So Best Buy fucked up and leaked the switch version of 5. Just curious, how many switch owners would be disappointed if it's just the vanilla game, and has none of the Royal content.
This is assuming that Royal is a definitive version btw.
Persona 5 S vs Persona 5R
Never played P5 at all, wouldn't bother me as much.
They'll try and delude themselves into believing that the vanilla version is better just like the poorfags who didn't buy a Vita for P4G.
I agreed with you right up until you condoned buying a Vita.
Now who's deluded?
>i-i-it's just the base version
christ on water skiis you guys got those goal posts on wheels?
Not many people want p5 on switch as it is so I imagine only a few would be disappointed.
Already played P5 almost 4 times over, if I’m playing it again, I’m going to want the new content. I’ll pass on the switch version if what you say comes to pass.
How is he moving the goalposts in a thread he started? You sonyfags are insane.
>Switch owners haven't played P5 yet so let's give them vanilla! Years later we'll port Royal too! This way we can make them buy the same game twice! AGAIN!
t. Fatlus
Most likely scenario is that Switch will be getting the basic version, PS4 will get the Royal version, and then Switch will get a port of Royal. This allows Atlus to milk Switch owners twice and also lets them sell P5 on Switch now instead of having to wait until Royal is finished.
>R and S are different new versions like pokemon
>R gets the new girl
>S gets the Sae route
i 100% expect this. p5s will be the normal game for switch and R will be whatever upgraded version for ps4 only, and atlus will drop SR in a year
just look at catherine getting ports then full body being released months later
Ill double dip for switch. The main game has so much content i guess it would be a bummer but not the kind that would stop me from playing. I never played new game plus and there is still alot i want to go back and do.
>P5U lets you date the cat
Wait, Catherine got a port to PS4 before full body? That's fucked if true
No, to PC.
oh shit. i'm a moron. This is what i get for being too lazy to google.
Here your P5S MC bro
as if any switch users even know what persona 2 is.
They're probably the only ones that invested in megaten in general.
Zero info on a port of Sega Fes 2019.
No info on any SMT tiles.
SMT5 is most likely cancelled
But BestBuy is totally legit guys!
Eric, you need to stop making these threads.
Who is Eric? I'd never make a Persona thread rude!