How BioWare's Anthem Went Wrong
>I actually cannot count the amount of ‘stress casualties’ we had on Mass Effect: Andromeda or Anthem,” said a third former BioWare developer in an email. “A ‘stress casualty’ at BioWare means someone had such a mental breakdown from the stress they’re just gone for one to three months. Some come back, some don’t.
it sounds like making video games sucks
>It’s a story of a video game that was in development for nearly seven years but didn’t enter production until the final 18 months, thanks to big narrative reboots, major design overhauls, and a leadership team said to be unable to provide a consistent vision and unwilling to listen to feedback.
Why the fuck does EA still meddle this hard, the only games they put out that are actually successful are the fucking sports games.
I honestly hope they fuck up hard enough at some point that they lose their contract to exclusively make licensed sports games and get completely financially wrecked by other dev studios making far better FIFA or Madden games
>proper pastebin link not just linking to the shit article
I dont know whats kept you around fellow oldfag but thanks.
All that stress to make shit like Anthem and Andromeda.
Its honestly weird to me that more people don't make a stink about people linking directly to clickbait articles anymore.
Seems to me like its just going to lead to every clickbait website coming here to spam their stupid articles for free clicks, even if its a decent article for once I still don't want to link directly to Kotaku and make them think they can shill here after seeing all of the link impression data
>Bioware magic
I can't believe they are being serious. Really now? These guys are insane, and they deserve everything bad happening to them.
>Among those who work or have worked at BioWare, there’s a belief that something drastic needs to change. Many at the company now grumble that the success of 2014’s Dragon Age: Inquisition was one of the worst things that could have happened to them. The third Dragon Age, which won Game of the Year at the 2014 Game Awards, was the result of a brutal production process plagued by indecision and technical challenges. It was mostly built over the course of its final year, which led to lengthy crunch hours and lots of exhaustion. “Some of the people in Edmonton were so burnt out,” said one former BioWare developer. “They were like, ‘We needed [Dragon Age: Inquisition] to fail in order for people to realize that this isn’t the right way to make games.’”
As shitty as nu-Bioware is, I feel kinda bad for these shitty college grads.
They thought they were getting their dream job working at a company they've admired since childhood, but instead they're being forced by EA to pump out garbage mismanaged games and constantly having to scrap everything they've worked on because some guy in a suit ran another focus group and found out that the kids like something else now
I know it's a meme, but I firmly believe it's because we were swarmed and slowly overtaken by an influx of really stupid people from reddit and other places thanks to gamergate and other high-profile events. Now those idiots are the majority.
I felt the same way reading this. Anthem felt like the most corporate driven bullshit ever with how generic it looked and based on this it was some corporate driven bullshit that made it fail.
It does if you're working for an AAA company
I have no idea why any decent programmer would waste their skills in gaming, working shit hours, getting shit pay, high stress and no glamour
That's what makes it so stressful. Imagine jumping through all these hoops struggling to appease management and keep your job, all the while knowing that this game you're dedicating so much of your life to is a piece of shit and you don't have the position to improve it.
>even if its a decent article for once
I almost feel like I have brain damage saying this but Kotaku has actually written some weirdly good articles lately. Like this one, they actually talked to people and got first hand interviews to call out a company's shitty practices that led to why a game was so bad.
>Over the months, a core concept started to crystallize: Anthem’s planet would be sort of like the Bermuda Triangle of this universe, with an inexorable gravity that was constantly pulling in alien ships and hazards. As a result, the world would be lethal and full of dangerous creatures. ”You are the bottom of the food chain, and everything is significantly more powerful than you,” said one person who worked on the game. When describing these early iterations of Anthem, developers have made comparisons to Dark Souls, Darkest Dungeon, even Shadow of the Colossus. There would be big, scary creatures out in the world, and your job would be to see how long you could survive. One prototype allowed the player to attach themselves to a giant monster; others centered on the atmosphere, the weather, and environmental effects.
>“The idea was going to be that there were all these levers that could be pulled internally so there’d be different events happening at all times,” said a developer. “You’d be out somewhere, and an electrical storm would happen at random, and you had to survive it. We had an early demonstration of this where the environment was dynamic and by pulling levers we could change it from summer to winter to fall. You’d see the snow hitting the ground, hitting the trees… There were states of the build where that was being demonstrated, and that we could see this was something you could actually accomplish.”
What a shame, this sounds like it could have actually been cool.
Is the pay for that industry really that bad?
Because they want to make games. It's really that simple. As someone who has done it, it's worth the lower pay when you actually are working on something you can feel passionate about. You reach a certain point, especially if you don't have kids or a family where what you are doing every day matters more than what you are making financially. I can't imagine what working on something like Anthem would have been like though.
I knew the gaming industry was shit to work in when I was a teenager and I haven't been a teen since like 2010. It's crazy to me that people don't know what they're getting into.
People here over inflate how bad it is, you are still making more than most people and any coding job has a crunch and deployment period where you have to work overtime and weird hours. I had a job coding pharmaceutical software and I needed to be on call in the middle of the night during deployment because that was something that couldn't fail and not have someone there to fix it. Video game crunch periods are notoriously bad and stressful though and the pay is less than most other coding jobs. People do it to work in video games.
Hope someone steals this idea and actually delivers.
Compared to how much you’d be paid for working the same number of hours in a different field, yes.
>Many say they or their co-workers had to take “stress leave”—a doctor-mandated period of weeks or even months worth of vacation for their mental health.
>One former BioWare developer told me they would frequently find a private room in the office, shut the door, and just cry.
>“People were so angry and sad all the time,” they said. Said another: “Depression and anxiety are an epidemic within Bioware.”
Did the development team consist of nothing but children.
It consists of Millenials so yes.
women and liberal men are basically children
Makes me glad I went the law route. A friend of mine works for a really well known company doing coding (they do mainly military contracts or somesuch) and sometimes it's really hard on her with hours. She makes a shit ton though and they're generous with over time and flexible hours during non crunch periods, something I wonder if AAA companies do the same, but I doubt it. I can't imagine doing a job mainly because it sparks your creativity if you aren't at least capable of having some say in the direction the product is going.
If EA is behind it, you can guarantee that almost all decisions are being made based on something that has nothing to do with wonder, artistry, or mystique. I would bet thousands of dollars that 99% of decisions on the aesthetic were based on trending films. They didn't think of flashy power armor, they got a designer who wanted to capture "Iron Man style super suits" or some other shit like that. Every enemy is either an extremely boring human with a gun, an extremely boring chittering alien spider, or an extremely boring and painfully immemorable dragon or basic fantasy trope. All of these decisions were made based on film focus groups and other things that are "trending" or "popular". Whatever interesting concepts that the team might have at one point had were all thrown away for something that is as aggressively bland and generic as imaginably possible.
The worst part is that they REALLY wanted players to pay extra for loot, and they couldn't even bother giving players a massive world to play around with before they started shaking their burlap sacks and asking for credit cards.
Consider the demographic of people who work in that field.
I always wondered how they can afford to pay these video game developers so low and make them work harder at the same to time compared to other fields.
Is it because they are much more easily replaced by other hopeful starry eyed naive fresh college people, who are lining up waiting for a position to appear at their favorite video game company to get in their dream job?
Thanks for posting a pastebin
I forgot this came out.
>Is it because they are much more easily replaced by other hopeful starry eyed naive fresh college people, who are lining up waiting for a position to appear at their favorite video game company to get in their dream job?
Yes. You can always replace them with the next wave of people who have just gotten their Bachelor's Degree at (College) and want to work with video games ever since they played (Game). You just slap them in, show them what they're working on, yell at them when they aren't producing comically high amounts of results with ever-shifting corporate meddling, and fire them when the project is over.
Almost make it out to be a call center
I get the whole having a passion for the field thing but gaming is just such a shitshow these days that it's not worth doing unless you're on an indie team or in a smaller company
>As it turned out, Anthem was not the charm. Using Frostbite to build an online-only action game, which BioWare had never done before, led to a host of new problems for BioWare’s designers, artists, and programmers. “Frostbite is like an in-house engine with all the problems that entails—it’s poorly documented, hacked together, and so on—with all the problems of an externally sourced engine,”
Is this just them whining over having to learn how to use a new tool or the engine genuinely being garbage.
Frostbite is generally lambasted
thats what happens in AAA
they work people to death to create a souless MVP to make money
>Video games: Call Center for people with degree
>stress casualties
That's what happens when your workforce consists entirely of emo sjw snowflakes and misfits.
Battlefront 1/2 and Battlefield 1/5 and bug filled messes and those are developed by Dice, the people who made the frostbite engine.
>“BioWare magic.” It’s a belief that no matter how rough a game’s production might be, things will always come together in the final months.
LMAO these people
If I had to guess, both.
My impression of current Bioware, is that it consists 98% of millenial liberal overly sensitive types, who are technically adults but are actually embarrassingly immature.
>“BioWare magic.” It’s a belief that no matter how rough a game’s production might be, things will always come together in the final months.
What the actual fuck?
Right? To think that they actually believed Mass Effect 3, Andromeda, or the other garbage "came together".
What the fuck, man. These guys are insane.
Yes they are, if you still buy EA games you're a loser
Imagine being so contrarian that you agree with retarded normalfags that don't understand why EA is bad just to try and be different than the people on Yea Forums
suits are the vampires of the games industry
they pick up a company with passion and talent and milk them dry by forcing them to make focus tested bullshit
>“The root cause of all this was that lack of vision,” said one former BioWare developer. “What are we making? Please tell us. The recurring theme was there was no vision, there was no clarity, there was no single director saying, ‘This is how it all works together.’'
What the actual fuck am I reading
>“BioWare magic.” It’s a belief that no matter how rough a game’s production might be, things will always come together in the final months.
Is this mental illness?
>It was time for BioWare magic. “You had to throw your prior knowledge out and either go on blind faith or just hope things were gonna turn out well,” said one person who was there. “A lot of the veterans, guys who had only ever worked at BioWare, they said, ‘Everything is going to be fine in the end.’ It was really hard on people who couldn’t just go on that blind faith, I suppose.”
my sides left orbit
They were basically blinded by the fact that no matter how poorly managed or broken a game was at launch, it still made a lot of money. They took that as "well, even though the dev cycle was rough and its not as good as we expected, people seemed to really like it"
After Inquisition, Andromeda and Anthem they realized that wasn't the case and they were just coasting on the name.
Am I supposed to feel sorry for people who take a vacation for a month because they felt tired? Most of us can't do that and we're just as tired.
It's pretty shitty, Dice made that engine yet battlefield 4 was one of the worst launches in EA history, it was so fucking bad EA wouldn't dare ship DLC until the game was fixed.
I remember seeing lots of server crashes, client crashes, bugs that let you reliably mute audio for the entire server, UI crashing, etc.
I'm not surprised if bioware couldn't handle that shit because dice couldn't either.
So what got more BTFO? Anthem or Fallout 76?
Soi development. The guy who came up with the game left the studio, everyone else too scared to take responsibility for changes. So they just randomly stumble about. As long as you don't make any decisions you won't get fired, so just keep pretending to work
This is exactly like Justin Trudeau saying the budget will balance itself, it's pretty ironic it's coming from a Canadian game studio
bioware bad
reminder that when apex came out people forgot that EA was the devil for a few weeks
Kotaku itself is still shit, they are just lucky to have Schreier (the author of the article) on board. He is one of the few game journos who actually do real journalism and investigative work. If he wasn't a big-time leftist he'd probably bail on Kotaku in an instant.
yeah you can, just don't work in retail
It's hard to top Fallout 76 lack of anticipation of the apparent global scarcity of canvas.
I think people were more surprised it wasn't hot garbage more than anything.
It didn't feel like anyone forgot it, people were genuinely surprised and impressed.
Frostbite is the new Cryengine
a pretty engine EA wants devs to use to encourage people to licence it
however there's not the documentation or support in place for that to work, it is especially like using another company's in house engine
>“One of our QA people had been playing it over and over again so they could get the flow and timing down perfectly,” said one person who was involved. “Within 30 seconds or so the exo jumps off and glides off this precipice and lands.”
>Then, according to two people who were in the room, Patrick Söderlund was stunned.
>“He turns around and goes, ‘That was fucking awesome, show it to me again,’” said one person who was there. “He was like, ‘That was amazing. It’s exactly what I wanted.’”
In an alt. universe, if they didn't manage to fool their own boss by using the tactics they themselves use for shit like E3, Anthem would've been canned
>Why the fuck does EA still meddle this hard, the only games they put out that are actually successful are the fucking sports games.
Aside from a company-wide initiative to use Frostbite in everything EA apparently didn't meddle at all. To impress the EA bosses Bioware cobbled together a bullshit demo with an example of flying that only looked cool, but they had already deemed not a good gameplay mechanic to make it look like the development wasn't a burning trash fire and that was good enough for the EA leadership.
this is what happens when kids grow up without leadership skills or respect for authority
>Details the fall of the game and studio due to mismanagement, lack of leadership and a unwieldy engine
Really niggers?
I'm a game developer though. If we lose just one important guy for a month, we're basically completely lost because there are some very specific things on the project that only select few people understand. You lose those people for a month, you can hit a brick wall in development. Our 3D lead left for half a week last month, it was chaos.
that's not a veteran, that's person with stockholm syndrome
>This is what happens when kids are raised by single mothers.
Fixed that for ya bud.
NuCons are children too.
Only thing EA forced onto them was Frostbite.
All three branches of Bioware just meandered, wasting nearly a decade with no progress.
EA barely meddled. Imagine spending 6 years on a game with no real development until the last 18 months. I can't think of a lot of good games that came together in less than 2 years, imagine trying to put together a good AAA in that space of time in 2017, it just can't be done.
>jumping through all these hoops struggling to appease management and keep your job, all the while knowing that this game you're dedicating so much of your life to is a piece of shit and you don't have the position to improve it
replace game and you have an accurate description of what work is like for most people
Sadly his extreme leftist views prevent me from showing any respect to him.
It isn't even that they are leftist, but that they are idiotic. Remember, this is the guy who unironically stated that the sorceress from Dragon's Crown was lolicon fantasy, and attempted to defend his bullshit from a high horse.
It's a little different. Imagine you are working on a product. You genuinely like your job. You are even passionate about it! You are told the team is starting work on a new project. From that day on the work you're supposed to be doing gets changed wildly and without warning. Sometimes you are even redoing work that you did a couple weeks ago. When you ask around about what the hell you guys are even working on, nobody seems to know. Management just gives you the name and some buzzwords. One day your work is exactly what they needed for the game only to get totally dumpstered the next day because management decided they didn't want to go in that direction after all. Repeat this throughout the entire cycle right up to those 18 months where it was coblled together. I would wager money that there were some more type A people that tried to take initiative that ended up losing their jobs for not being "team players". Work related stress and breakdowns are not always because faggot liberals are lazy. If you work for people that have no set vision, you will fail and be miserable because you desperately want to succeed.
Mass effect 2 was the last good game bioware made.
All these cool power armor variants
Most combat is just the same old shooty tooty. Fucking hell. You might as well have been playing as marines with jetpacks.
Mass Effect 2 sucked
And even that sucked, says a lot about Bioware, huh?
The studio's run by SJW's you illiterate nigger
ME2 is only good if you've never played the first.
That game felt more like Gears of War type shooter than a RPG
That's not actually true. A lot of people have fulfilling jobs.
Well, Gen Xers are nearly as immature as Zoomers. There's nothing to be surprised about.
Am I supposed to feel sorry for them because they like their job too much, is that what the fuck I'm reading here? 95% of this industry works on a project they don't like. You send out your CV and whatever you get, that's what you get. Most of this industry is worse off than those cunts. Stop complaining and do your job like everyone else, you're being paid.
it's not 2002 anymore though, lots of avenues to strip yourself from the AAA machine.
a lot, but not most!
Why are all you jobless neets blaming EA and only EA? Bioware is fucking shit too and made their own bed.
>One mandate from Anthem’s directors had been to make the game “unmemeable,”
>having to beat a game without any crutches
>having the game play itself for (You)
Dunno, I think the former will result in more mature individuals who can TAKE A MOTHERFUCKIN' MODICUM OF CHALLENGE IN LIFE.
No dumbass, it's just shitty to work on a project that has no VISION. If you're working on something and have no idea how it relates to the rest of the product doesn't that bother you? It wouldn't bother you at all to know that your own leadership has no idea what your product is and is just assigning you random work that doesn't seem to actually have any effect on the product?
>What's that, they can't take 60 hour weeks of extremly mentally taxing job? What pussies am i right
Suck corporate cock harder goyim so Mr Shlomo can buy a new yacht
I don't get it.
This sounds like literally every job ever. How is it different?
Sounds like a bunch of souya boys. I don't like using this word, but I do think it perfectly describes them. Fucking cry more, jesust christ how embarrassing.
Because this "bioware" is EA
The old Bioware died when EA bought them and almost the entire team was replaced
>Go to the site to see the article
>They actually wrote this
grow up
found the projecting zoomer
>If you're working on something and have no idea how it relates to the rest of the product doesn't that bother you?
Maybe, but to the extent of mental breakdown and fucking months off work? Are you fucking kidding me?
Grow up, grow some skin, start acting like a responsible adult and start working and not complaining.
Mass Effect 1
>What's that, you can't be bothered working hard for an equally solid paycheck? Muh capitalism amirite?
Sucks Marx's cock harder hipster fuck so Mr "Benevolent" Dictator can wipe your lazy fucking arse for you.
>>Go to the site to see the article
Why didn't you just read the fucking pastebin
>Hey, they're making fun of our shit games but making something not shit would be too hard so lets try and make a shit game that can't be made fun of
>implying it started with Inquisition
You're one Dragon Age too far ahead, friend.
How would I know I thought OP was fucking around
wtf that trash won game of the year award
I'm referencing the article, I've already said that the last half decent games Bioware ever made were the first Dragon Age and Mass Effect games, and thats only because they were mostly finished before EA bought them out
brainlets not reading the article jumping to conclusions
>Grow up and die from stress induced illness at 40
Ok friend
>an equally solid paycheck
No one gets "solid" paychecks in 2019
>When the Anthem team started development back in 2012, they hoped to make the Bob Dylan of video games, one that would be referenced and remembered for generations. They might have accomplished that. Just not in quite the way they hoped.
this isn't clickbait, it's legitimately good journalism. this is the type of shit we should be clicking on so they keep doing it.
There's stuff to like about ME2, but this guy: is right. Even with Mass Effect 2 I felt the rot was starting to set in. The original Dragon Age is really the last pure Bioware game for me.
People think of bioware as the company that made kotor and jade empire and all those old rpgs, they don't want to accept that bioware isn't the same company
EA: bioware, make a game
Bioware: ok
4 years later
EA:Where's your game
Bioware: [panic]
>Bob Dylan of video games
A massively overrated hack with a terrible voice?
I just want to clear something up: It's not EA's fault that the game failed. They had 6 fucking years, and did nothing the entire time. That's more than beyond reasonable from the publisher's perspective. If anything, they should have been harder on them and whipped them into shape. This was 100% Bioware's fault.
What always gets me about this kind of thing is that everybody can see it coming, except for the execs in charge. I mean when the game was first announced, everybody thought it sounded like shit. When the demos first aired, everybody thought it looked like shit. When the beta came out, everybody thought it played like shit. And then when it actually comes out, guess what, it's shit. And there's EA going "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!" like a bunch of fucking retards, because they're soulless corporate drones who don't give a shit about games.
How this kike's still breathing after exposing so many dirt on EA, Activision and other publishers?
Mass Effect 2 at least had the benefit of being a decently-written band of heroes story. All of the characters ranged from likable at a bare minimum to the best in the series at the top. Mass Effect 3 managed to tank that and still have lackluster gameplay.
cucked, bluepilled and mutted:
>EA bad, Bioware good
based, redpileld and white:
>EA bad, Bioware bad
If you even just direct this fag to a tweet insulting him, he'll block you and the original poster within 10 minutes
He has no life
Sounds like an exercise in futility. How are you even supposed to strive for that? Strangle all the life and "soul" out of your game so that people have nothing, good or bad, to latch on to?
Sounds like Anthem.
At least they get these stress leaves. You literally have free reign to tell the doctor "waah waaah" and he'll send you home for a few months and get paid. Many companies, even ones outside the video game industry, don't let you do that. Hell, some don't even let you get a sick leave.
t. neet so weak willed he would kill himself if his mum asked him to wash his own clothes once
youre pretty unintelligent, user
Execs are usually narcissistic. This is just an example of another one missing the point entirely, that the game is just shit. Case point: Randy Pitchford's entire miserable existence.
Or maybe the guy's argument and reasoning is flawed.
>Performance capture, or “pcap,” did indeed make for beautiful animations, but it came at a cost.
First MGSV, now Anthem. I hope this fancy pants mocap fad will blow over sooner rather than later.
I can understand people not liking how EA forced bioware to use frostbite but fuck, if they can't make a decent game in 6 years that's their own damn fault.
Too many women and black people, it's bioware. You know they hired most of the staff based on *diversity* and not merit.
>95% of this industry works on a project they don't like
No wonder 95% of games are shit
well to be fair, they did succeed. the only "memes" about anthem are how fucking terrible it is, how broken it is and how bad it is
but nothing in the game itself is memed so mission accomplished!
>if you're getting paid you can't complain about work legitimately
Take your own advice and grow the fuck up.
at least they told gaider to fuck off
anthem is a meme
It's sad how I've gone from "I hope Anthem doesn't kill Bioware off" to "I hope Anthem kills Bioware off."
Sometimes dead is better.
Do you think EA gave a chocolate bar to all of the devs they laid off after Anthem tanked?
It's a well known fact that crunch time happens a lot in the game industry and that it breaks people.
more like
EA: bioware make a game
Bioware: okay so its a futuristic mission based free roam an-
EA: yeah well our focus group of ADHD 8 year olds say they like fortnite and ninja now so change it
Breaking down mentally over that shit and leaving for months is "legitimate complain" in your eyes or any way acceptable and understandable?
Grow the fuck up.
Has to be better than working 12 hour days 7 days a week for 7 months getting shot at by missiles two to three times a week, wearing a 40 pound vest all day. Afghanistan wasn’t too bad actually
Taking off a month sounds pretty cushy until you realize it was led up to by over a years worth of non-stop crunch, consisting of non-stop +80 work weeks, exacerbated by a lot of your work being thrown in the trash because the higher ups have no sense of direction and horribly mismanaged your project.
They have a bot that does it.
After ME:A a mercy killing was needed.
>“BioWare magic.” It’s a belief that no matter how rough a game’s production might be, things will always come together in the final months.
Yes yes, pray the bugs away instead of actually removing them.
>making up bullshit because you have no argument
Get that dick out of your mouth and grow the fuck up.
>our focus group of ADHD 8 year olds say they like fortnite and ninja now so change it
That's not what happened at all, and there's nothing in Anthem that appeals to fortnite and ninja
You're an embarrassment, dude.
You sound like you've never worked a real job in your life.
Obsidian is next.
these people will just go and infect other companies
Right but why go for the company that has been blamed of crunching, ignoring and abusing their employees for more than 10 years.
there's no pvp and no memes so I don't think EA said that
Fallout 76 is actually not a bad game, just awful one. It will get better with time as its polished, more content added and with ongoing support.
Anthem will not. Its broken in the core.
Most of nu/v/ love corporations and being told what to do as long as it isn't virtue signaling bullshit. They'll say they love autonomy and freedom, but that's just something their media, leaders and employers have told them they have and should seek out. If corporations weren't expected to be run like a sociopath(profit first, nothing else matters), the world would be a better place for everyone. Unfortunately they have been brainwashed since they were very young to think the way things are now are the way things have always been - and should always be.
This is the stupidest post I've ever seen on this website
>Grow up, grow some skin, start acting like a responsible adult and start working and not complaining.
You've never worked a real, time-intensive job that puts serious pressure on you. Keep watching those Joe Peterson videos about being a good goy.
Bioware doesn't exist anymore.
They were bought buy EA and after DA2 a vast majority of the staff replaced by EA staff and at the same time new "Bioware branches" opened up filled with solely EA staff. All the people responsible for games they made before DA2 are gone including the founders and most of the writers who worked on ME1&2.
Bioware = EA. There's no distinction to be made
What amazes me, that the core was lost is none of devs asked if they make a fun game. It should be clear to you at prototyping stage already wether the game you make is actually fun or not.
It feels they just decided "we`ll make a game", but had no idea what game and what would be appealing about it.
Surprisingly enough, from what I've read in that article it wasn't suits, it was nobody having any idea what the fuck the game was even supposed to be while refusing to copy Destiny and Warframe.
Check out this retard.
Isn't 55 now?
This is the stupidest post I've ever seen on this website
Oh I get it. If I'm not a pussy like these guys, I never had a job that puts serious pressure on me. I see.
>Fallout 76 is actually not a bad game, just awful one
> It will get better with time as its polished, more content added and with ongoing support.
No it won't you fucking retard
Is that what you tell people because that's what your parents told you?
Best part was when the picture was released by EA, the score dropped to 60% that very day.
Fallout has Fallout setting going for it. All Bethesda litterally had to do for it to succeed is to add storyline and quests and no one would care about all the issues and bugs. The game will live for years and likely to grow the rival to their own ESO.
Meanwhile, theres no perspective for Anthem.
>Surprisingly enough, from what I've read in that article it wasn't suits
Patrick Söderlund
Because that's basically the entire AAA industry. Ironically enough EA has a better reputation for taking care of their employees than the average AAA company.
>if you only knew how bad things were
See you're just proving that you're a retard.
You cannot separate recognition of reality from endorsement of reality. To say something is true is, in your tiny mind, equivalent to saying that you WANT something to be true. You'll always pretend to live in a fantasy world inside your head where reality conforms to your wishes.
>No one would care about all the issues and bugs
>The game will live for years and likely to grow the rival to their own ESO.
based retard
he was fooled
Youre not talking your way out of this one user. Sorry.
Most of those avenues involve going independent or starting your own studio, which is what a lot of ex-Bioware employees did. In 2002 there were way more AA companies around than there are today.
Frostbite is a shit engine that only really works for FPS games yet EA are swedish kikes who force their devs to use it for everything.
they couldn't even get to the point of making a game so I'm not surprised fun never entered the equation
This is the stupidest post I've ever seen on this website
Meanwhile Bethesda succesfully sells F76 DLCs and plans for years ahead.
Learn the difference between meme game and dead game.
The trick to that statement is that EA themselves develops nothing. Working at EA is piss easy because they are a publisher and do jack shit besides office work. Now, working at one of the companies that work FOR EA, now that's a suicide. Respawn, Visceral games, DICE, Bioware etc. The moment they got tied to EA somrthing happens and the dev cycle gets fucked due bullshit demands, conditions or being asked to grasp more than it can hold.
Kek, their arrogance always catches up with them.
It's mostly the latter. Also according to the article they had engineers that were supposed to be working on Anthem work on Fifa instead.
Their own executive demanding a game be a certain way isn't him being fooled. Anthem failed for plenty of reasons but don't pretend suits meddling in a company notorious for it wasn't one of them.
I'm talking to a guy who believes that corporations are horrible simply on the basis of group belief. I'm not in anything to talk myself out of.
Get a job
Tl;dr suck my dick
I'm talking to a guy who doesn't know how to read.
I want to fuck Xev so badly.
>Their own executive demanding a game be a certain way isn't him being fooled.
> ‘That was amazing. It’s exactly what I wanted.’”
I mean, it sounds like they showed him something he liked and they ran with it, he probably didn't know that they literally didn't figure out anything yet
> If corporations weren't expected to be run like a sociopath(profit first, nothing else matters), the world would be a better place for everyone.
Elaborate my dude
Fake and gay
Except EA has plenty of in house devs, including EA Sports. The feedback from devs on how they're treated at studios owned by EA like DICE and Respawn are nowhere near as bad as say, Rockstar. I'm not saying EA is good at managing dev cycles but in terms of employee satisfaction they rank higher than most, which isn't saying much since the average is so low to begin with amongst AAA companies
And what's wrong with mass effect 3 and Andromeda?
See that's why I'm a Chad and you'll always be a virgin.
I want to fuck her good.
>he probably didn't know that they literally didn't figure out anything yet
You have to be incredibly naive to believe this, especially when Bioware is literally owned and managed by EA.
wait rockstar is worse than EA?
What's there to elaborate? It's pretty straightforward and has nothing to do with your "group belief" comment.
consider the fact that rockstar would never ever let a game come out in this shape, they wouldn't let devs goof off for 6 years like EA did
only /pol/ uses archives according to neo-Yea Forums
But unions are bad though. The corporations told me they'd go bankrupt if they had to treat people right.
It's not straightforward because it's the most retarded sentence ever typed. And what does the word "expected" refer to then pray tell young brainlet? How do these "expectations" somehow change the reality?
See you're just proving that you're a retard.
You cannot separate recognition of reality from endorsement of reality. To say something is true is, in your tiny mind, equivalent to saying that you WANT something to be true. You'll always pretend to live in a fantasy world inside your head where reality conforms to your wishes.
Population replacement is real. It's their fucking MO.
it's shit journalism, it made me legitimately question whether Schreier understands anything aboud video game development at all
talking to sources should be the bare minimum for journalists, not something to be celebrated
just because Kotaku isn't screaming about tranny representation once it doesn't make it good journalism
Meanwhile mass effect 1 had awful gameplay, yet for some reason people think that's the best game in the series.
Your reading comprehension is abysmal, brainlet.
Fuck off retard.
A lot of games uses motion capture
>Even today, BioWare developers say Frostbite can make their jobs exponentially more difficult. Building new iterations on levels and mechanics can be challenging due to sluggish tools, while bugs that should take a few minutes to squash might require days of back-and-forth conversations. “If it takes you a week to make a little bug fix, it discourages people from fixing bugs,” said one person who worked on Anthem. “If you can hack around it, you hack around it, as opposed to fixing it properly.”
Apparently, they spent 5 years trying to "find the fun" when after a certain point they should have just realized that maybe their idea wasn't fun in practice.
That being said there's still a distinction between the people at ground level making the games and the suits at EA corporate. Sounds like the people who were attempting to make a game felt like they were distinctly Bioware and had some kind of obligation to live up to that legacy even if they were recent hires. They apparently had leniency to make a game without EA proper looking over their shoulder to such an extent that no one was aware that Bioware barely had a game until the final stretch of development.
Remaking the game like 3 times seems like the opposite of goofing off.
Rockstar makes better games than EA but "the fact that rockstar would never ever let a game come out in this shape" seems a bit unfair considering this is a multiplayer game and the release state of Rockstar's online games would be completely trashed if it wasn't for the single player component.
You know a post is truly retarded when even the poster won't attempt to defend it.
>talking to sources should be the bare minimum for journalists, not something to be celebrated
In an ideal world yes, I agree. But it says a lot about gaming journalism that such a basic thing isn't taken for granted but subject to fucking celebration.
Regardless, it's still miles better than other gaming journalism, even if it isn't a particularly high bar.
>They apparently had leniency to make a game without EA proper looking over their shoulder
I must have missed that part of the article.
Unions in 2018 are a failed project.
They spend more timy lobbying for whatever crony socialism party exists in the country than actually fighting the corporations for worker benefits.
>Here goy we got you a 0.1% pay rise
>our fee has gone up by 10% though.
You know a post is truly retarded when even the poster won't attempt to defend it.
Everyone was to busy shitposting about the faces in Andromeda that nobody talked about the gameplay.
I'm not going to insult your intelligence by suggesting you actually believe the shit you just said.
>tfw studying to try and go into the industry
I'm already 20k and 4 years in debt, 2 left. Might as well go full sudoku on this ride.
Who knows, maybe the idiots already working will finally get together and form unions. Or maybe I'll come into it while the industry is in the middle of a crash.
Fuck my life.
More like you're so God damn retarded that it's easier to just call you a fucking moron and move on. People like you are genuine "human" trash. Please go kill yourself. For the sake of humanity.
You know a post is truly retarded when even the poster won't attempt to defend it.
So you have no real counter-argument, but still feel obligated to be against a rather standard and matter of fact statement?
Have you SEEN the activity of most Unions? They're bloated ineffective and most rely almost entirely on government intervention for results.
>EA bad, Bioware bad
This. It's not like anthem is the first bioware fuck up.
Except plenty of people talked about it, there just wasn't much good to say other than the slightly improved combat compared to the other ME games, which got overshadowed by the rest of the game being horrible.
the ones getting stressed would be the normals trying to make up for the loss of productivity
You never even posted anything that needed countered you worthless sack of shit. Fucking hell, no wonder the elite want us all dead. They fucking think retards like you are an adequate representation of us.
They somehow didn't have an idea of what their game even was until the last year of development and they were able to get away with showing the CEO a barely functional demo that didn't represent any of the actual gameplay they were working on. You have to imagine if EA corporate really took an interest in the game's progress they would have seen that it was a sinking ship.
>talking to sources should be the bare minimum for journalists, not something to be celebrated
>it's shit journalism
Which is it? You haven't explained why its shit journalism despite it being actually investigative on video game development with sources.
What an enlightened, unique individual. It is a shame I am little more than a sheep, who cannot understand EA's greatness.
Fuck off, retard.
The dreaded AI is finally here.
If you want a perfect counter to the tired "why do you spend so much time talking about stuff you hate" argument, this is it.
Wow. If this is even mostly true, Bioware’s full of little bitches
More like you're so God damn retarded that it's easier to just call you a fucking moron and move on. People like you are genuine "human" trash. Please go kill yourself. For the sake of humanity.
This must've been the belief behind Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric too
>Aside from a company-wide initiative to use a piece of shit that doesn't work properly for anything not battlefield, they didn't meddle at all
Oh yes they simply made a chef work with a carpenter toolkit, surely that doesn't impact the game massively.
Slightly improved? The combat is the best in the series and fantastic on its own good and the exploration that people have been wanting back for years is also back and actually has rewards to it now.
It sounds like there was a really cool idea at first with that alien survival planet thing. What a shame.
No, women.
Long ass article just to say: How BioWare's Anthem Went Wrong? It was made by BioWare.
Nigga, you think Unions are not just another branch of corporations and suits nowadays?
Teacher Unions are why US schools are mostly shit because they make it impossible to fire bad teachers.
Labour Unions constantly push to keep the price of labour DOWN so they can rake in money through quantity over quality.
Have you ever thought, AT ALL, why Unions prefer the method of forcing higher wages rather than allowing labour itself to become more valuable?
Because THEY PROFIT FROM IT. Why do you think labour bosses always drive around in fancy cars?
Unions are another type of corporate parasite, like Job agencies.
>They somehow didn't have an idea of what their game even was until the last year of development
This applies just as much to Bioware as it does to EA judging by the article. The game literally had no vision.
>You have to imagine if EA corporate really took an interest in the game's progress they would have seen that it was a sinking ship.
Except this wouldn't be the first time EA 'took interest' in a game's development that turned out shit.
Because I don't go to reddit
Fuck off retard.
Tranny owned.
>ME:A fanboy
Yeah that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg.
Why the fuck wouldn't you just go full indie and teach yourself while getting a better degree?
Fuck off retard.
Because he's a weak willed millenial trash-heap who needs higher institutions lording over him 24/7.
This is the stupidest post I've ever seen on this website
Tranny owned.
And this is why the gaming community is so toxic. Go against the hive mind and people calls you a blind fan or a shill.
Tranny owned.
Neither do I, but if you are on a thread about an article and said article mentions an AI that was leaked ages ago, and now the game itself is showing patterns that fit said EA, you'd be wiser if you actually read what that is about.
>Teacher Unions are why US schools are mostly shit because they make it impossible to fire bad teachers
I thought US schools are shit because the government keeps cutting education budgets while favoring private and charter schools.
Care to show your reasoning? Or are just just another angry discord tranny who worships collectivist nonsense?
>Fanboy doubling down by crying about muh toxic gamer hivemind
Double yikes.
Amazing counter arguments, isn't it time for you to dilate now?
The final result is what matters. For the most part rockstar games are technically sound and they put a decent amount of effort in their games' story, mechanics, content etc, Anthem on the other had feels like a proof of concept sold for $60.
I think rockstar knows their strengths so they wouldn't find themselves in bioware's position where they're struggling to figure out how to make an always online, story driven co-op shooter.
It's not collectivest nonsense, your post is the most retarded sentence ever typed. And what does the word "expected" refer to then pray tell young brainlet? How do these "expectations" somehow change the reality?
US Schools have a bigger budget on average than many places in the EU.
Teachers are just overpaid dullards who follow a strict "Fill out the answers" system that the Teaching Union happily promotes.
t. Teacher who is not from America, and actually has a Teacher's union with a backbone.
Have you ever worked for a competent company?
Why the fuck would you want your kid to be taught by the government?
The same reason why people still apply for lower positions at Amazon despite it being widely knowbfir horrendous employer it is: most people don't know until they are inside, and working for a big company makes a good impression on your CV.
>Neither do I
Where'd you get the link?
I wasn't responding to one.
Nothing stopped them from fucking quitting. They make it sound like a lager but differently from that they can quit anytime giving notice, and coding jobs are fucking easy to find, and we'll paid on average.
Are you an ADHD kid? I literally said it's on the fucking article. The leak about EA using an AI to make consumers spend more money by dynamically changing the difficulty and mission rewards appeared on Yea Forums itself ages ago.
What EA did do is force them to use an inferior game engine that fought them at every turn. I'm not sure if current Bioware could have made Anthem legitimately good, but there's no question that if Anthem had been made in say, Unreal, it would have been better than we got from Frostbite.
Where the hell did you get the word expected from you crazy retard?
If you can't even read my argument why are you even replying to it besides to tow some wierd ideological line.
Unions are a plenty debatable topic with many pros and cons and if you're so fucking inbred or hopped on hormones you cannot find a simple easy point to argue then no wonder your group of marxist dick slicers waste yourself before 30.
Another amazing counter argument, don't forget to remove the pubes inside your neovag.
I wasn't responding to one.
Not wrong there.
I studied Business Marketing for a couple years and was undeclared the first couple. Hated it all so I figured I'd at least give this a go, knowing full well the degree is useless practically.
I will admit I'm enjoying my classwork now though. Don't wanna kill myself every other day.
If I can go indie, I will. The problem with that is I have 2 years to cough some indie shit up that can help with loans, all while being in college. Gonna start messing around this summer in my free time to see what I can do.
I mainly switched because if I had continued with business, I probably would've actually killed myself. Despised it and I don't have any passion for it or hardly anything else.
How the actual fuck does this happen with something like Anthem though? They developed this shit over 6 years and nothing about the game screams "oh yeah this must be where they drove themselves to mindbreak". I'd say the art and environment is probably the closest thing but considering it was over literally 6 years I think that's plenty of time to pace themselves
Can't even come up with an argument can you?
ironically this was the best thing about andromeda
actually a good article. christ what a fucking nightmare though, all that just to make a big pile of soulless shit.
This is the stupidest post I've ever seen on this website
Nice way of proving you're just a broken tool, tranny.
>repeating the same phrases constant due to a lack of argument.
That's not how this works actually. Public education is funded via property tax for the school district. If the district is cutting funding, it's because it's in a poor area where property values (and therefore property taxes) are low. There are a lot of really nice public schools in the US and that is because they are located in very affluent districts.
Let me give you some advise then, as a fellow former Games Design degree holder.
Use this time to develop your first indie game. You will be learning everything you need during the course, so use the time to shit out a small gameplay focused easy game.
It's been knowing for a while that AAA gamedev is hell.
Any gamedev who wants to make anything and not become suicidal either gets a good indie team together or tries to find a decent AA project.
For a lot of people quitting a job (even one you really need to quit) is an admission of failure. In reality, it isn't, but a lot of people get that ingrained in them.
>implying I'm going to spend 3 hours arguing with yet another autistic Bioware fanboy who thinks everyone else is part of a hivemind for not liking his deeply unpopular game
Yeah I'll pass. I would rather argue about unions with the tranny obsessed /pol/tards, even their arguments are more coherent.
Thanks for the tip, user. That's pretty much my plan right now. I've got some floating ideas already, but most are too complicated so I'm definitely doing simple first.
>due to lack of argument.
I wasn't responding to one.
What the fuck were they thinking? It’s so fucking stupid because memes birth original content and original content means:
>people are creating a community surrounding your product
>people are enjoying and engaging with your product
>people are sharing and creating content about your product which means free word of mouth advertising to people looking in
Look at all of capcom’s new hits. All fantastic games that are extremely memeable and people fucking love them for that.
Nice breedable hips on the one in the center
It's because many people are convinced their labour is worthless.
This is twofold due to Companies and due to Unions.
"We're better off together, don't you dare think you have individual value"
People need to argue and negotiate their terms on every job.
Bioware picked Frostbite themselves, EA forced nothing
Amazing counter argument, isn't it time for you to dilate now?
Indeed, and there zhe goes again
But you were though, your OPINION that the argument is stupid doesn't stop it being an argument, and if you can't refute an argument it simply makes YOU look worse.
>When asked for comment on this, Gaider said in an email that when he’d started on the project, Anthem design director Preston Watamaniuk had pushed him in a “science-fantasy” direction. “I was fine with that, as fantasy is more my comfort zone anyhow, but it was clear from the outset that there was a lot of opposition to the change from the rest of the team,” he said. “Maybe they assumed the idea for it came from me, I’m not sure, but comments like ‘it’s very Dragon Age’ kept coming up regarding any of the work me or my team did... and not in a complimentary manner. There were a lot of people who wanted a say over Anthem’s story, and kept articulating a desire to do something ‘different’ without really being clear on what that was outside of it just not being anything BioWare had done before (which was, apparently, a bad thing?). From my perspective, it was rather frustrating.”
It wouldn't have been frustrating if he wasn't a one-trick pony and do what a creative hire was supposed to do: be creative.
Shut up boomer.
All that shit when you could just as easily have said "they went wrong by fucking making it"
It means making a game so lifeless and generic that nobody can find anything to single out about it to make fun of. They kind of succeeded since the game is EXTREMELY bland, but they failed in spirit, since people just view the fiasco as a joke.
>literally can't even come up with own insults
Getting more pathetic by the post, tranny.
There is glamour, many coders (especially younger, less experienced ones) prefer to say that they work on the new GTA game (even if in practice they only implement some shitty menu subsystem) rather than, say, implementing some database engine for an email provider.
In practice the latter job will probably pay more and be more interesting while having better work ethics, but you won't be able to show off to your friends.
It's not great compared to other jobs in the same sector. The problem is that video game dev is one of the few programmer jobs where there's actually more candidates than demand. Most shops struggle to hire decent software developpers but if you're a videogame company you'll have an endless stream of freshly graduated fresh meat willing to forsake any work ethics for the sake of making vidyagaems.
>Prove me wrong!
Not an argument.
Just attack the project with as much effort as you can muster.
Pester your tutor and any online group you can find if you hit a roadblock.
Vidya is one of the best art mediums because it's got a massive community and you never need to start from the beginning if you fuck up, you just chop away the parts that don't work and try something else.
I just hope Bioware finally dies soon.
Let's assume this is true, it doesn't work. Think about it, you play a game, you get shit rng or shit loot, the best way to get good loot would be to not play the game or play as little as possible
If people aren't playing your game they're playing someone else's game and that's not what you want with games as a service games.
It is though, you can't prove an argument wrong without addressing it.
This applies just as much to Bioware as it does to EA judging by the article. The game literally had no vision.
If I was unclear that's what I meant. Bioware didn't know what they were trying to make and EA didn't even follow through enough to know they're read no game plan. Shame on EA for allowing a culture where games can flounder like that and ultimately they're funding and publishing so it's their fault. But to me it seems more that they treated Bioware like a boutique dev that would pump out prestige GoTY contenders for them.
The only things EA did to fuck the game over was push them to work with Frostbite and then move the people who knew how to work with it over to the FIFA team.
Bioware bears just as much if not more of the blame.
Not an argument
Bioware was treated like an experienced Dev.
The Issue is Bioware is no longer an experienced Dev.
That's a yikes^2 right there
>ME1 is the best game story and lorewise, the writing props it up
>ME2 is a good TPS that still had a decent story, but not as good as the first. People only believe it's the best because it's basically the jack-of-all-trades of the trilogy - does all the things alright, but not anywhere near well enough.
>ME3 built upon the gunplay and arguably felt the best of the three and had the most in-combat options, barring some weird design decisions. The story is complete and utter trash, and it's why everyone hates the fuck out of it.
Usually you'll see a game series improve in all areas with sequels, not get incrementally fucking worse.
So instead of fixing systemic problems in an industry you should just move onto another job with the same problems?
No wonder you somehow think people having rights mean SJW will control all games.
>Rumor sourced from Yea Forums
>AI buzzword
Geez, I wonder why people don't take that seriously.
Imagine being such a boring person that being asked to go crazy with new story and setting ideas feels frustrating and difficult to you.
Now imagine being that person and somehow making it to the position of design director for a multimillion dollar game production for a company that is known almost exclusively for producing story focused RPGs.
Fucking hell, EA just needs to do a clean sweep of the whole company and start again, infinity ward style.
This. You know what your labor is worth (I hope). The company that's hiring you is always going to offer you a salary that is less than your labor is worth. It is up to you to negotiate from what you know you're worth. Then you can decide whether you'll be talked down to a middle ground or hold firm.
the anthem that's out not isn't what they were working on for 6 years, it's more like 18 months, the shit they worked on over 6 years ended up getting trashed.
>Tranny who argued about Toxic gaming is also the same crazy asshole spamming the same lines due to a lack of cognative arguments.
The benefits of typing over speaking are seen in this post. No one could have verbally said this to another human without breaking into a laughing fit halfway through.
As the user himself pointed out, the reason why EA ain't mad is specifically because they are using the game to beta test the AI. One of the examples they point out in the leak ages ago is of a player being matched specifically with someone that has an equipment that he wants to increase the will to buy it.
Also said AI can be easily modified to serve other purposes such as changing how the game plays to increase player engagement.
>no u
Okay kid.
Indie isn't any better, especially for an unknown indie studio. A pal of mine started an indie company and are maing a pretty good looking metroidvania, but they are running out of money, publisher deals are very scarce and bad and there's little to no free time. Game deving in nutshell sucks if you don't do it as a hobby.
I wasn't attempting to make one, tranny. I was simply making fun of a pathetic vermin like you.
only if you are bad at it
Nope. Prove me wrong is not an argument, prove yourself right first.
I guess it turns out that when a studio is willing to sell out to EA it indicates underlying problems or that the studio heads are ready to bail to easier jobs without necessarily having plans to fill that gap in leadership.
But then there are cases like Criterion where they seem to do everything right and still end up a glorified support team. Working on DLC for Dice games
Nope, it was in other sites back then too. And it's not a buzzword, it's a fucking patent.
She needs to eat holy shit.
>Because they want to make games.
yeah but now there are many different ways, tools and even companies that help you find that path without submitting yourself to the AAA company nightmare.
>being so retarded you confuse two different posters making opposite arguments as one and the same
Pretty impressive.
>Prove your statement right
Okay, It's right. Everything I said is 100% true. How are you going to disprove me now without addressing the argument?
>I wasn't attempting to make one
Nice parroting, pathetic brainlet.
I don't need to. Prove yourself right first.
I just did.
>6 in the pic
>can't understand the difference between "I wasn't replying to one" and "I wasn't making one"
>still has the face to call others "brainlet"
And with each post, more and more pathetic.
Are you actually retarded?
Did this offend you personally?
ME1's writing wasn't any better than the rest of the series, barring glaring shit like Starchild, terminator reapers and Jack's backstory.
ME1 gets a good rap because, at the time every single other rpg at the time was a fantasy hack and slash of some description, so it felt fresh and great despite being mediocre. More so, this allowed the writing to be incredibly safe and bland, without seeming boring, since the shine of not being a 1:1 tolkien fantasy made it feel fresh now matter how generic it was in reality.
Futhermore, the sequels also had to flesh out the terrible story that Bioware had planned for the ME universe, while ME1 could get away with having the reapers as barely-there generic ancient evils.
If you put nostalgia aside and look at the writing quality as a whole, the only thing that changes across the series is that the sequels are forced to lay out a solid story and be more specific and creative with their characters, plot and worldbuilding, which is always a bad thing for Bioware properties.
Mass Effect 1 was the last truly good game they made that still had that "BioWare magic"
(I haven't played Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood but people say that's good, so it's possible this was their last truly good game)
Mass Effect 3 was the last competent game they made.
After EA got their hooks in, the games had a noticeable decline, but they were all still good (yes even DAII and ME3). Inquisition was the turning point from "flawed but fun" to "legitimately bad".
Source? That's not what the article says.
>whoa dude this is cool do it again!!
i love how they tricked that soderlund exec faggot into greenlighting this blunder with a literally fake demo.
No you didn't. "I'm right and everything I say is true" isn't proving anything, other than you don't know how to argue.
>“The amount of support you’d get at EA on Frostbite is based on how much money your studio’s game is going to make,”
>The same reason why people still apply for lower positions at Amazon despite it being widely knowbfir horrendous employer
People go to amazone because they have nowhere else to go.
Programmers always have choice, yet they choose to stick to worst conditions and enable AAA slavery.
t. web dev
ME1 gets extra credit on the writing front for it's insane level of (natural) world building. Everything felt like it was made with a purpose.
Like, the general feeling I get from the world of Mass Effect is that if I fly to a random planet, there is something there, and it makes sense.
The feeling that I get from the world of Dragon Age is that if I go over a random mountain I'll walk into a nebulous gray void, because the writers didn't think about what would be there.
>tries to double down
>when he already showed just how pathetic he is in the first place
What is it with you retards that you can't stop kicking yourself in the nuts?
Not that I mind, at least something funny happens, seeing how desperately you try to scramble to call out "pathetic vermin" while doing the very same, which immediately fall apart once you look closer at it.
So keep going kiddo, give me more reasons to laugh at your stupidity.
>I haven't played Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood but people say that's good,
>but they were all still good
>yes even DAII
Which honestly seems right up EA's alley of making money at any cost. I guess getting the Worst Company in America award so many times has made them thin-skinned about any kind of bad press
How long until EA pulls the trigger on Bioware? Every studio this company absorbs turns into a hollow shell of what it once was.
The project was already greenlit by the time soderland tried that qa demo, they just changed it based on his feedback
Also isn't soderlund the same ea exec who told people not to buy BFV if they didn't like it?
>Kotaku and Schreier throwing Bioware under the bus
>Magic the Gathering "players" attacking a lesbian artist who did card art for 20+ years because she liked some posts on Twitter linked to the right
I guess it's true, they really are cannibalizing each other as they run out of targets to get outraged by.
I didn't say anything about rights, you fucking retard. Actually quitting a job whenever you want is one of the best rights you have, and you can't fucking change anything in a corporate environment in which you are a tool at best. Your best option is quitting and look for somewhere better, and this is how you make your former employer understand he sucks.
t. someone who worked in a corporate environment
>literally repeating insults
Now this is just getting sad, are you really saying you can't notice the difference between what you posted and what I posted? If so you should check whatever welfare organ there is in your country, I heard mental retardation like yours can give some good money in most of the west.
EA doesn't need to, Bioware is already destroying themselves by the looks of it.
that part was so surreal to read
>Is this just them whining over having to learn how to use a new tool or the engine genuinely being garbage.
They wanted everyone to start using Frostbite, even though it is shit and extra shit for anything that's not a FPS, because they didn't want to pay UE4 licensing fees.
>too stupid to read let alone understand simple sentences
Keep up with that kicking, in time they might even fall off.
I felt real dumb when a friend told me that was the cocoa percentage.
>Repeating insult
Again this is just sad. And keep your obsessions to mutilating your genitalia to yourself tranny.
And you're doing fine because workers were given rights you retard. We can flip it the other way and asked why are companies owed our unpaid labour?
Oh wow, a name change. That's totally why the game failed. If it was called Beyond: Two Souls like they originally planned, it would be a beloved and successful franchise now.
Where my Beyondbros @?
>division fea
yeah I can see it
>Your best option is quitting and look for somewhere better, and this is how you make your former employer understand he sucks.
Not when your former employer can just hire from a never ending pool of applicants.
>complain about repeating insults
>repeats tranny insults again and again and again and again
The irony.
Are you even capable of coming up with your own insults?
>spend 2013-2017 fucking around in pointless meetings and bleeding cash and talent because no one can decide what the game is
>spend 2017-2018 panicking because no one in your shit company knows how to do anything or expedite anything on Frostbite or in general until you are assigned a Daddy
>spend Q3-4 2018 complaining and adding mandated jew features instead of fixing anything mentioned in the "laundry list of complaints"
Yeah, it'll definitely come together.
Jesus, i can practically see your hairy fat hands shaking from being btfo'd so hard.
>Yea Forums makes fun of normies for years for falling for E3 bullshit
>turns out the execs are just idiots that fall for it too
Then the new hires crash the company and the developer goes under. It works.
If you had a memory longer than that of a goldfish you'd know I was referring to you repeating insults I used. Your lack of creativity is simply ridiculous at this point.
The greatest irony here is that it was EA’s LACK of meddling that screwed things over for a change as they expected BioWare to be able to make a game if left to their own devices.
They made them use Frostbite and didn’t give them the support they needed for it. Besides that and Patrick making them include flying EA didn’t have anything to do with Anthem until they finally put their foot down and told them it was coming out March 2019.
Most certainly not.
Do you not realize that the more you talk about trannies the more you normalize them? Trannies should, at best, be something we hear about once in a blue moon and are utterly disgusted by, not something we discuss in detail every fucking day.
>“The foundation of our new IP in Edmonton is complete,” he wrote in a letter to the studio, “and the team is ready to move forward into pre-production on a title that I think will redefine interactive entertainment.”
Casey Hudson, on Anthem, in 2000-fucking-14
>make it unmemeable
What a stupid mandate. Even stupider than most memes
too much onions in their diet
Accelerationism bro, the more people hear about the woes of what happens during and after a mutilation surgery, the more people will realize the obvious, that trannies are mentally ill
>take three months off because sitting down and barely doing anything on a computer for 12 hours a day was too much
I want to work in this industry
>Until very recently, hardcore BioWare fans used to refer to the studio’s various teams using derogatory tiers. There was the A-team, the B-team, and the C-team. Opinions may have varied on which was which, but in general, “A-team” referred to the original BioWare, the office in Edmonton, Canada responsible for Dragon Age and the Mass Effect trilogy. A couple thousand miles southeast was the “B-team,” a studio in Austin, Texas that was founded to make Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. (The “C-team” usually referred to Montreal, the ill-fated studio behind Mass Effect: Andromeda.)
>What fans might not have realized was that even within BioWare, some people thought the same way.
What a stupid, lying bastard
>successfully sells
>plans for years ahead
yeah, until they decide it's a lost cause that's bleeding money and drop it altogether.
Anthem is hot trash because it's a generic "video game: the game" that the devs and EA seem intent on fucking up. It's not liquid diarrhea like FO76 and literally everything surrounding it and it's release.
Is that really an much achievement when virtually all of your your planets are just uninhabited randomly genned terrain? Most of the reason why ME1 feels like it has a lot of world building is because it was fresh at the time and people had nothing to directly judge it against, unlike most other rpgs of the time.
>Its honestly weird to me that more people don't make a stink about people linking directly to clickbait articles anymore.
The site is 99% newfags now. What else would you expect?
To be fair, this isn't really a clickbait article. It's actually pretty good and in-depth.
>‘We needed [Dragon Age: Inquisition] to fail in order for people to realize that this isn’t the right way to make games.’”
well i got they got their wish now
I think it's clear that poster wasn't talking about this thread, since the article wasn't even linked.
>One former BioWare developer told me they would frequently find a private room in the office, shut the door, and just cry.
Let me put it another way.
If I were to ask, "What sort of music to Salarians listen to" I feel like the ME writers would have an answer ready to go.
If I were to ask, "What sort of music to Qunari listen to?" I feel like the DA writers would just make something up on the spot.
Everything in ME1 feels planned out. Everything in DAO feels reactionary.
>BioWare first shifted to Frostbite for Dragon Age: Inquisition in 2011, which caused massive problems for that team. Many of the features those developers had taken for granted in previous engines, like a save-load system and a third-person camera, simply did not exist in Frostbite, which meant that the Inquisition team had to build them all from scratch.
Where are the retards that claim that game engines have nothing to do with the game quality?
I wonder if it's 4pm and it's because of the pain
How can a nigga be so retarded, every time?
our guy
>Magic the Gathering "players" attacking a lesbian artist who did card art for 20+ years because she liked some posts on Twitter linked to the right
What happened? As an MTG player this is news to me. The only artist I know of that you could possibly be talking about that fits this description is possibly Terese Nielsen or Rebecca Guay.
Okay what if we open with the player meeting two characters, a guy and a girl, only, stick with me here, one of them is a mage while the other one focuses strictly on physical combat! And listen, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I'm thinking we get Raphael Sbarge to play the guy.
>stress leave= whores who can't handle working 10 hours instead of 8
They aren't, and that's why you either go on a strike or quit. Literally anything is better than going in a room and cry.
Again, you either fight for the change or go away. I got fed up with my previous job and found something better. That's how it works. All it would take for the EA developers would be one or two days of them all doing jackshit and the company would comply to any request (unless the law in burgerland is so atrocious that EA can do whatever it wants).
weird way of phrasing it
most places call that "burnout"
>its ea's fault!
>its the engine's fault!
>its the leadership's fault!
>its the gamers' fault
Sound like people saying these things are females with how they never take responsibility for their actions.
>I feel like the ME writers would have an answer ready to go.
Then you're deluding yourself. When ME came out, Bioware didn't even have a concrete answer for what the reapers where or what their plan was.
( ´_ゝ`)
>Around the same time, Electronic Arts executive Patrick Söderlund, to whom BioWare’s leadership reported, played the Anthem Christmas demo. According to three people familiar with what happened, he told BioWare that it was unacceptable. (Söderlund did not respond to a request for comment.) He was particularly disappointed by the graphics. “He said, ‘This is not what you had promised to me as a game,’” said one person who was there.
>Now it was time for a new build. “What began was six weeks of pretty significant crunch to do a demo specifically for Patrick Söderlund,” said one member of the team. They overhauled the art, knowing that the best way to impress Söderlund would be to make a demo that looked as pretty as possible.
>The leadership team’s most recent decision had been to remove flying entirely, but they needed to impress Söderlund, and flying was the only mechanic they’d built that made Anthem stand out from other games, so they eventually decided to put it back. This re-implementation of flying took place over a weekend, according to two people who worked on the game, and it wasn’t quite clear whether they were doing it permanently or just as a show for Söderlund. “We were like, ‘Well that’s not in the game, are we adding it for real?’” said one developer. “They were like, ‘We’ll see.’”
Based Söderlund for trying to kill Bioware.
>Dev just wanted to make blue space girl/elf girl dating games.
>EA forces dev to make shit Pozzed Destiny clone.
This actually gives me feels.
>the best thing about the game is some shit they put in as a goof
imagine being that bad at video games
Why is EA so in love with Frostbite? Who thought it was a good idea to name their game engine after a medical condition that everyone despises?
Which, hey, is a sign of good writing. If they're able to writing that I just assume they have an answer for everything, that means they're doing a great job.
Part of the reason why ME3 is so loathed is because it not only felt like the dropped the ball, it felt like they had the ball well in hand, and purposefully threw it away.
DA's worldbuilding never invoked this same level of confidence.
It's Terese Nielsen. Some Twitterfags even went on about how they'll remove cards with her art from their decks. I find it hilarious, really.
>DA:I success
In what world that heap of trash was GOTY and success?
>tfw studying to try and go into the industry
Not worth it man. I was going down that route myself a few years back and I just looked at the state of the industry thought fuck that shit and learned basic car mechanics instead. Best life choice I have ever made.
it's their property, so no need to pay for licenses
likely sales
>expecting anything good from them
Bioware died with Dragon Age Origins
Its amazing, they fanned this shit into a fire and really didnt expect it to move in their direction, only that of their enemies.
Let it happen. If you have done nothing wrong nothing will happen.
What did she even do? I don't have a twitter so I genuinely don't know. I got her to sign stuff for me at a GP and bought some prints.
The guy probably added 20 points to the metacritic score.
The one positive in just about every review is that the flying is pretty cool.
Wow. Are you actually a Bioware employee?
Bet you're regretting that career decision right now.
She liked and followed the wrong kind of people on Twitter. Seriously. Social media is truly bringing forth the downfall of mankind.
Why are you so fucking pathetic?
The people making the game fucked up, Its not always the big bad corporate machine meddling. Sometimes people are just fucking shit at their jobs. Which Bioware has been for a fucking decade now.
Lmao Unions are notorious for this shit in the USA.
They do shit for their workers while funneling money to the top. It's another layer of middle men interfering with what you can do ad a worker and taking money from your pocket.
t. First hand experience.
Nah, linking to an article via Pastebin is just good form. Its how every OP about an article should be
The funny thing is Inquisition is trash, It won the goty because (((reasons))), but the games is a turd.
Yea Forums hating a game doesn't mean retards didn't buy it because of brand recognition.
Thats all this "bioware magic" was, their games sold even if they were shit, and they'd get good reviews even if they were shit, just because people expected Bioware games to be good and journalists were afraid to say they were bad because Bioware has a lot of fans.
They've just put out enough shitty games in a row that people now expect the games to be a buggy pile of shit.
nice fucking meme you faglord
>If they're able to writing that I just assume they have an answer for everything, that means they're doing a great job.
Again, this is only because you have convinced yourself that it is true. If you look at ME1 without the nostalgia, the world building a paperthin, extremely cliched and full of desolate, static environments.
Based bioware torturing trannies and numales. How can you hate this company, Yea Forums?
I think two reasons, one is that this engine is theirs so no need to license Unreal or Unity or whatever else. The other is that maybe they are promoting Frosbite this game, so seeing all these awesome EA™ games all using Frostbite engine, someone will say I want to make a game that looks and plays this good, and maybe they will licenese Frostbite to their own games too.
If they had made like a sci-fi co-op Dragon's Dogma type game I could see it being successful.
Honestly, I think going open world with the idea was their biggest mistake. They should have done a series of setpiece levels with random modifiers that'd change them up.
Out of all things you can say about ME's world-building, thin surely isn't one of them. The codex pretty much explains nearly everything you could think to ask in detail from every alien's culture to the Mass Effect itself.
Im not a fan of ME, and one of the reasons is specifically BECAUSE the only part of the game that is good is the world and the universe and shit like that, and generally i dont give a fuck about that kind of shit
there are so many things that make ME laughable but the world-building clearly actually had realistic thought put into it
>Making a scifi AAA souls-like in a market where people will eat up literally any souls-like.
>Trash it to make a shit tier looter-shooter when the market is already saturated and destiny has failed twice.
How the fuck do these people get their jobs?
I guess brand recognition was enough to sell it
Ugh, can we not?
Because it has an army of bioware drones who buy their games no matter what that keeps them afloat. Or at least kept them until now. Looks like even the drones are starting to wake up.
truly i dont think there are many true biodrones, i think alot of people just have their dicks out for mass effect and dragon age (namely the SFM from those two games)
soulless nameless robotic pieces of shit like anthem does not strike a chord with their audience WHATSOEVER, i truly have no fucking clue what they were thinking
Well, it is literally stated in the article that they were running on "BioWare magic" for basically every release since Dragon Age: Origins (?), so they were counting on things magically working out again. I mean, it happened consistently until now, so why not again?
>i think alot of people just have their dicks out for mass effect and dragon age (namely the SFM from those two games)
Bitch, are you for real? You realize those games predate SFM by half a decade, right? And Bioware was already beloved for Knights of the Old Republic, and Baldur's Gate before that (and some people also liked Jade Empire, I guess).
>They should have done a series of setpiece levels with random modifiers that'd change them up.
I don't think that would have worked for bioware. Bioware's three main weaknesses have always been level design, combat design and setpiece design. They managed to get combat design somewhat sorted with anthem, but they clearly flubbed the level design and setpiece design in a catastrophic way.
Their idea of a properly open world game with randomly generated encounters and shit would have gone some way to patching up their inability to design fun set pieces or levels. That said, you can see how completely tapped they are on imagination these days just in the design of Anthem's world, which is pretty much entirely bland jungle and generic enemies.
When you think about it, it's pretty sad that Bungie now has more imaginative world and biomes than Bioware.
complete retard
This is a cause for sure but it goes deeper than that. Parents and teachers are the proxy for the actual society while they are still learning: they in theory are meant to discipline and punish unacceptable behavior or behavior leading to failure softly for the young to learn in due time because once society decides to "discipline and punish", it's not going to be a weekend without your cellphone or bad grades, it's going to be prison, getting your head busted in or losing your job.
These people can't understand that concept because for their parents they could do no wrong: it's much easier to pretend your kid is perfect or "perky" so you don't have to put actual effort and endure resentment from their kids for being punished.
On the other hand, actual competent teachers can't do shit because of the above parents. The other cancerous teachers, mostly left leaning idealogues, believe that youngs can do no wrong: they are merely inevitably corrupt by the adults. It is therefore because of the "bad parts" of society that these kids go wrong, and it's easy to understand who they actually blame for this: Racism, sexism and everything you expect from this kind of trash can.
So we're left with adults that never learned from their mistakes, believe that something they don't like needs to be changed immediately else they snap like twigs from never having learned to cope with the stress of potential failure.
It's a tragedy really. That generation was sacrificed by modernism that believe everything mildly conservative, including human nature well known and explored for centuries, needs to be changed.
They don't mean literal magic user. If every game you've made was a huge mess until the last minute when everything came together you start taking that for granted. Like you just assume that the team works best when they are under pressure and there's no time to fuck around. That does happen a lot
Solid gold
Ironic that they all turned out to be C teams in the end.
Why is everyone trusting Jason Schreier's reporting like it's the gospel truth? This is the same guy who thought a mature woman with huge tits and ass was a "lolicon fantasy" and called the artist a 14 year old boy.
Oh they're not that heavy.
And I dunno where you were where haji has the cash for missiles. Ritzy!
Afghan sounds like a much cushier deployment than Iraq.
Just stopping by to give OP a (you) for posting a Pastebin
because the leaks he has reported in the past turned out to be 100% true, meaning he clearly does have sources in these companies
Well glad my decision to abstain from all forms of social media is paying off.
I always hate the "you're not a fan, you wouldn't have played it anyway" argument. If a game like Anthem or any of Bioware's games actually lived up to what they were advertising it as, I would be a fan. I want a AAA high budget open world RPG but no one can actually deliver it. I feels nasty even uttering that line, admitting I want such a thing, because they're never good. But why can't they be with millions of dollars and hundreds of developers thrown behind them?
>actually uses a pastebin
fukken nice
It's not awful, but considering the high stress, low satisfaction of the job compared to pay, you are working a lot more for a lot less than most other programming jobs. They get away with this because there is another fresh out of college programmer who wants nothing more than to make video games they can hire to replace you.
Nah that's a load of bollocks mate. Mum pretty much raised me alone when she left our home country and in my workplace i'm pretty much the go to guy for solving problems and workplace issues but then again I am posting here of all places. Bear in mind though my mother built a dinner table for us when we had no furniture by just getting 3 large bits of plywood cut to specific dimensions and some supports and screws to hold it all together.
As weird as it is that incident you posted gave him a proverbial beating to the point where he actually puts in a bit of research now to what he writes. He's strangely *somewhat* credible.
You cannot do the "Grand Universe" storyline without starting incredibly small.
Was never going to work.
if you search twitter or whatever there's thousands of people saying 'i bought anthem and played like 20 minutes its boring waste of $60'
with the low propability of any game being a huge hit, any money spend developing a game is wasted
make trailers and sell blank discs for $60 to america's tards
why is this guy still trying to be relevant?
>Andromeda development was a trainwreck
>Anthem development was a trainwreck
The fuck are they even doing at Bioware these days?...
It happened four and half year ago, get over it already incel lmao jesus christ how bitter these people can be? He wasn't an expert on anime porn categorization, so what?
This what reddit unironically says every time the topic comes up, and I just can't understand this mindset.
>The fuck are they even doing at Bioware these days?...
Read the article moron
Fuck that.
>waste budget on marketing instead of development game
>hire incompetent diversity tumblr cunts
>stakeholders want results ASAP
>Upper management sets deadline
>rush the game
>release in half-assed alpha stage
And then everybody pretends they have no fucking clue how this could've happened.
American AAA studios are fucking retarded. Journalists are even more retarded.
Fuck off and go suck on giant nigger cock.
This is why AAA companies want you to think unions are bad.
>having to read the artivle to undertand why it failed
It's actual really interesting
Read the article moron
Guaranteed most of this was done by female employees if dont take months long vacations from their job due to stress unless they literally ooze onions from their gyno nipples
fuck all these useless faggots
suck my cock
and choke on it
So in the end EA really only pushed for 2 things
>Use frostbite
>Get the game out on time
If anything, they might have been too hands off with the project letting bioware just fuck around for a couple of years
Not defending EA but they clearly weren't the only problem
The article just confirms what I said.
Bad management and time and asset constraints.
This also applies to Andromeda.
It's happening to every major mutt AAA studio.
Bioware sucks now. Too concerned about pandering and getting woke.
EA on the other hand cannot help themselves when shitting on their own developers. They left Respawn alone and they saved EA's stocks by releasing Apex Legends. Now EA's trying to diddle the succesful game with more of its bullshit.
I'm amazed how they have stayed so profitable to this day considering their shitty practices.
Schrier is proof that you can be a good journalist as well as an absolute shitter.
most of them are betas that get triggered over twitter messages
It is EA's fault since EA is responsible. They own those studios so they also have to manage and direct them.
Let's not pretend this is the first time EA mismanaged studios and developers you brainlet cunt.
curious, what is the average salary of a coder in a AAA gamedev studio? does anybody know?
Fuck off
>DA:I was five years ago
what the FUCK
Bioware magic lmaoooo
Because you can't throw money at a project and make it good. Why do you think all these upcoming RPGs are constantly lauding the writers they're getting who are mostly known for writing old CRPGs?
>Use frostbite
>Get the game out on time
>Tighten up the graphics
>those tits
>no visible ribs
>LOL shes anorexic guys
>burger spotted
It sounds like everyone at bioware are a bunch of incompetent children
You forgot the content part retard.
Even with prettier graphics the game's a boring slog.
I miss being a soldier. I miss my company, my tank and my gun. There I had a purpose, goddamn it
Same but also all the butt stuff
>there I had a purpose, goddamn it
Fighting for your jew overlords?
Good goy.
The EA executive didn't give a fuck about content, he just demanded better graphics.
Tell me about your tank.
>infinity ward style
You mean firing the original creators of your billion dollar franchise because you don't want to pay them royalties?
Because you know you can just asset swap from here on out and shit out yearly releases of the same fucking game?
I hate Activision with a passion but I really feel sorry for the actual creators of COD.
>Use frostbite
>Get the game out on time
>Tighten up the graphics
>Don't be called Beyond because there's already a game called that you dumb shits
How BioWare's Anthem Went Wrong:
It was an EA game. Done.
How could you NOT like jade empire? It’s literally KOTOR meets Kung-fu
New thread
>all coding jobs have crunch
>want to follow trends that gross billions over trends that only gross millions
Not hard senpai
>Stress at work
>Living in Murica
>No good place to have workplace safety
There's their problem