Assassin's Creed Ragnarok to come in 2020

Assassin's Creed Ragnarok to come in 2020

As you know, there won't be an assassin's Creed game in 2019, but they're working on a new game to be released in 2020. Some infos.

-Game is codenamed Ragnarok, set in the viking era, around the year 1000.
-2 playable characters, male or female, but no difference in the main story.
-Dialogue options are still in, but in a way more minor proportions than Odyssey
-Mercenary sysem is improved, with a system of reputation and honor
-Player will have a boat to travel with across the Baltic sea and Scandinavia. npcs will be recruitable in the world, not only soldiers or quest npcs.
-Sea hunt is back
-Conquest battles are back, with the player taking part of raid and massive attacks
-Combat system is similar to Odyssey and Origins, wih some new weapons, such as war hammers.
-Mjollnir will be a weapon to fight with
-Asgard and Valhala will be part of the game
-Lots of mythical beings such as Thor or Idunn
-Ennemies are called the Adepts, and works similar to Origins
-Present day is much more like Odyssey

That's all for the moment. don't expect it to be shown at e3, but later in the year.

Attached: viking.jpg (300x168, 10K)

not happening

Go back to leaking ancient china that sounds more interesting

Sounds kino.
Of course, I won't be playing this.

>set in the viking era
And into the trash it goes.

>-Combat system is similar to Odyssey and Origins
All I needed to hear to drop it


I remember when this series was good-ish

>viking "civilization"
Literally Africa tier. Might as well make a game about chucking spears at zebras while they're at it. Pass.

Im sure this is bait sure why not, I'll ask, how many more games until they decide to make them based on areas / eras people really want like China or Japan?

Bullshit. Ubisoft Sofia are making a game set in Rome with a 2020 release date. It's the final "Layla Trilogy" title. Montreal are making the next generation AC title which could potentially be Vikings and shit but it's not a 2020 game.

>Assassins creed:skyrim

It is almost a joke that Japan of all place neber got that Edo period asscream game.

impossible they cant insert niggers and trannys into that

Ubisoft didn't make a Japan AC precisely because nobody outside weebs wants it.

>set in the viking era, around the year 1000
Give me feudal Japan for fucks sake.

Todd can't keep getting away with this

inb4 this gets posted on RetardEra

>asian tranny vikings with lesbian relationships
i cant fucking wait
fuck off with your retarded leaks you dumb nigger

So they just finally admit how much they took from Witcher 3 and make a game with a region like Skellige. I call it bullshit, China/Japan sounds more like it.

>I remember when this series was good-ish

yep, I rather have original AC's shitty combat (at times) instead of this hack n slash RPG shit.