Is anyone on this board even interested in the playstation 5 at this point? IT seems like sony is doing fuck all to keep their lead in the console race. Let's find out.
Is anyone on this board even interested in the playstation 5 at this point? IT seems like sony is doing fuck all to keep their lead in the console race. Let's find out.
Right now, they can stay on the ps4, if they release a ps5, it will be like the Ps3.
That's a good thing for you though. Just look at how much anti consumer practices microsoft had to give up to stay in the race. Companies won't change when they're in the lead, they'll only listen to consumers when they have to play the catch up game.
I mean, I like video games, so yes I'll buy a ps5.
I buy every system. You know, cause I actually like video games.
Everyone else is dropping out and nintendo isn't even competition since nintendo is content with making new iterations of the same kiddy shit.
I like video games aswell, that doesn't mean I will ever buy a xbox one. I don't see why I would a PS5 either since sony has pretty much given up on funding third party exclusives and their own ones don't really match my tastes.
>that doesn't mean I will ever buy a xbox one
I did, when it was the only option to play sunset overdrive, halo 6 and halo mcc.
Again, this isn't a hard choice when you actually like video games.
>I like shit video games so much i blow all my money on every system and every game
get your life together.
>Just look at how much anti consumer practices microsoft had to give up to stay in the race.
that's fucking hilarious though, what stupid boomer fucking niggers
I own my own business and can easily afford this stuff.
I'd hate to be so angry about video games that I'd get angry at other people enjoying them.
Well, you might be entertained by it, but the most important thing for me is that as a consumer I have more benefits.
With how shit this generation has been I really don't know if it would be a good idea to jump to a PS5. I'll be getting a Switch for sure this year but I ain't touching the PS5 until at least 2 years post launch
Naw you don't like video games, you're contributing shitty spec consoles and an outdated controller scheme that staggers the innovation of video games.
Yea I play more PS4 then pc doe xd
They're only interested in games that were announced for the ps4 but snoy have delayed to sell their new console
watch Sadia just Facefuck everything, it's ok though because most people will have 5G by then before 2025 and everyone who doesn't have a 25 MB speed internet anyways are irrelevant beings in the first place.
It's about to get good for gamers in general
>Naw you don't like video games, you're contributing shitty spec consoles and an outdated controller scheme that staggers the innovation of video games.
I'd put money down you have no idea how to feasibly make a better controller that doesn't have major drawbacks.
I'm not interested in stadia in the slightest. Good for you though, I hope it will be what you want from it.
nice rp you got there faggot.
>Halo Infinite
>Halo MCC
>Sunset Overdrive
all of which are coming on PC and Halo MCC is gonna be on Steam along with Reach. Xbone doesn't fucking matter and Micro$oft's only relevant console was the 360
>Nobody is successful if I'm not successful.
There was a period of several years where no pc ports were announced for mcc, sunset overdrive, and halo 5 still doesn't have one.
Xbone is irrelevant now, but nobody was expecting microsoft to abandon all console exclusives in 2015.
You can't look at choices made at one time with the benefit of future knowledge and fault people for not knowing what you know years later that nobody knew then.
alright Mr. Suit what kind of business do you run? Don't need to tell us any names
Stadia is basically going to funnel all mobile normies since the market is x10 larger then all consoles and pc communities combine.
Exclusives will definitely pump killer apps out the ass
halo is shit anyways these days. don't know why youd waste your money on an entire xbone when halo 4 was so bad.
I have no interest in buying the PS5 because they obviously are going to pull that PS5 pro shit again
I own a business that designs and prototypes small components for other businesses.
Any smart person would have abandoned M$ by E3 2013
The original Trilogy and Reach are amazing games though, it's just that 4 is mediocre and 5 sucks
not bad
It is shit nowadays.
That's why MCC was the bigger draw, but nobody expected that to be a total clusterfuck either.
I have a PS4 that works perfectly well if I want to play games on a PS-brand console. Suffice it to say, I barely use it as is.
Sony's antics are one thing but I could forgive that if it just seemed like they had fucking anything interesting on the horizon. All they have that's coming that means anything to me is the MediEvil remake. That's all. If they don't shape their shit up and give me something to be excited about I'll have no trouble skipping PS5 wholesale next gen given their current trajectory. I'd love to be surprised but I'm not holding my breath either.
If the PS5 does include BC with PS4, meaning that the 800+ millions of games sold on PS4 will be playable day one on the new system, the console will sell itself without worry. The rumored BC with PS3 and earlier is the icing on the cake
People here dump on Sony for some reason but the fact is that there isn't much of a choice in the console space. Switch is a secondary device, Xbox One's library is lacking, people are skeptical towards the streaming future foretold by Google and PC gaming is growing in its own way. Sony has the tactical advantage for now, it will take a lot of work of dethroning them especially if they play their cards well
Not interested, I feel like the ps4 just released and could stand 10 more years before replacement. Maybe I'm just getting old and console generations dont take ages to tick by anymore. God I'm depressed.
>BC with PS3 and earlier
Don't hold your breath, it aint happening
ps4 bc is pretty much guaranteed.
ps3 is questionable. It would have to be via emulation and would likely have varied quality game to game.
Ps2 is more feasible. Also unlikely.
Well I'm surprised that they are going forward with releasing new hardware this soon because the gap between 7th gen and 8th gen is the biggest gap in all console history
Sony can't afford to be complacent when Nintendo's been revitalized with Switch despite its hardware shortcomings (and as Shawn Layden so eloquently put it, never underestimate Nintendo) and MS is going in balls deep acquiring studio after studio to almost assuredly bolster their stance in the upcoming gen. Sony's not really doing anything to inspire confidence, there seems to be a lot of resting on laurels at best.
>The rumored BC with PS3 and earlier
Retard, if the PS4 didn't have PS3 BC what makes you think this will? I'll be surprised it it even has PS4 BC, Snoy sure likes selling their remasters.
>If the PS5 does include BC with PS4, meaning that the 800+ millions of games sold on PS4 will be playable day one on the new system, the console will sell itself without worry.
>implying it even will have BC
Sony clearly isn't interested in giving it's consumers what they want, they're just interested in lining their pockets and copying what the competition do, the only reason they have a big head in the console race is because of a decent head-start (the only reason this happened within itself was because the two other options were complete dogshit, Wii U and Xbone, both platform options got patched up very well) and bandwagon customer mindset.
Why do people treat 7th gen as some new standard? Those consoles lasting 7-8 years was an anomaly, gens usually run 5-6 years otherwise and we've reached that point with the 8th gen consoles.
It felt fast for me, even though the thing is almost 6 years old, simply because I'm older and don't follow games as actively anymore.
When I step back and go "Oh, it's almost 6 years old and if ps5 hits in 2020 it'll be 7 years" I realize it's definitely been long enough.
>Snoy sure likes selling their remasters.
There were only a few first party remasters, one was a ground up remake. The rest were all 3rd parties rushing to cash in.
Well it might have to do with factors like the 2008 crisis, hardware being so advanced that it lasted longer in relevancy and also becuase I'm among the first generation to have such a long console lifespan, I was born in 1997, fyi
We are past the point of diminishing returns. The new consoles won't be a revolutionary step like some of the previous were. Even if the new machines are much more powerful, not many devs will be able to use this power besides uber-AAA studios which are hated by this board anyway
I'm pretty sure some folks at Sony would like the PS4 gen to last as long as possible, considering there is no actual need to move forward
Yeah, there's also no pressure from outside competition to release new hardware yet, and their sales momentum is still strong.
No, I'm getting an Xbox Scarlett Anaconda and handheld-only Nintendo Switch.
Man, I didn't think it would be this bad. Well, can't say that they deserve otherwise after all the shit they pulled.
What shit did they pulled ?
I'm not buying the next sony console until they stop butchering games. Ask the other people what their problems are.
As PC player I am very much for new consoles because the current hardware is holding games back more and more...
They were pushing crossplay before anyone else this generation, worked for it last gen, and did finally allow crossplay with xbox and switch.
If you are going to try and make a bs poll, can you at least not blatantly lie?
As a pc player, I wonder why so many of us keep blaming consoles for this when even without consoles we should all know there aren't enough people with powerful enough rigs that devs would target anything out of the range of what they are currently targeting anyway.
Devs almost always work towards a lowest common denominator to maximize sales. That isn't a crazy high bar on pc.
If it helps you sleep at night dude, then do what you want. You can try to discredit the poll as much as you want to protect your precious companies name, but it still stands that they tried this generation to tell their own customers to suck it just because they didn't want to enable crossplay between the ps4 and xbox. It took massive amounts of backlash for them to reverse their stance and here you are, defending them and praising them for doing it AFTER they told you to fuck off first.
>Leeching Xnigger
After over a decade of your obnoxiousness, you can fuck off, to be perfectly honest.
I have never owned a microsoft console. I do own a PS4. I don't enjoy being treated like some masochistic sissy by the company that took my money and then tries to screw me over unless I make a big fuss over a basic feature that every competitor on the market has. If I were I would buy fucking apple products.
>If it helps you sleep at night dude, then do what you want. You can try to discredit the poll as much as you want to protect your precious companies name
Good night, user.
You seem to be compensating for something.
The absolute state of Yea Forums when people get upset that somebody says they buy all systems and enjoy video games.
>complaining about other people being obnoxious
How many fucking gold Wojaks have you idiots cranked out in the past decade? Five thousand? Fuck off.
You're just repeating that last statement a lot, it's weird and unnatural. It's like saying "if you don't eat EVERYTHING on your plate, INCLUDING and most importantly the dog feces, you hate video games."
>inb4 "food analogy"
Every Nintendo and Sony console are worth it for quality exclusives, so yes
You're just still getting upset that somebody is an Idort.
That's real fucking sad.
No I'm not, I'm getting confused at your extreme defensiveness.
Only dumb fanboys actually think there isn't at least a few things on each system worth playing.
>He didn't read the image
Not surprising, it's probably you, you falseflagging cancer.
I'm a pretty big Sony fag but with PC getting all the important Japanese shit and Sony censoring shit I don't see much need for the ps5.
It's going to be the PS3 all over again. Sony is cocky as fuck because of how successful the PS4 is and now they are going to fuck everything up again.
I owned a PS4 since 2015. Over the past few years my list of exclusive games that I would truly consider worth it shrinked down to about 2, if we include titles that are basically just mediocre time sinks it would be more, but they are not system sellers to me.
I have a strong gaming PC now, so not really. The only PS4 exclusives I care about right now are Day's Gone and Death Stranding (lol). Gravity Rush is pretty much cancelled and Uncharted is finished, so I care about them even less now as well.
The censorship doesn't help either.
PS3 was awesome, though.
If Sony bundles PSVR with the PS5 it's going to be an absolutely hilarious generation.
Because Sony finally got their head out from their ass. The ps3 was dog shit its first few years.
Again, Only dumb fanboys actually think there isn't at least a few things on each system worth playing.
Definitely so if they get bent out of shape when people say this.
You want to get a foothold in instead of having a competitor get a grip in and possibly stay there for a very long time.
The PS4 won't suddenly stop selling just because the PS5 is out, look at the PS2
Not during 2006
Literally nobody thinks they are going to do that.
Nothing indicates they'd do that. Literally nothing.
>Said the seething Xcuck for the 50th time
Weird. My definition of a fanboy would be someone who gets overly defensive over his hardware of choice when you bring up how you disagree with them.
And? Most systems aren't worth buying in their launch year.
This is correct and I do not demonize consoles but we are at a stage into the current gen where a mid range pc is way more powerfull than a ps4 pro and it really shows with recent multiplats like Sekiro and Division 2. They either run like shit on the consoles or look significantly worse. If devs need to take that into consideration it will hold them back.
I didn't know 4 years is the launch year. TIL
>Jumps a guys shit for saying he was able to find enough reasons to buy an xbone, on top of every other system
>Tries to claim other people must be specific console fanboys for saying every system has at least a few things worth playing.
lol wow
>Specifically said launch year after you specifically said 2006
Reading is FUNdamental.
>Jumps a guys
Oh, you're one of those people who bends reality to fit their narrative. Well, let's just pretend we never talked to each other. There is nothing to gain by talking to you anyways.
No, because I just bought a PS4Pro last year and haven't got any use out of it except for Sekiro. Moreover, I don't need better gwaffix anymore, we're past that.
>Entered this generation looking down on Nintendo for the Wii U and their censorship
>Entered this generation mocking Microsoft for their out of touch view of gaming and greed
>Left this generation thinking MS and Nintendo are in the right and looking down on Sony for their their censorship and out of touch views
>Tells someone they must be compensating for something, then kept trying to attack them for whatever the fuck, then told everyone they could respond to they must be a fanboy.
lol, you're like a pissed off stray cat.
>Clearly posted wanting some sort of fight
>Acts all put off when people notice
Gotta work on your follow through. The crybully shit is weak.
I probably won't buy it for a while, if at all. Sony has been releasing jack shit lately in an attempt to stuff their launch titles, and soften the blow of what's likely to be a pretty expensive console. To the average consumer, they won't be seeing much of a difference in the graphics department, and they likely don't care about FPS/performance, yet they're being asked to upgrade from a console that seems to be working just fine. And to people who give a shit, if they want shiny grafix, they'll just use a PC instead.
It'll be a tough sell that, as usual, will rely on the line-up of exclusives. That said, I wouldn't be heartbroken to see another competitor take the lead.
I don't have any games for ps4 why would I need ps5
Look at some of the people in this thread. You don't need games when there's the name of the company printed in shiny letters on it.
reddit's the other way.
PS4 might be my biggest buyer's remorse yet, what makes you think I'm going to buy yet another console from them?
I didn't own a PS1. Why would I buy a PS2?
It's not like different consoles have different games lol
Considering Microsoft seems to want to slither out of the console industry and be more of a brand/publisher or maybe stick to cloud gaming and Nintendo wants to keep going experimental (which isn't a bad thing) the Playstation seems to be the console that wants to be more traditional.
Regardless I buy every console every generation so I'll probably buy a Playstation 5.
No, consoles are childrens toys. Especially being forced to use a controller, the worst input method available.
>Wheels for driving
>HOTAS for flight
>fighting stick
1985 is that way, old fuck
Depends what games they announce
I can understand why you prefer consoles son but I have to kindly ask you to refrain from posting until your 18th birthday.
I have both PC and console you poorfag. It's called niches
Why even bother posting this on a PCtendo board with an underdog complex (AKA people inherently hate the 1st place guy), how do you expect to get anything relevant out of this poll?
Not really interested in ps5.
Sony censorship policy offends me.
Sony boss said they are focusing on less games.
Announce game 4 years early.
Cinematic experiences.
I am tired of Sony. They have been arrogant pricks since ps3
Need to do better than repeat the usual FUD, bud. $10 has been deposited into your designated bank account.
Censorship is indeed trash, that's the only point I can agree on (alongside revealing games too early but literally everyone does that and at least Sony has the least amount of big cancelled projects, like Scalebound or Metroid4)
The other points you mentioned I fail to understand. Sony 1st parties were always 90% western-focused, if you don't like them now you shouldn't like them ever, nothing really changed here.
All relevant games come from japanese 3rd parties since the PS1, and there are no signs PS5 won't once again be the system with by far the most variety of jap titles (also most day1 releases, no delays, and least portbegging)
Are they finally going to put a UHD Blu ray player in it? Or maybe some new sony format for 8k shit, they have the tech to make one.
Blu-Ray has a successor?
I'm done with consoles after this gen. You'd have to a sucker too keep buying into them this point (or for at least a few of these past gens now)
Not yet (unless you count UHD blu rays as a successor), but sony has been doing up to 3.3TB archival optical media for a few years now. They're also making a fuckload of noise in the camera realm about 8k in both broadcast cameras and wanting to try to trickle it down ASAP.
Basically they have the tech to push 8K cameras, 8K TVs and 8K players all at once if they line their shit up right.
Honest question, so no meme answers please. Since Sony as a whole, but the PlayStation division more importantly, are in a FAR better place financially than they were in 2012-13, will the PS5 will proportionately gimped in the hardware stakes like the PS4 was? Cerny could actually afford to be a bit more adventurous and not have to use a shit-tier laptop CPU to save on manufacturing costs, right?
Will wait a couple of years until there's at least a few games I desperately want to play.
If it's BC with PS3 and 4, it might speed things up because I could just sell those consoles
Honestly even with the hardware upgrades the games are still going to suck, this gen has showed that developers can't make games for shit
They could use the online paywall money (thanks Microsoft) to act as a cushion on hardware R&D costs.
Don't forget that a good portion of SIE's profits (Sony Pictures too in all likelihood, since they've turned it around since shitcanning Amy Pascall a few years ago) are likely being siphoned off to keep Sony Mobile afloat. It was actually announced yesterday that they're halving their entire workforce in a "profitability drive".
It's understandably annoying, but it kind of makes sense considering that several of Sony's other divisions had to pitch in and help keep SCE afloat during those first few disastrous years following the PS3 launch.
Why would they if shitty hardware sells better?
How the fuck have Sony's mobile sector not been sold off or closed yet? They've been bleeding money for years and we know from those hacked Sony emails that Kaz Hirai was wanting to sell them off as early as 2012. Who even buys Sony phones anymore? I haven't seen anyone with an Xperia for years.