Games you hate

Games you hate
>Sonic 2006
>Shadow the Hedgehog
>Final Fantasy XV
>Megaman X3

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Got any safer opinions? Sure you don't also hate Superman 64?

Risk of Rain 1 and 2

I partially hate KH3 and the X collection on PS2

Shadow the hedgehog was fun as shit. Sonic 06 was so bad it was hilarious. I specifically remember skipping entire levels because I just didn’t want to go through all the bullshit so I found a way to glitch through everything

I hate Mega Man in general.

hol up

Shadow the Hedgehog is kino wtf OP?

Any Final Fantasy after 6
Any Zelda after 3
Earthbound 1 and 2

This and DMC 5

>Shadow the Hedgehog
Fucking retard. That shit ruled.

Resident Evil 5. Game can fuck off, I'll even sing 6's praises if it meant 5 would just be willed out of existence.

the star ocean series. Fuck that generic shit.

As a certified speedrunner of Sonic '06, this guy is bullshitting.

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Ninja Gaiden 3
Usually when i heavily dislike a game i place the blame on myself for being bad and not knowing what i'm doing but these two games are just painfully horrible no matter how good i get at them.

Me but I love Star Ocean but hate the Tales series.


>Speed runner
There's your problem

Thanks for the (You) I guess

Posting underrated Crush 40 Kino

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Sword of the Stars 2
I fucking preordered that shit, the first one is great
still fucking mad

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Worse games out of their series (speaking subjectively, not objectively though it should be objectively

>Shadow the Edgehog
>Rayman Raving Rabbids
>Super Mario Bros Lost Levels

>Shadow The Hedgehog
>Worse than Sonic Labyrinth, Sonic Drift, or Sonic 06
Shadow The Hedgehog, for all its stupid plot and incomprehensible dialogue, played tight as fuck. It's a good game trapped in a bad story.

I'd like to think Rabbids have fallen farther than the first Rabbids game. Disappointing as it was that it wasn't RAYMAN FUCKING 4, it was an okay set of minigames.

>Azur Lane
>Grand Blue
>Other mobileshit gachashit
I hate gachafags in general