Enter the Gungeon

Are you hype? Out in 2 days

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are they finally cleaning up the code?

Most boring roguelike ever

I'm only interested if it fixes the shitty bullet sponge enemies, god awful pacing, and boring meme guns in place of actual fun weapons

Now that you can do 60 fps on Nuclear Throne, ETG has no real reason to exist

i havent played NT. I liked how in EtG you could combine certain weapons, and i liked how each character had their own passive ability. Does NT have anything like that?

except ETG has actual content and doesnt look like shit


Are they getting rid of the retarded enemy waves in rooms? How stupid and time consuming thing that is which needlessly extends a run which should be about 40 minutes like BoI to a full fucking hour and 30 minutes.

>lower boss DPS cap
Fuck yeah I'm hyped!

"Content" isn't content when the game is boring garbage

its so unfortunate how boring and sluggish this game feels at all stages
The game is missing a couple mechanics for it to be really fun
i cant bring myself to enjoy it no matter how hard i try it's just too slow

funny, that's what I think about NT
and so does everyone else seeing as EtG sold 15x as much as that chink's slave's game

>implying sales = quality
EtG had actual marketing behind it, NT didn't

sales = quality in the case of indie games
shit indie games do shit. no indie game has reached high sales despite being shit

I can think of plenty of examples..
Actually, Enter the Gungeon comes to mind

Try actually reading the post you just replied to you absolute retard

They did mention that part of the update was that. Though for poor code, I've never really had a problem running the game. I think only once has it hanged. Though I have noticed it crash and have infinite loading screens for people sometimes. At the very least the game seemed to be able to pick up right where it left off. I'm sure that wasn't the case originally, crash and you lost the run.

sup bitch heard you were having a good run

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They added hyper mode tho.

Why does anyone have problems with this mini-boss? He's stupid easy. I've gotten hit more from the Shadow mage or Blockner.

>boss DPS cap
Why does this even exist? Did the people working said "I don't want the players to have fun"?

It's not. But in my personal opinion, after the AG&D update, this wasn't as huge an issue. I regularly found my runs snowballed after the first floor and the disgusting HP scaling was far less an issue, so long as I actually used my guns, cause ammo actually fucking drops regularly.
The only flaws presently are the fact bad runs still feel terrible, but that's never changing, and Boss damage caps. It's fucking retarded that unless you get really specific equipment, you still can only kill bosses so quickly because the game won't let you deal more damage per-second.

You're kidding, right.

i can't even imagine enjoying this genre.
>spend 20 minutes clearing out rooms full of weak enemies
>get shitty item drops
>boss takes 5 minutes to kill
>inevitably take too many hits because you do zero fucking damage and can't dodge everything for that long
shit genre or shittiest genre?

What you described is a shit roguelikelike, such as Enter the Gungeon. Good ones don't play like that.

Every single roguelite I've ever played is like that. Isaac, Gungeon, NT, Rogue Legacy. All exact same shit: restart over and over until you get a build that isn't shit, then steamroll things until you win or die. Player skill can take you further but even if you're doing good as hell, it's not much fun without getting any of the cool weapons.

Imagine entering a thread for something you don't like just to make others feel bad. Unironically sad

NT plebs have a gigantic inferiority complex

People are already shitting on each other for liking certain games within the genre or not, so I don't think I'm doing anything significantly worse than that by saying, "fellas, fellas, it's ALL trash."

Yeah but why are you here? Just go if you don't like it, it's just not what you find fun.

I want to like it, and I'm jealous of people who can.

NT has less to do with build and more to do with your skill

I'm a little hype, a new character is what I wanted in order to have more fun, along with the faster bosses, it seems like the game will be better suited for replays

Then play it some more, maybe a certain character or mode will get you, like the gun randomizer or speed

NT isn't like that at all, one of the major complaints I see about the game is how it doesn't work like that and you actually have to git gud.

I imagine it was to prevent melting bosses with good weapons and to make lesser weapons not seem so bad.

its there to prevent you melting the bosses immediately when you meet, and actually, you know, fight the bosses
Isaac alr filled the boss melting niche alr

>its there to prevent you melting the bosses immediately when you meet, and actually, you know, fight the bosses
If the game was actually designed properly they wouldn't have to force it like that

How is the game now? I haven't played since launch because of lengthy run times and generally lackluster items to collect.

a run is still pretty damn long (30-50 min depending on the completion rate), but there're quite a bit more items to collect, and the new bosses are pretty fun
they add a (rather recently?) option to speed you up out of combat, which speed things up quite a bit too
generally advance gungeon and dragon update make the game great, so im hyped for the new update

I could literally say the same about Gungeon. Gungeon's real issue is pacing, skill can still carry you in it.

let's guess the gunslinger's starting items. here's my take
active: double vision
passive: hip holster
damn he seems kinda shit actually but I can't think of anything else that'd fit