy games in my opinion. Dragons are culturally more significant, pose a massive threat, and reward those who best them with the grandest of treasures. They're sapient, often as smart if not smart than humans.
Whereas wyverns are usually dangerous beasts, able to attack humans are the most inconvenient and perilous of places.
Now most of the time, it also comes down to naming conventions too, as I've seen wyverns depicted as dragons who can control thunder and/or wind. The truth of the matter though is power between to the two creatures.
Skyrim's "dragons", while smart, aren't powerful at all, infact, due to it's retarded leveling system, bandits are more dangerous than dragons in skyrim. I hate skyrim.
Literally none of them should be able to fly. Everyone of them would need a huge wingspan or their bodies would need to be a lot slimmer and fragile.
Fuck you, Dragons are majestic four legged beasts that will fuck you up just by looking at your general direction.
Imagine a dragon standing tall on his hind legs looking down at you like the inferior vermin you are with his wings hanging from his back like scythes of DEATH.
Then you have a Wyvern who looks like an oversized bat who's about to scream incoherently like a child who just lost its toy.
Efficiency is never a factor in nature, all that matters is if it's good enough to survive.
i mean its all fake bullshit anyway you might as well call them bearbugs its thier own lore who gives a fuck
Pelagonis sandersi did weigh a fraction of a huge bulky scaly dragon.
I just explained to an user that wanting to have sex with dragons is due to unchecked online degeneracy, I wasn't complaining. You seem to be strawmanning yourself it seems.
>if you're not perturbed scalie autist like me then you're a newfag
kys faggot
were you not around for that guy who got turned on by floor tiles?
>everyone on Yea Forums is a sick fuck that wants to have sex with animals or imaginary dragons
first week here?
People who want to have sex with them care immensely apparently.
>seething newfaggot still at it
You must be really new yourself if you think Yea Forums is accommodating to your kind.
The Pelagornis was considered too heavy for it able to fly yet it still flew.
That's what matters,a prehistoric bird shitting on physicists by breaking their laws of physics
Ok then underaged, I bet you like vanilla or cucking or whatever normies get off to nowadays. Come back in 2-3 years.
Fun fact, that was drawn by a furry.
I want to cuddle a drake!
I don't wear my fetishes on my sleeves like you faggots do.
What do you think /d/ and /trash/ is for?
If a game/story has dragons, I instantly assume it's garbage.
/d/ is not a furfag board and /trash/ was never meant to be but it's a containment board for that shit now.
>/d/ is not furfag board
lmao this is what monstergirl thinks
did you know we have a board JUST for people who want to fuck cartoon horses?
>neo-nazi mascot
containment board.
Plenty of anti furry images are drawn by self loathing furfags when you look further deep into it
You know what else is a containment board and yet it still ruined this shithole board? It starts with P
I don't recall telling you any of my fetishes. We're just saying don't judge other people who wank their willies, nobody here has an account nor a face to put anything too, and nobody is fetish pushing here which is the only time it's ok to tell someone to stop being an annoying cunt. We're all fucking weird and if you don't want to be called one, get off Yea Forums. Fucking underaged.
Spyro was an inspiration to the Christchurch shooter you nonce. Do you live under a rock? Stop masturbating to lizards for once and pay attention.
Oh boy
He is absolutely not shitting on physicists. He was around 15-25 kg and had a wingspan of at least 520 cms. Double that of an albatross.
Fpbp, and autists btfo.
Please, I can already tell you're attracted to reptiles or anthro animals from this whole conversation.
God I hate /po/. Their postcraft and origami shit is trash. They shit up this board with FUCKING PAPER. GOD JUST LEAVE.
Bacause some one clearly has a objective definition on what fantasy is and isn't
I too fucking hate /po/
Time to whip this out once more.
Actually I'm more into crustaceans myself.
>self loathing furfags
They have a reason to be. You sickos are disgusting as hell and you're almost all obnoxious creeps.
The wings are the key there.
Dragons would require wings double their size and with a large wingspan for it to support them and making them fly.
Nothing is impossible,you just need the right conditions.
>A tetrapod having 4 legs AND wings is imposible.
Many things that are impossible are part of fantasy worlds. Why are you being so autistic about four lagged dragons? Is it any more impossible than an eight legged horse like Sleipnir? It's just a part of the story that you are supposed to accept at face value.
/po/ is a board of peace
This. We get centaurs, minotaurs, pegasus, and many other mythical beasts and creatures without any recourse to scientific analysis...so what's the deal with dragons?
>"game has "dogs" they're actually alsatians""
>Yes. Those tiny wings are definitely going make the very heavy creature fly. especially while hardly flapping them at all.
There are many possible secrets of dragon physiology that would explain why it's possible. A fantasy world can differ from reality in any way.
There is no authority on what constitutes a dragon vs a wyvern
You're wrong as shit. A wyvern is a type of dragon.
That has nothing to do with what I asked.
Naming conventions mostly. Not to mention we should have scientific analysis for these.
>Where is a centaur's stomach, is the human half, or the horse half?
Fuck them. Thinking they're better than us with their peace and paper.
I do agree that in theory they could exist, but they would need to be really light. No oversized fangs, no overly massive body.
Japanese dragon can use magic
Bahamut is prime example
>what the hell is a drake then?
Dragon, drake, wyrm and worm were all generic words for dragons. They didn't specify any particular type. Wyvern just happened to be a word for specifying two legged dragons in British heraldry. Comprehensive categorization of dragons is from tabletop gaming where strict rules are part of the game.
An inferior type.
What are these secrets? Their body is gilled with helium?
>Spyro was an inspiration to the Christchurch shooter
I mean theres only really one way to interpret any of the mythological beasts you mentioned. Dragons are present in many cultures and vary significantly so who's to say which version is the proper one?
there are many ways for them to keep their large size and still be light.
hollow bones for such
Whats the point of having wings at all then?
here's an actual answer from the dude who designed them
entire awful thread could have been avoided with this
Fucking idiots who think they're so smart, shut the fuck up about your fucking wyverns you obnoxious cunts
>>Salamander is actually not a salamander
Salamander was original thought to be an elemental being. It was part of the 4 elements understanding of the universe. The salamander being a creature of elemental fire.
>Scaleless hydra, a terrible guardian
>Blue behemoth, a sagacious idol of worship
>don't even use the jet blast, just leak water to give life to those in need and fuck around in the deep ocean
>masked hibernating red wyrm
>just sit in the earth's core for billions of years
Yeah true but it‘s also about aerodynamics.
Again, that is not what I asked. Dragons are one of the only fantasy creatures that have their design dictated or altered these days to fit some nebulous and inapplicable goal of realism, while other fantasy creatures are not subjected to that.
>The only flaw of a dragon being real is it's diet to sustain it's size and there are no sufficient animals alive that could feed it effectively.
Huge birds used to exist. If the dragon needs a food source, there can be on that exists in the fantasy world. Like moas, or other massive birds.
Looks cool.
>Comparing a fucking strict shaped vertebrate with an invertebrate aka "I have no fucking Idea what I am let me grow through ten different forms just to be sure"
>meanwhile, monster hunter came out how many years ago.
Teostra and Kushala look ten times more believable than skyrim dragons. Then again, 8 animators is really fucking bad and explains skyrim's jank.
yeah, I genuinely don't believe they ever hired more than 8.
they would need dinosaur tier food,not shit like sheep which are commonly seen
You do you man, not like I care. Posted this to answer anons question about drakes.
>What are these secrets? Their body is gilled with helium?
It could be lighter than air gas. It could be metaphysical. It could be physics that differ from our world.
I'm going to keep calling them dragons just because I know that it annoys you fags.
Dragons are boring as fuck at this point. Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma made it interesting at least with undead rotting dragons though.
>go to fight a dragon (wyvern)
>die because you prepared for fire breath instead of poison
>but they're all the same guise!!
they used to exist
Undead dragons are cool. Also I see your point as they are HIGHLY oversaturated in most kinds of media.
>poison breath
I want HoMM3 to leave.
There's not enough games featuring these as a boss fight
But that's a cockatrice.
Must've been because of this guy.
>Bing bang wahoo
In all seriousness though, it's because they're seen as peaceful and wise.
>play monster hunter
>wyverns all follow the format of wingarms like rathalos, gravios, plesioth, diablos etc
>suddenly unlock elder dragons
>Kushala Daora and Fatalis have distinct wings and forelimbs
That shit fucking imprinted on me man. I cant think of wyverns and dragons in any other category now.
Drake, dragon, wyrm all mean the same thing. It's just different words for dragon taken from different time periods. Wurm is just Old English for dragon. It's not specific to any particular design.
When people started making tabletop games they needed categories of enemies. Goblins, hobgoblins, boggarts, bogills, trows, sprites, brownies, fairies, kobolds, imps and gnomes used to just be folk stories about tiny, mischievous, invisible, magic people around your house and the woods that you didn't want to fuck with. All the same thing more or less.
Most distinctions are 20th century "rules."
I imagine animating the flowing movements would be troublesome as well as few games taking place in that sort of setting.
>they would need dinosaur tier food,not shit like sheep which are commonly seen
These fucks are still Wyverns somehow just because of evolution.
But since we do have these distinctions now, why not use them correctly? It really does not matter if it comes from a time when we just did not know better, they are here now.
>all the "normal" monsters tend to have varying exotic designs and names
>they only got cooler and weirder as the series went on
>the OG final boss, elder dragon and straight up most influential one is just a straight up dragon
>but he's so fucking big, dangerous, and lethal
>his name literally means it's going to kill you
>talked about like he will end the world
A true classic never goes out of style.
>Dragons are subject to insignificant "research" results by lesser beings
>Implying weak mortals can even fathom how the flow of evolution works when affected by the magical leylines, let alone see it happening through the ages personally.
>Implying Dragons would want to look like animals of all things, and not change their appearance through their infinte mastery of the arcane
>Im-fucking-plying a Dragon wouldn't stand on two legs just to show how inferior the lesser beings are
Cringe as fuck.
Seems like you are getting some conflicting feedback.
>But since we do have these distinctions now, why not use them correctly?
Only if you want to have conventional kobolds and want the audience to know what they are without explaining. Alternatively you could just have them be mischievous spirits found in mines like they used to be.
>It really does not matter if it comes from a time when we just did not know better, they are here now.
We don't "know better" now. These things don't exist. They only exist in the mind. Every fantastical setting has its own rules and consistency. They can be whatever the creator wants.
Even when one considers Capcom still recycled their animations from a 2006 game for a good while, it makes me wonder how the fuck Bethesda works internally. Are they just understaffed?
But Ukanlos's leap, though. Shit is majestic. Poborubarumu also hops around like a motherfucker.
>We don't "know better" now. These things don't exist. They only exist in the mind. Every fantastical setting has its own rules and consistency. They can be whatever the creator wants.
True, my wording on that was bad. What I meant was, no matter where it originates from, these kinda rules were dominant enough to kinda establish themselves. But in the end, I agree, these are fantastical creatures and designers are free to interprete these as they like. And I do call Skyrim's "wyverns" dragon too, I am not that anal about this.
>We will never fight a silver kushala just freshly shedding it's rust.
>It's soft but has super desperation moveset.
My desire for this...is it I who is the true monster?
actual good post user
"whats the diffrence hurrr durr" go watch harry potter you utter pleb
>molting dragon
Now I've seen everything. How come you never see this used in games? It would be cool being able to find just old skin and scales laying around the Dragon's territory.
They look scarier, I do miss 6 limbed dragons though
Elder Scrolls Dragons are just TIME GODS!
>Now I've seen everything. How come you never see this used in games? It would be cool being able to find just old skin and scales laying around the Dragon's territory.
The best way to use this would be at the first chamber of a cave a dragon is living in. You enter, find the skin and realize just how big the dragon is that you're hunting. It would be impactful if it is bigger than any enemy you're already faced.
There is nothing to fucking miss, Elder Scrolls Dragons have always looked like this, always.
There has never ever been a depiction of TES Dragon that wasn't like this since it's inception, pic related is from fucking Redguard.
No one cares about your fantasyshit you fucking nerds.
That one's a bit of a special case in that Kushala is a dragon whose skin is metal. The webm showcases one whose skin has because rusty and old, so it sheds the skin and becomes nice and soft for a little while before hardening once more. Hell, MHW even does that scales thing. If an elder dragon is around you can find their claw markings and scales around the map before or after fighting it.
Excuse me but that's not a Dragon, that's a Wyvern.
You will never be cool enough to have a dragon in your flag.
Lionlets are seething
That is a fucking lie, he did not fucking design them.
Adam Adamowicz designed Skyrim Dragons and he could not answer that post because he died from Cancer before Skyrim came out, additionally it is a lie because Elder fucking Scrolls Dragons have always in every depiction, be it Redguard, Morrowind, Oblivion etc. both in real representations, statues and even deity forms had this design, always.
>dragons don't even have penises
Elder Scrolls Dragons are time gods, they are not biological creatures, they do not reproduce and do not need to eat, they do not even die properly
>doesn't know how reptile genitalia works
They have slits to hide their dicks and whip em out when they wanna fuck
I'm kinda disappointed in you guys.
And, sometimes there's 2!
leave man
>game has dragons
>you make one your gf and live out your days with her in the good ending
I mean on the flag, you doofus.
All wyverns are dragons, not all dragons are wyverns. Thread closed. Move on faggots.
Also, in case of Kulve Taroth, the molting happens during the fight. Or well, you just destroy her scale armor and she runs around naked afterwards.
That is a dragon though. Specifically it's an Elder Scrolls dragon.
i can't into comprehension
And? The point still stands,the dick is hidden in the flag because they have slits like the rest of the reptiles
Wyverns are a type of dragon and not a different creature entirely.
>Dragons are reptiles
They arent dragons to begin with
Just metaphysical time shitters
but that is what a dragon is in TES
time break is literally called dragon break, dragon is synonymous with time god
Now you are just embarrasing yourself. Read up on heraldry.
More believable than them being mammals
>"Battles between them shape the earth"
>All they do it dick around in the sky breathing chilly or hot wind at you.
I prefer the term little bitches.
You could call them Unicorns because lmao who cares about the difference
Wyverns are dragons you fucking turdnugget
They have scales, what better way would you have to protect your junk?
In the games, Kushala Daora's shedding is present on some colder maps and materials can be sometimes gathered from them.
I dont give a shit
Im talking about biology not faggy heraldry
>what better way would you have to protect your junk
as they say, the best defense is a strong offense
shut the fuck up, dumbass gamer.
Explains a lot about Seath, he used no protection.
>Mammals and reptiles are the only Amniota to ever exist
I mean, the sheath works. It just a nitpick when dragons are a mix and match between mammals and reptile characteristics but they always get called out the R word.
Easy to be killed lmao
Tell me,what family would they belong in then?
Dragons do not evolve, they are magical creatures.
Fantasy creature lmao.
Brainlet anwser
It's what they fucking are.
wtf bro
I used to prefer dragons having six limbs(4 legs and 2 wings) but after a while I started to shift my preference of dragons to having only four limbs because it's more common in nature.
literally everyone would call it and classify it as a reptile when it comes to biology and anatomy,the point of the whole fucking conversation
You do realize that d&d lore isn't the final say on what classifies as a dragon right.
Tell me, what is a reptile to you?
No wyvern can talk or use magic
I want you to show me a fucking reptile than can breath fire, has sometimes 6 limbs, and can live in ranges from volcanic to arctic conditions. You people need to separate fantasy from real-life, earth based science. Dragons can adapt whatever form our minds give them, that's what makes them a fucking fantasy creature. They look reptilian because that's what scariest to us mammals in biological sense, dinosaurs aren't lizards despite the name. They have their own classification.
its fucking make believe you austistic fuck. There is no "classification", no objective fact on what it is. you can call my gigantic dick a dragon and it would be as valid as anything in history that's ever been called a "dragon".
>guaranteed replies: the post
>chimera literally means combination of different animals
>most traditional is lion goat snake
cockatrice could do with more scales but other than that DD is fucking perfect
This is the reason dragons burn villages.
>game has "dragons"
>doesn't specify if they're mythological, folkloric, or legendary
>doesn't assign its "dragons" different meanings depending on their symbolic usage and aforementioned context within the game
Did you not read my post? I was saying dragons are make-believe. I was replying to a guy trying to say dragons are reptiles. What are you trying to tell me?
>Gigantic dick a dragon
There's probably a dragon like a dick somewhere in fantasy even, those fucks have subtypes about everything.
they are whatever you and what user wants them to be. Its a Reptile to him, just call him a fag and leave it be.
Imagine a dragon that could spit acid instead of fire.
Yeah man, that's sweet.
In my setting they breath super heated toxic plasma.
What now poser?
There are black dragons and either copper/bronze/brass (I don't know which is which I just know gold dragons are cool and silver dragons are fuckable.) from dnd.
I am a unicorn under the classification of fish.
Fuck off mage.
No way acid does more damage than fire.
What if dragons were all over the place in the genealogy?
You are dangerously close to the truth.
I signed up for dragons, not for glorified bats. If you try to sell me dragons, you better fucking give me dragons.
Good lord.
>I am a unicorn under the classification of fish
Ho there kinsman.
The bonnacon is the much better monster.
still livid that the damage types don't perfectly match up to the colours
traditionally both acid and poison are green damage and lightning is yellow, but we gots us black and blue dragons doing that shit
Man Dragonslayer was a trip.
>It's the same thing.
Giving a fuck about a lardass that can't finish his stories.
It's gonna be Wheel of Time all over again for you dumbass nerds.
I agree, I wish there was a water breath since most blue dragons are coastal creatures. And black dragons should be super evils close to red dragon's power but with maybe more cunning. Metallic dragons are a mess since they're all brown except gold and silver obviously.
still don't know the Seven Kingdoms' tax policy.
The difference between wyverns and dragons is completely made up, as are the creatures themselves, and there's any number of historical interpretations of what a dragon is and what it looks like. Just because that specific distinction is made in British heraldry that doesn't mean the entire world needs to conform to that.
If I want to make a two-legged dragon, I can damn well make a two-legged dragon, and you can't stop me.
Wasn't WoT actually finished by another guy?
We can all call you a retard for using the wrong word to refer to the thing you "made", though. Welcome to language.
Don't blues live in deserts also? I was wondering why the fuck is it spitting lightning on nothingvile, but it works well on saltwater. Also being blue helps with camouflage better on water than on a fucking desert.
Ok, but you must endure the ensuing criticism and debate under what classification "your" dragon will be put under. Good luck.
Yeah, anywhere with sand. I think it's because the dry climate helps the electricity conduct or whatever. Plus Blues are vain and don't like to hide if they can show themselves off. That's some justifications for it but people can probably poke more holes into that logic.
>Welcome to language
If most people's understanding of the word "dragon" includes the british heraldic definition of "wyvern," then that is effectively the meaning of the word. That is how language works. And you can't claim that the distinction is somehow original and true to source, because it's relatively new in relation to dragon-like myths. The wyvern-dragon-distinction was itself a change that has already gone away for most people.
>game's universe has to adhere to a different universe's arbitrary classification of what is and isn't a dragon
How ever will he survive
D&D grognards truly are a cancer upon fantasy games.
You'd think people playing D&D of all people would understand that fantasy is all about making shit up.
You'd think after all the lore skyrim had for it's dragons they wouldn't make them overglorified lizard bats. Barely anyone brought up DnD.
Furries, especially.
There was an interesting study I read about them and the personality traits associated with the animal they identify with. Those that chose dragons were much, much more likely to have psychological disorders than others. Considering we're talking about people who dress as animals, the bar was already set pretty high.
They'd already established that dragons had two legs in Redguard.
>Identifying with a sinful tyrant that despises everyone but himself is bad
Makes sense, dragons are built from the ground up to represent evil. I think this little detail keeps being overlooked nowadays.
>Legs make a dragon
No, it's the power. ES dragons are barely a fraction of what's described, and fighting them is more of an annoyance than challenging. Then again Elder scrolls games have terrible combat so...
Everything in the games are barely a fraction of what's described.
This is true. I'd appreciate if we left Skyrim out of all future dragon talk.
Fuck you all
and fuck dragons
you know Tolkien all have 4 legs...
That's such a dumb as fuck answer holy shit, if birds and bats were his models for dragons why are the wings not feathered instead of membraned so there's more manoeuvrability? Why to the membranes not go the whole length of the body like the "realistically" would have to. Why do they even breath fire if you wanted them to be realistic.
You can have your shitty wyvern design for dragons if you want, but don't try to justify it with realism when it's just personal preference. It just makes you come across as intellectually dishonest or as a fucking retard, and from what I know about big boy george he doesn't like to actually be knowledgeable about things before spouting off about them.
Books aren't canon anymore
>long dragon
And correct
god I want to be fucked by a dragon
anyone else?
Because devs are lazy shits and wyverns are easier to animate i.e. Smaug changes
This isn't true across all cultures. From wikipedia:
>>Wyverns are very similar to dragons, and in many languages, cultures and contexts no clear distinction is made between the two. Since the sixteenth century, in English, Scottish, and Irish heraldry, the key difference has been that a wyvern has two legs, whereas a dragon has four. However, this distinction is not commonly observed in the heraldry of other European countries, where two-legged dragon-like creatures being called dragons is entirely acceptable.
Skyrim is not part of the British Isle heraldry that would make the distinction.
This very much.
If you go over the commentaries the creators and animators talk about how they modelled Smaug after a bat or bird "because no real life animal has 4 legs and 2 wings". And all I could think to myself was "well dragons aren't meant to be birds or bats or real life creatures, they're meant to be fucking dragons." Especially Smaug I don't care how they George RR Martin fucks up his own creatures or the dragon in Harry Potter. But Smaug is meant to be THE Dragon, the progenitor of what all modern fantasy dragons are built on, so they could have at least got the original right. And then in the opening of the Hobbit it looks like they were going to, and then proceeded to through that away and go as far as to digitally alter in the arm wings instead of front legs on the DVD release.
Yes it was. The last two books were written by Brandon Sanderson. Better to do that then leave it on a perpetual cliffhanger like GoT.
>8 fucking years go by.
>"It'll be released when it's finished goyim!" *Dies*
These threads are undercover /dragonfuckers/ thread's.
Stop taking the topic seriously.
Dragon fucking is a very serious subject though.
Because bethesda games are set in days of yore
the people weren't exactly the most civilized and didn't know much about different varities of cold-blooded beasts, only the devoted scholars would've known of these differences
They call them dragons because they don't know other terms for it, because they're uneducated, it's just like normies calling every sexual predator a pedophile and completely ignoring the dozen of different paraphilias and the fact that the term is supposed to depict just the attraction, not the act of sexual abuse.
>they're actually wyverns
wyverns - a winged two-legged dragon with a barbed tail.
Fire breathing is technically possible though..
Scalie detected.
Daily reminder your "dragons" are hunted for sports by humans. You ain't shit compared to a competent man with a sword.
shut up sam
but how am i supposed to use my autism to feel superior to others now?
I will pull out my 20STR Bezerker if anyone hurts my wife
>wings not feathered
imagine a big fluffy cuddle dragon
how autistic are you? be honest.
Now for the real question - how does one acquire a dragon bf?
Same way you open a portal to Gensokyo
>elfnigger acting superior
When do we start dragon posting
Who cares. Post thicc dragons
Smaug is a drake, not a dragon, you colossal faggot.
Generally speaking
Magic, Intelligent, powerful, colossal (over 150 feet from snout to tail)
Non-magical, beasts with no sentience, pretty big but not crazy (no more than 100 feet snout to tail)
>wyverns are not dragons
>trucks are not cars
>children are not humans
>tigers are not cars
You have autism OP?
>tigers are not cars
Next you're going to tell me Owls aren't birds.
>sites filled with autists that care about such vague details
Of course owls aren't birds, don't be retarded.
>call sword a plate
>call stairs rope
>call Dragon a wyvern
>who cares??? Lolllll
Should've made their own Monster with its own special name instead of just being dead wrong
it's not dead wrong though since there are no universally accepted official rules for dragons
t. Mikhail
Wyverns are just another type of dragon though.
Dragon's aren't fucking real you inbred
lmao, pathetic. have you even studied medieval british heraldry?
Post source stating that wyverns cannot be classified as a dragon. Because from what I'm reading, it's stating that it's entirely acceptable to say that they are dragons and the only reason why they're called wyverns was because there needed to be a distinction between drakes (4 legged dragons) and wyverns (2 legged dragons).
>all these butthurt replies
wyverns are faggots of dragon species.
but still dragon.
fancy name changes nothing.
That's the fault of bethesda being bad
That being said this is also wrong since higher level Dragons have like 10 shouts they can use
But lorewise it is true since Thu'um is reality warping