Why does the multiplayer FPS genre feel so stale these days...

Why does the multiplayer FPS genre feel so stale these days? You get your new Call of Duty and Battlefield titles frequently, but if you're not into those franchises it doesn't really matter. CSGO sucks. Team Fortress 2 is 12 years old and hardly what it used to be. You see the occasional non-CoD/BF military shooter pop up and sustain a decent playerbase for a few months maybe, but they end up feeling very derivative most of the time.

Every other popular shooter these days is some sort of battle royale. I played PUBG when it came out and got bored after a week. Fortnite was never good. I put about 100 hours into Apex Legends and enjoyed it for the most part, but it has the same failings that all BR have; too much downtime and a reliance on RNG.

The only multiplayer FPS I play these days is Titanfall 2, which is great fun, but the playerbase is fairly small and getting games for certain modes is a damn nightmare depending on the time of day.

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csgo is the only "decent" one left
fuck i miss playing cs1.6, enemy territory, bf1942/2, quake 2 and cod2/4

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>why is it so stale
its because of normalfags ruining it and only buying the biggest titles instead of trying to expand out into more interesting games like tittyfall
plus they're going to get pissy after being curb stomped a few times in high skill shooters like that and quit immediately afterwards instead of trying to get better at it

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It's all shit. I'm still fucking playing halo 3

>Apex Legends
>too much downtime and a reliance on RNG
stop being a pussy and run towards shots instead of away.

By downtime I mean going through menus and load screens, dropping, landing and hoping the building you run into has SOMETHING in it and not just a bunch of scopes and a helmet. If you die early because someone else got lucky and found a gun before you, then it's back to the main menu where you'll have to spend minutes in other screens before you can drop and get another chance at actually playing the game.

Only a faggot would drop where no one else is and play looting simulator for 20 minutes before dying to the first person you see.

In more traditional multiplayer FPS it's
>Load into a game
>If you die you can usually respawn instantly depending on game mode
>Right back into the action
There's no periods of downtime where you're literally just looking at loading screens and character select screens and other shit, just for you to load into a game and hope that don't die immediately after dropping.

Apex is easily the best BR on the market, but it still has the same annoying issues that all the other ones have by virtue of being a BR.

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I miss when constant shooters were being released, even if 90% of them were dogshit it was fun to fuck around with them. All that's left now are BRs and I don't like them very much so I have nothing left to play. I've had to resort to playing APB again and even that is getting a "totally not BR guys" mode added to it.

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Escape from tarkov is really fun Just in time to learn the maps, wipe soonish.

One of the biggest problems with Apex is simply the drop, and you could resolve that by having several dropships with the players split among them before dropping.
Most players winding up at the same spot is half hot dropping spastics and half people trying to land somewhere near-and-far and winding up in a vertical column of people doing the same. You can't drop too slow or you'll be shot on landing, but you can't drop too soon or you will be rolling pure RNG to get your foot into the game. This seriously limits your landing options.
Distribute everyone into different compass directions of the map and the entire map is used, and firefights are more evenly distributed with better room/timing for tactical plays over picking equipment starved squads.

Of course Respawn don't do rapid response to good feedback so it's purely random whether or not they'll actually recognise and fix problems like this

id software should roll up all their old quake games into a more accessible interface, think kinda like quake live only higher quality and release as one megapack. i think accessibility would bring these games back into the limelight

Black Ops 4 just released a mode for their BR in a small tight island map with a maximum of 40 players and constant respawning. The BR mode is free for now, but as it is it minimizes a lot of the issues you have with BR modes.

Siege felt like a really fresh take on the CS formula to me. The balance between teamwork and individual skill feels great and the destruction/operators keep strats fresh. The updates overall also feel to be introduced at a good pace and tend to be well thought out in comparison to other titles at least.

Biggest FPS for me since TF2.

Try overwatch, it has forced social interaction and stuff I guess

Unironically normies and the internet killed it
Multiplayer no longer means having a community and names in servers, it means having automatic matchmaking so your teammates don't need to be anything more than slightly unpredictable NPCs
As a result, more normies buy it because there's no real investment or attachment past the interface and the process gets streamlined more to allow more normies to flow down the pipeline
People don't want multiplayer games anymore, they want "multiplayer" games
They want games with DRM/accounts to make them feel like they're accomplishing something but they don't want to actually have to face off with real people, just nameplates pulled from the internet will do

Been enjoying pic related a lot recently. A much slower game than your average fps, but has some of the most intense shootouts I've ever experienced.

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>constant respawning
how dies something like this even work in a br?

Its a deathmatch then.

Retarded zoomers can't tell the difference between an FFA Deathmatch and Battle Royale.