What are the best games to play while stoned?

What are the best games to play while stoned?

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games you already like

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Morrowind for sure


The one where you kys for being a druggie loser


I didn't know negros posted here.

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Have sex


Kingdom come deliverance

But dude...

All of them, you dumb fucking dummy

>look mom!


PoE came out on ps4

>be me
>years ago
>slinging weed
>playing vidya while slinging weed
>buyers usually play a bit of vidya with me
>sell to a few zoomers
>one day realize that my controllers are pretty filthy
>take pocket knife and scrape the gunk out from the gaps of the controllers
>have a large pile of gunk
>roll it into a ball because it's gross
>zoomer comes to make a purchase
>he sees the ball of gunk
>"breh is that hash?!"
>say yes
>he asks me how much money for it
>tell him 50
>he buys it
>during his next visit he tells me how great the hash was and how it fucked him up
>he asks me for more

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when I was walking my dog I found a bag on the ground just like the ones in your pic. I immediately called the police.

And don't play horror games unless you want nightmarish stomach cramps


Name one game that can do this


foremost message most outstanding message


I hope you didn't have caffeine, tobacco, artificial flavouring, chocolate and million of other mind-altering substances in past 3 years (duration after which you can call yourself an abstinent) because that would make you druggie too.


No Man's Sky is legit engrossing as hell when you're high.

TitanFall 2 multiplayer while stoned off my tits is fun too, some of my highest scoring matches were me playing high.

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Don’t forget sugar.
Highly addictive and extremely unhealthy.

have sex

I'm sure those cops had a great time smoking it, whoever's bag it actually was probably wasn't too happy though

>Learned that 95% of weed is just indica
Why do people do this again? It's basically sleep medicine.

being a druggy is cultural, not substance related. retard

sold a bunch of 12-14 year olds basilico for 50 bucks


Funfact: Drugs are actually for for losers.

pic related, also: Journey.

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>non-drugs are drugs
bro oxygen is a drug bro you're breathing oxygen therefore you're a druggie bro

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and yet your brain needs it to function

I've been playing RS2 for that authentic vietnam experience
Shit does get pretty intense from time to time though, especially if you're playing VC and you notice a flamethrower headed your way

Super Mario Galaxy while high is still one of the greatest gaming experiences of my life, no joke.

fucking love that game.


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Lootershooters, srpgs, jrpgs, tetris.
Something that you can play on autopilot

Ooh so I can smoke everyday but still be ok as long as I don't sibscribe to stoner rasta dreads cupture? Cool
Too bad others don't share your viewpoint.


Bend over

>It's not drug because I said so

Jesus Christ.

where does the line from drug to not drug even go? does it make sense to discern between nature and culture even? who the fuck cares?

>tfw took some xanax and am about to smoke and play The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine

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>have sex
I used to use this as an insult in 7th grade when I was a virgin I can only guess who's typing to me now hahahahahaha. Enjoy your burka'd game, ill just pirate it, beat the story mode and trash it. not worth a single penny.

>makes you feel good
>withdrawal usually ends up deadly
>overdose can kill you
>not a drug

Get a job

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