Kotaku is...based?

Kotaku is...based?

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If they said it was a good game everyone would outright ignore them.
People are getting wise to their tricks and so they have to reverse Psychology there articles now.

If I'd have to guess, something has already burned their good bridges to EA and they might as well not suck it's corporate cock.

The thing that is really fucking weird about that article is that Bioware did nothing for 4 years then said "oh shit we gotta actually make a game" and then got their ass together. How could they be allowed for 4 years not to do anything, have no manager guide them and no one gave a fuck?

No, just Jason Schreier, the rest of Kotaku could die tomorrow and nobody would care.


Whats up with Jason Schreier’s voice? I can literally hear the onions in his throat.

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lol no

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fuck you and fuck your stupid bait