How do you make friends in online games?

How do you make friends in online games?

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Other urls found in this thread:

just b urself bro

>power hungry mods delete innocent threads
pathetic fucks who ruin Yea Forums

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Does anyone want to play anything together?

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You don't. Online friends aren't really friends

You have to be in US or Euro or the games you play will die out and you won't have anything in common, and no reason to continue the friendship

>Online friends aren’t really friends
>Hang out and chat, watch funny haha YouTube videos, play vidya together
>Even send each other presents on our birthdays and Christmas
“Not real friends”

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You are lonely, not because you lack friends, but because you are unhappy with yourself.
You are unhappy with yourself because you are useless and pathetic, and you haven't achieved any of your goals in life.
Even if you had friends, you'd still be sad, because friends won't fix what's wrong with you.
You try to turn to internet roleplaying as an escape, but you roleplay as a weak anxious screwup. Instead of overcoming your issues, you get addicted to them.
You are going to kill yourself one day. The sooner you do it, the less of a burden you'll be on the people around you.

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why are people so mean online...

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Be good at the game you play and people will flock to you automatically. They're usually either extreme tryhards who want you for their small elite circle or epic memers trying too hard to be funny. Both are not really fun to play or chat with desu.

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I’m out for a laugh and expect people to be mean right back at me.

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Especially this late at night where all people do is post porn or some shit.

I show them my smallish feminine penis. Works for me.

still doesn't excuse anons making fun of my voice all the time

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I'll be your friend

but only if you like anime

act like an anime girl caricature and never use voice chat

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friendless people can't make friends user

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I've only ever really had two friends.

One was a guy on WoW whom I randomly partied with to do arenas. Turns out he was good (enough) and we stuck together to get gladiator. Turns out we both had similar lives and apparently he was a notorious tripfriend on Yea Forums (before they took trips away.) upon learning that, I was a huge tripfriend as well.

The other was another notorious tripfriend on Yea Forums who likes trolling video games. So naturally we got along. Had some ups and downs cause of other people trying to ruin his community (He became a prolific streamer.) Sadly it's too dangerous for me to mingle with his community any more and he's kind of fallen into a rut playing the same RP stuff over and over that I'm just not that into.

Either way that's how to make friends, I suppose.

If anyone here likes trolling and doesn't take gaming seriously like a "pro gaymur" and looks down on normies, Chads, and Stacy's, google my trip and add me on whatever. (The SwoleBenji that plays PubG and Smite is NOT me, that's just some copycat.) Everything else on google is me, though.

I'm currently practicing for WoW Classic retail by playing on a private server. I stream from time to time but no one really watches. I have 15 years video editing experience I can make some sick epic stuff though, and I'm currently a NEET with 8 years of savings so I've got lots of free time to play vidya.

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What multiplayer games are there when I have a laptop that overheats trying to run anything remotely resource intensive?

I could be your friend if you'd like user.

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do you have a cute voice user?

show me
it better be uncut

Thanks that unironically worked, i have lots of gay friends now~

It is uncut. but no.

Luck and time.

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What do you wanna play user?

Unless your voice is genuinely hilarious and not just squeaky I wouldn’t make fun of it. Nah I’d grill you more on little slip ups you make in game

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whenever i vc with anons they ask if i'm a girl without fail, it's really emasculating and makes me never want to talk again

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vocaroo that shit user
add me up losers

You know you're not allowed to be here if you're under 18 right?

What kinds of games do you have and like?

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I would like that user

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wtf rude..

Honestly, I've been playing a lot of Risk of Rain 2 recently. I get addicted to those games easily. I usually play anything though, I'm pretty open.

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Tell me a bit about yourself!

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It can't be that bad, right?

How do you even make friends online?

Haruhi is best girl, and still hasn't been topped.

Don't play games, play a game, get good at it.
games with lower population and 1v1/coop games work best, there might even be posts on Steam/Xbox club just waiting for people like you.

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Could you post your profile? I'll take a look at what you have!

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I like videogames, anime and the occasional self loathing

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That's a quality lad right there.

What? Like my Steam shit?

Well if you knock off the last one, we can be friends, okay? I'll encourage you to do something good for yourself every day!

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>tfw finally make a steam friend
>gift him a game after a bit
>he even thanks me and plays it!
>asks me for games all the time
>don't say no

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>friends thread
>immediately flooded by weebs
just exchange your fucking steam profiles and go erp in steam chat you degenerate fucks

Okay user I'd like that

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Any of you homos like metal and/or old FPS's at all? if so, which ones? And are you a cutie? (bears can be cute too)

frig off, Randy Bobandy

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Alright, post your ID and we'll be great friends!

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Oh, hey! I didn't know they had cute catgirls in the knights.

Do people even play OJ anymore i'm not even sure why i got it when i have no friends

I like old FPS (Duke Nukem) and I listen to heavy metal (Judas Priest), and cutie.

Actually, I'm a boy!

I'm planning on getting it eventually. Acceleration of SUGURI has been pretty fun.

Judge me all you'd like, I really don't care too much.

No, you're fucking not!

Reminder to avoid anime pfps and any person with an internet personality

I like Duke, though I like Blood more. Judas Priest is kino
Got a steam or something?

No, really! I'm-

I have tons of U.S steam friends, even though I live in New Zealand?
I don't actually talk to any of them though, the only interaction was some guy inviting me to his trump discord.


A-user, it says you have no playtime on any of these...

Ah the playtime was hidden, check again
>Thanks steam

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Ironically the only person i've ever considered a genuine steam friend was an anime pfp whose first message after adding me was ":3". To bad he turned into a overhyping, twitch linking flavour of the month gaming redditor a year later and i had to cut ties. Him falling for the rtx meme was the final straw.

Come on now, don't bitch out. Where can I add you?

>mfw playing vidya with anons

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>How do you make friends in online games?
Call them niggers


nowadays you don't. back before the internet was taken over by governmental influence and scared parents, you just had to exist and you'd find conversation and companionship.
If you REALLY want to nowadays, you usually have to work your way into an existing community, which means going into another group's discord, and hanging out with other people, and dealing with the awkwardness of some people not knowing who you are in their "group".

Your best bet for finding people to hang out with, unironically, is going to be fortnite or apex legends. The nature of the games means that people are willing to just play with you. You may not get friends added but you'll find some good conversation more often than not.

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I just want someone to play league with who isn't autistic.

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what region?
maybe a longshot but I play on KR, I'd love to have another person to play with who won't ragequit 2 minutes in to every match.

don't get me wrong, I get plenty salty but I usually don't blow up, just temporary buttpain then three minutes later i'm good.


NA, damn. );
Yeah i'm just looking for someone who isn't gay or ragequits. I'm okay with flaming haha. I'm an assassin main so I can do mid, jg or supp with Pyke.

Good talk user

What if I'm shit?

I used to play NA but I moved to korea for work a couple years ago. I think my ping to the US is like 100 or some shit, nearly unplayable. I mid myself, xerath azir and I bounce 3rd between whatever tends to be meta. Only gold though, far from top tier.

then git gud
I'm also Gold actually. Yeah America's internet is surprisingly garbage especially on the west. It's more so the fact that it's unreliable. I can get 40png but then it spike to like 100. Korea from what I hear has God-tier internet.

I can't help it, I was born that way...

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>That feel when no one replied.

It's ok user, as long as you're cute

my ping is usually single digit when i'm in seoul. I live on jeju-do but my weeks are spent on the mainland. Most of the friends I play league with are part of the major 'toxic' community. I know it's an overused term but here, people will actually ragequit/afk if the supp accidentally kills a minion. They'll start feeding if you have a name they don't like. It's the worst shit.

Well, that's for you to decide, isn't it?

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Yeah I heard Cowsep talking about if you don't give the mid laner 2nd blue buff, they will 100% just afk. Like there is no asking, it's just expected lol.

Yeah, I honestly pine for the bronze pits of NA where I first started, sometimes. I log on every now and then to try out new updates/ get some nostalgia because of muh ufo corki and muh silver kayle, but I never really play anything more intensive than aram because my mmr is fucked and I'm constantly paired with bronze. I'm better than bronze, but not good enough to carry anymore.

Alright then, Post your stuff, I'll come to a conclusion.

Well... Could you post yours maybe?

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There there pal. . . you're not alone

Now user, it's rude to impose onto others. There's no need to be so timid.

Besides, I already have

>roleplay as a shy cute boy
>get added by retards that want to voice chat
>scare them off with deep booming chad voice

I don't know why I have so much fun doing this

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>Be a born again Chad.
>Talk like a squeaker to troll.
>Try to use annoying high pitched voices instead of normie voices.

I also don't know why this is way more fun.

>tfw no one ever adds me

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Well, maybe I'll add you tomorrow then, who knows...

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I know this feel

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All the online friends I made were because MMOs. Sadly most of them drifted away and we rarely hang out together, also barely anyone plays fighting games.
I'm too autistic and boring to make new friends

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You can, with a shotgun.

You sure user? Or are you gonna end up leaving me hanging like some kinda jerk. . .

Post discords

make me


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>steam profiles

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These are by far the best threads on this board.


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I concur

Every time I see conversations like this it feels like they aren't even real and it's just two bots programmed to talk like gay ironic weebs to influence the minds of kids.

True. They always remind me that there are decent people on Yea Forums too.

Someone out there is being serious

They go back and forth and are impervious to interruption like they're having a private conversation even though they are in a public forum which is weird

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Well, if you're enjoying the conversation why let yourself get interrupted by some random dude?

most people run a buttload of filters
its also easy to hide or ignore posts

This. Just filter it if you think it's a bot and move on

>someone insults me
>they get madder and keep insulting me
>“You know it"
>continues on like this until they get bored

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Does it turn you on?

No. The only thing that turns me on is macrophilia vore.

That's quite an interesting fetish.

cringe beta male

hey bitch let me dick your butthole

I'm funny and good and then people join my shenanigans

I'm nice.


fuck off, pathetic loser

>new IP
>he falls for it

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You know it.

Nobody wants to be friends with a depressed loser who forgets to separate his sexuality from his personality.

It's hard to separate when your sexuality is your entire personality.

suck my dick, faggots


Oh, alright then. *unzips dick*

I just completely ignore them because i don't want to be mean to them.

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>make friends with a leaf from a /vg/ group
>never leaves me alone
>gets mad when his entitled bitch ass doesn't get attention
>unfriend him
What the fuck is wrong with leafs?

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Just don't be a dumb cunt

It's that easy honestly. I get an add or two off of every rando game I join, and unlike my spastic friends, it's as easy as just giving good advice without making it seem like a mandate. The last thing someone wants to hear while playing games is some tryhard faggot demanding they do X/Y/Z in the ephemeral twenty minutes playing together

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Does anyone from yurop want to play fighting games?

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I had a lot of canadian friends in the past and most of them were obsessive and clingy, especially if they are from toronto.

do you like giant shotas/traps?

>be polite
>be reasonably good
>be personable
>don't be a spaz


g-giant shotas? owo show me some

i don't have em saved

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*kisses you and shoves your cum into your own mouth with my tongue*

be a faggot normie

Not him, but that's pretty hot.

Not particularly, I'll give them a shot during content droughts. I wish Labba eould draw vore instead of crush for once, enjoying his comics.

Be a good player people want to play with.
And don't overshare, in fact never share anything regarding your real life.

Nobody cares and you will most likely scare away the people if you start being a whiny faggot that keeps pouring out his issues.

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>in fact never share anything regarding your real life.
it's hard sometimes, some people just too social and want to know about you more, for them it's normal always asking stuff about you even tho you told them you'll not say shit they keep doing it, kinda weird sometimes, fucking normies

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Is there a way to contact you, user? I want to talk more about this new fetish for me.


video games?

uhm just look on pixiv for it, i'm not that into myself, its pretty lewd though

I ain't reading all that.

read this then