Forced to go to college to "get an education."

>Forced to go to college to "get an education."
>Didn't finish.
>Fast forward five years.
>30K in debt with only 50 dollars per week extra for food or anything else not bills, rent, or debt related after factory paycheck.
>Risk of Rain 2 comes into early access, childhood friend who I haven't heard from for years gives me a free copy.
>Have a blast together, feel good for the first time in a long time, actually start to enjoy video games again and by association life.

Please tell me this game is going to get updates soon and some what frequently I don't think I can handle waiting for another reason to wake up.

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Nice of your friend, glad you had fun together OP. Game will get updates and change though with what frequency who knows. It's Early Access and I think 1.0 is meant to come out next year, so you have presumably a bunch of updates until then.

>30k in debt
>didn't even fucking finish
You are a joke

I feel you OP

>Imagine going to college and not having at least 1000$ extra to place aside.
People here make 50% less a month than any other country, while prices for import stuff don't change, I'd have like 20$ left over without working with the family to save up, and I don't have a college education, just took a class for accounting. How are you making so little?

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I was 6k in debt over university, which is 13 average wages here, and I also didn't finish.
At one point I had to work (to pay rent and food), and go to school, and I was also depressed and suicidal. One had to go. I couldn't work&study at the same time, it was legitimately causing my death. And since I can't afford rent without work, the only solution was to drop school.

I could still go back and finish, I was in the last year, I just need to pay and do the 5-6 exams I have left (plus whatever new disciplines they may have added since). I just can't be arsed. I work in my specialty (programming) without an education, and going back to get that education would only give me a small rise in payment, which I don't use anyway as a bachelor hermit type of guy.

Anyways, for me its Bannerlord.

>finished phd last month
>0k in debt
tfw lucky as heck.

>he fell for the college meme.

What subject?

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New items and survivors would be nice content wise to keep the game going but I care more about new stages, monsters, bosses, and eventually Providence or somebody like him so me and my friend have new things to conquer or a goal. I grew up poor his parents were doctors so I used to go to his house to play games. He had a ps2 and two light guns and we used to try to beat time crisis 3 with no continues so. I just want to grind a challenge with him again.

> Being US Citizen
> Be 30k in debt

Get lucky. Sometimes $1 will go a long way

Attached: Yeeet.jpg (1269x749, 229K)

Can you even get a high paying job without that peace of paper to confirm you can do the job?


I don't know about many of those but new items and survivors is basically guaranteed. You can mod incomplete characters into the game right now actually. As for the other stuff who knows, but early access games can be kind of fun since if they change enough it can seem like you get new games every so often.

Should find other coop games to play with your bud.

piece* feels bad.

Oh? Where are you hoping to work?

Of course.

Do you need a degree for a high paying job? No.
Do many people who go to school end up doing nothing with their degree and get into debt for no reason? Yes
Does this mean every person on Earth going to school past highschool is being scammed? No.

Like what will the teachers and colleges do break your legs with books if you don't pay them back?

Will be doing some well-ish paid postdoc research for the next 3 years or so then we'll see. I've come to hate academia so I don't want to do the obvious teaching thing. I could go into other data science positions easily enough. Do some NLP work before AI takes every job I can do.

Not American but can't the government there literally garnish your wages in order to pay it back?

Pic related. It's moments like these that give me that very tiny bit of faith in humanity.

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Maybe learn how to program and debug AI on the side, so you can then get a job in taking care of AI while it does your job.

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OP here, they call your phone number three times a day, send any email associated to your name a message once a day and tank your credit score down to five hundred.

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I doubt it but I dunno I'm not in debt but there's extreme cases of debt I've read about like Drake Bell from Drake and Josh where he is 600k in debt yet he lives at Disney World.

>Be US Citizen
>Get sick
>Be unable to afford healthcare
>Go online
>Put up with slow internet.
>Say unwoke thing to coworker
>He tells his friends
>Get fired
>Non existent GF breaks up with you
>Die alone

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The goal is to perform the boomer dream by saving enough money and then opening something totally unrelated to anything I was educated in.

Honestly I hate my shit job and would love to go back to NEETdom but that shit is gonna end sometime with me having to support myself when my parents die.

>program and debug AI
There's already deep learning machines which can do this.

how far can wagie fall?

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Y-Yes neetnon?

Attached: Can't Escape This Feel.png (696x1236, 131K)

>Get paid to study
>Really hate it

>say unwoke thing to coworker
>get fired

How? Free speech and just say you have a mental illness or something. Everyone at my job knows I'm mentally ill.

That really is the dream. I was miserable in IT for 8 years but the pay was good. Got out and started a business totally unrelated and the urges to kill myself every morning was completely gone. Starring at a computer screen for an entire day isn't living.

Alright, then just get ready for a future where AI does everything and we do what ever we like, as a hobby. If we're lucky enough to get to that pointt, and live the comfy care free life. Imagine how many people can lear how to play online chess after all the jobs get taken by AI.

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At least in the IT field with good pay you can maybe make enough money over some number of years to do that though.

>Alright, then just get ready for a future where AI does everything and we do what ever we like, as a hobby.



once jobs are automated, get ready for a future where they confiscate the proleteriat's guns and kill them off with an engineered plague

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>But user, you're bad for the company, might cost us money through bad publicity that frank's friends will bring the company by spamming social media about that unwoke thing you did. You gotta go!

Remember to work hard and eat bland, and this could be you, waggie!

Attached: waggie for life.jpg (720x888, 105K)

Don't be so negative user, AI will probably be made by the 90% anyway, might as well make it so it targets everyone equally so the rich can't hide, if we're talking about horrible things that might not ever happen.

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ai will be controlled utterly by the ultrarich just like everything else of any importance

there is a good chance it will eventually kill them though, but we will lose either way.

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What you're describing isn't a utopia. Work gives vast majority of people meaning, take that away and you'll create a dystopia. The struggle is part of what makes mankind, take that away and you might as well just wipe us out and let our successors reign.

Frank is a fucking faggot and only pussies do that shit on facebook and whatever gay shit they use to blog about pedantic inane shit nobody really cares about. That Momo shit was the talk of my job for like a week and I was laughing my ass off at how retarded they are. Everyone at my job talks shit about each other it's just bantz.

But I just wanna stay home and not starve ... and have internet, and watch animal documentaries every now and again.

Attached: Feels Like a Nightmare.png (500x608, 97K)

My dude, I have been playing video games and reading for the past five years on government money. I am happier and healthier than I've ever been. You fell for the wagie cope.

Attached: He Tried.jpg (800x677, 84K)

>You fell for the wagie cope.
Jobs that people enjoy / are not extreme garbage do actually exist.

damn I want some of those shit-ass cookies now

If you enjoyed them so much they wouldn't have to bribe you to do them, lmao.

Attached: wages compared to GDP.png (600x384, 147K)

Good for you, but most people have ambition in life. You're not in the norm. The things you're consuming, the food, the games, the books, the government checks, these were all made possible due to other people's ambition.

That looks like a happy grandpa you piece of shit. Be glad the guy isn't withered away to nothing languishing in a home just eating and watching gameshow reruns constantly for the background noise then complaining why they're miserable because they don't actually do anything.

Nah, I'm perfectly fine doing a hobby as "work" or work along side AI without pay, as a hobby. There's ways to work around that, if it's really so bad, without removing the huge leap in progress it could create.

For the very few, sure. Can you imagine a life without conflict or worry? A world like that would be paradise. Fuck your need for strife and struggle. Fuck that right up your asshole.

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>but most people have ambition in life.
No, most people just automatically do what's expected of them, and most people unquestioningly believe the narratives.

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>Live in third world country shithole
>In college
>Starting to run out of money and jobs
>Start drawing tiddies online
>Succesfully pay my way through college by drawing porn
>My bachelors served me nothing and I'm still unemployed from what I studied
>Drawing tits is my fulltime job now
>I actually make more than the average motherfucker without leaving my house

What is life?

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Post some of your work please, sir.

Yea Forums neets claim to spend all day enjoy life but for some reason need to spend this much time saving shitty graphs and arguing with people about work vs. not work.

In some AI utopia where everyone has leisure time and literally no one is destitute then yes that's great. Currently though if my options are "live with what the government gives me" vs. "possibly have a job I enjoy and get considerably more money" I'll take option 2.

A fucking joke and you gamed the system brother. Learn to love your job and you will have won it fully. make some furry tits and youl have won it extra hard


how did you get into drawing

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Imagine deriving your life's meaning from stocking Walmart shelves.

>Yea Forums neets claim to spend all day enjoy life but for some reason need to spend this much time saving shitty graphs and arguing with people about work vs. not work.

We have much more free time than you. Our entire life is a weekend.

Good-night wagie, I'm going to go to sleep like a baby for about ten hours and wake up naturally.
Make sure you set your alarm clock, you need to make me and your bosses some more money tomorrow.

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Hell yeah.

I want to draw stupid cartoons for money but I don't know how to even get my foot in the door to do that. Like do I just pull a Chris Chan?

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still better than being a neet

At that point he's obviously there to have some chit-chat with the customers and doesn't actually do any work.

No, already did that error on Yea Forums and paid the price for it.

I love my job, I could profit more from it but I'm very laid back and only take commissions I want. SO I didn't have to sell my soul to the furries, yet.

Honestly, don't know, When I entered college my drawings were abysmal, kindergarden level of quality. But I powered through, found some art friends to critique my work and around a year in, once I lost my last job, I decided to push it even further and start selling my work, it was fucking shitty, but I managed to sell little by little until I made a following and my skill increased enough to make a decent profit from it.

>Learn to draw any kind of porn.
>Get popular for it.
>Get hundreds of emails with commissions
>Pick the ones that pay the most
>Be comfy at home while getting money and being your own boss.
Sounds pretty comfy. Wonder if people that don't draw porn can pull that off.

Attached: Feels Ascended.jpg (1024x1024, 107K)

A neet who enjoys himself and life? Who doesn't worry or stress as much? Sure, okay. /endsarcasm

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Of course not.

>zero debt
>zero dollars
>zero skills
>zero worth
>zero ambition
>zero motivation

who here /negahuman/

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The shadow from the stacked boxes makes it look like he has a phantom limb.

>h-heh, my life is so great! i love being a shut in and watching anime all day! being a manchild is BASED and i dont wanna grow up! stupid wagie adults and their lives! im "happy" so thats all that matters!
max level cope, its cool if you want to be a fucking loser user. youre lucky you live in a society with actual adults who are willing to spare a pittance in order to support your supbar, not even mediocre joke of a life. smug neet weebs are the most transparent and pathetic "people".

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Oh shit I just noticed he's missing an arm.

Probably but he probably talks about some crazy shit like filleting gooks with their own bayonets or something. Hell I hate the assholes at my Walmart because they're hardly any working registers if I buy a bunch and feel lazy for self check out.

And you can draw your own pron, pretty overpowered.

>forced into college
you know you could just said "no" instead of being forced into something you didnt want to. what are you retarded?

if youve got minimal natural talent at most can you teach yourself to draw well enough to sell porn to furries or are you just fucked?

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Draw what you love and eventually people will pay you to do it for them.

But you have to find an identity, a niche, draw what most passions you, I honestly started from drawing Peach and Daisy porn because I wanted to fap. That's it.

It is comfy, but if you want to make big bucks you have to go out of your comfort zone. Scat fetishist for example are willing to pay 3 times your average commission price for a single pic. Because it's rare! Fortunately for me, my fetishes are very uncommon so people are willing to spend big bucks, I can do 2 commissions a week and keep myself afloat with that alone.

This argument is stupid because people not only have different ideas of what a fun life is but they can also make themselves believe their situation is fine even if they hate it. Some people want to be NEETs forever and will be happy living with the bare minimums or slightly above so long as they can have zero responsibilities or obligations. Others enjoy working and also enjoy extra income.

>trying to be smug about being an invalid
literally lmaoing at your "life"

Yep just want to die

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Truth be told this life is a nightmare if you're not making Donald Trump money and we're all likely to die horribly in a war engineered by the elite in the coming decade or so.

Fucking georgia stones, why wasn't I born blue blooded.

I mean, there are such things as art classes, so I'm guessing you can learn it, like other skills. Could look up youtube tutorials to practice off of.

All Im sayinfg user, is that there is a market place for fuzzy whammen and human males, instead of the fursona tier shit that most furries draw.

Think about it.

Hmm, how long does it normally take you to finish a picture? A day? Two days?

Attached: Feels Interesting.png (456x450, 48K)

Now this is cope. If you were rich you wouldn't work one day of your life and never give it a second thought.

if you live in a first world country you have absolutely no right to say life is a nightmare you pussy, youre living better than your ancestors for thousands of years and while they were bashing in heads with rocks and fighting tooth and nail to survive your fat moping ass is sitting here feeling sorry for yourself.

>rich people dont work
based braindead neet retard invalid

I wonder how much they pay him

Yes, when you are rich you only work because you want to.

>tfw you chose music over drawing
I can't make porn out of this

Why would you work if you had it made? You'd only work if you wanted to work, which is stupid if you hated work to begin with.

Honestly you have to be an idiot to go into debt in college

Stay in your state
Get aid and apply for scholarships

Make next level porn where we mentally visualize the porn through music and ejaculate without touching our dicks.

most rich people are highly productive people and will have constant projects where theyre producing more income going on, you have to be insanely driven to be a wealthy person. a fat need festering in his own shit barely getting by on government handouts is not comparable to a rich person. a rich person can do almost anything, a neet can sit in his room and order takeout while fapping to pirated loli hentai and praying his mother doesnt come in because she refuses to have a lock installed on his door.
why do you retards assume that every single job is minimum wage mcdonalds tier?

Notch must be working as a professional tweeter

You could make music for animated pron, I guess. I don't really ever wanna work in the lewd industry, but that's just me.

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>why do you retards assume that every single job is minimum wage mcdonalds tier

It doesn't have to be. Not every single person loves their job, they do it out of necessity.

>Do you need a degree for a high paying job? No.
Yes, you mostly do. And the higher the pay, the more you'll need a shiny diploma. There are a few exceptions, but most really high paying job (and I'm not talking 2k a month here) requires them.

>every rich person is self-made

Now this is hilarious. Now you're going to tell me that middle or middle-upper class kids worked hard to get their degrees instead of them being paid out by their parents.

Why are you so upset about this? Do you hate your job? Do you think that without one life has no meaning? Please explain yourself. Most people work because they have to. It's not something they do out of joy, living has costs and money isn't given out for free.

I'll consider

I charge upfront and take whatever time I need, for example I have 5 ongoing jobs aI already charged, and I dedicate a few hours to some of them per day.

I never finish a piece in a single day unless the client is a picky/desperate faggot that wants that thing done instantly.
You usually want to update your client throughout the process so if they want some fixes you can do them, it guarantees quality control and clients are more sure to return to you.

But in total time, I can pull off a pic in around 5-6 hours from start to finish WITH breaks in between.

Eh depends who you're talking to, some game devs might disagree about it not being living, I work in acounting, and spend alot of time in front of a pc, doing nothing much or walking around, in my off time, and I have a fair bit of it. Then I go home, and play vidya to relax, I almost never get the urge to go out so I'm pretty comfy.

>b-but muh rich kids
knew you'd bring that up, didn't say every rich person is self made. rich people are irrelevant to this argument. a neet is not comparable or related to a wealthy person. im not remotely mad, its just hilarious seeing retarded invalid losers take Yea Forums memes so seriously that they actually try to rationalize in their brain that being an invalid for no reason other than laziness and fear of responsibility is a good thing. most rich people dont want their kids to be retarded useless losers anyway because that would mean an end to their wealth, they want their kids to make even more money because people like that are usually obsessed with it.

>if you live in a first world country you have absolutely no right to say life is a nightmare you pussy,
I have a right to do whatever I want, pussy.
>youre living better than your ancestors for thousands of years and while they were bashing in heads with rocks and fighting tooth and nail to survive
Yeah, and we'll be going back to that soon enough, you've really got no clue what's going on. We're living in a modern serfdom because cowards like you keep your head down and chant this mantra to anyone in earshot. You're the kind of worthless do nothing slave the masters want.
>your fat moping ass is sitting here feeling sorry for yourself.
I don't feel sorry for myself, I'm just painfully aware of the cage we're in, I'm also more fit than you are you projecting tub of lard. When's the last time you benched a single plate?

You do sound pretty mad, nobody bothers replying to these frogposting dumbasses who keep posting charts and obviously biased pictures to rile people up if they aren't. I don't give a shit about these parasites because they aren't worth anyone's time, not because they are NEETs but because gloating about it means there isn't anything going on in their lives.

>a rich person can do almost anything
Oh yeah. In all that free time he has.

>n. a fat need festering in his own shit barely getting by on government handouts is not comparable to a rich person. a rich person can do almost anything, a neet can sit in his room and order takeout while fapping to pirated loli hentai and praying his mother doesnt come in because she refuses to have a lock installed on his door.
Really? So why don't you go out there right now and prove us all wrong champ! Go and be a billionaire! Oh, what's that? You weren't born into the right social groups and could make the right connectiong? Well you're fucked! Not born gifted with intelligence like Elon Musk or the Bogdanoffs, or born adjacent to guys who you could steal from like Jobs of Gates? FUCKED AGAIN! Never mind that intelligence and drive don't actually correlate to much for wealth.

Go ahead though, keep talking out your ass.

>heh, im such a maverick for being a fucking showing those evil corporate kike overlords and stupid wagies by being a loser who doesnt do anything...fucking coward wagies being productive for their SLAVE masters...
seething cope.
i just want to burst their bubble tbqh

>dude if ur not a billionaire ur life is SHIT and worthless!
never gonna make it, no wonder youre a jaded manchild faggot loser lmao. you should do your single mother a favor and kill yourself.

Alright buddy, you are obviously still a kid so I don't know why I bothered asking you if you have a job.

whatever helps you cope bud

That's fair, I can only speak for myself, but in my case, turning a hobby into a profession made me fall out of gaming and pretty much anything PC related hard through association. When I quit IT I got the same feeling again I would as a kid, I feel giddy and excited when firing up a new game, it finally feels like a treat again.

kek I'm not the fat neckbeard loser working a job I hate just to prove himself superior to neets.

neither am i dweeb

>never gonna make it
yeah, can't be just like you! A loser who shitposts on Yea Forums all day, what a benefit to society!

lol kay fattie

ive been on Yea Forums like 45 minutes total today, youre already a loser who shitposts on Yea Forums all day so you already resemble that strawman pretty closely

seething fat ass cope
>he called me fat so i'll call him fat!

Just get it over with now user. The sweet release will come quicker than bannerlord ever could

>this barely coherent sentence
cope with it how ya want loser

>Didn't get shot
Not a real story

lol so you ARE the same loser! Those fatty comments must;ve gotten to you huh porky? You must be less than 140 to post here!

>Says college is dumb
>Can't finish it and quit


Is the argument taking place here worth unhiding all the posts to read? Someone advise.

no its just shitposting

No, two toddlers are bickering.

i weight 600lbs its ok thought im 10ft

Nah, he just doesn't live in Detroit.

Attached: Detroit.jpg (720x540, 51K)

No, most of the thread is your usual Yea Forums mediocrity saying how getting an education is worthless but at the same time despises being a retail wagecuck and would have an hero'd if it wasn't for videogames, the same that made them waste their teenagehood doing absolutely nothing and didn't let them grow up as a person

>research highly demanded jobs online
>pick one you're most interested in
>go to community college for 2 years to get general stuff out of the way like math, reading, PE
>transfer to 4 year university to finish the remaining 2 years
>cheap as fuck
>0 debt
>government will pay you financial aid out the ass to study if you're poor, even richfags get some dosh

Attached: 153580703289.jpg (1440x1080, 104K)

>ai will be controlled
[Laughs in deep learning black box]

>gives me a free copy
Lol pathetic
When friends began to consider giving me free shit that was the absolute rock bottom for me. How can you even accept that

I actually spend a metric tone of time indoors playing vidya, and some how I dare say about 99% of the people I've met, like me and get along with me, open up to me. Pretty funny seeing how I'm the kind of person that will sit in his bench and hide from social interaction, out of fear that I'll offend someone somehow. I have no desire to study anything that doesn't interest me and my job doesn't really interest me, main thing I like about it is that i can help people doing it, that's it, just wanna help some people, get my pay and get home to relax with vidya. Not sure what you clasify as "grow up as a person", maybe a stone faced, dead inside, robot that spends 80% of his life learning even if it doesn't bring him happiness and 20% of his life actually enjoying his existence only to reach old age and look back at all the stuff he could have done with his time instead of constantly spending so much of this precious resource doing things that didn't bring him joy. If you like spending your time doing what you do, that's great user, just remember that not everyone's gonna like what you like.

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Risk of Rain 2 had a b1g1 offer for a few days on Steam.

I would kill to have a desk job like that. Fuck getting almost stabbed by aids-ridden needles wielded by crackheads in the parking lot of Walmart while pushing carts. Fuck getting 2nd degree burns on your arms from oil a dumbass coworker at McDonald's spilled on you. Fuck dislocating your arm in a warehouse because a pallet fell off of a forklift. I'll take awkward watercooler conversations and talking to dumb boomers all day over this shit. You don't know how good you have it.

Attached: ape.jpg (452x452, 62K)

>23 years old
>Turning 24 in 15 days
>NEET for 7 years
>Nothing to show for it

Attached: 1543216345364.jpg (2592x1944, 2.36M)

>not having a richfag friend who buys you everything just cause he wants to play it with you

>Barely passing my classes
>Debt rising
>No interest in wagecucking ever again when finished
Why are we like this

Attached: 1498570347745.gif (413x449, 2.4M)

>NEET for 7 years
>Nothing to show for it
What were you expecting to show for it?

You are probably female or a tranny

how much do u charge normally?

im neither of those, "everything" is hyperbole to be fair.

>most rich people are highly productive people

I don't think anyone goes into NEETdom thinking they'll get something out of it well besides NEETbux. You just kinda go to sleep one day as a 17 year old who has given up on education then wake up 7 years later as a 24 year old.

Also how did u advertise your work? How did u get People to start comissioning stuff?

>Fuck getting 2nd degree burns on your arms from oil a dumbass coworker
Sue him.
>dislocating your arm in a warehouse because a pallet fell off of a forklift.
Sue the company.

in uk you can claim benefits, work 16 hours a week and still receive more han someone who does 39 hours paid work at the minimum wage of £8 ph
shits rigged
and they wonder why so many people dont want to work

How difficult is it to start up an online business as a broke NEET?

>tfw University is literally free here
>any random citizen can go to uni and take every lesson without even being registered
>knowldege is there for everyone to enjoy
>high level shit is even harder than USA's
It seems like (((somebody)))'s cucking you for profit, burgers
You know this shit is gonna wreck your economy at some point right

Attached: 1547484198190.jpg (2560x1440, 3.36M)

Unironically better life than just rotting inside retirement house.

I can't afford a good lawyer on minimum wage and I sure as hell don't have a chance against armies of corporate lawyers

>most rich people are highly productive people
define productive
>and will have constant projects where theyre producing more income going on
because they have the money available to
because they have that money to give to other people to do most of the work for them
because they were likely brought up in old money because most of the wealthy families in the world have been wealthy for centuries
quit pushing this retarded boomer mantra that anybody can become rich. the system doesn't work like that

Attached: 1553276223779.png (349x461, 92K)

what country do you live in

By taking a bath after shitting and pissing.

when did i say that?

On a case that's guaranteed to win--like employer negligence, for example--a lawyer will take the case and simply take their cut. You don't pay out of pocket. Lawyers love cases like that. Get an appraisal at the very least.

I just wanna say that right now i'm having more fun with ror 1 instead of 2.
I hope they improve the classes and make enemies late game not take 2 years to take down
thanks for reading.

Attached: irene.jpg (563x563, 158K)

i'll look into it

Depends on the business

>go to college
the absolute state of murricunts

>25 years old
>never had a job or a gf
>somehow convinced family to lend me $20k so I can invest in crypto
>made 300% in the last half a year
>paid them back and now have $40k sitting to grow more
I plan to be a permaneet

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And then you woke up

>Do you need a degree for a high paying job? No.
In my country, not really. The issue is later on.

My country has a huge culture where employers choose based on who seems like a good candidate (i.e. social skills, technical skills), but pays everybody the same. The difference is down the line, when you get pay raises. If you went to get a pay raise from your employer and you didn't have that shiny bit of paper?
>well sorry user, but chad over there got his diploma and while you two do the same amount of work, he brings skills that you don't have to the table from his education, so he gets paid more
>we understand that you're a great value to us, user, but since you don't have the proper qualifications, we have no idea what your foundation is like outside of what you've shown - so we have no idea if the skills are transferable or not

You can get an entry level job fine, but that shiny piece of paper is your ticket to a high paying job down the line.

people shit on being a neet and neets often have dread over the fact they aren't living on their own, but being a neet is pretty much the ultimate form of freedom.

Once you become a homeowner, you're obligated to work and pay for things. Even if you get lucky and inherit wealth, the government is going to want their fair share for the rest of your life.

If I were rich, I'd like to strike a deal with somebody where I basically pay them to let me be their dependent so I don't have to worry about taxes and shit.

don't be salty user, you had your chance

>the ultimate form of freedom
>can do nothing besides what your government pay can support
That's not freedom beyond a 13 year old's definition of freedom as "playing games at home all day"

I want to die desu

can you even live off 40k?

In my country, yeah. I could live 150 months off of that easily. But I'm not putting that money into my bank, I'm letting it grow further. I think it's very likely I'll be seeing 100k towards the end of this year.
I'm just glad my family was stupid enough (lets face it it was stupidity to give a 25 year old neet that's never proven himself $20k) to lend me the money. They've allowed me a great chance.

>the you're smart enough to get a scholarship
>not stuck in shitty debt
>Earn good cash just for managing drugs
Just don't be a brainlet

I can't believe crypto still gives that sort of profit, and that easily

crypto is basically super high risk high reward stocks

Easy? Not at all. You need hours and hours of research, thankfully I'm a NEET so I was able to spend 10 hours a day "researching" as I like to call it.
But really I don't see why you'd be surprised. The crypto market cap is pathetically small, less than 1% of the global GDP. And it's an unregulated market. There is no better place to make your money work for you if you have the gall to take the risk.

Huh well then power to the user

That's why you apply to other companies using the experience you've earned over the past years for a promotion/pay raise, rather than sticking with your current company out of some sense of loyalty. Any employer worth their salt will value experience far than a piece of paper.

Most of the older guys at my store work there because they're bored millionaires

>parents forced me into college
>got a small scholarship but not enough to pay for everything
>literally a week or so after I start they get a divorce
>have literally no money don't even have stuff because it was all still at home
>had to get a full time wagecuck job to pay for everything
>eventually gpa starts to drop and I lose my scholarship because the hours are fucked and I can't balance it with work
>drop out
>wagecuck away for a while and manage to get a bit of saving thinking I'll eventually go back
>wagecuck job suddenly lays off a bunch of people including me
>been living on that small saving
>it's nearly gone and I still haven't found another job
>probably just going to kill myself soon
I haven't bought a game in years and I barely play the stuff I pirate, I'm so tired

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did this for 8 years straight, and decided to just do my own thing. Tired of making lots of money for other people.

What is your own thing?

Paying for University

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do life gets better?
I had believed the lie for 5 years since i'm 22.
Now i'm starting to doubt it.
And i can't take it if life wouldn't gets better.

>>Forced to go to college to "get an education."
>>Didn't finish.
Kek, I'm about to drop out as well, but I didn't take a loan from the bank, poorfag.

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>scholarship that pays full tuition and easy internships
I'm gonna make it burgerbros cyber security is great

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