Is this a joke?

Is this a joke?

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Other urls found in this thread:変若水

it's literally a "can you deflect properly" test, just like the spear miniboss in the flashback is a "can you mikiri" test

Your life is a joke

This got pretty old pretty fast. Literally mash L1: the game.

>it's literally a "can you deflect properly" test
But that's Genichiro, this dude just wasted 45 seconds of my life.

What's the background on this dude? Was he once human or some sort of demonic creature? Theres more mini versions of him IIRC. How did it become this creature?

That boss in particular is mash L1 faster: the fight.

I think all of genichiro's attacks have decent spacing, autistic wolverine man is more about teaching you quick back-to-back deflections, which more enemies require in the late-game

Genichiro is Elementary school finals for the games basic mechanics.

This game is fun

This fight honestly could have just been a normal enemy, all you have to do is press L1 and A a few times and it's literally over

Long-arm Centipede Dog Scorpion Bee Giraffe

>it's literally a "can you deflect properly" test
No it's a "can you spam block fast enough?" And the answer is yes.

Nioh is better.

>fight the same shitty mooks in the same recycled maps for 50 hours: the game

You got a prayer bead off it, it ain't a waste of time

While it does lack enemy variety, they are far more challenging than sekiro enemies.

This game is fun

Its the same kind of boss as the spear or red eyed ogre in the beginning.
Only there to teach you a new way to play.
Spamming block.
This will be on the test later

It's really not. People jack off Nioh's combat but you don't ever need to learn any of it. I broke the game with Ninjitsu on my playthrough which isn't even hard because the game throws so many free Ninja skill points at you that you can't even spend in other trees. At least in Sekiro you can only break like half the fights.

The centipedes are a clan, the big dudes are just the stronkest ones and leaders, thats it really.
Big dudes have always been a thing so no probably not mutated or whatever.
The long arm part refers to his weapons

So you only ever did the first difficulty, I see. Pathetic.

That's the dude before the genichiro fight.

The only bad thing about this game is repeat bosses. Otherwise it's fantastic.

They're bandaged like the undying puking monks, which makes me think they're at a sort of halway-point where they've lost their fucking minds and wanna be one with the infestation (which resemble centipedes).

Snake eyes is the real bastard

No I did two playthroughs. I liked Nioh a lot but it was really easy to break. Like there were so many ways to break it that I don't want to get into listing them all. I barely even touch Omyo magic or whatever it was outside some buffs but I bet that makes it even easier. I just genuinely think a game that forces you to learn it's mechanics is better than one like Nioh that has depth but doesn't ever require you to use it. Like you have all these tools in Nioh to fight groups of enemies and you are never really forced to for example.

>block fast enough
>properly deflect
He doesnt know

Its literally a training boss, made to force you to learn rapid deflects are a thing

1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1

I don't even mind some of them. The ape coming back for revenge because you didn't severe its immortality was amazing.


its called deflecting his combo

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>No I did two playthroughs
mate you didnt even leave the tutorial then lmao

>Slow mo
>So epic
>So cool

That's fine but things like 4 headless, 2 shichimen, 2 snake eyes gunners, and 3 Juzo the Drunkards was dumb.


what did they mean by this?

I won by just mashing honestly. As long as you remember to jump the sweep in the second phase it's easy.

>yore ugleh


>mfw everybody says that this game is easier than DaS and I keep getting rekt
currently getting my cock mongled by Owl, I'm honestly not even sure if I can do it

mistranslation apparently

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I was stuck on him for a while.
Watch a no hit run and you can see what thing are meant to be dodged.
It was do-able for me after that

That has to be one of the dumbest perspectives of a game I have ever heard. Not just that you have it but that you think it would be a good thing that you have to play through a game twice to "leave the tutorial". How is that a good thing?

The headless I didn't mind because there are two different types not to mention they are all supposed to be the same kind of monster. Also there are actually 3 shichimen but I felt the same about them. They barely felt like mini bosses, they don't even give you beads ever. The Snake Eyes I wish had different moves but ti didn't bother me that much. The Juzos was dumb. I would have been ok with Juzo and fire Juzo but yea 4 times was too much. Also fuck that bull being used twice, not even a good fight.

Why are you posting this thread again?

>50 shades of grey

The only one I don't mind from this list is Headless because there is at least a narrative purpose for it in that you get 4 different usable items representing each. But the other just felt like copy-paste lazy copouts

Try spamming block when you're not playing on easy mode, and 50% of the damage goes through it, unless you deflect perfectly. This boss is way harder than Genichiro without the charm.

OP needs to learn to count

Just nips being uncreative as usual.

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imagine if there was a character called oribe and he was translated to olive

that's because nioh is also a rpg with diablo loot, having multiple ways to play the game isn't a flaw. You can break the game with LW spam and ninjutsu but that doesn't mean the combat is somehow worse because of that.

>B-but muh Kuro's Charm!

If they didn't want us playing on """""easy"""" mode, then they would have made us not have the charm by default. I don't want to have to go through the game a second time just for the game to get hard. Hard modes should always be available at the start by default.

>and 3 Juzo


First one is in Hirata Estate
Second is in the Hidden Forest
Third is in the burning invaded Ashina Castle Outskirts
Fourth is in the revisited Hirata Estate with the Father Owl boss at the end

>I-I just don't want to have to go through the game a second time!
Scrub status: filtered.

now this cunt at the snake temple is real cancer, either you fight in the most cramped room in the game or you walk outside and fight with half your fps because the game keeps switching which map to load. Him jumping can also sometimes go straight over your head and land behind you and then combo the fuck outta you because sekiro couldn't turn behind fast enough.
I'd rather fight Demon of Hatred than fighting that cunt.

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By the time you fight him the purple ninjas become common enemies. You should be able to take care of him easily, even if he has a bit more health.

Nioh wishes it could be half the game Sekiro is
>fight the same enemies the whole game, only stats change and get inflated
>stages are awfully designed
>"b-but you didn't play the Abyss floors 1500-1600 in NG+19 where the Super Onryoki is, that's when the REAL Nioh starts!"
Fuck that game, it has a good combat system completely wasted on a mediocre game that doesn't give you any reason to use it to the fullest because even on a blind playthrough you need to make a big effort not to completely trivialize it.

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I baited him back to castle gate up the hill. He cant come through the gate so I could just beat the shit out of him. I hated him tjat much

yeah but the environment fucks everything up and he does lot more posture damage. My fps just cuts in half when I lure him to the hill outside the temple because the game has to re-render the castle map.

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>posture damage
Is irrelevant as long as you don't fuck up your deflects. Deflecting can't put you above 99% posture.

When am I supposed to start curing people? I'm at the Owl fight on top of Ashina castle and haven't died that many times yet but few dudes have the aids.

npc quest can't progress if they're sick so it's up to you

Dragonrot halts NPC questlines. So you want to cure them before they progress to the next stage. Which is often gated by story progression. So, ideally before or after every major story boss.


>having a different opinion is now bait
I hate this shit so fucking much. Especially considering how that user made a long, detailed post and fuckers like you just reply with a meme image and no arguments

It killed me the first time with the final sweep attack, lol

Get him to stand in the poison.



FUCKING FINALLY! Fuck this guy.

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I don't know if my controller is busted or I'm just shit but I can't deflect multiple fast attacks that come in a row. Never had problems with anybody else but barely made it through this guy.

gratz man

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nice argument

>the spear miniboss in the flashback is a "can you mikiri" test
Ummm...Seven Spears Dickhead outside the moon temple from the beginning of the game? I cheese him with jumpkicks, mikiris were taking too long.


Are those phantoms/visions with NPC dialogue that you find throughout the game, implied to be old memories or something? Things Sekiro witnessed as he was watching over Kuro from afar or something?
I mean those things are never explained are they? Like his night vision is explained to be a shinobi ability he has learned, but this? What is it supposed to be?

Should have been the first boss in the game honestly.

Literally teaches you that deflecting is a lot more useful than attacking.

Can you sever the immortality the first time you kill him? I had the mortal blade already at that point

There's so much shit never explained, like the memories of the Hirata estate.

Didn't From say they were going to focus on an actual story? Still feels way too much like the souls approach "here's a few tidbits now puzzle them the fuck together faggot"

Dude, don't let enemies just beat you up like that, be more aggressive. Deflected an enemy attack? Retaliate with a few swings of your own. Unless they have superarmor.

Devil May Cry sucks

It's just a story exposition mechanism for dummy gaijins. Just like the old hobo women constantly giving you hints where to go next. Don't overthink it.

Literally just deflk

He gets tired easily

>Unless they have superarmor.
This pisses me off about the game. This has no business being here. Why do some moves get hyperarmor and some do not? Like owl2 you can knock him out of his sweep attack no problem (just one hit) but you can't knock him out of his downward smash even with the axe.

So do I have to kill the purple ninja and the add in the dojo to get a decent shrine next to owl? I entered through the window and got ganked instantly. Otherwise that death run is obnoxiously long

>but you can't knock him out of his downward smash
And you don't need to. He gives you two free R1s on his vitality bar, while he's charging it, and you easily dodge his attack afterwards.
And to answer this
>Why do some moves get hyperarmor and some do not?
question: if the enemy didn't have ANY superarmor, then your response to deflecting an enemy attack would always be uniform - a counter attack. Super-armor and uninterruptible multi-hit combos add variety. Just like if they had superarmor on every move, you'd constantly be defending until a huge opening presents itself. Like in Dark Souls and BB.

Wrong window. You can get in the same window as the first time and just rest at the Antechamber bonfire, then make your way to the Dojo bonfire before the fight, and from there you can backstab the non-boss purple faggot in the room.

I find this game pretty good when it comes to hyper armor. That downward smash is a very slow hit (slow enough that you can get 2 hits in while he's charging it and then dodge it successfuly) if it was interruptible it'd be a joke. Perilous attacks also need some hyper armor otherwise you'd just mash through them, the game is already nice enough that it lets you interrupt them if you hit the enemy early most of the time.

I only know of that window and the one to kuro’s room which is probably closed. Is there another one?

better learn how to fight this type of enemy, friend there's lots of more of those later in the castle

t.20 tries on that guy

Some budhism/shinto memories of the environment thing that he can access thanks to his heightened senses. I think.

use the delayed whistle on that guy in the corner

The one from which you drop down to ogre 2.

Motion blur? Absolutely.

There's one window in the Antechamber, one in the Dojo, and I believe you can actually get inside through Isshin's tower too.

Its a giraffe

They're humans, they just have metal hooks on their clothes that shaped like centipede legs.

>slow motion
>color corrected
Holy fucking christ man just hang yourself already

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How do I beat Guardian Ape's second form?

Cool. Thanks for the tips


Deflect only 2 times, it will trigger a large, slow overhead swipe. Deflect that again and he loses his balance, opening a serious damage window.

Learn his attacks and deflect them so he does that big overhand hand strike where he wiggles like a worm. After you parry that hit him with the spear with a double R2 so you do the grab attack this does massive posture damage. The hardest part of that phase for me was probably the scream, as soon as you see him wind up for it untarget him and run like hell. Phase 2 is actually easier than 1 imo

>fight with half your fps
Is this what life is like over in PS4 land?

That fucking name though.


You can use the purple umbrella to shield yourself from the scream, which you can punish with that force skill

Unfortunately no because it doesn't give the option to deal the final blow with it. Fun fact though, you can kill the immortal zombie guys in abandoned dungeon if you land the final blow with the mortal blow combat art.

Is this the one you fight in the small indoor area? From is actually retarded for not fixing the gamera in 10 (TEN) years. I had to fight this boss literally fucking blind. I listened to his sounds and then spammed l1 accordingly.
Other devs have long since found solutions for making the camera not become spastic indoors, From is still 10 years behind. It's easily the reason this game can't be rated higher than 7

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Giraffe is a mistranslation

The Centipede Clan mutilate and torture themselves with hooks through their skin. The Long Arm Centipedes are the leaders, probably called that because of their long, spindly arms. Long Arm Centipede Giraffe is one of the Long Arms, and he's got a long neck.

Sure it is you EOP

Nice. Probably an underrated tool I don’t think I ever really used that one. The spear wrecks his shit though if you double tap R2

That L1 spamming looks so ridiculous

where was the crack for this, skidrow? fitgirl?

in my ass

You can perfect deflect all of his attacks by mashing block though



Kek, are you retarded?

I think it was codex but maybe don't be such a lazy piece of shit and just google it?

Are you retarded, this was cracked the day before the game came out

Who else /platinumclub/ in here?

I didn’t even notice it the second time I killed him until I went back to the shrine cause I forget to rest before moving on. Then noticed his body was still there and jiggling around a bit and I was OH FUCK NO then started wailing in his corpse and I saw the death blow pop up

>Probably an underrated tool
The umbrella is pretty much the strongest tool in the game, losing in usefulness only to firecrackers, but not because they're stronger, but because the umbrella is a bit more situational.

You can't though.

If you spam block then you'll either get hit or run out of posture. You have to actually learn the timing and get good at deflecting.

It really is. This game's fucking up my sleep cycle cos I can't put it down. Guardian Ape is one of the best boss fights I've had in ages.

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no you idiot, he's talking about the white clothed ninja hunter in the hiratha estate

i mad

I don’t use firecrackers that much either. Didn’t pick them up until about mid game because I missed the crow merchant early. They helped me with the mini great ape tremendously in the guardians cave though

Not an argument
>>fight the same enemies the whole game, only stats change and get inflated
So like Sekiro
>>stages are awfully designed
Prove it
>>"b-but you didn't play the Abyss floors 1500-1600 in NG+19 where the Super Onryoki is, that's when the REAL Nioh starts!"
Not an argument

>They helped me with the mini great ape tremendously in the guardians cave though
It's much better to just set it on fire. Stuns for longer and deals significant dmaage.

You literally can though because thats literally what I did

simple is best
also webm

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Woah sekiro knows hiten mitsurugi style?

These are the easiest minibosses in the game.

I noticed it worked good on the guardian in the first fight but I had to use oil for it to work. I was too freaked out to mess with items with two of them to deal with

You literally didn't play on NG+ without Kuro's charm though.
And even without that, you can't deflect him by mashing, because there are delays in his attack patterns, so you must sync your deflects with the rhythm, or it will result in a regular block.

Damn that’s pretty slick

Do I suck or does the bosses have way too much HP/You’re just weak in the beginning

You don't need oil if you use a charged up flame blast. It will set it on fire guaranteed.

It's perfect to open with while he's still sitting down and slowly standing up. Sprint in his face and give him a charged up flame blast, then mash r1 until he recovers.

The charm doesn't matter because I wouldn't take any damage as perfectly deflecting nearly every attack means no damage. He flurry attacks and you just lightning mash block, then you do the same thing until he uses his perilous and you jump. You don't have to sync shit, you mash L1 when he flurries

I fucking hate monster enemies.
Fags like Genichiro took me like 4 tries to beat while shit like the headless ape keeps raping my ass.


Just sprint around like a tard and punish only some of his attacks, like when he's rolling over the ground or after he's done trying to jump-grab you.

Oh well, no point arguing with you any further, if you'll just continue "pretending" to be retarded.

I have some kino screenshots

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I don't think Ashina Cross is that practical but I keep using it due to how cool it looks.


I do that but it's so fucking boring that I end up losing my patience and doing something stupid.
Human enemies aren't easy but it's extremely fun to fight them because it feels like a proper duel. Monster enemies are annoying and boring.

Well just think of him as a human enemy? You can deflect all of his attacks (barring the perilous ones of course). Throwing poop can even be deflected.

just got to the final Genichiro fight and I feel myself running out of steam. Someone help give me some motivation. I feel myself getting burnt out on this game despite enjoying it but I don't want to take a break and come back to the game later only to be shittier at it.

I know they did it to force players to block/deflect instead of dodging all the time but fuck me is the tracking in this game annoying, specially when it comes to giant bosses and enemies with spears.

>Genichiro fight

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>I can't time deflects so the game is bad
kys dumb nigger

Any tips for mist noble? He is kicking my ass

You mean to tell me I have to fight this bitchboy again after I successfully push his shit in for the second time? Or do you think that I think this faglord is the final boss?

I have no idea how to do pirated games, last time I did this I got a virus.

>I know I'm wrong
>I have no refutation of his argument
>hur dur ur bein retarded
You are the worst kind of poster this board has

What is the solution other devs found tho?

I stealthed him then hit him like 5 times with my sword and that was all it took. He didn’t even get a single attack off. Is your attack power low?

Imagine if actual fights looked like that. One guy waving his sword up and down, waiting for the other guy to attack, and when he does, he bounces ten feet back from the first guy's sword for some reason.

>people keep talking about gun forts, apes, giraffes and shit
>haven't seen any of those
This might be an elaborate troll to trick me. It must be "them"

Nah, I was just baiting desu
He is a pushover. Though I gotta admit I expected more from him

Camera guarantees good vision no matter what. When you get fucked at a wall and the camera would have to go into the wall to achieve good vision, it does that and the wall is transparent from inside

That mini "boss" is, in fact, a joke. Just like its younger cousins that you can jump Deathblow like a gecko.

>parry dancing
Holy shit kys

Yea he looked kinda creepy. I was expecting him to transform into some kind of fucked up thing but he just died in one second

Is this guy supposed to be some sort of subtle joke? Everything about him screams "autistic weaboo donut steel".

This is the reality of Sekiro tho

>his perilous attack is a thrust
what the fuck, I always thought its a grab and never even tried to mikiri counter it
could've been way easier fight

I know right OP. He is so easy its a joke. Parry x3, Parry x4, Single parry, jump on red icon. Do this like 2 or 3 times and win.

Become a deflecting god.

Now somebody tell me how to beat Ms Ape.

parry mashing is a bad habit, user, congratulations but make sure you learn to time your parries instead of spamming or you'll hurt yourself in the long run.

how is he more weaboo than literally any other katana wielding enemy in the game?

But that's just a regular enemy

All kick attacks count as thrusts. It makes all of these purple guys a lot easier. You can break their posture in no time by baiting mikiris.

black ape has literally no posture, 2 firecrackers and it should be dead

he must have meant autistic chuuni donut steel.

Are you supposed to meet "Tengu" a second time before you talk to Isshim for the first time? Because I did the opposite and I found it weird how he doesn't even acknowledge that you already know who he is.

This boss made me git gut. I spend 5 hours on him, was awake til 3 o'clock in the morning, didn't achieve anything and then I decided to learn to deflect his shit properly and just give up on dodging. Was pretty rewarding.

>"can you deflect properly"
its not even that, it just "can you spam L1", i kept hearing people crying about this fuck but when i reached him he literally killed himself on my first try while all i did was spam L1 and jump-kick on the obviously long winded sweep, how much of a shitter do you have to be to complain about this guy and why do we have so many of them in Yea Forums

good to know
sometimes it's difficult to recognize what type of attack it is, they should've made like a different kanji symbol for each or something

You fucking fight drunktard 4 times. Same attacks all the time.

Yeah, pretty much.

Gotta keep up the disguise.


I wanna fuck the Snek and make the other sneks and giraffes watch

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Monster Hunter World did this well, I thought. Camera collision is always a bad idea. I can't count the number of times I died because all I could see was a blurry texture.

Whoever designed the area where you fight the first Seven Ashina Spears faggot should be shot in the dick.
I lost count of how many times I died due to being stuck in some invisible mini-wall or the lock-on deactivating for no reason. I'm also pretty sure I got hi through a supposedly solid object at least once.

Fitgirl, been playing fine for like a dozen hours no issue. The miner meme is just that, a fucking meme. If they were untrustworthy reddit wouldn't suck their dick.

Hes a walk in the park if you have high posture

Which one is the first one ? The reservoir one ?

just sneak your way to him wtf

Yes, the spear dude

>I got hi through a supposedly solid object at least once.
Happens all the times in all video games, not just From's. How haven't you got used to that yet? Landscape doesn't protect you from enemy attacks, it never does, only range and iframes.

Did you fight him on the stairs or lure him to the open space before that ? I thought he was managable. Lone Shadow in the well is much more aggravating.

Can you fromdrones contain your shit in one place?

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>trying to fight demon of hatred using lock on
Fuck that was miserable and the boss arena didn't help.

>beat Big Monkey Solo in NG without taking too long, maybe 4 or 5 tries
>Big Monkey is now kicking my ass

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>haven't really been walled too hard by any boss yet but still feels pretty consistently challenging
>getting anxious seeing people talk up some of these later bosses and how tough common enemies get
If those cannon guys in the depths become regular enemies I'm fucked, that bitch took me like 20 tries.

The game has little replayability and no multiplayer, the threads are already dying down, just endure it a little longer. Sekiro threads are good too, unlike when smashfags shit up the board for months.

Stay mad cuck.

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NG+ is easier though, unless you're taking the training wheels off.

>tfw just knew they translated a name literally

I rang the bell this time, although I didn't get rid of the charm.

The bell hardly changes how you play the game though. The charm does.

Not him but fighting him on the cliff fucking sucks because he launches you so far, I just cleared the whole area and led him down the stairs.

I did. I'm talking about the area where you fight him.
The stairs are buggy, one of the sides of the tower fucks with your lock-on and camera and some objects don't block his weapon.
The mini-boss himself isn't that hard once you know his limited moveset but fuck me does the area around the tower sucks balls.
I'm used to it but I still find it annoying, specially when that same landscape suddenly locks me in a shit position.
I fought him in the area around the tower and briefly in the longest set of stairs. I didn't want to move too far away because there were some enemies nearby.

From are the grandmasters of that though

I don't remember the area you fight him in having any wonky geometry, except the stairs.
>suddenly locks me in a shit position
But that shouldn't be an issue anyway. He has no grab attacks, you can defeat him without touching your left stick (not literally). Just deflect and mikiri.

Oh I see. I cleared the area quickly and fought him in the open space. Made dodging really easy. Stairs are ass but you stab his pinky toes to chip his health away

It seems like you fight the camera half the time in this fight. Once you figure his kicks are stabs he becomes a joke.

Shit translation

>Translating the name O-Chou (not Chou) to Butterfly and also changing Phantom to Lady for no reason

>Translating the Koei-shu to Lone Shadows when there's a ton of them and it's a fucking name

>NOT translating the Seven-Faced Samurai's name, turning it into Shichimen Warrior, when he's literally a fucking undead monster with, count them, SEVEN FACES

>Plain stupid shit like Giraffe (It's Jirafu, an archaic Japanese name. Like with Ema, the retards at Activision seem to have been operating on the mindset that katakana = foreign name so they "translated" it except that plenty of Japanese names in that era were written in katakana and fuck, in this very game all the snake eyes like Shirahagi have their names written in katakana too.)

>Lion Ape translated to Guardian Ape making it seems like he was put there to guard something

>Hakaisou translated to Corrupted Monk implying supernatural corruption shit with the fountainhead waters when hakaisou were REAL SENGOKU ERA MONKS and all it means is a monk who abandoned their teachings

>Other random changes like Sakura Dragon to Divine Dragon for no reason

>Changing Ema (a real Japanese name) to Emma (a foreign name) for no reason

>Calling Ema "the gentle blade" when 柔剣 is her fighting style and not her title, and 柔 in this case is meant to be the opposite of 剛 as in 柔よく剛を制す so it's saying she's using the sword equivalent of judo

>Wolf: "Go."
>Kuro: "But what about you?"
>Wolf: "I will do what must be done."

Translated to

>Wolf: "Leave us." (no fucking servant in this era would speak to their master like this)
>Kuro: "WHO ARE YOU?" (what the actual fuck)
>Wolf: "Go do what must be done." (not just mistranslated but a nonsensical non-sequiter even IN the context of the translation)

>stairs are buggy
never fight on stairs in this game, they fuck everything up
>some objects don't block his weapon
I don't remember seeing any enemy's attack being blocked by the environment in the entire game

Translation was 100% Activision's doing and From Soft didn't work with them at all on it. Amerifats have trouble enough with Japanese and archaic medieval era Japanese is a recipe for disaster, but somehow in addition to that they got some dumbfuck who does a worse job than google translate (see pic)
>>It is next asked if From Software had overseen the English translation of the game, with the interviewer stating that they had been surprised at how the boss Maboroshi O-Chou (Phantom Butterfly) had her name translated to “Lady Butterfly” in the English version. Miyazaki says that they left everything regarding the English text to Activision.
>Seemingly hearing about “Lady Butterfly” for the first time, he laughs and says it is interesting and odd from a Japanese point of view, wondering what happened to the “Phantom”,

Attached: fuck activision.png (1050x336, 15K)

I know that now but back when I fought him I was a noob who still thought he was playing Bloodborne so trying to dodge his spear (which made me start to realize that dodging wasn't such a good idea due to the retarded levels of tracking) while the area kept fucking me was a nightmare.

>not translating snake eyes' name as Shurararagi-san

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Hebi'no'me Sillerhaggy

How can Activision be so incompetent?

Gomen, Okamami-san. Kamimashita :^)

I've told you time and time again, my name is Araragi!

What was the point of the three monkeys shit other than wasting my time?

It's clearly straight up insufficient Japanese skill. They got someone who had no idea what they were doing and can't handle basic grammar (see Kuro's "who are you") and relies on Google Translate and kanji dictionaries for guesswork, and sometimes can't even begin to guess so just makes up stuff.

The Giraffe and Emma "hur it's katakana so it's english" shit is very clearly the mark of some idiot with barely any experience translating and no real knowledge at all of Japan having done this.

Attached: 1541930062133.gif (500x281, 752K)

Holy fuck.

I just find it hard to believe that Activision doesn't have a single Japanese speaker in the entire company.

Anybody has this in non-potato quality?

Attached: 1538068366825.jpg (494x531, 33K)

It's also pretty clear that they had multiple translators of varying skill (all bad, but some worse than others) that didn't coordinate with each other at all, and that there was zero quality control for the translation

>O'Rin of the Water


>O-Rin OF MIBU AS IN MIBU VILLAGE WHERE SHE IS FOUGHT (the kanji in Mibu means "water life")

The guardian ape was guarding that flower though, because he needed it to fuck his girlfriend.


”Fountainhead waters" is made up. The original word is "ochimizu" which is a real thing from Japanese mythology, a magic medicine/water said to bring youth. Basically a Japanese fountain of youth myth.変若水

MORE IMPORTANTLY, "Fountainhead" isn't even a fucking thing. It's a mistranslation of a name. The name is Minamoto, which is a pretty fucking important name.

They probably went with the literal translation Jisho gave them.

I feel like the issue was that the game didnt have a real localization team because of the jap voice priority. it's like they just translated the script straight with cheap translators instead of redoing the script/naming for western audience.

>dessicated corpse
mistranslation/straight up name change of sokushinbutsu
they're not fucking corpses they're living mummy buddhas

If you've played SMT you should recognise these guys, see Daisoujou.

Attached: 1554270512311.jpg (1920x1080, 295K)

All the Souls games had the same level of problems, just more retards defending it "because voices are in english so the english is canon, japanese is the mistranslation"

ichorous earth indeed

Attached: japanese is not canon.png (613x182, 17K)

As someone with mild dyspraxia, it is literally impossible for me to get good at Sekiro, it's a game that requires finger movement and dexterity on the level of e-sports, it's too much.

I'd pour my seed into Emma's gourd if you know what I mean.

Attached: 15120603182271821.jpg (210x240, 8K)

Remember when Solid Snake was that fucking name though?

What did you expect from a parry-centric system?

>press block button repeatedly
>sometimes slash the enemy

Attached: 1537038232346.jpg (229x344, 64K)

>O'Rin of the Water
this always makes me laugh
Like what the fuck kind of name is O'Rin, has there ever been a romanized japanese name with a fucking apostrophe in it? They could've translated it to Orin or Oh-Rin but no it's fucking O'Rin.

n. 1. a true pimp
2. a person who is good at everything

The whole game is a joke.
It is baby's first Fromsoft game.

>O-Rin is O-Rin
>O-Chou is Butterfly

Why didn't they translate O-Rin's name to Lady Dignified?

yeah but I always expected dark souls translation to be same goofy shit as any other fantasy game. sekiro has actual mythology being misrepresented so it has been kind of a wake up call to their incompetence.

just press L1 55 times, my guy :)

The game's title hurts the most.
>Shadows Die Twice
Its referring to Wolf's ability to revive mid fight right?
Why is it plural?

In addition to this, 見る猿、聞く猿、言う猿 (literally seeing monkey, hearing monkey, talking monkey) got translated into... Folding Screen Monkeys?? Wtf happened there?

>>Lion Ape translated to Guardian Ape making it seems like he was put there to guard something
Wait. You're telling the Guardian Ape wasn't put there to guard something? Fuck.

More like lady

It's not difficult, you look at the enemy and when they start swinging their blade you press L1. It requires no reflexes, just paying attention.

>dessicated corpse
>mistranslation/straight up name change of sokushinbutsu
This is horrible. It looks like everything in original sounds more interesting. I hope for a fan made translation at this point.

They actually looked at the game when translating this and saw the folding screen and decided to use that to name them

There's also shit like "nushi" being literally translated to "master" when no English speaker would ever understand it in this context, when in Japanese a person hearing the word "nushi" would immediately know it means a big fish (it's a Japanese cultural/myth thing and common trope in fiction that lakes have one huge "master" in them)

When you kill Owl for the first time, Sekiro says something like "even a shadow dies". You kill Owl twice if you want the best ending,

That's the best thing I can come up with.

Stalker *

That's like a pretty large amount of information lost in translation though

It's really important because "corpse" implies some guys just died, while sokushinbutsu makes it clear that they did it to themselves.

Not him but I'm pretty bad with a controller and at reflex games in general. But it's more complicated than that

Some huge red thing blares at you and within a split second you have to figure out whether to jump out of a swipe, side step a dodge, mikiri a thrust, etc.

I always just hit B to dodge as fast as I can and that's barely in time, and fucks me if it's a swipe. I can't mikiri to save my life, although it's super easy at the trainer because I know it's the only thing coming

I still beat genichiro no problem though

Well I was basing it on Miyazaki's interview on why they chose the subtitle after choosing activision as publisher. But that works too if we ignore the creator's words.

Sekiro has to be killed twice, Owl has to be killed twice, Isshin, the Tengu Shinobi of Ashina, dies twice.
The only named ninja that dies only once is Butterfly.

He was guarding the flower, but that's not the point.

>has there ever been a romanized japanese name with a fucking apostrophe in it?
Literally every time an -n is followed by a vowel or a semivowel. Funnily enough, Genichiro fits this criteria (i.e. should be Gen'ichirō) but they didn't bother that time.

Let’s play guess the boss

1, 2
1, 2
1, 2, 3, 4

Guardian implies it's a job when he's just dicking around of his own volition

>MORE IMPORTANTLY, "Fountainhead" isn't even a fucking thing. It's a mistranslation of a name. The name is Minamoto, which is a pretty fucking important name.
I thought the whole fountainhead thing was really weird. Like I assumed that it was like the source of the rejuvenating waters or something, but since no one ever once mentioned an actual fountain or spring like that despite going on and on about the supposed fountainhead I just got confused.

Miyazaki talked about that in an interview, he just made up something he thought sounded cool before they had any detail

The flower in the cave attracts female apes, so in a way he is guarding it. However he wasn't "put" there by anyone to guard it.

I mean yeah, but I kind of thought he was cultivated and cared for by the surrounding civilization of old to guard the serpent or something, as if that thing needed further protection.

doesnt sculptor die twice as well kinda?

>Dude just block lmao
Literally every single enemy after Gyoubu has unpredictable wind ups, follow ups and timing, go fuck yourself

Yeah. I know. I've read about them before. Pretty based monks. I can't believe activision butchered it that bad.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jump, kick
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jump, kick

giraffe and the other centipede is easy as fuck. just spam the deflect button and jump on his head for the sweep attack and you take out his posture in like 15 seconds. same as elite ashina.

Butterfly is a false memory so she doesn't even die.


>mfw its what online would basically look like if it existed

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (634x630, 44K)

>but I kind of thought he was cultivated and cared for by the surrounding civilization of old to guard the serpent or something, as if that thing needed further protection.
Precisely what's wrong with the translation, that's wrong.


>Mortal Blade
Is actually Immortal Slayer

It might also be a nod to Dark Souls because 不死/immortal is the same word as used for the Undead in Dark Souls (Undead in Dark Souls is a mistranslation to begin with and Undying would have been better)

Oh, so That's how you cheese him.

Centipede Giraffe (lol)

I knew guessed what that name meant the very first time the sword was sound just from the name. A weeaboo like me who hasn't even seen a Japanese dictionary in his life could translate this game better than Activision. Let that sink in.

You are full of shit.
Stop posting this shit every thread your N5 dumb fuck

蝶is literally butterfly
孤影衆 literally means lone shadow
長手の百足 ジラフ LITERALLY IS Giraffe
How else would you translate it???

"Bestowal" (what the fuck were they even going for here?) is actually Blood Blade Technique.

Blood Blade is a reference to the Chikage ("lost blood blade") from Bloodborne.


do the skills vastly change how you approach combat? and are most of them viable overall or just situational?

>How else would you translate it???
You don't "translate" proper names, you complete retard.

No. And the combat arts are legitimately useless.

Depends which skills. Mikiri counter is vital.

I completed the whole game in moon and it is pathetic to see some faggot acting like he is better than the translator.

The EOP user here will probably buy up whatever shit you said.

they are viable but you dont really need them to win (people beat the game literally just running in circles ignoring mechanics)

Her name is お蝶, clearly an archaic name. O is an cognomen in old Japanese.

孤影衆 is a name and you missed the 衆. Also they mistranslated "衆" to "mob" several times because they're retarded.


devastating redpill

are they mostly for fun in smaller encounters and not bosses then? some of them looked interesting. I don't want to spoil myself on learning the game since I'll probably be getting it down the line, but I just haven't seen too much of a difference in gameplay even when I see them switch stances.
I guess it's a bit of a mixed bag?

>lost blood blade

Attached: 1529392869118.png (399x400, 120K)

Maybe in Sekiro its actually considered lost. But chi + kage literally means blood blade.

I wonder if they'll patch it. They did add that hilarious Pestilent Mercury --> Pestilent Mist translation change in one Dark Souls 3 patch out of nowhere, who knows.

You can spear drag his centipede for giga damage when you have him fall over from deflecting his overhead combo

Yes お蝶 is an old Japanese name.
But the kanji 蝶 itself still means butterfly and it is obvious from her fight that she is still being associated with butterfly.
I have no problem with them translating her name to lady butterfly whatsoever.

孤影衆 means lone shadow gang
What's wrong with them translating it as long shadow?
衆 as mob also isn't really a mistranslation.

A simple Google prove who is wrong.
Who is the retard here now?

Attached: Screenshot_20190403-184806__01.jpg (1080x925, 179K)

>What about "Memorial Mob"? Seems like a strange name. Is it correct or is it a bad translation?
供養 is the act of making an offering to the dead. "Memorial" seems to come from online web dictionaries translating it to "memorial service" WHICH IS WRONG.

Japanese to English dictionaries are notoriously bad and frequently wrong. Look up the meaning in a Japanese only dictionary and it's clear.

"Mob" is a shit translation of 衆/shuu which is a group of people in medieval Japan, like the ninjas belonging to a specific lord would be his shinobi-shuu, or the purple ninjas in Sekiro being known by their name, Koei, called the Koei-shuu.

The "shuu" (translated to mob) is unnecessary in English. If translated properly it'd be somethiing like "the offerers" maybe with a fancier word for "offerer". Something equally funeral-like would also work.

In any case "memorial mob" is pure bullshit.

Everything but Snake Eyes you miscounted by one

>run around him waiting for forward leap attack
>jump over it and put 3 hits of damage
>run away from the scream
eeeeeeeee zeeeeeeee

Attached: 1534455820574.gif (399x369, 39K)

>A simple Google prove who is wrong.
are you actually braindead?

>A simple Google prove who is wrong.

Attached: mg9MMRS.jpg (600x450, 172K)


Context matters user. Doubt fictional Samurai from 2 to 400 years ago even know about giraffes. Aside from the nobles who went to Europe in the age of exploration to report to their lord years later, I doubt knowledge of African animals was common.

>People responding deflect

I just got in his face and abused whirlwind slash like I did for the first phase, just with added running away when he telegraphed his shriek. I mean I did deflect sometimes but it definitely wasn't my main form of attack. Did people posture break him or something? I never even liked whirlwind slash that much before but for the ape it felt ridiculous

Only if you are mentally disabled, yes.

>he doesn't know

Attached: Tribute_Giraffe_with_Attendant.jpg (759x1500, 121K)

block is not the same as deflect you absolute shitter

And that animal would be known as "kirin" in Japanese at the time, not "giraffe".

>Did people posture break him or something?
If you deflect his big vertical slash he gets staggered and you can wail on him. Same if you just dodge a little when he lunges at you. I frankly felt phase 2 was a lot easier thanks to the sword.


This shit disturbes me. Whats wrong with monks holy fuck!?

Not an arhument

Buddhism is creepy

I liked it. It wasn't hard, but it's just a miniboss and something relatively new

Doesn't that look Chine- Okay you got me. I really didn't know.
>en wikipedia org/wiki/Qilin
Wikipedia (i know its not the most reliable) says the Japanese would be Kirin. Giraffe is English right? Weird as fuck TL.

And that's a good thing!

Attached: 1385958377174.jpg (500x311, 40K)

Because consecutive deflects cause more posture damage, this guy kills himself attacking you if you're not shit. Go watch AdmiralBulldog fight him. Giraffe did two combos and broke himself. Literally an okay.jpg enemy for good players.

By the way, why the fuck is he named giraffe? Is it kirin and they weren't supposed to translate it?

That boss is fought in the gun fort near to the gun people who also have names in katakana starting with "white" because they worship the white snake.

Shirafuji and Shirahagi and Jirafu, all of their names start with what would be 白 = white.

It's pretty fucking obvious.

The retard translator just went "hur it's katakana so that means it's english" because they didn't know a thing about old Japanese. Same as with O-Chou being translated to Butterfly because they're an idiot who doesn't know about old Japanese female name cognomen, same as Ema, a Japanese name, becoming "Emma", a foreign name.

just deflect, easy

>The retard translator just went "hur it's katakana so that means it's english" because they didn't know a thing about old Japanese. Same as with O-Chou being translated to Butterfly because they're an idiot who doesn't know about old Japanese female name cognomen, same as Ema, a Japanese name, becoming "Emma", a foreign name.
And because I just know some stupid fucker is going to start going on about how expecting them to know about "old Japanese" is unreasonable this is surface level stuff that you see in MODERN Japanese. Watching TV shows or reading books would be more than enough to get this level of knowledge. Hell, O- being used in cognomen for women is (albeit jokingly) used in MODERN Japan as well when, for people deemed high-class or snooty.

>O- being used in cognomen for women
I'd like to add that it was also common up till the 1940s and if you ask old people many of them would personally know someone who went by a name like that.

diablo loot is fucking cancer
>so like Sekiro
except not

>mistaking shi for ji
Heh. Was it written in kana with the double apostrophes at the top right?

Most EOPs wouldn't know but the character for white that this user posted, is pretty hard to get wrong in Chinese or Japanese. Not sure for Korean. Man that translator must be a troll.

Wrong again

Go look up what this is read, retard

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, fuck off.

That's a sign for an opened bento right?

The japanese name for giraffe is "kirin" or キリン if his name really was giraffe it'd been that, his actual name is Jirafu

As soon as you deflect his first attack just fucking mash L1- you don't need to time them really... At least that worked for me

Dude its shiro not jiro. What's up?


Why are you describing Sekiro?

watashi wa anatatachi wo fakku shimasu.



Every enemy has a rhythm

Get Better

>Guardian Ape
Jesus christ. Guardian Ape is one of the least fun bosses because he's one of the "souls boss gang" with Blazing bull abd other monsters. Now Genichiro, Owl, pretty much any boss that rewards aggressive play and proper deflecting, those are the fun ones.

>they're an idiot

Maybe you should work on your English too.

But you just changed the topic altogether.

>Shirafuji and Shirahagi and Jirafu
Does it say shirajirafu? Post how they're written in Japanese my current netbook doesn't have the Japanese language pack.

>What is rendaku?

>Jirafu, all of their names start with what would be 白 = white.
What a dumbass.

this is just pathetic

>Just got to fountainhead, those fights with anything with a sword.

All of my deflects, you may have them sirs.

Nigga that's a textbook example of middle-word voicing you posted. Give a word in which 白 is pronounced jira at the start or stfu.


Be aggressive. Be be aggressive.

This to be honest. Though dekinai-chan must be laughing at me.

Ape Escape II: Electric bugaloo version was the first boss fight I one shot in this game.

>Impenetrable armor
>Defeated by gravity
>Wields longsword with both hands
>Towering stature
>Has a son
Is he a Giant Dad reference?

Attached: sekiro-armored-warrior.jpg.optimal.jpg (1080x600, 148K)

It's a name. Names can use any reading they want. Your ignorance of this is just further proof that you have no idea what you're talking about.

I thought I would never get Owl, but after awhile; like every other boss, you begin to understand what to do and what not to do. Keep at it, you'll get it.

>wears a mask

He even has the mask

You seem like you know what you're talking about, my Jap isn't great but even I picked up Minamoto from the voice lines.

I was working on another mod, but I have all the Sekiro files extracted here. I could make some translation fixes and release it on the Nexus. Anything else you'd like to document?

But the first two are read with shi why not the third snek?

You'd have a point if the name was in kanji.

Nah, Giantdad never caught on as a meme in the Japanese Souls scene as big as it did in the west
They'd be more likely to poke fun at hornetclub havelmoms than giantdads

but the ape was guarding the flower so he could get some poon with it

The entire game's translation is too fucked for it to be easily documented in a couple of posts

Then make a pastebin or something, I dunno.

This one is good

except I can clear DMC5 in about 6 hours without having to grind and manage menus

Are you a nip or a student (of the Japanese language)?

>Wolf: "I will do what must be done."
I don't remember the literal dialogue, but I think the [I will] part is omitted, like everything is in Japanese language. It's more like
>"What must be done - will be done".
The sentence doesn't explicitly name the subject.

These awful translators sometimes make up their own shit that's still related to the game in some way, using headcanon. Same way Dark Souls 2's Pursuer came to be called Pursuer instead of Cursed Ones or whatever the right translation was supposed to be. Yeah, he pursues you, but the name is entirely made up by the translation team. A bigger example is Pyromancy being closer to hexing in the original text. Nobody doubts pyromancy but it's a mistranslation too. That's why there's stuff like Poison Mist that's completely unrelated to fire.

Attached: aprank.png (525x546, 144K)

>Really into Japanese folklore
>All video games featuring Japanese folklore have trash translations
Nioh was kinda okay.

Help me out bros, when do you start getting diminishing returns for attack power?

Fucking this.
Some mini bosses are in small rooms or caves, like that dumb ninja in the starting corridor.
Most of the bosses are in very large or open areas though, so I didn't have any camera problems with them until fucking Owl 2.0.

I'm a Japanese corporate translator.

Correct, but he's replying to Kuro's "what about you" so what he's saying is crystal clear here. Of course they couldn't make that connection because they mistranslated Kuro's line too, to "who are you".

Both are the sort of extremely common base level mistake that make it very obvious just how bad the translator is.

You're at least playing with japanese voices, fellow weaboo?


I couldn't beat this miniboss for legit 15 minutes straight because I was laughing my ass off.

>they mistranslated Kuro's line too, to "who are you".
It just hit me. It makes sense they did that. I mean it's stupid, but there's clear logic behind it.
>anata wa[?]
Is a casual "and you are?". And since they're translating with just the raw script, they obviously don't have the full game with cutscenes at the time, they don't know the full context. I guess maybe the script doesn't include the scene descriptions or something? Although they still could've guessed that "who are you?" is out of place from what little spoken lines there are in the scene.

Giant Toad
>Giant Toad

Attached: Giant Toad.png (697x797, 609K)

dsp beat that on his second attempt, without getting hit

>Royal Rat Authority
>Flexile Sentry

just like my old samurai jidaigeki

DSP is playing the retarded and obtuse guy for his viewers, but is not that bad at pure implementation.

>People harping on about git gud and momrizing parry timings
Why not just watch the enemy and react? It's not that fucking hard.

Attached: Aint gotta explain shit.png (365x351, 167K)

Are you translating a game right now?

There is no use for skill points anyway past the last skill tree so just dump them into atk

Lana Del Rey?

Corporate translator, not games.

You have to memorize the enemy patterns for the thrust and sweep attacks, as you generally do not have enough time to see which one is coming.

Must be a sweet gig. I suppose you're also quite chad to have been selected.

This. If these purple dicks were in more open areas instead of small cramped rooms they wouldn't be as much of a problem

Was he right?

Attached: a1624150022_2.png (350x350, 71K)

You can deflect those too and it only takes one try to learn which is which. That's hardly memorization.

Nothing grates my ears more than hearing this faggot say these words, which he does way too often.
It's true what they say: the more ignorant a person is about something, the more they're confident in their knowledge.

I think it might be time to stop playing video games grandpa, it sucks but your reflexes aren't as good as they used to be

Yes it's impossible to tell when it places the head on its stump. Spam attacks and firecrackers.

I fucking hate centipede giraffe right now. Every time I deflect his attacks, my posture is just getting worse and worse. The majority of the time he doesn't leak back to do his leap attack, so I have to repeatedly block two flurries of his attack which is a guaranteed posture break. I can deflect his attacks no problem, the problem is that he just keeps spamming the same move over and over which breaks my posture.

I think you might just be blocking.

Finishing the game while killing every bosses is enough for me. I don't ask for anything more, whippersnapper.

Yeah, but the window on these deflects is much smaller than midiri or jumping.

Is there any way to tell? I do posture damage to him when I deflect and there's an animation to it.

>Struggles against the first ape until he reads a guide
>As soon as he sees the second ape he uses cheese tactics and it's fhe first enemy in the game he never uses lock-on against
What did he mean by this

>Every time I deflect his attacks, my posture is just getting worse and worse.
Deflecting doesn't entirely eliminate posture damage, just greatly reduces it, but more importantly you literally can't be posture broken if you deflect. Deflected hits don't bring you above 99% posture.
>The majority of the time he doesn't leak back to do his leap attack
The trigger for the sweep attack is deflecting the LAST hit of the combo in particular.
>so I have to repeatedly block
Again, you need to DEFLECT, i.e. perfect block.
>I can deflect his attacks no problem
>breaks my posture
Clearly you're not deflecting then.

The sound is different for one.

Deflects have much bigger circular hitsparks.
Enemies also have this hitspark, so you can tell when the enemy may counterattack.

Don’t the apes have Centipedes too though?
What’s stopping a creature from wanting to wear the worm clothing or whatever the fuck they call themselves.

>Is there any way to tell?
Higher pitched clang and brighter sparks.

Nevermind, haha. I just killed him. FEELS GOOD TO BE SHINOBI.

The immortals have centipedes in them, the long-armed "Centipedes" do not.


>beats the ape first try after taking a 20 minute ''break''
>fights him in a completely different way
>''I didn't read a guide dood what the fuck, I just got a little rest and I beat him, fuck off''
>you know what, get banned retard, I'm not dealing with this shit anymore

>40 hours in and still only at the ape
>still have no idea how to parry
>could see the kanji flashing on screen but still always too slow to react
>gives dragonrot to pretty much everyone
Hi, I'm the worst Sekiro player on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1551711679318.gif (700x394, 963K)

What's with the old lady in the Gunfort? She doesn't do anything except cower. I don't kill her because she's utterly harmless.

As long as you're having fun it's all that matters

>reach the ape and have no idea how to parry
How did you make it that far desu. I finally learned on Lady Butterfly and Genichiro.

Attached: 1496463479715.png (271x265, 82K)

I think it's more of a dark souls reference in general. His move set is fucking slow too.

>That has to be one of the dumbest perspectives of a game I have ever heard
Because he's a nioh drone
It doesn't matter if you enjoyed the game even when it's some mediocre title, if you don't go full autistic and do a no hit run in way of the demon you're not playing properly

I beat Lady Butterfly by dodging and hitting, after dying to Genichiro a million times I memorized his moves.

>in the abondoned cave or whatever
>meet samurai bro there, pretty cool guy
>meet doctor covered in blood and shit deeper into the cave
>people suffering all around, clearly the results of experimentation
>''hey shinobi, give me someone healthy for my ''work''
>''ok lol, he probably needs him to clean the bodies or some shit''
>tfw I later realize after seeing him in that cell that I doomed samurai bro
Why am I such a fucking brainlet bros.
H-he won't die, right?

Attached: 1552434978366.jpg (966x1024, 288K)

He won't die.
He won't have a high quality life though.

Take my advice kiddo, practice with based undead bro in the dilapitated temple until you git gud. You will enjoy the game a lot more when you learn parrying.

>No idea what this quest is about
>Send the bro samurai near the well
>Talk to the shopkeeper near the dungeon entrance because I needed to buy some stuff
>"I didn't think you would send him, he seemed like such an earnest and honest guy" or something along those lines
>What the fuck have I done
At that moment I knew I had fucked up

Dumbos and baddies are cute.

Is this a joke?

Attached: Sekiro Screenshot 2019.03.27 - (1920x1080, 3.01M)

Nioh's combat is fun, but its level design and aesthetics are woefully bad.

I'm gonna kill that fucking doctor. Never killed an NPC so far but this crossed the line.

Attached: 1551216699586.jpg (649x656, 57K)

>one two, the fight

Old ladies alert the other enemies.

Hanbei is too slow and I parry him just fine. I wish he would be more aggressive, all he does is give me false confidence.

Now that I think about it, you actually "save" him (provided you don't kill him on purpose). Because if you leave him be he dies.


Why would you parry them twice? Just parry once and hit them once, makes them absolutely trivial.

Then you gotta practice on the ape my man. Which is going to be pretty fucked since his movements are pretty quick and it takes some time to get used to him. I already got gud at parrying and It still took me a while.

Or you can find a miniboss and practice on them while you leave the ape for later.

Oooh, the regular samurai enemies. I'm sorry, I though you meant the miniboss near the ashina dojo checkpoint. They look pretty similar.

>Then you gotta practice on the ape my man
Yep that's what I'm trying right now but can you even parry break his posture in the first form? It seems like dodging and hitting is the best way.

What if you kill O'Rin before triggering his questline?

Why do people think he was a foreigner? The fact that he fucking bloats about having a full knight armor with the japanese helmet makes me think he's westaboo and that Robert is just someone he knows. His accent would have been heavy if he wasn't.

>dodging and hitting
Is the best way to get fucked by monkey cock. His posture is pretty high and you will drain his health faster than his posture, but you will avoid most damage by parrying him. The only attacks you really need to dodge are the grab attacks and when he throws his shit at you. DO NOT DASH when he does those. Jumping is the better choice.

>robert's firecracker
user I...

Did you miss the whole "father caring for his son" lines?

He gets angry at you because the music stopped and attacks you.

IT's more of an Iron Golem reference, I think.

don't be sorry, he's retarded as he clearly didn't see the prayer bead in that screenshot

No, it's supossed to be a fast fight.
Either you kill him in one swing or he does it, like a real fight.

Attached: 1553880773423.gif (330x243, 1.93M)

Is this a joke?

Attached: Sekiro Screenshot 2019.03.30 - (1920x1080, 1.11M)

After 4 playthroughs I still have no clue what is this box suppossed to do

I've never seen anything appear in that shitbox.

I found anti-air deathblow in it.

based. Same with the guy at the dojo before genichiro. its what make make me understand the game

the darksign brands the undead

Attached: Sekiro Screenshot 2019.03.27 - (1920x1080, 2.9M)

You can miss a few items that you would get from sidequests and such. They reappear in the box at a higher price.

if a npc dies or gets completely inaccesible, important items get put in the box for you to buy

stuff like prosthetics

some areas get locked off later. Anything important that was missed will appear in the box.

Genichiro's body is weird as fuck
>big torso boi
>skinny arms and ayy lmao hands

SUCC it.

why the fuck would he get angry at the player, how would he even know we were the ones that stopped it

I think it contains items you otherwise would have missed permanently, but you have to buy them, even the ones you would have got for free.

Same boat here but I'm at Owl.

I beat Genichiro by just mashing L1 during his combos, can't time parries at all. Can't time mikiri counters for shit (have a maybe 20% success rate).

>People having trouble with easy mini-bosses
Just give up now. You will never be able to beat the later bosses if a simple mini-boss is giving you trouble.

But I killed the merchant who was supposed to have sold me the phantom kunai and they're not there.

for mikiri just press the dodge button without holding any direction, you will dodge into the thrust which gives a much higher chance of triggering the mikiri


that will be in the box after the divine dragon

I don't know how many hours I have but I just got to Owl.
My brain has real trouble with any attack where you have to jump to avoid it for some reason and I die to them a bunch before I finally get it down.

I 100% agree with this post
Fuck the souls tourist bosses, I want swords clashing, this is so much better than spamming roll or running around a big dude

I don't know how, but he does. He just goes IT WAS YOU and becomes hostile. He's being bewitched, so don't try to find reason in his actions.

>beat the secret superboss and the final boss after a few tries, used 2 gourds on each
feels good being good

The chained ogre is one of the most cancerous mini-bosses. The grab has some janky hitboxes, and there are delayed and lightning quick variations of the grab. And if he grabs you he hits for 90%+ of your health. All 100% on NG+ with the demon bell.

Guardian ape is one of my favorite bosses desu.
The bull can go fuck itself though.


Attached: NiohCombat.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Maybe O'rin told him like she does when you finish their questline properly.

Dodge toward the enemy. That way you either dodge around them or hit the counter which for me is 80% of the time with that tactic.

>14 hours in
>Only just beat Genichiro
Am I gonna make, Yea Forumsros?

How to beat ape's 2nd phase anons?

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You're fine, in fact you're one of the better players all things considered.

No, fuck off you fucking contrarian cope niggers who can't handle from software's success. Nioh isn't better than any soulsekiborne, it's fucking trash. As is lords of the fallen and the surge. No fucking imitator managed to capture what makes these games good, all they do is "HURR IT'S HARD AND SLOW" as if it's a magical formula for a good game, but guess what, it doesn't work.

Parry everything lol
Hit him in his monkey balls when he's open
Run away from red attacks
Bring a few pacifying agents/purple flask just in case
That's it

Apparently he's very susceptible to parrying (shocker) but he keeps doing that shitty terror scream when I try to get near him so I dunno.

Attached: 1541784533595.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

I found that parrying is the key, if you parry like 2 of his attacks he goes for that huge overhead smash and if you parry that you stun him for a moment for free hits. Also use spear if you can poke him directly in his throat for a fun thing to happen

>big flashy izuna drop does 3700 damage
>regular attack does 6500

stay at medium range and bait out the big overhead slash. deflect it for a big stun and use the spear for BEEG DAMAGE

It's better than Dark Souls 2 and 3.

May I suck your dick, based chad user?

>wasn't expecting bull at all, feel completely unprepared
>still did him on my first try
Embracing the fact that you can technically deflect literally anything in this game will make the game a lot more fun for people.
I don't know why so many fags keep talking about "unblockable" attacks.

I just ran around him and hit him since he's a bad aim and occasionally parried him since he's easy, I also drank from the bottle of anti-terror juice because occasionally I'd stand behind him and not see him raise the head to scream.

What boss is the true casual filter in this game?

I don't have a quick enough reaction time and attention span, most of my parrying attempts ends with me getting one shotted.

>I don't know why so many fags keep talking about "unblockable" attacks.
>deflect bull attacks
>still get set on fire
>do the "bounce back after deflect" stagger animation
>get pinned to a wall

Same as with any boss.
Mikiri counter thrusts.
Jump kick sweeps.
Deflect everything.
Block from a distance to reduce posture.
Use sugars if you're triggered easily.

Attached: 1442091934165.jpg (360x408, 20K)

>t. retard who hasn't learned parrying yet and took massive posture damage and got burned every time
>beat him with firecrackers plus staying behind him as much as possible
Thankfully I learned parrying later on and I'm sure on new game plus he's gonna be ez pz.

it's not april fool's anymore

Everybody looks like that in sekiro, look at owl's arms closely next time, dude looks like a bloated giant, but actually has noodle arms

Wolf looks normal, aside from being abnormally short.

I still think lady butterfly, honestly. Especially for me, since she was the first boss I encountered in the game and I though she was some endgame secret boss. Even conteplated deleting the game honestly.
Then I learned to parry and fucked granny sideways.

sweeps are unblockable and fire based attacks do damage through deflect

Attached: Lady Butterfly.webm (800x450, 2.85M)

That's just a game design choice, if he was tall you wouldn't be able to see what's in front of you.

a lot of bosses have gimmick weaknesses to specific items/prosthetics. maybe all of them, they just haven't been sussed out yet

>Even ordinary chickens are taller than sekiro
What the fuck From

Why does SSI come out of Genichiro?

Nah, everyone around him is just super tall, like in previous from soft games. Even Kuro is only like a head shorter despite being a kid. You can also tell from his relatively big feet for his age that he would grow up into a big boy.

O-oh, my bad, haha. Yeah, I'm only like that on april fools, definitely, haha...

ogre because after him you can just go to a different area for prayer beads if you're getting destroyed

I thought was being sarcastic.
Am I wrong in this assumption?

How do you do this?

>translating jirafu as giraffe

Holy fucking N5 translators. There's a reason why giraffes are called 麒麟

>deflecting big ass attacks from big ass enemies that deal massive damage posture to wolf and do nothing to enemy's posture

please stop reminding me that I will never have a cute trap to fuck mercilessly and then cuddle tenderly afterward

Circle -> R1, repeat ad infinitum.

I would just feel bad if I did this.

>watching DSP
Man, he is such a shitter. I know he is making money off my hits but he is still a manchild. He is whining worse than when he couldn't beat Ludwig.