
Attached: 1550830075419.png (566x405, 454K)

do it doc do it

Get out of here you charlatan, MY doc - REAL doc, gives me REAL dose, not this watered down crap

Doc don't tease me. I need my meds

Could you wish me a happy birthday doc?

Attached: 1553649843310.gif (170x170, 1.69M)

tenks doc


Attached: 1534472863648.gif (302x280, 1.84M)

Me on the left.

Reminder to consult a certified practician for your daily needs. Never trust alternative medicine.

Attached: dailydose.gif (329x302, 67K)

Thanks doc

Attached: 1533176648349.gif (267x260, 1.91M)

thanks doc, really needed it

Thanks, doc.

oh fuck thats the stuff

Thanks doc

Attached: 1553771222170.jpg (366x407, 61K)

Why is vegeta being tied down with his own technique? deepest lore

Thanks doc

Don’t usually phonepost, but the site itself is aware.

Attached: 35FD525B-5C6C-464A-8243-E67235B1753B.jpg (1242x2087, 1.2M)

Cпacибo дoк

Thanks doc

Gracias Doctor

Reminder that Jobgeta lost to fucking Arale.

Danke Dok

Attached: piccolo_head_meme.png (249x210, 1K)

Ačiū, daktare

Not doc, but i wish you happy birthday, user!

The implication is obvious

Grazie dottore

Thank you

Thanks doc

Just the kick i need to get me through the day, thanks doc

Merci doc !

Teşekkürler doktor

You're alright, doc.

thanks doc

>piccolo head meme

Attached: 1445855488592.jpg (600x600, 111K)

arigato gozaimasu isha-san

Why are they looking to their left?

Attached: EC68DC2E-CE8B-4E6E-A95D-C78770BA0D4B.png (645x773, 49K)

thanks doc

Attached: kzimuG7.jpg (92x212, 8K)

Attached: jumpforce.webm (852x480, 2.74M)

Is it bad if this has been getting me hard as of late? I never asked for these sides, doc.

Attached: 1552693468414.png (273x186, 43K)

It's hard to imagine that this was made because the artist actually thought it was hot. I wonder if they know the legacy that image has.

Thats the stuff, thanks doctor

thx dc

Thanks Doc

Doc, I've had this viral eye infection for about two months at this point. Neither antibiotics or steroids have done much to mitigate it. After seeing the alternative doc today, I've been prescribed some stronger eye drops with steroids, but supposedly the healing process may take a few more months.
Now that I've got your official dose, I just know things are going to look up, and my eyes are finally going to get better.
So, for all it's worth, thanks doc.

Thanks doc

thanks doc

Attached: 118315 - BadEndXXX Dragon_Ball_Z Son_Goku Vegeta animated daily_dose meme.gif (329x302, 31K)



multumesc domnule doctor

look at how brutish goku is in administering a dose. you can tell he never got a degree like the good doc did.

I made it for a request back on DeviantArt. Back then you'd made any dumb shit as a shitty Artist just hoping someone would appreciate your skill.
But if anything the legacy belongs to the guy who requested for it, I couldn't care less. I had to delete my account due to spam I got from Yea Forums nerds too.

thanks doc


thanks doc

Muchas gracias, doctor

This dose feels a bit weird doctor.

Doc, I asked for extra strength, not this homeopathic shit.


BadendXXX legit gets off of this. I don't understand that's so weird about finding this hot

Attached: 1553301046789.png (100x100, 1K)

Thank's doc

Are you the artist?

Thanks doc, needed that one hard.

This style is atrocious.

Attached: 1375980872390.gif (456x524, 88K)

شكراً دكتور


That's quite a claim you have there. Can you prove it?

Attached: 1525985149264.jpg (187x198, 7K)

Some of it just comes off as straight up trolling though.

Attached: 1446178766766.gif (298x378, 47K)

Looks like the doc authorized a generic substitute for this medication.

Attached: 1885025 - Asuma_Sarutobi BadEndXXX Naruto animated.gif (960x994, 689K)

>no bindings

Well, he knows about the meme

God damn, i've always thought it was piss

>not posting his "best" one

Attached: vegeta.gif (509x394, 2.47M)

I'm convinced they just pulled all the mocap animations off some public library.

Thank you doctor.

Attached: 1523835019248.png (252x432, 169K)

dhonnobad dactar

What a weird combo. I guess Vegeta can smell what the Chow is cookin'.

Attached: chiaotzu-cook.jpg (912x687, 46K)

Thanks Doctor

Attached: 1546703045461.gif (400x225, 1.95M)

Thanks Doc.

Danke Herr Doktor

Salamat Doc.

Kiitos tohtori

Thank you doktar.

Attached: anal fug.png (153x231, 16K)

When you aren't horny, a lot of porn is funny. Sometimes when you're horny too.


Attached: ito.png (567x430, 177K)

Terimakasih dokter

Cпacибo, дoк

Obrigado Doutor

This is true

Always count on doc

thank you based doc

Is the next big meme trend just digging old classics up?

doc something's wrong with my dose

Valeu aê dotô


Thanks doc

Attached: 3df.jpg (686x751, 54K)

köszönöm doktor úr

Obrigado, doutor!

Thank you doctor, i can't believe your dose got left there like this

>Jank Force.
This game is so bad yet so comfy.

>jannies delete the doge thread
>this thing's still up
j*nnies are retarded i swear

This dose doesn't seem right, doc. Could you give me my daily dose?

Happy birthday, user!
