Kotaku is...based?
Kotaku is...based?
If they said it was a good game everyone would outright ignore them.
People are getting wise to their tricks and so they have to reverse Psychology there articles now.
If I'd have to guess, something has already burned their good bridges to EA and they might as well not suck it's corporate cock.
The thing that is really fucking weird about that article is that Bioware did nothing for 4 years then said "oh shit we gotta actually make a game" and then got their ass together. How could they be allowed for 4 years not to do anything, have no manager guide them and no one gave a fuck?
No, just Jason Schreier, the rest of Kotaku could die tomorrow and nobody would care.
Whats up with Jason Schreier’s voice? I can literally hear the onions in his throat.
lol no
fuck you and fuck your stupid bait
Post a pastebin or an archive or GTFO
everyone shits on Anthem, it was a popular trend a month+ ago or so.
They probably were working on something and completely scrapped it and started over again. I saw a project in my industry that people worked on for 15+ years and $370 million down the drain only to never be seen.
You aren't kidding. These are the two most popular Kotaku writers. Both rant about Trump all the time. These are the "men" who call you a racist and incel.
So now we love Anthem, right?
>no romances
Not enough skins and no "Very Easy" difficulty
wtf I love anthem now.
All memes aside, Jason Schrier is the sole and only reason to take that site seriously. His writing and stories are top notch and aren't the typical SJW hit pieces that so many of the other staff are known for. Guy genuinely cares and respects our hobby and is worth taking seriously.
I'm seeing a trend. This John Schreier guy seems to be the only person at Kotaku that doesn't act like a total tool.
>EA put all it's Frostbite experts on FIFA rather than Anthem.
Kotaku has always had pretty decent exclusive insider news in the gaming industry, but most anons here won't ever admit it because either most people here don't care about vidya or you have som autist that start spamming that image from Neogaf several years ago.
The only articles of note from him are the ones where he talks about big failures. He is a vulture, a parasite nothing more. He capitalizes on failure.
>Linking directly to Kotaku
Fucking pastebin your shit you plebian
Kotaku based>>/?? hell no.
George is based
Nah, the actually weird thing about Anthem is that they had 4 years of solid work on the game and at no point did anyone say, "why aren't we including proper rpg mechanics in this game, that's what people want, right?".
The three things that bioware are best known for are good/bad conversation choices, character allignment and romances, plus they also pioneered the polled group conversation choice, which was basically the only good thing about SW:TOR.
Group conversations alone would have made the game stand out significantly against all the other looter shooters and making a game without a real story should have been unthinkable for the bioware heads even at the drawing board phase.... Yet here we are.
I like George. But I'm not giving him money for a VN.
No romances killed Anthem. Freelancer is a virgin cuck.
I salute
The best part of this article is when EA ignored their calls for help and only stepped in when they said they have no way of showing off in game purchases so they sent someone to make an area where you can do this.
Reminder that Bioware has been dead since EA bought them and the only reason the first Mass Effect and first Dragon Age seemed like they had so much potential is because almost all of the work was finished before the acquisition
Anyone that still expects any good work from the inexperienced fresh out of college kids that EA hires for dirt cheap under the Bioware name is a retard, almost no one that worked at the company back when it was actually good still works there, and I guarantee the few that still do don't actually work on games anymore.
I'll never understand why anyone acts like """Bioware""" will ever make a good game again.
No Kotaku you are still garbage. Please stop with the constant shill threads.
Woah... so this... is the power... of nu-Yea Forumseddit... uohh..
>anonymous sources
>one sided stories airing laundry about management
>confirmation bias because it sounds true
Not gonna say its all baloney but you get half the story and no way to see what is disputed or exaggerated.
'It sounds true cuz I want to believe' is how we got a two year long Russia collusion hoax.
Thank you
If you are "working" in a sjw environment it's all about being comfortable and creating good vibes. These people do not work at all they sit arround and eat pizza.
His investigative stuff is usually always good/accurate. His opinion pieces are what's total and complete shit.
No but this article is legit good
Hey Jason? Do us a favor and stop shilling your shitty articles on Yea Forums
Oh yeah? Jason "if you like Sorceress you're a pedo" Schreier respects and cares for our hobby? Fuck off shill.
Also, the only people that genuinely like any of the sequels to Mass Effect or Dragon Age only like it for the terrible dating sim shit, even though its some of the most awkward writing I've ever seen in my life.
>Haha, guess I don't have to kill you now. Hey even though I just tried to assassinate you maybe I can join your team :)
>"what, sure I guess, we don't have a rogue"
>Sweet, by the way you're a pretty hot piece of man meat, wanna go into those bushes and let me suck your fat dwarf cock?
>"What? The fuck, no.
>Faggot Elf Dissaproves -5
>Morrigan Dissaproves -5
This shit literally reads like its written by a kissless virgin that has never actually flirted with anyone before, every scene is so fucking awkward and forced that I just did my best to avoid the romance garbage in both games. I can't imagine how so many retards actually love that shit, though I guess autism is on the rise and people are more lonely and socially retarded than ever before, so it makes sense that zoomers would love two videogame characters that flirt with each other like they both have debilitating aspergers.
>“They were like, ‘We needed [Dragon Age: Inquisition] to fail in order for people to realize that this isn’t the right way to make games.’”
I am well familiar with this feeling.
Schreier is a good writer and got where he is through skill and hard work sure I mean its normal for a video game writer's wedding to be advertised in the NY Times no favoritism or nepotism here.
Reminder to read the pastebin
OP is a fucking faggot
The thing about Bioware is that they used to have a pristine record of some of the best made games of all time.
It's really like 2010 onward they started fucking up.
For a while there though they were considered Rockstar levels of reliably great games.
>Based dwarfbros instead of empty doujinbait whores
Unironically would have made his shitty VN non-game 10 times better
I know there's a joke about jews being rats but did he actually have to marry a real rat?
What industry? Some sort of software meme?
half the shit is made up in those articles and the testimonies are hearsay more than anything
Both of them look horrible for their age
Yeah, kill all those childrens jason :)
He's a Jew and NY is Jewtropolis catch up slow poke
I'd do her tbqhwy.
Bioware romances were never that good, people like them more for fantasies of alien pussy in themselves than for the actual quality of writing.
>his parents own a factory
>her parents own a media firm
Why are Jews so powerful and is it possible to stop them?
True. Freelancer still their most pathetic protagonist. Manlet Ryder got laid.
I agree about the criticism of Dragon Age's romance system, but ME2 and 3 were excellent games.
It's when the team pretty much told Gaider that he's a hack with terrible ideas and got huffy and insisted it's not his fault that no other stories exist besides "ancient evil finds ancient artifact".
>VN Japgook hentaiwhore shit
>"Our" hobby
Faggots like you are not real gamers. Stop polluting our community with your Down's syndrome cartoon porn obsession.
Even if the writing for the romances was top quality, the mechanics would still make it cringey shit for pillow fuckers.
I mean, how sadbrain do you have to be to feel an emotional connection to a character when all you're doing is picking the correct responses in a handful of conversations so that you can get rewarded with a fade to black sex scene?
How can anyone find that romantic? It's the fucking opposite of romance.
Have sex
Remember Jason Schrier attempted multiple times to end Yong Yea's career he is not our guy.
>but ME2 and 3 were excellent games.
I entirely disagree, they weren't even RPGs anymore. Just boring third person shooters with terrible writing and really really awkward shoehorned romance that made the characters all seem like they had autism
>cool designs instead of boring waifu bait would have made the game better
>hurr have sex