I'm a 25+ old fag, how do I make friends in vidya?
I'm a 25+ old fag, how do I make friends in vidya?
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27 here, and short answer? You don't. Online only friends are flaky, unreliable, and drop you the second you stop playing their preferred game of choice.
Play online squad shooters, set to fill. You will jave q lot of mexican kids, but you can prqctice talking with them since they wont care if you sound socially inept.
Also 25+ oldfag
How do I make friends at this point
I used to get random friend invites all the time when playing online games.
Now its been literal years since anyone has added me even though I’ve been playing pretty much the same games since then.
What changed?
you're too old for friends and basically just need to die now, user.
The one friend I still talk to and play vidya is a kid I met in a game when we were both 16.
Another is someone I met in VRChat, which lends itself better to this because you have voice and hand gestures.
Play good and and people will flock to you
First you drop anime and people over the age of 16 might start to respect you.
>be oldfag
>talked to like minded person on Yea Forums
>swapped discord
>have sex
Not joking. Do this.
Just make your profile furry themed and get flocked by owos.
you already seem to be a furry based off the OP so it should be no trouble.
Umm, does anyone want to play anything together...? I'd like a friend to play FFXIV with if you happen to be on Primal, or maybe someone to play R6S with...
What if I am not a fag?
Yea Forums is a 50/50 split of male and female.
add me up losers
I wish I was immortal.
mentally ill, stay away from him
What if I am slav?
Add someone you enjoyed playing with and get to know them from there. It's not hard if you don't have autism.
Also, steam threads on Yea Forums work if you add the right people. Find someone who doesn't want to suck your dick.
ERP as Nanachi in game
There are countless east european 9/10's here. Find them.
user thank you for posting this webbum
Sorry, I don't play any of those games.
>tfw no qt slav boy to play vidya with
why live
Create throwaway emails and find people you like from here to talk with, and drop said email so you can trade real information.
I'm dead serious. I've done this.
You are lonely, not because you lack friends, but because you are unhappy with yourself.
You are unhappy with yourself because you are useless and pathetic, and you haven't achieved any of your goals in life.
Even if you had friends, you'd still be sad, because friends won't fix what's wrong with you.
You try to turn to internet roleplaying as an escape, but you roleplay as a weak anxious screwup. Instead of overcoming your issues, you get addicted to them.
You are going to kill yourself one day. The sooner you do it, the less of a burden you'll be on the people around you.
I made a lot of friends from /vg/. A lot of people liked me but as time goes by they stopped talking to me or liked me because familiarity breeds contempt.
I also made a best friend there, but unfortunately he was gay and grew feelings for me. I told him I couldn't reciprocate homo stuff with him because I'm not gay. Our friendship really went downhill and never recovered ever since.
Try asking again without being a huge faggot
What kinds of multiplayer games DO you play user? Maybe we've got something in common...
>Find someone who doesn't want to suck your dick.
I barely play anything nowadays but I've always wanted to try Stardew Valley multiplayer. Seems like it would be comfy but I don't have anyone to play with.
what primal server
>I told him I couldn't reciprocate homo stuff with him because I'm not gay
Then why did you jack off with him, fag?
You met a girl by chance on Yea Forums who also lived by you and then you had sex?
How ola re you tbw?
>Come into thread expecting Nanachi porn
Gay OP.
Ah, I'm sorry, I don't have that and I didn't really like it too much when I tried it...
I'm on Behemoth!
Is there anything you'd like to play together, user?
Well, I hope you find someone to play with you then.
Yow lets play r6s together then
email me I know the secret to it.
Eh. What do you want to play, user?
Excellent! Could you post your Steam or Discord or something? It's a bit late where I am so I probably won't play tonight but I should be able to play some tomorrow if you'd like.
dont add the people on these threads, theyre mentally ill
You aren't cute, so don't try to deceive him.
If you're vocal through ingame chats you'll eventually run into someone to talk to you that wants to be friends. If you aren't then join groups for games you like. Smaller is better because you can bond with people compared to being one among a crowd in a big group. I joined a group of autists in /vg/ a few years ago for a now dead general and I'm still friends with them.
If it's late, maybe you should go to sleep. A healthy sleep schedule's important.
By being Nanachi and letting other players rub and sniff your soft, fragrant fur!
Join something like an arma group and play often
Have sex
That's why I said I probably couldn't play tonight... We can still play later though!
I'm on Hyperion if you wanna do anything, im bored as fuck RN
He just wants to play vidya, r-right?
Would slitting my wrists with a box cutter really be the best option? I fucked up and I can't recover now. So maybe I should so I don't have to face the inevitable misery and suffering
He's right I have high functioning autism
haha I wonder how does her fluffy butt smell like haha
this. stranger danger is true even online.
if you play a game and have fun with someone then add them - if you continue playing, great, if not, that's life. don't act like it's anything more than that.
Sorry, just trying to make sure you don't neglect the importance of getting some rest after a long day.
Clearly not so high functioning since you're here
By getting better taste and knowing Ozen>>>>>>>Nanashit you furfag lolicon
>he thinks they won't ghost each other by nights end
What would you want to do? I've always kind of wanted to do PotD 100+ or the higher floors of HoH but I don't really know enough people to get a group together for that...
Are you the same user who was telling me to go to bed earlier today in the thread before the April Fools stuff was over...?
If you ever thought you would hear a call to do something important, it's THAT day. Do it, end your pathetic life.
I prefer Nanachi as a dude
That makes two of us I guess
How many years are you going to post here looking for a bf to fuck your boipussy? I have concerns.
I'm up for roulettes or some shit, I got everything leveled and I tank primarily
Huh, I had a feeling it was you. Won't stay here talking to you for two hours this time though. Atleast I hope not.
no one is on Primal user, that data center is a myth
By getting better taste and knowing Ozen>>>>>>>Nanashit you furfag shotacon
Multiplayer games suck anyway. They're always half-baked, under the presumption that "it's fun with friends!" Everything is fun with friends (not that anyone has any.) I'd rather get absorbed in a medieval fantasy life sim where I can adventure with my husbando and adopt children.
I'm looking for a friend, not a boyfriend...
I'm not subbed right now, if I resub are we going to play together actively or are you gonna drop me after a night?
Why not add me elsewhere and you can show me your stamps sometime!
I'm on Primal and so is that other user... It's the most populated if I remember right...
Discord did to PC gaming what Xbox party chat did to lobby chat.
You can play CK2 multiplayer you big dum dum
But I've already added you.
>I'm looking for a friend, not a boyfriend...
Ah yeah, the poster who can't stop talking about his boipussy being plundered is going to pretend he isn't said person posting the SAME exact pictures in every Yea Forums like this one.
Better idea to not then, once the server's get split, gonna hop back over to aether, but if youre still around and wanna do alt stuff, sure
have sex
Oh, we should foster our friendship sometime then!
Huh...? I don't talk about that at all...
What a shame... Someday I'll find a proper group. I assume it's pretty much too late to worry about Ultimate clears now too? I did UCoB with my static when it first launched but we had just finished Neo ExDeath and everyone wanted a break so we never got back to it.
I already gave that advice
have sex
Give Nanachi milkies.
I'd say you can still do it, probably might have a hard time getting a group that is cool with someone who hasnt cleared, but its do-able
It really hammers home how fucked I am, that I can't get online and talk to strangers anymore. Back in the cod lobby days, I could hang in there with anyone.
>I don't talk about that at all...
It's not cute to lie or to deceive others. That's why you'll stay alone.
just b urself :)
That's a little different from how you described it...
I imagine by the time Shadowbringers rolls around, no one's gonna wanna do it anymore. I kind of feel like I missed the train with that, I guess I should just try to jump on the Ultimate train when it happens. Thordan Ultimate might be neat.
join any discord or community and start socializing age hardly means shit when its text
You'll always be alone because of your avoidance of the truth.
the really shocking thing was there were distinct anons i didn't realize i already effectively knew just from how often they're here and the way they talk, even for as big as Yea Forums is
be careful though, naturally some of them are fucking insane and not just down and out
GL and god speed user, I know I couldnt stand doing the same fight for that long. Hell, I still don't know how I stand prog during savages.