How do you fuck up this bad? Apex was handed a free win, it had the momentum, it had the anti-EGS fans...

How do you fuck up this bad? Apex was handed a free win, it had the momentum, it had the anti-EGS fans, it had everything.

Then it crashed and burned because lazy, incompetent devs.

Attached: apex-legends-logo-ftr_175s2k8gp3yw7106ov4jxxiadi.png (960x540, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

thing that annoys me is the tryhard fucking bullshit where the only way to do damage is to go for the head. Landing 3 shots center mass with a peacekeeper on a guy with white armor should kill him.

then there's the shit currency in the game, and the stuttering/lagging, etc etc. They need to shape up fast. I would've left already if my buddies didn't enjoy it.

Wait, it crashed and burned? I've thought it's the most popular and succesful game currently.

It's not beating Fortnite in Twitch viewers so to Yea Forums that means the game has zero people playing it.

Noone wants to play literal jungle apes and sheboons.

This game killed my r9 390x, NOT EVEN FUCKING JOKING

It overheated and crashed untill it just died

Like the game tho

Looking at the numbers, it doesn't seem true, /pol/.

>constant crashes
>champion abilities destroy variety in squad comp
>Game doesn't work with different amount of team members
>It's a battle royale

Really just suffering from FotM syndrome. The gameplay gets bland pretty quickly. Anyone still keeping at it strong are either successful streamers with the fanbase or people who can't handle the idea of playing Fortnite or a normal shooter.

Fuck stupid zoomers

This, we've finally embraced the future.

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How dumb are you that you think it was this one certain game that broke your card?

Did it break everyone else's? No? Just you? Wow, maybe it was your fault somehow.

It had nothing but popular streamers to advertise it to gullible kids

Attached: how do you do.jpg (750x428, 114K)

>Currently in the Chinese server there were at least 20 advertisement bots who will disconnect the moment the game start, leaving the game only with a population of 40 in mostly incomplete groups
>And out of these 40 people there's an average of 2 aimbotters

This game is already fucking dead at the East since mid March.

They really need to fix up the character designs.

It was fucking shit from day one. No-one would fucking listen to me
Fuck you all for liking this garbage and fuck the EA marketeers that spammed this board for a couple of weeks

Attached: YOU FUCKED UP MY FACE.webm (364x468, 268K)

All of these.
It's bullshit when I unload a full clip into someone and they down me with a wingman shot to the head.

The lag has been especially insufferable. Idk if the servers haven't been designed for so many players, but I hate running like my character is walking through molasses



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>victim blaming
Wow, ok buddy

>Using Twitch as a metric.

Attached: 1553907764498.gif (400x300, 814K)

It was destined to crumble.
No balance, Wraith is in every squad.
While the map is huge it lacks depth, everything is strightforward.


It's not like dota where you can invent things and change metas and therefore keep things afloat.
I mean, for Gods sake, it's a battle royale, it's just a matter of time something else will substitute Apex.

Attached: 1551683054079.gif (250x341, 2.88M)

I don't even play this shitty game but when did Yea Forums get so fucking casual? Just aim for the head

As opposed too...?

user, Yea Forums is filled with swarthy monkeys from reddit who don’t know any better, they’re as casual as it gets

>it's tryharding because you have to aim for the fucking head.

The state of fotm br fags

I‘ve been telling you guys this from the start. Respawn does not work fast enough to sustain a battle royale played by fickle zoomers demanding major content updates every month because the core game gets boring after a week or two.

>teasing people with emojis whenever the battle pass was questioned like they were smug of it's greatness
>people getting hype since Fortnite had already set a high standard on theirs
>shit BP drops because they want to give people more time to learn the game LMAO
>wraith players
>too scared to try bigger patch changes
>shit voice chat
>constantly have to deal with people dipping out early
>dropping still feels bad because you can get stuck on other groups dropping
>laggy bullshit sometimes and severs still choking occasionally

t. epic employee

Attached: godpleasenoooooo.png (609x596, 69K)

they fumbled the battle pass.
i haven't played in like a week, just feels shit with the current progression now that i'm 100 on normal levels
also having to swap characters to actually get decent battle pass xp is fucking dumb

>tfw made that pic
Post the full version

Attached: Apex.png (1686x680, 257K)

I didn't touch it at all because it looked shit from the start. It did prompt me to play Titanfall 2 a little, though.

seriously though why is the voice chat so bad

lol. battleroyale generation literally so incompetent they cant aim for the head.

As opposed to people PLAYING a game.

Dumb Amerifats.


If only some companies weren't afraid to show the actual number of people playing their games


The pings make it so there isn't a need to chat, the pings are great but it kills any voice chat that makes it fun.

You're a retard

>voice chat

I turn that shit off in every game

Then you're an autist.

Explain yourself

I'm here to play a game not listen to you talk about your day.

What if its a game reliant on call outs and team work? I bet you have an anime profile on steam.

I would love this game if I didn't get blitzed by hackers literally every game. I honestly don't get why hackers are so incredibly rampant in this game. I can't think of any other game where it was this bad.

it's probably just using the standard shit that comes baked in the source engine

like release day CSGO shit, even valve slaps something better on their games now

>What if its a game reliant on call outs and team work?
I don't play those with randoms.
>I bet you have an anime profile on steam.
I haven't watched anime since Trigun was on Adult Swim.

Why does it feel so sluggish and clunky? People move and jump like fleas on cocaine but aiming is so slow

I think the game is great, but it's amazing how they have like 4 people making the game when they had lightning in a fucking bottle. It took them 6 weeks to do a basic balance patch that fixed nothing. They still refuse to fix things under the guise of, "lol meme weapons be bad love memes some guns are just going to be flat-out better fuck balance :D"

Meanwhile half the roster is literally unplayable and the other half is, "Well he picked Wraith so this is my backup".

Oh, and the hackers on PC are out of control.

>I honestly don't get why hackers are so incredibly rampant in this game
the anti cheat system they use is complete shit. here's a tip for future multiplayer game devs. Don't fucking use easy anti-cheat in your game.

fuck this keyboard and fuck my fingers

It's funny I found this perfect like 3 days after the game launched and it's still relevant.

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well you're gay

>Constant crash with no communication from the devs
>No region browser so you can changed servers when one region is fucked up(that happen almost everyday)
>barely any events so people got bored
Fartnite is shit, but at least they are competent devs
As a cybercafe owner Apex is a fucking disaster to manage, people keep asking me why it crash and lagging all the time compare to Fortnite.
Because the fucking devs can't manage a simple communication between their players.

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It's really not that upsetting. It's a stupid game where you run around and fucking shoot at people. It's mindless bullshit. Why do you have to self-insert? For that matter, play Caustic and gas everyone xD!!!!!

>Toxic white man gases minorities
>Newest character is a spic junkie
>Lifeline clearly portrayed as some kind of genetic abomination

I wish we had more voice commands. Like sorry, good job and sutff. I like using voice commands, maybe I'll use voice chat in certain scenarios but most of the time I play around with voice commands, I find it very fun.

Attached: 3.gif (480x270, 994K)

Respawn are not entirerly to blame, ea greed with making you pay for acess to all classes can't have fucking helped.

But I'm sure the game is doing fine, it probably could be doing better if it was better handled but twitch views are not a reliable indicator of success.

I actually pick caustic constantly.
>TFW you down someone and drop a gas tank next to them, look them in the eye, and proceed to punch them back in to the gas as they try to squirm away.
Pretty fun.

>game failed because it didn't provide microtransactions fast enough
Truly this is clown world.

Man I love the autistic rage punch he does for his finisher

I don't know the last patch solved the crash problem almost completely.

As for cheaters I don't think I've stumbled on them yet, even if some guys can be suspicious some times with crazy kill count like 16 kills in the same game, when you monitor them they're simply very skilled. It's still much less a problem than in CSGO, at least in Europe.

Only 1 map gets boring fast though, I hope they add real content soon.

>twitch viewer spam threads when it beats fortnite
>denial when it starts to decline "j-just wait for battlepass! it will soar again!"
>now "n-nuh twitch viewer doesn't matter ha...ha..."

It is still my favourite BR that i have played but i think this is more of a sign that the BR genre has reached its peak like MMOs.
People who really liked BRs are still attached to fortnight and no other BR will have that same lasting power.

It also needs more gamemodes and suffers from hackers.

Attached: apexlegends.jpg (1167x615, 42K)

Interesting lines:
>It all ends the same way ... with me observing.
>I have no regrets, it's not in my DNA
>I will not appologize for simply expediting the inevitable.
>Intelligence is a dying breed, but not today.
>Know your place ... I know mine.
>My methods are only controversial to those who lack imagination.
>You and I are not equals, remember this.
>Being fundamentally better sours the taste of victory.
>Don't look for sympathy, you won't find it.
>"Humanity" ... it's just a word.
>It's simple really, I'm just better than you.
>Know your place, at the bottom of the food chain.
>I don't concern me with the ambitions of insects.
>The bigger trap, is your own mind.
>In time the strong will filter out the weak
>You thought we were equals ... foolish.

Attached: Caustic.png (546x858, 507K)

And where are the numbers for that, brainlet third-worlder?

>>Using Twitch as a metric.

This is what Valve drones did, yes.

Attached: cringe valve fans.png (1608x1029, 148K)

>A clown world without a clown GF.
Worst timeline?

Attached: The Clown GF.png (1112x1438, 484K)

turns out all the shilling in the world didn't matter because fortnite is better

#of cucks paying whores and fags to play video games does not equate to popularity. Show us some goddamn player population stats or earnings.

the map shit is so wrong

out of all the BRs apex easily has the best map design. theres actually choke points and rotational patterns as well as meaningful high ground and buildings to control. some areas also encourage unconventional movement like how swamp is sprawling with zip lines while the ground is all wet and hinders mobility, and skull town has immense verticality with multiple levels of high ground

>because fortnite is better
Because fortnite has millions of 12 year old autists

Attached: yuyugyugguihi.png (598x579, 84K)

Attached: 1up cunt.png (1354x829, 1.1M)

Pretty much they paid shitload of $$$ to get momentum going. And then decided to not release solo mode and gave us shitty battlepass instead.

it only crashes rampantly on window 7, the memory can not be read crash specifically

i relutlantly upgraded to win10 and has never crashed once in the past 2 weeks when i would crash every other match on win7

>I can build a wall to avoid losing due to my lack of positioning. I can spam a stairway for 2-5 minutes instead of actually having to aim. I can spam rockets to win!
Better seems highly subjective.

Attached: 1553773130418.png (332x512, 186K)

no solo mode helps it thrive so autists can pretend like their teammates are shit instead of putting the blame on themselves or blaming the game

also the paid promotional stuff is pretty common, epic paid plenty of youtubers to promote fortnite, even that garbage chink pubg rip off ring of elysium paid shroud to play it

There's a region browser, not sure what the key is but you access it right when you start the game and before you "login" to Apex. I think it's backspace?
W10 here, I had about 4 crashes per hour. Played today and had no crashes in about an hour of play, but I doubt it's truly fixed.

does it? I play with voice chat off and mostly play solos.

>adults should be having sex instead of playing video games anyway

what crash is it? because i have not received the memory cannot be read crash at all since my upgrade

>There's a region browser,
>wait the game to failed to connect to see the server broswer.
Lmao, google the fuck out of it how and thinks if your average shitter will ever notice how to open it.
No wonder this game is failing.

>no anticheat
>no way to disable weapon fov zoom to get a 1:1 hip to ADS on all guns
>awful netcode
there are more issues but coming from siege and BF4 the forced fov zoom ruined it for me more than anything else

This but also just pressing left mouse button should do the same damage as aiming, aiming is tryhard af. I dont know what retard thought aiming was a good idea in a first person shooter game.

I played with a guy that ran off and soloed about 10 squads, pretty sure it's just that people are bad at the game. Also so far I've found that wingamn and lmgs hip fired are the some of the best ways to ruin someone while maintaining mobility and vision. But that's if you're like me and don't have a 100% headshot ratio with ADS wingman.

being able to build cover means not having to memorize every inch of a gigantic battle royale map to avoid getting ganked. being able to build stairs and shit lets you reposition and makes fights more interesting. also the endgame is actually different and interesting with building bases rotations keeping high ground and all that instead of being just another fight

I didn't know raimi was a writer for respawn

>incompetent devs
>anything from, with, etc. by EA

News at 11.

Why would you pay a notorious cheater to play your game?

>Complains about no anti cheat
>in the very next line complains that he can't cheat

Holy shit, this legit sounds fake. Can't tell if the writers are being cheeky or they unintentionally wrote it like that

isn't it just the first season? people need to chill out

>snail's pace content updates and balance changes
>legend and weapon balance is shit
>map is full of copy pasted buildings which gets old
>cosmetics so shit not even zoomers care about them
>new characters not included in season pass

To fix it you'd need weekly content drops of either weapons,items or map changes and way better dev communication.
Sucks cause the game was fun for the first few weeks

Attached: 1546616967023.png (1063x1063, 245K)

ded already? :O

No shit that map is fun when you casually play and see alot of places to climb and zip.
Later you oly care about loot rng and avoiding such places like a swamp.

Good for her bullies were only half right.

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Real and gas pilled.

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Based. Too bad the game is battle royale shit

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I find that I have the least ammount of enjoyment in the more open areas. And as such prefer to try and avoid them.

Attached: Inbread Cat.jpg (443x719, 44K)

>As a cybercafe owner
that's still a thing in $currentYear?

It is in best korea.

>shooter game
>avoidance of open spaces is a personal opinion

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Try to tell that to my team mates as they walk across an open field.

Attached: Cat (62).jpg (1024x681, 95K)

i'm close to hitting 200h and there are a lot of problems that are easy as fuck to fix, but devs are niggers and dropped hard
>shit netcode
>still frequent crashes
>'slow-motion' lags at the start of the game every few matches
>battle-pass is underwhelming and takes an awful amount of playtime to level up to the max
>no communication, even though they promised weekly updates
>only few guns are viable end-game, snipers are useless due to retarded projectile speed
>the only new added gun (havoc) is amongst the worst guns in the game
>the skins are expensive as fuck, not to mention ugly 90% of the time
>no free lootboxes after you hit lvl100
>still no reason to not play wraith 100% of the time
the hitboxes are the worst. why the fuck would you ever pick a character with 200%+ bigger hitbox if it has the same amount of hp as fucking wraith, which also has naruto run.
respawn is hitting valve levels of being lazy and incompetent. i can only hope that other aaa devs will learn from their mistakes and release their own BR that aren't such a shitshow.

Attached: 1535952518216.png (1010x767, 1016K)

>don't address the fact that wraith is incredibly overpowered
>don't address the other hitbox issues
>peacekeeper is still by far the best gun in the game
>don't address how some guns are completely useless
>continue to be woke and progressive
>wonder why your game is bleeding players

Attached: 1526983047392.gif (320x240, 1.58M)

I don't take myself too seriously. I don't take myself anywhere really... I should go out more often.

How in the world is Wraith OP, she does nothing.

>arsenal is exactly the same from 2
>even the same guns are overpowered

they will not be addressing anything btw

I just started playing and some guy yelled at me saying I was fucking stupid for not shooting when I had no ammo and I didn't know what melee key was. Had a game where one guy carried me to victory.

She has the smallest hitbox in the game and the best abilities during a firefight.

Explain to a casual how phasing is OP during firefight apart of dodging incoming fire. You don't see where the enemies are.

abilities don't mean shit when your hitbox is 1/2 the size of everyone else. choose wraith, pick up a wingman and spam ADADADAD while shooting randomly in their direction and i GUARANTEE you will win most of your gunfights with minimal skill needed

>become invincible
>reposition for free, completely in safety

this ability was in 2 as well and guess what, it was overpowered

Because hitboxes are incredibly important in a game like this, and she has by far the smallest one, the most unnatural and therefore hardest to headshot running animation, and she has excellent abilities. Octane might end up being a tad better in the end but thats just fuel on the fire. They need to compensate hit box differences with increased durability, or something like that. Gibralter is literal trash just because a blind monkey can fire blindly anywhere in his direction and land every shot.

>dude how dodging bullets is OP

You can don't take damage during and can use it to get out or get in easily. But the more important thing is the smallest hitbox by far whilst having the same amount of health as everyone else.

you can just fuck off when your hp gets low enough and get behind your teammates, it's useless when you're alone since enemies will chase you down, but when there's anyone else on your squad alive you basically have 2 lives

More like they paid streamers to stream this for a month or so. And now those contracts are up.

I was only playing Lifeline and Octane. WTF I am Wraith main now

Don't forget that pathfinders hitbox is like a head higher than his model.1

The momentum was fake. They paid streamers to play their below average game. This was a worse version of every existing fps and people only believed otherwise because of fabricated hype.

This is accurate.

it got fixed actually in the last update

>don't address how some guns are completely useless
They did but they said they wanted it that way
But even then it's absurd that the Mozambique is worse than melee

lifeline is also stupid, way too many useful abilities

Companies other than steam wont release playercounts. Only number of accounts.

I use one all the time because I'm stuck in another country for 3 months and dont have a decent laptop. Heaps of chinese.

Oh I didn't know that acknowledged it, what a bunch of retards.

>garbage movement physics
>aimpunch in 2019
>sidearms in a game that has oneshot weapons that dont require you to carry 300 ammo
really unless you kill someone in the first 3 seconds of the fight its over

They're cheaters not hackers.
Bet they never wrote a line of code in their lives.

But yeah, you're right. I play every now and again with my mates, and I'd say we encounter a cheater every second game at least.
Sometimes they are super obvious too.

Most make no effort to hide it. They don't care. Apex does nothing to prevent people from using hacks so there is no reason not to use them. Its especially ridiculous how many genuinely shit players use them as well. I've seen people with aimbots try and snipe with peacekeepers and people with speed hacks constantly speed hacking themselves off cliffs. Its ridiculous.

Still no Solo. The first week was pretty fun, but once I got a bit better and learned how to play all enjoyment turned into frustration. It's not fun constantly being teamed up one fuck who doesn't know how to play, and another playing like it is solo. It's not fun when the majority of your losses comes from your teammates insisting on going bunker or dropship.

path-chads ww@
reply if u like losing at picking phase

Attached: rock bottom.jpg (418x571, 92K)

>wants to play a team based game
>bitches they can't solo everything
Get some friends nerd.

respawn is literally all diversity hires which is why the character design is worse than fortnite skins

Wraith is pretty hot though. Everyone else is uggo

Attached: 1551481689946.jpg (1317x1454, 505K)

wraith's design is literally stolen from One punch man

hit boxes were a questionable design choice in a 3-player squad. the smallest have such an advantage that you wonder if they weren't close to redoing it and said fuck it

I know, it's a 3d version of speed of sound

Attached: a2744a93d00b6a809df2a101fb3540e1.jpg (780x1300, 87K)

>have 6 kills, 1200 damage
>playing with rando's
>3 squads left
>get beamed in head by solo aimbotter
>he goes on to win

>tfw you'll never have a q.t 3.14 clown gf

Attached: 1512005575204.jpg (729x956, 108K)

>hitbox smaller than a flaccid asian dick
>hunched over when standing or weeb running so it's even smaller
>can danny phantom out of a fight

>Wraith is pretty hot though.
she's not. her face looks like a fucking potato, which is a shame cause it could be easily fixed. she looks better in fanart

Attached: 1538690970343.jpg (1376x544, 132K)

Not enough devs in respawn to push a lot of content consistently.

>auto shotty wraith

It was never good. Just got hyped cause of paid streamers and the wish of Fortnite getting killed

Dunno I'm fucked in the head. She looks pretty as fuck in the selection screen, my taste is just "unique"

>leddit-tier argument
bullshit, most of the changes that people want require like few people at most, they're just incompetent as fuck

>my taste is just "unique"
you have a shit taste. enjoy settling for a 4/10 goblina in future

Yeah, that's why epic axed all their projects to work on fortnite money printing machine.

most people are ugly
and what we would call stupid also

>8/10 gf
>head issues
"i have bpd lol"
>face piercing
7 is the realm to aim for

Her Q really isn't that good, you usually just delay death for a few seconds with it
Ult is decent, passive is okay
She's mostly picked for her hitbox

What region

Pathfinder truly is the best of champs

Attached: pathfinder guddest.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

apex doesn't need to match fortnite in terms of added content. balance and hitbox changes require minimal amount of effort. they already have new guns waiting to be added (from titanfall) and iirc making skins is already being outsourced.
face it, respawn are a bunch of niggers

this game is just shitty titanfall 2

That's why I put unique in quotations chucklefuck

This is like a copy paste complaint chart of when blackout released.
The design of every character is shit retarded and whoever made Gibraltar and lifeline should be hanged.
But you guys suck donkey at this game like most other games, just git gud.

but it's free

the fact is it was a custom mode of titanfall that was thrown together hastily to get people to download origin in time for anthem

anthem failed and EA bet on the wrong horse, apex became a surprise hit and they had no content to release and its community and netcode were ripping apart at the seams to accommodate the surge of new players

>pubs filled with retards
>no option to solo
>first season pass is just disappointing
>all the characters are fucking unberable except for "kinda quirky robot" and caustic
>weapons feel like ass
>no mute or report
>still having crashing issues
>blatant terrible item scaling
>already getting haxorz
>most characters are overpowerd as fuck

gee wizz i wonder why

Attached: 1qafakc7yv321.png (640x606, 452K)

>Then it crashed and burned because lazy, incompetent devs.

Did it? Or was it just flavour of the month, and the month ended.

this is me when people camp the lootship

>>peacekeeper is still by far the best gun in the game

P2020 is worse than the Mozambique

except ugly as fuck, a dumb piercing, and a roastie instead of a cute boy

What numbers?

>Laggy servers where everything is slowmotion
>Lobby is still broken for a ton of players, "Players not ready" happening during solo play and groups
>Generally awful netcode
>Newest patch made the netcode even worse, now bullets will hit enemies and get swallowed by the server
>Chink cheaters everywhere
>Extremely underwhelming Battlepass
>Voice chat is absolute garbage
>Physics can get you stuck on other teams when dropping
There's nothing wrong with EAC. Respawn is the problem considering their newest anti cheat measures are "bugged" according to them, on top of that you can literally disable EAC in Task Manager.

Totally fucking agree. The character design for half the legends is trash in their current state. Just let me play the legend i want so i can level up the stupid battle pass and get the one legendary that comes with it. Lately last few times i've logged on it feels like work getting up to max legend bonus on useless legends like caustic or gibby.

Attached: 1553977146392.png (399x400, 120K)

As much as I liked Apex, it has nothing going for it the skill ceiling is so low that nothing feels different. That's the only reason why I got bored and went back to Fortnite.


>literally disable EAC in Task Manager
shouldn't that insta-kill the game?

>be good at things
>underachievers get mad at you for it
When did video-games become high school? This is why we’ll never have a successful quake or counter strike game again, just casual BRshit

No u

Stop making up stuff about the game being dead.
It has so many players and the match starts instantly as soon as you are ready.
Game is still going strong. The battle pass rewards were disappointing tho.

Attached: app.jpg (1770x1842, 348K)

More like Ape legends lmao

>90% of the cast non white.
>White character goes around gassing everyone.
>Constantly noting how everyone is inferior/an insect/that they should know their place and how he's not equals with the other legends.
Is this the /pol/ approved character?

Attached: Caustic.jpg (950x633, 81K)

flavor of the month where all the people queueing up want to pick your character so you have to leave and queue up again


>Not playing at least 3 characters

>from 10 characters only 3 are meta because hitboxes are the most important thing
they did that themselves

What are you talking about, almost no one picks the 100% not nazi scientist that gasses people. So I get to pick him 90% of the time

Fuck you on about, t3 helmet was very strong in pubg

-shallow gameplay with small map and few players
-extremely ugly characters that look like fucked up toads

It'll pick up again once it becomes more rooted
Fortnite wasn't an overnight sensation from the day of release.

Once the 8,9,10 year olds that play Fortnite will want a more "mature" game once they're a couple of years older.

When I was 8 I was playing Sonic 3D when I was 10 I was playing Resident Evil.

All they need to do is spread the word that fortnite is for little kids and it'll be dropped for the same game but slightly grimdarker.

>same game
does not compute

>play him
>he’s a fat ugly cunt that’s only good for building camping
>only people that play him are hardcore redditors with some form of autism
>they average 100dmg per match
I wanted to like him, but he’s just pure shit.
I’m stuck playing jungle monkeys like bagalore so i can farm zoomers. Until I quit after I found out they literally aren’t doing anything like adding leaderboards or making interesting content.

honestly im just sick of armor in games acting like a second health bar now

Where's the difference in surviving because your shield gave you an extra 50 life, and surviving because your shield gave you a 50% damage reduction

Is the problem the game or the zoomers? Serious question because when I was that age I was playing shit like TFC, CS, Quake 3, UT, StarCraft, etc. for months if not years without changes. New maps sometimes but even then how many thousands of times have I played 2fort, de_dust, facing worlds, etc?

Are games such shit that the devs have to basically redesign them six times a year to keep attention or are zoomers just smartphone-addled retards?

I actually did pretty well with him quite a few times, main problem is when the team decides running in to the huge open spaces is a good idea, instead of sticking to cover. Have like 3 wins out of like 10 or so games with him.

having 10 hp with a chance of being killed by 1-2 shots vs having 60(10 health plus 50 shield) and being killed by half a a quarter to half a mag is a pretty big survival difference

yes, not as huge as before but it's a niche market. I know a guy who runs a "gaming" cybercafe and has cool screens, rgb keyboards and all that shit and his local is full of middle-school kids who can't afford a high end pc.

because games like fortnite, apex and blackout aren't balanced around having "armor" your base health is still the same as it always was and it just requires a ludicrous amount of bullets to kill

Shooters that take more than 5 bullets to kill isn't fun, H1Z1 had combat down the best majority of armor only blocking 1 shot and rare armor blocking 2, but you could always instakill them with a headshot w/o helmet
PUBG I liked more but the game was more stiff and more about hiding and being passive due to all the flora in the game

Everything else has been shit shield drinking garbage, tho blackout is the best out of the new age royales

>having 10 hp with a chance of being killed by 1-2 shots vs having 60(10 health plus 50 shield) and being killed by half a a quarter to half a mag is a pretty big survival difference
Yeah except you're assuming you already got hit for 90 damage in that case, and the armor guy with 50% damage reduction got hit for 45, aka he's at 55

Changed to borderless windowed mode and my crashes stopped. Just gotta try different things

Yeah I’m already back to play quake champions

No major updates for over a month and season 1 and the battlepass is awful, all the skins are just recolors.

You just prefer low ttk games, having shields or having armour with damage reduction changes nothing in that regard
PUBG could also have guns that deal half the damage they do now

>shooters that take more than 5 bullets to kill isnt fun

Counterpoint: battlefield bad company and halo

You're right, remove all useful abilities.

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>medic class can also just heal themself
makes sense till you wind up BF4 and everyone is "medic" because why the fuck not?
Lifeline's biggest offense is her free rapid healing item use to make breaking line of sight a five minute rest break.

my biggest gripe is the tiered armor system

>game looked like shit
>but it made me play the other game that looks like shit

>not having grapple distance tracker
you disgust me, you're a fake path-chad

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>not unbearable
you're just saying that because he's white. He's the most edgy faggot in the game.

dont play br games

>upgraded to win10

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>no mute or report

They have both, although I will admit that you can't mute people early enough and the report function isn't the best.

I don't get any crashed but the game just refuses to load correctly unless I fuck around with alt-tab.

atleast he doesn't spout military shit and put up a fake ass jamaican accent

>Fortnite babby is mad

Octane is the best legend when it comes to lines/voice and top tier in gameplay.
Guy's a fucking beast. So many people never really expect you to flank them and with that speed, they're done for.

never post on my board again


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this twitchfags are te equivalent of rotten tomato fags from Yea Forums

>not “Better than the longbow in basically every way” Wingman

>Are games such shit that the devs have to basically redesign them six times a year to keep attention or are zoomers just smartphone-addled retards?
Zoomers are retards hence why they eat up unfinished piece of shit games as long as they update twelve times a year.

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Shit balancing. Shit net code. Battle pass is a joke.

Then fortnite came out with a huge update and killed it lmao. Don't care battle royales need to die.

the game has only been out for two months

The amount of cheaters,broken hitboxes and lagged up servers pisses me off. These devs really dropped the ball hard.

>twitch views

Oh god, you must be like 12 if that’s how game population works to you. Literally any top streamer can effect the views of any game.

Niggers, spics, and Jews.

Yeah, people want a lot from BRs so quickly now. People don’t know what Season 1 of Fortnite was like, or how PUBG was somehow even MORE buggy back then and could barely run smooth on a good rig, not even gonna start with H1Z1.

For a BR that’s only been out 2 months it’s been insane.

If you don't keep the momentum going, your fanbase will just move on to something else.
Apex Legends has not released a single good thing after it came out, it actually got worse.
That's how Apex Legend's initial success was measured. People were saying it was the Fortnite killer because it had double the twitch views.

>instant matchmaking 24/7
>game dead

Aside from the usual stormfront pol-fare what exactly is your complaints about the aesthetics of the game? I was never into Fortnite and a big part of it was the visuals, which I find distasteful.

They fixed the crashes but it was after a lot of people left

"What happened" was that it's a FOTM and anyone doing battle pass stuff got in, did what they needed to do, and left. They'll probably come back next season

this game fucking horrible in solo q

dev so incompetent all of the characters have different hitboxes, unloading a full clip on a wraith and hitting at least the body is an accomplishment in itself

>solo queue is grouping with 9 year olds with 2 hours played
>rng armor
>rng guns
for a free to play, i would kind of like a refund

Blackout is unironically better than Cuckpex.

i think rng loot is just part of being a BR, the main problem I see is the literal amount of loot is super low, per location. If you compare it to something like PUBG. So if you checked every single loot spawn in one location (which doesn't take long) and didn't get even a blue armor, it sucks

Fortnite has like 10 gamemodes and instant matchmaking while Apex only 1

p2020 and thermite > eva8 and blue armor
every time

>and caustic

You've been playing 4.58 hours per day in average since the game released

What the fucks wrong with you autist lmbo

here's your next legend bro

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game is only good when playing with friends
but I think that can be said with any video game

I honestly don't understand this, I play a game because it's fun. I don't play to grind a battlepass or a platinum achievement; once the game stops being fun then it's time to stop.

For me, the big issue with Apex is the same issue with any team-based game; playing with randoms isn't very fun, usually. I don't think it's very feasible to carry or solo either, but perhaps people who are amazing can actually wingman squads solo pretty often.

game will be dead in 3 months who cares
season 1 is a babysitting holding pattern

Wingman is the ultra tryhard weapon idiot.

rose look passable but wtf is up with wattson, and hussaria they look like crackhead, wattson in particulars look like a fucking white monkey


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p2020 is trash heap bad. you can 2 bang people with the eva8 early game.

crypto will have an ultimate where he tells you about bitcoin and won't shut up for 40 minutes

>Wraith main
The quintessential Apex tryhard.

Literally no updates compared to the only other big game in the market, i would say hackers but only found 2 in 200 hours, must suck to play in NA or chinkland where i hear they are rampant

R99/wingman is the new meta hotness bruh.

Biggest issue for me is my hits not registering then getting down in two shots with purple armor. It really puts you off the game, it's so disgusting. Other than that I'm having tons of fun.

This. Fuck ADS. Shits for the fucking birds. And I'm NOT making this up.

firing from the "hip" or carry position is perfectly capable of landing with 100% accuracy on a man sized target at up to 50 yards with modest training. the whole "hip fire massively reduces accuracy" tom clancy shit has carried over into every game. you should ads when you're trying to make your target small, but games today want you to ads when you're trying to target, period.

They should of just made classes not characters that way the skins wouldn't be so shit

The hackers are what killed it for me.
It's not even that I think everybody who outplays me or kills me is a hacker. It's just that there are so many hackers and I've had so many wins stolen by people blatantly aimbotting that it's hard to ever feel like "wow that was a fun fight that I lost due to the skill of the other opponent" since you never know if they're actually just hacking or not.

I've been hanging out with a really cute girl that is mute, and sometimes we play games online together. After hanging out with her, I've started to really appreciate devs that take the time to add shit like this. Playing games online can be kind of tricky since she has to type everything, but when a game has nice voice commands its a lot easier for her to give me a heads up about something without having to stop for 5 seconds to write it out

Picking wriath and pressing left right left right isn't beeing good at things

Hipfiring is actually pretty accurate in this game

the true question is:
is titanfall 2 still alive?

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It's not dead, far from it. I got a 1400+ queue last saturday, immediately got in and any day you can get a game going within seconds.

I'm... I'm sorry, user.

>use the sorry ping on Caustic
>he doesn't actually say sorry he just insults

i got it for free
just asking because it looks fun

relatively maybe, but the spray from hip drops off steep if you're 15 feet away. it's like your barrel turns into a wet noodle

don't know if they've added solo yet but it will ruin the game. not that I play it anymore anyways. Instead of securing an area because you have a team and using strats, you literally secure you're own 2meters, and some random fago will insta you,(or you them)from behind like every other BR.

I haven't seen the twitch fags around since GTA fucking V started beating fartnite

i don't understand gta rp. everytime i tune in to one, they are sitting there or driving. it's a bit like the sims

Thats point-firing, not hipfiring.

I quit because I'm legit bad at it and the game doesn't give you the tools to get gud.

>either drop in hotspots with the good players and get trashed instantly (or just get fucked by bad gun rng and get dumpstered by anyone with purple armor and peacekeepers)
>or land far away from everyone, spend 10 minutes looting to every 1 minute in a firefight

That said I love it as a game, the movemet options are fantastic, the time to kill is not too short and the guns feel good to fire. I'm just bad at it.

>Constant crash with no communication from the devs

They literally post every 3 days - a week on Reddit.

>there's no way to test out the gun attachments outside of a match
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fucking why I don't even know what half the attachments do exactly because there's no way to test

>I'm a shitter who needs to win fights by shooting first and not accurately
High TTK games are always higher skill ceiling, and better compensates for latency or tickrate issues or spikes.

Crafting metals drip down so slow it's almost impossible to craft a skin.

I played a few matches but it isn't worth restarting to windows just to play.

>get two legendary craft materials
>craft legendary skin

wow so hard

It literally fucking tells you when you mouse over the item in the inventory what they do you dumb cunts.

>they actually put non whites in their game
gamers, we can't let them get away with this one...

The only problem with the game is the toxic white male character

I got 2 legendary items (you can see it from the badge) and I'm like level 92. total of 600 crafting metals or so and never spend any. I quit 2 weeks ago

Wow I knew Yea Forums hated games and was bad at them but this is next level BS. It's a FTP bretty fun game with a flying robot and a dude who can go beast mode. If you really suck just land in skulltown over and over and keep dying till you learn how to aim and kill people before they kill you. Landing a million miles away and looting for 30 minutes isn't going to help you git gud when you come up against the last squad who mercs you cause they've been all out free for all fighting the rest of the server the whole time.

Like half the games I win it comes as a surprise, like 'Oh wait, that was the last squad?' because it's just one firefight that immediately bleeds into the next for 20 solid minutes.

ok, what does the blue shotgun barrel do then?


How faster?

really makes you wonder if Yea Forums plays games

Oh. Interesting, in TF2 there's a company called Vinson Dynamics. Guess that's where that comes from

Why does it matter? There is a progression system in place. 4>3>2>1. The exact numbers are immaterial. You're not doing mental arithmetic while in a gunfight so stop acting like you are.

Also, quality movement of goalposts.

kill yourself shill, its the perfect time because apshit is dead too

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>I'll be a better player if I know whether the blue bolt increases the rate by 10% or 15%!

>dude just get crafting materials in your apex packs
nice one brainlet

no answer then? ok retards

>latest patch literally reseted people's accounts
nice, probably easily rollbacked, but the fuckup is funny to watch

update just rolled out. most important stuff:
>Added the ability to party up with the last squad you played with
>Added Mute button during the intro and Legend selection.
>When using the Report Player button for PC, you now have the option of selecting Cheat or Other
>Added informative messages that appear on PC for crashes
STILL NO FUCKING RECONNECT BUTTON. also i probably should stop calling people niggers if they can report me for it

Seeing as how easy it is to cheat in this game I've stopped completely.
No such thing as hardware bans in this game

The real issue are the perfomance (crashes) and hackers
It's not that hard. There are so many Wraiths in this game you should be used to them by now.

The game is really fun, especially the movement and the guns but it has some clear problems that need to be fixed asap.

>Like half the games I win it comes as a surprise, like 'Oh wait, that was the last squad?' because it's just one firefight that immediately bleeds into the next for 20 solid minutes.
Third partying is a big problem actually, compound on top of that who ever gets the first shot on you has a big advantage, then add another layer of faulty hit reg if you're not really close to the server.

It got me to play Titanfall 2 and looking forward to Titanfall 3, which was probably the point of this recycled asset trash. It was never meant to
have any real support and just fire and forget marketing to begin with.

Titanfall 2 is far from perfect, but still better than any other PC FPS that's come out between 2016 and 2019. I wish I had gotten it on release.

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can you lads even play the fucking game?
I installed the update, lost all my levels and my 40 loot crates, thankfully i don't give a shit for that, and played 3 games
then all I get is "can't connect to EA" for hours

They turned off the servers to figure out wtf is going on

knowing the exact fire rate matters because it affects how often you can pop out behind cover and fire a shot. the game gives you zero opportunity to learn this outside of a match, which is bullshit because of how rng it is

>get gud
I'm trying but the game won't let me try out the mechanics. since I'm bad and the game won't let me get gud I'm quitting, no reason to put up with the bs.

If you can't git gud now, knowing the difference % difference between Blue and Purple items won't save you. Seriously.

It's just one example of how the game doesn't give you the tools to improve. Every other game in existence lets you test out mechanics in single player. In Apex it's "just hope no one else picks Pathfinder (quit if they do) then throw the match so you can figure out grapple timings xD"

Pathfinders grapple system is pretty damn intuitive, if you can't figure it out after a few games, there is no hope for you.

no retard, its because it made 50 millon accounts in 1 month instead of 18 weeks like fortnite

oh ok i thought it was intentional

Is this the part where they go broke

Not sure. I am in the western US so whatever that one gets looped to I suppose. PC is really fucking bad with cheaters right now. I literally have never seen a game where its so rampant.

it is alive user, dont worry
just expect to get steam rolled for your first few games

GPU doesn't die on you, if it's physicaly in good shape (not mangled, no dust in fans etc.) or you don't overclock it like a mongoloid. Judging from your choice of graphics card and reddit spacing, you probably have both of the problems.

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What did you expect from underage dipshit?

On Europe I've seen 3 or so in 200h

>knowing the exact fire rate matters because it affects how often you can pop out behind cover and fire a shot.
literally nobody calculates down to 0.9 or 0.8 seconds before firing again, you ingrain that by using the gun